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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Interview... Stuff I already know but good to hear the nonetheless... great watch


Saini argues that despite deliberate efforts to discredit this approach in the post-war period, the pseudo-scientific claim that some varieties of homo sapiens are inherently superior (or more evolved) than others has not only survived, but is making a comeback. Having served the ideologies of the slave trade, race-based immigration and the Holocaust in the past, scientific racism is today enlisted in the cause of white supremacy.

While acknowledging that today's scientists who look for expressions of the concept of race in biology are not the equivalent of their 19th-century peers, Saini questions whether this line of inquiry can produce any useful findings.[4] She argues a focus on race or ethnicity in public health and medicine can blind researchers to causes that have already been proven to affect health outcomes, such as socioeconomic conditions. By rehashing the idea that the concept of race corresponds to actual genetic differences, they also feed the re-emergence of the white nationalist movement

Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
The internet has opened the door to racists and sexists, and they have happily walked in. They’re trampling over our carpets with their grubby shoes even as we offer them a drink. They have normalized extremism, pseudoscience and crackpottery.

The blame can be spread widely. Social media corporations, such as Twitter and Facebook, have allowed racist networks to proliferate. Recent research from Western Sydney University, looking at a decade of cyber-racism, has shown that race-hate groups are sophisticated and creative in disseminating racist propaganda to their followers online. The Gab social network and the journal Psych seem to have been set up expressly to give these elements their own unfiltered space. Online magazines such as Breitbart, and the companies that advertise through them, are complicit in presenting a glossy front to bigotry. And then comes the second tier of publicity when, even if only in outrage and disbelief, this content is shared online. This, in turn, has infected mainstream political discourse, lowering the tone a little further every day.

The racists like to couch this as a freedom of speech issue. They argue they have the right to say what they want, that the world needs more “diversity of opinion.” But do the rest of us have a duty to sit and listen to racist pseudoscience? Is society obliged to give them platforms, however much nonsense they come out with? Doesn’t it have a responsibility to protect those whose humanity and safety is threatened by the minority who seek to deny people equal rights and freedoms based on race or gender?

The journal Nature has published a number of editorials in the last few years warning researchers about extremists looking to abuse their work, particularly population geneticists and those working with ancient DNA. One researcher told me that as soon as he or his colleagues post data online, they can see it being mined by those with political agendas. These manipulated “findings” then get pumped out on blogs and social media as racist pseudoscience.


Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
At first glance, Reich’s book can be described as a summary of what is currently known as archaeogenetics. But Who We Are is also a powerful – and rather contradictory – contribution to the twenty-first-century debate on genetics and race. In the opening of the book, Reich joins the ranks of those who hold that molecular genetics has shattered the idea of discrete biological races. He writes:

[T]his long-held view about ‘race’ has just in the last few years been proven wrong. […] A great surprise that emerges from the genome revolution is that in the relatively recent past, human populations were just as different from each other as they are today, but that the fault lines across populations were almost unrecognizably different from today. […] Present-day populations are blends of past populations, which were blends themselves. The African American and Latino populations of the Americas are only the latest in a long line of major population mixtures (xxiv).

Archaeogenetics has, in other words, revealed that present-day populations don’t represent any homogeneous genetic entities that can be traced back thousands of years, but are the result of constant mixtures between different groups. As a consequence of this finding, political movements that project racist hierarchies backwards into the past will be undermined by scientific facts.

‘[I]deologies that seek a return to a mythical purity’, Reich writes, ‘are flying in the face of hard science.’ The ancient DNA revolution, he continues, will ‘give us an alternative to the evils of racism and nationalism, and make us realize that we are all entitled equally to our human heritage’ (273). As archaeogenetics exposes world history as a process of incessant mixing, racist notions of purity, origin and continuity will be discarded.

While Reich criticises notions of purity and racial categorizations, however, he nevertheless bases his own analysis on a systematic division of people into genetic groups. This isn’t merely the case regarding his seemingly unproblematic use of terms such as ‘Europeans’, ‘East Asians’ and ‘West Africans’ as genetic entities, but also his recurring claim that there actually exist – and have existed – ‘unmixed’ populations.

‘[T]he people of India today,’ Reich writes at one point, ‘are the outcome of mixtures between two highly differentiated populations […] who before their mixture were as different from each other as Europeans and East Asians are today.’ Before these population groups mixed, he continues, ‘there were unmixed populations’ (259). Later in the book, he similarly asserts that world’s populations of today are ‘mixtures of highly divergent populations that no longer exist in unmixed form’ (259).

Reich’s arguments are thus based on an unmistakable ambivalence: while archaeogenetics has shown that all human beings are mixed, there also exist ‘unmixed’ or ‘highly divergent’ populations. On the one hand, races don’t exist; on the other, ‘Europeans’ and ‘East Asians’ are portrayed as genetically distinct groups. This ambiguity comes to a head in a passage in which Reich seems to revive an old tradition of racial typology:

The physical similarity of West Eurasian populations was recognized in the eighteenth century by scholars who classified the people of West Eurasia as ‘Caucasoids’ to differentiate them from East Asian ‘Mongoloids’, sub-Saharan African ‘Negroids’, and ‘Australoids’ of Australia and New Guinea. In the 2000s, whole-genome data emerged as a more powerful way to cluster present-day human populations than physical features (93).

It’s difficult to read this quotation as anything other than Reich reviving traditional scientific racism, albeit with new molecular genetic tools. The gradual turn of Who We Are from a critique of the concept of race to jargon echoing old-time scientific racism is accentuated in the book’s final section, where Reich attacks the ‘orthodoxy’ – primarily represented by the left-wing geneticist Richard Lewontin – that there are no substantial biological differences between human groups.

In terms reminiscent of Wade’s A Troublesome Inheritance, Reich argues that this alleged orthodoxy won’t be able to ‘survive the onslaught of science’ (254) and that the DNA revolution is ‘revealing hard evidence’ that such differences in fact exist (251). Reich writes:

Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted


RPSG Lecture 15 Dec 2021 - Eugenics: A Dark History and Troubling Present Dr Adam Rutherford
79 views • Dec 17, 2021 • Eugenics is a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population, historically by excluding people and groups judged to be inferior or promoting those judged to be superior. In recent years, the term has seen a revival in bioethical discussions on the usage of new technologies such genetic screening, with a heated debate on whether such technologies should be called eugenics or not.

Adam Rutherford is an Honorary Fellow at UCL, where he teaches the history of eugenics, race science, genetics, and science communication. He has written extensively on Darwin, the development of evolutionary theory, the Modern Synthesis, synthetic biology and genetic engineering, behavioural ecology, gene-culture co-evolution, human evolution, and ancient DNA. His most recent work concerns the relationship between science, eugenics and race.


Great lecture...even though I don't get his hesitancy and sometimes trying to equivocate on how great some of the eugenicist where as scientist but how bad they where because of their racism..
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted

Member # 22452
 - posted
I'm not quite sure of the meaning in your last post.
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
What is not to understand? Khan fears that the biggest tribes on the planet will be those in Nigeria because the rest of the world has a negative birth rate.. AKA FEAR OF A BLACK PLANET

Also, the top image is a quote from the Great Gatsby... a novel written in the 1920's it shows the cultural continuity of the replacement theory. it was brought up in the lecture that I linked to.. I had no idea until this morning that it was even in the novel....

Tucker Pushes Racist ‘Great Replacement’ Theory Yet Again, ADL Renews Call for Fox to Fire Him
Back in April, Fox CEO Lachlan Murdoch claimed that Carlson actually “decried and rejected replacement theory.” This week, he openly promoted it again.

Justin Baragona
Media Reporter
Updated Sep. 23, 2021 6:56PM ET / Published Sep. 23, 2021 4:58PM ET


Again these connections and continuity are still alive with both the right in US & England..

It has led to Brexit in England and Trumps election and Jan 6 ..



and also it has connections to Reich and Paabo in the genetics game being played right now... There work is the cornerstone of the new racist, eugenicist, scientific racist, online and elsewhere

In 1887, Frederick Douglass traveled to Egypt and published another essay about how the ancient Egyptians were, in fact, African. “I have long been interested in ethnology,” he wrote, and “I have wanted the evidence of greatness under the colored skin to meet and beat back the charge of natural, original and permanent inferiority.” He found it in the ancient pyramids and the majestic sphinxes, with their undeniably African features.

But even as Douglass refused to allow racist scientific theories to go unchallenged, he always understood that science was not the antidote to white people’s racism. There were only so many facts you could give to prove black people’s humanity.

In 1893, two years before his death, he was disturbed by the way the nation’s white scientific elite had represented people of African descent at the World’s Fair in Chicago. Scientists from Harvard and the Smithsonian helped design the exhibition, which mirrored what they took to be humankind’s racial progress from savage to civilized.


Member # 22452
 - posted
Ah! Okay. I've heard of Razib Khan and his level of quackery,I guess I wasn't thinking as abstractly as you so I wasn't following your flow with regards to the thread topic.
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Scientific Racism is a tool of White genetic survival... hence why they are obsessed with finding BASAL EURASION ... EURASION ADAM AND EVE..

They cant accept that Basal Eurasion Adam and Eve are Black African E Ydna & L3 Mtdna


Maybe, Frances Cress Welsing, M.D., general and child psychiatrist (d. 2015) was right after all. According to the Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (white supremacy), white people, globally, are afflicted with a condition that she says causes behavior to prevent white genetic annihilation.

Cress-Welsing formulated her theory in 1970, and since then, it is generally accepted science that there is no genetic construct for race, but her theory bears additional examination that may be helpful in trying to understand the unrelenting, ongoing violence perpetrated by whites against people of color.

According to Welsing, the fear of what she called white genetic annihilation, is the driving force behind all of the oppression and brutality that whites commit against people of color . They’re simply afraid that they will go out of existence against the vast majority of the world’s ‘colored’ people. Blacks, because they produce the greatest amount of melanin, are feared the most. They are the most cruelly brutalized through “castration”; literally, and/or through social, economic, political and organized government systems.

In the world of organized systems, America, the newest, is the most perfected.

Welsing wrote a collection of essays, published as The Isis Papers, 1970-1988, in which she analyzed how the bodies, souls and psyches of black folk in America have been adversely affected by the actions of whites. These hostile actions have shaped our self-images, relationships, sexuality (male and female identities), and, the demoralizing effect of worshiping the image of a white God.

Multiple studies have corroborated the systematic exclusion of people of color from the upper rungs of American society; through the maintenance of segregated schools and housing; mass imprisonment; suppression of jobs and urban economies, to name a few.

Seemingly, no system of human interaction is exempt. Just this past month, the Supreme Court Justice, Antoni Scalia has gotten himself embroiled in the debate about blacks’ ability to perform in upper echelon universities. And it goes on, and on.

The recent formation of a militia of white men in Oregon, organized to take back the land from the government (read Obama), for use by ‘the people.” What people? This is another example of what Dr. Welsing described.

What are they railing against? The horse has left the barn. Demographers have already projected that by 2050, the majority of the USA will be brown. It is undeniably in our faces. Where to run?

What’s left? The territory left for whites to flee is very small. Hence the Oregon stand-off. Where to next?

The Appalachia Mountains?

Keep careful watch. Undergirding the platform of Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign is fear of ‘the other.’ Who is ‘other’? Mexicans and Muslims: non-white immigrants, thus, proving Cress’s theory, once again. And just where does that put us?




Physiognomic Artificial Intelligence
39 Pages Posted: 24 Sep 2021
Luke Stark
Western University, Faculty of Information and Media Studies

Jevan Hutson
University of Washington, School of Law, Students

Date Written: September 20, 2021

The reanimation of the pseudosciences of physiognomy and phrenology at scale through computer vision and machine learning is a matter of urgent concern. This Article, which contributes to critical data studies, consumer protection law, biometric privacy law, and anti-discrimination law, endeavors to conceptualize and problematize physiognomic artificial intelligence (AI) and offer policy recommendations for state and federal lawmakers to forestall its proliferation.

Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Fears of White People Losing Out Permeate Capitol Rioters’ Towns, Study Finds

Counties with the most significant declines in the non-Hispanic white population were the most likely to be homes to people who stormed the Capitol.

By Alan Feuer
April 6, 2021
When the political scientist Robert Pape began studying the issues that motivated the 380 or so people arrested in connection with the attack against the Capitol on Jan. 6, he expected to find that the rioters were driven to violence by the lingering effects of the 2008 Great Recession.

But instead he found something very different: Most of the people who took part in the assault came from places, his polling and demographic data showed, that were awash in fears that the rights of minorities and immigrants were crowding out the rights of white people in American politics and culture.


Member # 3735
 - posted
I don't think all of these researchers doing archaeogenetic research know a lot about biological anthropology outside their narrow sub-discipline, to begin with. Most of what they're good at amounts to running convoluted computer software designed to interpret DNA samples, without necessarily knowing more than the basics of whatever they're studying. The Abusir el-Meleq paper is an example of this since they didn't even bother to dig into all the osteological research on ancient Egyptian remains (e.g. Keita's studies) prior to sequencing their relatively young samples from one site.

And then, of course, the researchers being disproportionately White or otherwise non-Black people makes them more susceptible to Eurocentric narratives, even if we don't factor in hardcore racists getting into the field. A greater number of Black researchers getting into the field should hopefully diversify the published perspectives on African (and African-adjacent) aDNA.
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Originally posted by BrandonP:
I don't think all of these researchers doing archaeogenetic research know a lot about biological anthropology outside their narrow sub-discipline, to begin with. Most of what they're good at amounts to running convoluted computer software designed to interpret DNA samples, without necessarily knowing more than the basics of whatever they're studying. The Abusir el-Meleq paper is an example of this since they didn't even bother to dig into all the osteological research on ancient Egyptian remains (e.g. Keita's studies) prior to sequencing their relatively young samples from one site.

And then, of course, the researchers being disproportionately White or otherwise non-Black people makes them more susceptible to Eurocentric narratives, even if we don't factor in hardcore racists getting into the field. A greater number of Black researchers getting into the field should hopefully diversify the published perspectives on African (and African-adjacent) aDNA.

Everything above shows me you don't understand racism and how White Supremacy works... You are not paying attention..

A few black faces in these studies will not change anything...

The video from Adam Rutherford posted above is a great history of Scientific Racism and Eugenics..

The video from Saini on her book Superior is a great breakdown of SR & E current manifestations

The video below from Welsing is the why Scientific racism and eugenics persist... and the system that it produces for anyone on this site interested in the study of genetics this should be a basic tool box to understand the how and why of the current genetics scheme and how SCIENCE is NOT IMPARTIAL

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing (2010)


4 weeks ago
Wow, this lecture is everything! She broke down the system of WS effortlessly! And it's 2021 and we literally have 3 very popular rappers named 'Baby', that's wild!

Member # 23193
 - posted
At the same time one maybe in the future must decolonize genetics. As it is now so are many peoples ancestry and genetic belonging defined by westerners. Just look at Egypt. Eurocentrics have long times tried to declare them white and claimed they have this or that ancestry. Also Black westerners (many of them from America) try to define who the ancient Egyptians were, and some also try to tell todays Egyptians that they are not the descendants of the ancients. There are always some others who try to tell Egyptians who they are.

Same with Native Americans, foreigners try to tell them that they were not the first people in America, or that others (Europeans, Africans, Chinese) gave them civilisation. Such things are colonial behaviors and I understand if Egyptians got tired of it, or that Native Americans got tired of it. Maybe in the future the native populations in different regions themselves must be the ones that define their identity and regain control over genetic and other material which foreigners use in order to try to tell them who they are or who they descend from.
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
I will beg to differ on a slight point on the title of this video...it was WHITE ANXIETY that created a Caucasian/White Egyptology and White Egyptians... and that continues today with labeling certain GENES Eurasian...


Anxieties about Race in Egyptology and Egyptomania, 1890-1960
1,985 views • Jan 21, 2021 • Despite ideals of scientific and scholarly objectivity, both Egyptologists and non-specialists have often projected their own racial anxieties back into ancient Egypt. Recurrent attempts to prove that the ancient Egyptians were white or Black, for example, reveal more about modern societies than about ancient Egypt. The panel will discuss the history of how such debates have played out among modern Western and Egyptian scholars, artists, and writers, and how interpretations of ancient Egypt are intertwined with personal beliefs and prejudices.

I hope you listen to the discussion then come back and comment...

Egyptology is based on White Supremacy & Scientific Racism... and continues as that until this day..

36:00 minutes is a perfect exposition on why African Americans have been involved in critiquing European Colonial Egyptology for more a little less than 2 centuries.

And WOW!

Eve M. Troutt Powell is an American historian of the Middle East and North Africa, and a Professor at University of Pennsylvania in the Department of History.[1] She is a recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship.

She was INCREDIBLE in this Video


Member # 23193
 - posted
In the video Donald Reid mentions a lecture he had hold earlier. Here it is:

Donald Reid
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted

Book Conversation for Genetic Crossroads with Elise Burton at MEMEAC, The Graduate Center, CUNY
57 views • Jun 9, 2021 • Professor Elise Burton discusses her new book "Genetic Crossroads" with Professors Dorothy Roberts, Eve Troutt Powell, and Beth Baron.

This conversation is the the inaugural event for the Middle East and Middle Eastern American Center [MEMEAC] at The Graduate Center, CUNY's Mellon Sawyer Seminar "Race and the Middle East/North Africa"

This event was was held on May 26th, 2021


The Middle East plays a major role in the history of genetic science. Early in the twentieth century, technological breakthroughs in human genetics coincided with the birth of modern Middle Eastern nation-states, who proclaimed that the region's ancient history—as a cradle of civilizations and crossroads of humankind—was preserved in the bones and blood of their citizens. Using letters and publications from the 1920s to the present, Elise K. Burton follows the field expeditions and hospital surveys that scrutinized the bodies of tribal nomads and religious minorities. These studies, geneticists claim, not only detect the living descendants of biblical civilizations but also reveal the deeper past of human evolution.

Genetic Crossroads is an unprecedented history of human genetics in the Middle East, from its roots in colonial anthropology and medicine to recent genome sequencing projects. It illuminates how scientists from Turkey to Yemen, Egypt to Iran, transformed genetic data into territorial claims and national origin myths. Burton shows why such nationalist appropriations of genetics are not local or temporary aberrations, but rather the enduring foundations of international scientific interest in Middle Eastern populations to this day.

This lecture was super enlightening and as I suspected and others here have suspected there is a political agenda when it comes to these genetic studies of populations in the Near East


The author is herself Ashkenazi Jewish and I find her take particularly interesting...

Sickle cell is covered in this book

Ty Daniels
Member # 23186
 - posted

Regarding this video:

Anxieties about Race in Egyptology and Egyptomania, 1890-1960

At 31:17 mark Dr.Salima Ikram, blatantly lies
and claims that "Panehsy" means:
"The Black One".

The word "Nehesy" has ZERO correlation
to the color "Black".

Just basically a lie!

She also claims that the colors "Red" and "Yellow" has something to do
with "Women staying in the house"
and "Men working in the field".

Which is also BS, and a lie, as there is ZERO evidence for this.

As well as it being the standard
eurocentric "color" trope, devoid of reality.

All evidence we have of the Ancient Egyptians, conclude that
they weren't "Scared of the Sun",
and didn't "Stay inside to avoid the Sun".

These folks just repeat stuff someone else said,
then the world just "Runs with it".

Too many "experts", assert their own personal opinions
as if they are "Fact",
and it goes unquestioned.
Ty Daniels
Member # 23186
 - posted
She also mentions the word 'Aamu" or "Asiatic"
but doesn't conclude that it means
"The Yellow One".

Just blatant hypocrisy.
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Originally posted by Ty Daniels:
She also mentions the word 'Aamu" or "Asiatic"
but doesn't conclude that it means
"The Yellow One".

Just blatant hypocrisy.


Chile.. the hate energy coming off of Dr.Salima Ikram

She also did a pic spam to throw people off.. showing the statues of Ranefer...which may be a fake..


Also, she was there with Dr.Fayza Haikal, Professor of Egyptology, The American University in Cairo

When Fayza was trying to say that there is no current racism against black people in the Country of Egypt and used the example of her Black sudanese maid growing up...

And then Dr.Eve M. Troutt Powell was yes... now I see where you are coming from..



Faiyka literally did not know who Eve was and did not bother to look up her work on racism in the middle east.

See some of Dr Eve's work here..

"Huda and Halide and the Slaves at Bedtime"

Ty Daniels
Member # 23186
 - posted
Yeah Dr.Eve M. Troutt Powell, ETHERED "Ol Girl"!

Racism is so ingrained in some folks,
that they assume it is just "normal".

Dr.Fayza Haikal even started to raise
her voice when she got called out, SMH!

History especially Ancient History,
has been "colonized".

Almost everything related to it has been politicized,
especially when it comes to the history
of Black Folks.

Anyone claiming that these folks are
"Just following the evidence".

A. Hasn't studied enough
B. Just lying
C. All of the above!

They lost the historical record, and archeology game.

So now they "create their own evidence" with:
- Faulty "DNA" studies
- "Forensic Reproductions".
- "Facsimiles", instead of authentic art.
- Cherry-picked images and artifacts (including museum displays).
- Fake artifacts
- Live action "Historical Reproductions" (British accents included).
- Fraudulent "Historical Illustrations" and cartoons.
- Faulty historical interpretations.
- Appeals to authority, "Expert so and so said..."
- Trolling and "Shaming" tactics, "Why don't you go study West Africa...".

We can go on and on.

That is why I always listen to every
single word that is said in each video
by the "experts".

Often they will slip in their own opinion,
or the opinion of someone deemed "higher up" (appeal to authority), as fact.

They will mix it right along, with other statements that are evidence supported.

The average listener won't know where the "Truth ends, and Lies start".
And assume that all is "True".
Doug M
Member # 7650
 - posted
Scientific racism never went away, it is just that after the civil rights and black power movements in the 60s, they no longer could be overt with it. So the credit goes to the African scholars who have always been challenging these narratives and exposing them for their pseudo science. Salima Ikram isn't even and Egyptian and the other woman who is an Egyptian both were trained by the American University in Cairo, which means they are repeating talking points given to them by Westerners. Which means that they are simply acting as custodians for the artifacts and history stolen from the Nile Valley by the west for the purposes of promoting tourism in Egypt for Westerners.


The American University in Cairo was founded in 1919 by American Mission in Egypt, a Protestant mission sponsored by the United Presbyterian Church of North America, as an English-language university and preparatory school. University founder Charles A. Watson wanted to establish a western institution for higher education.

AUC was intended as both a preparatory school and a university. The preparatory school opened to 142 students on October 5, 1920, in Khairy Pasha palace, which was built in the 1860s. The first diplomas issued were junior college-level certificates given to 20 students in 1923.

There were disputes between Watson, who was interested in building the university's academic reputation, and United Presbyterian leaders in the United States who sought to return the university to its Christian roots. Four years later, Watson decided that the university could not afford to maintain its original religious ties and that its best hope was the promotion of good moral and ethical behavior.


For most of its history the university has been led by Americans, many of them American diplomats. So by definition it is an extension of Western American interests and views on the history and place of the Nile Valley.


Also, if you want to be technical, the modern day practice of Eugenics is about global social control and population migrations and replacements. Since Europeans have come to dominate so much of the global economy through colonization and war, they use it to promote controlled economics and migration policies. This means they use the land and resources they stole to prop up Europe and their satellite countries like America, New Zealand. Then they se immigration policies and other policies to pick and choose the winners in this global economic racket. So in the Western hemisphere, almost every country has had some policy to promote initially European immigration as the basis of population in these countries. And of course all of them similarly make sure black former slave populations stay on the bottom of the racial pyramid, both in population numbers and economic and social influence. Europe is no different. And miss Saini is basically of East Indian descent benefiting from these policies within the British Empire. Just like the West has been pushing hard to prop up Communist China as a new economic super power through billions of dollars in direct investments and technology transfers. Meanwhile blacks in the USA, North and South America, the Caribbean, Africa and so forth still haven't gotten any reparations for any of the crimes committed over the last 100 years. And now these other groups are becoming spokesmen for talking points as part of the system. If Miss Saini really wanted to go in on this system, she would discuss how many of these vaccines are manufactured in India, polluting the environment and yet Indians can't even get them.


India Pharmacy of the World
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Originally posted by Ty Daniels:
Yeah Dr.Eve M. Troutt Powell, ETHERED "Ol Girl"!

Racism is so ingrained in some folks,
that they assume it is just "normal".

Dr.Fayza Haikal even started to raise
her voice when she got called out, SMH!

History especially Ancient History,
has been "colonized".

Almost everything related to it has been politicized,
especially when it comes to the history
of Black Folks.

Anyone claiming that these folks are
"Just following the evidence".

A. Hasn't studied enough
B. Just lying
C. All of the above!

They lost the historical record, and archeology game.

So now they "create their own evidence" with:
- Faulty "DNA" studies
- "Forensic Reproductions".
- "Facsimiles", instead of authentic art.
- Cherry-picked images and artifacts (including museum displays).
- Fake artifacts
- Live action "Historical Reproductions" (British accents included).
- Fraudulent "Historical Illustrations" and cartoons.
- Faulty historical interpretations.
- Appeals to authority, "Expert so and so said..."
- Trolling and "Shaming" tactics, "Why don't you go study West Africa...".

We can go on and on.

That is why I always listen to every
single word that is said in each video
by the "experts".

Often they will slip in their own opinion,
or the opinion of someone deemed "higher up" (appeal to authority), as fact.

They will mix it right along, with other statements that are evidence supported.

The average listener won't know where the "Truth ends, and Lies start".
And assume that all is "True".

All of this!

But did you hear Dr.Fayza Haikal grudgingly admit that there is still some "african" continuity in culture by current day Egyptians?

So she had a lecture she gave a few years back on cultural continuity


Ancient Egyptian Culture and Its Continuity in Modern Egypt
15,451 views • Mar 10, 2020 • Free Public Lecture
Fayza Haikal, Professor of Egyptology, The American University in Cairo
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Originally posted by Doug M:
Scientific racism never went away, it is just that after the civil rights and black power movements in the 60s, they no longer could be overt with it. So the credit goes to the African scholars who have always been challenging these narratives and exposing them for their pseudo science. Salima Ikram isn't even and Egyptian and the other woman who is an Egyptian both were trained by the American University in Cairo, which means they are repeating talking points given to them by Westerners. Which means that they are simply acting as custodians for the artifacts and history stolen from the Nile Valley by the west for the purposes of promoting tourism in Egypt for Westerners.

Yes 100%... scientific racism's headquarters is England; Oxford University and Cambridge, where she was trained

And I agree 100% that they ( Europeans ) have never stopped the Scientific Racism's enterprise

It operates on several levels

Therapy for the white masses... to cure their anxiety about their being a minority on the globe

A psuedoscientific religious belief in the superiority of Europeans and the inferiority of the global south

It also operates as an ECONOMIC initiative... to expand the economies of White countries and to exploit the wealth of the true livable habitable parts of the planet

Also it is a key arm of the Propaganda operations in white countries to continue it's racist agendas of the minority populations within their own countries...
Doug M
Member # 7650
 - posted
You have to understand that Dr. Hayzal is the first Egyptian woman to get a PHD in Egyptology in 1965... Like seriously and Egyptian only gets a PHD in Egyptology in 1965. And she got that degree under the tutorship and authority of Western scholarship and most of her work and speeches are to Western audiences.... So an Egyptian has to get taught and certified to become an 'expert' in Egyptian history by non Egyptians.

But yes these people know more than they let on but in any official capacity they have to repeat the same talking points that we all know are pure BS. That is their job and what they get paid to do.

Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Originally posted by Ty Daniels:

Regarding this video:

Anxieties about Race in Egyptology and Egyptomania, 1890-1960

At 31:17 mark Dr.Salima Ikram, blatantly lies
and claims that "Panehsy" means:
"The Black One".

The word "Nehesy" has ZERO correlation
to the color "Black".

Just basically a lie!

She also claims that the colors "Red" and "Yellow" has something to do
with "Women staying in the house"
and "Men working in the field".

Which is also BS, and a lie, as there is ZERO evidence for this.

As well as it being the standard
eurocentric "color" trope, devoid of reality.

All evidence we have of the Ancient Egyptians, conclude that
they weren't "Scared of the Sun",
and didn't "Stay inside to avoid the Sun".

These folks just repeat stuff someone else said,
then the world just "Runs with it".

Too many "experts", assert their own personal opinions
as if they are "Fact",
and it goes unquestioned.

Here is another examination of the difference in the color representation of men and women in some ancient egyptian art

Mary Ann Eaverly’s Tan Men/Pale Women: Color and Gender in Archaic Greece and Egypt, a Comparative Approach addresses the skin color differentiation of men and women in ancient Egyptian and Greek art. Eaverly criticizes the marginalization of this topic in current scholarly discussion and contends that, in instances where the topic has been explored, interpretations are generally outdated. According to Eaverly, the consensus that male/female skin color differentiation occurs because it realistically indicates sun exposure—men are habitually outside in the sun, whereas women remain indoors—is an inadequate conclusion that continues to be recycled in scholarship today

In Egyptian art, the dark skin of males and the light skin of females represents duality, a concept central to Egyptian religion;
Chapter 1, “Egypt: Establishing the Norm—Old Kingdom Precedents,” introduces basic principles of ancient Egyptian art from the late Predynastic Period (ca. 3500–3000 BCE) through the New Kingdom (ca. 1550–1070 BCE), focusing primarily on the most well-known examples of elite funerary statues from the Old Kingdom, by which time, the author states, color conventions were firmly established (28–29). Eaverly rejects the interpretation that the gender-differential skin color convention realistically depicts sun exposure. Instead, she argues that the differentiation is meant to express duality, or “oppositional pairs” (40), which mirrors concepts of Egyptian ideology, such as the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, or order and chaos, where “unions of opposites symbolized completion” (40). Eaverly further suggests that binary skin color in tomb paintings was a way to demarcate the dual, complementary roles of men and women in the perpetuation of the creation myth, as well as the role of women to act as a stimulus for reproduction, thus guaranteeing the afterlife of the tomb owner (41). Such completion, she argues, was imperative to maintain order in the cosmos, and male and female colors, which she believes are opposites, are just one method of portraying this duality.

Doug M
Member # 7650
 - posted
Originally posted by Yatunde Lisa:


Egyptology is based on White Supremacy & Scientific Racism... and continues as that until this day..

36:00 minutes is a perfect exposition on why African Americans have been involved in critiquing European Colonial Egyptology for more a little less than 2 centuries.

One thing I wanted to note about the way these people try and protect themselves from criticism is the idea that the word 'black' or 'white' are racial terms. People have been using such terms for many hundreds of years before there was such a thing as "race". When someone says the people of the ancient Nile Valley were black, they are using it as a reference in most cases to phenotype. Race is a social system based on differences in phenotype, but that does not mean that phenotype is not a valid part of human biology. And certainly we all know that the study of anthropology includes the study of phenotype. So it is absolutely relevant to the discussion of the ancient Nile Valley. So for these academics and scholars to claim that the words black or white are only "racial" terms is just another way for the to muddy the waters. They do not want to absolutely get down to the nitty gritty of discussing phenotype in the ancient Nile Valley. Because what is being debated is the fact that European Egyptology has been promoting the idea that the phenotype of the people of the ancient Nile Valley was drastically different from other African populations throughout Africa, especially the Sahara and Horn. The point being the dominant phenotype was an African phenotype, not a Eurasian one. This is why they work so hard to deflect using genetics studies which do not define phenotype.

Another aspect of this that has to be understood regarding the concept of "race" is that phenotype has never been a unifying element among human populations. Europeans throughout their history have NEVER been unified by being white. Asians throughout their history have never been unified by being 'Asian'. The same goes for India, Africa, Arabia and everywhere else. Phenotype only becomes a factor when you are talking about mixed populations especially as a result of conquest as in European colonization of all parts of the planet. That then becomes the basis of "race" in the modern era which is explicitly based on the European conquest of various populations around the world and justifying white control of wealth, power and resources in mixed populations. And if these groups were unified by this concept then of course divide and conquer would have never worked.

That said, Egyptology as a discipline has two main aspects. One aspect is the technical side, which mostly deals with the tools and techniques related to archaeology, excavation, restoration and documentation. And that side is quite advanced but generally relegated to academic circles. The other side is the public facing side in terms of representing their knowledge and understanding to the general public. This is where the doctrine of Egyptology going back to its founding in representing the ancient Nile being in Africa but not of Africa comes into play. All the talking points that we know represent noting but historical revisionism are maintained and reinforced as part of the core doctrine of Egyptology and this is where most of these disputes come into play. And this is where the European control of institutions and artifacts taken from Africa comes into play in controlling this narrative.

As for Africans, there are plenty of discussions online about Africans who don't identify as "black". Just showing that the term has never been a common unifying factor for African people. Even though everyone else sees them as having the same phenotype as other black African people.


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