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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Ish Geber
Member # 18264
 - posted
The African and Arabian Origin of the Hebrew Bible: Exegesis in Light of Inscriptions, Folkloric History and Early Ethnography of the Arabian Peninsula

Dana Reynolds-Marniche speak about her new book "The African and Arabian Origin of the Hebrew Bible: Exegesis in Light of Inscriptions, Folkloric History and Early Ethnography of the Arabian Peninsula. She also speaks in the Berbers as the Hebrews, the
Moors, the Moabites in Arabia, The Black Arabians & much much more...She Is interviewed by Tyvon Swain El aka The Orthodox Moor, A Moorish American Moslem Of Maghrebim Descent.

Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
just got through this... Is her book out? Did I peep that price at $235.00?

I will take back what I said about her being an Arabic romanticist. I no longer believe that and I don't think she is making any false connections just telling it like it is especially about the Taureg.

One of the tribes she is talking about the Manasir
being the tribe of Manessah

Ish Geber
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Yatunde Lisa:
just got through this... Is her book out? Did I peep that price at $235.00?

I will take back what I said about her being an Arabic romanticist. I no longer believe that and I don't think she is making any false connections just telling it like it is especially about the Taureg.

One of the tribes she is talking about the Manasir
being the tribe of Manessah


I don't know if her book is out, but I did see the price. It's not unusual or exclusive for these types of books. But it would have been more accessible with a lower price.
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
In this video, Dana mentioned the new updated Roots and how the costuming was more appropriate to who Mandinka culture at the time of Kunta Kinte

I watched the first episode and it was well done compared to the 70's version.




Member # 23281
 - posted
Dana seems to be obsessed with arabs and berbers. Why is that so ?
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted

Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Zaghawa Arab Chadian Wedding


Doug M
Member # 7650
 - posted
Originally posted by Yatunde Lisa:
just got through this... Is her book out? Did I peep that price at $235.00?

I will take back what I said about her being an Arabic romanticist. I no longer believe that and I don't think she is making any false connections just telling it like it is especially about the Taureg.

One of the tribes she is talking about the Manasir
being the tribe of Manessah


The problem with Dana is she has associated herself with Americans from the Moorish Science Temple and other related factions. And it is well known that the whole goal in life and purpose of these groups is to prove that blacks in America are from Israel, are Moors or are from Arabia or some variation of that. They downplay African identity for Abrahamic religious based identity when Africa is 100x older than any Abrahamic religion and technically all religion has its roots in Africa.

And unfortunately to go along with that, in Africa, many Africans have adopted Arab or Christian identity over their own traditions as Africans. So all around we are talking about a bunch of confusion.

From the same channel that interviewed Dana about her book:



The Uniting Of Israel & Moab: Big Up To The Mighty Hebrew & The Moors Who Show Him Love!

The problem for Africans is that they have never had a common identity as Africans or blacks ever in history. Whereas Europeans have been able to form a common identity as white for the purposes of forming a confederation to colonize the planet. And to this day the inability for Africans to have a common identity as Africans or even blacks is the problem.
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
I thought she was a romanticist at first but after deeper study it is part of our history as Africans in the diaspora just as is Hebrew/Jewish Christianity and Indigenous religions we are a composite of tribes from North to South Africa.. each AA has to choose what they will follow based on what calls to them.

If someone does not agree with Dana's work I would like to see someone challenge and refute her findings...

The African and Arabic Origins of the Hebrew Bible: An Ethnohistorical Study

by Dana Reynolds-Marniche (Author), Brannon Wheeler (Foreword)

African Origins of Major "Western Religions"
by Yosef A. A. Ben-Jochannan (Author)

Professor James Small The African Roots of Judaism Christianity and Islam


Ashra Kwesi - Introduction to the African Origin of Christianity

The Myth of Genesis and Exodus and the Exclusion of Their African Origins Paperback – December 1, 1996
by Yosef Ben-Jochannan (Author)

Anthony Browder on The African Origins of Christianity & Islam


Dr. Charles Copher | Blacks in the Bible (12Apr89)


^^^^^ very important to listen to this lecture


^^^^ how is it that there are more tribes for Ham in the bible than shem or japeth? if this book was not written by Hamites? Many of the Shemites married Hamites so even they where an admixed group...

If you listen to Dana the African/Arabian tribes on the east side of the Red Sea are the same African/Arabian tribes on the west side of the red sea..these are the named tribes of Hamites and Shemites in the bible..

at first it is confusing but in actuality the bible gets it correct..

There are two Havilahs...

Banu & Bantu mean the same thing

son of/ people of


this is an Arab



The Sudanese Arabs

Islam as Black History


John Hope Franklin Center at Duke University

Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
[link to original Greek text] 8 1 But there are also a great many other tribes of the Ethiopians, some of them dwelling in the land lying on both banks of the Nile and on the islands in p105 the river, others inhabiting the neighbouring country of Arabia,1 2 and still others residing in the interior of Libya. 2 The majority of them, and especially those who dwell along the river, are black in colour and have flat noses and woolly hair.
Diordorus Siculus
Member # 23061
 - posted
The African and African Arabian origin of the African Hebrew Bible....Arabian origin of the Hebrew Bible

What makes an Individual an African?
Or a Non African?
If Humanity originated in Africa.
All of humanity is of African descent.
Being African is then synonymous with being a Human Being - Homo sapien sapien.

Fear of Blackness...Misnomer/colloquialism/idiom.
Shades of Brownness..levels of Melanin
Phenotype vis a vis Genotype..

I think the greatest difference we can find among Human Beings is Cultural. There is no single African or European or Asian Culture.
There is however an Arabic and Hebrew culture

No Need to address Geography as Human Beings are capable of moving...Migration
Ish Geber
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Hamilcar:
Dana seems to be obsessed with arabs and berbers. Why is that so ?

It's not obsession. She's an actual academic and anthropologist who does research into the origin in these populations. That is her specialty. You would never say this about a non-Black scholar who researches populations not of his / her ethnicity, you would NEVER!
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted

Dana Marniche
CANAANITES IN THEIR LANDS Part II Afro-Asiatic Israel and Aram by Dana W. Reynolds

Here might be good point to speak of the story of Yusuf or Joseph, son of Jacob mentioned by Ibn Abd Rabbih. This Yusuf or Asaf as he is also named in Arabic tales was in the biblical story a man who lived in Canaan, where his grandfather was from. His brothers had thrown him into a well and then some “Midianites”, whom the Bible also calls “Ismailites” or children of Ishmael, came along and lifted him from the well and then sold him to an important person of a place called “Mitzraim”. As Salibi points out this Mizraim or Mitzraim has been misinterpreted in western translations of the Bible as the modern Egypt, when in fact it was likely an area in southwest Arabia either the Misramah of the Asir region or some where else where the Azd tribes of Kahlan lived and lived....

We have also seen that contrary to what is found in modern or biblical tradition, such Midianite or Israelite leaders, Moses, Solomon, Barak, Jephunah, Lokman/Baalam and Amram/Amran (relative of Moses) figure regularly in various early Arabian, and Middle Eastern texts in general as individuals of the “Imlaq”, “Amluq” or Amalekites of southern and western Arabia otherwise designated by the names of A’ad (Adites), Aus (Uz) and Azd. It is not hard to see that those called in south Arabian folk history the Ufayr b. Luqaym (or Lakhm) and named the “‘chiefs of the last Ad” in Yemeni or south Arabian folk history (Crosby, 2007, p. 130) are the same as the Aphren of the Genesis, brother of “Lehumim” both children of Qeturah and Abraham.
These tribes and clans of the Afro-Arabian peoples - an extension of Neolithic and Bronze Age peoples of the Nile, east Africa and Nubia who’d been in Arabia for thousands of years are those who moved north into Syria, Mesopotamia and Anatolia carrying their names i.e. Soleymi or Solymi and Masikha or Meshech. These “children of Noah” who expanded further abroad are known in the Bible as children of Japhet or Iapetos, also called Jupiter....

But, as a result of the misplaced territories of the biblical Israelites and Mizraim and/or Misra in western tradition, many modern archaeologists and other scholars rightfully doubt the historicity of the Torah or Bible and especially its late interpretations of ancient Egyptian/Israelite relations.
Member # 19944
 - posted
Arabs, up to 1000 years after the critically
accepted date of composition, knew nothing of
the characters invented by Hebrews. It'd behoove
any investigator to learn a little Hebrew and some
Hebrew legendary lore instead of 'correcting' them
with much later Arab tales, not that Arabs know
Mizr to be other than Egypt on the Nile. Ask one.

Bias is evident when examining a Hebrew work
without due consideration of Hebrew commentary,
Thereby one would learn of the sale and resale
of Yosef ('shall increase') between Israelites (at
the time of the story a mere extended nuclear
family), Midianites, Ishmaelites, (these are two
different brother tribes from the same mother
and father) and Egyptians (a nationality).

[The Hebrew tale of Sarah and Hagar/Kethura does
ensure lasting enmity between Israels and Arabs.
Israel is just one of greatgrandfather Abraham/
/Ibrahim's generational descendants, al-'Arab
ul-Muta'aribah Arabs comprise all the rest --
excluding non-inheriting "sons of concubnes".]

How objective is it to pronounce one Arab
deconstructor correct disregarding the opinion
of Arabic scholarship in toto on the word Misr
or their contrast and comparison of legendary
personalities? Especially when known Musri as
Missraiym is a western invention itself
made by a German named Winckler

Hebrew Missraiym is perfectly translated as Egypt in
the English tongue.The translators of the LXX and
various later ancient world targum (translations)
knew no other land ruled by BigHouse with cities
named Pithom and Ramses. Then there's No-Amun, our
Thebes and other known Egyptian cities are also named.

Missraiym has the dual suffix aiym indicating two
Missr not one, i.e., the Two Egypts: Upper and Lower.

One must realize the Hebrew Scriptures intent is not
accurate historical transmission though it does a
decent enough job there. Tanakh is about the early
Hebrew people and their relationship to their deity
in regards to interactions with other peoples. It's
books likely penned by a Canaanite people re-inventing
itself away from Egypt and Canaanite hegemony. Thus
the Founders wander from Canaan to Egypt and back
again, extremely villainizing both.

My Master taught Torah is an African document
received on African land. My own initial
study, via 3 books I used to vend, shows
borrowings from ancient Egyptian literature in
Torah Nebi'iym and Kethubiym aka the Hebrew Bible.

In any event people are going to use and accept
what's appeals to their worldview as indeed they

Anyone interested in Hebrew opinion on Hebrew
literature as much as in non-Hebrew opinions of
the same? Otherwise sorry to interupt. I've
admired Dana because of her thorough work
ever since introduced to it in vanSertima's
journal Golden Age of the Moor back in 1992.

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