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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 4903
 - posted
What is the ideal of woman in Egypt? I mean look, behaviour, character???

And what about ideal Egyptian man?

THere's always something about women what fascinates men in one country. What is this in Egypt? And again, what about women???


Member # 3864
 - posted
I think its more a cultural or individual criteria.

What my brother-in-laws looked for in their wives is completely different from what my husband or his father looked for in a wife.

It is a matter of what your exposed to. Somehow my husband was exposed to foreign women and upperclass Cairnes women and of course village relatives. My father-in-law having worked in the Gulf Arab countries along side western female coworkers he brought his positive experiences home to his middle son my husband.

Then there is criteria from what ever scripture you believe in. Somehow in countries where literacy is low details get lost. Then cultural motivations take over, secondly stereotypes and personal experiences override what ever untainted moral conduit you enjoyed at one point.

Then naturally lust takes over and all is put out. Or you can have arranged marriages. Which makes many people feel safe.


Member # 4903
 - posted
Thank you for your reply
But for example in my country it's said that perfect woman is slim, has blue eyes, long blond hair and long legs. Of course many men prefer those other women, but I mean what is generally said.
Member # 5843
 - posted
Originally posted by melfenien:
Thank you for your reply
But for example in my country it's said that perfect woman is slim, has blue eyes, long blond hair and long legs. Of course many men prefer those other women, but I mean what is generally said.

I like this topic
Unfortunately I don't know about Egypt...
I think that every where is a certain enthusiasm for what is rare. So in countries where most women have dark hair and eyes, men will in general turn around behind blond women. But if they are looking for a wife it might defer.

You are from Poland, are't you? Are women there rather blond or with dark hair?

Another question is if men prefer rather traditionel women or modern women...

Once an older greek woman told me that the sense of women is to care for their husbands, to cook for them, to sew their clothes, to have a nice home for them and to grow up their children.
I guess many women will screem up now!

In fact, she wasn't wrong, it's nice to care for others.
But she talked as if we should forget ourselves...


Member # 1761
 - posted
Originally posted by melfenien:
Thank you for your reply
But for example in my country it's said that perfect woman is slim, has blue eyes, long blond hair and long legs. Of course many men prefer those other women, but I mean what is generally said.

If you mean looks, then not too long, long hair, big eyes, and very very very well endowed, definitely not skinny. That's the stuff generally said, but when push comes to shove people act individually.

Member # 5920
 - posted
Originally posted by melfenien:
Thank you for your reply
But for example in my country it's said that perfect woman is slim, has blue eyes, long blond hair and long legs. Of course many men prefer those other women, but I mean what is generally said.

Hello, dear Mel,
hihihi, this is a subject makes me always laughing here in egypt.
The most of egytian man loooove "Puddingwomen"(a little fat and softy..), they are calling them "mmmhhh Eeeeschta (Cream) ", they love, if the women doing a little silly and playing as they are shame, huhhhhh
But the most looooove blue eyes and blonde hair.
They don't like if the women is tooo selfconfident.
I know all that from the people here, I live in egypt more than 10 years.
Soooooooo, my own husband is one of them, netherless he feels 'safe and keept' in my selfconfidence......but the case with the pudding, haha, I will never accept it, doing exercise mostly everyday since I am 13 !
Myself,I haaaate 'pudding' !! But it seems, as this puddingloving is loosing it's fashion in egypt slowly. Satellite and Internet is influencing their taste .



Member # 4903
 - posted
Nike, yes I'm Polish. Women here are rather blond with pale skin. I'm "not normal" here - I've got black eyes, dark hair and dark (as for my country) skin.

I think it's right that someone who differs from many others fascinates men/women, like it was said - blond woman in Southern country.

About this "puddingloving" (sounds nice ) I think that in Western countries it's becoming popular again - all those famous women like Jennifer Lopez are not ashamed at all of their women shapes.
Fashion for skinny models is going into past slowly.

So, in Egypt blond women are also "on top" I understand?

Member # 4903
 - posted
Sara, you said men like when women are behaving a little bit silly, but do you think they'd like such wife forever? Wouldn't they rather prefer someone... more intelligent???
Member # 5920
 - posted
Originally posted by melfenien:
Sara, you said men like when women are behaving a little bit silly, but do you think they'd like such wife forever? Wouldn't they rather prefer someone... more intelligent???

Hello dear mel,
my husband speaks with many men everyday and soo many, who were abroad, prefer the "silly kind"
(..have stomachtrouble from laughing, hmmm, it's sooo funny for me ) , because they are easyer - like a pet. Little mind, high voice, huuuuh, and shaking pudding (she must be hot... )- maybe it's soo easy to put them under men's "SCHIPSCHIP (Homeshoes) "
I cannot understand this - and my husband also not (thanks god.. )
Isn't a wife much better taking care clever for the family,their finances, health, soul and is able to organise everything alone - without raising their arms in the sky and shouting huhuhuhuhuuu.
But I am sure, that they will change their "taste" after time. Every century has it's "fashion" .
And don't forget : Not all egyptians prefer pudding and 'drawsy' women...

Your sara


Member # 4903
 - posted
Thank you Sara
And what are the reasons (not mentioning money) why Egyptians get interested in foreign women? Is that true that some would only like to have a foreign wife - why???
Member # 5920
 - posted
Originally posted by melfenien:
Thank you Sara
And what are the reasons (not mentioning money) why Egyptians get interested in foreign women? Is that true that some would only like to have a foreign wife - why???

Hello, dear,

I think, these are the exceptions...and some of them leave their foreignwife, marry egyptian puddings, just to feel "HOME".
Many marry foreigners for their money, some for their TVknown-beauty, some, because they are impressed of their love to Allah as a 'foreigner', some love on the foreigner all of it together.
But what's going on in their heads really ???Hmmm, .....? What is 'effecting them really first? Hmmm, netherless, they are mmmmeeen..!


hope, you ask moore..

Member # 3864
 - posted
Originally posted by melfenien:
Thank you Sara
And what are the reasons (not mentioning money) why Egyptians get interested in foreign women? Is that true that some would only like to have a foreign wife - why???

Well I don't have money and my hubby always knew this. Though he did expect help from my mother, this didn't come. My relatives who are more 'rednecky' have received extensive financial help from relatives, I have rubbed this in my hubby's face and now he doesn't want any part of it.

The silliness factor is deceiptive and I think is accentuated to allow the husband to feel smarter than he is. Misryan women are really smart, and need to behave in this way in order to allow their mates to feel like men.

My hubby didn't like this characteristic because his own mother never played like that. I don't have a strong sense of humor and usually I am very serious. Besides the fact that I go overboard on honesty. This somehow is attractive to my husband.

The blond hair, blue eyed **** of an idea is really a travesty. I have both, but so does my paternal grandfather-in-law. I don't understand it?

How the hell can a woman be considered traditional? So many so called traditional women in Misr carry on a life, which includes providing financially for her family. I know of neighbors who are so called 'housewives' who do work out of their home or various 'skilled' work and will provide financially for their family's in a pinch. Often her savings come out to help with major lifetime investments like mahr or to buy a daughter a flat. So I don't understand what the heck people consider a traditonal wife?

Wives have always chipped in or saved money for unforeseen emergencies and why isn't this recognized as a financial contribution?

Plumpness or pudding factor. Well my hubby was attracted to my physical strength and muscular build. I only have a 1/2 inch between my ribs and hips and a large bone build make my waist non-existant. My sister-in-law is really beautiful and the younger sister-in-law is quite skinny, but still drop-down drag-out gorgeous. People are always making innappropriate remarks about the younger woman's skinniness.
Its not fair! All 3 of us are the weight and build according to our genetics so why make comparisons or a fuss.

I watch old black and white Egyptian films from the 1950's in which the women wear cinches or girdles to shape their waist. Still when I read the subtitles remarks are being made about the 'softness' of the young bride. Why wear these girdles and then complain about a young woman's boniness?

Really I can't understand what the heck men and their mother's want.


Member # 5920
 - posted

I forgot to tell you about one reason, why some egyptian men choose foreign women..!
Just my husband remembered me this point...
Because they cannot 'afford' it.
Most, yes, most ask for tooo many and expensive things, as a collection of jewellery for the engagement, the next collection for the wedding, from HIM bought flat and furnitures written in HER name. And the dowry (hope, I spelled it right..), overall they have to sign a cheque, sometimes blanq, with a sum which doesn't exist at his bank.......to TRAPP him, in the case of divorce...to be able to put him then in prison.

Bought marriges.

Bought ,faked love; very often.

In the first 'homefight' they remember each other who is 'bought' and who is 'trapped'.

My husband asked me before the wedding how much I wish to get...I told him 25 Piasters and forever love... the man who wrote the marrigecontract couldn't believe that and asked us to raise the "PRICE" (because as higher the price, as mor tax you have to pay)! I felt me really bought and told him to write finally 1 L.E. A lovely remember on this great day.
You want know, how my husband knows me? I visited a egyptian moslema in maadi, drove back by taxi to ,cairotel'. The trafficpolice stopped my taxi for 'papercontrol'. By chance his papers were not OK; I had to wait. One bad officer set suddenly beside me and tried to give me his telephonenumber and his only english he was aware was 'love, love...' Ohhhhhh, My god, I got sooooo angry!!!! You see, what most of the men have in their HEAD ? Next, I left the taxi quickly to get another taxi, alhamdulillah this bad officer let me alone...
The police stopped for me an other taxi, kindly, it was night. I noticed an other officer, watching me for a second, then he turned around. In this moment he pleased Allah, please, if this woman is a moslem, I would wish to marry her. He didn't know, that I was already really moslem.
In the very same day I prayed, asking Allah to get a real good man, honest, etc.,etc....
3 days later I have seen him the first time in front of me. His best friend was the husband of my moslemfriend...And he told him from me. And then he knew it is connected from Allah. It is still sooo great for us and it made us knew, that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD, NOTHING TOO FAR, NOTHING TOO DIFFICULT.
Still, we are deeply in love...after 10 Years.
...hmmmm, I think, I forgot all this time the maintopic...



bob the dog
Member # 4691
 - posted
I asked this question to the Egyptian men I work with.. the general concensus is.... mouth shut, legs open!! Ho hum!!!!
Member # 5920
 - posted

....I tooold youuu.
Ragab Ibrahim
Member # 6222
 - posted
Originally posted by melfenien:
Thank you Sara
And what are the reasons (not mentioning money) why Egyptians get interested in foreign women? Is that true that some would only like to have a foreign wife - why???

salam alikom
talking about myslf..as an egyptian man living in Greece for many years.
as you may know..women in Greece give marriage portion(dowry)..in arabic (mahr)
to the husband..when i married my wife she had nothing,so..for her eyes and only, i get her an apartment..(she looks like an Egyptian)..all i want to say is not all the people are the same..by the way we divorced and i prefer an egyptain moslem lady without any money.

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