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Posted by Anglo_Pyramidologist (Member # 18853) on :
Samantha Harris


Half-Australian Aborigine Half-Caucasoid European

The Caucasoid blood has obviously made her far more attractive than a standard aborigine.
Posted by facts (Member # 19596) on :
She looks exotic at best. But she does not possess your standard or ideal beauty features. Compared to raw Aboriginals, she is of the prettier stock.
Posted by Bonampak420 (Member # 20156) on :
Your a mentally retarded subhuman piece of sh1t. White beauty is a myth, and propoganda, and physcological warfare tool used to brainwash the Hues, and put the lowest form of hue-manity ( a White) to the top

All im seeing is a photoshopped image of a white cavebitches with plastic in them. There is absolutely nothing Natural about whites. Your like a stale bread version of a hue-man

Pale and cagot looking

Posted by Bonampak420 (Member # 20156) on :
But it makes sense that you would think photoshopped beauty and pounds of makeup is beauty LOL!

Your mentally diseased.




Anglo-Pyramidologist fantasizing about White ethiopians, He is most likely the E.S poster White Nubian

Posted by Anglo_Pyramidologist (Member # 18853) on :
Here is a typical Caucasoid, an Amish girl (forbidden to use cosmetics) -


And here's what Negroid females look like:


Blame mother nature. lol.
Posted by facts (Member # 19596) on :
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :

[Roll Eyes] I guess the pic was photo-shopped then b/c she clearly has on some make-up....a woman knows these things [Wink] [Razz]

despite the fact that it's obvious to anyone with two eyes that can see clear [Wink]
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by Anglo_Battywashologist:
Here is a typical Caucasoid, an Amish girl (forbidden to use cosmetics) -


And here's what Negroid females look like:





Blame mother nature. lol.

^ Indeed, yes Mother Nature is to 'blame' lol... [Big Grin]
Posted by Oshun (Member # 19740) on :
Most people I know would find her:


prettier than her:


I like Harris' full lips. BTW you can alleged "pure" European in the second image is at the very least wearing lipstick. Its not a reliable image.
Posted by asante-Korton (Member # 18532) on :
would Samantha Harris find anglo boy attractive??

Posted by Oshun (Member # 19740) on :
Hes not on the level of either of the girls posted...
Posted by lamin (Member # 5777) on :
Put on some longer hair and you have a white girl. LOL.
Posted by Khufu (Member # 17461) on :
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
would Samantha Harris find anglo boy attractive??


This dude belongs in the Lord Of The Rings alongside with
Posted by Oshun (Member # 19740) on :
these are real Amish girls that dont wear makeup


Posted by lamin (Member # 5777) on :
And they all look washed out--in need of sun or some kind of strong tonic to breathe some life into them. You know how plants look withered up when they don't enough sun. It's like that with them and especially inbred groups like the Amish.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by Khufu:
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
would Samantha Harris find anglo boy attractive??


This dude belongs in the Lord Of The Rings alongside with
 - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY SAH! Look from how long I've been saying that yte bwoy deh favor a down's syndrome inflicted hobbit eh? I knewwww it couldn't be me one alone see it! [Big Grin]

@ Anglo_Battywashologist-

Posted by zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova (Member # 15718) on :
Some researchers hold that Indo-EUropeans groups
were more prominent practitioners, and even their gods and heroes show
a taste for homosexuality. Middle Easterners also
show a taste. According to researchers like Bruce Gerig:

Anal intercourse was freely pictured in figurative
art in the ancient cities of Uruk, Assur, Babylon, and
Susa from the 3rd millennium B.C. on – and images show
that it was practiced as part of religious ritual.
The Summa alu, a manual used to predict the future,
sought to do this in some cases on the basis of
sexual acts, five of which are homosexual.

Middle Eastern religion lent sanction to homosexuality.
The gods of Mesopotamia for example create a male companion for
Gilgamesh, the epic hero, a demigod, two thirds non-human.
The male companion is named Enkidu, a wild, hairy man with “long tresses
like those of a woman.” They have a long sexual relationship.
In later legend, the goddess Ishtar, sees Gilgamesh wash his
hair and let it down and desires him, but he refuses the goddess,
preferring the male. Cult prostitution, involving heterosexual and
homosexual acts, was found throughout ancient Near East history.
The goddess Ishtar also had transvestites, etc tend to
her worship rituals.

Also according to GErig- Middle Easterners had few qualms.
UNlike the Egyptians, deities and gods were expected to partake,
and had numerous homosexual priests and servitors as a routine,
sanctioned practice in honor of the god or goddess

"Inanna/Ishtar was called a ‘hierodule’ (a divine sacred ‘prostitute’); and many male prostitutes, homosexual and transvestite, served her. Making love was a natural activity that should not be demeaned, they believed; and it could be practiced as one pleased as long as no third party was harmed or a prohibition was broken (such as the banning of sexual activity on certain days, and some women were reserved for the gods).28 In fact, William Naphy notes that a striking feature of the ancient Near East was “how few cultures seem to have any significant ‘moral’ concern about same-sex activities."

Overall, the Egyptians seem more conservative than
either the Greeks or "Middle Easterners" in these matters.
Initiatory pederasty is not found in Egypt, as in GReece.
As Gerig also writes- quote:

"Dominic Montserrat notes, most references from Egypt of the Pharaohs view homosexual acts as morally negative (non-reproductive), socially dangerous (like adultery), or physically violent (about conquest).. Parkinson notes that certainly “same-gender sexual acts, such as sodomy, took place in ancient Egypt” – and some individuals, then as now, probably had a greater tendency to this desire and these acts than others.74 However, for a man to abandon his “proper gender role” and allow himself to be sodomized was looked upon as a sign of weakness and disgrace, and the act of penetration was generally looked upon as one of power and conquest. We do not find “initiatory pederasty” (e.g. as in Greece), .. Vern Bullough notes that the mark of shame heaped upon the passive same-sex partner can also be seen in the statement made about Shu and Tefnet, two other gods, that “their abomination is for the hand of god to fall on them, and for the shade of the god to abuse them sexually. His seed shall not enter into them.” "
--Homosexuality in Ancient Egypt, Bruce Gerig,

In contrast with the Middle East where homosexual
prostitution took place in sacred temples, it
was seldom found in Egypt.


"Yet, studying homosexuality in ancient Egypt is a difficult task. Not a single legal text has survived from ancient Egypt (in contrast to elsewhere in the ancient Near East); and no sure evidence points to cult prostitution taking root there (until the late Roman period). In fact, sexual intercourse was viewed as ritually defiling in sacred places... Parkinson notes that certainly “same-gender sexual acts, such as sodomy, took place in ancient Egypt” – and some individuals, then as now, probably had a greater tendency to this desire and these acts than others.74 However, for a man to abandon his “proper gender role” and allow himself to be sodomized was looked upon as a sign of weakness and disgrace, and the act of penetration was generally looked upon as one of power and conquest. We do not find “initiatory pederasty” (e.g. as in Greece)."



1-- The Greeks institutionalized homosexual practices
more, as opposed to mere tolerance of outliers.

For example, the mighty Spartans institutionalized it
as an integral part of their military training.
Along long with the Spartans the famous 'Sacred
Band" of Thebes was made of up 300 men joined in
homosexual pairs- sleeping together and fighting

As regards the Spartans and others:

"..young boys between the ages of 6 and
16 were organized in 'packs' and 'herds'
and placed under the supervision of
young adult Spartans. This supervision
was sometimes seen as surrogate
fathering and one marker of its activity
".. was the institution of institutionalized
pederasty. After the age of twelve, each
Spartan teenager was expected to receive
a young adult warrior as his lover."

--From: The Spartans: the world of the
warrior-heroes of ancient Greece, from
utopia to crisis and collapse
Paul Cartledge, 69-70

1A-- The Greek institutionalization of homosexual
activity was heavily focused on pederasty:

In the "Politics of Spartan Pederasty" in
Homosexuality in the ancient world, pg 23,
various documentation from the Spartan era
ranges from rock-cut graffiti, to bronze
figurines of decidedly masculine "girls",
to depictions of anal copulation on
drinking cups, to terracotta votive masks
depicting unbearded 'Youth' and bearded
adult 'Warriors' found in the sanctuary at

".. the evidence of Xenophon and Plutarch is
sufficient to establish the important
conclusion that pederasty in Sparta was

2-- The Greeks embraced homosexuality and it
also appears frequently among their major gods,
as part of the package, without any apparent
moral censure. It was simply accepted that the
major gods would get in their gay action.

For example, Mighty Poseidon took Pelops,
the son of Tantalus, to Mt. Olympus as his
paramour. Hermes, the Greek
messenger and trickster often known as
the “cunning deceiver was a lover of
both men and women. Hermes had
several sons including Pan, the horned
satyr who loved both men and women
(giving birth to the English word
“pansexual”). Romans gave Hermes the
name of Mercury, and both traditions
considered him to have invented

Apollo enjoyed male on male activity,
tragically killing Hyacinth, his beloved male
lad, in a discus-throwing accident.

Mighty Zeus was no shirker at the rear,
as his relationship with human male
Ganymede reveals. Ever generous, Zeus
gave Ganymede’s father a golden
grapevine and/or a pair of horses in
exchange for raping his son.

White Zeus was no shirker at hindquarters.
Here he kidnaps and prepares to sodomize the white youth Ganymede ...

3-- The Greeks seem to have embraced homosexual
activity widely although with certain qualifications, such
as disapproval of male prostitutes outside certain areas, etc etc.

FROM: Homosexuality in the ancient
world - Page 80.
Wayne R. Dynes, Stephen Donaldson -
1992 -

"One of the intriguing features of the
Greeks is their active interest in
homosexuality... Yet the adherents of
this solution [a ritual of initiation] have
not attempted an explanation pf this
puzzling phenomenon and they have
ignored the existence of Indo-European
(henceforth: I-E) parallels." pg 49

pg 50:
"The bachelors had recourse to sodomy,
a practice which was not reprobated but
was actually a custom of the country-
and a custom in the true sense, i.e., fully
sanctioned by male society and
universally practised."


According to researchers Blumfield and Raymond
who have written several books on homosexuality,
the Greeks embraced the practice in many aspects of
+life, including in their militaries:

--(Looking at gay and lesbian life, 1988, by
Blumenfeld and Raymond: pg 153-179)

"It was not unusual for men to comment on the
attractiveness of other men, or for them to express
affection for one another. At least part of the reason
for this fascination with physical attractiveness and
sex is that the Greeks had developed into a culture
that had a great deal of leisure time. They were not
required to work constantly in order to survive.
Blumenfeld and Raymond wrote: “Similarly, the
Greek attitude toward sex was, for the most part,
value-neutral. …And, though exclusive
homosexuality was probably discouraged as a threat
to the family, it was widely tolerated both for older
men who had children and for younger men prior to
marriage.” (Blumenfeld and Raymond 1988, 155)

The Greek military attitude toward homosexuality
was that it brought a sense of comradeship. It was
often believed that a person would fight harder to
protect his unit if that unit included a lover or lovers.
This unique form of male bonding is attributed by
some to the greatness of the Greek military might. In
spite of this encouragement of homosexual practices,
the picture is different for those who were
exclusively passive at anal sex. They were believed
to be polluted, and to have become like women.
Therefore, they were expelled from military service
as untrustworthy.

Greek society only negatively defined homosexual
activity when it was exclusive or related to
prostitution by a citizen. In nearly every other
instance, homosexual conduct was considered
acceptable and practical. It was simply a way of
enjoying the beauty and awesomeness of the male
bodies that they revered so highly.

The attitude toward the family and education could
have also played a role in the attitude toward
homosexuality. The family was considered the basis
for reproduction. Women were restricted in their
sexual activity because they were needed in order to
bear children. Men could have sex with either
women or men, so long as they met their societal
obligation to reproduce. This is probably why
exclusive anal sex was prohibited. Catamites could
not bear children for their partners.

Education was the responsibility of the teachers and
philosophers. Girls were excluded from the
education system that was designed to teach boys
how to be men. The student was expected to respect
and admire his teacher. The teacher was expected to
gain the devotion and affection of his student.
Therefore, homosexual conduct between a teacher
and student was considered a valuable part of the
education process. The family, on the other hand,
was simply needed for procreation.

During the republic period, Cicero declared without
challenge that there is nothing illegal about a man
taking another to the country in order to enjoy his
erotic sensual pleasures. Although one could easily
have sex with his wife at home, a man in the baths, a
prostitute in the brothel, and a slave in a dark corner,
he would have only been criticized if he were not
able to keep everything in its place."

--(Looking at gay and lesbian life, 1988, by
Blumenfeld and Raymond: pg 153-179)


The Romans carried out extensive homosexual practice
although "official" bans existed. Most of the bans did not
object to the practices per se, but were primarily concerned
about SOCIAL STATUS, such as when citizens were engaged in passive
roles while being sodomized. Such roles were considered to
belong to slaves or foreigners. As long as citizens exploited
others in a passive role, Romans relished hindquarters action,
as did some popular Roman deities.

Romans ascribed heroic aspects to some homosexual relations
between military personnel. Nisus and Euryalus are a recognized
heroic pair, with Nisus being an older mature man, while Euryalus is
a teenager, not even shaving yet. Virgil endorses the homosexual relationship
as "honorable, dignified and connected to central Roman values." This
is in keeping with the general pattern of status-based Roman morality -
- the more distinguished citizen sodomizes a more passive object, in this case
not a slave, or foreigner but a youth. As long as status was maintained, many
Romans found such pedarastic activity acceptable..

Roman rulers engaged in well known homosexual hookups

The well known homosexual
relationship between the Emperor
Hadrian and his lover Antinuous is
famous, and upon the accidental death of
the boy, the emperor had him deified.
The cult of Antinous subsequently
became the most popular of all cults in
the Greek-speaking world. Some Roman
writers also note the activities of the
emperor Tiberius with very young boys,
and the activities of such rulers as
Commodus who rewarded his male lover
with both money and priestly office.
Court cases are documented involving
forcible male on male rape and
complaints about wild bachannalia
where young men are exploited appear
several times in Roman literature.

According to one scholar, the
Romans were not unduly disturbed at
pederasty as compared with adultery
which they regarded in a much more
severe light. The god Roman Priapus
was a popular figure that swung with
both men and women.

SUMMARY FROM: --Roman homosexuality By Craig A.
Williams, 1999


"the first in-depth modern study of
homosexuality in republican and
Augustan Rome, brilliantly examines
relevant literary and legal texts. She
concludes that Roman homosexuality
was not imported from Greece, was
legal, and that master-slave sexual
relations were its most socially
acceptable expression. Lilja shows that
the republican dramatist Plautus, for
example, associated homosexuality with
slavery, rather than with romance
between citizens."

In Rome the main objection to
homosexuality seemed to be against
passive roles as regards males.
Generally, Roman homosexuality was
more strongly connected with superior
and inferior social roles, even as
Hellenization and tolerance of
homosexuality increased and [quote]

"for this reason, Roman homosexuality never
achieved the cultural idealization
accorded pederasty in ancient Greece."
--(Reader's guide to lesbian and gay
studies, 2000, By Timothy F. Murphy)


As regards the white Slavs, they were busy too:

"Among Slavs, homosexuality attracted
much less negative attention. When
native Slavic codes mentioned
homosexuality at all, they treated it as a
sin no more serious - at worst- than
adultery. Western European visitors to
Russia in the sixteenth century
commented derisively on the toleration
of homosexual activity. In Slavic lands,
unlike Western Europe, homosexuality
remained an ecclesiastical offense, not
subject to civil sanctions. Homosexual
activity by women attracted little
attention in canon law and was not
heavily penalized.

In a similar way, the
Slavs mitigated the harsh penalties of
Byzantine canon law for another form of
"unnatural" sex, bestiality.. The penalties
in native Slavic codes placed bestiality
among simple fornication, uncanonical
divorce and martial sex after mass."
--(Handbook of medieval sexuality By
Vern L. Bullough) pg 340, 1996)




Northern Europeans show extensive homosexual
activity stretching back to ancient times as scholars


"The fourth-century A.D. Roman writer Ammianus
Marcellinus described homosexual relationships
between youth and adult warriors among the Taifali,
a Germanic tribe related to the Goths.. Marcellinus
became familiar with the Taifali when he was posted
as a soldier in the region. Their youth, Marcellinus
write, remained in these homosexual relationships
until they became adults and had killed a boar or
bear, a typical initiatory ordeal. Similar homosexual
customs were described by the Roman historian
Procopius in the sixth century A.D. among another
German tribe, the Heruli.. homosexuality in the form
of institutionalized pederasty of the sort described by
Ammianis Marcellinus and Procopius is understood
to have been the rule within the Germanic warrior

Remarkably similar societies of unmarried warriors
existed in Norse and Celtic society. The members of
the Norse warrior societies also dedicated
themselves to their god, Odin, dressed likewise in
skins of wolves or bears and were said to fight with
the furor f one possessed of the spirits of those
animals.. Like the Germanic peoples, Celtic society
was ruled by a warrior aristocracy supported by a
farming peasantry.. While references by classical
writers to homosexual relationship between Celtic
warriors and youth are not detailed enough to be able
to establish an initiatory construct, the pederastic
relations that they described would almost certainly
have occurred within the fianna, the principal social
venue of the Celtic warriors. Indeed, given the close
similarity of Celtic and Germanic tribal customs, and
the well documented esteem of the Celts for male
homosexuality, it would have been odd if the Celts
did not practice a similar type of initiatory

The ancient writers leave no doubt as to the Celtic
warriors; enthusiasm for homosexuality in general.
According to Aristotle, the Celts held homosexuality
in high esteem and publicly honored homosexual
relations. Diodorus writes that despite the charm of
Celtic women, the Celtic men: "long instead for the
embrace of one of their own sex, lying on animal
skins and tumbling around with a lover on either
side. It is particularly surprising that they attach no
value to either dignity or decency, offering their
bodies to each other without further ado. This was
not regarded as at all harmful: on the contrary, if they
were rejected in their approaches, they felt insulted."
Celtic youth evidently shared the attitudes of their
elders. The Greek writer Strabo, described the young
Celts of Gaul as "shamelessly generous with their
boyish charms."

"..The lack if sexual inhibitions that the Celtic
warriors displayed towards each other amid such an
atmosphere of masculine eroticism suggests that
homosexuality was not limited to pederastic
relations, and that love between comrades was also a
part of Celtic warrior life. In fact, it is warriors, not
youth, whom Diodorus describes as "offering their
bodies to each other without further ado." Such a
relationship between warrior peers even appears in
an Irish Celtic saga of the late first millennium."
--Neill, James (2009). The origins and role of
same-sex relations in human societies. Mcfarland: pp



In ancient Greece homosexuality played an important role.

In ancient Greece homosexuality played an
important role, as it did among other

"While little is known of the sexual practices of the
Kassites, Hyksos or Aryans, that is not the case with
the Greeks. The extent of the prevalence and social
importance of homosexual behavior among the
ancient Greeks is so thoroughly documented that it is
possible to get a clear picture not only of the
character of homosexual relationships in Greeks
society, but the important role homosexuality played
in that society.. the fragmentary glimpses we have of
homosexual behavior among the other
Indo-European peoples can be recognized as
revealing a unified pattern of sexual customs and
beliefs that seems to have prevailed among all the
Indo-European ancestors of modern Europeans."
--Neill, James (2009). The origins and role of
same-sex relations in human societies. Mcfarland:

Pedophilia and homosexuality was common
among the Spartans. Wives and male lovers were
shared between Spartan men. Pederasty or use of
youth for homosexual purposes was well established
among the Spartans, Greeks and Cretans.

[quotes from various scholars:]
"..young boys between the ages of 6 and 16 were
organized in 'packs' and 'herds' and placed under the
supervision of young adult Spartans. This
supervision was sometimes seen as surrogate
fathering and one marker of its activity ".. was the
instutionalization of pederasty. After the age of
twelve, each Spartan teenager was expected to
receive a young adult warrior as his lover..
Punishment for various infractions such as suffering
silently under discipline was sometimes made on the
youth's older lover, for having failed to educate his
beloved properly."
--From: The Spartans: the world of the
warrior-heroes of ancient Greece, from utopia to
crisis and collapse
Paul Cartledge, Overlook Press, 69-70

"Aspects of Spartan society conduced less to
heterosexuality than to homosexuality. In his Laws,
Plato wrote that homosexuality resulted from the
(male) dining groups and from male nudity in
gymnasia. Records of Sparta from the classical
period seem to refer to homosexual boyfriends at
least as often as to wives. particularly revealing, are
some assertions by Xenophon on this subject."
--From: Sparta By Michael Whitby. 2002. Taylor
and Francis: p. 93

"Sparta too institutionalized homosexual relations
between mature men and adolescent boys, as well as
between adult women and girls.. many aspects of
Spartan homosexuality and marriage customs point
to tribal origins. Participation was mandatory for all
youth of good character. There were ordeals- a
common feature of tribal initiation.. Even after
marriage, men lived in men's houses, not with their
wives. Wives and male lovers were shared with
---From: The construction of homosexuality. David
F. Greenberg. University of Chicago Press. 1990.

Both homosexuality and pedophilia were
institutionalized among the Greeks per scholars:
[quotes from various scholars:]

FROM: Homosexuality in the ancient world -
Page 80. Wayne R. Dynes, Stephen Donaldson -
1992 -

quotes from Dynes and Donaldson:
"In short, I have no doubt that the evidence of
Xenophon and Plutarch is sufficient to establish the
important conclusion that pederasty in Sparta was
institutionalised." In the "Politics of Spartan
Pederasty" in Homosexuality in the ancient world,
pg 23, various documentation from the Spartan era
ranges from rock-cut graffiti, to bronze figurines of
decidedly masculine "girls", to depictions of anal
copulation on drinking cups, to terracotta votive
masks depicting unbearded 'Youth' and bearded adult
'Warriors' found in the sanctuary at Orthia.".

Some historian argue that Greek homosexual
activity had ritual significance in the form of the
semen, being an agent representing martial
excellence or prowess, imparted to the receiving
male in the process of sodomy. The venue of the
gymnasium also played a part.

quotes from Dynes and Donaldson:
"Next there is the point insisted upon by Plato's
Athenian Laws (1.636b; cg. Theaer. 162b, 169ab),
the role played by the gymnasia as hotbeds of
homosexuality. The Spartans put a premium on
gymnastic exercise, and if Thucydides (1.6.5) is to
be believed, it was they who invented the customs of
exercising stark naked and rubbing down with olive
oil. In Sparta therefore the cult of the nude male
body is likely to have been pushed to the extremes,
as it is known to have been in other less gymnastic
Greek cities.. None of these conditions favoring
homosexuality is wholly peculiar to Spartan society,
but their presence in combination suggests that the
integration of institutionalised pederasty into the
Agoge, whenever precisely it occurred, will at any
rate, not have been awkward."
pg 27

Yet others argue that the ties created by pederasty
extended to the networks of influence and

"Pederasty, in other words, could have acted at
Spartan in the age of Xenophon, as it certainly did in
fourth-century Crete, as a means of recruiting the
political elite,"

Young females were also used in Spartan society
as part of homosexual relations.

"Plutarch relates that in Sparta, the noble women
loved the girls. Also the academic philosopher
Hagnon states: "Among the Spartans it was
customary (viz for adult women) to have intercourse
with girls before their marriage, as one did with
pg 292

Homosexuality was commonly recognized and
accepted in Greece, and suggest a common pattern
among Indo-European peoples. As one historian

"One of the intriguing features of the Greeks is their
active interest in homosexuality... Yet the adherents
of this solution [a ritual of initiation] have not
attempted an explanation pf this puzzling
phenomenon and they have ignored the existence of
Indo-European (henceforth: I-E) parallels." pg 49

pg 50:
"The bachelors had recourse to sodomy, a practice
which was not reprobated but was actually a custom
of the country- and a custom in the true sense, i.e.,
fully sanctioned by male society and universally

Some ancient Greek scholars held that the
Persians learned homosexuality from the Greeks

".. we pass straight on to the Persians. Our sources
are divided as to whether they practiced pederasty or
not. The latter view will be the more probably one,
since the Zoroastrian writings tome and again
strongly forbade pederasty. It is perhaps indicative
for this attitude that Agesilaos, although strongly in
love with the son of high-ranking Persian, refrains
from any physical contact. On the other hand, the
son of Pharnabazus is enamoured of a Greek boy,
and the recurrence of the prohibitions of pederasty
suggests that the Persians did not succeed in
stopping the practice. Such discrepancy between
theory and practice could elucidate the remark of
Herodotus that the Persians learned pederasty from
the Greeks."
pg 282

Quotes from: Homosexuality in the ancient world
- Page 80. Wayne R. Dynes, Stephen
Donaldson-1992 -

Historian Charles Freeman's "The Greek
Achievement" (1999) holds that homosexuality had
an influential place in some Greek institutions.
According to Freeman: [quote]
".. "The symposia provided the arena for much of
this sexual activity. These were highly ritualized
affairs whose origins lay in the banqueting halls of
aristocratic warriors. The men were garlanded and
reclined one or two to a couch around a central
table.. there is little evidence that symposia were
normally used to discuss politics. Rather the
opposite; the longest conversation in Plato's
Symposium is about the nature of homosexual love."
(Freeman: pg 299, pg 283-304)

Other writers find similar prominence in

"Male homosexuality was also a prominent feature
of Classical Athens. It was widely practiced and
tolerated. Athenian law disenfranchised a citizen
who had prostituted his body to another male, but
nothing was done to males who engaged in
homosexual love with male prostitutes or other adult
males for love or pleasure. The law did not
eliminate male prostitution but ensured that male
prostitutes would be foreigners, not Athenian
-- Western Civilization: To 1500, Volume 1.
Jackson J. Spielvogel. 2009. Cenage.


More info on white "role models"..


FROM: Charles Freeman (2000) The Greek Achievement.
Penguin ed. pg 111, 298-300

Prevalence of pederasty in Greece

"In general terms the [Greek] evidence
suggests that when men are deprived of
women by a late age of marriage, as they
were in Athens, they formed liaisons with
younger boys (a study of Renaissance
Florence where a similar age gap existed
found that homosexuality was more
prevalent there than in Italian city states
where the ages of couples on marriage
were equal. In this sense, young boys acted
as a substitute for women."

The famous Greek symposium was a
locale for pederastic sex. History records
that some Greek parents were disturbed by
homosexual activity in the symposium
involving their young male children


"Young boys would attend symposia as
part of their initiation into society and the
symposium could act as the setting for
pederastic sex."

"there was always the fear that his
manhood would be compromised by the
encounter and some families employed a
tutor to watch over their sons to keep them
clear of pederastic sex."

Pg 111
"However, as Kenneth Dover has pointed
out it is just at this time, the late seventh
century, that overt homosexuality between
men became an accepted part of Greek
social life… ' A Greek who said 'I am in
love' would not mind being asked 'with a

Homosexual initiation was common in
Greek societies as seen in the practices of
Crete and Sparta. Young boys were taken
from home and used in homosexual
activity with older men as part of the
culture. In Sparta, homosexual practice
was also reflected by wives dressing as
young boys on their wedding night.


"Such an initiation ceremony is recorded
by the greographer Strabo (first century
B.C.) in Crete where young boys were
kidnapped, taken to a remote part of the
country, and then kept there for two
months. They were taught hunting, feasting
and military skills with the context of some
form of sexual relationship. IN other
words, homosexual initiation was pat of
the transition from youth to adulthood. In
the messes of Sparta, homosexual activity
was normal, while the warriors of fourth
century Thebes, at one moment the best in
Greece, were said to owe their cohesion to
paired homosexual bonding. In Sparta, it
was ritualized by a new wife dressing as a
boy for her wedding night, and then as a
woman thereafter."


SOme try to deny the homosexual activities of the Greeks by claiming
that there was a "death penalty" for homosexuality in some Greek
polities. But this is bogus. Homosexuality itself did not merit one
worthy of death- to the contrary. Death was a penalty for forcible kidnapping
and homosexual rape, or certain hiring out for homosexual
activity and civic participation as a community
member- such as a father hiring out his son as a
homosexual prostitute, but as shown by the scholars
above, the"symposium" man-boy format was considered
consensual among the Greeks, not a forcible rape,
or a forced prostitution scenario. In fact one of the same
scholars addresses the death penalty saying:

"It was not the case that the law prescribed
the death penalty for a male prostitute and for his

Consensual activity was thus generally protected.
Even in the cases of penalty, the execution of
the actual sentence was in no way guaranteed, and it
was layered with multiple provisions and qualifications.

Yet another scholar takes up the so-called "penalty" -
noting the sense is vague in the Greek texts:
QUOTE:"This is usually taken as an euphemism
for the death penalty. But it is unlikely that
the law carried any penalty beyond disenfranchisement."

--T. Hubbard, Homosexuality in Greece and Rome, p 134

The clear fact is that multiple credible scholars
who have studied the subject note that homosexuality
was not only accepted but embraced as a high cultural
ideal in the white Greek world. Noneof these scholars
ever claim that it met with 100% approval of the populace.
It didn't. Some opposition was based on status- the
free citizen as passive participant, not on the
action itself. The opposition is documented by the
researchers above but so is the cultural appeal
and lionization.

Different Greeks also had different
standards. The Spartans for example had no "death
penalty" just for homosexual activity. To the contrary they
incorporated such practices directly into their
military culture. Homosexual participation was mandatory for
all youths in the Spartan military.

Indo-European tribal culture may have fostered
homosexual practices from early times

"Even in the absence of cross-cousin marriage,
relationships between a mother's brother and his
sister's son were exceptionally affectionate - unlike
father-son relationships, which tended to be cold and
formal. Foster parentage was a common institution
among the Indo-European peoples, and in many instances
the foster father was a mother's brother. In ancient Iran,
the mother's brother was called "upbringer" or "foster father."
Vedic texts suggest that this was also true for the Indo-Aryans.
Scattered evidence suggests that among the ancient Hittites,
Greeks, Romans, Celts and Germans, mother's brothers were
often foster parents. Under these circumstances, it would be
natural for the foster parent to supervise initiation, and perhaps
to ritually sodomize his ward, without supplying his own daughter
as a wife."

"Archaeological evidence shows that c. 500BC, when they
were founding the La Tene culture in France and the northern
part of Switzerland.. the Celts esteemed homosexuality...
Evidence that the Celtic love of warriors may have extended to
the British Isles (which the Celts invaded c 200BC) can be found
in the Irish saga Tain Bo Cuailnge.. The hero Cuchulain explains
[as to his foster brother]

Fast friends, forest companions
We made one bed and slept one sleep.."

Greek and Roman practice allowed legal male homosexual
prostitutes, levied taxes on them, and the Romans even
give them a special legal holiday- April 24

"Although the Athenians stigmatized prostitutes, they
did not deprive them of all legal rights; according to
Aiskhines,, prostitutes could go to court to collect from
nonpaying customers. Patronizing prostitutes was considered
perfectly acceptable, not shameful or illegal. Each year, the
Athenian Council conformed a special tax on male prostitutes,
suggesting that they were numerous enough to warrant attention
as a source of revenue.

By all accounts, prostitutions flourished in Rome after the
Second Punic War (218-201 BC), when wealth poured into
into the city.. Brothels opened not only in Rome but also
in large and medium sized towns throughout Italy. A reference
in a public speech of the elder Cato to the high price of male
prostitutes makes clear that only the affluent could indulge.
Most male prostitutes were slaves owned by a procurer;
however some prostitutes were freedmen or even free.
Under Augustus the government began taxing male prostitutes,
and also granted them a legal holiday- April 24. By the early empire,
distinct active (exoleti) and passive (cinaedi) homosexual
prostitutes were serving specialized client tastes.

Wealthy men had another homosexual outlet as well: their
slaves. Although Athenian law barred salves from entering
gymnasia (where many pederastic affairs were initiated), or
from having affairs with free men, they were at the disposal
of their owners.. in practice slaves who had been raped had few
remedies. Roman slave owners could also use them for sexual
purposes with impunity, and some kept sizable make harems."

--David Greenberg. 1990. The Construction of Homosexuality. p. 98-126
By David F. Greenberg

"The second century preacher Clement of Alexandria
used divine pederasty as an indictment of white Greek religion:

"For your gods did not abstain even from boys. One
loved Hylas, another Hyacinthus, another Pelops,
another Chrysippus, another Ganymedes. These are
the gods your wives are to worship!"

--^ Clement of Alexandria, Exhortation to the Greeks 2.28P
T. Z. Lavine -

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