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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 5506
 - posted
Hi everybody! I received the following story this morning (originaly in german) and would like to share it with you:

An angel is working at the "baby-making-machine", turns the handle and at every turn a baby comes out at the other end of the machine.
To be sure that everything on earth stays well balanced, he always says by himself:" girl, boy, fool, girl, boy, fool…"
Suddenly he's called to an important meeting. He tells his angel-apprentice: "you continue exactly like I did it, you simply turn the handle: girl, boy, fool, girl, boy, fool…"
After two hours the angel comes back from his meeting and hears already from far: "fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool…
He rushes towards his apprentice and shouts:" Are you mad – you're destroying everything!!!!
The apprentice replies:" Don't worry boss, everything ok, we just received a large order from America…"

I'dont mean to be anti-american, I'm just disappointed about the vote....


Member # 4903
 - posted
If I were American I'd be confused I know you don't want to offend any Americans, nor do I, but I have to admit that the joke made me laugh I'd also prefer Kerry to win but, well, it's their country (though it may affect many others) and their choice.


Member # 3864
 - posted
Actually to be factual, your comment is anti-american. And it does hurt my feelings.

What happens when Europeans openly display a ethic joke which happens that Mid-Easterners are the target on this site and others? Of course cynics shut up and disply their good manners as good 'Little Europeans'.

Yet, I will say this for being fools we made a good investment by accepting that 'Statue of Liberty' and having one of our Jewish poettesses inscribed our mission on the plaque at the base of her Lady Liberty's feet. Can you imagine what that inscription says?

Yes, we might be fools, but we are the world's fools living together like no where else in the world. So take that and stuff in your hat!

Member # 5365
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by thirtysomething:
I too was disappointed with the result. However it is no coincidence that Kerry got all the votes from the costal areas and Bush got all the inner states.
This is a generalisation, but most of the people on the costal northern states both east and west have more contact with the rest of the world and many people from more central states dont travel much out of their own state never mind the world at large. I think that these people arent so much stupid just have been conned by Bush into believing that they will be attacked and that Bush is the man to rescue them. People living in areas who have more contact with the rest of the world have a more realistic view on the world at large and its politics. Like I said this is a very genreal but has some validity to it.
Bush reminds me of someone in a 'John Wayne' movie and the trouble is- he thinks he is the Hero- when the rest of the world think he is a fool. If it was a small country which wasnt so powerful- I dont think people would be that interested, or concerned- it is because of the impact this can have that has upset the rest of the world. Here in Britain they did a number of polls and the vote came at around 80% Kerry 20% Bush every time.


Member # 5457
 - posted
nah it isn't anti american ... its funny because americans are so gullible and believe everything by the media. The central states are rednecks ... I grew up in the Midwest and unfortunely a lot of people are ignorant about the rest of the world its their way or no way they stay in their safety zone ...
Member # 3747
 - posted
oh come on. it is just a satire and it is funny
Member # 1761
 - posted
Originally posted by sonomod:
Actually to be factual, your comment is anti-american. And it does hurt my feelings.

What happens when Europeans openly display a ethic joke which happens that Mid-Easterners are the target on this site and others? Of course cynics shut up and disply their good manners as good 'Little Europeans'.

Yet, I will say this for being fools we made a good investment by accepting that 'Statue of Liberty' and having one of our Jewish poettesses inscribed our mission on the plaque at the base of her Lady Liberty's feet. Can you imagine what that inscription says?

Yes, we might be fools, but we are the world's fools living together like no where else in the world. So take that and stuff in your hat!

Oh yes that's true, American forums have no jokes at all about sand niggers and towel heads and saddamamas. No, not at all, no one on comedy central says anything about Arabs that would be considered a hate crime if it were said about any other ETHNIC group. Wake up Sonomod and stop moaning, I'd gladly exchange places with you as a white American and let you taste it a bit.

Member # 1761
 - posted
Originally posted by crazylobo:
nah it isn't anti american ... its funny because americans are so gullible and believe everything by the media. The central states are rednecks ... I grew up in the Midwest and unfortunely a lot of people are ignorant about the rest of the world its their way or no way they stay in their safety zone ...

I don't know about the redneck country and the bible belt, but around here Americans are hardly gullible. They are mostly misinformed but they do question anything "the shrub" says.


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