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David Icke Saturn isnt what you think it is either

Egyptian God Set the original Satan and Saturn

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God Heru and Set between Pharaoh Ramses III
Set is the Egyptian God of storms, deserts, chaos and wars

God Set and Horus adoring Ramses

Set /sɛt/ or Seth (/sɛθ/; also spelled Setesh, Sutekh,[1] Setekh, or Suty) is a god of the desert, storms, disorder, violence and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion.[2] In Ancient Greek, the god's name is given as Sēth (Σήθ). Set is not, however, a god to be ignored or avoided; he has a positive role where he is employed by Ra on his solar boat to repel the serpent of Chaos Apep.[2] Set had a vital role as a reconciled combatant.[2] He was lord of the red (desert) land where he was the balance to Horus' role as lord of the black (soil) land.[2]

In Egyptian mythology, Set is portrayed as the usurper who killed and mutilated his own brother Osiris. Osiris' wife Isis reassembled Osiris' corpse and resurrected him long enough to conceive his son and heir Horus. Horus sought revenge upon Set, and the myths describe their conflicts. This Osiris myth is a prominent theme in Egyptian mythology.

God Saturn

God Saturn

God Saturn

God Saturn

Saturn's wife was Ops. Jupiter was their son.



In ancient Roman religion and myth, Saturn (Latin: Saturnus) was a god of agriculture, liberation, and time. His reign was depicted as a Golden Age of abundance and peace. He was thus a god of wealth, and the Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum housed the state treasury. In December, he was celebrated at what is perhaps the most famous of the Roman festivals, the Saturnalia, a time of feasting, role reversals, free speech, gift-giving and revelry. Saturn the planet and Saturday are both named after the god.

The Romans identified Saturn with the Greek Cronus, whose myths were adapted for Latin literature and Roman art. In particular, Cronus' role in the genealogy of the Greek gods was transferred to Saturn. As early as Livius Andronicus (3rd century BC), Jupiter was called the son of Saturn.

The Roman Saturn, however, had two consorts who represented different aspects of the god. The name of his wife Ops, the Roman equivalent of Greek Rhea, means "wealth, abundance, resources." Earlier was his association with Lua ("destruction, dissolution, loosening"), a goddess who received the bloodied weapons of enemies destroyed in war.

Under Saturn's rule, humans enjoyed the spontaneous bounty of the earth without labor in a state of social egalitarianism. The revelries of Saturnalia were supposed to reflect the conditions of the lost mythical age, not all of them desirable except as a temporary release from civilized constraint. The Greek equivalent was the Kronia.

According to Varro, Saturn's name derived ab satu, from the word for "sowing." Another of his epithets that referred to his agricultural functions was Sterculius, from stercus, "manure." Agriculture was central to Roman identity, and Saturn was a part of archaic Roman religion. His name appears in the ancient hymn of the Salian priests, and his temple was the oldest known to have been recorded by the pontiffs. It was located at the base of the Capitoline Hill, and a row of columns from the last rebuilding of the temple still stand.

The position of Saturn's festival in the Roman calendar led to his association with concepts of time, especially the temporal transition of the New Year. Macrobius (5th century AD) presents an interpretation of the Saturnalia as a festival of light leading to the winter solstice.

In the Greek tradition, Cronus was often conflated with Chronus, "Time," and his devouring of his children taken as an allegory for the passing of generations. The sickle or scythe of Father Time is a remnant of the agricultural implement of Cronus-Saturn, and his aged appearance represents the waning of the old year with the birth of the new, in antiquity sometimes embodied by Aion. In late antiquity, Saturn is syncretized with a number of deities, and begins to be depicted as winged, as is Kairos, "Timing, Right Time".

he cult of Ops was instituted by King Titus Tatius, the Sabine monarch. Later Ops became the patroness of riches, abundance, and prosperity both personal and national.

Originally on August 10, a festival took place in her honor. On December 9, the Opalia was celebrated. On August 25, the Opiconsivia was held. The Latin word ops means "riches, goods, abundance, gifts, munificence, plenty". This word is also related to opus, meaning "work" and, particularly "working the earth, ploughing, sowing". This activity was of old deemed sacred, and was often attended by religious rituals intended to obtain the good will of the chthonian deities such as Ops and Consus, etc.

Ops had a famous temple in the Capitolium. In her statues and coins, Ops is figured sitting down, as chthonian deities normally are, and generally holds a scepter or a corn spike as her main attributes.

In memory of the Golden Age of Rome, each year the Saturnalia was observed on December 17 at his temple on the Forum Romanum. This temple, below the Capitoline Hill, contained the Royal Treasury and is one of the oldest in Rome. The Saturnalia was one of the major events of the year. Originally only one day, it was later extended to seven days. During this festival, business was suspended, the roles of master and slaves were reversed, moral restrictions were loosened and gifts were exchanged. Offerings made in his honor were done with uncovered heads, contrary to the Roman tradition. In contrast to his festival, Saturn himself was never very popular.

Saturn in Roman Religion

Sacrifices to Saturn were performed according to "Greek rite" (ritus graecus), with the head uncovered, in contrast to those of other major Roman deities, which were performed capite velato, "with the head covered." Saturn himself, however, was represented as veiled, as for example in a wall painting from Pompeii that shows him holding a sickle and covered with a white veil.

Pliny notes that the cult statue of Saturn was filled with oil; the exact meaning of this is unclear. Its feet were bound with wool, which was removed only during the Saturnalia. It wore a red cloak, and was brought out of the temple to take part in ritual processions and lectisternia, banquets at which images of the gods were arranged as guests on couches.

Little evidence exists for the cult of Saturn outside Rome, but his name resembles that of the Etruscan god Satres. The potential cruelty of Saturn was enhanced by his identification with Cronus, known for devouring his own children. He was thus equated with the Carthaginian god Ba'al Hammon, to whom children were supposedly sacrificed. Saturn was also among the gods the Romans attempted to equate with Yahweh, whose Sabbath (on Saturday) he shared as his holy day. The phrase Saturni dies, "Saturn's day," first appears in Latin literature in a poem by Tibullus, who wrote during the reign of Augustus.

In 104 BC, the plebeian tribune Lucius Appuleius Saturninus issued a denarius depicting Saturn driving a four-horse chariot (quadriga), a vehicle associated with rulers, triumphing generals, and sun gods. Saturninus was a popularist politician who had proposed free grain distribution to the poor of Rome. The head of the goddess Roma appears on the obverse. The Saturnian imagery played on the tribune's name and his intent to subvert the social hierarchy by basing his political support on the common people (plebs) rather than the senatorial elite.

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set.h ~ Siddh.artha Gautama Buddha
sidar(L) star, stele
KMT, GBT, XT, xya(mbua)tl ~ settle/shuttle
Sabtu(Malay) Saturday
Shema (H) am pray
Shema (A/T) weave plait


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God Saturn

God Cronus

God Cronus

God Kronus

God Cronus

God Kronus

God Kronus

God Cronus

Saturn (Latin: Saturnus Latin pronunciation: [saˈtʊr.nʊs]) is a god in ancient Roman religion, and a character in myth. Saturn is a complex figure because of his multiple associations and long history. He was the first god of the Capitol, known since the most ancient times as Saturnius Mons, and was seen as a god of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation. In later developments he came to be also a god of time. His reign was depicted as a Golden Age of plenty and peace. The Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum housed the state treasury. In December, he was celebrated at what is perhaps the most famous of the Roman festivals, the Saturnalia, a time of feasting, role reversals, free speech, gift-giving and revelry. Saturn the planet and Saturday are both named after the god.
Saturn (Latin: Saturnus Latin pronunciation: [saˈtʊr.nʊs]) is a god in ancient Roman religion, and a character in myth. Saturn is a complex figure because of his multiple associations and long history. He was the first god of the Capitol, known since the most ancient times as Saturnius Mons, and was seen as a god of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation. In later developments he came to be also a god of time. His reign was depicted as a Golden Age of plenty and peace. The Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum housed the state treasury. In December, he was celebrated at what is perhaps the most famous of the Roman festivals, the Saturnalia, a time of feasting, role reversals, free speech, gift-giving and revelry. Saturn the planet and Saturday are both named after the god.

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System, after Jupiter. Saturn is named after the Roman god Saturn, equated to the Greek Cronus (the Titan father of Zeus), the Babylonian Ninurta and the Hindu Shani. Saturn's symbol represents the Roman god's sickle.

In astronomy, the planet we now call Saturn because of Roman influence was called Khronos by the Greeks. It was the outermost planet god/deity, and was considered the seventh of the seven heavenly objects that are visible with the naked eye. Given that it had the longest observable repeatable period in the sky, which is currently around 30 years, it was thought to be the keeper of time, or Father Time, since no other objects had been seen or recorded to have a longer period. That is why it is often depicted as an elderly man with a long gray beard.

Saturn has been known since prehistoric times. In ancient times, it was the most distant of the five known planets in the solar system (excluding Earth) and thus a major character in various mythologies.

Babylonian astronomers systematically observed and recorded the movements of Saturn.

In Hindu astrology, there are nine astrological objects, known as Navagrahas. Saturn, one of them, is known as "Shani", judges everyone based on the good and bad deeds performed in life. In the 5th century CE, the Indian astronomical text Surya Siddhanta estimated the diameter of Saturn as 73,882 miles, an error of less than 1% from the currently accepted value of 74,580 miles, for which there exist several possible explanations.

Ancient Chinese and Japanese culture designated the planet Saturn as the Earth Star. This was based on Five Elements which were traditionally used to classify natural elements.

In ancient Hebrew, Saturn is called 'Shabbathai'. Its angel is Cassiel. Its intelligence or beneficial spirit is Agiel (layga) and its spirit (darker aspect) is Zazel (lzaz).

In Ottoman Turkish, Urdu and Malay, its name is 'Zuhal', derived from Arabic.

In ancient Roman mythology, the god Saturnus, from which the planet takes its name, was the god of the agricultural and harvest sector. The Romans considered Saturnus the equivalent of the Greek god Cronus.

The Greeks had made the outermost planet sacred to Cronus, and the Romans followed suit. Ptolemy, a Greek living in Alexandria, observed an opposition of Saturn, which was the basis for his determination of the elements of its orbit.

Beginning on December 17 each year, during the festival known as the Saturnalia, the Golden Age was to be restored for seven days. All business stopped and executions and military operations were postponed. It was a period of goodwill, devoted to banquets and the exchange of visits and gifts. A special feature of the festival was the freedom given to slaves, who during this time had first place at the family table and were served by their masters.

Chronos was imagined as a god, serpentine in form, with three heads - those of a man, a bull, and a lion. He and his consort, serpentine Ananke (Inevitability), circled the primal world egg in their coils and split it apart to form the ordered universe of earth, sea and sky.

Chronos was confused with, or perhaps consciously identified with, due to the similarity in name, the Titan Cronus already in antiquity, the identification becoming more widespread during the Renaissance, giving rise to the allegory of "Father Time" wielding the harvesting scythe. He was depicted in Greco-Roman mosaics as a man turning the Zodiac Wheel. Chronos, however, might also be contrasted with the deity Aion as Eternal Time. Chronos is usually portrayed through an old, wise man with a long, grey beard, such as "Father Time". Some of the current English words whose etymological root is khronos/chronos include chronology, chronometer, chronic, anachronism, and chronicle.

Cronus was the ruling Titan who came to power by castrating his Father Uranus. His wife was Rhea. There offspring were the first of the Olympians. To insure his safety Cronus ate each of the children as they were born. This worked until Rhea, unhappy at the loss of her children, tricked Cronus into swallowing a rock, instead of Zeus. When he grew up Zeus would revolt against Cronus and the other Titans, defeat them, and banish them to Tartarus in the underworld. Cronus managed to escape to Italy, where he ruled as Saturn. The period of his rule was said to be a golden age on Earth, honored by the Saturnalia feast.

In Greek mythology, Chronos in pre-Socratic philosophical works is said to be the personification of time. He emerged from the primordial Chaos. He is often mythologically confused with the Titan Cronus. He was depicted in Greco-Roman mosaics as a man turning the zodiac wheel. Often the figure is named Aeon (Eternal Time), a common alternate name for the god. His name actually means "Time", and is alternatively spelled Khronos (transliteration of the Greek), Chronos, Chronus (Latin version). Some of the current English words which show a tie to khronos/chronos and the attachment to time are chronology, chronic, and chronicle.


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God Cronus

Mutilation of God Uranus by God Cronus

Goddess Rhea tricking Kronus

In Greek mythology, Cronus, also known as Kronos (/ˈkroʊnəs/ or /ˈkroʊnɒs/ from Greek: Κρόνος, krónos), was the leader and youngest of the first generation of Titans, the divine descendants of Uranus, the sky, and Gaia, the earth. He overthrew his father and ruled during the mythological Golden Age, until he was overthrown by his own son Zeus and imprisoned in Tartarus.

Cronus was usually depicted with a harpe, scythe or a sickle, which was the instrument he used to castrate and depose Uranus, his father. In Athens, on the twelfth day of the Attic month of Hekatombaion, a festival called Kronia was held in honour of Cronus to celebrate the harvest, suggesting that, as a result of his association with the virtuous Golden Age, Cronus continued to preside as a patron of harvest. Cronus was also identified in classical antiquity with the Roman deity Saturn.


City of Saturnia aka Ancient Rome

Roman Empire or Saturnian Empire

Temple of Saturn in Rome

Saturnalia festival

Christmas or Saturnalia holiday

Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival in honour of the deity Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted, and masters provided table service for their slaves.[1] The poet Catullus called it "the best of days"

n Roman mythology, Saturn was an agricultural deity who was said to have reigned over the world in the Golden Age, when humans enjoyed the spontaneous bounty of the earth without labor in a state of innocence. The revelries of Saturnalia were supposed to reflect the conditions of the lost mythical age, not all of them desirable. The Greek equivalent was the Kronia.[3]

Although probably the best-known Roman holiday, Saturnalia as a whole is not described from beginning to end in any single ancient source. Modern understanding of the festival is pieced together from several accounts dealing with various aspects.[4] The Saturnalia was the dramatic setting of the multivolume work of that name by Macrobius, a Latin writer from late antiquity who is the major source for information about the holiday. In one of the interpretations in Macrobius's work, Saturnalia is a festival of light leading to the winter solstice, with the abundant presence of candles symbolizing the quest for knowledge and truth.[5] The renewal of light and the coming of the new year was celebrated in the later Roman Empire at the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, the "Birthday of the Unconquerable Sun", on 23 December.[6]

The popularity of Saturnalia continued into the 3rd and 4th centuries CE, and as the Roman Empire came under Christian rule, many of its customs were recast into or at least influenced the seasonal celebrations surrounding Christmas and the New Year.[7]

Public religious observance

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Saturnalia festival


Santa Claus is the God Saturn

Santa Claus aka

Saint Nicholas said to be the origin of Santa Claus

Many Christians today believe that Christmas is a Christian holiday. The fact is that people have been celebrating Christmas, long before the birth of Christ. The festivity was known then, as Saturnalia. Saturnalia was a festival in which the Romans commemorated the dedication of the temple of the god Saturn. As winter approached, they were losing harvest & were in need of the sun in order for their harvest to grow & bear fruit. Saturn was the Roman god of agriculture and harvest.

This meant that the god Saturn was in need of the sun god in order to complete his job, therefore the attention was then shifted to the sun god. The Saturnalia custom is rooted in pagan & Celtic believes & traditions. They believed in human sacrifice including the sacrifice of small children & infants in which were offered to their gods in order to empower the sun to return with strength. They believed that winter was due to the sun losing its power due to a battle between the sun god & the god of the dead. Since winter is annually, they believed these battles were fought annually and thus the sacrifices had to be annually in order to appease or empower their respective gods. Because the sun always return at the beginning of the new year, they believed that its was due to all of their human sacrifices, and costum rituals that took effect; empowering their sun god to return each year victoriously.

The Roman pagans introduced into their law December 17-25 as Saturnalia. During this period, Roman courts were closed, and Roman law dictated that no one could be punished for damaging property or injuring people during the week long celebration. The festival began when Roman authorities chose “an enemy of the Roman people” to represent the “Lord of Misrule.” Each Roman community selected a victim whom they forced to indulge in food and other physical pleasures throughout the week. At the festival’s conclusion, December 25th, Roman authorities believed they were destroying the forces of darkness by brutally murdering the innocent man or woman who they chose to represent “the forces of darkness”.
In the 4th century The Roman Catholic Church adopted the Saturnalia festival hoping to take the pagan masses in with it. Chatolic leaders succeeded in converting to “Christianity” large numbers of pagans by promising them that they could continue to celebrate their Saturnalia as “Christmas”.Christians had little success, however, refining the practices of Saturnalia. As Stephen Nissenbaum, professor history at the University of Massachussetts, Amherst, writes, “In return for ensuring massive observance of the anniversary of the Savior’s birth by assigning it to this resonant date, the Church for its part tacitly agreed to allow the holiday to be celebrated more or less the way it had always been.” The earliest Christmas holidays were celebrated by drinking, sexual indulgence, singing naked in the streets (a precursor of modern caroling), etc.
The problem was that there was nothing in relation to Christianity concerning Saturnalia. To remedy this, these so called Christian leaders named Saturnalia’s concluding day, December 25th to be Jesus’ birthday.

As part of the Saturnalia carnival throughout the 18th and 19th centuries CE, rabbis of the poor places in Rome were forced to wear clown type of clothing and march through the city streets to the mocking of the crowd, heavely rained by a variety of missiles. When the Jewish community of Rome sent a petition in1836 to Pope Gregory XVI begging him to stop the annual Saturnalia abuse of the Jewish community, he responded, “It is not opportune to make any innovation. On December 25, 1881, Christian leaders whipped the Polish masses into Antisemitic frenzies that led to riots across the country. In Warsaw 12 Jews were brutally murdered, huge numbers were disable or disfigured, and many Jewish women were raped. Two million rubles worth of property was destroyed. Some foundation for a holyday they like to call “Christian”.

Today, the same formula its being used when it comes to repackaging pagan practices and doctrines by just renaming them and giving them a “Christian” name. For instance, Rock & Roll music; So called Christian leaders believe a worldly or pagan person can join a Christian church with out having to leave their worldly Rock & Roll behind, because they can find Rock & Roll in the church too, “Christian Rock & Roll” that is! This is now offered by so called Christian churches today, supposedly to attract and convert the worldly.

Planet Saturn

Planet Saturn and earth comparison

Planet Saturn

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Solar system

Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas with two Moors

Drawing from the Calendar of Philocalus depicting the month of December, with Saturnalian dice on the table and a mask (oscilla) hanging

God Sol Invictus

Peleset, Pele Set or Palestine land of the worshiper of the God Set (Saturn)

Israel the land of Isis Ra and El (Saturn)

The star of Saturn on the flag of Israel

The star of Saturn

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Star of Saturn on USA dollar $

Star of Saturn on USA $

Star of Saturn on Synagogue

Pope with star of Saturn Mitra

God El aka Saturn with one Breast

God El

God El aka Saturn

God Baal or Ba El aka Saturn

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God Baal

God Baal

Black Cube of Saturn

Kaaba the black cube of Mecca

The Saturnalian black cube of Mecca

The Black Cube

Jewish Black cube tephilim

Jewish Black Cube

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Pope Saturn hat

Catholic Priests with black robe symbol of the priesthood of Saturn

Rabbi in Black Robe symbol of the priesthood of Saturn

Protestant Pastor in Black Robe

Jesuit Black Pope Adolfo Celi in Saturnalian Black suit with Pope Francis in solar white robe

Muslim isis Caliph and terrorist Al Baghdadi in black robe

Shia Imam in black robe.

USA Judge in Black Robe

Star Wars The Force awaken

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Louisiana Judge in Black robe

graduating student black robe symbol of saturn

Angolan flag red and black is the color of saturn

Great Britain blue and red flag color of God Set

God Pan is planet Saturn in the constellation of Capricorn

God Baphomet is Saturn on the constellation of Capricorn

Crown symbol of God Cronus and Saturn

Crown symbol of Kronus

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ring symbol of saturn

Ear rings symbol of Saturn

Freemason dress in black

Freemason dress in black

Rolex watch crown, Kronos is the God of time and God of the Royal or Roy El crown. We use the crown of a watch to set the time.

Rolex Yachtmaster

Roman Catholic Cardinal in the circle of Saturn

Jewish Sanhedrin seating in Saturnalian circle

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The Sanhedrin seating in circle

Jewish rabbi standing in circle

Eyes Wide Shut Saturnalian circle

Elagalabus Black Stone

Red hair symbol of the God Set

Red hair symbol of the God Set

 - Dyed red hair symbol of Set the God of the red desert.

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I forget about Satan the most popular version of the God Saturn.
God Satan

God Satan

God Satan

God Satan

Satan vs Jesus aka Set vs Heru

Satan (Hebrew: שָּׂטָן‎‎ satan, meaning "enemy" or "adversary";[1] Arabic: شيطان‎‎ shaitan, meaning; "astray", "distant", or sometimes "devil") is a figure appearing in the texts of the Abrahamic religions[2][3] who brings evil and temptation, and is known as the deceiver who leads humanity astray. Some religious groups teach that he originated as an angel, or something of the like, who used to possess great piety and beauty, but fell because of hubris, seducing humanity into the ways of falsehood and sin, and has power in the fallen world. In the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, Satan is primarily an accuser and adversary, a decidedly malevolent entity, also called the devil, who possesses demonic qualities.

Although Satan is generally viewed as having negative characteristics, some groups have very different beliefs: in Theistic Satanism, Satan is considered a deity who is either worshipped or revered. In LaVeyan Satanism, "Satan" is a symbol of virtuous characteristics and liberty.

God Baron Samedi (Saturday or Saturnday)

Baron Samedi (Saturday)

Baron Samedi veve

Baron Samedi (French: Baron Saturday, also written Baron Samdi, Bawon Samedi, or Bawon Sanmdi) is one of the Loa of Haitian Vodou. Samedi is a Loa of the dead, along with Baron's numerous other incarnations Baron Cimetière, Baron La Croix, and Baron Kriminel. He is syncretized with Saint Martin de Porres.

He is the head of the Guédé family of Loa. His wife is the Loa Maman Brigitte.

He is usually depicted with a top hat, black tail coat, dark glasses, and cotton plugs in the nostrils, as if to resemble a corpse dressed and prepared for burial in the Haitian style. He has a white, frequently skull-like face (or actually has a skull for a face), and speaks in a nasal voice. The former President for Life of Haiti, François Duvalier, modeled his cult of personality on Baron Samedi; he was often seen speaking in a deep nasal tone and wearing dark glasses.[1]

He is noted for disruption, obscenity, debauchery, and having a particular fondness for tobacco and rum. Additionally, he is the Loa of resurrection, and in the latter capacity he is often called upon for healing by those near or approaching death, as it is only the Baron who can accept an individual into the realm of the dead.[2][3]

Baron Samedi spends most of his time in the invisible realm of vodou spirits. He is notorious for his outrageous behavior, swearing continuously and making filthy jokes to the other spirits. He is married to another powerful spirit known as Maman Brigitte, but often chases after mortal women. He loves smoking and drinking and is rarely seen without a cigar in his mouth or a glass of rum in his bony fingers. Baron Samedi can usually be found at the crossroads between the worlds of the living and the dead. When someone dies, he digs their grave and greets their soul after they have been buried, leading them to the underworld.

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Confucius states the world is rule by signs and symbols not rules or laws

Baron Samedi in the movie James Bond Live and let die

David Icke

Saturn isnt what you think

Jordan Maxwell

Jordan Maxwell

Saturn worship

Jordan Maxwell the Cult of Saturn

Phil Valentine

When we dance with the devil Saturn

When you dance with Satan/Saturn he lead

Michael Tsarion

Astrotheology and sidereal mythology

Dome of the rock a symbol of Saturn

Pharaoh Akhenaton aka historical Moses one of the most powerful ruler in history the founder of monotheist Atonism and the spiritual founder of Judaisme and Christianity that rules the world today with their secret societies.

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Doug M
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Olmec priests probably wearing a black cube or teffilin

Black cube tefillin


Roman Praetorian guard dress in black or purple

Nazi SS dress in black

European Rabbi Goldsmith and Roman Pope Francis are wearing the same kippah skull cap. The Rabbi dress in black and the Pope dress in white resemble the checkered board duality.

Checkered board of duality

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Roman Catholic cardinals seating in circle

Roman Cardinal procession

Roman Catholic Cardinals dress in saturnalian red

Roman calendar with Saturn in the central figure and the Star of Saturn aka Star David.

Nazi black sun symbol of planet Saturn

Freemasons wearing aprons in front of checkered mosaic

Great Britain South Wales Freemasons

USA New York Manhattan Freemasons

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USA President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Quotes from USA President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Secret societies ran the world in the past and run it today.

The President of the USA is not elected but selected.

There is no accident in USA politic, if something happen it was plan this way.

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USSR Saturnalian flag

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mena7 you missed the Shinto headband, it is like the Jewish tephilim


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You are right Deden I miss the Shinto cube headband

Shinto Nepilim

Shinto Nephilim


Goddess Aset was the sister of the God Set. The name of God Set may have come from Aset.

God Set

Set was the brother of Aset and her siblings Wesir, Nebet Het, and Heru Wer. His parents were Geb and Nut. His wife was Nebet Het and his son by her was Yinepu. His other consorts were Nit, and the Semitic goddesses Anat and Astarte. Sobek, the crocodile god was the son of Nit and Set. Like Nebet Het, Set was associated with “drunkenness, violence and other forms of liminality” (Siuda, 16; footnote 63).

Set was the god of the desert, foreign lands, storms, strength and male sexuality. Set was originally a god of Kingship alongside Heru Wer. As far back as the Pyramid Texts, he is said to have murdered Wesir which allowed Wesir to become King of the Duat.

Set was also the only god who could slay Apep each night on his journey with Ra in the Sun Bark. He was especially venerated in Upper Egypt and during the Reign of the Ramesside Kings as their patron god. He was a god of violence and war. During the Third Intermediate Period, the foreign invaders the Hyksos identified their god Ba’al with Set and so he became less popular, even to the point of being demonized among the native ancient Egyptians. The Greeks identified him with Typhon who was against all gods.

His theophanies include the pig, panther, bull, hippopatomus, donkey, oryx, griffin and crocodiles (Pinch, 192). He was often depicted as a man with the Set-animal on his head or in an animal form of the Set-Animal.

Within Kemetic thought, Set is a god of necessary change. He uproots so new things can grow; he destroys with the purpose of creation. He is a necessary part of the system. His struggle and reconciliation with Heru (either Heru Wer or Heru-sa-Aset) is integral to the duality of complimentary opposites which permeate the Kemetic worldview. Heru is concerned with the community, while Set is concerned with the strength of the individual. One can not be strong without either.

Set killed Wesir. Without this act, the Akhu would have no king, no judgment and no afterlife. Set did what he did because it was necessary. He is not an evil god. He just does what needs doing. After he killed Wesir, Set took his brother’s throne since at the time, he was the only one who could. Once Heru-sa-Aset could challenge him, it was Set’s trials that made Heru-sa-Aset a stronger candidate for kingship.

Heru-sa-Aset goes through a transformation from a weak son into a strong man who has the ability to rule. He goes through this transformation because of the challenge of Set and the restorative magical powers of Aset. Aset brings life and renewal to what Set destroys including Heru’s Eye and Wesir.

Aset as the goddess of the throne, the king’s authority and sovereignty, challenged Set’s claim to the throne throughout the trials. One way to interpret this is that Aset was the symbol of the ancestral kings and social order. Set as an agent of change was holding the throne inbetween times of stability.

Renowned for her great magical gifts, Aset possesses the cunning and skill needed to challenge Set’s lustful passions, which now threaten to cut her (and Egypt) off from all tradition, custom and ancestry by his claim to the throne of Wesir (Roberts, 101-102).

During the night, the sun travels to the Duat. A cosmic battle ensues between the Gods and Apep, a serpent who is the embodiment of Uncreation. Apep doesn’t just want to destroy creation, he wants to unmake everything so that nothing ever existed.

Every night the gods fight this entity. Aset uses her magic to ensare him and make him powerless; then Set slays him. These two gods must work together in order for creation to continue each day.

As the strongest of the gods, Set is the one who kills Apep. He does this task because he’s the only one who can. Likewise, as the strongest of the goddesses, Aset is the only one who can do what she does. She will do just about anything—including stopping the Sun Bark itself—in order to preserve the natural cosmic order of the Universe and thus preserve all life. While Set is a deity of change, Aset is a deity of transformation. One is a more blunt process than the other. As Set challenges the rightful King, Aset challenges how the King wields his/her power and authority appropriately.

As Set is the god of thunderstorms, Aset is the goddess of the life-giving rains. While Set’s storms cleanse so that new growth can occur from even the most desolate of lands, Aset’s cleansing has to do with the renewal of the ka of all living things. She replenishes while he destroys, but both bring renewal.

Yet Aset also reconciles the Two Lords. She does so “without dissolving their opposition” (Baring and Cashford, 240). In one myth, she heals Heru’s Eye by restoring it to life in a vineyard while in another myth, Aset healed Set when he was harmed by the Seed Goddess. She restores both of them to wholeness.

Aset renews after Set clears away damage to a system. Their dance is that of the constant healing and renewal of Heru’s Eye. Set sees a broken chain, a weak spot in a system or in a person and pushes against it in the hopes that it will become stronger. Aset renews and restores the stability of the system. Her form of renewal is from the ka. When the ka is cleansed and fed, transformation can occur.

Both Set and Aset strip away what is no longer needed via Set’s method of direct confrontation or challenge and Aset’s magical hekau and ka cleansing. Their different methods can restore one to wholeness.

isis terrorist group dress in saturnalian black. Is it reverse psychology instead of calling the evil Middle Eastern terrorist group Set or Baal they call it isis who is Aset in Ancient Egyptian cleverly hiding the name Set?

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Note: The cube is not an ancient human designed form, it evolved from a cup due to the concentration of agricultural/technological rectilinearization of traditional curvilinear forms. Same with the square houses from round houses, long (plank) boats from round (wicker)boats etc.


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