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Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

Henry Rawlinson used the Book of Genesis to find the identity of the Mesopotamia. He made it clear that the original inhabitants of Babylonia were represented by the name Nimrod and were represented by the family of Ham: Kushites, Egyptians and etc. This name came from the popularity among these people of hunting the leopard (Nimri). And as noted in earlier post the Egyptian and Nubian rulers always associated leopard spots with royalty, just as Siva is associated with the feline. As a result, Rawlinson used an African language Galla, to decipher the cuneiform writing.

The Sumerians and Elamites came from Africa, like the founders of the Indus Valley civilization. This is why the Elamite and Sumerian languages are closely related to African and Dravidian languages.

The Kushites when they migrated from Middle Africa to Asia continued to call themselves Kushites. This is most evident in place names and the names of gods. The Kassites, chief rulers of Iran occupied the central part of the Zagros. The Kassite god was called Kashshu, which was also the name of the people. The K-S-H, name element is also found in India. For example Kishkinthai, was the name applied to an ancient Dravidian kingdom in South India. Also it should be remembered that the Kings of Sumer, were often referred to as the " Kings of Kush".

The major Kushite tribe in Central Asia was called Kushana. The Kushan of China were styled Ta Yueh-ti or "the Great Lunar Race". Along the Salt Swamp, there was a state called Ku-Shih of Tibet. The city of K-san, was situated in the direction of Kushan, which was located in the Western part of the Gansu Province of China.


The Elamites later conquered Sumer. They called this line of Kings,he "King of Kish'.
This term has affinity to the term Kush,that was given to the Kerma dynasty, founded by the C-Group people of Kush. It is interesting to note that the Elamite language, is closely related to the African languages including Egyptian and the Dravidian languages of India.

The most important Kushite colony in Iran was ancient Elam. The Elamites called their country KHATAM or KHALTAM (Ka-taam). The capital of Khaltam which we call Susa, was called KHUZ (Ka-u-uz) by the Aryans, NIME (Ni-may) by the people of Sumer, and KUSHSHI (Cush-she) by the Elamites.In the Akkadian inscriptions the Elamites were called GIZ-BAM (the land of the bow). The ancient Chinese or Bak tribesmen which dominate China today called the Elamites KASHTI. Moreover, in the Bible the Book of Jeremiah (xlxx,35), we read "bow of Elam". It is interesting to note that both Khaltam-ti and Kashti as the name for Elam, agrees with Ta-Seti, the ancient name for Nubia located in the Meroitic Sudan.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

There is textual evidence supporting a relationship between the founders of Sumer, Elam and Dilmun. Col. Henry Rawlinson , used textual evidence to determine that a link existed between the Mesopotamians to their ancestors in Africa . Rawlinson called these people Kushites.

There is a positive relationship between crania from Africa and Eurasia. The archaeologist Marcel-Auguste Dieulafoy (Dieulafoy,2004) and Hanberry (1981) maintains that their was a Sub-Saharan strain in Persia . These researchers maintain that it was evident that an Ethiopian dynasty ruled Elam from a perusal of its statuary of the royal family and members of the army ( Dieulafoy, 2004; Dieulafoy, 2010;Hansberry,1981). Dieulafoy (2010 ) noted that the textual evidence and iconography make it clear that the Elamites were Africans, and part of the Kushite confederation .Dieulafoy (2010) made it clear that the Elamites at Susa were Sub-Saharan Africans.


Marcel Dieulafoy and M. de Quatrefages observed that the craniometrics of the ancient Elamites of Susa indicate that they were Sub-Saharan Africans or Negroes (Dieulafoy,2010).
Ancient Sub-Saharan African skeletons have also been found in Mesopotamia (Tomczyk et al, 2010). The craniometric data indicates that continuity existed between ancient and medieval Sub-Saharan Africans in Mesopotamia (Ricault & Waelkens,2008).

Dieulafoy, J. 2004. The Project Gutenberg EBook of Perzi, Chaldea en Susiane, by Jane Dieulafoy. Retrieved 04/04/10
Dieulafoy, M.A.2010.. L' Acropole de Suse d'après les fouilles exécutées en 1884, 1885, 1886, sous les auspices du Musée du Louvre. Retrieved 04/04/10 from :

Rawlinson,H. “ Letter read at the meeting of the Royal Asiatic Society on February 5, 1853”, The Athenaeum, (No. 1321) ,p.228.

Rawlinson,H. “Note on the early History of Babylonia”, Journal Royal Asiatic Soc., 15, 215-259.

Ricaut,F.X. and Waelkens.2008. Cranial Discrete Traits in a Byzatine Population and Eastern Mediterranean Population Movements, Hum Biol, 80(5):535-564.

Tomczyk,J., Jedrychowska-Danska, K., Ploszaj,T & Witas H.W. (2010). Anthropological analysis of the osteological material from an ancient tomb (Early Bronze Age) from the middle Euphrates valley, Terqa (Syria) , International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, Retrieved 04/04/10 from (
Posted by the lion (Member # 17353) on :
Elamite man as depicted in a bas-relief from Persepolis
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :



Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
The land of the Bow - very interesting. Nubians have long been known for their archery.

Are the Elamites essentially a military expedition rather than a migratory event?
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Eurafrican was an old term that referred to the old mediterranean type which is euphamism for Negro, just like the term Armenoid.

You asked an important question. The answers to this questions are not simple but I will try and explain. The Elamites, Sumerians, Tamil and Mande speakers formerly lived in the Sahara. In ancient times these people were called Kushites, and were related to the C-Group people.

When we compare lexical items from these languages we can see the similarities. These languages also share many cognate terms.

As you can see Mande shares many terms with both Sumerian and Tamil. Although they share lexical items we can also see differences between the three languages. These differences probably are the result of the migration patterns of these groups into Asia. The historical research make it clear that the Sumerians left Africa first. They would have interacted with the Ubaid people who were the rulers of Mesopotamia when the Sumerians arrived. Naturally these two different people would have exchanged lexical items.

The Tamil speakers settled the Indus Valley. Another group of Tamil speakers along with Mande speaking people landed in Iran founded the Elamite civilization and migrated from there across Central Asia into China and beyond in search of metals. The Tamil speaking Tamil used a syllabic script.


When we compare monosyllabic Tamil and Sumerian terms we see great similarities, that prove the genetic relations between these two languages which Loga refers to as Sumero-Tamil. After the fall of the Harappan civilization the Tamil speaking people began to migrate into South India.

In China the Tamil founded the Shang civilization. They were defeated by the Shang-Anyang people who spoke Austro-Asiatic languages.

The Tamil migrated into Yunnan Province and from there into Southeast Asia which was probably sparsely occupied at this time by Austro-Asiatic speaking people. As the Hua or Han people forced the Austro-Asiatic people from North China, some Austro-Asiatic people began to push the Tamil speakers across Southeast Asia into India.

Many of the Austro-Asiatic people were still living in India .During the interactions between the Austro-Asiatic and Tamil speakers there was probably an exchange of lexical items as a result of bilingualism in Southeast Asia and later India.

The Austro-Asiatic speakers mainly remained in the North, while the Tamil from Southeast Asia probably continued southward to join the Tamil speakers of the Indus Valley who were by then living in South India.Other Dravidian speaking people probably entered India from the land mass that formerly connected India and Africa.

As a result of these migrations we can explain the differences in lexical items between Sumerian and Tamil by possible periods of bilingualism among Austro-Asiatic and Tamil speakers, and Sumerian and Ubaid speakers.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by osirion:
The land of the Bow - very interesting. Nubians have long been known for their archery.

Are the Elamites essentially a military expedition rather than a migratory event?

A migratory event

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

The ancients were sure the Kushites had founded the Elamite civilization. According to Strabo, the Roman geographer the first Elamite colony of Susa, was founded by Tithonus, a King of Kush, and father of Memnon. Strabo in Book 15,chapter 3,728, wrote that "In fact, it is claimed that Susa was founded by Tithonus Memnon's father, and that his citadel bore the name Memnonium. The Susians are also called Cissians; and Aeschylus, calls Memnon's mother Cissia.
The most important Kushite colony in Iran was Elam. The Elamites like other Africans practiced the custom of matrilineal descent.


The history of Elam is usually divided into three periods the Kings of Awan, Kings of Simashki and the Sukkalmah period. For over 300 years the Elamite Kings of Awan ruled Elam, and much of Mesopotamia.Much of this period is unknown.
During the 3rd Millennium B.C., the Elamites and Su people (a term used for mountain people in the Western Zagros) sacked Ur. The King of the Dynasty of Simaskhi, led to Elamite rule in Sumer. The first king of the Simashki Dynasty was Girnamme.

In Sumer, the Elamites contributed nuch to Sumerian civilization. The Elamite Kings of Sumer were called the Kings of Kish.

After a Sumerian King of Kish pushed the Elamites out of Mesopotamia, Elam went into a period of chaos until around 2500 B.C., when King Peli became the ruler of Elam. After Peli, there were six other Elamite Kings until Elam was conquered by Sargon of Akkad.

Before the Sukkalmah period (c.1900-1500 B.C.) much of what we know about Elam comes from the Akkadian sources. This period is called the Sukkalmah period, because the rulers of Elam were called Sukkalmah ‘grand regent”. The Elamite title for king ws sunkir.

During the Sukkahmah Dynasty there was a tripartite system of rule. The Susa text indicate that there was a senior ruler called sukkalmah ‘grand regent’ of Elam and Shimashki, he was usually the brother of the sukkahmah, and a junior co-regent, entitled sukkal of Susa. This nephew was usually from the maternal side of the King’s family. Thus the sukkal of Susa was often called the ruhusak ‘sister’s son’

The first rulers of the Sukkamah period was Eabarat (=Eparti). He was followed by the ruhusak Addahushu, the “sukkal and magustrate of the people of Susa”. He is known mostly for his building of several temples and the erection of his “justic stele” outlining the laws of Elam .

The Elamites/Old Persians were probably descendants of the Mande people. This is obvious in the language and names of the Elamite Kings. I hope you remember the book Roots, the main character Kunte Kinte. His name is interesting because we have the
following ruler during the Sukkalmah Dynasty: Kutur-Nahhunte I (c. 1752) who conquered southern Babylonia The name Kutur Nahhunte, would correspond to a popular Mande name Kunte among the Mande speaking people. The Elamite name Peli, is also popular among the Mande, in the form of Pe, this name was also common among the Olmec people of ancient Mexico.

It should also be noted that the Mande term for people is Si, this corresponds to the word Su, used to designate the mountain people of Elam. The Elamite term Su would correspond to the Mande termSi-u (the /u/ is the plural suffix in the Mande language).

By the 2nd Millennium B.C., a new more aggressive dynasty appeared in Elam. The Kings of this Dynasty called themselves ‘divine messenger, father and king’ of Susa and Anzan. One of the rulers of this Dynasty was Shutruk-Nahhunte. Shutruk-Nahhunte, like Kutur invaded Mesopotamia and took Babylon around 1160B.C.

After Kutur took Babylon, the Elamites ruled Babylon until Hammurabi defeated the Elamite King Rin-Sin. Later the Elamites were driven from Larsa and other Sumerian cities back to the Susiana plains.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Move it up.
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
Originally posted by the lion:
Elamite man as depicted in a bas-relief from Persepolis

Don't confuse Elamites with the Persians (Achaemenids) and Medes. Persians (Amardians, etc.) lived in Susa with Elamites. And LOL, the lady who runs Crystalinks is a psychic in New York City Brooklyn to be exact who thinks she is a reincarnation of Zoroaster's wife. Her site is no place to be getting your history from. [Frown]

Darius - A Persian "King of Kings"

Persian of Persepolis before the Parthian and Sassanid "white Scythians"

Elamite of Susa
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
Originally posted by dana marniche:
Don't confuse Elamites with the Persians (Achaemenids) and Medes. Persians (Amardians, etc.) lived in Susa with Elamites. And LOL, the lady who runs Crystalinks is a psychic in New York City Brooklyn to be exact who thinks she is a reincarnation of Zoroaster's wife. Her site is no place to be getting your history from. [Frown]

Dr. Winters is a psuedo-Afrocentric whose bitterness towards Van Sertima and other black scholars is obvious.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by zarahan:
And speaking of Mesopotamia, the peoples there were tropical and it is in an Arid Tropic climkate.


Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
dana marniche - Though the Parthians were indeed White, I think there is a tendency to connect all White tribes with the Scythians.

Parthia, which was East of Elam had a northern border which was what is now Turkmenistan, Scythia was north of that in Russia, The Parni who took-over Parthia, came directly from Central Asia, so I would say that the closer connection is with the Parni.



The second Persian dynasty (The Sassanian) was NOT White.



But I think that you could make an argument that there was some admixture between Parthian royalty and Persian royalty.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Move it up.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Move it up.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Move it up.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
It is interesting that the Soninke claim they were Persians, because the Elamites/Persians were Mande speakers.


Originally posted by TRUTH HITMAN:
The Origin and Names of the Inhabitants of Ancient GHANA According To Hausa Records

I have found through extensive research that the original people of Ghana that started or founded the Ancient Kingdom of Songhai starting in 700 A.D were actually descendants of Biblical Hebrews who had migrated into west Africa from East and North Africa, to prove this statement I have found solid historical information by Arab writers and different Muslim Sultans that ruled the many different territories and kingdoms AND different races in ancient Medieval Africa.

We learn by extracts from the Hausa records, of which the original has unfortunately been destroyed, that the people of Ghana were anciently known by the name Towrood or Taurud people and the Soninke people were called Sarankaly, both people claim to have come from the territory lying between the Nile river and the Euphrates.

The Towrood or Taurud and the Sarankaly or Soninke peoples original homeland where they migrated from was described by Muhammed Bello who was the second Sultan of Sokoto Empire and reigned from 1815 until 1837 and was an active writer of history, poetry, and Islamic studies. He was the son and primary aide to Usman dan Fodio, the founder of the Sokoto Caliphate and the first Sultan.

This is a historical account given by Bello to Hugh Clapperton who visited the court of Bello in 1824 and wrote a lot about the generosity and intelligence of the Sultan. Clapperton was very impressed at the writing works by Bello

Muhammed Bello told Hugh Clapperton in detail the history and migrations of the inhabitants of all of African from North, South, East and West Africa. The geographical account compiled by order of Sultan Bello, comprises not merely Sudan, but the whole of Central Africa, from Darfur to Banbara(Timbuktu) inclusive, under the appellation of Belled- el-Takroor

According to Muhammed Bello and the Hausa records the people or tribes called the Towrood or Taurud and the Sarankaly or Soninke people migrated from the territory lying between the Nile river and the Euphrates.

Muhammed Bello Quote: The Towrood or Taurud people, it is said, were originally Jews, others say Christians; that they came from the land between the two rivers, the Nile and the Euphrates, and established themselves next to the Jews who inhabited the island(Cape Verde islands) ; and that whenever they oppressed or encroached upon the Jews, the latter had always recourse to the protection of the officers of the Sehabat (the immediate friends or companions of Mohammed), who then ruled over them.- "This is what we found written in our books."---------Journal of a Second Expedition Into the Interior of Africa, from the Bight of Benin to Soccatoo, 1829. London: Forgotten Books. (Original work published 1829)

Bello also gave the location and migration of the Sarankaly or Soninke people as well. He states their origins:

"Near to Bambara(Timbuctu), there is the province of the Towrood , and that of Foota(Senegal River valley area traditionally known as Futa Tooro or The Foota). , which are extensive, and inhabited by their own people and by those of Sarankaly or Soninke or Persians.

Notice that the translator used the word Persians, which actually is Ajam, which is originally used as a reference to denote those whom Arabs in the Arabian peninsula viewed as "alien" or outsiders. The early application of the term included all of the non-Arab peoples with whom the Arabs had contact including Jews, and Egyptians, Berbers etc.

Muhammed Bello again stated on page 337 of the book entitled Journal of a Second Expedition Into the Interior of Africa, that the Towrood or Taurud and the Soninke people ruled and inhabited parts of the territory of Malee(Guinea)

Muhammed Bello Quote p 337 "Traditional Account of different Nations of Africa:

"The kingdom of Malee(Guinea) is an ancient and flourishing country, and comprises two other provinces : one is Banbara(Timbuktu), which contains rivers, woods, sands, a gold mine, and is occupied by the Soodan(Oyo, Mandingo, Akan people), who are still infidels, and possess great power; the other, on the west of it, is Foota(the region on the Senegal River), which is inhabited by the Towrood(Taurud), and the Soninke or Persians.(Ajam)-----Journal of a Second Expedition Into the Interior of Africa

So in other words the Soninke who still practice circumcision today and they call it birou and The Towrood Hebrew descendants migrated into West Africa from Israel or west of the the Arabian peninsula and settled in the fertile lands of the Niger river and started what is known today as GREAT GHANA(Kings Of Gold) EMPIRE


1. Sultan Bello, in his Geographical Memoir, or Survey of Africa (see Appendix, Denham's Travels, «&:c. p. 158).

2. Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa: In the Years 1822, 1823

3. Journal of a Second Expedition Into the Interior of Africa from the Bight of Benin to Soccatoo, 1829. London p 337 "Traditional Account of different Nations of Africa"

4. The Crisis Apr 1957 The Crisis, founded by W.E.B. Du Bois as the official publication of the NAACP The Empire of Ghana the crisis April 1957


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