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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Before Chrisna
Member # 22932
 - posted
Dr. Johannes Krause, of the Max Planck Association and the University of Tubingen in Germany, completed a DNA study involving a cache of Ancient Egyptian mummies. He claimed that his "advanced DNA sequencing techniques proved that the Ancient Egyptians were "NOT" of Black African origin.
After much review of modern DNA sequencing theory and going over the cache of Ancient Egyptian mummies truly used in Dr. Krause study, I began to discover serious problems.
I found several articles that challenged Dr. Krause study, some of which dismissed the new study as scientific racism. (race propaganda)
There was only one way to find out the truth. Find the funders of the DNA Study. Find the Funders of Max Planck Institute. Look at the History of Max Planck Association and the University of Tubingen and look at the educational background of Dr. Krause including mentors and Professors.

What I Found:

Max Planck Association; Alias Keiser Wilhelm Association of Germany is possibly the most shameful science organizations in world history. Max Planck Association scientist, along with their allied professors at the Universities
of Tubingen, Berlin and Munich created the deadly platform of Eugenics that was adopted by Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime. This campaign of terror and murder started with Nazi Scientists Eugene Fischer and Ernst Rudin who were promoting their eugenic ideologies within the fields of Anthropology, Genetics, Psychology and Human Evolution. Eugenics and white supremacy became the center theme of the majority of Max Planck's disciplines of research. Their Scientist often fabricated data, manipulated lab statistics, and committed scientific fraud in order to perpetuate and justify forced sterilizations, infanticide, slavery, concentration camps and mass murder!
Some of the worst Scientist/Doctors came from the University of Tubingen. They slaughter babies in the name of Eugenics. Others pre-ordered brains from the Jewish concentration camps. Some did horrifying experiments on 1500 sets of Jewish twins.
After World War 2, the German Economy collapse and the Max Planck Association/Keiser Wilhelm Association was in disarray. They went to their long time American supporter for financial aid; the Rockefeller Foundation!
The Rockefeller Foundation, who had supported the Eugenic crazed scientist up into the start of the war, promptly financed Max Planck Institutions and placed the disgraced Nazi scientist back in power as Department heads and presidents of the most prestigious Universities in Germany. Many of these scientist had been in prisons or were awaiting trial for murder and mayhem. Only by the help of American and English power brokers and governments (Eugenic supporters and Racist) did these, Scientist escape the firing squad.
From 1945, these draconian scientist continued to influence western academia, through the research of Max Planck Association, especially in the areas of Human Evolution, Genetics, Anthropology and Psychology. Very similar to the propaganda wing of the SS Nazi regime, they perpetuate reality by pseudo-science and statistical manipulation. Their prestigious
positions and Nobel Awards make them almost unquestionable. (Even though many of the Max scientist also have top awards from Hitler himself; complete with stars and swastikas.)
From 1945 to 1982, the majority of Max Planck Association presidents were once active Nazi members and Nazi supporter. Several of them have Nazi and SS memberships on record. Many of their Nazi medals and awards are a matter of record.
From about 2000 to about 2017, Max Planck Association has been in a state of damage control after being exposed by research historians as having one of the most heinous records of any Academic organization! To make things worse, between 2006 and 2017 their labs were caught with hundreds of body parts, mostly brains, in their refrigerators, that were later identified as actual Auschwitz concentration camp victims! (You can't make this stuff up!)
Now, Dr. Johannes Krause, and his Swiss Mentor, Dr. Paabo, are scientist working in the fields of Genetics, Anthropology and Human Evolution. They claim that Max Planck no longer embraces the Eugenics platform and race based science. But really.
Paabo and Krause worked on the Neanderthal Genome project, where they attempted to show that white folks are different from Black folks. Now Dr. Krause has worked on a study that shows that Ancient Egyptians are not Black Africans. Seems like Race Science to me!
Actually, Dr. Johannes Krause and his Mentor Dr. Svante Paabo, received their PHD's in Retroviruses and Ancient Plaques! (Hmmmmm?)
In conclusion, I am extremely suspect of the DNA study of Ancient African Mummies as completed by Dr. Johannes Krause. I have doubts about his procedures, especially his specimen selection process. In addition, the long time moral corruption, scientific fraud, and academic psychopathy that became a norm in the culture of the Max Planck Association worldview, has never been rectified or dealt with in a adequate way.
Many of past presidents and leading professors of the Max Planck Institutes and University of Tubingen, up into the 1980's have been tied to horrific crimes against humanity. Their commitment to White Supremacy ideology, race science and murderous Eugenics corrupted their moral compass and blinded their scientific perspectives.
Is the Mummy DNA study tarnished by the Eugenics culture and histories of Max Planck Institute research? Do Viper snakes bite?

Thank you for being interested in my article on The Max Planck/Keiser Wilhelm Association. As I stated in the research article, the Max Planck Association of Germany has historically been implicated to Nazi like activities such as mass murder, genocide, infanticide, torture, cruel human experimentation, and brain snatching! (Really, I can't make this sh-- up!) Much of this heinous activity was founded on the ideals of German Scientist like Ernest Rudin (Geneticist-Psychiatrist-Eugenicist) and Eugene Fischer (Anthropologist-Medical Research) They created the Nazi concepts of "Racial Hygiene" and Euthanasia(Scientific Mass Murder)
Both Psychotic Professors would eventually become Max Planck/Keiser Wilhelm presidents. The Max Planck organization continued to recruit Nazi affiliated presidents and leading Scientist up into at least 1972. The racist ideologies of old still permeate through Max Planck Association as well as the University of Tubingen.

I believe that the study of Ancient Egyptian DNA by Max Planck genetic division is fraudulent. Furthermore, until Max Planck Association takes full responsibilities of their past "Frankenstein" type history and acknowledge the past Nazi activities of their presidents from 1945 to 1972, then I will not hold them as credible.

The research sources:

1. Max Planck Society admits to its predecessors Nazi past. Nature June 2001
2. Max Planck offers historic apology. Science Magazine June 2001
3. The Meaning of "Apology", the Survivors of Nazi Medical Crimes
4. In the Name of Science 2001 K. Weigman
5. Remains of Holocaust Victims of Nazi Mengele Recovered from Max Planck. 2016 Laboratory news.
6. Ernest Rudin: Wikipedia
7. Keiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heretics and Eugenics. Wikipedia.
8. Germany to Probe Nazi Era. Science Magazine Jan. 2017.
9. Brains of Nazi Victims Uncovered in German Psychiatric Institute. Gizmodo
10. Eugene Fischer. Wikipedia.
11. Otto Hahn. Wikipedia.

Well, there's a few sources. I could provide you with more sources if needed. This should be enough for you to see Max Planck Association's "Frankenstein" Brand of science.
Member # 19740
 - posted
Already a few threads on this, including in the Egyptology section. However I was expecting the next thread like this to analyze the methodology more. But I guess its not in Egyptology so...

Before Chrisna
Member # 22932
 - posted
I'm sorry, my brother. My research article on the "Max Planck Association and their false claims of White Ancient Egypt", was not really written for scholars with higher knowledge of DNA sequencing or haplogroup populations.
Furthermore, the article obviously places more weight on the heinous cultural history of Keiser Wilhelm/Max Planck Association and their tendency to falsify and bend scientific reality to sway public opinion and to meet hidden agendas.
Hitler knew that no one would question his scientist. There P.H.D. certificates and prestigious awards made them appear bigger than life. The sheer weight of their scientific authority(fraud) convinced little old grandmothers to turn in Jewish children to the Nazis and SS troopers. The public was completely taken under the spell of "Scientific Authority".
As I write this reply, Modern Nazis are roaming the streets of Germany seeking to injure or even kill people with dark skin. In America, Nazis and Neo Confederates wave their evil flags.
My article was not just about DNA. It was about Nazis and how Nazi themes, convictions and false realities are projected by German Institutions, and Research Centers to European and American educational curriculums thus perpetuating racist ideologies, policies, and law.
When unarmed Black males are being shot by police. Max Planck. When Curious George is the number one kindergarten book. Max Planck. When you do not have a single Afro-American teacher at U.C. Berkeley's department of Near Eastern Studies, Egyptology Studies, Middle Eastern Studies or Museum Studies. Max Planck
It is time for Afro-American research Scholars to lead the way in saying "No", to bogus western falsified realities. No, Franklin did not discover electricity! No, Washington did not chop down no cherry tree. No, Columbus did not discover America! No, Plato's book of ethics was not ethical. No, Chase Bank financed Apartheid!
It really wasn't that much about D.N.A.
It was about recognizing systems of political manipulations and mind control. A type of social disease that I believe is at the root of racist ideologies, racist policies and racist laws all over the world.
Black Crystal
Member # 22903
 - posted
I posted the WorldStar video version. Can anyone tell me basically what they're claiming and if it is false or true or somewhere in between? Thanks.
Before Chrisna
Member # 22932
 - posted
Fact one: Almost every DNA "mail in" site is owned by the Mormon Church of Latter Day Saints.
Throughout American history, the Mormon church has championed race discrimination, Native American oppression and genocide, and African American oppression. They created a belief system that curses all people of color, and characterizes the darker skin color as a curse of God. They believed that you can not enter heaven unless you first are cleansed of your "dirty skin".
Even more despicable, the Mormon founders placed copies of ancient African seals and hieroglyphic scripts in their original Mormon Scriptures and fraudulently interpreted them!
I had a phone conversation with the director Brigham Young University's "Foundation for Ancient Research and Studies" about this manipulation of Ancient African(Nile Valley Civilization) artifacts in order to serve Mormon paradigm. The Director, a former student of U.C. Berkeley and Yale Egyptology, finally told me the whole truth behind the bogus misrepresentations. (But that's another story.)

Fact two. The Germans at Max Planck have the worst history of scientific fraud in the world. The Nazi platform that they helped to create needed scientific authority in order to launch their campaigns of sterilizations, mass murder, terror and oppression. Scientist at Kaiser Wilhelm/ Max Planck Association fabricated data, ran unsubstantiated studies, manipulated statistical data in order to create illusions and general falsifications of reality. Max Planck Association and the Nazi government worked hand in hand in order to create a German public internalized with racist views, hate and psychotic sense of superiority.( Also the inability to show compassion for human suffering.)
Max Planck Association continued to recruit Nazis and Nazi supporters up into at least 1972. Some of these Nazis were associated with mass murder, the killing of hundreds of babies, the cruel experimentation on children, ordering brains for neurology research from Jewish concentration camps; and so on and so on...
Today Max Planck Association is in turmoil, constantly having to apologize for years of Nazi activities and recently having to apologize for a couple hundred brains in their current lab refrigerators; from Jewish victims of concentration camps, WW2. (Oops!)

I am trying to make a critical thinking point here.

As a person of African decent,


We do not suppose to believe that Mormons or Nazi Scientist can bring to us unbiased, innocent, and non prejudicial scientific reality. And we need to be aware of their funding source!

Heritage Foundation?
Rockefeller Foundation?
Carnegie Foundation?

Afro-Americans are bombarded with Eurocentric projections, conceptualizations and programing during most of our life. Many of us never question the "reality" that Eurocentric projections create.

Try reading, "Black Out by White Wash by Susan Suzar. Then read, "Exploding the Myths" by Anthony Browder.
Also try, "The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets.

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