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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 19944
 - posted
They say for the first time since the Middle Ages
these two giant outer planets are close enough to
appear as one to the unaided night sky watching eye.

Interesting since the slowest moving far outer
planets are ones thought to influence centuries.

The degree they're in translated as one of thirty
in its house could describe what societal effects
the conjunction presents. I think that was peeked
in a post last season.
Member # 17303
 - posted
Tuk, what is your ascendant?

I can't stand most astrologers (especially Sun sign astrologers), but every now and then I check in with the literature of some of the more serious ones. According to them, this type of conjunction has to do especially with Jupiter-ruled people.

Shout out to all my Sagitarius and Pisces people (ascendant only, Sun sign doesn’t count). We in the building (Rihanna, Aaliyah, Morgan Freeman, Jimi Hendrix, Malcolm X, Mandela, Jesus [supposedly], Jeff Bezos, Benjamin Franklin, Heineken, Warren Buffet, [some rotten applies: Cosby, Jim Jones, Mao, el Chapo, Kelvin “50 Cent” Martin, Frank Abagnale, Ma Anand Sheela]).
Member # 19944
 - posted
I have a fiery Blood Red Fleece on my 1st House.
Mars is in there too luckily suspended in water
swimmin wit da Fishes. I'm nonetheless still a
hothead. Who'd'a guessed it? << rip snort >>
That's what ascendants will do. Got soft aspects help too.

Drat, I missed out by a few degrees on the shout
unless I cheat and squeak the whole house in.

I did personal psychology trait charts for
school mates, they thought I found out
all their hidden secrets so I quit charts
and interpretations for people I knew.

Gave in once during college days and did another
school mate's nativity. Oh my Lord, it was filled
with squares and oppositions. Friends in common
clued me in on her after hi-school. Hard knock
life. Couldn't find a nice interpretation. Lucky
for me we lived in different regions of the country.
Told her I was still working on it and went back home.
Not long after I gave it up altogether and my texts
and ephemerides disintegrated into dust.

I don't even have my own nativity, yearly progression,
health, co-joined w/mates, or question of the moment
charts anymore either, last seen 35 yrs ago.

Because they're slower more ponderous planets
their tendencies on Spirit of the Times is also
at play though not nearly as long lasting as
Uranus Neptune and especially Pluto effects.

♫♪♫♪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYwxkovhSXE

Primitive backward loop was hi-production back then [Big Grin]
~ Tu ~
Member # 17303
 - posted
If I’m understanding you right, you have Mars and Aries in the 1st house and Mars in Pisces, at the same time? That means you have a large first house that covers part of Pisces and all of Aries, like Bill Cosby.

If I’m correct, you have Mars near your first cusp, and Mars is the lord of your 9th house. That means its placement near your 1st cusp is beneficial. Donald Trump’s Mars presumably resembles your situation (Mars, 9th lord, is near his 1st cusp).

I have something similar to what you (and Trump) have, except I have Jupiter there. So-called “Hamsa Yoga”. As the person supposedly having one of the best placements in astrology, I can verify there seems to be truth to what it's supposed to mean (Jupiter themes are over-represented in my life, e.g study, higher learning). Although the benefits seem to be exaggerated by online descriptions.

As far as your chart readings, it sounds like you have a strong 12th house. I think to be able to have real success with chart readings (rather than just cold reading), one needs to have a strong 12th house. 12th house corresponds anatomically with the right brain hemisphere, and the right brain, in turn, deals with the subconscious and intuition. I’m not much of a right brained person so I’ve never tried readings. The closest I come to right brain stuff is drawing and even then my drawings look like they were made by a left brain person. smh.

To reciprocate:


Too bad he didn’t elaborate more on the song’s title (he segued into politics almost immediately). I would have loved to hear his philosophy.
Member # 19944
 - posted
Ah nah mane nuthin like that guy
not that you could know I never liked the guy
Some of his ideas/plans were worthwhile though
Funny how American Negroes balked at his constructive admonitions
but lap up the Luo-Irish guy's unhelpful stereotype based chastisements
like it were cream.

I never used the equal house method. Artificial
The sky snapshot is what it is hold the EQ please
Natural distortion only

All these decades I can't remember which
houses were the over or the undersized ones
but of course they were "mirror" reflectoons
in terms of degrees.

What I found was my chart Reds emphasize fire and
metal. My first career path directly involved both.
My 3rd and final career path fire (as electron flow)
and metal (),

hhhnnhhhnnn "online descriptions" = hype
In this day and age the news is fake
even documentaries turn out to be ads
upon close scrutiny, same with "reviews"

A skinny guy like you Jupiterian, well I'll b

Sorry about your right brain but the Universe
"decides" our purpose it seems. I tell people
Be glad you weren't tasked with having to be
born me, now go be about you

I had a book on each degree of the zodiac
I have a few fortunate degrees

I did a planetary disposition
only to find I have no final dispositor
The chain splits in two and at what's
the end of the line for everybody else
mines get in loops
alwehs workin on 2 things at once
never really completing either
because considering too many angles

Ask me for a quick decision I'll say punt.
Member # 17303
 - posted
Yeah, sometimes I forget that not everyone shares my desensitization to charts. I’ve read the charts of Lavey, Ramirez and Panzram, among others. The former disgusts me on a visceral level, but I have his chart anyway. Just another chart to be studied at the end of the day.

Anyway, you might want to check out a book covering the recent academic commotion surrounding the star of Bethlehem. A man named Michael Molnar recently claimed to have solved the mystery of the so-called star of Bethlehem, but, ironically, a medieval polymath named Kepler had far more interesting observations. He mentions a 7 BC Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Pisces as being connected with Jesus' birth.

Thought you might be interested since you made this thread. Here is the pdf, if you’re interested.


I thought this was interesting in particular about the book:

Let me now turn to Kepler, who in the 1590s had been a divinity student at the university in Tübingen. He was taken by surprise when, in his third and final year, the faculty proposed to send him to teach mathematics (including astronomy) in a provincial high school in Graz in southern Austria. Kepler complained that nothing in his record showed any particular talent for this, and in fact his poorest grade had been in astronomy—an A-. The university senate, however, recorded that he had such an unusual mind that something special could be expected from him.4It was while he was teaching in Graz that he stumbled onto an idea that astounded him for the rest of his life. Kepler was fascinated by the rare con-junctions of Saturn and Jupiter, the two slowest moving of the planets that can be seen with the naked eye. Jupiter takes about 12 years to cycle around the sky, which means it catches up with Saturn, which takes approximately 30 years to circumnavigate the zodiac, every 20 years. Twice around the sky for Saturn takes 60 years, and five times around for Jupiter also takes 60 years, so they would be in conjunction once more in the same place in the sky every 60 years. (More accurate numbers for the periods of Jupiter and Saturn are 11.86 and 29.46 years, which means that they don’t come back to exactly the same place, but nearly so.) Kepler was explaining this to his young students with the help of a diagram, shown below. The sides of the pseudo-triangles link the successive conjunc-tions of Saturn and Jupiter. What struck Kepler was the fact that the lines seemed to outline a central circle with exactly half the radius of the larger outer circle of the diagram. The radius of Jupiter’s orbit is almost exactly half that of Saturn’s orbit. Kepler had always puzzled about how the dimensions of the planetary orbits had been established, and hence he seized upon the idea that geometry itself was the answer. His remarkable conclusions, lying beyond the scope of this essay, were published in his Mysterium cosmographicum in 1596, which may be appropriately translated as The Sacred Mystery of the Cosmos.Kepler’s basic diagram of the series of Saturn-Jupiter conjunctions, shown here, has a significant modern addition, relevant a decade later. Kepler labeled the signs of the zodiac around the circumference of this diagram, using the medieval symbols. Each zodiacal sign was associated with one of the Aristotelian elements: earth, water, air, or fire. I have marked the three fiery signs with heavy lines, thus outlining the Fiery Trigon. Adjacent to the fiery signs in the clockwise sense are the three watery signs. The position labeled 1 is where the sequence of conjunctions moves from the watery signs into the Fiery Trigon, and every 20 years for 200 years, conjunctions would fall in the fiery signs. These would be followed by 200 years in the earthy signs, 200 more years in the airy signs, and finally 200 years in the watery signs. In other words, here is an 800-year cycle.


Hmmmmm. [Cool] I want to say more but.. I'm going to leave it at that.
Ish Geber
Member # 18264
 - posted
Swenet, thanks for posting that source. It has a very useful and interesting index.
Member # 17303
 - posted
Damn, that's one hell of a library. I'm going to search for a tool that can download the entire metaphysical library (probably mostly New Age junk, but there should be some gems to keep me interested during lockdown).

Going to need those playboy magazines, too. Not for myself, of course. For a friend. (wink, wink)
Member # 13597
 - posted
Playboy?!!!! You need playboy? No game?
Ish Geber
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Swenet:
Damn, that's one hell of a library. I'm going to search for a tool that can download the entire metaphysical library (probably mostly New Age junk, but there should be some gems to keep me interested during lockdown).

Going to need those playboy magazines, too. Not for myself, of course. For a friend. (wink, wink)


Or any of the following...
Member # 17303
 - posted
Originally posted by xyyman:
Playboy?!!!! You need playboy? No game?

Ah, the "don’t you have game?" comment. So, you don’t have some playmates from your day you wouldn’t mind looking up? That site has playboy editions of the 1950s, so they got you covered, gramps. [Wink]

I’ve never really opened one. Want to see what the hype’s about. Plus there are some playmates (e.g. Nicole Narain from my neck of the woods) that were on my radar from seeing them in music videos as an adolescent. Only natural I check when the opportunity presents itself.
Member # 17303
 - posted
Originally posted by Ish Geber:
Originally posted by Swenet:
Damn, that's one hell of a library. I'm going to search for a tool that can download the entire metaphysical library (probably mostly New Age junk, but there should be some gems to keep me interested during lockdown).

Going to need those playboy magazines, too. Not for myself, of course. For a friend. (wink, wink)


Or any of the following...

My usual supply of metaphysical books was drying up in the last couple of months. This gets me going again for months, if not years. Thanks man.
Member # 17303
 - posted
Did Donald Trump Nearly Confirm Existence of Aliens? Israeli Ex-Space Chief Makes Bizarre Claim

Not posting this as a vindication of UFOs, but as an example of Jupiter and Saturn themed events in the news if you know what to look for. Some people might be keeping an eye out for any events possibly relating to the conjunction, but they end up missing them due to poor understanding and bogus information online.

If that's you then this post is for you. Here is a major example of Jupiter-Saturn conjunction themed news. Don't get sidetracked re: the validity of this news like other dummies. We will probably never know to what extent he's speaking the truth and it doesn't really matter for our intents and purposes (which is the conjunction).

Some of his claims sound like New Age junk (e.g. "humans are not ready for contact until [insert bogus utopian growth threshold]"), so trust him at your own risk.
Member # 17303
 - posted
Another unusual news story that matches the significations of the Jupiter-Saturn conjuction. This is for those already keeping an eye open for any events that match the conjunction. If that’s you, continue reading.

Covid: 'How a picture of my foot became anti-vaccine propaganda'

Basically, a woman involved in the vaccine trials got severe blisters on her feet several days after her participation. The story was picked up by fear-mongering anti-vaxxers, desperate for any news that can discredit vaccines. It turns out she was given a placebo during the trials, not the real thing, and so the vaccines can’t be blamed for her injuries.

Anyway, how does this story relate to the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction?

1) Jupiter traditionally rules feet, among other things (the blisters are on her feet)

2) Jupiter is in Capricorn right now, traditionally the sign of debilitation (debilitations traditionally give problems relating to the debilitated planet’s significations, including health problems).

3) Jupiter is dispositing Mercury right now (traditionally Mercury rules skin)

4) Jupiter is dispositing Mercury right now (traditionally Mercury rules doctors, through Virgo)

5) Saturn traditionally rules philanthropy (Aquarius), among other things. She made a gofundme page to pay her medical bills

6) Saturn traditionally rules nobility and career people (Capricorn), among other things. Anti-vaxxers are anti-establishment (I.e. against career people), at least when it comes to vaccines. And conjunctions are traditionally seen as 'planetary wars'. Jupiter is traditionally seen as a planet that exposes truth and knowledge, and so it being in a planetary war with Saturn, matches the anti-vaxxer vs mainstream friction.

7) This bogus anti-vaccine story was picked up and pushed by evangelical Christian sites. They used biblical doomsday stories of skin diseases, to relate to the vaccine. Relevance? Christianity is filled with Jupiter (Pisces) symbolism. For instance, before the crucifix became the symbol of Christianity, early Christian communities used the symbol of a fish to identify themselves. Whether they did it knowingly or not, fish represent Pisces. In astrological terms, Jupiter relates to religion in general (Sagittarius), but Christianity is doubly Jupiterian due to its additional association with Pisces. Jesus comes across as having Pisces traits, especially in the gnostic gospels that were banned by the church. So this involvement of Christian groups in this story ticks another box of matches with Jupiter-Saturn.

8) Everything blew up in her face. Her Gofundme page was closed and the anti-vaxxers turned on her. Jupiter is debilitated, and so it 'underperforms' as far as exposing truth, which matches the anti-vaxxers taking an L and having to back down from the story.

9) Jupiter traditionally also rules voluntary isolation (Pisces/the 12th house), which matches the fact that she closed her social media accounts due to attacks online.

Notice that I’m citing traditional significations. I’m not making up astrological correspondence to fit the story because I want it to fit (like most astrologers do). These are basic significations that have been recorded in classical texts over a 1000 years old. I’ve also left out my own personal observations of how other planets relate to this story (e.g. Saturn is dispositing Neptune and Jupiter is also dispositing Uranus), since I want to avoid the impression that I’m massaging the astrology to make it match the story.

I’m going to be doing one or two more posts on viral news stories relating to the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, then I’m calling it quits.
Member # 17303
 - posted
Another unusual news story that matches the significations of the Jupiter-Saturn conjuction.

Very shortly after Jupiter entered Capricorn and became debilitated (~24-11-2020, according to astrotheme.com and my own calculations), Biden broke his foot after playing with his dog (28-11-2020).

Biden kicks off his boot: President-elect, 78, reveals he broke his foot slipping on a rug while chasing his dog as he swaps to slip-on shoe for CNN interview a week after fracture

Some keywords in the news story:

President. Foot. Foot-related Injury. Bone fracture in midfoot. Dog.

How do these keywords relate to the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction?

Presidents are the highest up in the chain of command, so they’re the ultimate career people. Career relates to Saturn (more specifically: the Capricorn aspect of Saturn that deals with nobility, rulers, career people, and so on).

I’ve already explained that Jupiter traditionally rules feet. This is because of Pisces’ anatomical correspondence with feet, among other things.


Jupiter is debilitated, which gives problems (including healh problems) relating to its significations, including feet.

Fracture in midfoot.
Saturn traditionally rules bones, among other things. Also, Saturn traditionally rules the ankles through Aquarius. The part of the foot that Biden injured (the midfoot) is adjacent to his ankle. Makes me wonder If there are more fractures higher up (in his ankle), that went unnoticed by his physicians.

My own personal observations, not traditional:

Saturn rules Aquarius. Aquarius/the 11th house relates to friends, among other things.

Dogs are unique among domesticated animals; they are known as man’s best friend. Therefore, their affinity for being attentive companions is related to Saturn’s Aquarius side. Some of us have seen Cesar Millan (from National Geographic’s Dog Whisperer) fix problem dogs. Cesar Millan has a debilitated Saturn, giving him power over seemingly untreatable problem dogs.

This (power over something, through the weakening of a planet representing that thing) can also been seen in the charts of some accomplished martial artists. For instance, the planet representing opponents is debilitated in Joe Lewis’ chart, in Muhammad Ali’s chart and Jon Jones’ chart. They have obvious power over their opponents. Recently there was a video footage of Jon Jones chasing off a burglar with an oversized rifle in his hand. That’s because Jones’ Mars is debilitated (in addition to opponents, Mars also happens to represent hidden enemies, like burglars, in Jones’ chart). Cesar has that with Saturn, and so he has corresponding power over dogs. So the link between Saturn and dogs is obvious because Saturn is often degraded or otherwise disadvantaged in the charts of people who know how to control aggressive dogs.

This principle applies in general, not just dog trainers or martial artists. You can also see it in the charts of legendary bull fighters, for instance. Except in those cases, the planet that is degraded is Venus (bulls), not Saturn (dogs). Venus corresponds to bulls because one of its signs (Taurus) corresponds to bulls. Most obvious example I’ve seen is elite matador Juan Belmonte. His Pluto is tightly conjunct Venus, which is his 3rd lord (sports and adventure), and both are in Taurus sign (Taurus = bulls, among other things), with Venus being the traditional ruler of Taurus. Pluto means conquest, and in his chart it also means luck, as it’s his 9th lord. So spelled out it can be translated as ‘luck in sports with conquering bulls’.

This is the last example I’m going to do. Three is a nice number to leave it at. Enough to establish a pattern, but leaves enough for others to do their own homework.
Member # 19944
 - posted
♫♪♫♪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykPF2EGPMeU
Member # 17303
 - posted
No way I can compete. They didn't make music like that in my generation as far as content.

I did come across this nice Erykah Badu session today. Maybe the closest in my generation as far as exploring that content musically.

Erykah Badu: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

My favorite Scorpio ascendant singer, where you can actually tell she is one. (Some in the comment section have even picked up on it, without realizing it).
Member # 19944
 - posted
Thx 4 rounding up the muzicks.
Sharing beats competing (in my book).

I kinda gave up listening to the radio
after Clive Davis 'Mitch Millered' pop
and bands permanently lost out to studio
musicians. His HipHop venture Bad Boy
did have me recording those artists
and t/1s rappin over jazz beats.
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Saturn, the god of year regeneration, according to Dennis Hauck in The complete Idiot's Guide to Alchemy (Penguin, 2008), is sometimes depicted with a peg-leg to indicate infirmity and incompleteness (p. 118). The alchemical picture below represents regeneration.


Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Member # 19944
 - posted
^ Fantastic find! 1st blood. Has ES ever gone into AE astronomy before YL?

Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
ES? No I don't think so... but it is a subject that I would love to learn more about as it will tell us more about Egyptian Greco and Babylonian who influenced who...

Jupiter Saturn Conjunction herald of Jesus ( Messiah)

Herald of Moses ( Messiah)

The Bible suggests that Moses was born c.1400BC and lived until c.1280BC.

Senenmut = Moses

All interesting and needs MORE research and investigation
Member # 19944
 - posted
I believe MUSIC is a HEALING FORCE of the COSMOS
and MUSIC of the SPHERES is much more than a saying
not to mention vibrations down to the MICROVERSE out
the 20Hz to 20KHz at best Sapiens audible range.

I dunno whatever but I can
HOUSES ala reception sites ala LINCOLN CENTER or a TAVERN.
I dunno whatever.

Now umma leave the astrology to Yatunde Lisa and
Swenet who unlike me who gave it up decades ago
have kept up on their studies and readings.

And of course Ish Geber, Xyyman, and any others who wanna chime in too.

Carry on.
Ish Geber
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Swenet:
Originally posted by Ish Geber:
Originally posted by Swenet:
Damn, that's one hell of a library. I'm going to search for a tool that can download the entire metaphysical library (probably mostly New Age junk, but there should be some gems to keep me interested during lockdown).

Going to need those playboy magazines, too. Not for myself, of course. For a friend. (wink, wink)


Or any of the following...

My usual supply of metaphysical books was drying up in the last couple of months. This gets me going again for months, if not years. Thanks man.
I think you will like this.

Einstein is awakening to extrasensory perception (ESP)


Ps. Roy Ayers is king. Fusing the old and the new (neo).


Tiny desk session.

Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
lots of Saturn in Cap energy on this board right now... old fictions and lies being repackaged they don't know their time is about to be up.

Saturn in Aquarius is going to rip the old myths a new on....
Member # 17303
 - posted
Originally posted by Ish Geber:
I think you will like this.

Einstein is awakening to extrasensory perception (ESP)


Ps. Roy Ayers is king. Fusing the old and the new (neo).


Tiny desk session.

https://youtu.be/CghK8iVUHBs [/qb]

Thanks. Will check the links out.
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Jupiter Saturn Conjunction in the Air sign of Aquarius has been declared the Negro soltice.. #december21 is poppin on black twitter..whether "true" or not... it is a sign that we are in the air sign of Aquarius in Saturn and Jupiter..




Jupiter, Saturn merging in night sky, closest since 1623

now I get it.. 1619

Robert E. Lee statue removed from US Capitol


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