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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 19944
 - posted
Immigrant Neighborhoods Shifted Red as the Country Chose Blue

Across the United States, many areas with large populations of
Latinos and residents of Asian descent, including ones with the
highest numbers of immigrants, had something in common this
election: a surge in turnout and a shift to the right, often a
sizable one.

The pattern was evident in big cities like Chicago and New York,
in California and Florida, and along the Texas border with
Mexico, according to a New York Times analysis of voting in
28,000 precincts in more than 20 cities.


Thousands of new voters across the country turned out in areas
with significant numbers of Latinos and residents of Asian
descent — populations whose participation in past elections has
lagged. And over all, Mr. Trump, whose policies and remarks were
widely expected to alienate immigrants and voters of color, won
the lion’s share of the additional turnout.


Change in votes cast from 2016 to 2020, in precincts where the combined
population of Latinos and residents of Asian descent is at least 65 percent
Areas are ordered by number of Latino and Asian residents, from most to least.


But even as Mr. Trump lost ground in white and Republican areas
in and around cities — ultimately leading to his election loss —
he gained new votes in immigrant neighborhoods.


There were substantial variations in the level of turnout and in
the magnitude of the shift in different populations, including
large shifts and turnout in Cuban precincts; huge turnout and
milder shifts in Mexican precincts in Arizona; and big shifts and
modest turnout in Dominican neighborhoods of New York City. But
almost everywhere, there was a turnout increase, and a rightward

The Times analysis included 5,700 precincts in which the combined
population of Latinos and people of Asian descent was 65 percent
or more. In these places, the margin shifted toward the president
by an average of 13 points.
Member # 19944
 - posted
Florida - It wasn’t just the Cuban areas in Miami.

In Florida, a state Mr. Trump won, the red shift was especially large
in areas with many people of Cuban descent — including refugees from
Communist rule and an energized younger generation.

In once deeply blue Miami, where a majority of Latinos are of
Cuban descent, Mr. Biden’s margin of victory was just seven
percentage points, down from Mrs. Clinton’s margin of 29
percentage points in 2016. And two Democratic congresswomen
lost their seats there in this election.

But the shift right in areas with high immigrant populations was
statewide, not just in Miami, and helped the president win the
state with a margin larger than in 2016, though polls had predicted
a Biden win.

The shift occurred in many precincts with Latino immigrants from
Central and South America, including in Fort Lauderdale, north of
Miami. And it also encompassed areas that are Latino but not
immigrant. In Orlando, precincts with a substantial population of
Puerto Ricans shifted red, though less so than the ones in Miami.
Member # 19944
 - posted
Texas - A blue shift in urban Texas, except in Mexican neighborhoods.

In Houston’s 245 precincts with the largest share of Latinos,
turnout was up sharply from 2016, and Mr. Trump won nearly
two-thirds of the additional votes.

About 7 percent of Harris County’s residents are of Asian
descent, most of them immigrants. Precincts in Alief, in
the county’s southwest — where many Vietnamese refugees and
people of Mexican and Nigerian descent live — had some of the
biggest rightward shifts.

The long-anticipated purpling of Republican Texas that was
supposed to come as more Latinos joined the electorate was
certainly nowhere in evidence on Election Day.

Mr. Trump’s most sizable gains outside of Miami were in the Rio
Grande Valley in the predominantly Hispanic areas along the border
with Mexico, including Hidalgo County, home to McAllen.

In San Antonio, the nation’s biggest majority Latino city, turnout
was up nearly 30 percent. Democrats hoped to flip the 23rd
Congressional District in southwest Texas, including much of the
city, but failed.

“They were banking to win on the backs of Black and brown and
Asian voters,” said Chuck Rocha, a Latino organizer who was a
senior adviser to Senator Bernie Sanders during the primaries.
“They lost all of these areas.”

In Dallas and Fort Worth, the trend held in areas that are
predominantly Latino even as mostly white areas drove the counties
left in the presidential race.

Across Texas, the red shifts were most pronounced in precincts with
the highest proportion of Latinos. The Democratic margin in 80
percent Latino precincts dropped an average of 17 percentage points.
Member # 19944
 - posted
Pennsylvania - A swing state flips blue, as Philadelphia shifts to the right.

In Philadelphia, precincts in the Northeast — home to a mix
of many Asian and Eastern European immigrants — shifted in
Mr. Trump’s direction, even though a majority still favored
Mr. Biden

The Democratic vote fell 18 percent in majority Latino
areas, including in the largely Puerto Rican precincts in
North Philadelphia. The president got 15 percent of the
vote here, up from 5 percent in 2016.

In majority Black precincts, Mr. Biden still received 95
percent of the vote despite slight shifts to the right. But
voting was down 20 percent.

Over all, Mr. Biden won Pennsylvania by about 82,000
votes, reversing Mrs. Clinton’s critical loss in the state
in 2016.

But Democrats lost ground in Philadelphia. In precincts
with high numbers of Latinos and residents of Asian
descent, Mr. Biden lost about 10,000 votes, compared with
the Democratic vote four years ago. He lost an additional
5,000 votes in majority Black precincts.
Member # 19944
 - posted
New York - In the city of immigrants, Democrats lost ground almost everywhere.

Mr. Trump’s share of the vote doubled to 15 percent in
areas where residents of Dominican descent make up the

There was uniform shift to Mr. Trump in both Flushing
and Corona, neighborhoods with high populations of
Latinos and Asians.

In mostly Orthodox Jewish Williamsburg and Borough
Park, already pro-Trump, there was a further shift to
the right

In New York City, where 38 percent of residents are
immigrants, most areas shifted right, even though
they all remained strongly Democratic. This included
virtually every predominantly Latino precinct and
ones where a majority of residents are of Asian

In the city’s 100 precincts with the largest number
of Latinos, Mr. Trump received 18 percent of the vote
this year, compared with just 7 percent in 2016. In
precincts with large numbers of residents of Asian
descent, turnout was up 20 percent, with Mr. Trump
winning most of the additional votes.
Member # 19944
 - posted
California - In the center of Asian immigration, a veer to the right.

California is home to a third of the country’s residents
of Asian descent. One of the most drastic red shifts in
the country came in Orange County in precincts with many
Vietnamese residents, who basically switched sides.

In other precincts in Orange and Los Angeles Counties
that have many residents of Asian descent, Mr. Trump’s
vote increased as well. Two Democratic congressmen lost
to Republicans in these counties.

In Los Angeles and Orange precincts with a Latino
majority, more than 415,000 additional voters cast
ballots; 87 percent of the precincts shifted right.

In Garden Grove and Westminster, [t]urnout was up 60
percent in precincts where a majority of residents are of
Vietnamese descent, and the shift to Mr. Trump was 42
percentage points.

“Just like Miami, you have another Communist refugee
population that’s moved into an area with a conservative
power structure,” said Karthick Ramakrishnan, professor
at the University of California at Riverside, and
director of the National Asian American Survey.

In areas with a majority of residents of Chinese
descent, the shift was less extreme, but still to the
right, in spite of the president’s xenophobic behavior,
including the deliberate labeling of the coronavirus as
the “Chinese virus” and demanding that China be held
accountable for the pandemic.
Member # 19944
 - posted

Almost all of the precincts with a majority Latino
population showed an increase in enthusiasm for the
president including ones with tens of thousands of
residents of Mexican descent. Mr. Trump received 45
percent more votes in these areas than four years
ago. Mr. Biden still won, but the number of people
who voted Democratic did not increase over 2016.

It was not just Latino areas. In a belt of suburbs
north of Chicago — precincts that are home to
South Asian, Arab and Eastern European immigrants
— there was also higher turnout, and a shift to
Mr. Trump.

In Chinatown, Mr. Trump’s vote increased by 34
percent over 2016, while Mr. Biden received 6
percent fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. Mr.
Biden still won in precincts with a majority of
residents of Asian descent, but the Democratic
margin of victory fell 12 percentage points.

Meanwhile, areas with more modest red shifts tended
to be predominantly Black, with few immigrants. Mr.
Biden received fewer votes than Mrs. Clinton in
these areas while Mr. Trump’s vote increased
Member # 19944
 - posted
Member # 22452
 - posted
Are post implying Xyyman was right? Because it's interesting that most of the switch from blue to red was from groups who don't have a long history in the U.S. And ADOS didn't seem to budge much. I wonder if ADOS remaining the same because of perceived benefits of being Democrat as oppose to the other folks who seem better organized to exploit the U.S.economy.
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
We are going to need the cross-tabs of these numbers but never underestimate misogyny and racism in these traditional patriarchal ethnicities..

also, the partitioning of subgroups on facebook has been proven to be a very useful tactic.. anecdotal evidence is there is an anti-black lives matter marketing to the Asian & Latino subgroups...
Member # 13597
 - posted
xyyman is always right. I go where the data takes me.

ADOS also has a sizeable shift. Last count 20% of black males voted for the Don. Regardless to what you see on TV blacks are more conservative than whites. Especially as we get older we no longer believe in that social, military or financial nonsense. Proposition 8? Blamed on blacks

The DNC is done! This is their last chance. If this cheating works they will need to jam as much legislation through as possible in the next four years.

To stop this the Don has only Martial Law. He will be justified and will have the support needed to make it work.

Originally posted by Thereal:
Are post implying Xyyman was right? Because it's interesting that most of the switch from blue to red was from groups who don't have a long history in the U.S. And ADOS didn't seem to budge much. I wonder if ADOS remaining the same because of perceived benefits of being Democrat as oppose to the other folks who seem better organized to exploit the U.S.economy.

Member # 19944
 - posted
Originally posted by Thereal:
Are post implying Xyyman was right?


I don't clique up and go by individuals.
What particular point(s) Mensa made do you mean?

I present interesting data here showing
where rightist shifts are happening in
which ethnic populations but left out
ytes, the majority ethnic population
and the core of the voting system.

Although the groups in the opening posts
show the biggest right swing (when Black
females' astonishing 100% red shift growth
is discounted) the fact remains they did in
fact overall vote Democratic liberal left more
than they did Republic conservative right.

There's much more data I didn't xfer to ES
see https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/12/20/us/politics/election-hispanics-asians-voting.html
Where Immigrant Neighborhoods Swung Right in the Election - The New York Times

Although Nigerians were mentioned in one state,
yet to see Black America broken into its variety
of ethnics. The biggest groupings in my opinion
that should be broken down are

* East and Horn Africans
* West and Central Africans
* Southern Africans
* Hispanic Island Latins (the ladinos of the latinos)
* Caribbes (anglo and francophone)
* native sons (and daughers) i.e., Yankees

by simple geographies without considering for
instance the variance between Kenyan and Somali
of the East and Horn grouping. Is it 'fair'
to lump IT sophisticated Kenyans with refugee
Somalis which alters certain statistics?

So actually a nation by nation breakdown is best. But so what?

We at ES can't do it and none the major polls
gonna do it. The ytes are into seeing the first
five members on that list be confused for the
last listed one, the historic American Negro
descended from America's slaves and still
effectually Freedmen by class as they and
they alone form the bottom American caste.

A man whose mother is Irish American and whose
father is Luo Kenyan may well be a Black American
(nevermind what colour Kenyans assign to mulattos)
but is by no measure an American Negro historic
foundational Black American descendant of slavery.

All these new 21st century Black American add ons
all have far different heritage background history
and culture among themselves less lone the American
Member # 19944
 - posted
@ Mensa

I dunno, getting easily confused these days, but I
think 20% refers to some "Black" potential voters
who didn't. I dunno.

So can you please include media wide replicable
reference(s) for percentages you present in this

No alternative reality sources for non-comformists.

Please respect me and my intents for this thread
(but of course, gon n do as u pls). Thx.


In my opinion only very well to do blx living in
non-blk nabes want to see America revert to the
1950s. The more one is removed from the day to
day of the avg FBA the more one misses the
picture of the permanent underclass caste.

There's always been a small number of GOP Blx since 1964.
Thing is they're conservative types with an eye on money.
They are not Trumpist blowing Trump's horn till it pops.
Like other GOP members they are remaining Red, resisting
party takeover by an excellent fascist demagogue, and
work for restoring the pre-Trump Republican party.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by xyyman:
xyyman is always right. I go where the data takes me.

ADOS also has a sizeable shift. Last count 20% of black males voted for the Don. Regardless to what you see on TV blacks are more conservative than whites.

58% of the white males who voted,
voted for Trump

20% (18%-) of black males who voted,
voted for Trump

so that suggests white males are nearly 3 times more conservative

or are you still an adherent of backwardsism ?
Member # 13597
 - posted
Again. Conflating the issue.

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