This is topic The Secret Relationship Between Black Politicians and Jews in forum Deshret at EgyptSearch Forums.

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Posted by Narmerthoth (Member # 20259) on :
The day after President Barack Obama secured the Democratic nomination for the presidency of the United States he did not go to Harlem, his hometown Chicago or any Black community for that matter. He didn’t stop by his alma mater Harvard or any other place where his hard core supporters worked their tails off to get him nominated. Instead of busying himself thanking the majority, he paid a visit to a small minority. He went to Israel.

Why would the first Black man to be nominated for the American presidency make his first stop in the Jews’ self-proclaimed homeland? It is likely because he felt that he could go no further without the proverbial “thumbs up” from the Jewish community. He had to pledge allegiance to Israel’s flag before he could pledge allegiance to America’s as her president. He was following the course of the vast majority of Black politicians who fear the Jewish lobby more than they fear the Black vote.

Earl Hilliard was a celebrated Congressman from the state of Alabama. A Morehouse graduate, he was elected to Congress in 1992, the first Black man to represent Alabama in the U.S. Congress. In 2001 he dared to vote against a bill funding increases in military support to Israel. This angered the Jewish lobby who then demonized him in the media and used it’s economic prowess to fund his opponent in the next election. Hilliard lost his seat. Because he refused to sign off on a “pledge of allegiance” to Israel during a time when Israel was committing war crimes against the Palestinians, he was strategically unseated.

What about Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney of Atlanta, Georgia? She was labeled an anti-Semite for merely speaking her mind. A candidate was recruited to run against her and was well-financed by the Jewish community. Many Jews switched political parties just so they could vote against her and they succeeded in forcing her out of office. It is situations like Hilliard’s and McKinney’s that instill absolute fear in Black politicians for the Jewish community. And wherever there is fear, control is not far behind.

If I’ve heard it once I’ve heard it a billion times. “Black people fought, bled and died for the right to vote”, is what we say. But how effective is our vote if the people we elect are controlled by an element who had a historical hand in our oppression? As stated in the Nation of Islam Historical Research Department’s book titled: “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” Vol. 2, “Jews were about twice as likely to be slave owners as the average White southerner.” This same powerful book makes the case that the very Jim Crow laws that Dr. King and others marched to change were actually put in place by Jews in the south.

So let me get this straight. Jewish people bankrolled the Civil Rights Organizations that marched to uproot the Jim Crow laws that Jews put in place so that we could secure the right to vote for Black politicians that would eventually end up under Jewish control. You have got to be kidding me.

It is sickening to me the way Black elected officials genuflect and kowtow at the mere mention of AIPAC and the Jewish lobby. It’s unconscionable to see our elected official pledging allegiance to Israel, yet turning their noses up at Africa. Black congressmen are lauded for their support of Israel, yet have to go jail for protesting a humanitarian crisis in the Sudan. Jewish forces should not have more control over Black politicians than the Black community and if this is the case we need to face the music and change the tune.

The other side to this dynamic serves as an indictment on us as a people. Because we don’t pool our resources as we should and financially back good candidates the Jewish community can always use the might of their unified dollars to bully our elected officials into becoming cheerleaders for “all things Jewish.” The same is true for corporate America. If we are going to participate in the politcal process as a people we must do so from a position of great strength. Brothers like Hilliard should be free to be men and vote the conscious of the community without having to suffer a targeted attack like the one that removed him from his seat.

We must give supreme political protection to strong politicians who are unafraid to represent our legitimate interests and issue pink slips to those who compromise our aims and aspirations in order to please our former slave masters. Politics is war. And we ought to be sick and tired of sending soldiers to the battlefield who fight for everyone else’s interest, except for their senders’.
Posted by lamin (Member # 5777) on :
I have reflected on it: the persistent economic disunity in the black communities world-wide. With just bringing consumption levels of movies, alcohol, cigarettes, clothes, etc. up to par with the general population enough funds could be generated to fund the reelection of U.S. Congresspersons like Hllliard and Mc Kinney.
Posted by lamin (Member # 5777) on :
I have reflected on it: the persistent economic disunity in the black communities world-wide. With just bringing consumption levels of movies, alcohol, cigarettes, clothes, etc. up to par with the general population enough funds could be generated to fund the reelection of U.S. Congresspersons like Hllliard and Mc Kinney.

It is evident that those Jewish writers who described Obama as the "first Jewish President" were on the money. He acts like it. His 2 closest political advisers are Jewish: Emmanuel and Axelrod. His most trusted economic adviser was Jewish: Lawrence Summers. His mentor at Harvard Law School is Jewish: Prof. Tribe.

And the Jews at the Supreme Court kept his credibility alive by endorsing Obamacare--5 to 4.
Posted by facts (Member # 19596) on :
I swear you fuckers make me sick at times. The double standard w/you is fucking ridiculous. You generalize an entire group of people (Jews) yet get your panties all up in a bunch when you are stereotyped. Sickening! White America has pampered & coddled you beyond repair.
Posted by malibudusul (Member # 19346) on :
Blacks have to start
from today
achieving economic power, political power is the result

the real power is the economic
Posted by malibudusul (Member # 19346) on :
Jews and Whites have the economic power so
have all TV channels, radios, magazines
Music record labels.
So he holds the monopoly of speech, a small group decides what he wants people to know. So they will mold the people to think what they want.



*The U.S. is a strange country
they say a democracy
but has only two parties
Republicans and Democrats.
In my country has multiple parties
During the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1984)
there could be only two parties.
Bipartisanship occurred between 1966-1979
Posted by Narmerthoth (Member # 20259) on :
Originally posted by facts:
I swear you fuckers make me sick at times. The double standard w/you is fucking ridiculous. You generalize an entire group of people (Jews) yet get your panties all up in a bunch when you are stereotyped. Sickening! White America has pampered & coddled you beyond repair.

Stop attempting to muddy the water with Jew "Flip-The-Scrip" tactics.
You may be too dense to realize this but, the world has caught on to your underhanded deceits, greed, and unchecked psycho-embedded racism.
The chickens have come home to roost!

Here's something for your weak ass.
What does it matter if 1/10, 2/10, or even 5/10 Jews are not the lying, conniving, deceitful, impotent parasites as those being described above.
I'll tell you; It doesn't matter at all. You are all guilty until proven innocent, and the sole way of proving yourself is to become aggressive against those above, putting a halt to their Satanic actions.
Of course this will not happen, and therefore you are as guilty as the others.
Posted by Narmerthoth (Member # 20259) on :
Originally posted by lamin:
I have reflected on it: the persistent economic disunity in the black communities world-wide. With just bringing consumption levels of movies, alcohol, cigarettes, clothes, etc. up to par with the general population enough funds could be generated to fund the reelection of U.S. Congresspersons like Hllliard and Mc Kinney.

You seem to be highly intelligent and disciplined, so I'll expand on the idea you've presented.
Making in-roads in the mainstream American political system is not the answer for achieving true black freedom.
Freedom must come independent of the US system which has been corrupt and unholy from it's very inception.
It would be akin to adopting a Skin Cancer ridden, old Israeli Jew, and attempting to cure his cancer riddled body. Why?

To modify your plan, I'd suggest that rather than utilize black consumer dollars to affect political office, it would be much more productive for black people to simply break the bond of IRRESPONSIBILITY that envelopes the whole group like a cocoon.

Rather than be concerned on the political, blacks would find much more success in taking true responsibility for their lives and their actions.
Jews are the richest people of the planet for one reason only; Black people.
I STRONGLY suggest the next time to purchase ANYTHING, take time to due dilegence on the company, it's owners, and possibly, their political or social positions. I would also suggest to check the companies geographic location. I.E., Belgium (Winchester, Colt, B.E.T.), Israel (Intel), Germany (Bayer), etc.

Make the decision to take personal responsibility to NOT purchase products manufactured or distributed by these Israeli/European Jew Owned companies.
Compile, present, and distribute information detailing these various company's social/political activities to others and organize global boycotts against purchasing products or services from these companies.
Most of these companies are on Wall Street. As little as a 10% drop in quarterly revenues could easily have an avalanche effect on the company's economic and financial.
As the Boycott enlarges, take your war fund and options trade on the companies forecast.
Harm the company, and make money while doing it.

Now, you will be talking in the language of the Jews, and believe me, they will hear you loud and clear as they have heard Ms. Walker.

Do as Jesus did, and reject everything the Jews had to offer. Like Jesus did, criticize and confront them about their insanity at every opportunity. Like Jesus, be prepared for the Jews to retaliate by attempting to kill, Demonize, and/or incarcerate you.
These people are truly the most insane of the insane Albinos. They wish to mold the world to their insane and distorted world-view.
Posted by malibudusul (Member # 19346) on :
I thought about boycotting.
It is impossible because all companies are theirs.
If we boycott, we will consumir anything.
The ideal is to create our companies as an alternative to them, so we only buy from black companies
Posted by Narmerthoth (Member # 20259) on :

There are only two types of people on the planet; Producers and consumers.

Consumers get shafted while producers do the shafting.

Focus on 1 or 2 large companies or areas, such as Movies (Hollywood) by not going to movies produced, financed, or distributed by Jews.
Personally, I only watch Japanese and Chinese films.
Include Oprah, TD Jakes, Tyler Perry and other sell-out and ignorant Negroes in these protests for they are being used as simple programming vehicles meant to instill apathy and commercialism in blacks.
Bootleg movies, films, and publications and hit em where it hurts.
Posted by Narmerthoth (Member # 20259) on :
Most of the television and movie production companies that are not owned by the largest corporations are also controlled by Jews. For example, New World Entertainment, proclaimed by one media analyst as "the premiere independent TV program producer in the United States," is owned by Ronald Perelman, a Jew who also owns Revlon cosmetics. The chairman at New World, Brandon Tartikoff (formerly head of entertainment programming at NBC), is also a Jew.

The best known of the smaller media companies, DreamWorks SKG, is a strictly kosher affair. DreamWorks was formed in 1994 amid great media hype by recording industry mogul David Geffen, former Disney Pictures chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg, and film direction Steven Spielberg, all three of whom are Jews. The company produces movies, animated films, television programs, and recorded music. Considering the cash and connections that Geffen, Katzenberg, and Spielberg have, DreamWorks may soon be in the same league as the big three.

Two other large production companies, MCA and Universal Pictures, are both owned by Seagram Company, Ltd. The president and CEO of Seagram, the liquor giant, is Edgar Bronfman, Jr., who is also president of the World Jewish Congress.

It is well known that Jews have controlled the production and distribution of films since the inception of the movie industry in the early decades of this century. This is still the case today.

Films produced by just the five largest motion picture companies mentioned above — Disney, Warner Brothers, Sony, Paramount (Viacom), and Universal (Seagram) — accounted for 74 percent of the total box-office receipts for the year to date (August 1995).

The big three in television network broadcasting used to be ABC, CBS, and NBC. With the consolidation of the media empires, these three are no longer independent entities. While they were independent, however, each was controlled by a Jew since its inception: ABC by Leonard Goldenson, CBS first by William Paley and then by Laurence Tisch, and NBC first by David Sarnoff and then by his son Robert. Over periods of several decades these networks were staffed from top to bottom with Jews, and the essential Jewishness of network television did not change when the networks were absorbed by other corporations. The Jewish presence in television news remains particularly strong.

As noted, ABC is part of Eisner’s Disney Company, and the executive producers of ABC’s news programs are all Jews: Victor S. Neufeld (20-20), Bob Reichbloom (Good Morning America), and Rick Kaplan (World News Tonight).

CBS was recently purchased by Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Nevertheless, the man appointed by Laurence Tisch, Eric Ober, remains president of CBS News, and Ober is a Jew.

At NBC, now owned by General Electric, NBC News president Andrew Lack is a Jew, as are executive producers Jeff Zucker (Today), Jeff Gralnick (NBC Nightly News), and Neal Shapiro (Dateline).
Posted by lamin (Member # 5777) on :
All this has to do with owning "finance capital" which is held in place by one group by "social capital"--colloquially known as "ethnic and social solidarity". Now add to that the drive for elite education in whatever country they find themselves. "Elite education" leads to entrance into the top business, media, and academic levels of any country.

Of course, there are exceptions: the owner of Facebook, Mark Zukerberg--arguably the world's youngest billionaire--is Jewish but his recent wife is Chinese. Maybe it was business decision to corner the Chinese Facebook market. There's always an out with sensible prenuptials once many more billions are made: divorce.

Some ethnic groups play this "social capital" game very well. Indians, Lebanese, South African whites, in Africa. In the Americas, Jews and white Anglo families excel at this game--increasingly joined by Asian Indians. By contrast, blacks who earn critical masses of finance capital in the U.S.--usually athletes--invest in houses and consume huge amounts of their incomes in the toys and baubles of capitalism. There are exceptions of course. The same for blacks with access to finance capital in Africa--by theft or work. Such capital is usually invested passively in building huge show houses at home or buying such in Europe and America. Of course, there are exceptions.
Posted by lamin (Member # 5777) on :
Consequently, there are no black groups as a whole founded on the pooling of both finance and social capital that have put pressure on black congress-persons to promote black interests both locally and internationally.

Apart from a few web sites that mainly amount to useful dissemination of information blacks as a whole have not put pressure on the Obama administration about the U.S. prison population, Africom, the loss of black wealth in the ongoing depression. Black congresspersons routinely
talk to black groups with only "The President really loves ya" as the key point, to which the response is loud clapping.

But whenever black politicians speak to Jewish groups the questions are usually sharp, to the point, critical and mainly focused on Israel. Other questions will focus sharply on Mugabe, Sudan and the like. The answers better be right by the audience's thinking--else no money.

Posted by Narmerthoth (Member # 20259) on :
The key for black retribution is through our women.
Long ago Jews figured out that the way to weaken blacks is to break up families, and put the economic control in the hands of our weakest element, black women.

Following that, they began the "mad men" advertising campaigns specifically targeting the weaker sex to transfer their limited wealth in exchange for materialist items.
In sequence, they put the welfare system in place that demanded that the father was not allowed to live in the home.
Accompanying this was the promotion of "Individualism" where blacks justify their decisions based on individual wants/needs versus what is best for the group. Women are key in this respect.

With the absence of a father, we find ill equipped black women raising young black males alone.
In many cases, without the presence of a black male, these young blacks begin emulating their mothers, their emotional driven decision making, their NEED to spend money on trinkets, and their apathetic political stances.

In the end (today) we end up with weak young black males like KING and Egmung who are incapable of even imagining revolution, but instead call on the Albino "Lord" or idolize old deceit Albino women like Liz Taylor.

Any revolutionary financial, political, or social program must be proceeded or accompanied by intense psychological readjustment to undo centuries of negative programming.
This is a catch 22, because black women have been programmed to fled from and deny any psychological evaluation.

Take control and deny this lop-sided exchange of time for petty materials via Jewish companies.
Also, deny the weak minded catalysts Jews prop up to re-enforce this paradigm such as Oprah, Jay-Z, Kenye, Little Wayne, etc.
Jews only have power once you accept what they offer. Common sense says to reject the negative. However, with these weak minds unable to see the large picture, support is given, and control is maintained.
The solution is simple: Just say NO, and hold on to your dough from anything that will have an adverse effect on the black populace.

This is not new. This is what was being done by black groups in the 1960s that scared whites/Jews enough to flood black communities with crack,
Posted by Oshun (Member # 19740) on :
Originally posted by Narmerthoth:

There are only two types of people on the planet; Producers and consumers.

Consumers get shafted while producers do the shafting.

Focus on 1 or 2 large companies or areas, such as Movies (Hollywood) by not going to movies produced, financed, or distributed by Jews.
Personally, I only watch Japanese and Chinese films.
Include Oprah, TD Jakes, Tyler Perry and other sell-out and ignorant Negroes in these protests for they are being used as simple programming vehicles meant to instill apathy and commercialism in blacks.
Bootleg movies, films, and publications and hit em where it hurts.

Blacks should focus on publishing. Its probably easier to make publishing companies and itd improve literacy for kids.

Originally posted by Narmerthoth:

Following that, they began the "mad men" advertising campaigns specifically targeting the weaker sex to transfer their limited wealth in exchange for materialist items.

wtf watch who your callin weak
Posted by Oshun (Member # 19740) on :
Originally posted by Narmerthoth:
Originally posted by facts:
I swear you fuckers make me sick at times. The double standard w/you is fucking ridiculous. You generalize an entire group of people (Jews) yet get your panties all up in a bunch when you are stereotyped. Sickening! White America has pampered & coddled you beyond repair.

Stop attempting to muddy the water with Jew "Flip-The-Scrip" tactics.
You may be too dense to realize this but, the world has caught on to your underhanded deceits, greed, and unchecked psycho-embedded racism.
The chickens have come home to roost!

Here's something for your weak ass.
What does it matter if 1/10, 2/10, or even 5/10 Jews are not the lying, conniving, deceitful, impotent parasites as those being described above.
I'll tell you; It doesn't matter at all. You are all guilty until proven innocent, and the sole way of proving yourself is to become aggressive against those above, putting a halt to their Satanic actions.
Of course this will not happen, and therefore you are as guilty as the others.

So your sayin cause other Jews are permissive they are guilty? Well what about Tim Wise, hes Jewish right? Do you lump him in????
Posted by Narmerthoth (Member # 20259) on :
Originally posted by Oshun:
wtf watch who your callin weak [/QB]

OK, YOU attempt to get black women to stop impulsively throwing their money into the white man's hands.
I once stood in front of an Jewish owned store who were selling tainted meat in the black community.
Using my own funds, I gathered several meat samples from the store, took them to the university lab and had them tested for contaimination. The lab provided me with a report showing the meat was over 4 weeks old, and was contaminated with several harmful bacteria such as E-Coli, Salmonella, etc.

I stood outside the store handing out the reports to every black person who approached the store. When I informed males, they took the time to read the report and then made the decision to shop elsewhere.
90% of the black females didn't bother to read the report and choose to ignore my verbal summary. They marched right past me, into the store and gave them their money.
I guess it didn't matter much to them that they'd be feeding their children with contaminated meat.

As it turned out, the Jew had several stores in white, Jewish, and black neighborhoods.

When the milk, eggs, cheese, meats, and other perishable items became over 2 weeks old in the white & Jewish stores, they packed them up and moved them to the black store where the charged over 75% more than in the white/Jew stores.
I published this information also, but weak ass Negro women continued to patronize the store and make the Jew a rich man.

Yes, today's black females are far less than the last generations. This is at least true in the U.S. where most black women don't even know how to cook, sew, or amazingly, raise children.

Last week I was walking down the street and approached a gaggle of black females. It was about to thunderstorm and the sky was dark.
When I approached the ladies I said Hello and they said hello.

I then said to them; "Hey, look at the sky. It looks as angry as a black female's face."

They all burst out laughing so hard I thought they were going to burst. They couldn't seem to stop laughing at this little analogy.
I wonder why?

there have been quite a few psychological studies on black females and the depression they suffer from which makes them shop impulsively. When the depression sets in, they shop and feel better as they spend money. Once the shopping is complete and the money is spent, they go into depression again...and the cycle repeats in an infinite loop.
Posted by Narmerthoth (Member # 20259) on :
Originally posted by Oshun:
Originally posted by Narmerthoth:
Originally posted by facts:
I swear you fuckers make me sick at times. The double standard w/you is fucking ridiculous. You generalize an entire group of people (Jews) yet get your panties all up in a bunch when you are stereotyped. Sickening! White America has pampered & coddled you beyond repair.

Stop attempting to muddy the water with Jew "Flip-The-Scrip" tactics.
You may be too dense to realize this but, the world has caught on to your underhanded deceits, greed, and unchecked psycho-embedded racism.
The chickens have come home to roost!

Here's something for your weak ass.
What does it matter if 1/10, 2/10, or even 5/10 Jews are not the lying, conniving, deceitful, impotent parasites as those being described above.
I'll tell you; It doesn't matter at all. You are all guilty until proven innocent, and the sole way of proving yourself is to become aggressive against those above, putting a halt to their Satanic actions.
Of course this will not happen, and therefore you are as guilty as the others.

So your sayin cause other Jews are permissive they are guilty? Well what about Tim Wise, hes Jewish right? Do you lump him in????
I don't know who Time Wise is, but I can tell you, he has not been at all effective in putting a muzzle on his fellow Jew's murderous and thieving ways.
In the end, that's all that matters.
Posted by Vansertimavindicated (Member # 20281) on :
I have always known and always taught that the white man is a beast of very limited IQ. These beasts have created absolutely NOTHING and history shows us that. What the white man is very GOOD at is theivery, manipulation, deception, cruelty mixed with sociopathic and Psychopathic personalities. They have a great abilty to imitate and ape what they steal. Thats all that they are and should not be viewed as normal human beings

When you can wrap yourself around these facts these pink assed monkeys are doomed!
Posted by Oshun (Member # 19740) on :
Originally posted by Narmerthoth:
Originally posted by Oshun:
wtf watch who your callin weak

OK, YOU attempt to get black women to stop impulsively throwing their money into the white man's hands.
I once stood in front of an Jewish owned store who were selling tainted meat in the black community.
Using my own funds, I gathered several meat samples from the store, took them to the university lab and had them tested for contaimination. The lab provided me with a report showing the meat was over 4 weeks old, and was contaminated with several harmful bacteria such as E-Coli, Salmonella, etc.

I stood outside the store handing out the reports to every black person who approached the store. When I informed males, they took the time to read the report and then made the decision to shop elsewhere.
90% of the black females didn't bother to read the report and choose to ignore my verbal summary. They marched right past me, into the store and gave them their money.
I guess it didn't matter much to them that they'd be feeding their children with contaminated meat.

Theres not enough info on this to comment. Did their groceries all come out with meat? How far is the cheaper store? Are there educational disparities in the area between black men and women and if so where? Did the report you give mention that there was better quality food for less money and where to go get it? More to the point when you handed the pamphlet that you were handing out did you say anything to these women? Especially about more affordable, healthier options, not just the poor quality of the meat? Cause poor quality meat aint nothin new to black folks. Educated black folks have to understand people not of their background are gonna need a different kind of persuasion.

Yes, today's black females are far less than the last generations. This is at least true in the U.S. where most black women don't even know how to cook, sew, or amazingly, raise children.

Cmon now dont play like black men aint got their problems today too. 1 in 3 are expected to go in jail, and many of those jailbirds will be unable to provide. And many not in jail dont provide for their kids anyway. Its not just a black women problem. Most WOMEN dont know how to do things like cook or sew and those that can stay home to raise kids have inherited some kind of wealth from their white families. Earlier generations of black mothers have worked out the home to support them so whose gonna teach them those skills?

Last week I was walking down the street and approached a gaggle of black females. It was about to thunderstorm and the sky was dark.
When I approached the ladies I said Hello and they said hello.

I then said to them; "Hey, look at the sky. It looks as angry as a black female's face."

They all burst out laughing so hard I thought they were going to burst. They couldn't seem to stop laughing at this little analogy.
I wonder why?there have been quite a few psychological studies on black females and the depression they suffer from which makes them shop impulsively. When the depression sets in, they shop and feel better as they spend money. Once the shopping is complete and the money is spent, they go into depression again...and the cycle repeats in an infinite loop.

Hows that make them 'weaker' cause women tend to have to work just as long as men often for less money, raise the kids alone and the media bombards them with images of people like Kanye and Lil' Wayne disrespecting dark black women. Kanye's songs assume white women aren't gold diggers, and Wayne that all black women look better "red." All black people men and women are caving to white materialism cause thats what they're being taught to think means their life is worth a sh!t. The black man has several images portraying him as masculine and powerful. The only image a black female has of herself in the media is as his b!tch. Name one thing that black women are acknowledged a lot for. Dont say R&B cause most people dont listen to it or talk about it.
Posted by Vansertimavindicated (Member # 20281) on :
Whites in America will be the minority by 2050, and there is GREAT news with respect to white children folks! Their future is very bleak! America’s population of white children will be in the minority during THIS decade!!! we will live to see this GLORIOUS day! .

The Census Bureau had originally forecast that 2023 would be the tipping point for the minority population under the age of 18. But rapid growth among Latinos, Asians and people of more than one race has pushed it earlier, to 2019!!!!

And its not too hopeful overseas either! White Britons will be a minority in England by 2066

Heck their numbers are falling and they will be a clearcut minority in the WORLD!!!!

I have always known and always taught that the white man is a beast of very limited IQ. These beasts have created absolutely NOTHING and history shows us that. What the white man is very GOOD at is theivery, manipulation, deception, cruelty mixed with sociopathic and Psychopathic personalities. They have a great abilty to imitate and ape what they steal. Thats all that they are and should not be viewed as normal human beings

When you can wrap yourself around these facts these pink assed monkeys are doomed!
Posted by lamin (Member # 5777) on :
Name one thing that black women are acknowledged a lot for.

Well. they are acknowledged as good track and field athletes and even tennis players too. With all that money they have a hard time being companions of moneyed black athletes who--most of them--seem very colour-struck.
Posted by Vansertimavindicated (Member # 20281) on :
Whites in America will be the minority by 2050, and there is GREAT news with respect to white children folks! Their future is very bleak! America’s population of white children will be in the minority during THIS decade!!! we will live to see this GLORIOUS day! .

The Census Bureau had originally forecast that 2023 would be the tipping point for the minority population under the age of 18. But rapid growth among Latinos, Asians and people of more than one race has pushed it earlier, to 2019!!!!

And its not too hopeful overseas either! White Britons will be a minority in England by 2066

Heck their numbers are falling and they will be a clearcut minority in the WORLD!!!!

I have always known and always taught that the white man is a beast of very limited IQ. These beasts have created absolutely NOTHING and history shows us that. What the white man is very GOOD at is theivery, manipulation, deception, cruelty mixed with sociopathic and Psychopathic personalities. They have a great abilty to imitate and ape what they steal. Thats all that they are and should not be viewed as normal human beings

When you can wrap yourself around these facts these pink assed monkeys are doomed!
Posted by Narmerthoth (Member # 20259) on :
Originally posted by Oshun:

90% of the black females didn't bother to read the report and choose to ignore my verbal summary.

Most, have never bothered to actually read the Bible either but lazily depend on their pimp preachers to interpret it for them.
Black women are the tool Albinos use to hinder and trip-up the black man!
Posted by Vansertimavindicated (Member # 20281) on :

Whites in America will be the minority by 2050, and there is GREAT news with respect to white children folks! Their future is very bleak! America’s population of white children will be in the minority during THIS decade!!! we will live to see this GLORIOUS day! .

The Census Bureau had originally forecast that 2023 would be the tipping point for the minority population under the age of 18. But rapid growth among Latinos, Asians and people of more than one race has pushed it earlier, to 2019!!!!

And its not too hopeful overseas either! White Britons will be a minority in England by 2066

Heck their numbers are falling and they will be a clearcut minority in the WORLD!!!!

I have always known and always taught that the white man is a beast of very limited IQ. These beasts have created absolutely NOTHING and history shows us that. What the white man is very GOOD at is theivery, manipulation, deception, cruelty mixed with sociopathic and Psychopathic personalities. They have a great abilty to imitate and ape what they steal. Thats all that they are and should not be viewed as normal human beings

When you can wrap yourself around these facts these pink assed monkeys are doomed!
Posted by Oshun (Member # 19740) on :
Originally posted by Narmerthoth:
Originally posted by Oshun:

90% of the black females didn't bother to read the report and choose to ignore my verbal summary.

Most, have never bothered to actually read the Bible either but lazily depend on their pimp preachers to interpret it for them.
Black women are the tool Albinos use to hinder and trip-up the black man!

You didnt tell me what your summary talked said and yea thats important. You also didnt mention how many black women who ignored you came out with meat from the store. BTW Many women believe its not their job to "teach" the bible but to be taught by men cause of scripture in the bible. Men are taking a stand for this interpretation of scripture? No they aint. Stop making the black man a poor baby victim and accept that BOTH sides man and woman have their share in helping fvck up the black community. Like Tyrone dont go to jail and leave the black woman to raise his kids alone. Like Tyrone always pays child support. Come off that now. Theres no need to be sexist both sides got dirt and that divisive sh!t is exactly what they want.

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