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Posted by Miss_Tigerlily (Member # 3567) on :
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
A BLACK couple coo over their new baby yesterday - a white, blue-eyed BLONDE.

British Nmachi Ihegboro has amazed genetics experts who say the little girl is NOT an albino.



To paraphrase the genetics experts:

Don't believe your own LYING EYES



Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
The origin of so-called white folks...
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
Mike jumps all over this but ignores my thread about when a white woman produces a black and white twin..typical

Mike needs this albino theory like a skitzo needs his
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Hush Jari, a white couple cannot produce a black baby. Think logically...
Posted by Confirming Truth (Member # 17678) on :
Throw Back Genes. It is that simple. Nigerians are not pure. YOu can look at the couple and tell they are not pure breeds. Look at the daughter for pete's sake! The admixture shows in her. Otherwise, the father better get a paternity test done, ASAP.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
^^Dont believe your own friggin.. lieing eyes...LoL!

You Albinos are full of crap!
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by Confirming Truth:
Throw Back Genes. It is that simple. Nigerians are not pure. YOu can look at the couple and tell they are not pure breeds. Look at the daughter for pete's sake! The admixture shows in her. Otherwise, the father better get a paternity test done, ASAP.


If the mother had been fooling around with a White man, the child would have been "LIGHT BROWN".

Are you really so stupid as to think that all Black siblings have the same complexion?

The ONLY way to get a White (Albino) Child, is for two White (Albino) parents to make it, or for two Black parents who are carriers of the recessive "OCA1/2" Albino gene to make it - PERIOD.

You are in denial:

And YES, you are an Albino!
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^I am surprised that nobody commented on this.

Black Albinos are routinely Blond haired.

But this baby has "STRAIGHT" Blond hair.

It always seemed to me that straight hair, like Blond and Red hair, was probably a recessive trait, is this the proof that it indeed is?
Posted by Confirming Truth (Member # 17678) on :
Mike you are funny. Look at the daughter, come on now. That kid is revealing some hidden admixture. Stop playing monkey! It is 12 AM and I am tired. I dont feel like being entertained right now.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
^I am surprised that nobody commented on this.

Black Albinos are routinely Blond haired.

But this baby has "STRAIGHT" Blond hair.

It always seemed to me that straight hair, like Blond and Red hair, was probably a recessive trait, is this the proof that it indeed is?

Sure it is recessive too. Just consider how it is weak and limp and flat. The blond variant and the red hair mutation have no ability to process sunlight.

They are often bald at birth, and

And it all falls off by the time they are 25 years, all going baldie [Big Grin]

Black natts are strong, alive,
rising towards the sun. They spiral
like the divine energy, they process sunlight
because they are full of melanin,
most black people still got their hair
going on 55 years....

Consider that a bit. I will throw in a study or two if you want...
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by Confirming Truth:
Mike you are funny. Look at the daughter, come on now. That kid is revealing some hidden admixture. Stop playing monkey! It is 12 AM and I am tired. I dont feel like being entertained right now.

White Boy trying to hold on to a Dream.

Nighty night.
Posted by Europeans Faggotonius (Member # 17517) on :
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Apparently Encyclopedia Dramatica has a forums now. Cool!
White People
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Average "hawt" white girl. I'd hit that. In retaliation for eating all my biscuits children.
White people have unusually small cocks.
White flagThis article is sponsored by the Nazi Resistance Association (NRA) and by NAMBLA

It is widely known that white people are the inferior race descended from albinised baboons. It is well-documented that white people are the genetic version of trickle-down economics. Starting out as robust black hominids several million years ago in modern-day Africa, the weaker tribes were driven north into the freezing cold Europe where they evolved into rugged but dimwitted neanderthals while the intellectual and artistic homo sapiens were evolving in Africa. Eventually homo sapien explorers made their way to Europe where they encountered this alternative species of human. As these explorers were primarily males that hadn't been laid in months, they had little choice but to breed with the neanderthal women creating the modern white, or caucasian race. It is not a coincidence that the only countries that produce people with light skin, hair, and eyes are the same countries where the only neanderthal fossils have been found. Early in human history a small group of whites in Greece and Italy who had more homo sapien blood than their contemporaries in northern Europe actually began to develop civilized culture. This however angered the northern Europeans so much that they decided to invade the Greek and Roman cities and teach the "race traitors" about real white heritage as taught by their neanderthal forefathers; beating, destroying, or burning anything you aren't intelligent enough to understand, thus beginning the Dark Ages.

White people are under the delusion that they are superior. As they have been educated stupid since their first forays into civilization, this is not surprising. One good thing about the white race is their ability to blindly follow their leaders in perfect lockstep, however ridiculous the instructions might sound. This has allowed the white man to become a useful idiot and scapegoat for the real perpetrators of The Plan.

Contents [hide]
1 History
1.1 Inventions
2 Caucasian Behaviour
2.1 Sex
2.2 Food
2.3 Shelter
2.4 Religion
2.5 Clothing
2.6 White IQ
2.7 White crime
3 White Culture
3.1 Music
3.2 White Dances
3.3 White Pride
3.4 Hobbies
4 Whitey In Action
5 They all look the same to me
6 Not all White People Are White
6.1 Politically Correct Alternatives to "White"
7 Conclusion
8 Gallery
9 Cracker Jokes
10 See Also
11 External Links


This is what the continent of Africa looked like before the arrival of the white man
Typical white leaders
White people are at the bottom of the genome tree of human evolution.
Typical middle class suburbs that Whitey believes is the apex of human civilization.
They breed prodigiously, like rats. Especially the Mormons.
The purest Caucasians (the people of the Caucasus Mountains) look like this.Throughout history, the white man has been consistent in one thing. Rewriting history. Enslaved by Moors, conquered by Egyptians, sold as sex-slaves by sheiks - had these facts not been expunged from their history books, their children might have escaped the current yoke of white guilt.

The purest Caucasian Mikhail SaakashviliWhites sometimes are known as caucasians, as german racial scientists once thought, that white race first appeared in Caucasus region. Term 'caucasian race' are more appealing to Americans (if compared say 'european race') and it have scientific flavor, however natives of Caucasus region are much too dark and hooked nosed for whites. Native caucasian - Georgians and Armenians could be mistaken for Arabs or Hispanics. Chechens of north Caucasus are much paler and have European features, however they often organize themselves in Islamic fundamentalist gangs, what don't make them even less WASPy.

Almost every invention purported to be created by white people was actually stolen from one of the pure races.

Freedom & Constitutional Democracy, stolen from olive-skinned Greeks
Geography and paper banknotes - Chinese
Schools - Egyptians
Rock & Roll - Niggers
Al Chemistry - Arabs
Slavery - Turks
Mathematics - Indians
Hollywood, Televizion and modern banking system - Jews.
Medicine - stolen from yellow-skinned Siberians
However, white people have invented some items of note.

Bailout plan
Ku Klux Klan
Larry the Cable Guy
Peanut butter
Caucasian Behaviour
The male specimen tends to be a redneck, a Tool fan, a frat boy or an emo. During the day they travel in packs to the mall or travel alone in search of anything to molest. At night, the emofag cuts itself, the redneck posts on YouTube or MySpace, the Tool fan listens to terrible music and the frat boy goes on a rape spree and/or gets humjobs from freshman pledges. Most white people can be found on Youtube leaving racial comments on rap videos because they believe they are changing the world.

The female specimen begins the adult life-cycle as a 16 year old girl, though can more often be found in their final form, hovering near a beer tap. During the day they flock together to look for clothes or fattening food, then get on Facebook or MySpace, to bask in the glow of unwarranted self-importance. At night they busy themselves being almost raped and working on their careers.


Average suburban Whitey teenage male doing average Whitey teenage things, like raping your neighbor's dogWhiteys are world-renowned rapists and dabblers in all sorts of sexual perversion. White men rape children in Asia, and take sex slaves from Africa and South America. The white man is not above having sex with dogs or taking it in the ass from horses. Not surprisingly, white women are known for preferring black 12-inch cock over tiny 2-inch white cocks, and sometimes for having extreme fetishes and dying from bizarre sexual acts.

Amongst white people, greasy, nutritionally-barren bland food is the norm. Hamburgers, Americanized "Mexican Food", and the ubiquitous all-you-can-eat buffet are essential to the white American diet. Picture if you will a 500-pound fat **** who is actually malnourished, living amongst a pile of McDonald's wrappers and shitty discarded underwear while drinking a Diet Coke. Nothing beats good-old white ingenuity!

White people tend to congregate outside of cities in large developments of houses that look completely bland and alike. Their brains lack the ability to grasp new concepts, so they are frightened and disturbed by anything unusual or requiring complex thought to understand. It is because of this that whites create large housing developments with strict rules - the stricter the rules, the less thought required. Whitey is also known to chill under specially designated white trees.

Most white people are Christian of one stripe or another, which makes perfect sense, as it was stolen entirely from Judaism. If not Christian, they've probably chosen Atheism, which often means you are dealing with a liberal. Tread carefully.

In the summertime, white people, especially the middle-aged ones, will inevitably wear inappropriately short shorts to show off their marmalade-like, shapeless legs. They seem to think other people enjoy seeing these varicose vein-riddled blobs of uncooked dough, but they are badly mistaken.

White IQ

Race and white IQ.Unbiased racial measurements show that different races do have different IQs. By tests, Negroes, Arabs and Hispanics indeed have lower IQs. However, if a white person's IQ is 100, the Asian average is 105. Jews have even higher median IQ of 110. This means that this race is even smarter. This kind of crappy racial science could be found on white supremacist websites.

White crime
If compared to the general population, whites have elevated numbers of serial killers. World famous serial killers like Charles Manson, Jack the Ripper, Andrei Chikatilo, Richard Trenton Chase, Richard Speck, and Jeffrey Dahmer were all white. Hitler and Slobodan Miloshevitz also could be on the list, but they used politics instead of operating alone. However, followers of these are found among other races, for example in Uganda.

White Culture
As white people have no native culture, they are forced to co-opt bits and pieces from every other society in the world, simultaneously combining them into a horrible mishmash of 'diversity' while ruining the original.

Whites claim to have created rock music, but again, all they did was steal it from the black man. Jazz was created by blacks so that white people couldn't come along and ruin it, but even that has been gentrified. The current assault on black music by the white man is readily apparent.

White Dances
White people square dance, which is a highly structured form of a redneck mating ritual. Still taught in schools, this staple of Americana could not be more aptly named. Junior proms and senior balls are the main thrust of population growth among the entire economic scale of the white population. Another form of melanin-deficient dance is called ballet, which comes from the french for 'see my taint'. This is done on stage wearing pantyhose.

White Pride
Moar info: White Nationalism.

Though whites have many hobbies, they are generally mediocre at most of them, especially sports, music and sex (all three of which the black race clearly has the upper-hand in). However, there are a few fields where a white person will excel. These include:

Taking credit for others' accomplishments
Being serial killers
Flying to Thailand to **** 11 year old boys
Domestic violence
Sci-Fi/Fantasy based pseudo-religions
Becoming more butthurt than the race in question when another race is made fun of, even if members of that other race clearly don't give a ****.
Whitey In Action

Average "handsome" middle-class white guy, obviously much better than those poor whiteys.1

What happens when you give wiggers too much money

Wow incest,trailerparks,and beer all in one incidentTypical white couple
Previous Video | Next Video

They all look the same to me
As a subset of the Caucasian race, whitey includes a plethora of diverse backgrounds which include the peoples of Romania, Spain, Sweden, Russia and the Middle East. However, inbreeding is rampant, as evidenced by the various distinct facial features of whites (huge foreheads, long thin crooked noses, eyes too close together, &c.), their ability to become grossly overweight, and the existence of gingers.

Not all White People Are White

Don't know if white...Despite the degrading implications that come with being associated with the white race, there are still those who take pride in pretending they are at least loosely associated with this perverted species of rapists and plunderers. Some examples include:

Coconut: Brown on the outside; white on the inside. May be Pakis, spooks, or Beaners.
Oreo: Black on the outside; white on the inside.
Apple: Red on the outside; white on the inside.
Twinkie or Banana: Yellow on the outside; white on the inside.
Politically Correct Alternatives to "White"
8 Mile
Beach-Nigger (for overly tanned people)
Betty Crocker (for females)
Bleach Boy
Bogan (Australian for redneck/trailer trash)
Bro-ho (white woman who dates a black man)
Cock-Asian (white person trying to be Asian)
Dick sucker
Gai-jin (Japanese word for wapanese)
Gavacho (like gringo only more modern)
Hay Seed
Negrophiliac (white person whose obsessed with being black)
Otaku (similar to gai-jin)
Poppin Fresh
Porch Honkey
Sheethead (kkk reference)
Slim Shady (white boy tryin to act black)
Trailer trash
Wasp (white anglo-saxon protestant)
White bread
White Trash

U all talk like British pplWhite men are self-loathing turds who are afraid of everything, including themselves. They hate black people because they supposedly aren't productive enough in society. So the douchebags should love the Jews right? No; the insecure pussies hate them too because they fucking beat them at their own ****. Same with Asians, they hate them because they’re too smart. You never hear Asians whining like goddamn white retards do about blacks getting affirmative action. Mexicans want to come here to WORK. They’ll steal the job at McDonald’s you hate. Life must be unbearable as a melanin-deficient. Enjoy reveling in your past achievements (raping other races with their only constructive invention, weapons). Soon white people will have nothing to do, while blacks **** their women, Jews, Asians and women run everything, and Mexicans take the skilled labor as the tech jobs go to India. Oppression can only hide your inadequacies for so long. White people are too sensitive - they cry about things that normal (Black, Jewish, Asian) people don't give a **** about. White people are like evil aliens, but they fail at everything.

White folk family album
Typical residence of whiteys.
White people are a nomadic folk.
Nigger vs. Honky. Go for broke.
Vital for when white suburban youth attend "rap" concerts.

[Expand Gallery]
Typical white art.
Use these to look more intimidating with kung fu skills.
Typical white family.
Caucasian mating ritual.

Blacks are rumored to harbor resentment against whitey for some strange reason.
Typical whitey.

Typical white nerd.
Whites in their natural habitat.
Passtime of the Master Race.
Sneaking into the women's shower room.

Fucking dead cats.
Typical straight white buddies.
Going to McDonald's.
Stormfront illustrated.

White mating.
Typical white penis size
White women prefer black dicks for a reason.
White dick is no match for black dick.

White Trash beauty queen: From the failed "Girls of the Buffet" spread
White people suck!!!
Whitey gets nervous around black folks.
White celebration

A white man shows off his baby dick.
White people make great parents.

Cracker Jokes

White Men get raped quite often.Q. What's white and fourteen inches long?
A. Absolutely nothing!
Q. What did a white guy see when he looked at his family tree?
A. A straight line!
Q. Why do so many white people get lost skiing?
A. It's hard to find them in the snow.
Q. What do you call a bunch of white guys sitting on a bench?
A. The NBA.
Q. What do you call 300 white men chasing a black man?
A. The PGA tour.
Q. How do you stop five white guys from raping a white woman?
A. Throw them a golf ball.
Q. Why do white people like to play hockey?
A. It’s the only way to beat on something black if they're not a cop.
Q. What's the definition of a white virgin?
A. Any girl who can outrun her father and brothers.
Q. How do you castrate a white person?
A. Kick his sister in the jaw.
Q. What do white women, and tampons have in common?
A. They're both stuck up cunts.
Q. What do you call a white person on fire?
A. A firecracker
Q. What do you call a bunch of white people falling?
A. Avalanche
Q. How did the white lady know her daughter was on the rag?
A. Her son's dick tasted funny
Q. What do you call a white man with a sheep under each arm?
A. A pimp.
Q. What do spoiled milk and a white bitch's thighs have in common?
A. They're both white and chunky!
Q. What did the black guy say when he went down on a dirty white bitch who hadn't washed for a week?
A. "Damn, Bitch! I like eatin' crackers with cheese, but this is fuckin' nasty!"
See Also
White Trash
White Middle Class Liberal
Black People Love Us!
Missing white woman syndrome
Not gay
Not white
Queen Kong
Marry Your Pet
White nationalism
Billy The Heretic
A White Man
Chris Chan -The epitome of whiteness
External Links
Jett and Jahn - Racist Wiggers
White slavery
Stuff white people like - Contains a troll-ready circle-jerk forum filled with White Nationalists
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Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :

how can you have a Global Afrikan Supremacy movement with this going on?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^As I said in another thread;

"The White position is that it is NOT Albino, unless we SAY it's Albino."

To make that Bullsh1t work, they try to propagandize that only these type offspring of White people, with almost zero Melanin, are truly Albino.


The logic being that if the public is focused on only the EXTREME cases of Albinism, then the less severe cases, "LIKE NORMAL WHITE PEOPLE" will be ignored.

He he, not by me!

Like ANY disease, Albinism has many symptoms and severities.

Not all Albinos are Milky White, Blond haired, or have vision problems - though certainly the severe cases are.

This is a Dravidian man.



These are the Albinos of Dravidian man




If you didn't know that the following people had TWO Black skinned parents, would you call them Albinos?

Just "NORMAL" White people - Right?





Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
1st April?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^1st April?

What does that mean?
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
is the Sun a newpaper like the one you pick up in the Magazine rack in supermarket?

You know. The ones that say Elvis is alive.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by xyyman:
is the Sun a newpaper like the one you pick up in the Magazine rack in supermarket?

You know. The ones that say Elvis is alive.

There is nothing strange about Black people having White babies. How the hell do you think the White race was created?
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Actually, this kind of thing is not really considered, rare. Nor is it a mystery of why it occurs, but only obscured by Whites who have hidden this regularly occurring information from the dumbed down general public.
In this instance, one or both of the two parents carries the defective OCA gene.
As you see from their previous children, they appear normal, assuming they were all conceived by the two parents shown.
Their fourth child fit right into the pattern of one of four being full albino, while two of the first three have inherited the defective OCA gene therefore becoming, carriers.


At this stage it appears the little girl is not a full blown Albino (OCA1), but definitely fits into the OCA2 or OCA3 category.

Albino (So-called, White people) true OOA origins, and certainly not, Europe!
As true with many False White propositions, there is no such human reality as, race.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
MK - Did you catch the part about "genetics experts say the little girl is NOT an albino."

I almost fell out of my chair, damn White people sure can lie.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Come on man. Mike/MK. You know we are like that but. . . .

This is 2010. Albinism is transmited by Mendelian process. White skin is NOT. If I have to explain the difference. . . .
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
MK - Did you catch the part about "genetics experts say the little girl is NOT an albino."

I almost fell out of my chair, damn White people sure can lie.

Mike, the link wouldn't come up for me. Which African nation are the parents from?
Chances are, if they are from SA, the mother has sneaked off with a honky.
If the baby is really her husbands, and he is the one shown, they are both OCA carriers. I'll bet the hospital has not released that info.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by xyyman:
Come on man. Mike/MK. You know we are like that but. . . .

This is 2010. Albinism is transmited by Mendelian process. White skin is NOT. If I have to explain the difference. . . .

YES, you most CERTAINLY DO have to explain that!
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
MK - the couple is from Nigeria. They have no Whites in either line. Yes, they HAVE to be carriers!
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
^ Obvious to all that OOA groups consisted of Black and Albino Africans, the world's first and original "White" people.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^What, could there be more choices?
Posted by MindoverMatter718 (Member # 15400) on :
Yup I get it, since Europeans are African albinos, they as a people are as old Africans as a people. Their phenotype is not new to this earth like everybody has been saying this whole time. Jeez, I was under the impression that Europe was one of the last places populated by modern humans and that the modern European phenotype, was considerably younger than all other populations around the world, hey guess everyone else was wrong, and instead they walked OOA alongside the original darkly pigmented equatorial Africans. Damn, white people are a very old people after all, you guys are very smart.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
^ True, but substitute "White people" with "African Albino". That would be much more correct and not feeding into the Aryan myth.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Have you ever stopped to consider WHERE you got what turned out to be, that bullsh1t information from?

Didn't you ever stop to think how perfectly normal and natural it would be for White people to want to hide their origins?

Not exactly something to be proud of.

Generally speaking, Homo-sapiens (Modern man) has NOT changed Physically or in mental capacity for at least 400,000 years.

So how could man have produced TWO new species (Mongol and Caucasian) in that same time?

A little common sense goes a long way - except for xyyman, did you see what he posted? Hahahaha.

BTW - the Americas were probably the last place to be colonized by man.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Mike's theory explains why this

San brother


is lighter

than these Ugandan boys:


the San man is partially albino.

dumbass 101
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^You crotch-rotted Albino bitch, I do not pretend to understand all of that - but it IS a possibility.

Quite frankly, the thread child having straight hair, has thrown me for a loop. I had no idea that was possible, and have no idea what the mechanism is.

But that forced me to look again, and I realized that half the worlds pure-black people, have straight hair, which tells me that nature has been doing it for a very long time.

Why, and is it recessive is the question.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
^ I can't see why Kinky or straight would matter either way or where one can be more dominate or recessive than the other.
Isn't it just texture and more climate related versus COLOR which has definite thermo trade-offs?
I.E. Straight affords greater airflow across the skull to remove excess heat?
Although I admit, I'm looking at it from strictly from an engineering thermodynamic view.
Posted by ReelDeal (Member # 17015) on :

While there have been several cases of different coloured twins born to parents with mixed-race ancestry in recent years, Ben and Angela Ihegboro, who are originally from Nigeria, say they have no such origins which could explain the phenomenon that is their new daughter Nmachi.

In the case of Nmachi, there are three possible explanations of why she looks so very different from her older brother and sister, who are both black: dormant white genes which entered both of her parents' families long ago, a genetic mutation unique to her, or albinism.

Contrary to reports, doctors at the London hospital where Nmachi was born say they have not ruled out this recessive disorder which affects skin pigmentation.
Related stories

Like many human traits, a person's colour is influenced by about 12 different genes, which together control the amount of pigment - or melanin - produced in the skin.

It is in principle at least possible that both parents carried light skin gene variants, inherited from unknown white ancestors on either side, which in their cases were masked by dark skin gene variants.

In this way, white parents can also produce a black child, as in the recently filmed biopic of Sandra Laing, the black baby born to Afrikaner parents at the height of apartheid in the mid-1950s.

In Europeans, it is possible - if highly unusual - that African DNA from those who were brought to the continent as Roman slaves joins in two fair parents to produce a dark-skinned child.

Under this theory, when Nmachi was conceived, she inherited both light skin genes which together give her this very fair appearance.

"We are all of us genetic mixtures to some extent and occasionally you'll have a convergence of the pale versions of these genes in African Americans and African Carribbeans who have a mixed black and white ancestry," says Bryan Sykes, Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Oxford.

"But that doesn't seem to be the case here. The parents are Nigerians with little known white ancestry at all."

What is more likely, he says, is a genetic mutation within the little girl herself which she will then pass on to her children if she has any in the future.

But other experts point the finger firmly at albinism, a genetic disorder which in its most extreme form results in a complete lack of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes.

It ranges in severity from Type 1 to 4, with overall about one in 20,000 people born worldwide with some form of the condition.

Both parents could be carrying a copy of the albino gene without it having surfaced in any known family member for many years.

"This is perhaps one of the most common recessive disorders in Nigeria, and we have to remember that it comes in different forms," says Professor Ian Jackson of Human Genetics Unit at the Medical Research Council.

"In Type 2 we would see creamy skin and yellow hair or light brown, which in some cases would darken with age."

The principal health risks of albinism are problems with vision - ranging from the mild to the severe - and sun damage to the skin due to the lack of melanin, which protects against ultraviolet rays.

This is the key problem for those with the disorder in the scorching heat of Africa, potentially less so for a baby born in London - but care will still need to be taken with sunblock and hats.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
^ LOL, I knew it was a flawed summary when they said something about, "Dominate "White" genes".
What's a "white" gene?
Posted by MindoverMatter718 (Member # 15400) on :
It says dormant, not dominant, genius. LOL
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
MK - Straight hair is counter-intuitive.

Humans evolved in a hot environment.

This is the best possible hair to have in such an environment.


As Dr. Ben lectured;

This type of hair provides just a little protection from the Sun, but more is not needed. It provides scalp ventilation, heat and sweat do not build up. And parasites have nowhere to hide and breed - it's perfect!

Straight hair creates all the problems that peppercorn hair solves. But, straight hair is more attractive. So I always figured that straight hair evolved as a sexual preference trait (like a big butt).

Now the thread kid has forced me to throw that theory out the window.

But do you see why I say that it might be recessive?
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Originally posted by MindoverMatter718:
It says dormant, not dominant, genius. LOL

Dormant, Dominate is not the issue.
What is, What is a"white" gene?
Posted by MindoverMatter718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
^Have you ever stopped to consider WHERE you got what turned out to be, that bullsh1t information from?

Yea, from you and MK!! LOL.

Originally posted by Mike111:
Generally speaking, Homo-sapiens (Modern man) has NOT changed Physically or in mental capacity for at least 400,000 years.

Uhh anatomically modern humans (modern man) didn't appear in the fossil record till about 200kya, do you know something these other paleo-anthropologists don't know? Are you hiding something there lil Mikey? You out there working in the field?

Originally posted by Mike111:
So how could man have produced TWO new species (Mongol and Caucasian) in that same time?

Thats the thing lil Mikey boy, there was no production of different species, that would be in line with multi-regionalism, which is false, and not in line with the Recent African Origin (RAO) model aka OOA!!

Originally posted by Mike111:
A little common sense goes a long way -

Use it for once.

Originally posted by Mike111:
except for xyyman, did you see what he posted? Hahahaha.

Yea, I posted exactly what you and MK propose, sounds silly doesn't it?

Originally posted by Mike111:
BTW - the Americas were probably the last place to be colonized by man.

Indeed, as I noted Europe was one of the last places, not last place.
Posted by MindoverMatter718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Originally posted by MindoverMatter718:
It says dormant, not dominant, genius. LOL

Dormant, Dominate is not the issue.
What is, What is a"white" gene?

Well your reading comprehension seems to be the issue. But, what do they mean by white gene? Well, the article doesnt seem to mention any specifically, but we can take note from studies which note the divergence at these following loci noted to be European specific, the *derived alleles* at TYR, 192*A, MATP 374*G and SLC24A5 111*A etc...pick one.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^I see that you want to return to your ring-around-the-rosy games.

Do it by yourself.

If you have a sensible question, ask it.

If you have a sensible statement, make it.
Posted by MindoverMatter718 (Member # 15400) on :
I guess you figure your own and MK's logic doesnt make sense since thats exactly what I posted, here, see...

Originally posted by MindoverMatter718:
Yup I get it, since Europeans are African albinos, they as a people are as old Africans as a people. Their phenotype is not new to this earth like everybody has been saying this whole time. Jeez, I was under the impression that Europe was one of the last places populated by modern humans and that the modern European phenotype, was considerably younger than all other populations around the world, hey guess everyone else was wrong, and instead they walked OOA alongside the original darkly pigmented equatorial Africans. Damn, white people are a very old people after all, you guys are very smart.

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Originally posted by MindoverMatter718:
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Originally posted by MindoverMatter718:
It says dormant, not dominant, genius. LOL

Dormant, Dominate is not the issue.
What is, What is a"white" gene?

Well your reading comprehension seems to be the issue. But, what do they mean by white gene? Well, the article doesnt seem to mention any specifically, but we can take note from studies which note the divergence at these following loci the *derived alleles* at TYR, 192*A, MATP 374*G and SLC24A5 111*A etc...pick one.
LOL, had the author meant your interpretation, I'm sure they were more than able to say just that. They didn't because people like yourself actually believe there is something in the system actually representing a "white" gene. There is not.
Posted by MindoverMatter718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^You're absolutely correct...

Genetic Evidence for the Convergent Evolution of Light Skin in Europeans and East Asians

The distributions of the derived and ancestral alleles at TYR A192C, MATP C374G, and SLC24A5 A111G are consistent with the FST results suggesting strong European specific divergence at these loci. The *derived allele* at TYR, 192*A (previously linked with lighter pigmentation [Shriver et al. 2003]), has a frequency of 38% among European populations but a frequency of only 14% among non-Europeans.The differences between Europeans and non-Europeans for the MATP 374*G and SLC24A5 111*A alleles (both derived alleles associated with lighter pigmentation) were even more striking (MATP European 5 87%; MATP non-European 5 17%; SLC24A5 European 5 100%; SLC24A5 non-European 5 46%).---Norton, Kittles et. al

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
^ LOL, the genes they are highlighting are "ABNORMAL" defective mutations they are attempting to repackage as, evolutionary. They are not.
All the above actually states is that Europeans are much more mutated than anyone else.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
ReelDeal - Welcome aboard, nice post, what took you so long - been here a year already.

I was kind of struck at the parents delight in having that White baby. Just goes to show the psychological effects White people impose on Blacks. In Africa they would have seen the situation for what it is.

As you correctly point out, that Albino child will create a great many problems for that family. And it will be very difficult for them to go home with that child, even on vacation.
Posted by MindoverMatter718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
^ LOL, the genes they are highlighting are "ABNORMAL" defective mutations they are attempting to repackage as, evolutionary. They are not.
All the above actually states is that Europeans are much more mutated than anyone else.

Whatever way you'd like to interpret it, the fact remains that the three skin pigmentation alleles mentioned in that paragraph firstly TYR A192C, MATP C374G, and SLC24A5 A111G are ancestral versions, meaning that the humans who walked out of Africa 60-80kya carried these ancestral versions and were darkly pigmented, which was the original state of the genus Homo. Wherein the versions Europeans carry at these loci TYR, 192*A, MATP 374*G, and SLC24A5 111*A which are associated with lighter pigmentation are in a derived state and shown in numerous studies to have recently come under selection 6-12kya, not 60-80kya walking OOA. This pokes multiple holes in your African albinos walking OOA to populate the world with regularly pigmented Africans.

If you want to call the derived state a defective mutation, as mentioned, then the Khoisan would have a defective mutation carrying a derived version of the OCA2 allele. Instead Khoisan should be as dark as equatorial Africans, according to you. There was no need for them to become lighter.

"The lightly pigmented hunter-gatherer San populations of Southern Africa is exceptional in having a high frequency of the derived allele relative to geographically proximate and more darkly pigmented African populations (Jablonski and Chaplin 2000), further supporting the importance of OCA2 in regulating normal variation in pigmentation. The widespread distribution of the derived allele in the CEPH-Diversity Panel suggests that it is not necessarily a new mutation, nor has it been restricted to a specific geographic area. - Norton, Kittles et al."

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Originally posted by MindoverMatter718:
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
^ LOL, the genes they are highlighting are "ABNORMAL" defective mutations they are attempting to repackage as, evolutionary. They are not.
All the above actually states is that Europeans are much more mutated than anyone else.

Whatever way you'd like to interpret it, the fact remains that the three skin pigmentation alleles mentioned in that paragraph firstly TYR A192C, MATP C374G, and SLC24A5 A111G are ancestral versions, meaning that the humans who walked out of Africa 60-80kya carried these ancestral versions and were darkly pigmented, which was the original state of the genus Homo. Wherein the versions Europeans carry at these loci TYR, 192*A, MATP 374*G, and SLC24A5 111*A which are associated with lighter pigmentation are in a derived state and shown in numerous studies to have recently come under selection 6-12kya, not 60-80kya walking OOA. This pokes multiple holes in your African albinos walking OOA to populate the world with regularly pigmented Africans.

If you want to call the derived state a defective mutation, as mentioned, then the Khoisan would have a defective mutation carrying a derived version of the OCA2 allele. Instead Khoisan should be as dark as equatorial Africans, according to you. There was no need for them to become lighter.

"The lightly pigmented hunter-gatherer San populations of Southern Africa is exceptional in having a high frequency of the derived allele relative to geographically proximate and more darkly pigmented African populations (Jablonski and Chaplin 2000), further supporting the importance of OCA2 in regulating normal variation in pigmentation. The widespread distribution of the derived allele in the CEPH-Diversity Panel suggests that it is not necessarily a new mutation, nor has it been restricted to a specific geographic area. - Norton, Kittles et al."

Of course if we stated the Albino AFRICANS who walked out of Africa were ALBINOS. Of course they carried the ORIGINAL defective genes. LMAO!!!

I, for one, am very pleased to see that you have made some serious progress regarding the reality of RACE.
Just think, when you first showed up here you were promoting that Europeans became "white" in Europe, due to environmental adaption and low Vitamin D.
I'm very proud of you, and Rasol for being so objective and open minded.
Posted by MindoverMatter718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Of course if we stated the Albino AFRICANS who walked out of Africa were ALBINOS. Of course they carried the ORIGINAL defective genes. LMAO!!!

Meanwhile the derived versions (what you call defective) are only 6-12ky old, ok I get it... [Roll Eyes]

Originally posted by MelaninKing:
I, for one, am very pleased to see that you have made some serious progress regarding the reality of RACE.

Just think, when you first showed up here you were promoting that Europeans became "white" in Europe, due to environmental adaption and low Vitamin D.
I'm very proud of you, and Rasol for being so objective and open minded.

Yea your theory of Europeans being a very old people walking OOA is much more comprehensible...cough cough.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :

Low blow MK.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
MK - I wonder if you have noticed that Mindless has managed to turn a thoughtful discussion into the usual nonsense go-round.

The White man works in mysterious ways, but never to illuminate, only to obfuscate.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Originally posted by MindoverMatter718:
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Originally posted by MindoverMatter718:
It says dormant, not dominant, genius. LOL

Dormant, Dominate is not the issue.
What is, What is a"white" gene?

Well your reading comprehension seems to be the issue. But, what do they mean by white gene? Well, the article doesnt seem to mention any specifically, but we can take note from studies which note the divergence at these following loci noted to be European specific, the *derived alleles* at TYR, 192*A, MATP 374*G and SLC24A5 111*A etc...pick one.
Those genes create melanin when they are normal, and gives black to the skin. When they are in their "variant" or "derived" form they are mutated albino causing genes.

There are no white genes!
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^White is the absence of Black.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
White is the absence of Black.

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
MK - I wonder if you have noticed that Mindless has managed to turn a thoughtful discussion into the usual nonsense go-round.

The White man works in mysterious ways, but never to illuminate, only to obfuscate.

Yeah Mike,
Matter seems to swing full circle in his pattern, presenting the same nonsense at least 4-5 iterations per cycle. The genes he listed above, if you noticed are the same set of genes presented in that whack paper Rasol presented 1-2 years ago with some title like;
Europeans recently turned White in Europe."
We debunked that cartoon paper shortly after it's presentation which is when Rasol disappeared from this discussion and Matter began his pattern.
Since then, Matter has repackaged and represented the same nonsense at least a dozen times. LOL!!
Posted by kenndo (Member # 4846) on :
Originally posted by ReelDeal:

Related stories

"We are all of us genetic mixtures to some extent and occasionally you'll have a convergence of the pale versions of these genes in African Americans and African Carribbeans who have a mixed black and white ancestry," says Bryan Sykes, Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Oxford.

not true,most black africans are unmixed.most do not have any admixture with other races if this is what the person in the article is saying.alot or most of African Carribbeans has well and some african americans.whites are in denial.they can't believe that unmixed blacks could create other skin tones,eye colors and hair types,so they have to tell lies like everyone on earth is mixed,and that's non-sense.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Lioness - Absence is that state of what SHOULD be there, NOT being there.

Albinism (Whiteness) is the state of Melanin (Blackness) NOT being there!

But Nature DEMANDS that it be there!

Therefore Whiteness (Albinism) is the absence of Blackness.

OCA type 1

Oculocutaneous albinism type 1 (OCA1) is characterized by reduced synthesis of melanin in the skin, hair, and eyes, associated with ocular findings of nystagmus, reduced iris pigment with iris translucency, reduced retinal pigment, foveal hypoplasia with significantly reduced visual acuity usually in the range of 20/100 to 20/400, and misrouting of the optic nerves resulting in alternating strabismus and reduced stereoscopic vision. Individuals with OCA1A have white hair, white skin that does not tan, and fully translucent irises that do not darken with age. At birth, individuals with OCA1B have white or very light yellow hair that darkens with age, white skin that over time develops some generalized pigment and may tan with sun exposure, and blue irises that change to green/hazel or brown/tan with age. Visual acuity may be 20/60 or better in some individuals.


OCA type 2

oculocutaneous albinism - caused by mutations in the OCA2 gene

More than 70 mutations in the OCA2 gene have been identified in people with oculocutaneous albinism type 2. People with this form of albinism often have light yellow, blond, or light brown hair, creamy white skin, light-colored eyes, and problems with vision. The most common OCA2 mutation is a large deletion in the gene, which is found in many affected individuals of sub-Saharan African heritage. Other OCA2 mutations, including changes in single DNA building blocks (base pairs) and small deletions, are more common in other populations. Mutations in the OCA2 gene disrupt the normal production of melanin, which reduces coloring of the hair, skin, and eyes and affects vision.
Angelman syndrome - associated with the OCA2 gene


OCA type 3

Type 3 includes a form of albinism called rufous oculocutaneous albinism, which usually affects dark-skinned people. Affected individuals have reddish-brown skin, ginger or red hair, and hazel or brown irises. Type 3 is often associated with milder vision abnormalities than the other forms of oculocutaneous albinism. Type 4 has signs and symptoms similar to those seen with type 2. Because their features overlap, the four types of oculocutaneous albinism are most accurately distinguished by their genetic cause.




OCA type 4

Oculocutaneous albinism type 4 (OCA4) is characterized by hypopigmentation of the skin and hair plus the characteristic ocular changes found in all other types of albinism, including nystagmus; reduced iris pigment with iris translucency; reduced retinal pigment with visualization of the choroidal blood vessels on ophthalmoscopic examination; foveal hypoplasia associated with reduction in visual acuity; and misrouting of the optic nerves at the chiasm associated with alternating strabismus, reduced stereoscopic vision, and an altered visual evoked potential (VEP). Individuals with OCA4 are usually recognized within the first year of life because of hypopigmentation of the hair and skin and the ocular features of nystagmus and strabismus. Vision is likely to be stable after early childhood. The amount of cutaneous pigmentation in OCA4 ranges from minimal to near-normal. Newborns with OCA4 usually have some pigment in their hair, with color ranging from silvery white to light yellow. Hair color may darken with time, but does not vary significantly from childhood to adulthood. This form of albinism is rarer than OCA2, except in the Japanese population.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Lioness - The point of the above, is that there is a common element throughout - MELANIN!

Albinism is all about a LACK of melanin!

White and many Mongol people, all have one thing in common.

A LACK of Melanin!

Therefore there is a type of Albinism that the White man has NOT mentioned, or even acknowledged, but which NATURE clearly produced.

Oculocutaneous albinism type 5 (OCA5)

The typical European and pale skinned Mongol.


Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Genetic testing offers the most accurate way to diagnose albinism.

Clinical genetic testing for oculocutaneous albinism can be broken down into two categories: diagnostic testing and carrier testing.

* Diagnostic testing may be used to confirm or rule out a diagnosis in a person suspected to have the disorder. Of note, not all people with a clinical diagnosis of oculocutaneous albinism have two mutations that can be identified by current DNA testing methods.

* Carrier testing is typically offered after a clinical diagnosis and/or mutations have already been identified in an affected family member(s).

Oculocutaneous Albinism Genetics
Type Gene Location*
Type 1 TYR 11q14-q21
Type 2 OCA2 15q11.2-q12
Type 3 TYRP1 9p23
Type 4 SLC45A2 5p13.3
Type 2 Modifier MC1R 16q24.3

*indicates chromosome number and gene location



random photo diagnostic:
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Lioness - Blab on all you want with the non-sequitur nonsense, it still does detract from the salient fact - ALL NON WELL-PIGMENTED people are Albinos!

The fact that the White man has chosen to call "SOME" NON-PIGMENTED people Albino; because they exhibit the chronic debilitating diseased symptoms, while ignoring those who do not display extreme debilitating symptoms, is just a convenient way of ducking the issue.

The White man is playing the ole "Technical Virgin" Bullsh1t - "It didn't go in all the way, so I am still a Virgin"

The fact is that ALL White people suffer UV sensitivity to some extent. But Nature SPECIFICALLY evolved Humans to PRODUCE Melanin to guard against this!

Therefore it is clear - Nature DEMANDS that Humans be WELL pigmented.

Therefore ALL humans who are NOT WELL pigmented, represent a failure of natures intent, and MUST be defective - aka Albinos!
Posted by The Explorer (Member # 14778) on :
Re: the head topic, it should be easy enough to diagnose whether this baby is something more than an "albino", if it can be tested for tanning. These being Nigerian parents, the odds against recessive genes [partial or otherwise] being carried by both parents is very high; certainly nothing about their phenotype is out of the ordinary. Whatever the case may be, the baby had clearly attained some recessive genes which had either been masked in one or both of the parents or acquired mutations during genetic transmission that turned out to be recessive.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :

Lil Mike’s Simpleton Dictionary


a person with pale skin



some bullshit albinos came up with

note: call Webster(’s) on monday
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Lioness - It's all about Human sensibilities,

You remember when you soiled your pants.

Your Mama said that you made Poo-poo.

But in reality, you had just taken a sh1t.

Well, same thing here.

So all I'm saying is, instead of all that White, Caucasian, European, fair skinned bullsh1t: lets call a Black a Black, and a Albino a Albino.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Lioness - It's all about Human sensibilities,

You remember when you soiled your pants.

Your Mama said that you made Poo-poo.

But in reality, you had just taken a sh1t.

Well, same thing here.

So all I'm saying is, instead of all that White, Caucasian, European, fair skinned bullsh1t: lets call a Black a Black, and a Albino a Albino.

how do you tell one from the other?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^It's easy; One is dark, the other is White - silly girl.
Posted by Miss_Tigerlily (Member # 3567) on :
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :

not proven until DNA test
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
The diagnoses of albinism requires ocular dysfunction. Without it it does not qualify, at least not medically. Ignorance of the true meaning of the word makes morons call things what they are not.

The scientific definition of albinism has a strict enough definition and does not include many genes that reduce pigment all across the animal kingdom.

So it comes to no real surprise to me that this baby does not qualify as an albino. What is odd is why some would believe white people would try to say she isn't if she was. What purpose would it serve?

Edit: None of you fucking retards seem to know what an albino is. You should not complain and refuse to use the "white mans" definition when it is the "white mans" word. The words "word" and "definition" were also made by the "white man" if you do not want to use them as they are intended then use another word jackasses.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
The diagnoses of albinism requires ocular dysfunction. Without it it does not qualify, at least not medically. Ignorance of the true meaning of the word makes morons call things what they are not.

The scientific definition of albinism has a strict enough definition and does not include many genes that reduce pigment all across the animal kingdom.

So it comes to no real surprise to me that this baby does not qualify as an albino. What is odd is why some would believe white people would try to say she isn't if she was. What purpose would it serve?

Edit: None of you fucking retards seem to know what an albino is. You should not complain and refuse to use the "white mans" definition when it is the "white mans" word. The words "word" and "definition" were also made by the "white man" if you do not want to use them as they are intended then use another word jackasses.

Idiot White Boy;

English is a so-called Indo-European language.
As such, IT IS NOT A WHITE-PIECE-OF-SH1T Mans language - idiot!

As with Albinism, you are wrong again. So instead of ASSUMING that all things are White, why not try RESEARCHING for a change.

My guess is that when your illiterate Albino ancestors entered the west from Central Asia, their language amounted to Ug and Ng, so yea, of course an ignorant White boy would just naturally believe that these illiterate backward people, would provide the world with its modern languages.

Ignorant White boy, did you ever trouble yourself to wonder what could have happened to the languages of the advanced, civilized, LITERATE Black people whom your illiterate Albino ancestors encountered?
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
I have little care where the earliest form of the language originated. English in its current form was made by the "White man".

I have little care about what you think about Indo-European languages, it does not change the fact that English as English was invented by the "white man". It was white people who spelled the word "English" as "English", it was white people who spoke English for centuries, no matter your opinion of Indo-European languages "English" was invented by the Englishman and I'm pretty sure that English people are "white". And the people who first wrote it down were also white.

And as for the language being Ug and Ng... That is extremely insulting to this worlds primitive peoples to assume that just because they were "backwards"(Very insulting word by the way) and illiterate(That has nothing to do with speech) their speech only consisted of primitive grunts, primitive languages in fact typically possess a far wider range of sounds then "civilized" languages.

Anyway "English" is what "English" is. You have failed to accept that the definition of albino is what it is, that it is the wrong word for how you are using it. The appropriate word might be "Pseudo-Albino" as long as you are using the English language.

true albino
true albinos have pink eyes without pigment, impaired vision and white skin; so-called albino horses are usually pseudo-albinos because they have pigmented eyes.

The full definition is probably a bit more complex but whatever.

I have won, which is in itself a failure because a discussion should never have to be fought, no one should have to lose, but I still won.

Now stop acting like your arrogant fat ass owns these forums, stop acting like some dumbass bully, that type of aggression does not work on the Intarwebz. It only works when you are actually there to actually initiate physical violence.

And quit regurgitating you foul bile you spew about crotch-rot and pink ass. Words like this simply reveal that anger has clouded your judgment. They also annoy people.

So go off Mike111 and hang out with your boyfriend MelaninKing you crotch-rotted fag.

I will be amused on your stance as to people saying people are not Albinos if they are white but saying they are if they are black or something else. Clearly the ability to be extremely pale and not be called an Albino is not limited to white people. [Smile]

I really would like to know what your pink-assed, rotted-crotch brain thinks up next, fag.

Originally posted by Mike111:
But Nature SPECIFICALLY evolved Humans to PRODUCE Melanin to guard against this!

Therefore it is clear - Nature DEMANDS that Humans be WELL pigmented.

Therefore ALL humans who are NOT WELL pigmented, represent a failure of natures intent, and MUST be defective - aka Albinos!

You suffer from a common misconception that nature isn't completely mindless, lacking any intent. You treat it as an organism that can demand. Nothing can be a failure of Natures intent because nature doesn't have one. Nature does nothing specifically. You reveal your ignorance by believing it does. Every mutation is a mutation, they are quite random, most negative but some positive.

There is not some magical faerie who distinguishes between positive or negative. White people evolved pale skin, if I was an idiot I could say "Nature" demanded it in their environment. But I highly doubt you even understand what evolution is, you probably think that humans are pretty highly evolved, as if evolution had a goal in mind. It does not even have a mind in fact, it is not even any one thing.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^You say White people "Evolved" White skin, but can produce no EVIDENCE of such.

And no logical concept of why, where, or how it could have been done. Central Asia, the post Africa homeland of the White man, is a "Moderate" UV (5) zone, with long hot summers, and moderate winters you know.

I claim that Whites "Derive" from Albinos, and have filled this forum with EVIDENCE!

You need to rethink your position.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
InsertNameHere - Just to deflate your very misplaced pride further.

Britain’s oldest complete human skeleton, having been dated to approximately 12,700 B.C. is a Black man.



At about 300 B.C. Britain’s were STILL BLACK!

Bust of Wetwang lady by the University of Reading.


How you Albinos got there is somewhat explained here.


So whats that you were saying about the language again?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Evidence is a Bitch, ain't it?
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Nice triple post. Did you know that this forum has an edit button?

And Cheddar man was largely cold adapted excepting for a few minor traits. And I fail to see how his skeleton looks "black". And that bust does not look particularly black to me either. Plenty of white women look like that.

And you seem to believe I am English. I am not. I take particular pride in lacking said ancestry in any significant amount.

And anyways English in its modern form was invented by white people, its far earlier forms bore little to no resemblance to its current state, it is irrelevant who invented the earliest form of it.

You are a moron, please go away.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :

I love this thread. But I object to the word ‘defective’ as albinos are not sick people. All we need to do is tell all people of colour that whites are really descendents of albino’s and albinism is hereditary. And whites too, to make them understand they are in no way, shape or form superior to blacks. So they can relax. They are blacks with white skin. Like two albinos will have off spring with one in four being an albino. If two of these albino’s, who have both parents albino’s, mate; their off spring would exceed the number of one to four. Would it be two to four? And so on?

The child in the topic article can only be an albino, and the hair will be frizzy and perhaps somewhat darker. The picture might have been somewhat manipulated, like the Indian albino pictures to soften the somewhat harsh looks of real albino’s. Although albino’s today can have flawless, truly white skin, due to sun block, and healthy eyes due to precautions taken from childhood. Their skin just looks normal and white.

But I have read that a pure albino cat will have ear-problems, but if he has just a little admixture with colour he will not have this complaint. He would still look all white, but when examined, might show three black hairs in his fur.

So to me, ‘normal whites’ are thus an admixture. The ones, who remained closer to the pure albino type burn within seconds in the sun, while the more mixed, might still look fair, but have the ability to tan.

As albinos will appear readily among blacks, there must have always been albinos, and there will always be whites. I consider the whites as an fixed albino race with some looking more like true albino’s and others less so. For some reason they banded together, perhaps on a quest for a kinder sun, and ended up in northern regions. Perhaps they were driven by their DNA, like trekking birds, without any geographic knowledge, but find their way to milder climates. Albinism is a survival mechanism which permits human live to go one even is the skies are darkened by some natural catastrophe.

Jane Austen (1775-1817), who was dark brown, call’s white’s ‘pink’ and she wrote for Black people to teach them about Black history, self-help, self-improvement and about what they lost around the French revolution, because they did not pay attention and did not want to change. She equates blackness with good health and gives all types of Blacks: sallow, brown, very brown and black, equal opportunity. It might be that some of her heroine’s brownness is like an unspoken dowry to ‘ennoble’ the lighter skinned, Black families they marry into. Although they might not be rich, they bring something more precious into the marriage: blackness. Race mixing is presented as dangerous in Emma, with her trying to marry black Mr. Elton, with white Miss Smith. We do not have Austen’s portrait because she had classic African features, a look she refers to as ‘peculiar’ in Emma, talking about Jane Fairfax who was a sallow.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:


n 1996, Bryan Sykes of Oxford University first sequenced the mitochondrial DNA of Cheddar Man, with DNA extracted from one of Cheddar Man's molars. Cheddar Man was determined to have belonged to Haplogroup U5a, a branch of mitochondrial haplogroup U. U5a, the specific haplogroup of Cheddar Man, is known to be the oldest truly modern human (not Neanderthal) mtDNA haplogroup in Europe.

Bryan Sykes' research into Cheddar Man was filmed as he performed it in 1997. As a means of connecting Cheddar Man to the living residents of Cheddar village, he compared mitochondrial DNA (MtDNA) taken from twenty living residents of the village to that extracted from Cheddar Man’s molar. It produced two exact matches and one match with a single mutation. The two exact matches were schoolchildren, and their names were not released. The close match was a history teacher named Adrian Targett, meaning that he was a direct descendant of Cheddar Man through his maternal line.

Sykes argued that this modern connection to Cheddar Man (who died at least three thousand years before agriculture began in Britain) makes credible the theory that modern-day Britons are not all descended from Middle Eastern migratory farmers who entered Britain about 10,000 years ago. Instead, modern Britons are descended from ancient European Palaeolithic and Mesolithic hunter-gatherer tribes, who much later on adopted farming.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Albino cats are deaf because of their type of albinism. Every single type of albinism is caused by a completely different mutation and have different side effects. The diagnosis for albinism requires the mutation to produce certain ocular defects. This separates them from other mutations that reduce pigment.

Paleness genes that Europeans carry have nothing to do with Asian or African albinos, the mutations that cause the effect known as albinism are different from the ones that cause whites to be pale. It is certain that whites are not the descendants of African albinos.

European paleness lacks the one necessary ingredient to define it as albinism anyways. Therefore to call them albinos is to misunderstand the meaning of the word.

Also all this albino mix crap is annoying, white paleness was not produced by extremely pale people mixing with dark. It came about more gradually then that.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :

A sallow!

Emma by Jane Austen:
Emma and Frank Churchill discussing Jane Fairfax, his fiancée.

"did you ever see such a skin? -- such smoothness! Such delicacy! -- and yet without being actually fair. --one cannot call her fair. It is a most uncommon complexion, with her dark eye-lashes and hair -- a most distinguishing complexion! So peculiarly the lady in it. --just colour enough for beauty."

"i have always admired her complexion," replied Emma, archly; "but do not I remember the time when you found fault with her for being so pale? --when we first began to talk of her. --have you quite forgotten?"-emma
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
I don't really see how that means they are black. It could just mean that they were on the dark side of European coloration.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Also all this albino mix crap is annoying, white paleness was not produced by extremely pale people mixing with dark. It came about more gradually then that.

I understand how you feel, cause I feel the same way about white supremacy, any trash thinking they are better then blacks.

Then how do you explain albino's looking like whites and both needing the same kind of precautions before going into the sun.

And I will soon post my favourite albino gorilla Snowflake. If the white Gorilla is an albino, why are the white people not albino's. And if so, where the hell did they come from?



[Snowflake, Steve Martin]
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :

A white tiger's pale coloration is caused by the presence of a recessive gene. Another genetic characteristic makes the stripes of the tiger very pale; white tigers of this type are called snow-white or "pure white". White tigers are not albinos and do not constitute a separate subspecies of their own and can breed with orange ones, although (approx.) half of the resulting offspring will be heterozygous for the recessive white gene, and their fur will be orange.


Albinism in humans is more common in Tanzania than in any other country in the wolrd
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Also all this albino mix crap is annoying, white paleness was not produced by extremely pale people mixing with dark. It came about more gradually then that.

I understand how you, I feel the same way about white supremacy, any trash thinking they are better then blacks.

Then how do you explain albino's looking like whites and both needing the same kind of precautions before going into the sun.

I never said there wasn't any similarity. I just said they weren't the same.

Edit: Funny gorilla is funny.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Also all this albino mix crap is annoying, white paleness was not produced by extremely pale people mixing with dark. It came about more gradually then that.

I understand how you, I feel the same way about white supremacy, any trash thinking they are better then blacks.

Then how do you explain albino's looking like whites and both needing the same kind of precautions before going into the sun.

I never said there wasn't any similarity. I just said they weren't the same.
That's a start, but the white suprematists will hate you for this. To them there is nothing similar to albino's and white's. Hell will freeze over before they give in a ff inch. To them whites are a chosen people whitened by god himself, elevating them into whiteness, so they could lead the beastly what?
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Insert what you don't understand is that albino genetics is a scam.

The new improved simple definition is this:
"albinism test swatch"
If you're lighter than this you're an albino

Mike's biology class 101
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:
That's a start, but the white suprematists will hate you for this. To them there is nothing similar to albino's and white's. Hell will freeze over before they give in a ff inch. To them whites are a chosen people whitened by god himself, elevating them into whiteness, so they could lead the beastly what?

"Civilization" (Notice quotes implying sarcasm.)

All people who see paleness as a gift from god that elevates them are retards, I make it a point to not agree with retards.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:
That's a start, but the white suprematists will hate you for this. To them there is nothing similar to albino's and white's. Hell will freeze over before they give in a ff inch. To them whites are a chosen people whitened by god himself, elevating them into whiteness, so they could lead the beastly what?

"Civilization" (Notice quotes implying sarcasm.).

All people who see paleness as a gift from god that elevates them are retards, I make it a point to not agree with retards.


Bless you, honey.

I saw an albino lady in The Hague and she had a brown weave, and I did a double take (I'm only human) and she saw me, discovering she was an albino.

Europe as we know it today is because they were given a civilisation by Blacks (1500-1789). After 1848 they white washed history and they are still at it, not really knowing why they hate and fear the blackman so much. They fear the blacks because they were despotically ruled by blacks.


White Negress by Rembrandt

Because of her troubled eyes I consider her an albino.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Meh... They don't hate and fear the black man in particular. People usually believe that their group is better than anyone elses, and the only groups that come close to theirs are the ones most similar.

The ones proudest of their group feel more strongly about this than those more apathetic to the whole thing.

I very much doubt that their civilization was ruled by blacks that recently. Difference in color would be enough to start a contempt for black people.

And as for the second picture you put in. Some white people do have supposedly "Negroid" facial traits. All that proves is that facial traits are unreliable for predicting race.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:

Europe as we know it today is because they were given a civilisation by Blacks (1500-1789).

In this period 1500-1789 was Europe predominately black in population? Also, here did you get that specific date of 1789 from?

Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:
They fear the blacks because they were despotically ruled by blacks.

How did they get liberated from despotic black domination?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Nice triple post. Did you know that this forum has an edit button?

And Cheddar man was largely cold adapted excepting for a few minor traits. And I fail to see how his skeleton looks "black". And that bust does not look particularly black to me either. Plenty of white women look like that.

And you seem to believe I am English. I am not. I take particular pride in lacking said ancestry in any significant amount.

And anyways English in its modern form was invented by white people, its far earlier forms bore little to no resemblance to its current state, it is irrelevant who invented the earliest form of it.

You are a moron, please go away.

InsertNameHere - Where on earth are you getting all of this propaganda that you are spewing? Sounds like Stormfront or Mathilda.

1) There is not, nor ever was, a "Cold Adapted" Human. The only "HumanOID" that was said to be "Cold Adapted" was Neanderthal. However, scientists are now backtracking on that.

2) There is an illustrative story concerning Wetwang woman which will answer your question as to how I know Cheddar man was Black.

This is what the original mock-up bust of Wetwang woman looked like.


But your lying Albino people failed to take into consideration, the fact that there are millions of Black people around the world, who can look at the nasal attributes of a skull, and tell if it is Black or White - notice Wetwang and Cheddar have the same attributes.

Consequently they had to backtrack, and produce the bust below.


And NO, plenty of White women do NOT look like that - a few mutts maybe, and that is what they were trying for, in order to save face.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Hey Egmond - Respectful correction.

Two Albinos can "ONLY" produce another Albino.

Two "CARRIERS" of the Albinism trait, will produce the results that you quoted.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Mike do have links of the above photos for what you are saying is from the University of Manchester

and University of Reading? Please post
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Plenty of white women look like that. I did not say American white women, I said white women. Including those in the southern regions of Europe. I agree that the first one is a horrible reconstruction. I've seen white people that look every bit as "black" as the second reconstruction. White people can have bigger lips than the second reconstruction and a nose just as wide and in some cases wider. Race is being called a social construct because there isn't really much difference, especially in facial features.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
I agree that the first one is a horrible reconstruction.

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
It looks like something I could make in a day. It is rough and crudely shaped.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :

what about this one?
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Some parts of it look weird. The nose seems too large and the mouth just is weird. In detail the nose stretches too far into the area under the eyes.

It looks like the person didn't finish it.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Some parts of it look weird. The nose seems too large and the mouth just is weird. In detail the nose stretches too far into the area under the eyes.

the only reason ot looks "weird" is because early humans had slight differences in skull shape compared to modern day humans.


Bryan Sykes' research into Cheddar Man was filmed as he performed it in 1997. As a means of connecting Cheddar Man to the living residents of Cheddar village, he compared mitochondrial DNA (MtDNA) taken from twenty living residents of the village to that extracted from Cheddar Man’s molar. It produced two exact matches and one match with a single mutation. The two exact matches were schoolchildren, and their names were not released. The close match was a history teacher named Adrian Targett, meaning that he was a direct descendant of Cheddar Man through his maternal line.


Adrian Targett


Cheddar man reconstruction
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Black Boys and Girls out there, you too can arm yourselves against the White mans lies and bullsh1t, when presented with ancient skeletons.

Just save these pictures to you computer. Then when the White man presents his lies, just compare!

 -  -


Just one problem however.

When presented with a skull of someone like this, there is no way to tell.


Unfortunately DNA is no help either, that is because Whites are nothing but Black Albinos. Therefore they have the same "Ancient" haplogroups as Blacks. However, modern Whites MAY have recent mutations that may be unique.

But White scientists are still so busy trying to make it seem like they have different ancient DNA from Blacks, that no work has been done on it.

DNA results for the original people of Europe

Black Eastern Europeans - mainly Y-dna haplogroup "I"

Black Central Europeans - Mtdna haplogroups H, T2, U5b, J*.

Black Central Europeans - Y-dna haplogroups I2b2, R1a, R1b.

Paglicci 23 - the name for human remains found in Paglicci Cave in Apulia, Italy that have been dated to 28,000 years Before Present, the Mtdna is "H" - the same that is found in the Lichtenstein Cave.

Ötzi the Iceman - a well-preserved natural mummy of a man from about 3300 B.C. The mummy was found in September 1991 in the Schnalstal glacier in the Ötztal Alps, near Hauslabjoch on the border between Austria and Italy - is Mtdna "K".

In England - Cheddar Man is the name given to the remains of a human male found in Gough's Cave in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, England. The remains date to approximately 12,700 B.C. It is Britain’s oldest complete human skeleton - his Mtdna is U5 - also found in the Lichtenstein Cave.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
It looks weird because not because any skeletal feature, but because they sculpted the nose and mouth badly. People that far back didn't look particularly weird. The nose and mouth look like they need more work done on that sculpture. The mouth looks positively retarded, the nose is oversized in every way.

Edit: Mike111 skull differences exist between all people. They are extremely variable.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Mike I've asked you before. You define "albino" as meaning a certain degree of light skin.

You have not provided any means to determine what shade of skin is albino and what is not.

So your hundreds of posts on this topic amount to zero methodology on determining what is albino and what is not albino.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
He made his opinion quite clear, in his opinion it is anyone who looks white.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
that's Lil Mikey's science
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
I wouldn't call it science.

Mostly his arguments are an ill composed mess of double standards.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
I wouldn't call it science.

Mostly his arguments are an ill composed mess of double standards.

well it's more like sciunce then
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
It's more like the blithering of an arrogant fool.

He has yet to learn that no matter how much he blithers reality will not change to suit him. He says whites are albinos, and if the languages definition for albino proves him false then it is the language that is wrong, not him.

He also tried to say that Cheddar mans skull looked like a black mans. If someone said that Egyptian skulls looked white he would say it was bullshit white lies.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
^ LOL white boy. Get real! The data from white America clearly shows that whites are Albinos. If you fail to read or misinterpret the data, that's your fault. Don't blame Mike for your reading comprehension problems.
And Lionese? Everyone knows she is a dunce, so you two are peas in a pod.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
If you fail to understand the definition of Albino, than yes you are right. If you succeed in understanding than I am right. I have not seen any evidence that clearly shows that whites are Albinos. I have seen evidence that albinos can tan. That has been proven quite well. It has nothing to do however with the definition of Albino.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Thanks MK - But you know what - I COULD be wrong. So to test it, I would like to open the matter to world opinion.

World, please explain to me what gives with the following.

















More follows

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Similar appearance means nothing. Every one already knows that the appearance of albinos is similar to pale white people. It is irrelevant.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Every objection your raised so far has been "incorrect" as well as IRRELEVANT.
White people get a serious case of reading incomprehension when they feel they are trapped.

Once and for all for you stupid Albino dummies.

1) Albinos CAN tan
2) Albinos can display normal vision
3) Albinos can display dark hair and dark eyes
4) There are five distinct levels of Albinism. The majority of Whites fall right smack in the middle beginning behind OCA2.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
World, are you watching closely? You have to help me figure this out!
















Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
All of those are irrelevant. The definition of albinism is strict when it come to eye defects. They are required for someone to be considered an albino. No matter how many similarities you can find between whites and albinos it does not change this one basic fact.

Posting the same pictures constantly does not change this. All that you have proven is that Indians are Caucasian.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
What say you world?

They all look the same to me.

But isn't it interesting that some of the darkest ones are "Certified" Albinos.

Could it be that the ONLY REAL difference, is what they themselves CHOOSE to call themselves?

You know, like "I am an Albino "IF" I choose to call myself an Albino".

And I am NOT an Albino, "IF" I so choose!

Damn, it must be nice to be able to make ALL the rules!


White Boy Dreaming!

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
No the difference is the ocular defects. This baby proves that this rule even works for black people.

I didn't invent the definition and you can't change it.

By your rant you do not seem to understand my point.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
All of those are irrelevant. The definition of albinism is strict when it come to eye defects. They are required for someone to be considered an albino. No matter how many similarities you can find between whites and albinos it does not change this one basic fact.

Posting the same pictures constantly does not change this. All that you have proven is that Indians are Caucasian.


Like I said, White Boy Dreaming!

NO White Boy, they are NOT just Indian Albinos, They are Dravidian Albinos.

You know, people like THIS!

(Damn Black - aren't they).

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Yet according to you they differ from white people only in color. Thus they are basically really dark white people, who live in india. Making them Indian.

Edit: Incase you missed my previous post.

"No the difference is the ocular defects. This baby proves that this rule even works for black people.

I didn't invent the definition and you can't change it.

By your rant you do not seem to understand my point. "
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :

At the moment, I am still pondering the whole 'White' people and albino thing- so I have no opinion to give as far as that at the moment....however....with respect to this-

The definition of albinism is strict when it come to eye defects. They are required for someone to be considered an albino.
The only comments I can make to that are this:

1) I had a former neighbor who is an African-American woman..she was light-skinned with light color eyes and blond hair...NO vision problems other than regular reading glasses...we got to be good friends and at one point I asked her if she was of Dual Heritage (Black/'White') and she said no: both of her parents were brown-skinned as were her grand-parents; she stated that she is an albino....oh, it's a medical fact given by her physician btw....but to see her- albino is the LAST thing one would think...neither her son nor her daughter are albino..although the boy turned out a battybwoy and the daughter a sodomite.... [Frown] [Mad] SMFH.....

2) More former neighbors in another building over...African-American parents were brown skin and dark skin....four children....two brown-skinned...two boys albino: color difficult to describe- blondish-brownish....grey looking eyes that ONE of the boys obviously had visual problems (he wore glasses and his eyes would shake back and forth if you know what I mean?)...the other one had no visual problems...but when you looked at them it would be 'something' about them that would make you think "albino" without even seeing their parents...even though they did not look like the "stereotypical albino" if you know what I mean....I watched them grow into two handsome young men although troubled...their father confirmed to me that his two sons ARE albinos....

I am not arguing, sir/madam, your statement nor a definition..I am only speaking on what I have personally experienced/observed.....

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Perhaps, but the definition is written down and it is specific about eye problems. There are different eye problems but for the diagnosis they have to have at least one.

Genes associated with albinism typically cause eye defects. Being white doesn't.

Finished reading all you wrote. You seem to be a mentally healthy individual. That is rare around here.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :

[Confused] These are "really dark 'White' people"

That makes no sense atall defeats the purpose of calling them 'White'...their skin complexion is neither pale nor pink nor 'white' nor any of those three with a tan (albinism aside so nuh bodda come with that!)...look pon dem...their cells are PACKED with melanin..'White' people do NOT contain that much melanin within their skin...that is one of the things that seperates them apart from the majority of Mama Earth's people....they are disrespect/offense just a fact...melanin is lacking in 'White' skin...those folks in that picture have pleeeennty of melanin..'white' people with black skin mi baxide!!! KMRT!

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Plenty of white people are just as dark as many other non-white people. It is to the degree that using a color to define race is ridiculous.

But the word melanin-challenged I find acceptable.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Yet according to you they differ from white people only in color. Thus they are basically really dark white people, who live in india. Making them Indian.

really dark white people!

Hahahahaha, I LOVE it!

He he, just one problem.

In NATURAL relationships, there is symmetry.

Example; A chicken can make an Egg, but an Egg can also make a Chicken.

A Black Dravidian can make a White person, aka an Albino.

But an Albino can NEVER make a Black Dravidian.

BTW - I admire your gall in trying to equate your mutated race with normal Humans like Dravidians. When you figure out a way to make NORMAL humans from your defective genes, you may try it again.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
You did all the equating my mentally-challenged friend.(This differs from a more specific diagnosis of Downs-syndrome)

Also where did you get this natural relations idea? It sounds like stupid trying to sound smart.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Perhaps, but the definition is written down and it is specific about eye problems. There are different eye problems but for the diagnosis they have to have at least one.

Genes associated with albinism typically cause eye defects. Being white doesn't.

Finished reading all you wrote. You seem to be a mentally healthy individual. That is rare around here.

You did not see that I said that being 'white', you did not because I didn't say vision is worse than my friend first mentioned I'm far from albino... however, typically and strictly are two different things...and they can say either/or all they want...however...again, I do know what I personally experienced with the two examples above and that is all I can speak typically and/or strictly all they want...can't change the REALity that I interacted with....

LOL....there are some around here that would differ with you as they don't care for neither the facts I bring nor my view of things...I won't sugarcoat it while I love all of HUEmanity collectively speaking... I don't care too much for 'White' People, due to the the historical actions of 'White' People as a sense in going back and forth over that- 'ah suh mi stay'...however....I see no need to sit round and demean and insult people because they do not agree with me..or because their skin complexion is wha?....though true I can get bringle yes if I feel the need to...always with cause never for nothing....fimi name ah TRUTHANDRIGHTS and that is what matters to I...and Truth is not assigned a particular color's unbiased and falls where it's up to one to accept the REALity for what it is...or live in denial and Illusion...

The best index to a person's character is:
a) how he treats people who can't do him any good and
b) how he treats people who can't fight back."
- Abigail Van Buren

"The mind does not take its complexion from the skin." - Frederick Douglass

"I'd Rather Be Hated For Who I Am, Then Loved For Who I'm Not" - Andre Gidé


"TRUTH IS FINAL" -Mumia Abu-Jamal

BUT IN THE END, THERE IT IS. -Winston Churchill

"I am not a teacher but an awakener."
-Robert Frost

"I don't want to beLIEve, I want to KNOW."

-Carl Sagan

They say the hand is quicker than the eye. Is your mind quicker than a lie?


Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Meh... My only problem is the incorrect usage of the word. I couldn't care less about the rest.

Not all eye problems are the same, and they may not all be particularly bad seeming, but the diagnosis says they need one. People just need to find another word. "Psuedo-Albino" would work, or "Melanin-challenged". But the best might just simply be "white" or "pale".
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Plenty of white people are just as dark as many other non-white people.

Yes- the ones who stay inna sun or tanning's called DEEP not the same thing no....or someone with non-'white' genes coming up for a breath of fresh air outta the gene pool....

[Big Grin]

I am thinking at this point we may as well respectfully agree to disagree...unlike many around here...I am not one who chooses to go round and round and back and forth over and wha....pointless waste of time...I say what I say and done...ones can agree or not agree...mi nuh catah...


Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Many Spanish do not differ in color from the Chinese. That is not due to tanning salons.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Meh... My only problem is the incorrect usage of the word. I couldn't care less about the rest.

Not all eye problems are the same, and they may not all be particularly bad seeming, but the diagnosis says they need one. People just need to find another word. "Psuedo-Albino" would work, or "Melanin-challenged". But the best might just simply be "white" or "pale".

In my humble opinion, pale fits moreso than 'white' when referring to 'White' People...because most 'White' people I work with, well, if you hold a piece of white copy paper or letterhead paper to their skin..surely not even close...more palish pink like pig skin no offense/disrespect intended [Embarrassed] - closest that I have seen to that kinda 'true white' like crayon or paper are the "stereotypical albinos" I've seen outta street that are truly lacking all pigment of any kind not even blond hair or blue eyes- even the hair white like paper and colorless looking eyes- they were Black albinos and Hispanic albinos (I've seen two of the latter, plenty of the former) (and I've only seen one albino 'white' person when out and about).

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
No offense taken. I'm not piggy skinned like the piggy people are. I can't take offense at a statement about a trait which does not apply to me.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
No offense taken. I'm not piggy skinned like the piggy people are. I can't take offense at a statement about a trait which does not apply to me.


Respect still.

Ya know..some of these folks round here (and it ain't limited to just one ethnicity nor skin complexion, lol [Wink] )...moretime I wonder if ah mad dem mad or if ah jus mad puss piss dem ah drink... [Big Grin] [Roll Eyes] DWBCL....

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
You seem sane, so it must be them who are crazy. This forum would be interesting if all the bullshit was removed, but I don't think much would be left.

But there might be room for discussion of the many African civilizations besides Egypt. As well as discussion of the many "primitive" cultures of Africa which are far more interesting than theories about Europe.

But alas, this forum is obviously Euro-centric as all its discussions center around Europe. Africa is far more interesting in every way. If Mike111 actually spent time his time actually learning about Africans this forum would be better.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
You seem sane, so it must be them who are crazy. This forum would be interesting if all the bullshit was removed, but I don't think much would be left.

But there might be room for discussion of the many African civilizations besides Egypt. As well as discussion of the many "primitive" cultures of Africa which are far more interesting than theories about Europe.

I've posted plenty previously...tho a wide variety of Black include videos of actual not wannabe scholars' lecturs...some recently and some not- I've been here in the past but got tired of the headache from reading and trying not to read all the UNnecessary fuckery that goes on in these threads by purportedly grown adults and left for awhile- most of what I've posted doesn't pertain to Ancient Kemet....and you'll NEVER see me quote from not real research...the information is also subjective as the public can add/manipulate the information REAListically speaking....I mean, lol, wickipedia a couple of years or a year ago was it? stated that Sinbad was deceased....yet he was alive and well in his last stand up comedy this year when I watched it on Comedy Central [Big Grin] [Wink] ya seeme? [Smile]

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
I just hoped I could kill one of the stupidities that were wasting so much discussion.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:

The definition of albinism is strict when it come to eye defects. They are required for someone to be considered an albino.

TruthAndRights - I am ALMOST through with you, your misery is ALMOST over.

The above comment, which you have made several times.

Is it that you believe that by repeating a lie, the lie magically becomes truth?

Please present some creditable source (White or otherwise), which says that Albinism is defined by vision problems.

BTW - Don't try to get cute:

We all know that Albinism may INCLUDE vision problems, but you said it is DEFINED by vision problems.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :

However, all forms of albinism are associated with vision problems.
People with albinism always have problems with vision (not correctable with eyeglasses) and many have low vision.
It is the presence of these eye problems that defines the diagnosis of albinism. Therefore the main test for albinism is simply an eye examination.
While most people with albinism are fair in complexion, skin or hair color is not diagnostic of albinism.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
InsertNameHere - You are new, so I must forgive your ignorance. The link that you posted is for NOAH, it is an ADVOCACY organization, NOT a SCIENTIFIC or MEDICAL organization.

The National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation (NOAH) is a non-profit organization that assists people who have albinism. NOAH was created in 1982 and is based in East Hampstead, New Hampshire.

Through its advocacy efforts, publications and events, NOAH offers information and support to people with albinism, their families and the professionals who work with them.

I consider myself a Humane person, so I will try to see to your education. Please follow the link below and begin your education.

If you need follow-up information, please ask.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Oculocutaneous albinism is a group of conditions that affect coloring (pigmentation) of the skin, hair, and eyes. Affected individuals typically have very fair skin and white or light-colored hair. Long-term sun exposure greatly increases the risk of skin damage and skin cancers, including an aggressive form of skin cancer called melanoma, in people with this condition. Oculocutaneous albinism also reduces pigmentation of the colored part of the eye (the iris) and the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (the retina). People with this condition usually have vision problems such as reduced sharpness; rapid, involuntary eye movements (nystagmus); and increased sensitivity to light (photophobia).

The four types of oculocutaneous albinism are designated as type 1 (OCA1) through type 4 (OCA4). Oculocutaneous albinism type 1 is characterized by white hair, very pale skin, and light-colored irises. Type 2 is typically less severe than type 1; the skin is usually a creamy white color and hair may be light yellow, blond, or light brown. Type 3 includes a form of albinism called rufous oculocutaneous albinism, which usually affects dark-skinned people. Affected individuals have reddish-brown skin, ginger or red hair, and hazel or brown irises. Type 3 is often associated with milder vision abnormalities than the other forms of oculocutaneous albinism. Type 4 has signs and symptoms similar to those seen with type 2. Because their features overlap, the four types of oculocutaneous albinism are most accurately distinguished by their genetic cause.

This is likely a slight simplification of the definition you posted. Oculocutaneous albinism is a term that specifically refers to four different conditions. They also all usually cause eye problems.

If it just meant all genes that reduce pigment in hair, eyes and skin I wonder why there are terms like Leucism and why depigmented horses are not considered true albinos.

It could just be that albinism is a condition that lowers pigmentation and has a severe risk for certain eye defects. As white people don't have this risk they are not albinos.

As "People with this condition usually have vision problems such as reduced sharpness; rapid, involuntary eye movements (nystagmus); and increased sensitivity to light (photophobia)." apparently the definition requires usually having eye problems as stupid as it may sound.

Generally the important point is that they are different genes than the ones that give Africans albinism. Thus whites cannot be descended from African albinos by any definition similar to the ones today.

Also do whites have reduced pigment in the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (the retina)? With your definition this has to be addressed... This will take some research. 21&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=f4900640e40865e670caee7551a28794

I found some research.

More found.

blacks and whites have a similar amount of melanin in the retinal
pigment epithelium (RPE).

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^He he, I am enjoying watching you wiggle and squirm.

Just keep going, have fun with it, but in the end, it boils down to this.

Albinism is about an unnatural lack of Melanin.

White people have an unnatural lack of Melanin.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:

The definition of albinism is strict when it come to eye defects. They are required for someone to be considered an albino.

TruthAndRights - I am ALMOST through with you, your misery is ALMOST over.

The above comment, which you have made several times.

Is it that you believe that by repeating a lie, the lie magically becomes truth?

Please present some creditable source (White or otherwise), which says that Albinism is defined by vision problems.

BTW - Don't try to get cute:

We all know that Albinism may INCLUDE vision problems, but you said it is DEFINED by vision problems.

Go back and re-read and then I will accept your apology for your haste and more importantly, your unnecessary tone. If you go back and exercise your reading comprehension, you'll notice that I QUOTED that phrase from the poster above me- and far from repeatedly...once maybe twice at the most, and I gave examples why FROM MY PERSONAL OBSERVATION AND INTERACTION THAT THE STATEMENT IS NOT NECESSARILY TRUE.

That being said, address the poster who posted that statement with that've asked the wrong your haste...

Your humble apology is accepted. Haste makes waste- and you wasted both your time and mine with your unnecessary bullshit.

Matter of fact, I'll make it easier for you, so you don't even have to scroll back up, I'll copy and paste it right here, just for your own convenience... [Roll Eyes]


The definition of albinism is strict when it come to eye defects. They are required for someone to be considered an albino.
The only comments I can make to that are this:

1) I had a former neighbor who is an African-American woman..she was light-skinned with light color eyes and blond hair...NO vision problems other than regular reading glasses...we got to be good friends and at one point I asked her if she was of Dual Heritage (Black/'White') and she said no: both of her parents were brown-skinned as were her grand-parents; she stated that she is an albino....oh, it's a medical fact given by her physician btw....but to see her- albino is the LAST thing one would think...neither her son nor her daughter are albino..although the boy turned out a battybwoy and the daughter a sodomite.... SMFH.....

2) More former neighbors in another building over...African-American parents were brown skin and dark skin....four children....two brown-skinned...two boys albino: color difficult to describe- blondish-brownish....grey looking eyes that ONE of the boys obviously had visual problems (he wore glasses and his eyes would shake back and forth if you know what I mean?)...the other one had no visual problems...but when you looked at them it would be 'something' about them that would make you think "albino" without even seeing their parents...even though they did not look like the "stereotypical albino" if you know what I mean....I watched them grow into two handsome young men although troubled...their father confirmed to me that his two sons ARE albinos....

I am not arguing, sir/madam, your statement nor a definition..I am only speaking on what I have personally experienced/observed.....


Have a nice evening.

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
^He he, I am enjoying watching you wiggle and squirm.

Just keep going, have fun with it, but in the end, it boils down to this.

Albinism is about an unnatural lack of Melanin.

White people have an unnatural lack of Melanin.

Nothing is unnatural. Also your definition requires retinal depigmentation.

I have found research that I have edited into my post that shows that whites have normal levels of retina pigment. Though I just realized that one of the links is on some racist website. But meh... I'll try to find better sources.

Found new one.
White individuals were 3 times more likely to have focal hyperpigmentation than black individuals.
This means in some places whites are more pigmented than blacks.

It is rather hard to find references to the amount of retinal pigment by race.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
InsertNameHere - I am beginning to become very disappointed in you.

This is what you linked to:

Boy, you gotta read your own links!

Racial Differences in the Prevalence of Age-Related Macular Degeneration.

Objective To determine differences in the prevalence of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and its fundus manifestations in a population-based sample of older black and white Americans.

Conclusions: White persons are generally more likely than black persons to have medium or large drusen, focal pigment abnormalities, and advanced AMD. Racial differences were prominent for nonneovascular AMD features only when present in the central zone. These data suggest that black individuals may have a mechanism for protection in the central zone against these critical fundus features, which themselves convey high risk of progression to advanced AMD.

Note to MK - Like you said, Blacks; because of their natural and healthy abundance of Melanin, have natural protections that Albinos, because of their LACK of Melanin, don't have.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
You seem sane, so it must be them who are crazy. This forum would be interesting if all the bullshit was removed, but I don't think much would be left. But there might be room for discussion of the many African civilizations besides Egypt. As well as discussion of the many "primitive" cultures of Africa which are far more interesting than theories about Europe. But alas, this forum is obviously Euro-centric as all its discussions center around Europe. Africa is far more interesting in every way. If Mike111 actually spent time his time actually learning about Africans this forum would be better.

I take exception at statement of As well as discussion of the many "primitive" cultures of Africa which are far more interesting than theories about Europe.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Interestingly enough albinos seem to have a greater ability to rule the world

____^ she's like "damn, competition"
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Brada-Anansi - Statements like InsertNameHere's must be taken with a grain of salt.

What he is really saying is "Stop uncovering our lies and Bullsh1t" go look at someone else - please, PLEASE!!!

But of course we won't, uncovering White Mans lies and bullsh1t is Waaay too much fun, and so educational.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
[Roll Eyes] Jus as I thought....KMRT.....
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Originally posted by Brada-Anansi:
I take exception at statement of As well as discussion of the many "primitive" cultures of Africa which are far more interesting than theories about Europe.

There are many "primitive" cultures in Africa are there not? Technologically at the least. There were plenty of civilizations, but overall they were outnumbered by "primitive"(If I can think up a better word I would) peoples.

Originally posted by Mike111:
InsertNameHere - I am beginning to become very disappointed in you.

This is what you linked to:

Boy, you gotta read your own links!

Racial Differences in the Prevalence of Age-Related Macular Degeneration.

Objective To determine differences in the prevalence of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and its fundus manifestations in a population-based sample of older black and white Americans.

Conclusions: White persons are generally more likely than black persons to have medium or large drusen, focal pigment abnormalities, and advanced AMD. Racial differences were prominent for nonneovascular AMD features only when present in the central zone. These data suggest that black individuals may have a mechanism for protection in the central zone against these critical fundus features, which themselves convey high risk of progression to advanced AMD.

Note to MK - Like you said, Blacks; because of their natural and healthy abundance of Melanin, have natural protections that Albinos, because of their LACK of Melanin, don't have.

What does that have to do with melanin? This has a convenient chart in it for you.

The RPE melanin concentration at all sites was on
average the same in blacks and in whites

You jump to conclusions far too rapidly. Yay. I win. Whites have equal retinal melanin to blacks and therefore cannot be albinos.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by Brada-Anansi:
You seem sane, so it must be them who are crazy. This forum would be interesting if all the bullshit was removed, but I don't think much would be left. But there might be room for discussion of the many African civilizations besides Egypt. As well as discussion of the many "primitive" cultures of Africa which are far more interesting than theories about Europe. But alas, this forum is obviously Euro-centric as all its discussions center around Europe. Africa is far more interesting in every way. If Mike111 actually spent time his time actually learning about Africans this forum would be better.

I take exception at statement of As well as discussion of the many "primitive" cultures of Africa which are far more interesting than theories about Europe.

I do don't and do..still tryna decide if I tek exception (my first reaction- I did!)....I've been giving him/her the benefit of the doubt ONLY because the word primitive is contained within quotes...

Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on : light of the post that wasn't there previous to my post above...NOW I am taking exception to the word "primitive" as it's being used here....

on another seems the majority on this site are waaaaaaaaaaay too ego-driven....some moreso than others.... [Roll Eyes]

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Well what other word is there to describe people who lived in various tribes and other cultures that I'm not entirely sure about whether or not they had tribes?

The word tribal might not fit all of these people, and I'm not sure all were nomadic. But what I meant is those people who did not create civilizations and live in them. Khoi'san for example. As well as other people who are not at all like the Khoi'san.

I thought the word uncivilized sounded more insulting than primitive with quotes.

Edit: In most continents people were "primitive" until the local civilization started and then conquered them.

There tend to be more "Primitive" peoples(as in more "primitive" cultures), because the groups are smaller so there may be many more groups and therefore more cultures. They are more interesting because all "civilized" peoples are the same. Always with some big government and some politics going on, with some religion that keeps making temples or whatever.

In Africa less seem to have gotten swallowed by the big civilizations than in Europe where you only have the Saami who are still being digested. There was no offense intended. I was merely pointing out that there were many more interesting peoples in Africa still surviving in some way than can be found in Europe. Europe is very boring. All the interesting people have been "civilized".
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :


What is albinism?

Albinism, a group of inherited disorders, results in little or no production of the pigment melanin. The type and amount of melanin your body produces determines the color of your skin, hair and eyes. Most people with albinism are sensitive to sun exposure and are at increased risk of developing skin cancer.

Melanin also plays a role in the development of certain optical nerves. All forms of albinism cause problems with the development and function of your eyes.

Although there's no cure for albinism, people with the disorder can take steps to improve vision and avoid too much sun exposure.

What do people with albinism look like?

While most people with albinism have very light skin and hair, not all do. In less pigmented types of oculocutaneous albinism, (the type of albinism that affects both the skin and the eyes), hair and skin are cream-colored. In types with slight pigmentation, hair appears more yellow or red-tinged People with ocular albinism (albinism that only affects the eyes) usually have normal or only slightly lighter than normal physical appearance. A common myth is that by definition people with albinism have red eyes. In fact there are different types of albinism, and the amount of pigment in the eyes varies. Most individuals with albinism have blue eyes. Some have hazel or brown eyes. See NOAH’s Information Bulletin What is Albinism for more information about how albinism affects a person’s appearance You can see pictures of people with albinism at Positive Exposure, a photo project dedicated to celebrating the beauty of people with albinism.

Skin Appearance

Although the most recognizable form of albinism results in milky white skin, skin pigmentation can range from white to nearly the same as parents or siblings without albinism.

For some people with albinism, skin pigmentation never changes. For others, melanin production may begin or increase during childhood and adolescence, resulting in slight changes in pigmentation. With exposure to the sun, some people may develop:

* Freckles
* Moles, with or without pigment
* Large freckle-like spots (lentigines)
* The ability to tan

Hair Color & Appearance

Hair color can range from very white to brown. People of African or Asian descent who have albinism may have hair color that is yellow, reddish or brown. Hair color may also change by early adulthood.

Eye color

Eye color can range from very light blue to brown and may change with age.

The lack of pigment in the colored part of your eyes (irises) makes them somewhat translucent. This means that the irises can't completely block light from entering the eye. Because of this translucence, very light-colored eyes may appear red in some lighting. This occurs because you're seeing light reflected off the back of the eye and passing back out through the iris again — similar to red eye that occurs in a flash photograph.

Mayo Clinic - Albinism





Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Those are symptoms dumb ass.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Yes stupid, they are symptoms, and correctly listed as such, for there is no other widespread method to detect Albinism except by observing symptoms, with the most important being;

Visual - Eye color: The lighter the eyes, the closer to OCA1.
Eye color can range from very yellow to red to light blue to brown and may change with age.

Therefore, where you are ATTEMPTING to make the incredibly desperate claim that all Albinos will have severe visual problems, you are half right, and of course, half wrong.
An Albino may have visual acuity of 20/40 when born, yet because the eyes lack sufficient melanin, the eye will degrade rapidly over time due to damage incurred by imparted free radicals.


Example Of Photophobia in Albino

Mis-wiring Of White peoples brains due to insufficient melanin during conception.



"Normal" White burns same as Albino contracting melanoma where ever sunburn occurs. Why? Because "normal" whites share not only same melanin deficiency as Albino, but also share the exact same compromised immunity system that allows skin cancer to manifest.


As can be easily seen, melanoma occurrence in "Normal" whiles (albinos) is increasing year after year at ~2-3%/annually.


Because "Normal" whites and Albinos lack nature's protection for all earthly top dwelling creatures, melanin.
The only creatures on earth who lack this natural protection are below ground level dwelling creatures.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Yes, yes, but I have proven that whites lack depigmented retinas while albinos have them. That is what causes the eye problems. Many conditions share symptoms. Nice squinting Saami, I doubt I would have any difficulty finding a squinting Inuit to counter that. Proves nothing.

All of those eye problems are caused by the depigmentation of the retina.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Yes, yes, but I have proven that whites lack depigmented retinas while albinos have them. That is what causes the eye problems. Many conditions share symptoms. Nice squinting Saami, I doubt I would have any difficulty finding a squinting Inuit to counter that. Proves nothing.

All of those eye problems are caused by the depigmentation of the retina.

Yes, she/he is displaying obvious signs of Photophobia, AND Freckles, AND blond hair, AND blue eyes, AND white skin. All very VALID SYMPTOMS of ALBINISM. Taken together, almost positive to be diagnosed in some OCA range.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
She/he? Photophobia of something any rational person is photophobic of. Why don't you stare into the sun for awhile? Are you too Photophobic for that? I did it once for quite some time just because I thought it would be interesting. So if your not photophobic you can too. He may display the symptoms you think are important but if there is one thing tv has taught me it is that disease diagnosis is far more complicated than that, with many conditions sharing similar symptoms.

But albinism depigments the retinas and I have proven that this is not the case with whites. The Photophobia in albinos is caused significantly by the depigmented retina as well as the other ocular malfunctions.

So go stare into the sun. Also Saami have eyefolds similar to Asians.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Yes, yes, but I have proven that whites lack depigmented retinas while albinos have them. That is what causes the eye problems. Many conditions share symptoms. Nice squinting Saami, I doubt I would have any difficulty finding a squinting Inuit to counter that. Proves nothing.

All of those eye problems are caused by the depigmentation of the retina.

Yes, she/he is displaying obvious signs of Photophobia, AND Freckles, AND blond hair, AND blue eyes, AND white skin. All very VALID SYMPTOMS of ALBINISM.
Forgive my CONfusion here...please...but I have a valid question? Are not freckles made of melanin? I'm not asking about the brown spots that some older people get, that are caused by sun damage...

I really don't bizniz with this whole 'white' people are or are not albinos...Truthfully I don't care...and wondering why so many NON-'white' people do.....when WE got OUR OWN issues and problems and paths to sort out...shouldn't that be some ish THEY need and/or should be worrying about and arguing over rather than WE....why are/should we go round and round page after page thread after thread getting nowhere but heated egos (for the many here who are CLEARLY driven by their egos) over THEIR problem(s) nuh bodda try to draw me into the just a question I am genuinely curious about....


Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^I think that at this point, we might pause and reflect on what we are really talking about.

The argument is that Whites "DERIVE" from Albinos; NOT that all Whites ARE Albinos.

Case in point;

This Greek man is obviously NOT an Albino. He undoubtedly has admixture with Blacks dating back many generations.


These Italians, while showing SOME Black admixture, clearly show a tendency to Albinism.


These Germans on the other hand, are one Melanin molecule away from "Full-Blown" Albinism.

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
The thing is that so many people seem to think they know better than the experts.

Edit: The lack of the depigmented retina makes the condition unlike albinism and unlikely to have derived from any known form of albinism. The ancestors of Europeans were relatively dark compared to their descendants. One does not need black mixture if dark coloration was in the population from the beginning.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
I think that at this point, we might pause and reflect on what we are really talking about.

The argument is that Whites "DERIVE" from Albinos; NOT that all Whites ARE Albinos.

Ok thanks for the I'll simply re-word my statement, as it's still applicable as far as I am concerned...

I really don't bizniz with this whole 'white' people derive or do not derive from albinos...Truthfully I don't care...and wondering why so many NON-'white' people do.....when WE got OUR OWN issues and problems and paths to sort out...shouldn't that be some ish THEY need and/or should be worrying about and arguing over rather than WE....why are/should we go round and round page after page thread after thread getting nowhere but heated egos (for the many here who are CLEARLY driven by their egos) over THEIR problem(s)/origins/what have nuh bodda try to draw me into the argument...

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
It's because people are stupid. And percentage of non-white ancestry has little to do with coloration. At least when it is in low amounts. Dark "white" people are dark simply because they never became as pale as those who did. Not because of pale types mixing with dark.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
The ancestors of Europeans were relatively dark compared to their descendants. One does not need black mixture if dark coloration was in the population from the beginning.

I'm sorry Sonny, did you miss the memo? The original Europeans were Black people.

White Europeans are NOT the descendants of these Black Europeans - to any appreciative degree.

White people are migrants from CENTRAL ASIA (circa 1,200 B.C.)!

Description of INCOMING Whites, by resident Whites:

Quote: "They have all deep blue eyes, and bright red hair".

(Please look-up the definition of Albinism again).

Give up the Bullsh1t!
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
It's because people are stupid. And percentage of non-white ancestry has little to do with coloration. At least when it is in low amounts. Dark "white" people are dark simply because they never became as pale as those who did. Not because of pale types mixing with dark.

Have you ever read-

ANCIENT AND MODERN BRITONS, VOLS 1 & 2, by David MacRitchie....

If not, I recommend it....matter of fact, I posted up some info re; the book a good while ago...I'll see if I can find it using the search mechanism and post the link here to the thread...cah I'm not searching thru aalllll those pages, lol....

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Who cares about Britons? The way you act it's as if Southern Europeans aren't really white people.

There is a gradual change of skin color on most continents where people are darker in the more UV intense regions and paler in the less. European coloration variation is not caused by two extremes mixing.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
The ancestors of Europeans were relatively dark compared to their descendants. One does not need black mixture if dark coloration was in the population from the beginning.

I'm sorry Sonny, did you miss the memo? The original Europeans were Black people.

White Europeans are NOT the descendants of these Black Europeans - to any appreciative degree.

White people are migrants from CENTRAL ASIA (circa 1,200 B.C.)!

Description of INCOMING Whites, by resident Whites:

Quote: "They have all deep blue eyes, and bright red hair".

(Please look-up the definition of Albinism again).

Give up the Bullsh1t!

That's interesting thanks...I'm talking the term "all" in the same sentence with "bright red hair"...I always read that red hair in 'white' people was actually rare...a 'further' and/or rarer mutation, if you will....for lack of a better way for me to put it at the moment...even more rare for a Natural red-haired 'white' person to have Natural brown eyes, I read somewhere....matter of fact, I've often read historically up to the present it's the tendency of 'white' people to 'persecute' red-haired 'white' people...they call them 'gingers' I think....

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
I have heard somewhere that the red hair gene might be a weak form of albinism.

Edit:Oculocutaneous albinism is a group of conditions that affect coloring (pigmentation) of the skin, hair, and eyes. Affected individuals typically have very fair skin and white or light-colored hair. Long-term sun exposure greatly increases the risk of skin damage and skin cancers, including an aggressive form of skin cancer called melanoma, in people with this condition. Oculocutaneous albinism also reduces pigmentation of the colored part of the eye (the iris) and the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (the retina). People with this condition usually have vision problems such as reduced sharpness; rapid, involuntary eye movements (nystagmus); and increased sensitivity to light (photophobia).

The four types of oculocutaneous albinism are designated as type 1 (OCA1) through type 4 (OCA4). Oculocutaneous albinism type 1 is characterized by white hair, very pale skin, and light-colored irises. Type 2 is typically less severe than type 1; the skin is usually a creamy white color and hair may be light yellow, blond, or light brown. Type 3 includes a form of albinism called rufous oculocutaneous albinism, which usually affects dark-skinned people. Affected individuals have reddish-brown skin, ginger or red hair, and hazel or brown irises. Type 3 is often associated with milder vision abnormalities than the other forms of oculocutaneous albinism. Type 4 has signs and symptoms similar to those seen with type 2. Because their features overlap, the four types of oculocutaneous albinism are most accurately distinguished by their genetic cause.

Let me remove all the usually and typically.

Oculocutaneous albinism is a group of conditions that affect coloring (pigmentation) of the skin, hair, and eyes. Long-term sun exposure greatly increases the risk of skin damage and skin cancers, including an aggressive form of skin cancer called melanoma, in people with this condition. Oculocutaneous albinism also reduces pigmentation of the colored part of the eye (the iris) and the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (the retina).

Now the important part.

Oculocutaneous albinism also reduces pigmentation of the colored part of the eye (the iris) and the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (the retina).

There is no uncertainty here.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Who cares about Britons? The way you act it's as if Southern Europeans aren't really white people.

There is a gradual change of skin color on most continents where people are darker in the more UV intense regions and paler in the less. European coloration variation is not caused by two extremes mixing.

Respectfully...have you taken a good look at how close Europe and northern Africa really you real-eyes that Africans did travel up into Europe- I hope you don't think that none of the Africans- that would have been a big part of Caesar's army- didn't sow their seeds during those travels...for just one example...

Something else many don't those times...people were not so 'color conscious' as nowadays...people tend to try to put modern day racist views/attitudes on the ancient peoples..."white supremacy ideology" and "nationalistic schauvinism" [sp?] are two different things....that being said...."Roman" or "Greek" doesn't necessarily equal 'White' person back then matter the skin color...if one was a Roman citizen or a Greek was just that...and referred to as color was not ALWAYS noted....

btw....African blood runs rampant in the veins of not just a few royal families of Europe.... the de Medici family comes to does Queen Victoria's family...and Portugal?? oh my! [Wink] [Razz]

AFRICAN PRESENCE IN EARLY EUROPE by Dr. Ivan van Sertima, you would gain nuff information from that read...

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
^ Actually so many people take what we "see" for granted.
The answers of why white people appear as "pink" and why red hair is red is easily given in explanation by simple physics and energy absorption.

The fact that whites are "seen" as pink is a strong indicator in itself of whites being or being derived from Albinos.

Visible light is merely a small part of the full electromagnetic spectrum, which extends from cosmic rays at the highest energies down through the middle range (gamma rays, X- rays, the ultraviolet, the visible, the infrared, and radio waves) all the way to induction-heating and electric-power-transmission frequencies at the lowest energies. Note that this is the energy per quantum (photon if in the visible range) but not the total energy; the latter is a function of the intensity in a beam.

The visible light that humans perceive is a tiny fraction of the full electromagnetic spectrum (All of which blacks absorb).

We can detect the range of light spectrum from about 400 nanometers (violet) to about 700 nanometers (red). We perceive this range of light wavelengths as a smoothly varying rainbow of colors, otherwise known as the visual spectrum.


therefore, while black people appear brown or black is due to their skin ABSORBING all known wavelengths of radiation.
White people and Albinos appear white or pink becasue their skin lacks melanin and therefore reflects rather than absorbs all known wavelengths except for the small intermediate wavelength of ~405-540nm.

Whites have "FAKE" Color


Consider the color pink. Look at the rays of color cast from a prism illuminated by the sun, and you won't find pink.
Look at the spectrum and you won't find pink there, either.
Pink is not a "pure spectral color". There is no wavelength of light that corresponds to pink. But we can see it anyway. Where does it come from?

It turns out that pink is a pale shade of purple - which doesn't really exist either. Purple is what your brain perceives when light enters your eye that stimulates about equal amounts of beta and rho, and no gamma at all.
Beta and rho overlap from roughly 405 nm - 540 nm, and for most of that range, gamma will also produce a signal. The only place that we can get beta and rho without gamma is 405 nm - 425 nm. And in that range, beta is much more sensitive than rho.

But what if you mixed two beams of light - one around 405 nm (which would stimulate only beta), and one from 675 nm (which would stimulate only rho)? With this setup, you can jam into the brain combinations of signals that do not occur with pure spectral colors. And in this case, the brain perceives the combination as pink (if it's a light shade) or purple (if dark).
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
I don't doubt the presence of African ancestry in Southern Europeans, what I doubt is that it is greater than the Asian ancestry in Northern, which would give them all the same dark eyes and hair as the Southern Europeans. I don't believe the mixture is enough to that significantly influence pigment.

Also there are so many European genes that influence coloration that their paleness could not have arrived fully developed out of nowhere, it had to gradually develop. Southern Europeans may be a bit more African than Northern, but their color is simply due to not carrying all the genes that reduce pigment in Europe. If it was solely to do with admixture they would not commonly have one pigment reducing gene and a rarity in another.

Nice demonstration on light. But whites depigmentation genes have no relation to albinism genes and cannot have been derived from them.

There are similarities. But they are not the same thing. Asians can be argued to be Albinos or derived from albinos just as well as Europeans can be, as some albinos have dark hair and eyes.

Or we can say the conditions are similar but distinct.

And Southern Europeans would have cause for remarking on the red hair and blue eyes of invaders, as those traits are still uncommon in many parts of Southern Europe, especially the red hair.

Actually an entire group with red hair would be remarked upon even in those places where it is relatively common.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
I have heard somewhere that the red hair gene might be a weak form of albinism.

Edit:Oculocutaneous albinism is a group of conditions that affect coloring (pigmentation) of the skin, hair, and eyes. Affected individuals typically have very fair skin and white or light-colored hair. Long-term sun exposure greatly increases the risk of skin damage and skin cancers, including an aggressive form of skin cancer called melanoma, in people with this condition. Oculocutaneous albinism also reduces pigmentation of the colored part of the eye (the iris) and the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (the retina). People with this condition usually have vision problems such as reduced sharpness; rapid, involuntary eye movements (nystagmus); and increased sensitivity to light (photophobia).

The four types of oculocutaneous albinism are designated as type 1 (OCA1) through type 4 (OCA4). Oculocutaneous albinism type 1 is characterized by white hair, very pale skin, and light-colored irises. Type 2 is typically less severe than type 1; the skin is usually a creamy white color and hair may be light yellow, blond, or light brown. Type 3 includes a form of albinism called rufous oculocutaneous albinism, which usually affects dark-skinned people. Affected individuals have reddish-brown skin, ginger or red hair, and hazel or brown irises. Type 3 is often associated with milder vision abnormalities than the other forms of oculocutaneous albinism. Type 4 has signs and symptoms similar to those seen with type 2. Because their features overlap, the four types of oculocutaneous albinism are most accurately distinguished by their genetic cause.

Let me remove all the usually and typically.

Oculocutaneous albinism is a group of conditions that affect coloring (pigmentation) of the skin, hair, and eyes. Long-term sun exposure greatly increases the risk of skin damage and skin cancers, including an aggressive form of skin cancer called melanoma, in people with this condition. Oculocutaneous albinism also reduces pigmentation of the colored part of the eye (the iris) and the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (the retina).

Now the important part.

Oculocutaneous albinism also reduces pigmentation of the colored part of the eye (the iris) and the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (the retina).

There is no uncertainty here.

My cousin has been dealing with a particular 'white' woman for about ten years or more now [Frown] anyway, she has bright red hair..pale skin..deep brown eyelashes...dark brown maybe black eyebrows- and no, she doesn't use mascara on her lashes and/or eyeliner on her brows, on her legs and arms is so light red or whatever can't really seet.....oh, and he confirmed she IS a Natural redhead (TMI dammit!)... [Wink]

and as I stated, I read somewhere that combination of red hair/brown eyes is genetically unusual in that most red heads are blue or green eyed with light lashes and eyebrows....even the couple ones I've seen with dark eyes had light eyelashes and eyebrows....

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
I also dislike people saying that whites only appeared recently in Europe. Going back enough thousands of years they did indeed lack the extremes of their coloration, this did not make them non-white. Evend if Germanics came from central Asia, that does not mean whites were not already living in Europe. It means the Germanic whites were not living in Europe.

I have no problem if you would like to insult Germanics, but they are still not albinos.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
I remember an article in the Washington Post years ago...I googled to see if I could find it is, from 2005:

here are a few EXCERPTS, tho this article should be read in its two page entirety:

Scientists said yesterday that they have discovered a tiny genetic mutation that largely explains the first appearance of white skin in humans tens of thousands of years ago, a finding that helps solve one of biology's most enduring mysteries and illuminates one of humanity's greatest sources of strife.

The work suggests that the skin-whitening mutation occurred by chance in a single individual after the first human exodus from Africa, when all people were brown-skinned. That person's offspring apparently thrived as humans moved northward into what is now Europe, helping to give rise to the lightest of the world's races.

Leaders of the study, at Penn State University, warned against interpreting the finding as a discovery of "the race gene." Race is a vaguely defined biological, social and political concept, they noted, and skin color is only part of what race is -- and is not.

In fact, several scientists said, the new work shows just how small a biological difference is reflected by skin color. The newly found mutation involves a change of just one letter of DNA code out of the 3.1 billion letters in the human genome -- the complete instructions for making a human being.

The work also reveals for the first time that Asians owe their relatively light skin to different mutations. That means that light skin arose independently at least twice in human evolution, in each case affecting populations with the facial and other traits that today are commonly regarded as the hallmarks of Caucasian and Asian races.
The discovery, described in today's issue of the journal Science, was an unexpected outgrowth of studies Cheng and his colleagues were conducting on inch-long zebra fish, which are popular research tools for geneticists and developmental biologists. Having identified a gene that, when mutated, interferes with its ability to make its characteristic black stripes, the team scanned human DNA databases to see if a similar gene resides in people.

To their surprise, they found virtually identical pigment-building genes in humans, chickens, dogs, cows and many others species, an indication of its biological value.

They got a bigger surprise when they looked in a new database comparing the genomes of four of the world's major racial groups. That showed that whites with northern and western European ancestry have a mutated version of the gene.

Skin color is a reflection of the amount and distribution of the pigment melanin, which in humans protects against damaging ultraviolet rays but in other species is also used for camouflage or other purposes. The mutation that deprives zebra fish of their stripes blocks the creation of a protein whose job is to move charged atoms across cell membranes, an obscure process that is crucial to the accumulation of melanin inside cells.

Humans of European descent, Cheng's team found, bear a slightly different mutation that hobbles the same protein with similar effect. The defect does not affect melanin deposition in other parts of the body, including the hair and eyes, whose tints are under the control of other genes.

A few genes have previously been associated with human pigment disorders -- most notably those that, when mutated, lead to albinism, an extreme form of pigment loss. But the newly found glitch is the first found to play a role in the formation of "normal" white skin. The Penn State team calculates that the gene, known as slc24a5, is responsible for about one-third of the pigment loss that made black skin white. A few other as-yet-unidentified mutated genes apparently account for the rest.

Although precise dating is impossible, several scientists speculated on the basis of its spread and variation that the mutation arose between 20,000 and 50,000 years ago. That would be consistent with research showing that a wave of ancestral humans migrated northward and eastward out of Africa about 50,000 years ago.

Unlike most mutations, this one quickly overwhelmed its ancestral version, at least in Europe, suggesting it had a real benefit. Many scientists suspect that benefit has to do with vitamin D, made in the body with the help of sunlight and critical to proper bone development.

Sun intensity is great enough in equatorial regions that the vitamin can still be made in dark-skinned people despite the ultraviolet shielding effects of melanin. In the north, where sunlight is less intense and cold weather demands that more clothing be worn, melanin's ultraviolet shielding became a liability, the thinking goes.

Today that solar requirement is largely irrelevant because many foods are supplemented with vitamin D.

Some scientists said they suspect that white skin's rapid rise to genetic dominance may also be the product of "sexual selection," a phenomenon of evolutionary biology in which almost any new and showy trait in a healthy individual can become highly prized by those seeking mates, perhaps because it provides evidence of genetic innovativeness.


white skin's rapid rise to genetic dominance

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
A major functional role of eumelanin is to protect melanocytes from harmful UV-induced DNA damage by virtue of absorption of UV light. On the other hand, pheomelanin may become a pro-oxidant upon UV exposure. In this regard, assaying eu- and pheo-melanin has become an indispensable tool in pigment cell biology.

Therefore, RED hair is a trait associated with those able to manufacture some level of Pheomelanin, and little to no Eumelanin. The trait is very common in the Irish and Scottish.

As this study indicates, those with pheomelanin production and low Eumelanin production are susceptible to melanoma as albinos, quite possibly, because they and albinos are the same physically.

Eumelanin and pheomelanin concentrations in human epidermis before and after UVB irradiation
Alison Hennessy 1 , Carol Oh 1 , Brian Diffey 2 , Kazumasa Wakamatsu 3 , Shosuke Ito 3 and Jonathan Rees 1,*
1 Department of Dermatology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
2 Regional Medical Physics Department, Newcastle General Hospital, Newcastle NE46BE, UK
3 Department of Chemistry, Fujita Health University School of Health Sciences, Toyoake, Aichi 470–1192, Japan

Pheomelanin is widely thought to be causally related to susceptibility to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation: epidemiological studies show that those with a higher ratio of pheomelanin to eumelanin in hair (RED HAIR) have higher rates of melanoma, and work in mouse and cell culture shows that pheomelanin generates excess free radicals after UVR exposure. By contrast, based on measurements of eumelanin and pheomelanin in human skin, before and following irradiation, we now report that both pheomelanin and eumelanin are positively related to skin colour, and by inference, inversely with cancer susceptibility. The ratio of melanin classes is similar in people with widely different cancer rates and UVR sensitivity. Although our numbers are small, our results extend previous work in man, and lead us to speculate that factors other than the amount of pheomelanin may be important in determining UVR susceptibility in persons with red hair.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Red hair is not actually as common among the Scottish and Irish as people believe. Norway has a higher percentage of red-hair than either of them.

TruthAndRights: As "for white skin's rapid rise to genetic dominance" I believe by that they mean that the trait became more common then the ancestral form. In other words they are saying that white skin "won". Words usually have multiple definitions.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
I also dislike people saying that whites only appeared recently in Europe. Going back enough thousands of years they did indeed lack the extremes of their coloration, this did not make them non-white. Evend if Germanics came from central Asia, that does not mean whites were not already living in Europe. It means the Germanic whites were not living in Europe.

I have no problem if you would like to insult Germanics, but they are still not albinos.

If you would care to submit evidence (you do remember what that is), indicating White existence in Europe prior to 1,200 B.C. Please DO submit it.

BTW - It is not lost on me that you have so far presented only your ill informed opinion on these matters, and when you tried to present evidence, it turn out to be wrong.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
What is your definition of "white"? I know that genetically Cro-Magnon man had some genetic traits most common to some middle-eastern people but also found in Europe. But really I do not know what type of evidence would satisfy you. African skeletal traits overlap with European so evidence is useless in that regard. But the presence of an afro in old European art can't help your case either because some whites can grow those.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^I LOVE White boy bullsh1t:

"genetic dominance"

Whites are the LEAST numerous race.

Whites are genetically the weakest race.

So what could "genetic dominance" possibly mean?
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Red hair is not actually as common among the Scottish and Irish as people believe. Norway has a higher percentage of red-hair than either of them.

TruthAndRights: As "for white skin's rapid rise to genetic dominance" I believe by that they mean that the trait became more common then the ancestral form. In other words they are saying that white skin "won". Words usually have multiple definitions.

LOL, what they are "attempting" to throw out there is called, PROPAGANDA, based on misleading, FACTOIDS.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Words usually have multiple definitions.
Yes, I am well aware of that, thank you...

however, had it 'won'....the majority of Mama Earth's people would be 'white' than the current REALity that she is peopled by a majority of NON-'White' people...

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
What is your definition of "white"? I know that genetically Cro-Magnon man had some genetic traits most common to some middle-eastern people but also found in Europe. But really I do not know what type of evidence would satisfy you. African skeletal traits overlap with European so evidence is useless in that regard. But the presence of an afro in old European art can't help your case either because some whites can grow those.

Boy, what the hell kind of nonsense are you talking about?

Quote: "African skeletal traits overlap with European" - which ones and since when?

Quote: an afro in old European art!

Damn boy, you are getting fuching stupid.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
They were talking about within Europe. Light skin is the most common color of skin in Europe. In a certain usage of the word dominant it is dominant.

All of the skeletal traits overlap. I recently saw something where the skeleton of a black man was mistaken for a white women.

There is a reason that craniometry and physical anthropology are no longer taken seriously.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
It's time for the next White boy to step up, this one is just about used up.

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
So you believe Craniometry is correct? How exactly do I prove to you white people were there when I do not know what you consider to be white?
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
I really have to ask...with no disrespect nor offense intended....but genuine curiosity nothing more nor less: is there some reason why you and so many others have to resort to insults like school-yard children when you disagree with someone and/or they disagree with it that serious to your EGO that ones cannot seem to be able to respectfully agree to disagree like most other adults seem to be capable of doing...or is just because you're (remember, I am using "you/your/you're" in a general sense, it's not directed directly AT you individually) behind a computer and it's easy to say alot of things that wouldn't be said outta street to someone- one can say anything on the net, to include what they will and won't do off the net, lol.....or do you and others just like to go round and round and round with neither side budging to the point that it's actually counterproductive and pointLESS....or are you jus mad...or you did drink mad puss piss...ah which..cah JAH all are some of the rudest people I have ever encountered on the net...and it's sad to see grown folks agwan so...


btw...while you are busy criticizing the nonsense of others (which nonsense SHOULD be pointed out, yes!) have yet to acknowledge your own nonsense which I previously addressed....

whoiii.....what a way the dead point pon the dead and cry dead!

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
TruthAndRights - You keep saying that Quote: You don't care either way".

So what the fuch are you still doing here - Playing Miss. Manners?

Try CONTRIBUTING something of VALUE!
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
The insults in my case are due to lapses in judgment. I let my annoyance get the better of me.

But still,

Stature, body mass, and body proportions are evaluated for the Cheddar Man (Gough's Cave 1) skeleton. Like many of his Mesolithic contemporaries, Gough's Cave 1 evinces relatively short estimated stature (ca. 166.2 cm [5′ 5′]) and low body mass (ca. 66 kg [146 lbs]). In body shape, he is similar to recent Europeans for most proportional indices. He differs, however, from most recent Europeans in his high crural index and tibial length/trunk height indices. Thus, while Gough's Cave 1 is characterized by a total morphological pattern considered ‘cold-adapted’, these latter two traits may be interpreted as evidence of a large African role in the origins of anatomically modern Europeans.
While not as diverged from his African ancestors as modern Europeans, which is to be expected as change occurs over time, and in the past less time had gone by. He is still cold-adapted and similar in body shape to Modern Europeans in most ways.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
***sigh*** and I repeat....

I really don't bizniz with this whole 'white' people derive or do not derive from albinos...Truthfully I don't care...and wondering why so many NON-'white' people do.....when WE got OUR OWN issues and problems and paths to sort out...shouldn't that be some ish THEY need and/or should be worrying about and arguing over rather than WE....why are/should we/you all go round and round page after page thread after thread getting nowhere but heated egos (for the many here who are CLEARLY driven by their egos) over 'WHITE' PEOPLE'S problem(s)/origins/what have you...LIKE WE DON'T HAVE OUR OWN ISSUES TO BE WORRYING ABOUT AND REASONING OVER...

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
There are far too many armchair geneticists and biologists here.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
***sigh*** and I repeat....

Why are you still here?
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
TruthAndRights - You keep saying that Quote: You don't care either way".

So what the fuch are you still doing here - Playing Miss. Manners?

Try CONTRIBUTING something of VALUE!

alla that is FAAR from necessary...settle yuhSelf and cool yuh's a public forum...I can sit round here and play tiddlywinks on the board all day if I so choose...jus like yuh can sit here and unnecessarily insult those who ain't said **** outta order to you (i.e., me)...YUH BRITE LIKE STADIUM LIGHT YES...if you don't care for what I have to say there is a simple solution enuh: SEE ME AND NUH BLOODCLAATE SEE ME....if yuh pull yuh balls from round yuh neck yuh might feel better... point was not the "I don't care" was the more important paragraph that followed it (which was emphasized in bold type)....

Have a pleasant I am....

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
There are far too many armchair geneticists and biologists here.

Maybe, but you are damn sure NOT one of them!

You have failed to present ANYTHING other than your ill informed opinions.

Armchair geneticists and biologists provide studies, artifacts, and other such things.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
I did provide studies. I provided one that shows that whites lack retinal depigmentation. You just didn't read it. Or any other of the studies I posted, you're saying I didn't post any.

I would rather be ill-informed than to jump to conclusions and assume I am right.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
The insults in my case are due to lapses in judgment. I let my annoyance get the better of me.

But still,

Stature, body mass, and body proportions are evaluated for the Cheddar Man (Gough's Cave 1) skeleton. Like many of his Mesolithic contemporaries, Gough's Cave 1 evinces relatively short estimated stature (ca. 166.2 cm [5′ 5′]) and low body mass (ca. 66 kg [146 lbs]). In body shape, he is similar to recent Europeans for most proportional indices. He differs, however, from most recent Europeans in his high crural index and tibial length/trunk height indices. Thus, while Gough's Cave 1 is characterized by a total morphological pattern considered ‘cold-adapted’, these latter two traits may be interpreted as evidence of a large African role in the origins of anatomically modern Europeans.
While not as diverged from his African ancestors as modern Europeans, which is to be expected as change occurs over time, and in the past less time had gone by. He is still cold-adapted and similar in body shape to Modern Europeans in most ways.
it is one thing to insult after getting tired of being is another to insult for no reason atall other than simple disagreement and/or dislike....

"If a donkey kicks you and you kick back, you are both donkeys."

"Having a good discussion is like having riches."


"Until lions have their own historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter."

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
As Mike correctly stated;

Post some REAL data, or STFU!
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Yes, yes, but I have proven that whites lack depigmented retinas while albinos have them. That is what causes the eye problems. Many conditions share symptoms. Nice squinting Saami, I doubt I would have any difficulty finding a squinting Inuit to counter that. Proves nothing.

All of those eye problems are caused by the depigmentation of the retina.

Yes, she/he is displaying obvious signs of Photophobia, AND Freckles, AND blond hair, AND blue eyes, AND white skin. All very VALID SYMPTOMS of ALBINISM.
Forgive my CONfusion here...please...but I have a valid question? Are not freckles made of melanin? I'm not asking about the brown spots that some older people get, that are caused by sun damage...

I really don't bizniz with this whole 'white' people are or are not albinos...Truthfully I don't care...and wondering why so many NON-'white' people do.....when WE got OUR OWN issues and problems and paths to sort out...shouldn't that be some ish THEY need and/or should be worrying about and arguing over rather than WE....why are/should we go round and round page after page thread after thread getting nowhere but heated egos (for the many here who are CLEARLY driven by their egos) over THEIR problem(s) nuh bodda try to draw me into the just a question I am genuinely curious about....



So. if you are not concerned with the true nature of whites, and you feel this information offers no real value, WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU PROPOSING TO RESEARCH THAT IN YOUR OPINION, DOES OFFER REAL VALUE, IF ZEUS WAS BLACK OR NOT?

Lastly, what the HELL is this nonsense supposed to mean?
I really don't bizniz with this whole 'white' people are or are not albinos
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
InsertNameHere only a handful of people in old Africa remained unaffected by Civilized states

what many don't realized is that many of the independent villages or cities formally belonged to Empires proper that situation came about after the destruction of the of the major civilizations there.
This map is not even complete for it leaves out the Empire of the Moors in Africa,Dahomey much of the Swahili states,Mupungabwe,the Somali Sultanate and a hellava lot more.
To give you and idea of how huge Africa is and how huge those old empires were,very few people escaped their influence.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
I suppose what must be said is this.

Albinism depigments retinas. It was in the definition Mike111 gave me. I found sources that show that whites have equal melanin density in their retinas. I even found a source that whites are more prone to Hyper-pigmentation in a part of their eyes. It is not albinism then, similar that it may be to it in many ways.

And race is so ill-defined that you can't really prove jack **** about it. Race as most understand it is pure social construct. All racial features overlap. That is why scientists say there is no such thing as race.

It would be impossible to prove what race ancient people were.

So the proof that I would have to give is that the people called themselves white. As that is really the only definition that is really used.

Saying I did no research and posted no links to research is complete and utter bullshit. I just didn't picture spam you.

And to the new post: I never said people unaffected by civilizations, but people not a part of them. There are certainly more tribes then civilizations. Or at least a history of not being a part of them.

Never knew that Africa was that big. Interesting.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Yes, yes, but I have proven that whites lack depigmented retinas while albinos have them. That is what causes the eye problems. Many conditions share symptoms. Nice squinting Saami, I doubt I would have any difficulty finding a squinting Inuit to counter that. Proves nothing.

All of those eye problems are caused by the depigmentation of the retina.

Yes, she/he is displaying obvious signs of Photophobia, AND Freckles, AND blond hair, AND blue eyes, AND white skin. All very VALID SYMPTOMS of ALBINISM.
Forgive my CONfusion here...please...but I have a valid question? Are not freckles made of melanin? I'm not asking about the brown spots that some older people get, that are caused by sun damage...

I really don't bizniz with this whole 'white' people are or are not albinos...Truthfully I don't care...and wondering why so many NON-'white' people do.....when WE got OUR OWN issues and problems and paths to sort out...shouldn't that be some ish THEY need and/or should be worrying about and arguing over rather than WE....why are/should we go round and round page after page thread after thread getting nowhere but heated egos (for the many here who are CLEARLY driven by their egos) over THEIR problem(s) nuh bodda try to draw me into the just a question I am genuinely curious about....



So. if you are not concerned with the true nature of whites, and you feel this information offers no real value, WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU PROPOSING TO RESEARCH THAT IN YOUR OPINION, DOES OFFER REAL VALUE, IF ZEUS WAS BLACK OR NOT?
See you now....ah next one who puts words onto my fingers where they don't belong....wherever did I say the information doesn't have value.... KMRT...because you seem to be KNOWledgable on the topic, I asked you a question because I wanted to learn about something that puzzled me "Are not freckles made of melanin?"...yet here you come now with fuckery rather than to educate me....KMRT....again...nuh bodda try to draw me into unnu argument....nah guh happen star...

btw....their 'nature'- do we need to do GENETIC research for that....their nature is revealed just by reviewing the history of their actions.... [Wink] [Big Grin] We KNOW their nature as history bears it we really CARE so much about THEIR ORIGINS to the point that we put US AND OUR OWN issues and problems to the side to discuss THEM AND THEIRS CONSTANTLY ROUND AND ROUND....AGAIN, I was jus saying that WE got OUR OWN issues and problems and paths to sort out...shouldn't that be some ish THEY need and/or should be worrying about and arguing over rather than WE....why are/should we go round and round page after page thread after thread getting nowhere but heated egos (for the many here who are CLEARLY driven by their egos) over THEIR problem(s)

Is all I am a Black Woman who loves Black all that animosity yuh coming with is uncalled for and it please for someone to whom it should actually be directed towards....and if can always guh ina corner and fold up...


Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by Brada-Anansi:
InsertNameHere only a handful of people in old Africa remained unaffected by Civilized states

what many don't realized is that many of the independent villages or cities formally belonged to Empires proper that situation came about after the destruction of the of the major civilizations there.
This map is not even complete for it leaves out the Empire of the Moors in Africa,Dahomey much of the Swahili states,Mupungabwe,the Somali Sultanate and a hellava lot more.
To give you and idea of how huge Africa is and how huge those old empires were,very few people escaped their influence.

Brada...yuh fren dem well brite like blousenskirt stadium lights enuh star....

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
^ No one is putting words in your mouth OR in your fingers.
Common sense dictates if someone states something simple in a thread that they don't care about the subject matter, than obviously they find little value in it.
You stated this several times, probably in frustration since you lack any credible sources that refute the presented data and offered only, opinion.

Even at this stage with the data presented clearly showing (Proving) that black and white people are NOT alike, you find it necessary to act as if people are just people and there are no real distinct differences.
Fact is, blacks and whites are physically different, as well as psychologically and even electrically and magnetically distinct. The data presented reveals this in it's totality!

My question is rather simplistic regarding your statement that blacks have much better useage of their time rather than uncovering white Albinistic origins.
In your opinion, What are examples of these greater topics you are referring to?
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
^ No one is putting words in your mouth OR in your fingers.
Common sense dictates if someone states something simple in a thread that they don't care about the subject matter, than obviously they find little value in it.
You stated this several times, probably in frustration since you lack any credible sources that refute the presented data and offered only, opinion.

My question is rather simplistic regarding your statement that blacks have much better useage of their time rather than uncovering white Albinistic origins.
In your opinion, What are examples of these greater topics you are referring to?

any credible sources that refute the presented data and offered only, opinion.

Respectfully.....You REALLY need to go back and read MY posts like the other one...clearly got me and the other person's posts CONfused ...maybe you will be man enough, UNlike the other one, to admit so once you've gone back and reviewed the thread..what, if any, info did you see me refute and/or attempt to refute- other than the other poster's posts re; the albinism/visual defect issue??? Please iyah, settle yourSelf...

btw....I still waiting for the answer to my question because I want to seemed KNOWledgable enough to answer it is why I asked it in the first place...or do I have to google that **** mySelf because YOU don't know hence you're focusing on dam near everything else I've said BUT that....KMRT...


MK: Yes, she/he is displaying obvious signs of Photophobia, AND Freckles, AND blond hair, AND blue eyes, AND white skin. All very VALID SYMPTOMS of ALBINISM.

TR: Forgive my CONfusion here...please...but I have a valid question? Are not freckles made of melanin? I'm not asking about the brown spots that some older people get, that are caused by sun damage...


Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
[Big Grin] BTW...the subject matter of this thread is BLACK PARENTS HAVE WHITE BABY.... everything else came after.... [Razz]

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
^ LOL, yes freckles are formed by "clumps" of melanocytes. I didn't bother answering it before because it is IRRELEVANT. All whites exhibit "clumps" of melanocytes versus blacks whose melanocytes are evenly distributed.
What's your point?


Also, still awaiting things "more relevant" topics/issues you feel are more important that blacks focus research on?
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
There is nothing to uncover, there is only your hypothesis, it can only be proven correct if there is real objective evidence.

If all valid points of mine are ignored I may as well leave this discussion to rot. I accepted all my defeats with grace and changed my stance on why I believed whites are not albinos according to the information I was given. If using NOAH as a source for information was a mistake I only used it after seeing it used by MelaninKing as a source.

But the retinal pigment issue is the important detail anyways.

And unless you have a time machine or an expertise in genetics as well as an objective definition of a white person it can never be proven when white people first entered Europe. So that argument by its very nature is pointless and stupid.

The genetics do not clearly show that pale genes are derived from albino ones. They aren't really related at all.

Your diagnosis of photophobia in the Saami man is also subjective.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
^ LOL, yes freckles are formed by "clumps" of melanocytes. I didn't bother answering it before because it is IRRELEVANT. All whites exhibit "clumps" of melanocytes versus blacks whose melanocytes are evenly distributed.
What's your point?

Also, still awaiting things "more relevant" topics/issues you feel are more important that blacks focus research on?

My point was that I didn't know and wanted to know...which part of that did YOU not understand? [Confused] [Roll Eyes] YOU might considered it IRRELEVENT but I didn't because it was mentioned with the albinism...and if I don't ask then I won't know...KMRT....that doesn't mean that everytime I see a Black person with freckles they have some form of albinism does it...I don't think so, but as you are more KNOWledgable on the topic than I, is better that I ask...

yo fe real....yuh rude yah fuk....mebbe yuh need a washout or someting......or is it yuh balls too wrapped up round yuh neck...or yuh ah drink mad puss piss....cho! SMDH [Roll Eyes]

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
^ Actually, it's more of an OBSERVATION, which is an objective review of symptoms, the same used in initial Albinism detection by medical professionals.
I believe NOAH is a credible source (sans injected, OPINION) since the majority of their data is obtained from research institutions and universities.

Genetics, thus far, are pretty useless in determining exactly who or who is not an Albino. As all genetics sites clearly state; Today, it is UNKNOWN exactly what genes and glands are involved in Albinism, and even in determining skin color. Simple propaganda papers such as the one thrown about on this site called, "Europeans have recently turned white in Europe", profess to understanding all the genes involved, but they do not, and melanin medical researchers all confirm they are full of shet.
So. please desist in requesting the research be confirmed by Jewish sponsored fake DNA research to validate or refute White's albinistic natures. It simply ain't gonna happen. At least not from the "Chosen people". LOL!!
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
^ LOL, yes freckles are formed by "clumps" of melanocytes. I didn't bother answering it before because it is IRRELEVANT. All whites exhibit "clumps" of melanocytes versus blacks whose melanocytes are evenly distributed.
What's your point?

Also, still awaiting things "more relevant" topics/issues you feel are more important that blacks focus research on?

My point was that I didn't know and wanted to know...which part of that did YOU not understand? [Confused] [Roll Eyes] YOU might considered it IRRELEVENT but I didn't because it was mentioned with the albinism...and if I don't ask then I won't know...KMRT....that doesn't mean that everytime I see a Black person with freckles they have some form of albinism does it...I don't think so, but as you are more KNOWledgable on the topic than I, is better that I ask...

yo fe real....yuh rude yah fuk....mebbe yuh need a washout or someting......or is it yuh balls too wrapped up round yuh neck...or yuh ah drink mad puss piss....cho! SMDH [Roll Eyes]


Now that you know, so what?
Nothing! Because as I stated, it is irrelevant, and you prove it as true.

I'm STILL awaiting your response in what research YOU deem as more important than gaining a true understanding of exactly who white people really are?
What say you, sweaty/meaty ball licker?
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Observations are by no means objective. And many things share symptoms. By Mikes definition the retina must be depigmented.

MelaninKing, you say black people and white people are different. And on average you are right. But what traits are black traits and which are white? And I mean traits possessed by all blacks and all whites that serve to distinguish them.

What makes someone black? Melanin content is variable everywhere and many people do not believe that color is the important factor in race. In facial structure what separates Whites from blacks? There is so much overlap in so many traits that the only definition that there is, is that one is called white and the other black.

Humans have clinal variation. If you want to know what it is look it up. Many species that cover a ride range vary from each other without being really separate, they all blend together.

Craniometry has found Nordics in Africa in the same tribe as people considered true negroids.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
^ LOL, yes freckles are formed by "clumps" of melanocytes. I didn't bother answering it before because it is IRRELEVANT. All whites exhibit "clumps" of melanocytes versus blacks whose melanocytes are evenly distributed.
What's your point?

Also, still awaiting things "more relevant" topics/issues you feel are more important that blacks focus research on?

My point was that I didn't know and wanted to know...which part of that did YOU not understand? [Confused] [Roll Eyes] YOU might considered it IRRELEVENT but I didn't because it was mentioned with the albinism...and if I don't ask then I won't know...KMRT....that doesn't mean that everytime I see a Black person with freckles they have some form of albinism does it...I don't think so, but as you are more KNOWledgable on the topic than I, is better that I ask...

yo fe real....yuh rude yah fuk....mebbe yuh need a washout or someting......or is it yuh balls too wrapped up round yuh neck...or yuh ah drink mad puss piss....cho! SMDH [Roll Eyes]


Now that you know, so what?
Nothing! Because as I stated, it is irrelevant, and you prove it as true.

I'm STILL awaiting your response in what research YOU deem as more important than gaining a true understanding of exactly who white people really are?
What say you, sweaty/meaty ball licker?

[Eek!] [Mad]

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Jewish sponsored fake DNA research to validate or refute White's albinistic natures. It simply ain't gonna happen. At least not from the "Chosen people". LOL!!

Yay you hate Jews! I now have moral authority as a non-paranoid individual. Any real racist has to hate Jews I have learned, so now I know that you cannot be taken srsly. You are now just a stupid bigoted racist in my mind.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
^ LOL, yes freckles are formed by "clumps" of melanocytes. I didn't bother answering it before because it is IRRELEVANT. All whites exhibit "clumps" of melanocytes versus blacks whose melanocytes are evenly distributed.
What's your point?

Also, still awaiting things "more relevant" topics/issues you feel are more important that blacks focus research on?

My point was that I didn't know and wanted to know...which part of that did YOU not understand? [Confused] [Roll Eyes] YOU might considered it IRRELEVENT but I didn't because it was mentioned with the albinism...and if I don't ask then I won't know...KMRT....that doesn't mean that everytime I see a Black person with freckles they have some form of albinism does it...I don't think so, but as you are more KNOWledgable on the topic than I, is better that I ask...

yo fe real....yuh rude yah fuk....mebbe yuh need a washout or someting......or is it yuh balls too wrapped up round yuh neck...or yuh ah drink mad puss piss....cho! SMDH [Roll Eyes]


Now that you know, so what?
Nothing! Because as I stated, it is irrelevant, and you prove it as true.

I'm STILL awaiting your response in what research YOU deem as more important than gaining a true understanding of exactly who white people really are?
What say you, sweaty/meaty ball licker?

[Eek!] [Mad]


Present some (any) valid data OR STFU!

Your words mean ****! U Can't even answer the simple question that you offered as being somehow meaningful. LMBAO @ U!
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Jewish sponsored fake DNA research to validate or refute White's albinistic natures. It simply ain't gonna happen. At least not from the "Chosen people". LOL!!

Yay you hate Jews! I now have moral authority as a non-paranoid individual. Any real racist has to hate Jews I have learned, so now I know that you cannot be taken srsly. You are now just a stupid bigoted racist in my mind.
Present some meaningful data or STFU!

So far, all you can produce is personal opinion and conjecture based on emotional instability!
Even IF there were such thing as RACE, a fool like yourself should understand that religion does NOT make a so-called RACE.
Therefore, since you are incapable of THINKING, allow me to convey that Judaism is NOT a RACE, and therefore, people are incapable of being RACIST against a group that is NOT distinguishable by RACE.

THINK, it ain't illegal yet, although you are acting as though it is.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
You're a racist, any discussion with you can get no where. You have filled my mental checklist for determining racism. All your personal observations are by nature biased.

This baby is not white and is not an albino. She is not an albino without the protection you seem to think being "white" gives to being called that.

I really wonder what the genetic cause of her condition is, does any know any more about the girl?

And white people are a race, you clearly despise them. And all real racists hate Jews whether or not they are a race. You are a racist by any definition that matters.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
You're a racist, any discussion with you can get no where. You have filled my mental checklist for determining racism. All your personal observations are by nature biased.

LOL, I have absolutely no probelem with being called racist from someone who deludes themselves that Jews are actually a RACE.
You are FRUSTRATED and IMPOTENT in presenting any valid argument supporting your weak ass position(s).

Prove to me the following;

1) That Judaism constitutes a RACE.

2) Prove that Whites did not invent the very concept of RACE.

3) That you have not swallowed the whole big load of the illusion of RACE from the whites who invented, packaged, and distributed it.

As I stated, you are displaying SYMPTOMS of being FRUSTRATED and IMPOTENT to refute any of the data presented in this thread. LMBAO, but don't feel too badly. Accepting truth can be hard sometimes!!!

The fact is, Jews are merely albino whites. Perhaps because of their overwhelmingly defective genetics, the closest to the originals.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
InsertNameHere, you moronic boy, it's not about hating anyone. It's about knowing and understanding who and what you are dealing with.

Just as you are fairly judged by the behavior of Whites in general - your natural tendency to lie about historical matters.

So too may Khazars be judged, by the behavior of Khazars in general - lying is also a weakness of theirs.

But they have taken the lie to an art-form, and are thus mistrusted by intelligent people.

Case in point:

These are authentic images of ancient Hebrews (Assyrian reliefs)



I see no similarity with THIS!


Additionally - These people calling themselves Jews, are proven to be a Turkic people called Khazars.

Considering the size of the lie, and the actions these people have taken, based on what they knew to be a known lie.

Any sensible person would exercise extreme care when dealing with these people.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
1) They are not a race but all racists hate them.

2) Irrelevant who invented what, it is who used it.

3) I have not swallowed anything.

And I have refuted everything important, you show SYMPTOMS of DENIAL.

Racist check list.

Hate or extreme contempt for a race./

Believes own race is the best./

Hates Jews./


There is more to it than just that.

The pictures that you posted look Caucasian to me. Grats moron.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
^ Hahahahaha

Old trick!

-When frustrated and unable to refute data, attack with BS claims of racism.
-As Jews always do, play the victim making calims of racism (even though not of any RACE), or label as Anti-Semite (even though Not even Semites).

Hahahahahaha...YOU interpreted the data presented, and it is YOU who have made the DETERMINATION that Black is superior over WHITE. YOU have made that decision on your own, so don't be salty at me. LOL!

Nuff said. Case closed and the Melanin Men win again!

Mike, you can't tell me that those fake Jews above are NOT albino. Look at the one in the middle, and look at those big ass, thick ass visual ads they all have on their faces allowing their weak eyes to see. Very interesting that ALL the Jews I know personally wear and depend on STRONG reading glasses, even the very young.

As Dr. Jewel Pookrum correctly states;
Black people have two brains. One on the outside consisting of the Melanocyte Neurons, and one on the inside the skull.
Whites have one brain and are literally "trapped" with little or no interface to the outside world.

Since Melanin does carry both an electrical and magnetic charge, blacks would measure much higher than whites in any paramagnetic or conductivity testing, while whites would hardly register at all.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
InsertNameHere - Quote: "The pictures that you posted look Caucasian to me. Grats moron."

He he, like I said - Quote: "your natural tendency to lie about historical matters."

See, it's not racism; nobody hates Whites just for being White, it's just common sense, you are a bunch of pathological Albino liars.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Not racism, eh?

Well its just common sense that blacks are all small brained ape men right?(This is an example, no offense intended) Am I doing it right? If I say it's common sense it is not racism?

Yay stupid rules are stupid. No you are just a fucking racist. Get over it. A count of the amount of times you call people white or pink-ass as an insult will prove that you are a racist retard.

Seriously pathological Albino liars? Nothing racist about that, Nuh uh, not at all. Really. Lol wut?

And thanks to Mike111s help we know eye problems are not necessary to the definition of albinism but rather a depigmented retina.

And the second picture you posted Mike111 has a nose commonly found in many whites, as well as a pointed chin also found in many whites as well as curly hair also found in many whites and heavy beard growth which is also found in many whites.

How is he not white?
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
^ LOL, they were as pleased as punch when they put their 2 cents in about THE BELL CURVE before it got smashed to bits using REAL data and not the FACTOIDS the Jews who wrote it promoted.

They actually believed the BS in the Bell Curve, yet the Albinism studies offer clear parallels to Albinism and whiteness, yet they can't embrace it like they did the Bell Curve.

Look at the fool above. The data clearly shows/proves Albinism and white parallel to Albinism is much more then depigmented iris, yet the fool clings to this mini-script as if her life depended on it floating on the Pacific ocean.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Clear parallels to Albinism and whiteness do not equate with sameness.

And what real data smashed the bell curve? It still exists.

Originally posted by MelaninKing:
depigmented iris

RETINA dumbass.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
^ Right, and clear parallels to skin cancer in albinos and skin cancer in whites are not the same either. LOL!

The Bell Curve still exists for the same reasons "Not Out Of Africa" still exists. They have both been torn to pieces in rebuttals and their data clearly shown to be FLAWED, yet Jews make a lot of money from it and still get a fool or two to believe it.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Iris's are not retinas. Learn to read. and clear parallels mean nothing if not every single part is clearly parallel.

The bell curve is the I.Q distribution within a population.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Not relevant. Your strawman is very weak, very weak, very weak...
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Not racism, eh?

Well its just common sense that blacks are all small brained ape men right?(This is an example, no offense intended) Am I doing it right? If I say it's common sense it is not racism?

Yay stupid rules are stupid. No you are just a fucking racist. Get over it. A count of the amount of times you call people white or pink-ass as an insult will prove that you are a racist retard.

Seriously pathological Albino liars? Nothing racist about that, Nuh uh, not at all. Really. Lol wut?

And thanks to Mike111s help we know eye problems are not necessary to the definition of albinism but rather a depigmented retina.

Respectfully, there is a difference between racism and prejudice....Black People can be prejudiced...can be biggoted...but we cannot be racist as we are not the dominant group in power.....we are not the Downpressor but the Downpressed.... you must overstand that 'White' Power is used to downpress Black People; Black Power is used to liberate Black People....

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Racism is prejudice based on race. I have no problem with Black power, it just shouldn't rely on making less of others.

Fighting fire with fire will just result in more fire until the oxygen burns away and they both suffocate.
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Not relevant. Your strawman is very weak, very weak, very weak...

Do you know what a strawman is? It is when you set up a weak mockery of your opponents viewpoint before knocking it down.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
I have no problem with Black power, it just shouldn't rely on making less of others.
It does not...that is just the unfortunate choice that some make***..... however, 'White' Power does...and vehemently so, I might add....

***(some do not overstand that Truth can be told without sugarcoating AND without deliberately insulting and demeaning someone)

There is also a difference between "racism" and "justifiable anger."

'White' people feel racism....Black people feel justifiable you overstand that difference....

Moretime, 'White' people do not like Black People because of our Blackness/Africanness....that is racism...moretime, when Black People do not like 'White''s not because of your skin that you are not liked, but because of what the people who wear your skin have been perpetrating on the NON-'white' people treading Mama Earth, for countless years...notice that historically speaking, just about all- if not all- of the NON-'white' peoples across the globe have historically referred to 'white' people as having forked-tongues, liars, deceitful, thieves, etc, etc. (and please overstand that this is historical fact, not my opinion).....that is justifiable anger....

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Well MelaninKing dislikes whites because of there skin. Can I call him racist?
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
LOL, you such a fool, you STILL believe that melanin is JUST skin.
Read up and bring a fresh box of Kleanex sweetheart.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Well MelaninKing dislikes whites because of there skin. Can I call him racist?

Respectfully, do you KNOW this, or are you assuming this? Why don't you ask him exactly why he dislikes 'white' people....

No, because he is not a racist....I cannot and will not speak for him...but I would hazard a guess his problem is more with the actions, attitude, etc., of 'white' people rather than their skin....

Personally, on a collective level I do not like/care for 'White' people...however, I take each person as an individal no matter what their skin complexion...but as I've my personal book...ALL 'white' people are suspect racist until proven otherwise...

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:
I have no problem with Black power, it just shouldn't rely on making less of others.
It does not...that is just the unfortunate choice that some make***..... however, 'White' Power does...and vehemently so, I might add....

***(some do not overstand that Truth can be told without sugarcoating AND without deliberately insulting and demeaning someone)

There is also a difference between "racism" and "justifiable anger."

'White' people feel racism....Black people feel justifiable you overstand that difference....

Moretime, 'White' people do not like Black People because of our Blackness/Africanness....that is racism...moretime, when Black People do not like 'White''s not because of your skin that you are not liked, but because of what the people who wear your skin have been perpetrating on the NON-'white' people treading Mama Earth, for countless years...notice that historically speaking, just about all- if not all- of the NON-'white' peoples across the globe have historically referred to 'white' people as having forked-tongues, liars, deceitful, thieves, etc, etc. (and please overstand that this is historical fact, not my opinion).....that is justifiable anger....


Don't bother attempting to educate this barbarian. Blacks have been attempting to civilize these barbarians for over 2000 years. Their RACISM makes them deaf and blind to such realities as, Cause & Effect. Also, their deafness and insanity is due to the fact their Pineal Glands are dysfunctional and CALCIFIED, leading to MANIAC DEPRESSION.
I don't know how much experience you have with dealing with MANIAC DEPRESSIVE people, but they are almost impossible to get through to. They live in their own myopic realities where their dreams and reality blur.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:
I have no problem with Black power, it just shouldn't rely on making less of others.
It does not...that is just the unfortunate choice that some make***..... however, 'White' Power does...and vehemently so, I might add....

***(some do not overstand that Truth can be told without sugarcoating AND without deliberately insulting and demeaning someone)

There is also a difference between "racism" and "justifiable anger."

'White' people feel racism....Black people feel justifiable you overstand that difference....

Moretime, 'White' people do not like Black People because of our Blackness/Africanness....that is racism...moretime, when Black People do not like 'White''s not because of your skin that you are not liked, but because of what the people who wear your skin have been perpetrating on the NON-'white' people treading Mama Earth, for countless years...notice that historically speaking, just about all- if not all- of the NON-'white' peoples across the globe have historically referred to 'white' people as having forked-tongues, liars, deceitful, thieves, etc, etc. (and please overstand that this is historical fact, not my opinion).....that is justifiable anger....


Don't bother attempting to educate this barbarian. Blacks have been attempting to civilize these barbarians for over 2000 years. Their RACISM makes them deaf and blind to such realities as, Cause & Effect. Also, their deafness and insanity is due to the fact their Pineal Glands are dysfunctional and CALCIFIED, leading to MANIAC DEPRESSION.
I don't know how much experience you have with dealing with MANIAC DEPRESSIVE people, but they are almost impossible to get through to. They live in their own myopic realities where their dreams and reality blur.


Don't bother tell me what to do....lowe me please....

Afta yuh did disrespect me- a Black Woman who wants nothing but upliftment for Our People- for NO reason whatsoever...completely SO MANY Black Men do nowadays that it's almost typical [Frown] [Mad] [Frown]

...yuh REALLY ah try chat civil-like tuh mi now...with no form of apology....until yuh man up to be the King you are: GWEY! PLEASE SEE ME AND NUH SEE ME...Tonx....

save/keep your fukry for the Beckys dem 'round here who have no sense... [Big Grin] [Wink]

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
You still haven't addressed the retinas yet.

And few white racists hate blacks because of color, they hate how they believe black people act. They also believe that the genes related to paleness make them smarter. In other words they are like MelaninKing but white.

And address the retina issue, if you cannot, I win. If you can I will surrender peacefully.

But I must be a crazy albino lying savage amirite? So nothing I say is important enough to pay attention to. I'm just too manically depressed to tell the truth because of my calcified pineal gland. Where is the proof that black people do not have calcified pineal glands anyways?
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:
I have no problem with Black power, it just shouldn't rely on making less of others.
It does not...that is just the unfortunate choice that some make***..... however, 'White' Power does...and vehemently so, I might add....

***(some do not overstand that Truth can be told without sugarcoating AND without deliberately insulting and demeaning someone)

There is also a difference between "racism" and "justifiable anger."

'White' people feel racism....Black people feel justifiable you overstand that difference....

Moretime, 'White' people do not like Black People because of our Blackness/Africanness....that is racism...moretime, when Black People do not like 'White''s not because of your skin that you are not liked, but because of what the people who wear your skin have been perpetrating on the NON-'white' people treading Mama Earth, for countless years...notice that historically speaking, just about all- if not all- of the NON-'white' peoples across the globe have historically referred to 'white' people as having forked-tongues, liars, deceitful, thieves, etc, etc. (and please overstand that this is historical fact, not my opinion).....that is justifiable anger....


Don't bother attempting to educate this barbarian. Blacks have been attempting to civilize these barbarians for over 2000 years. Their RACISM makes them deaf and blind to such realities as, Cause & Effect. Also, their deafness and insanity is due to the fact their Pineal Glands are dysfunctional and CALCIFIED, leading to MANIAC DEPRESSION.
I don't know how much experience you have with dealing with MANIAC DEPRESSIVE people, but they are almost impossible to get through to. They live in their own myopic realities where their dreams and reality blur.


Don't bother tell me what to do....lowe me please....

Afta yuh did disrespect me- a Black Woman who wants nothing but upliftment for Our People- for NO reason whatsoever...completely SO MANY Black Men do nowadays that it's almost typical [Frown] [Mad] [Frown]

...yuh REALLY ah try chat civil-like tuh mi now...with no form of apology....until yuh man up to be the King you are: GWEY! PLEASE SEE ME AND NUH SEE ME...Tonx....

save/keep your fukry for the Beckys dem 'round here who have no sense... [Big Grin] [Wink]


In the words of the Old African saying;
Don't start no ****, won't be no ****,


Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
You still haven't addressed the retinas yet.

And few white racists hate blacks because of color, they hate how they believe black people act. They also believe that the genes related to paleness make them smarter. In other words they are like MelaninKing but white.

And address the retina issue, if you cannot, I win. If you can I will surrender peacefully.

But I must be a crazy albino lying savage amirite? So nothing I say is important enough to pay attention to. I'm just too manically depressed to tell the truth because of my calcified pineal gland. Where is the proof that black people do not have calcified pineal glands anyways?


I can not believe you are so stupid to believe Whites hate blacks because of our color.
How very shallow!

As history has shown, whites hate blacks because hate is a emotion that is very close to FEAR!
With the new data we now have on whites & Albinism, we can deduce the original and real reason for White's FEAR of blacks.

Your pupil/iris/retina premise is false and as I said previously, irrelevant.
However, feel quite free to post your validating information and we'll address it from there. Following that, you will (may) comprehend why it's IRRELEVANT.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
You fail in reading comprehension, I clearly stated that most didn't hate because of skin color. I have already posted my validating information. RPE stands for Retinal Pigment Epithelial.
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:

The RPE melanin concentration at all sites was on
average the same in blacks and in whites

And this link was originally posted by Mike111.

Oculocutaneous albinism also reduces pigmentation of the colored part of the eye (the iris)and the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (the retina).

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
^ So, from this LIMITED data concerning one aspect of Albinism, how did you extrapolate that ALL albinos will have severe visual problems?

Also, It is quite IMPOSSIBLE for a blue eyed Albino to have the same ocular melanin density as a brown eyed black. The author is trippin'.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Retina. R-E-T-I-N-A. RETINA. Quit saying ocular or iris. It is simply retina. You fight facts with misinterpretation.

And no I don't extrapolate that ALL albinos will have severe visual problems.

That was said on NOAH's website and it didn't say severe. Mike111 told me it wasn't a good enough source so I went to the link he provided me.

But of course if it doesn't agree with your viewpoint it is all lies and insanity.

But still lets see what NOAH says.

People with albinism always have problems with vision

Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:
I have no problem with Black power, it just shouldn't rely on making less of others.
It does not...that is just the unfortunate choice that some make***..... however, 'White' Power does...and vehemently so, I might add....

***(some do not overstand that Truth can be told without sugarcoating AND without deliberately insulting and demeaning someone)

There is also a difference between "racism" and "justifiable anger."

'White' people feel racism....Black people feel justifiable you overstand that difference....

Moretime, 'White' people do not like Black People because of our Blackness/Africanness....that is racism...moretime, when Black People do not like 'White''s not because of your skin that you are not liked, but because of what the people who wear your skin have been perpetrating on the NON-'white' people treading Mama Earth, for countless years...notice that historically speaking, just about all- if not all- of the NON-'white' peoples across the globe have historically referred to 'white' people as having forked-tongues, liars, deceitful, thieves, etc, etc. (and please overstand that this is historical fact, not my opinion).....that is justifiable anger....


Don't bother attempting to educate this barbarian. Blacks have been attempting to civilize these barbarians for over 2000 years. Their RACISM makes them deaf and blind to such realities as, Cause & Effect. Also, their deafness and insanity is due to the fact their Pineal Glands are dysfunctional and CALCIFIED, leading to MANIAC DEPRESSION.
I don't know how much experience you have with dealing with MANIAC DEPRESSIVE people, but they are almost impossible to get through to. They live in their own myopic realities where their dreams and reality blur.


Don't bother tell me what to do....lowe me please....

Afta yuh did disrespect me- a Black Woman who wants nothing but upliftment for Our People- for NO reason whatsoever...completely SO MANY Black Men do nowadays that it's almost typical [Frown] [Mad] [Frown]

...yuh REALLY ah try chat civil-like tuh mi now...with no form of apology....until yuh man up to be the King you are: GWEY! PLEASE SEE ME AND NUH SEE ME...Tonx....

save/keep your fukry for the Beckys dem 'round here who have no sense... [Big Grin] [Wink]


In the words of the Old African saying;
Don't start no ****, won't be no ****,


Don't dish it out if you can't take it.


Please iyah...if you go back and re-READ, you will see YOU started unnecessary fukry because of a mistake YOU made as to who said what when reading.....and have yet to man up and apologize for it ...BLACK MAN.....personally, I am WOMAN enough to admit when I am wrong...and I ain't always's what grown-ups do hun....

duppy know who fe frighten....and ano mi fe know that....

like I said before: save/keep it for the Beckys 'round the idiot who said Gullah is/are/has no distinctive culture... [Big Grin]

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Don't start no ****, won't be no **** is an American saying by the way.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Retina. R-E-T-I-N-A. RETINA. Quit saying ocular or iris. It is simply retina. You fight facts with misinterpretation.

And no I don't extrapolate that ALL albinos will have severe visual problems.

That was said on NOAH's website and it didn't say severe. Mike111 told me it wasn't a good enough source so I went to the link he provided me.

But of course if it doesn't agree with your viewpoint it is all lies and insanity.

But still lets see what NOAH says.

People with albinism always have problems with vision

Respectfully, my prior examples that stemmed from personal observation/interaction pretty much debunked that ALWAYS word though.... [Wink] [Razz]

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
I know, that is why I brought up retinal pigment.

MelaninKing likes to use the website as a source of information though.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Don't start no ****, won't be no **** is an American saying by the way.

[Eek!] ***sigh*** why are you keeping it knew as you typed it that would provoke some form of response from him...that in turn will provoke a response from you...and on and on it goes....the two of you jus ah guh type out unnu tripe fi wha....unnu have time!

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
It seemed it would be amusing at the time.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
No offense but it's dismaying that it's the 'white' man in here shows me more respect than my Black Brothas/Kings..... [Frown] [Mad] [Frown]


Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
I'll take that as a compliment.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
It seemed it would be amusing at the time.

yuh have time fe waste....

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
^ OK, I'ze sorry for dogging you.
Perhaps you are correct and I over-reacted.
We cool?

Still, your depigmented retina stance is false.
Albinos can have "normal" vision at some stage of their lives, although their eyesight is sure to degrade over time.
As I said, the NOAH site is valid, however it is not as stable a site for getting 100% accurate information relative to other sites such as; Mayo Clinic or The Pigment Cell and Melanoma sites.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
It seemed it would be amusing at the time.

yuh have time fe waste....


Quite a bit. If I had anything better to do I would be doing it.

This discussion has taught me quite a bit about the intricacies of a subject I do not care about. My feeling is that what is albinism should be left to scientists who actually know what they are talking about.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
^ OK, I'ze sorry for dogging you.
Perhaps you are correct and I over-reacted.
We cool?

I had to go through alla that to get the apology though...why....

but yeah we're ok...jus nuh mek it happen again... [Big Grin] [Razz] [Wink]

what a wey you love type out your tripe DWBCL
[Smile] You fe talk and taste yuh tongue more time wuda betta fe yuh still... [Smile]

Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
^ OK, I'ze sorry for dogging you.
Perhaps you are correct and I over-reacted.
We cool?

Still, your depigmented retina stance is false.
Albinos can have "normal" vision at some stage of their lives, although their eyesight is sure to degrade over time.
As I said, the NOAH site is valid, however it is not as stable a site for getting 100% accurate information relative to other sites such as; Mayo Clinic or The Pigment Cell and Melanoma sites.

who you chatting to??? That stance you're referencing is not MY posting...geez....READ man...

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
^ OK, I'ze sorry for dogging you.
Perhaps you are correct and I over-reacted.
We cool?

I had to go through alla that to get the apology though...why....

but yeah we're ok...jus nuh mek it happen again... [Big Grin] [Razz] [Wink]

what a wey you love type out your tripe DWBCL
[Smile] You fe talk and taste yuh tongue more time wuda betta fe yuh still... [Smile]


Actually, I ignored most of dat rant.
I can't be getting caught up in all dat emotion and drama. Still, be cool and enlightenment will surely follow. [Wink]
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
I think he was talking to me.

And he should really prove me wrong if he is going to prove me wrong. Normal vision or not Albinos have depigmented retinas. Mike111s link states this clearly.

Discussion over. Yay I'm done with this crap now. I am bored.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
It seemed it would be amusing at the time.

yuh have time fe waste....


Quite a bit. If I had anything better to do I would be doing it.
lol...I have more important things to be doing actually- but it's called PROCRASTINATION. [Big Grin] SMh @ [Embarrassed] I should be

Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
I think he was talking to me.

And he should really prove me wrong if he is going to prove me wrong. Normal vision or not Albinos have depigmented retinas. Mike111s link states this clearly.

Discussion over. Yay I'm done with this crap now. I am bored.

lmao...ah suh long it did ah tek yuh eeeeeeeehhhh lololol smh.... [Smile]

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Anyways this baby is not pale like a white person is anyways. In the article it says.

"The hair is extremely unusual. Even many blonde children don't have blonde hair like this at birth."

The expert said some unknown mutation was the most likely explanation.

Since the condition is not albinism, it makes me wonder what it is. I suppose we might learn more later.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Anyways this baby is not pale like a white person is anyways. In the article it says.

"The hair is extremely unusual. Even many blonde children don't have blonde hair like this at birth."

The expert said some unknown mutation was the most likely explanation.

Since the condition is not albinism, it makes me wonder what it is. I suppose we might learn more later.
My co-worker who is Black woman, has a daughter who looks 'white'....brown hair and eyes she is all appearances a lil typical brunette 'white' girl with NO 'African features' atall long stringy thin straight hair even...I think my co-worker is of Dual Heritage (Black/'White')- I have never asked her but looking at her there is just something that brings it to mind (no she's not particularly light skinned nor 'European featured' or anything)- anyway, I don't know if the daughter's father is a Black man or a 'White' man...all I know is I have no doubt when she is out with her daughter, that most people who see them outta street who don't know them, more than likely think Mama is the babysitter...if you take my meaning still....

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
It's less in important in understanding IF the child is Albino then HOW two dark parents can give birth to a very light child.
Simple. One or Both parents carry defective OCA genetics.

Less interest in two White parents giving birth to a dark (black) child. That one is even simpler. The wife was a creepin'.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Except the tests showed they didn't. Complicated.

So if not an OCA gene than what gene is it? And what exactly does it do?

And to the second thing you just added. That is one possibility, it could be melanism or some other mutation that causes the child to be dark. Unlikely but possible.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
The more one reads about Melanin and Albinism research, the more one comes to the rather unsurprising conclusion; Whites don't know ****!
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
The conclusion I come to is people in general don't know ****.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
It's less in important in understanding IF the child is Albino then HOW two dark parents can give birth to a very light child.
Simple. One or Both parents carry defective OCA genetics.

Less interest in two White parents giving birth to a dark (black) child. That one is even simpler. The wife was a creepin'.

respectfully you know goodness well she wasn't necessarily creeping..c'mon now...I know you of all people know about 'throw-back' genes..I'm not as KNOWledgable about genetics as you, but even I know that it can happen- IF there's someone Black in the family does mother has a friend who's best friend is a 'White' woman that happened to:

apparently, 'white' lady messin' round with Black man [Frown]
she breed from him and he leaves poof be gone deadbeat dad...the lil girl comes out looking white as her momma...momma never tells daughter that her father is Black...because she doesn't look it...never an indication shows....daughter gets older...marries a 'white' man....breed from him boy Black like! [Big Grin] He left her azz for obvious reasons- thought his wife gave him a jacket to wear lol [Big Grin] and that's when momma told daughter bout her Black father........what a passa passa! SMFH

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
A "throw-back" like that would require both parents to be carrying dark genes that the other lacked so that they could combine into a child darker than either of them.

Possible, but it won't occur if both parents are really pale.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
"The mind does not take its complexion from the skin."
- Frederick Douglass

Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
A "throw-back" like that would require both parents to be carrying dark genes that the other lacked so that they could combine into a child darker than either of them.

Possible, but it won't occur if both parents are really pale.

[Eek!] [Frown] You truly beLIEve this...nuh true...sorry for you if dis....

Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
It is theoretically possible. To get full black color both would need to be at least half black, to get half-black color both would need to be at least a quarter black. And so on, it is possible. No clue on the probability.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Messin round on da mate iz much mo probable.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Messin round on da mate iz much mo probable.

[Big Grin] VERY True yes much more probable! but the point is that it can happen without her creeping if and ya know the rest... [Wink]

Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Meh... They don't hate and fear the black man in particular. People usually believe that their group is better than anyone elses, and the only groups that come close to theirs are the ones most similar.

The ones proudest of their group feel more strongly about this than those more apathetic to the whole thing.

I very much doubt that their civilization was ruled by blacks that recently. Difference in color would be enough to start a contempt for black people.

And as for the second picture you put in. Some white people do have supposedly "Negroid" facial traits. All that proves is that facial traits are unreliable for predicting race.


[Scientific Racism]

Think about The Race Theory, which is specifically aimed against Blacks. It's not some general dislike; they have elevated their hatred into a science. That's what I'm talking about. It did not fall from heaven; one can reconstruct the events that lead to the hatred of Blacks, all starting around 1760. I have asked myself where this hatred came from, what Blacks did against whites to make them so upset.

But this is really for people who are hurt by racism, who know about colonialism and exploitation. Like if you are satisfied by how things are today, I can imagine you are not asking many questions.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Similar appearance means nothing. Every one already knows that the appearance of albinos is similar to pale white people. It is irrelevant.

This needs to be explained to me!
When we want to determine a new species we first look what other species they resemble.
If something sounds like a duck, swims like a duck, hangs around with ducks and even looks like a duck; could it really be in fact a chicken?


A chicken


A duck
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
The thing is that so many people seem to think they know better than the experts.

Edit: The lack of the depigmented retina makes the condition unlike albinism and unlikely to have derived from any known form of albinism. The ancestors of Europeans were relatively dark compared to their descendants. One does not need black mixture if dark coloration was in the population from the beginning.

If we compare this to the albino cat, who still appears totally white, but has three black hairs and no hearing problems. Technically speaking he is not an albino cat anymore, but he still looks it. And he is a descendent of an albino, to be so white to begin with.

Enter whites, no eye-problems, but still white skin, often in need of a strong sun block. Just like albino's.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :


THIS SHOULD BE SUSAN KOHNER, playing a black girl, with a very light skinned father, passing for white, until her black mother spoils it for her. I was not convinced by this casting. She however won an oscar nomination; a white woman demeaning herself by playing a Black role, I guess.


The Black mother, Juanita Moore

Though not Black, Susan Kohner portrayed Sarah Jane. Kohner’s mother was Mexican actress Lupita Tovar and father Czech producer/agent Paul Kohner. Both Susan Kohner and Juanita Moore won an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress in the movie. The picture is especially poignant and heart rendering due in large part to the great performances given by Moore and Kohner whose strained relationship is a pivotal part of the movie. Turner and Dee also have momentary tension between them when they both fall in love with the same man played by John Gavin. There is no doubt that Sarah Jane loves her mother but becomes desperate to escape her imitation life. It is very difficult for her to be a light skinned black person perceived as white by the majority of the world. Sarah Jane is aware of the inequality between living White and living Black. She wants a life unrestrained by color distinctions and prohibitions.
Posted by Horet (Member # 16217) on :
While I'm done with arguing with the black equivalents of neo-nazis, Insertname, may I ask where you get your reference for more people in Norway having redhair than in Ireland and Scotland? If you look at any map on hair color distribution, you'll see blonde hair is dominant up there, not red hair. Red hair is most common in the people of the british isles and their diaspora populations- beyond that, it's incredibly rare in most of humanity and even uncommon in the rest of europe.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Posted by Horet (Member # 16217) on :
Do you seriously think that's a natural redhead? I'm aware there's natural redheads among australo-melanesians, but it's genetic basis is seemingly much different from the ones seen among europeans and middle easterners because it's not accompanied by things like pale skin that shows significant blood flow, freckling etc.

If you look at genetic mapping studies, you'll see that the MCR1 allele for red hair is most common in Ireland and Scotland.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Most people in Norway have brown hair I'm pretty sure.

Anyway many unrelated birds of prey resemble each other, it makes them no more related. Many animals with close resemblances are not related. Many with no close resemblance are related.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Most people in Norway have brown hair I'm pretty sure.

Anyway many unrelated birds of prey resemble each other, it makes them no more related. Many animals with close resemblances are not related. Many with no close resemblance are related.

We were talking 'resembled.'
Please define 'related.'
I guess some birds of prey are actual flying crocodiles but disguised as birds! Some heavy duty mimicking, no?

By the way, the duck is a redhead.

Originally posted by Horet:
Do you seriously think that's a natural redhead? I'm aware there's natural redheads among australo-melanesians, but it's genetic basis is seemingly much different from the ones seen among europeans and middle easterners because it's not accompanied by things like pale skin that shows significant blood flow, freckling etc.

If you look at genetic mapping studies, you'll see that the MCR1 allele for red hair is most common in Ireland and Scotland.

Posted by Horet (Member # 16217) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Most people in Norway have brown hair I'm pretty sure.

Anyway many unrelated birds of prey resemble each other, it makes them no more related. Many animals with close resemblances are not related. Many with no close resemblance are related.

But where did you get the claim of more redheads in Norway than in Ireland and Scotland?


Considering how light that girl is, she's overwhelmingly likely african-american and thus has white ancestry. The eurasian red hair phenotype probably can't visibly express itself beyond a certain index of light skin color, like virtually all other eurasian light hair phenotypes.

She might not be a true red head, though, in the sense of carrying 2 copies of the MCR1 variant for it- due to how virtually all eurasian light hair phenotypes are visibly diluted by certain skin colors beyond a certain point, I've heard of how certain variants of brown or blonde hair can appear to be a coppery color from the effects of certain darker skin colors.

I remember knowing a "black" boy with light brown skin, green eyes and copper hair.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by Horet:
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Most people in Norway have brown hair I'm pretty sure.

Anyway many unrelated birds of prey resemble each other, it makes them no more related. Many animals with close resemblances are not related. Many with no close resemblance are related.

But where did you get the claim of more redheads in Norway than in Ireland and Scotland?


Considering how light that girl is, she's overwhelmingly likely african-american and thus has white ancestry. The eurasian red hair phenotype probably can't visibly express itself beyond a certain index of light skin color, like virtually all other eurasian light hair phenotypes.

She might not be a true red head, though, in the sense of carrying 2 copies of the MCR1 variant for it- due to how virtually all eurasian light hair phenotypes are visibly diluted by certain skin colors beyond a certain point, I've heard of how certain variants of brown or blonde hair can appear to be a coppery color from the effects of certain darker skin colors.

I remember knowing a "black" boy with light brown skin, green eyes and copper hair.


Perhaps child abuse by coloring their hair red? but inserting colour contacts, I think not. Blacks come in many shades, and some have natural, what we call 'red' hair. But you are right, I do not recall ever seeing a very dark skinned black with 'red' hair. But a black skin can support blue eyes.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
All forms of life on Earth are related to some degree, perhaps what I should have said is that similar appearing features do not always share the same origin.

All types of albinism are entirely unrelated to each other, other than the effects they cause. White people cannot be descended from African Albinos or even Asian Albinos because the mutations involved are completely different.

Similar features do not necessarily share a common origin.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
[QB] All forms of life on Earth are related to some degree, perhaps what I should have said is that similar appearing features do not always share the same origin.

An example might help.


All types of albinism are entirely unrelated to each other, other than the effects they cause. White people cannot be descended from African Albinos or even Asian Albinos because the mutations involved are completely different.

Kindly state your explanation for whiteness: where did it came from?

Similar features do not necessarily share a common origin.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
All forms of life on Earth are related to some degree, perhaps what I should have said is that similar appearing features do not always share the same origin.

All types of albinism are entirely unrelated to each other, other than the effects they cause. White people cannot be descended from African Albinos or even Asian Albinos because the mutations involved are completely different.

Similar features do not necessarily share a common origin.

InsertNameHere - Your statement is called "OPINION". Though you certainly have a right to it, here we like to deal with "REALITY". Which requires "PROOF and EVIDENCE".

As an example:


Dravidian Albino


Whether or not you wish to accept the truth, there is "ABSOLUTELY" no difference between this child and ANY other White Child!
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Your proof that there is "ABSOLUTELY" no difference?

Appearance means little, it is not proof. All it proves is that they look similar. No one has argued that point.

Do you have proof that the genetic cause is the same? Do you have proof that there is no difference that is not immediately apparent?

Eyes usually don't lie, but they don't tell the whole story either. The world is more complicated than you seem to think it is.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Your proof that there is "ABSOLUTELY" no difference?

Appearance means little, it is not proof. All it proves is that they look similar. No one has argued that point.

Do you have proof that the genetic cause is the same? Do you have proof that there is no difference that is not immediately apparent?

Eyes usually don't lie, but they don't tell the whole story either. The world is more complicated than you seem to think it is.

Can you offer any medical evidence which states that the proof of appearance is false?
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
From the evidence of the baby that this thread is about and other things I have observed, appearance is not considered enough to prove a medical condition.

I am of course assuming that people who are medically trained understand what counts as medical proof better than other people.

And then there is the fact that entirely different mutations cannot be related nor derived from the other. It is impossible that a gene with a deletion of a large segment can transform into a normally sized gene that has one molecule replaced.

If white people are not Albinos they cannot be descended from them either.

There is also the part where I am pretty sure medical scientists distinguish between men who are Androgen Insensitive and real women despite the fact that they look basically the same.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Quote: A person with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) has a female external appearance despite a 46XY karyotype and undescended testes, a condition once called "testicular feminization"

Androgen, also called androgenic hormones or testoids, is the generic term for any natural or synthetic compound, usually a steroid hormone, that stimulates or controls the development and maintenance of male characteristics in vertebrates by binding to androgen receptors. This includes the activity of the accessory male sex organs and development of male secondary sex characteristics.

In other words, a person with this condition has a defect where they cannot make hormones for the development of normal male sexual organs.

The defect has varying degrees of severity.

How is that different from Whites peoples varying degrees of inability to make Melanin?
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
The point is that no matter how much they resemble women they are not.

If we diagnosed conditions based solely on outward appearance we would never have realized that they are not the same.

And "varying degrees of inability to make Melanin" can also be worded "varying degrees of Melanin production." And Melanin production is more variable in Africa than it is in Europe, if the studies showing that Africa has the highest variety of skin colors of any continent are to be believed.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
The point is that no matter how much they resemble women they are not.

If we diagnosed conditions based solely on outward appearance we would never have realized that they are not the same.

^So are you saying that even though White people LOOK Human, because White people can't make Melanin, they are NOT Human???
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
You already believe that, but no. What I am saying is that even if they look like Albinos they are not.

Women look like people who are Androgen insensitive every bit as much as the reverse.

But of course you completely missed the point. When you are a man you are still a man no matter how little Androgen you have.

And white people can still make Melanin. Quit exaggerating.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
And white people can still make Melanin. Quit exaggerating.

In varying degrees of futility: and ONLY after Black admixture.
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Evidence? An unsupported opinion like that surely has evidence to back it up, right?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Hahahahahahaha - YOU demanding EVIDENCE???????

Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Originally posted by InsertNameHere:
Evidence? An unsupported opinion like that surely has evidence to back it up, right?

Sunscreens and sunshades...remember?
Posted by InsertNameHere (Member # 17864) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
and ONLY after Black admixture.

Evidence? And yes I demand evidence.

And varying degrees of "futility" of melanin production exist within Africans.

And typing out Hahahahahahaha makes you look like an idiot.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Hahahahahahaha - YOU demanding EVIDENCE???????



This clown ALWAYS comes in to a discussion, sobbing like a woman and making baseless refutations and always absent of any verified supporting information.
If that wasn't bad enough, the clown is even too stupid to correctly interpret the simplified data and links we provide.

The Clown acts as if his/her simply saying, "No it isn't", makes a FACT obsolete. Surely, no one here takes this Texas but fronting clown seriously.


To ALL: The data presented on Albinism is NOT being presented with the intention of whites in denial to accept or refute. Rather, It is put there for the review and interest of black readers.
That whites are able to see, discuss, deny is only an unintended affect of black presentation.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
MK - I was watching a commercial by a well-known actress for a make-up, and I thought of what you always say.

The make-ups claim to fame, was that it had "Photo" protection - it not only prevented "Photo" damage, but it helped to repair "Photo" damage.

He he, I could help but think: Damn, these people can't even admit to "Themselves" what they are.

But when you can't even call the Sun, the sun, you are in deep denial.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
^ Mike, Just about ALL women's make-up is made with synthetic melanin. It's not the real kind with real properties of melanin. White people are 100s of years away from being capable of that.
What it does do is BLOCK radiation and not allow it to admit any UV.
This is fine for white since they;
1) Cannot produce much Vitamin D from UV exposure because the tiny clumps of melanocytes they have are insufficient.
2) They cannot withstand UV exposure for anymore than 1-2 hours consistently.

I wonder if our Dr. Kittles has taken into account in his phoney; Blacks MAY have Vitamin D deficiency study that many black women use this make-up solely intended to used by White people?
If a black women should use this white make-up, it would tend to BLOCK UV to that black person and of course, they would be unable to produce Vitamin D since the make-up would block all radiation before it could reach their very capable Melanocytes.

This, once again goes to show how products designed and manufactured for Whites can be very unhealthy when used by blacks.
For Whites, it's a double win. They get to block their enemy, the Sun, while at the same time, killing some foolish black people who use their products without researching the "Always present", white product side-effects.

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