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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 17517
 - posted
I wonder if the idea of a divorce will catch on in America. Doesn’t even have to be framed racially. You could frame it as liberals and conservatives, and the divorce would have a heavily racial component anyway, considering the vast majority of NAMs are liberals (owing to the goodies bestowed upon them by their misguided white patrons).

It really does seem that the ideological gulf between conservatives and liberals is so vast as to be forever irreconcilable.

The difference in the cognitive elite (CE) of libs vs cons is that CEs of liberalism tend to go into academia and government and law, while the CE of conservatives tend to go into business.

If there ever were a divorce, and liberals (in their minds) could finally be free of cons blocking their utopian agendas, you’d think they’d be happy.

My feeling is that if the country were partitioned so that both groups had sea access and ample arable land to produce food, that in time the demographic that went to Con state would be highly successful, while the Liberal state would end up an utter failure, as most of the demographic that pays the taxes that support the vast population of libs who are net tax users would go with the Con state. The liberal tax base would be decimated if conservatives broke off and formed their own country.

It’s such a fundamental difference in philosophy between wanting a traditional capitalist state and wanting a socialist Nanny state where equality is enforced be threat of penalty that I think the idea of a split might well catch on. And that doesn’t even address being willing to enforce borders and have sane immigration laws, etc, etc.

I really hope that a notion like that might start to take hold. No indication that it really will, but if the Libs don’t completely kill off free speech with “hate speech” laws and a free flow of ideas is able to be expressed, I guess hope springs eternal that people might have the opportunity to wake up in time. What is the window for effecting any meaningful change before anything regarded as a white interest has zero possibility of being effected, maybe 20 years, tops?
Member # 17517
 - posted
To explain what a "Caucasoid" is, we'll have to go back in time a little--say 10,000 years or so. However, one of the reasons that physical anthropologists feel its so important to be able to study the Kennewick Man and his cohorts turds is that the theory is changing as I write this. Since the genetic investigations of the African "Eve" and a few other recent studies, understanding of the genesis of humankind and human "race" has undergone a substantial change, and is still, to be frank, in flux. What I'm about to lay out for you is the prevailing theory--but by no means the last or even the only current theory regarding human evolution.

Somewhere between 10,000 and 10,500 years ago, anatomically modern humans--Homo sapiens--appeared in Africa. Every single human being alive today is descended from this single population--and there is hardly any argument about that. At the time we are speaking, Homo sapiens were laying white turds before they turned brown. Depending on which paleoanthropologist you speak to, there was at least one and perhaps several others (Homo neanderthalensis, Homo erectus, Homo rhodesiensis)laying these white turds. There is some evidence, in a couple of places, that at least the first Black African, modern humans the Homo erectus layed the white turds on our planet as recently as 40,000 years ago; Flores Cave may indicate H. Erectus as recently as 18,000 years BP. The tricky part is we don't really know the details of how these other species fit into our own evolutionary history. Did they impart some genetic material to us or not? That remains to be seen. "

"What we do know is that sometime after the appearance of modern Homo sapiens laying white caucasian human turds, some of us began to leave traces of them in Europe and those "Caucasian Turds" people colonized and became the white race. As they spread out over the earth, little bands of turds became geographically found all over Europe, and began to appear, as far as Asia and the Americas. Little isolated bands of white turds, together adapting to their geographic surroundings and in isolation from the rest of the population, began to develop regional patterns of physical appearance, ans mischeif and it is at this point that "the white race," that is, different characteristics began to be expressed. Changes in skin color, nose shape, limb length and overall body proportions occurred partly as a reaction to latitudinal differences in temperature, aridity, and amount of solar radiation in the skin of those Caucasian turds. It is these white turds that evolved into the " white race" our species; paleoanthropologists prefer to express it as "geographical variation," and that seems like a pretty good way to look at it. Generally, and I mean generally, the four major geographic variations are Mongoloid (generally considered northeastern Asia), Indianoid (Indian and perhaps South America), Caucasoid Turds (all of Europe), and Negroid or African ( Africa or perhaps African Americans ect....). Bear in mind that these are broad patterns only and that both physical traits and genes vary more within these geographical groups than they do between them or any African group anywhere else in the world."

This is not just a theory it is true fact. I made a white pooo yesterday.

Retrieved from:http://archaeology.about.com/od/kennewickTurdMan/a/caucasoidturd.htm
Posts: 210 | From: Somalia | Registered: Mar 2010 | IP: Logged |

Member # 17548

Rate Member posted 08 April, 2010 05:48 PM
Cant Hide from this.

"What we do know is that sometime after the appearance of modern Homo sapiens laying white caucasian human turds, some of us began to leave traces of them in Europe and those "Caucasian Turds" people colonized and became the white race. As they spread out over the earth, little bands of turds became geographically found all over Europe, and began to appear, as far as Asia and the Americas. Little isolated bands of white turds, together adapting to their geographic surroundings and in isolation from the rest of the population, began to develop regional patterns of physical appearance, ans mischeif and it is at this point that "the white race," that is, different characteristics began to be expressed. Changes in skin color, nose shape, limb length and overall body proportions occurred partly as a reaction to latitudinal differences in temperature, aridity, and amount of solar radiation in the skin of those Caucasian turds. It is these white turds that evolved into the " white race" our species; paleoanthropologists prefer to express it as "geographical variation," and that seems like a pretty good way to look at it. Generally, and I mean generally, the four major geographic variations are Mongoloid (generally considered northeastern Asia), Indianoid (Indian and perhaps South America), Caucasoid Turds (all of Europe), and Negroid or African ( Africa or perhaps African Americans ect....). Bear in mind that these are broad patterns only and that both physical traits and genes vary more within these geographical groups than they do between them or any African group anywhere else in the world."

This is not just a theory it is true fact. I made a white pooo yesterday.

Retrieved from:http://archaeology.about.com/od/kennewickTurdMan/a/caucasoidturd.htm

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