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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 19944
 - posted
Originally posted by xyyman:
Jewish Heckler to the news, On Fake Corona virus



Blk ppl DO NOT try this at home.
You can't deliver nnn,000 guaranteed votes to politicians.
You don't vote in calculated self-interest blocks.
You aren't voter organized.

NYC [Ultra-]Orthodox community holds large protest over new coronavirus restrictions

Heshy Tischler ripped Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio over the order that shuts down schools completely and limits houses of worship to
10 people in certain COVID-19 hot spots.

Much of Borough Park is subject to those measures — the most restrictive — which also shutter non-essential businesses. The level of restrictions, broken down into three color-coded categories, is guided by coronavirus diagnosis data.

“It’s called civil disobedience, we can fight back,” Tischler told the crowd after tearing up his face mask. “Do not allow them to torture you or scare you,” he said, referring to the elected officials.

the crowd lit a rubbish fire after midnight at the intersection of 46th Street and 13th Avenue and chased away two city sheriff’s deputies[ [Eek!] ] who responded.

Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
^^^^ Too many people in a small area in Borough Park, they won't social distance

1010 WINS
De Blasio on Brooklyn lockdown: NYPD 'will not tolerate' assaults, property damage, fires in protests over rules https://bit.ly/33F1N5E
Member # 19944
 - posted
CBS 2 doesn't have a link to the report where Mitnagdim
(regular everyday orthodox) urge compliance with restrictions.
A world of difference in community responsibility and selflessness.

Thx 4/t Blase's msg.

But U know & I know
Hasidim will not be
beaten the fuh up

In the lyrics of Sandra Akanke Isidore
Them people organized
[on multiple intertwining levels
[getting schitt done w/o a CJC.]

SIDEBAR Teimani are old established Boro Park
residents. Their oldest, and longtime only, beth
K*nesset and Qahal Qadosh is there. You don't find
them mixed up in this JewishLivesMatter --what a
mockery-- affair.


Who is this Heshy Tischler, and yes just look at him
he's definitely a champion "Table-er", of the OP video?

Replies to Xyyman's original post in a former ES forum,
now a private fiefdom, were deleted without notice.

The 56 year radio show host, was caught on tape
calling New York City’s First Lady Mayor de Blasio’s
wife Chirlane McCray a “retard woman” and a
“kurva” [whore] Tuesday night as riots erupted
in Borough Park.
Member # 19944
 - posted
The Forward - News that Matters to American Jews October 07, 2020

Heshy Tischler, leader of mask burning, is planning another ‘event.’ Here’s who he is.
by Helen Chernikoff

Some call him a hero. Others call him a disgrace.

Here’s how he described himself, in an interview: “I am going to lead this battle with my
soldiers, and we are going to get our civil rights. It’s not a protest anymore. This is war.”

One thing’s undeniable about Heshy Tischler — his influence is growing.

He’s the one who led a protest on Tuesday night in Brooklyn against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s
newly announced COVID-19 restrictions in coronavirus hotspots, many of them home to ultra-Orthodox
communities. Protesters burned masks and reportedly attacked a man in the crowd, also an Orthodox
Jew, whom they called a snitch. The man was left unconscious and was taken to a hospital.

[Top articles
[Yes, there’s an Orthodox COVID uptick. De Blasio and Cuomo are making it worse.

Tischler suggested that the man had been filming the crowd while standing on a “container,”
and fell by himself.

<<But we seen the vid were he was chased and assaulted>>

Tischler, 56, has already scheduled another event for Wednesday night at 9 p.m. in the same
neighborhood, Borough Park. He promises it will be peaceful, with no “violence, fires, etc.”
but in an interview he said life is dangerous for Jews who behave.

He said that he spoke with NYPD officers who have approved the gathering, which he says will be
religious, despite Borough Park being in a newly designated “red zone” where mass gatherings are
not allowed and religious gatherings are capped at 10 people. NYPD did not immediately respond to
a request for comment.

<<Because Ashkenazim are bred and born Europe phenomena dealling with ytes for over 1000 yrs
<<they get to shield political ethnic gatherings as religious because "Jews are a religion not a race">>

“We tried to follow the laws and the governor and mayor still came after us. My father is a concentration
camp survivor,” Tischler said. “We were quiet then, and we behaved. Not anymore.”

He said President Donald Trump’s return to the White House after being hospitalized for COVID-19,
and the president’s claims of recovering from the disease, had inspired Tischer to protest the new
restrictions. Tischler also downplayed the deadliness of the coronavirus, claiming without evidence
that Orthodox Jews who died from COVID-19 more often died from poor hospital care than the disease itself.

“The president contracted COVID, and three days later he got better with the proper vaccines,”
Tischler said. “Why can’t we have them?”

The president did receive experimental drug treatments. He did not receive a vaccine.

Tischler first raised his profile outside his community his past summer, when he crisscrossed
Orthodox Brooklyn cutting the chain locks off playgrounds that had been closed to discourage
gathering and slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Now his goal is both to protest what he sees as scapegoating of the Jews for the New York City
region’s new COVID-19 spike, and to defy Cuomo’s new rules, which essentially shut down
Jewish life at the height of the High Holidays.

<<The current 8 day Sukkot Hajj [Pilgrim Festival of Booths] is the culmination of days started on
<<Rosh Hashana and since time in memory features dancing with Torah Scrolls out in the streets
<<and the final attestation of forgiveness of sins by GOD prayed for on Kippur.>>

Tischler’s primary occupation is radio host of the “Just Enough Heshy” show, but he’s also been
a businessman and an aspiring politician. He’s a convicted criminal — he gave phony visas to
immigrants — who served a sentence in “Otisville,” the upstate prison known for its Jewish population.

“Heshy Tishcler is popular because he has a certain charisma, a certain charm,” said Ezra Friedlander,
a political consultant who lives in Borough Park. “He expresses the frustration of the average Joe in
the community.”

Friedlander added that Tischler’s rhetoric is “totally unacceptable,” but it draws in primarily young
men from the neighborhood.

At the Tuesday evening protest, Tischler signaled his return to politics by threatening to “take over”
the City Council.

Ari Feldman contributed reporting.

Orthodox protests led by anti-Cuomo Heshy Tischler

Copyright ©2020 The Forward Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
So the black hats are immune from the rules?
Member # 19944
 - posted
But this is no new news for Lakewood up to the Mid-Hudson Valley.

They who can deliver nnn,000 votes can make or bend rules.

A favor for a favor is part of politics.

Plus, though there're separate kingdoms they are interwoven though rivalous
sets of basically agreeing, once Eastern European, Jews.

Once before I mentioned about the anti-snitch thing and
about the neighborhood police force Shomrim. So even if
not direct they still have connections to and on the force.
A deputy police commissioner back in the 90's, she was a
member of the synagogue on 123rd St at Marcus Garvey Park West.
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Yeah maybe... but I am telling you they are going to be superspreaders. There has to be a Rabbi that can get them under control..
Member # 19944
 - posted
Hah! Heeheeheee.
One rabbi that all the Malkuth will listen to? Oh!
You mean Messiah Son of David? He ain't here yet?

But on the serious side
They won't even eat meat approved by a rabbi of a different kingdom.
Superspreaders yes. Remember the once thought original outbreak in
the USA was from a regular orthdox Jew in his just upstate synagogue.

Still hopin ta find that vid w/t reg o rabbis urging compliance.
I'll race you to see who finds it first; mark, set, ...

Meanwhile https://www.ou.org/covid19/ regular orthodox rabbis compliance methods.

Issue's the same in Israel as the USA with Ultras and CoViD-19
“We’ve been asked to go into this lockdown, with its insane economic cost,
that is causing people to go insane, because of the increase in coronavirus
which is mostly occurring in the ultra-Orthodox sector and in large part
because of criminal negligence,” wrote media personality Judy Shalom Nir
Mozes on the Ynet news site. “There are two sets of laws here. One for us and one for them.”

“The police department is told ‘hands off’ when it comes to the Jewish neighborhoods.
It’s always been that way,” said one high-ranking NYPD insider on Wednesday.
“The 66th Precinct [in Borough Park, Brooklyn] was known as ‘Fort Surrender.’ ”
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Well I am glad I don't live in Midwood/Marine Park anymore..

But seriously, this is a nationwide issue because Habad has networks all over this country.
Member # 19944
 - posted
CHaBadD has many non-E Euro converts.
770 Eastern Pkwy and the rest of Crown
Heights is outside the red, orange, and
yellow restrictment zones.

The other Hasidim mostly marry within
and keep to "landsmen" from "back home"
their E Euro city of origin.

The Haredi still have kingdoms since
their dynasties haven't died out like
the Lubavitch Chabad dynasty did.

Lithuanian? 'Hasidim' between Fort Greene
and Bed Suy are also out the hotspot zone.
MAP https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EjrNs--WAAEK7Mf?format=jpg&name=4096x4096


More from the NY Post link above:

the NYPD made no arrests and issued no summonses.

With the latest coronavirus surge tied strongly to predominantly Hasidic communities,
Mayor Bill de Blasio has repeatedly vowed enforcement of the rules, but largely failed
to follow through.

The NYPD source said that a historic reluctance from City Hall to crack down
on the politically powerful Hasidic voting bloc is behind the light approach.

“The mayor speaks from two faces,” the source said. “He doesn’t support the
police department going into the community and doing anything.”

Other NYPD sources noted the disparity between how the department responds to situations
in the city’s Hasidic enclaves and elsewhere, including predominantly black neighborhoods.

“It’s a tale of two cities when it comes to enforcement of the law and it’s not fair,” said
a second source. “There’s no enforcement when it comes to them. But there’s always
enforcement when it comes to [Black] communities.”

While the city has been loathe to hand out mask violations in Hasidic communities, the NYPD’s
enforcement of rule was found earlier in the pandemic to disproportionately target racial minorities.

A third police source said that the Hasidic groups are “dealt with a gentle touch” by the cops,
which starts with a cozy relationship between department brass and community leaders
that doesn’t exist with other[s.]
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Tukuler:
The Forward - News that Matters to American Jews October 07, 2020

Heshy Tischler, leader of mask burning, is planning another ‘event.’ Here’s who he is.
by Helen Chernikoff

Some call him a hero. Others call him a disgrace.

Some people in these Hasidic neighborhoods wear masks, many others don't. Heshy Tischler is a radio show host from Borough Park leading these protests. Now he's appealing to Trump to resist the new restrictions on gatherings, businesses, schools and houses of worship mandated by Governor Cuomo and in collaboration with the mayor.
70% of Jews nationally vote Democrat I read as well as New York City residents generally but the Hasidic community votes Republican due to a perception that they represent more conservative values. One of the rabbis there is touting Hydoxychloriquine as the cure not masks. Problem is Trump is not even talking about that one anymore, he's heralding a new anti-body drug called Regeneron and he was out in the Rose Garden today talking about it. It remains to be seen how well it works in more people such as the 11 and counting people at the recent Rose Garden event who tested positive

Either these ultra-orthodox might be left to vent another day or two but if they keep resisting these restrictions it's going to be a mess with the Governor Cuomo intent on enforcing these rules, blames De Blassio for not doing it months ago. Cuomo said restaurants and bars did not conform to guideline until he activated state employees to penalize and enforce rules. Unfortunately many of those restaurant and bars won't survive, been locked down too long.
New York has a population density problem in regard to faster disease spread
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted

Heshy Tischler response, in regard to calling New York City’s First Lady a “retard woman” and a “coon” the night before, during the protests in Borough Park, Brooklyn.
A Brooklyn City Council candidate called New York City’s First Lady a “retard woman” and a whore Tuesday night as protests erupted in Borough Park over Gov. Cuomo’s order to shut down schools, synagogues and non-essential businesses.

The candidate, Harold “Heshy” Tischler, 56, was caught on tape making the remarks about Mayor de Blasio’s wife Chirlane McCray, who’s considering a run for Brooklyn Borough President.

“If you think, Mrs. de Blasio, a retard woman, kurva, whatever you are, you think you’re going to get elected to borough president — you will not be elected," a maskless Tischler is captured on tape saying to a closely packed crowd of Orthodox Jewish people. "Heshy’s going to all your little things, and I’m going to scream.”

Observers initially mistook the Yiddish word kurva, which means whore, for “coon," which Tischler denied saying Wednesday

Member # 19944
 - posted
It's like hearing tigga when niggun (melody) is said.

Which ethny is that lockless clean shaven faced guy?

Tischler readily admits to hating Hizoner & 1st Lady
calling the former a Nazi, the later a retarded whore
and then essentially saying, call me out on both not just on her.

“It’s crazy that he used that language,” said Benjamin Kanter, a spokesman for Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein (D-Brooklyn).

Eichenstein’s spokesman Kanter said a day later that, despite people being “justified in their anger,” Tischler’s remarks were “completely inappropriate.”

Who he is politically https://ballotpedia.org/Harold_Tischler

Mixed emotions @ his Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pg/JustEnoughHeshy/posts/
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
A Rising Orthodox Populist Is Leading A Violent Campaign Of COVID Denial In Borough Park

But Tischler has gone a step further, vowing to stop the restrictions by force, while peddling conspiracy theories that Democratic officials are deliberately misleading the public about the virus for political reasons. Several people in attendance on Friday said they now believed that the lockdown measures were a ploy to interfere in the upcoming election.

“Mayor de Blasio and Governor Cuomo are trying to destroy Donald Trump’s election,” said Heshy Friedman, a 57-year-old Borough Park resident. “They’re using COVID to try to close off all the neighborhoods that are pro-Trump.”

According to the latest city data, more than 8 percent of those tested in Borough Park returned positive results for coronavirus, the highest rate across the five boroughs.

Blima Marcus, an ultra-Orthodox nurse practitioner in Borough Park who worked in a COVID ward during the peak of the pandemic, said the state’s guidance wasn’t anti-Semitic, but rather “an act of desperation and exasperation.”

“When your leadership doesn't step forward it leaves a vacuum for the fringe people to step up. That’s where this Heschy Tischler comes in," she said.

Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Andrew Cuomo
The positivity rate in the hotspot ZIP codes is 5.8%.

The statewide positivity rate excluding these ZIPs is 1.01%.

We are taking quick action to respond to the clusters & stop the spread.

Here are the 20 hotspot ZIP codes in Queens, Brooklyn, Orange and Rockland Counties:


8 minutes ago

NEW YORK (1010 WINS) -- Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Thursday accused New York City officials of heightening the backlash over new rules in Brooklyn’s COVID-19 hotspots by failing to enforce the state’s original executive orders.

Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox demonstrators took to the streets in Borough Park on Wednesday night to protest newly-released state guidelines that temporarily roll back reopenings in areas deemed “high-risk” hotspots.

The new rules limit religious services to 10 people, shutter schools and prohibit mass gatherings in neighborhoods that fall within state-designated “red zones” — measures Orthodox Jewish leaders have said unfairly target their communities.

No one was arrested during the Borough Park protests, though some attendees set street fires and became violent. Jacob Kornbluh, a reporter for Jewish Insider, said he was “brutally assaulted” by a group of demonstrators.

Responding to a CBS New York reporter who called the NYPD's response to the protests a "Tale of Two Cities" approach to enforcement, as "Black Lives Matter" protests in New York City over the summer resulted in "heavy police enforcement," Cuomo called on the police department to “enforce the law.”

“What’s happening there is the rules were never enforced in these communities,” the governor said. “Why are they so upset about the current rule when there was a previous rule that was more dramatic? Because the previous rules were never enforced.”

“It can’t be a situation where, ‘I enforce the law unless the communities are upset. I enforce the law unless it’s a politically sensitive community to me,’” he said.

“The NYPD is 35,000 people. New York City taxpayers pay them $10 billion a year,” he added. “Enforce the law, and don’t be politically selective in the enforcement of the law.”
Member # 19944
 - posted
The precinct cap'n or whatever is Heshy's pal.

Political clout and community history of low
street crime factors into city police response.

Cuomo can send in staties right? But he not doing that.


UK reportage
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Would Cuomo send in the National Guard? I think he would if they don't get these zip codes under control they are going to infect the whole damn city...
Member # 19944
 - posted
NY Board of Rabbis calls for ‘responsible behavior’ following protests

[Note: Haredim have their own rabbinic boards
[This is more a line of separation.
[MostJews | Hasidim
[NYBoR knows it has 0 effect on Hasidim]

We cannot defend individuals in our Jewish community who demonstrate a blatant disregard for the COVID-19 health protocols and endanger their lives and those of other people. COVID-19 is a non-discriminating disease that must be fought by all people following the rules without exception.

We are also appalled by the shameful behavior of those who burn masks or beat people who protest their non-compliance

“demonization of an entire community” vs “certain members”

We believe in collective responsibility where we are accountable for our behavior and reject collective guilt where everyone is depicted without distinction

At a time when [a]nti-[s]emitism is on the rise, we categorically condemn the demonization of the Jewish people, but we will continue to advocate for safe individual behavior.

Therefore, it is the duty of citizens within those virus hotspots to take responsibility for their behaviors which are no doubt causing the drastic surge in cases,” the board said. “Their job is not to respond with defensive rhetoric, but rather do everything in their power to bring down the spread of COVID-19.
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
^^^^ Where is the demand for an apology to the first lady of NYC?

I'll wait

Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Member # 13597
 - posted
I guess not everyone is on board. He!He!He!

This is a clusterfk. They didn't realize a lot of people no longer tune in to the MSM. everyone with an Iphone is a possible journalist. lol! The genie is out the bottle. Lies and spin can't help them now.

This is a sheet show. No idea where this will end but regardless. Too many are awaken now. Even with a Nuclear option...too late. Mass censorship and lock down and even possible mass incarceration and targetted killings?

What would they do when 1/3 the populace wont take the vaccine? This could get ugly.

But the problem with this protest is they are thinking the ploy was to destabilize Trump. This is bigger than Trump, this is an orchestrated GLOBAL attack. Why now? Trump 2016/2020 and BREXIT!!! They cannot afford another Trump victory. They will have to try to rein in BREXIT.

Man, this is a cluster FK.


Originally posted by Yatunde Lisa:
[] A Rising Orthodox Populist Is Leading A Violent Campaign Of COVID Denial In Borough Park

But Tischler has gone a step further, vowing to stop the restrictions by force, while peddling conspiracy theories that Democratic officials are deliberately misleading the public about the virus for political reasons. Several people in attendance on Friday said they now believed that the lockdown measures were a ploy to interfere in the upcoming election.

“Mayor de Blasio and Governor Cuomo are trying to destroy Donald Trump’s election,” said Heshy Friedman, a 57-year-old Borough Park resident. “They’re using COVID to try to close off all the neighborhoods that are pro-Trump.”

According to the latest city data, more than 8 percent of those tested in Borough Park returned positive results for coronavirus, the highest rate across the five boroughs.

Blima Marcus, an ultra-Orthodox nurse practitioner in Borough Park who worked in a COVID ward during the peak of the pandemic, said the state’s guidance wasn’t anti-Semitic, but rather “an act of desperation and exasperation.”

“When your leadership doesn't step forward it leaves a vacuum for the fringe people to step up. That’s where this Heschy Tischler comes in," she said.


the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by xyyman:

What would they do when 1/3 the populace wont take the vaccine? This could get ugly.

If Trump is re-elected what will he do when 1/2 the populace wont take the vaccine?
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Originally posted by Yatunde Lisa:
^^^^ Where is the demand for an apology to the first lady of NYC?

I'll wait


Heshy Tischler reporting:

I am being arrested on Monday morning at The 66 Pct at 10 am.


Haha! Don't insult the Mayors wife and beat up people and call the mayor an animal...Heshy getting treated like a Nehesi...He apologized to the Mayors wife.. He is HILARIOUS
Member # 13597
 - posted
Stop deflecting Lioness. You still don't get it. Can't you read between the lines?!!. Trump doesn't believe there is a Corona Virus epidemic! Like many of us. Like the data shows. No net gain in deaths. Deaths are being reclassified.

Trump is playing politics. The MSM have Half the people scared shytless of an imaginary bug. He could no longer ignore it and dismiss it. Do you really think he got the virus and recovered, and have immunity in 2 days?! Even Fauci is shocked about his "recovery". lol!

He is playing along. Trying to beat them at their own game.

If he wins all this will probably go away...including the need for a vaccine. Both sides are pandering now.

Trump has already won, the genie is out the bottle.

But By winning the election he may now have the mandate he needs to clean this shyte up

Originally posted by the lioness,:
Originally posted by xyyman:

What would they do when 1/3 the populace wont take the vaccine? This could get ugly.

If Trump is re-elected what will he do when 1/2 the populace wont take the vaccine?

Member # 13597
 - posted
Protest everywhere against this fake virus

Member # 19944
 - posted
Sure somebody tol im up in the 'Ville
Mouth Almighty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIDC1bKNp_Q
I used to shoot my mouth off
'Till you`d had enough of me
Once or twice nightly
I know I've got my faults
And among them I can't control my tongue
But if you didn't believe me
Why did[n't you just] leave me
With my mouth almighty

Mouth almighty
that`s what 've got
Mouth almighty
telling you what`s what
Mouth almighty
I wish I`d never opened my mouth al migh tay


vid lnk

Heshy hhaber, remember the season, today was Hosha`*na Rabba.
You got the Rebbe OBM overlooking your left shoulder.
Prayer and good deeds divert ...

Originally posted by Yatunde Lisa:
Originally posted by Yatunde Lisa:
^^^^ Where is the demand for an apology to the first lady of NYC?

I'll wait


Heshy Tischler reporting:

I am being arrested on Monday morning at The 66 Pct at 10 am.


Haha! Don't insult the Mayors wife and beat up people and call the mayor an animal...Heshy getting treated like a Nehesi...He apologized to the Mayors wife.. He is HILARIOUS

Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Federal judge sides with Cuomo in lawsuit aiming to block COVID hotspot restrictions https://bit.ly/2SDvy0u
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
Figures show disproportionate amount of Israel COVID cases among ultra-Orthodox
25% of tests in Haredi towns returning positive, compared to 7.4% countrywide; virus czar says easing of lockdown could begin as early as end of next week

There has been growing criticism of Haredi communities for not adhering to government guidelines, including continuing to host mass gatherings over the High Holiday period.

Police dispersed hundreds of worshipers who gathered near a synagogue in the ultra-Orthodox settlement of Modiin Illit in violation of lockdown restrictions in the early hours of Friday morning.



Orthodox communities will be a case study when all of this is over
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by xyyman:
[QB] Stop deflecting Lioness. You still don't get it. Can't you read between the lines?!!. Trump doesn't believe there is a Corona Virus epidemic! Like many of us. Like the data shows. No net gain in deaths. Deaths are being reclassified.

stop the nonsense, Trump is the biggest proponent of the vaccine, speaking about it frequently in speeches so much so that people worry if it's a rush job which he is trying to get out before the election so called "Operation Warp Speed"

the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Yatunde Lisa:

Heshy Tischler response, in regard to calling New York City’s First Lady a “retard woman” and a “coon” the night before, during the protests in Borough Park, Brooklyn.
A Brooklyn City Council candidate called New York City’s First Lady a “retard woman” and a whore Tuesday night as protests erupted in Borough Park over Gov. Cuomo’s order to shut down schools, synagogues and non-essential businesses.

The candidate, Harold “Heshy” Tischler, 56, was caught on tape making the remarks about Mayor de Blasio’s wife Chirlane McCray, who’s considering a run for Brooklyn Borough President.

“If you think, Mrs. de Blasio, a retard woman, kurva, whatever you are, you think you’re going to get elected to borough president — you will not be elected," a maskless Tischler is captured on tape saying to a closely packed crowd of Orthodox Jewish people. "Heshy’s going to all your little things, and I’m going to scream.”

Observers initially mistook the Yiddish word kurva, which means whore, for “coon," which Tischler denied saying Wednesday



It was the second straight night of rage and violence in Borough Park overseen by Tischler, a heavyset local agitator who spent a year in prison for immigration fraud. During his demonstration on Tuesday, protesters beat up the brother of a well-known Hasidic whistleblower, swarmed a photojournalist documenting the scene, and set fire to surgical masks in the street.


Harold “Heshy” Tischler will turn himself in Monday for attack on Orthodox Jewish reporter
OCT 09, 2020 AT 5:15 PM

On Friday, Tischler also apologized for a video that went viral this week in which he was caught calling the mayor’s wife, Chirlane McCray, a “retard woman” and a “kurva," which means whore in Yiddish.

“I am apologizing to Mrs. de Blasio — not who she is — that I said a bad name as a woman. I called her a bad woman name. I apologize for that, I shouldn’t have done that name," Tischler continued.

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