This is topic BLACK MOBS' KNOCKOUT GAME RAISING ALARMS in forum Deshret at EgyptSearch Forums.

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Posted by Crush Black Lies (Member # 20324) on :
Like I always say, Blacks are their own enemy. You behave violently towards every racial group and, in turn, non-Blacks view you as violent, and would prefer not to be around you. Yet, you want to claim that Whites are molding this perception of you, globally? SMDH. This is how Blacks are projecting themselves to the world...

And even a Negro thug has to admit where the fault should be placed...

What is interesting in the first video is it highlights a well known fact, Black men are cowards. It is a common theme to see black men preying on feeble people. They will not fight you one on one. Instead, they pounce on their victim in packs.

Black men in general are thinly built, and White men in general are stockier. And because of this, black men won't dare take on a White one on one, unless they are a) armed with a weapon or b) running in packs. Fucking cowards.
Posted by Crush Black Lies (Member # 20324) on :
Posted by Khufu (Member # 17461) on :
Posted by Crush Black Lies (Member # 20324) on :
I expected the usual Detractors to try and sabotage the thread. But you can't address the issue at hand. Why? Because there are no fucking excuses.
Posted by Khufu (Member # 17461) on :
Originally posted by Crush Black Lies:
I expected the usual Detractors to try and sabotage the thread. But you can't address the issue at hand. Why? Because there are no fucking excuses.


Posted by Crush Black Lies (Member # 20324) on :
^Asshole, the moderator had officially assigned this section of the newsgroup to current news besides Egyptology. Get it together, Negro.
Posted by Bonampak420 (Member # 20156) on :
Originally posted by Crush Black Lies:
Like I always say, Blacks are their own enemy. You behave violently towards every racial group and, in turn, non-Blacks view you as violent, and would prefer not to be around you. Yet, you want to claim that Whites are molding this perception of you, globally? SMDH. This is how Blacks are projecting themselves to the world...

And even a Negro thug has to admit where the fault should be placed...

What is interesting in the first video is it highlights a well known fact, Black men are cowards. It is a common theme to see black men preying on feeble people. They will not fight you one on one. Instead, they pounce on their victim in packs.

Black men in general are thinly built, and White men in general are stockier. And because of this, black men won't dare take on a White one on one, unless they are a) armed with a weapon or b) running in packs. Fucking cowards.

You might be thinking of these knockout games.

4 white nationalist, riding around in their pedophilic uncles rusty pickup, decide to play the knockout game with the superior black man, and go running off with their tails between their legs.
Black Man Hero Knocks Out 4 White Nationalist-Youtube

Black Man minding his own business, is harassed by a white wicked devil. The Black man decides to be the bigger man and leaves even after the white demon racially harases him. The White demon continues to pursue the black man, and tries to lurch at him, and is put back into his rightfull place, by the black man. Being a genetic liar, the white beast told police, the black guy attacked him first from behind with a brick.

This was after they got a full report and statements from every patron of the bar, and security Footage SMH. Cant stop blaming the black man can ya whites?
White Nationalist Knocked Out With One Punch By Black Man-Youtube

2 black guys, minding their business, and getting food, are pounced upon by 3 White devils. The blacks guys make quick work of the sissy whites, putting all Three of them back into place where they belong. The mexicans thank the black men for helping them close early by doing their cleaning duty by mopping the floor with Whites.

White boy was rocked so hard he couldnt even stand on his own two feet SMH! LMAO!!!!
2 Superior Blacks Mop the Floor with 3 White boys at Taco Del Rio-Youtube

White nationalist, picks a a fight with a mexican, and is quickly put back into place, by kissing the marble floor head first.

Racist White Nationalist Knocked Out-Youtube

Whites are the only true cowards.

Always Have been, Always will be

Posted by Bonampak420 (Member # 20156) on :
Originally posted by Crush Black Lies:


White bitch Carves B into her own face for "Obama", then goes to police to claim a 6ft Black man attacked her.

Bethany Storro, Claimed she was attacked by a black woman who threw acid in her face. She received thousands in dollars for donations, and sparked a manhunt for the perp. Probably after hundreds of black women detained, questioned, The devil confesses she did it on her own.


Charles Stuart, Murdered his Wife and Baby then blamed a black man.

The Husband Did it, Charles Stuart Case-History.Com

"My wife's been shot! I've been shot!" screamed Stuart into his cell phone as he drove through the Mission Hill area of Boston. Paramedics responding to the call for help found that both Charles and his wife had been shot. Carol was barely hanging on to her life and Charles had a fairly serious wound to the stomach. Immediately, Charles identified an African-American male in a black running suit as the perpetrator.

The crime was the biggest story in Boston that day and even led some national newscasts. Across the country, the story was portrayed as an example of what could happen to affluent people traveling through bad neighborhoods. In many papers, liberal policies were attacked and held responsible for the tragedy. Carol Stuart died, and although doctors were able to save her baby temporarily, the child also died days later. Charles Stuart underwent intestinal surgery for 10 hours, but his life was not endangered.

The Boston police began to comb the housing projects in Mission Hill. African-American men were strip-searched on the streets on any pretense. Meanwhile, Stuart was showing unusual interest in a young female co-worker, asking that she phone him at the hospital where he was recovering. Detectives, fixated on finding the black perpetrator Stuart had described, didn't bother to find the ample evidence that Stuart was unhappy in his marriage and particularly upset with his wife for not having an abortion. Stuart had discussed both his obsession with the co-worker, and his desire to see his wife dead, with several friends and family members in the months before the murder.

In December, Willie Bennett, an African-American ex-con, was arrested after his nephew jokingly bragged that he was responsible. Stuart picked Bennett out of a lineup in which the others were all clean-cut Boston police officers. This was the last straw for Matthew Stuart, who had assisted his brother in carrying out the scheme. Matthew thought he was helping Charles with an insurance scam when he carried a bag away from the murder scene. In it was the gun and the couple's wallets and jewelry. In return for immunity, Matthew testified against his brother.

Posted by Crush Black Lies (Member # 20324) on :
Typical exaggerating Negro. It is the same M.O., take isolated incidents and act like they're the norm. You do the same with Egyptian artifacts having Negro features --a rarity-- and pretend theyre the norm. You take isolated incidents of White on Black violence and act like they're the norm. Yet, can't explain away the normal behavior of Blacks to act violently towards non-Blacks.


BTW, Whites are physically stronger than Blacks. This has been proven in strongman contests.
Posted by zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova (Member # 15718) on :
Murderess Casey Anthony

White "role models" have a long history of a culture of violence

Homicide and a Regional Culture of Violence. by Raymond D Gastil .
American Sociological Review (1971)
Volume: 36, Issue: 3, Publisher: American Sociological Association, Pages: 412-427

"The homicide rate in the United States has been very high relative to the rest of
the modernized world for as far back as evidence is available. It has long been
known that in the United States there is a wide variation in the rates of different races
and between North and South. Both qualitative historical evidence and multiple
regressions indicate that the degree of "Southerness" in the culture of the population
of the states accounts for more of the variation in homicide rates than do other factors
such as income, education, percent urban, or age. It is suggested that high homicide
rates in the United States today are related primarily to the persistence of Southern
cultural traditions developed before the Civil War and subsequently spreading over
much of the country."

Extensive research data shows that white southern
culture has been very violent historically in the
United States with patterns of deadly violence
accepted by and practiced by the culture going
back well before the Civil War, and even before
settlement in the United States. The violence of white "role models"
is a clearly documented phenomenon by several credible
white scholars. It was from this violent milleu,
that Black America sprang.


"None of the explanatory factors discussed in Levitt (2004) and Levitt and Miles (2006) -higher number
of police, rising prison population, legalized abortion and receding crack epidemics- seems to apply more
obviously to the Northern part of the country rather than the South. Yet, the Southern homicide specificity
is essentially a white offender phenomenon: over the period 1980-2007 white offender rates in the Deep
South have been 2.8 what they have been in Northern states. Black offender rates are ‘only’ 1.4 times
higher, a difference that is no longer significant since the end of the 1980s. Besides, the analysis by Levitt
(2004) and Levitt and Miles (2006) is focused on explaining the sharp decline of homicide rates in the
1990s, a decline which, again, was much sharper for black offender rates than for white offender rates:
black offender rates declined 1.32 times more than white offender rates (source of data: UCR).

More quotes:
"According to the culture of honor hypothesis, the high prevalence of homicides in the US South
originates from the settlement of the region by herders from the fringes of Britain. This paper
confirms that Scot or Scots-Irish settlements are associated with higher homicide today, but only
in the South. The effect is strongest among whites and more pronounced where herding was
more prevalent and institutional quality weaker. Results indicate that other white settlers adopted
the Scots-Irish culture."

"The average murder rate per 100,000 people between 2000 and 2007 in the Deep South of the
United States was 8.55, nearly twice as high as in the rest of the country.1 The respective roles of
economic and cultural factors in explaining such a high prevalence of homicide-related violence
in the South are still the object of much debate. It has been acknowledged that the South’s high
murder rate cannot be explained by traditional socio-economic or institutional determinants of
crime (Cohen and Nisbett 1994, 1996). The inelasticity of homicide rates to income levels has
been interpreted as a limitation of cost-benefit analysis of criminal behavior2 (Levitt and Miles
2006). More recent economic analyses of crime appear similarly unsuitable to explain the
determinants of white offender homicide rates.3 Some authors have suggested instead that the
high Southern homicide rate is a product of cultural values condoning the use of lethal violence."

--GrosJEan, P. 2011. NBER paper. Univ of San Fran.
"A History of Violence: The “Culture of Honor” as
a Determinant of Homicide in the US South."

^Another white "role model"..

What happens when biased 'hereditarianism' and 'biodiversity' notions are applied
CONSISTENTLY across the board, and put to the test? What
happens to bold claims of virtue and goodness then? Let us


1--White "role models" have produced the most vicious
violence in human history, such as the mass murders of
the Holocaust

You got it- supposedly more pure, more virtuous people on the
"right" side of the Bell Curve. While making up only about
one-third of the world's population, Europeans
have perpetrated around 90% of the world's genocides. On a
more routine violence tally, body count "parity" is not far
behind as shown in the killing fields of
Cambodia that "cleansed" about one-fourth of the country's
population.Asiatics racked up a body count of 60 or so million
murdered or starved by "the thought of
Chairman Mao", as well as the older depredations of Ghengis
Khan and his descendants in more ancient time. In the modern
higher IQ era, cold climate Caucasoid "role
model" Josef Stalin and followers posted an additional body
count of 20 million or so, a shining example for all time by
those allegedly possessing Derbyshire's
"higher" sense of morality. In terms of the crime of genocide,
assorted "biodiversity" and "racial reality" types attempt to
avoid uncomfortable reality by claiming
that genocide is not a crime. But in fact it is, and has been so
recognized by almost every major Western nation and
international law since 1948, under a conservative
definition that specifically excludes mere political violence. It
was European nations that established the definition. It is thus
hilarious to see how European race
proponents attempt to wriggle away from the bloody facts on
the ground, perpetrated by Europeans, even allowing for the
most conservative definition.

Herded into the gas chambers to be slaughtered,
one Jewish survivor recounts the end of a mass murder
gas session QUOTE:

"The people were still standing like columns
of stone with no room to fall or lean. Even in
death you could tell the families, all holding
hands. It was difficult to separate them while
emptying the room for the next batch. The bodies
were tossed out, blue, wet with sweat and urine,
the legs smeared with excrement and menstrual blood.
Two dozen workers were busy checking mouths they
opened with iron hooks.. dentists knocked out
gold teeth, bridges and crowns with hammers."
-- Dan Cohn-Sherbok. 2008. God and the Holocaust. p.8

Concerned to hide their monstrous crimes,
but still turn a profit, the murder machinery
decided to dig up slaughtered Jews in mass graves
and burn their bodies, but before that, gold teeth
and rings were to be extracted from the heads and
fingers of the dead:

".. at the Janowska death pits in Lvov hundreds
of Jewish labourers were forced to dig up those who
had been murdered and extract gold teeth and rings
from the fingers of the dead. As a sitness recounted:
'The fire crackles and sizzles Some of the bodies in
the fire have had their hands extended. It looks as
if they are pleading to be taken out. Many bodies
are lying with open mouths. Could they be tryig to
say: ;we are your own mothers, fathers, who raised
you and took care of you. Now you are burning us.' "

-- Dan Cohn-Sherbok. 2008. God and the Holocaust. p.11

"He called the method of mass killing he invented Sardinenpackung. As Meier
describes, it involved forcing victimes to lie together face down and side
and side and killing them with Genickschussen, then forcing the next group
of victims who preceded them to form another layer, ignoring the victims;
terror and horror in the interest of efficiently filling up the killing pit.
Jeckeln's despicably cruel execution protocols destroys SS claims, during
and after the warm that its executions were 'correct' military-style executions
of partisans. Himmler's goal was mass murder.. By the end of August 1941,
commanding the Kommandostab SS FIrst Brigade in the western Ukraine, Jeckeln
had personally supervised the murder of more than 44,000 human beings, the
largest total of Jews murdered by any of Himmler's virulent legions that month."
-- Richard Rhodes. Masters of Death: The Ss-Einsatzgruppen .. 2002

"I went out to the woods alone. The Wehrmacht had already dug a grave.
The children were brought along in a tractor-drawn wagon. I had nothing to
do with this technical procedure. The Ukrainians were standing round trembling.
The children were taken down from the tractor. They were lined up along the top
of the grave and shot so that they fell into it. The Ukrainians did not aim at
any particular part of the body. They fell into the grave. The wailing was indescribable.
I shall never forget the scene throughout my life. I find it very hard to bear.
I particularly remember a small fair-haired girl who took me by the hand. She
too was shot later.. The grave was near soome woods. IT was not near the firing
range. The execution must have taken place in the afternoon at about three-thirty
or four.. Many children were hit four or five times before they died."
-- Richard Rhodes. Masters of Death: The Ss-Einsatzgruppen .. 2002 p. 135


"Patterns of alcoholism and fighting brought over from Ireland
persisted in the United States. Over half the people arrested in
New York in the 1850s were Irish..
Police vans became known as 'Paddy wagons" because the
prisoners in them were so often Irish. "The fighting Irish" was a
phrase that covered everything from individual
brawls to mass melees (known as "Donnybrooks" for a town in
Ireland) to criminal gangs.. Irish neighborhoods were tough
neighborhoods in cities around the country. The
Irish Sixth Ward in New York was known as "the bloody ould
Sixth." Another Irish Neighborhood in New York was known
as "Hell's Kitchen," and another as 'San Juan Hill"
because of the battles fought there. In Milwaukee, the Irish
section was called the "Bloody Third".. Where the Irish
workers built the Illinois Central Railroad,
people spoke of "a murder a mile" as they laid track. The
largest riot in American history was by predominantly Irish
rioters in New York in 1863.. '

--Thomas Sowell, Ethnic America


"The IRish communicated in their own profanity-filled street
slang called, "flash talk": a multi-day drinking spree was "going on a
bender," "cracking a can" was robbing a house. Literate English practically
disappeared from ordinary conversation. An estimated 50,000 Irish
prostitutes, know in flash talk as "nymphs of the pave," worked the city in
1850 and Five Points alone had as many as 17 brothels. Illegitimacy
reached stratospheric heights--and tens of thousands of abandoned Irish
kids roamed, or prowled, the city's streets. Violent Irish gangs, with names
like the Forty Thieves, the B'boys, the Roach Guards, and Chichesters,
brought havoc to their neighborhoods. The gangs fought one another and
the nativists but primarily they robbed houses and small businesses, and
trafficked in stolen property. Over half the people arrested in New York in
the 1840s and 1850s were Irish, so that police vans were dubbed, "paddy
wagons" and episodes of mob violence in the streets were called
"donnybrooks," after a town in Ireland. Death was everywhere. In 1854
one out of every 17 people in the sixth ward died. In Sweeney's Shambles
the rate was one out of five in a 22 month period. The death rate among
Irish families in New York in the 1850s was 21 percent, while among
non-Irish it was 3 percent. Life expectancy for New York's Irish averaged
under 40 years. Tuberculosis, which Bishop Hughes called the "natural
death of the Irish immigrants," was the leading cause of death, along with
drink and violence."

-- William J. Stern, "How Dagger John Saved New York's Irish," City Journal (Spring 1997)

^WHite "role model" ..
Posted by Crush Black Lies (Member # 20324) on :
Posted by Khufu (Member # 17461) on :
Originally posted by Crush Black Lies:
Typical exaggerating Negro. It is the same M.O., take isolated incidents and act like they're the norm. You do the same with Egyptian artifacts having Negro features --a rarity-- and pretend theyre the norm. You take isolated incidents of White on Black violence and act like they're the norm. Yet, can't explain away the normal behavior of Blacks to act violently towards non-Blacks.


BTW, Whites are physically stronger than Blacks. This has been proven in strongman contests.

This is the type of double talk that white people do. They pick a sport like hockey or strong man-- where blacks are non-existent-- to say "oh we're naturally stronger than blacks" OR "we're better skaters than blacks" how would they know that? For example: In the 2009 World Strongest Man Competition there were 30 competitors who enlisted to become the world's next "Strongest Man". Out of the 2009 line-up, guess how many were black? Zero! So why do white people pick sports that have NO BLACK PEOPLE in them to compare the athletic ability of whites vs blacks? This is the most coward thing that I've ever heard of. And this type of bulls**t from white people has been going on since the middle ages. How the hack are you going to compare the strength of blacks using a sport that is 100% white?

Almost every sport in the world where there are blacks represented in EQUAL numbers(unlike strong man competition)to whites, black people will dominate the sport: from brazilian soccer to american football, black people are the highest paid athletes in the world. black american athletes are also the most sought after for european basketball.
Posted by Khufu (Member # 17461) on :
Originally posted by Crush Black Lies:
^Asshole, the moderator had officially assigned this section of the newsgroup to current news besides Egyptology. Get it together, Negro.

How much they're paying you by the hour to troll?
Posted by lamin (Member # 5777) on :
BTW, Whites are physically stronger than Blacks. This has been proven in strongman contests
Hardly. Blacks don't take part in those "world's strongest man contests". But in MM arts, kick boxing, boxing[except for the Neanderthal Klitsko brothers. They look like archaic whites], karate, wrestling[the world heavyweight champ is a massive man from Guadeloupe, a so called French Department], etc., generic Africans predominate. In Senegal those massive Senegalese wrestlers could take on 2 white wrestlers at a time and beat them. So LOL at this lame claim
Posted by Bonampak420 (Member # 20156) on :
Originally posted by lamin:
BTW, Whites are physically stronger than Blacks. This has been proven in strongman contests
Hardly. Blacks don't take part in those "world's strongest man contests". But in MM arts, kick boxing, boxing[except for the Neanderthal Klitsko brothers. They look like archaic whites], karate, wrestling[the world heavyweight champ is a massive man from Guadeloupe, a so called French Department], etc., generic Africans predominate. In Senegal those massive Senegalese wrestlers could take on 2 white wrestlers at a time and beat them. So LOL at this lame claim
LOL! the Klitsko Bros.


Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by Bonampak420:

White bitch Carves B into her own face for "Obama", then goes to police to claim a 6ft Black man attacked her.

Bethany Storro, Claimed she was attacked by a black woman who threw acid in her face. She received thousands in dollars for donations, and sparked a manhunt for the perp. Probably after hundreds of black women detained, questioned, The devil confesses she did it on her own.


Charles Stuart, Murdered his Wife and Baby then blamed a black man.

The Husband Did it, Charles Stuart Case-History.Com

"My wife's been shot! I've been shot!" screamed Stuart into his cell phone as he drove through the Mission Hill area of Boston. Paramedics responding to the call for help found that both Charles and his wife had been shot. Carol was barely hanging on to her life and Charles had a fairly serious wound to the stomach. Immediately, Charles identified an African-American male in a black running suit as the perpetrator.

The crime was the biggest story in Boston that day and even led some national newscasts. Across the country, the story was portrayed as an example of what could happen to affluent people traveling through bad neighborhoods. In many papers, liberal policies were attacked and held responsible for the tragedy. Carol Stuart died, and although doctors were able to save her baby temporarily, the child also died days later. Charles Stuart underwent intestinal surgery for 10 hours, but his life was not endangered.

The Boston police began to comb the housing projects in Mission Hill. African-American men were strip-searched on the streets on any pretense. Meanwhile, Stuart was showing unusual interest in a young female co-worker, asking that she phone him at the hospital where he was recovering. Detectives, fixated on finding the black perpetrator Stuart had described, didn't bother to find the ample evidence that Stuart was unhappy in his marriage and particularly upset with his wife for not having an abortion. Stuart had discussed both his obsession with the co-worker, and his desire to see his wife dead, with several friends and family members in the months before the murder.

In December, Willie Bennett, an African-American ex-con, was arrested after his nephew jokingly bragged that he was responsible. Stuart picked Bennett out of a lineup in which the others were all clean-cut Boston police officers. This was the last straw for Matthew Stuart, who had assisted his brother in carrying out the scheme. Matthew thought he was helping Charles with an insurance scam when he carried a bag away from the murder scene. In it was the gun and the couple's wallets and jewelry. In return for immunity, Matthew testified against his brother.
^Now imagine, if you will, how many people would have been harassed if this hadn't been figured out?

(report) After Sgt. Robert Ralston was shot, a block of Lancaster Avenue was cordoned off and a manhunt was on. SWAT teams searched for a black man with "cornrows" and a tattoo. But it was all a lie.

He shot himself.


Posted by zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova (Member # 15718) on :
^^Not at all surprising where self-styled "role models" are concerned.


Murderess Casey Anthony

White "role models" have a long history of a culture of violence

Homicide and a Regional Culture of Violence. by Raymond D Gastil .
American Sociological Review (1971)
Volume: 36, Issue: 3, Publisher: American Sociological Association, Pages: 412-427

"The homicide rate in the United States has been very high relative to the rest of
the modernized world for as far back as evidence is available. It has long been
known that in the United States there is a wide variation in the rates of different races
and between North and South. Both qualitative historical evidence and multiple
regressions indicate that the degree of "Southerness" in the culture of the population
of the states accounts for more of the variation in homicide rates than do other factors
such as income, education, percent urban, or age. It is suggested that high homicide
rates in the United States today are related primarily to the persistence of Southern
cultural traditions developed before the Civil War and subsequently spreading over
much of the country."

Extensive research data shows that white southern
culture has been very violent historically in the
United States with patterns of deadly violence
accepted by and practiced by the culture going
back well before the Civil War, and even before
settlement in the United States. The violence of white "role models"
is a clearly documented phenomenon by several credible
white scholars. It was from this violent milleu,
that Black America sprang.


"None of the explanatory factors discussed in Levitt (2004) and Levitt and Miles (2006) -higher number
of police, rising prison population, legalized abortion and receding crack epidemics- seems to apply more
obviously to the Northern part of the country rather than the South. Yet, the Southern homicide specificity
is essentially a white offender phenomenon: over the period 1980-2007 white offender rates in the Deep
South have been 2.8 what they have been in Northern states. Black offender rates are ‘only’ 1.4 times
higher, a difference that is no longer significant since the end of the 1980s. Besides, the analysis by Levitt
(2004) and Levitt and Miles (2006) is focused on explaining the sharp decline of homicide rates in the
1990s, a decline which, again, was much sharper for black offender rates than for white offender rates:
black offender rates declined 1.32 times more than white offender rates (source of data: UCR).

More quotes:
"According to the culture of honor hypothesis, the high prevalence of homicides in the US South
originates from the settlement of the region by herders from the fringes of Britain. This paper
confirms that Scot or Scots-Irish settlements are associated with higher homicide today, but only
in the South. The effect is strongest among whites and more pronounced where herding was
more prevalent and institutional quality weaker. Results indicate that other white settlers adopted
the Scots-Irish culture."

"The average murder rate per 100,000 people between 2000 and 2007 in the Deep South of the
United States was 8.55, nearly twice as high as in the rest of the country.1 The respective roles of
economic and cultural factors in explaining such a high prevalence of homicide-related violence
in the South are still the object of much debate. It has been acknowledged that the South’s high
murder rate cannot be explained by traditional socio-economic or institutional determinants of
crime (Cohen and Nisbett 1994, 1996). The inelasticity of homicide rates to income levels has
been interpreted as a limitation of cost-benefit analysis of criminal behavior2 (Levitt and Miles
2006). More recent economic analyses of crime appear similarly unsuitable to explain the
determinants of white offender homicide rates.3 Some authors have suggested instead that the
high Southern homicide rate is a product of cultural values condoning the use of lethal violence."

--GrosJEan, P. 2011. NBER paper. Univ of San Fran.
"A History of Violence: The “Culture of Honor” as
a Determinant of Homicide in the US South."

^Another white "role model"..

What happens when biased 'hereditarianism' and 'biodiversity' notions are applied
CONSISTENTLY across the board, and put to the test? What
happens to bold claims of virtue and goodness then? Let us


1--White "role models" have produced the most vicious
violence in human history, such as the mass murders of
the Holocaust

You got it- supposedly more pure, more virtuous people on the
"right" side of the Bell Curve. While making up only about
one-third of the world's population, Europeans
have perpetrated around 90% of the world's genocides. On a
more routine violence tally, body count "parity" is not far
behind as shown in the killing fields of
Cambodia that "cleansed" about one-fourth of the country's
population.Asiatics racked up a body count of 60 or so million
murdered or starved by "the thought of
Chairman Mao", as well as the older depredations of Ghengis
Khan and his descendants in more ancient time. In the modern
higher IQ era, cold climate Caucasoid "role
model" Josef Stalin and followers posted an additional body
count of 20 million or so, a shining example for all time by
those allegedly possessing Derbyshire's
"higher" sense of morality. In terms of the crime of genocide,
assorted "biodiversity" and "racial reality" types attempt to
avoid uncomfortable reality by claiming
that genocide is not a crime. But in fact it is, and has been so
recognized by almost every major Western nation and
international law since 1948, under a conservative
definition that specifically excludes mere political violence. It
was European nations that established the definition. It is thus
hilarious to see how European race
proponents attempt to wriggle away from the bloody facts on
the ground, perpetrated by Europeans, even allowing for the
most conservative definition.

Herded into the gas chambers to be slaughtered,
one Jewish survivor recounts the end of a mass murder
gas session QUOTE:

"The people were still standing like columns
of stone with no room to fall or lean. Even in
death you could tell the families, all holding
hands. It was difficult to separate them while
emptying the room for the next batch. The bodies
were tossed out, blue, wet with sweat and urine,
the legs smeared with excrement and menstrual blood.
Two dozen workers were busy checking mouths they
opened with iron hooks.. dentists knocked out
gold teeth, bridges and crowns with hammers."
-- Dan Cohn-Sherbok. 2008. God and the Holocaust. p.8

Concerned to hide their monstrous crimes,
but still turn a profit, the murder machinery
decided to dig up slaughtered Jews in mass graves
and burn their bodies, but before that, gold teeth
and rings were to be extracted from the heads and
fingers of the dead:

".. at the Janowska death pits in Lvov hundreds
of Jewish labourers were forced to dig up those who
had been murdered and extract gold teeth and rings
from the fingers of the dead. As a sitness recounted:
'The fire crackles and sizzles Some of the bodies in
the fire have had their hands extended. It looks as
if they are pleading to be taken out. Many bodies
are lying with open mouths. Could they be tryig to
say: ;we are your own mothers, fathers, who raised
you and took care of you. Now you are burning us.' "

-- Dan Cohn-Sherbok. 2008. God and the Holocaust. p.11

"He called the method of mass killing he invented Sardinenpackung. As Meier
describes, it involved forcing victimes to lie together face down and side
and side and killing them with Genickschussen, then forcing the next group
of victims who preceded them to form another layer, ignoring the victims;
terror and horror in the interest of efficiently filling up the killing pit.
Jeckeln's despicably cruel execution protocols destroys SS claims, during
and after the warm that its executions were 'correct' military-style executions
of partisans. Himmler's goal was mass murder.. By the end of August 1941,
commanding the Kommandostab SS FIrst Brigade in the western Ukraine, Jeckeln
had personally supervised the murder of more than 44,000 human beings, the
largest total of Jews murdered by any of Himmler's virulent legions that month."
-- Richard Rhodes. Masters of Death: The Ss-Einsatzgruppen .. 2002

"I went out to the woods alone. The Wehrmacht had already dug a grave.
The children were brought along in a tractor-drawn wagon. I had nothing to
do with this technical procedure. The Ukrainians were standing round trembling.
The children were taken down from the tractor. They were lined up along the top
of the grave and shot so that they fell into it. The Ukrainians did not aim at
any particular part of the body. They fell into the grave. The wailing was indescribable.
I shall never forget the scene throughout my life. I find it very hard to bear.
I particularly remember a small fair-haired girl who took me by the hand. She
too was shot later.. The grave was near soome woods. IT was not near the firing
range. The execution must have taken place in the afternoon at about three-thirty
or four.. Many children were hit four or five times before they died."
-- Richard Rhodes. Masters of Death: The Ss-Einsatzgruppen .. 2002 p. 135
Posted by Bonampak420 (Member # 20156) on :
Originally posted by TruthAndRights:
Originally posted by Bonampak420:

White bitch Carves B into her own face for "Obama", then goes to police to claim a 6ft Black man attacked her.

Bethany Storro, Claimed she was attacked by a black woman who threw acid in her face. She received thousands in dollars for donations, and sparked a manhunt for the perp. Probably after hundreds of black women detained, questioned, The devil confesses she did it on her own.


Charles Stuart, Murdered his Wife and Baby then blamed a black man.

The Husband Did it, Charles Stuart Case-History.Com

"My wife's been shot! I've been shot!" screamed Stuart into his cell phone as he drove through the Mission Hill area of Boston. Paramedics responding to the call for help found that both Charles and his wife had been shot. Carol was barely hanging on to her life and Charles had a fairly serious wound to the stomach. Immediately, Charles identified an African-American male in a black running suit as the perpetrator.

The crime was the biggest story in Boston that day and even led some national newscasts. Across the country, the story was portrayed as an example of what could happen to affluent people traveling through bad neighborhoods. In many papers, liberal policies were attacked and held responsible for the tragedy. Carol Stuart died, and although doctors were able to save her baby temporarily, the child also died days later. Charles Stuart underwent intestinal surgery for 10 hours, but his life was not endangered.

The Boston police began to comb the housing projects in Mission Hill. African-American men were strip-searched on the streets on any pretense. Meanwhile, Stuart was showing unusual interest in a young female co-worker, asking that she phone him at the hospital where he was recovering. Detectives, fixated on finding the black perpetrator Stuart had described, didn't bother to find the ample evidence that Stuart was unhappy in his marriage and particularly upset with his wife for not having an abortion. Stuart had discussed both his obsession with the co-worker, and his desire to see his wife dead, with several friends and family members in the months before the murder.

In December, Willie Bennett, an African-American ex-con, was arrested after his nephew jokingly bragged that he was responsible. Stuart picked Bennett out of a lineup in which the others were all clean-cut Boston police officers. This was the last straw for Matthew Stuart, who had assisted his brother in carrying out the scheme. Matthew thought he was helping Charles with an insurance scam when he carried a bag away from the murder scene. In it was the gun and the couple's wallets and jewelry. In return for immunity, Matthew testified against his brother.
^Now imagine, if you will, how many people would have been harassed if this hadn't been figured out?

(report) After Sgt. Robert Ralston was shot, a block of Lancaster Avenue was cordoned off and a manhunt was on. SWAT teams searched for a black man with "cornrows" and a tattoo. But it was all a lie.

He shot himself.



 - Profile of a Child Killer: Susan Smith
Susan Smith ran to a nearby home and hysterically knocked on the door. She told the homeowners, Shirley and Rick McCloud, that an black man had taken her car and her two boys. She described how she had stopped at a red light at Monarch Mills, when a man with a gun jumped into her car and told her to drive. She drove around some, and then he told her to stop and get out of the car. At that point he told her he wouldn't hurt the kids and then drove off with the boys who she could hear were crying out for her.
For nine days Susan Smith stuck the story of being abducted. Friends and family surrounded her in support and David had returned to his wife's side as the search for their children intensified. The national media showed up in Union as the tragic story of the boys abduction circulated. Susan, with her face spotted with tears, and David looking distraught and desperate, made a public plea for the safe return of their sons. In the meantime, Susan's story was beginning to unravel.

Whites love to create fictional stories about blacks, just like the whies creating fake stories of beain beaten because of trayvonn, or being high on bath salts and eating a mans face, when here was no flesh in his stomach or bath salt in his system.

Whites will never take responsibility for their own actions, they will continue to whine, bitch, and moan, and blame every person of hue for their woes.
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :

Nathan Van Wilkins is accused of wounding 17 people in a Tuscaloosa, Alabama bar with a military style assault weapon.

*excuses stop here* [Wink]
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :

suspect in his 20s, ethnicity unknown at the moment...gas canister, gas mask, protective vest, 3 guns, and the threat of more explosives in his home...

^ I think we all know who is the usual culprit more time in that kinda scenario; however, I could be wrong on this....

although, didn't someone here say stereotypes are valid? [Wink] [Big Grin]

Aurora, a Denver suburb, is about 13 miles from Littleton, Colorado -- site of the April 1999 Columbine High School massacre.

In that incident, two teenage students, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, armed themselves with guns and bombs and opened fire inside the high school. They killed 13 people and wounding 23 others before killing themselves.

*excuses stop here*

Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
[Eek!] What a surprise *heavy sarcasm*

WASHINGTON—Federal law enforcement officials say the suspect in Friday's deadly shooting in Colorado is James Holmes, a 24-year-old white American.

Officials believe Holmes killed a dozen people when he fired into a crowded movie theater in a Denver suburb. He was wearing a gas mask and set off an unknown gas in the theater.

Posted by Crush Black Lies (Member # 20324) on :
TruthAndRights, you seem to take joy in mass murder. Sick, just sick!
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by Crushed-Eediatbwoy:
TruthAndRights, you seem to take joy in mass murder. Sick, just sick!

[Roll Eyes] sad [Frown] you're more eediat than I thought smh [Embarrassed]


Meanwhile, authorities were faced with the difficult task of entering Holmes' Aurora apartment, which was left rigged with traps.

"It's booby-trapped with various incendiary and chemical devices and trip wires," Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said, adding that it could take days to work through the apartment safely.


Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
^ Because of how he rigged his apt with all the booby traps, they might have to end up blowing the whole building.... [Frown] [Mad] if so, I hope they will allow the residents the chance to remove all their belongings that they can from their homes first....smh but due to the danger, I doubt it *hoping they can get their belongings*

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