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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 9740
 - posted
8 January 2006
EXCLUSIVE BANNED BMI staff banned from taking Bibles, St Christophers and teddy bears on trips to Saudi (AND STEWARDESSES ARE TOLD TO WALK TWO PACES BEHIND MEN)
By Martin Coutts

AIRLINE bosses have sparked outrage by banning flight crew from wearing crucifixes or St Christopher medals on flights to Saudi Arabia - in case they offend the country's Muslims.

Stewardesses at British Midland International have also been told they must walk two paces behind male colleagues - and cover themselves from head to foot in a headscarf and robes known as an abaya.

And they have been forbidden from taking Bibles or cuddly toys such as teddy bears into the Saudi capital Riyadh - even in flight bags.

Saudi Arabia's strict laws enforced by the religious police - the Mutaween - ban the public practice of Christianity, churches and Christian religious materials, and figures of animals, including toys.

One employee, who asked not to be named, said: "It's outrageous that we must respect their beliefs but they're not prepared to respect ours.

"BMI are asking too much of their staff on this one.

"My gran gave me a crucifix shortly before she died and I wear it at all times. It's got massive sentimental value and I don't see why I have to remove it."

The staff handbook reads: "Prior to disembarking the aircraft all female crew will be required to put on their companyissued abaya. It will be issued with the headscarf which must be worn."

Officials from the Amicus union have asked the company to allow staff members to opt out of the flights to protect their own beliefs.

BMI have ruled instead that any long-haul staff can transfer to domestic flights only.

But staff could lose up to £20,000 a year in wages - and BMI have refused to compensate them.

Since the route began in September around 40 staff have made complaints to their managers.

A similar number have taken legal advice and plan to take the company to an employment tribunal.

Homosexual activity is also illegal in Saudi Arabia and is punishable by flogging, jail or death.

A source said: "A lot of male members of staff are gay and some have gone off sick because they are so frightened of travelling to Saudi.

"The religious police are everywhere and suspicious of foreigners.

"A few weeks ago a female member of staff was stopped after her baggage went through the Xray machine because they thought she had a sex toy in her suitcase.

"They threw all her stuff across the floor and found it was only a hairbrush. There was no apology. It really upset her."

The source added: "It is clear that BMI are putting profits before staff welfare and it has angered a lot of people."

BMI are the only British carriers flying to Saudi after British Airways pulled out last March. They said they were losing money.

Last night Amicus declined to comment.

BMI spokesman Phil Shepherd said: "In providing air services people want, demand and use, we have an obligation to respect the customs of the destination country."

Member # 1271
 - posted
Well, this is very normal.
It's no surprise really.

All flight to
Iran: Flight attendants are asked not to carry any playing cards.
To USA: no Tarot cards
To Australia: No food
To Singapore: No cigarettes
To KSA: No skirts

I find this really appealing. They have to respect others' cultures. Especially that the airlines crew are only guests at the end of the day!!
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Ngeg:
To USA: no Tarot cards

Why no tarot cards to the US? [Confused] I can pick some up in a book store, here.
Member # 8781
 - posted
Originally posted by Fran:
8 January 2006
EXCLUSIVE BANNED BMI staff banned from taking Bibles, St Christophers and teddy bears on trips to Saudi (AND STEWARDESSES ARE TOLD TO WALK TWO PACES BEHIND MEN)
By Martin Coutts

AIRLINE bosses have sparked outrage by banning flight crew from wearing crucifixes or St Christopher medals on flights to Saudi Arabia - in case they offend the country's Muslims.

Stewardesses at British Midland International have also been told they must walk two paces behind male colleagues - and cover themselves from head to foot in a headscarf and robes known as an abaya.

And they have been forbidden from taking Bibles or cuddly toys such as teddy bears into the Saudi capital Riyadh - even in flight bags.

Saudi Arabia's strict laws enforced by the religious police - the Mutaween - ban the public practice of Christianity, churches and Christian religious materials, and figures of animals, including toys.

One employee, who asked not to be named, said: "It's outrageous that we must respect their beliefs but they're not prepared to respect ours.

"BMI are asking too much of their staff on this one.

"My gran gave me a crucifix shortly before she died and I wear it at all times. It's got massive sentimental value and I don't see why I have to remove it."

The staff handbook reads: "Prior to disembarking the aircraft all female crew will be required to put on their companyissued abaya. It will be issued with the headscarf which must be worn."

Officials from the Amicus union have asked the company to allow staff members to opt out of the flights to protect their own beliefs.

BMI have ruled instead that any long-haul staff can transfer to domestic flights only.

But staff could lose up to £20,000 a year in wages - and BMI have refused to compensate them.

Since the route began in September around 40 staff have made complaints to their managers.

A similar number have taken legal advice and plan to take the company to an employment tribunal.

Homosexual activity is also illegal in Saudi Arabia and is punishable by flogging, jail or death.

A source said: "A lot of male members of staff are gay and some have gone off sick because they are so frightened of travelling to Saudi.

"The religious police are everywhere and suspicious of foreigners.

"A few weeks ago a female member of staff was stopped after her baggage went through the Xray machine because they thought she had a sex toy in her suitcase.

"They threw all her stuff across the floor and found it was only a hairbrush. There was no apology. It really upset her."

The source added: "It is clear that BMI are putting profits before staff welfare and it has angered a lot of people."

BMI are the only British carriers flying to Saudi after British Airways pulled out last March. They said they were losing money.

Last night Amicus declined to comment.

BMI spokesman Phil Shepherd said: "In providing air services people want, demand and use, we have an obligation to respect the customs of the destination country."


what can one say to that? i find it odd. no- i find it really gross.
Member # 8781
 - posted
Originally posted by Fran:

One employee, who asked not to be named, said: "It's outrageous that we must respect their beliefs but they're not prepared to respect ours.

Member # 1925
 - posted
BMI spokesman Phil Shepherd said: "In providing air services people want, demand and use, we have an obligation to respect the customs of the destination country."

I agree with this statement...the staff are not being forced to travel on this route. The same regulations apply to visitors.
Member # 4668
 - posted
Originally posted by Penny:
BMI spokesman Phil Shepherd said: "In providing air services people want, demand and use, we have an obligation to respect the customs of the destination country."

I agree with this statement...the staff are not being forced to travel on this route. The same regulations apply to visitors.

Agree with Penny - however regulations are strict, they are not by all means unusual. C'mon, it is not too much of a deal to remove gran's necklace or park our fav Teddy at home for few days a month. Waiters in any 'theme restaurant' often wear coastumes not necessarily complimenting their beliefs, and the list goes on. In short - if the shirt does not fit, don't wear it. [Wink]
Member # 9897
 - posted
I see no problem with 'going native' when in Saudi. They are being asked to wear clothing not shave their heads or do something permanent or disfiguring?

And as to the gay crew members...surely they can keep things zipped during their stay? It's only the act of homosexuality that is illegal not the being homosexual.
Mrs. Doubtfire
Member # 9731
 - posted
When the Saudis go to other countries, do they respect the customs of that country? Of course they do not. Are Saudi Airline crew prevented from bringing copies of the Koran into the US? Of course not.

Airline companies should not go to such places and expect their crew members to demean themselves by giving up their religious views and their own culture.
Member # 9740
 - posted

Stewardesses at British Midland International have also been told they must walk two paces behind male colleagues - and cover themselves from head to foot in a headscarf and robes known as an abaya.

Walk two paces behind their male colleagues? Wear an abaya? That's ludicrous. I'm glad the union is taking this case up. A quick look at the Equal Opportunities Commission website suggests that "cultural reasons" do not get employees off the hook in sex discrimination cases. The case below concerns transfer of workers rather than employment conditions, but there are some similarities. Note that "Asian" is PC code for "Muslim".

Mrs F-B, an African-Caribbean social worker, claimed that she was being discriminated against because she was female and non-Asian...

Birmingham City Council decided to redistribute its social workers to a number of different locations and sought volunteers from the members of Mrs F-B's team. Following consultation a preference was made to retain a male Asian social worker and to move the other members of the team. The basis for the preference was because a high proportion of the clientele were male Asians, who did not speak English fluently and for cultural reasons did not respond well to female social workers...

At tribunal Birmingham City Council admitted that they had discriminated against Mrs F-B. on grounds of her race and sex, but claimed that their decision was justified because of the racial-gender nature of the clientele.

The tribunal ... found in favour of Mrs F-B, saying that because her colleague had been selected to remain in his post because of his gender and race and because she was not of that gender and race then she had been discriminated against on the grounds of her race and gender.

It will be interesting to see how the tribunal progresses.

On a practical note, usually when the stewards and stewardesses are pushing the trolley up the aisle, one of them has to walk backwards. How do you do this in an abaya and two paces behind a man?
Member # 9740
 - posted
The one unheralded irony here:

-all airplanes are essentially shaped like BIG flying crosses.

Either the airline will have to remove one wing, -or add one more- so as not to offend the poor people on the ground who might accidentally look up as a flight is approaching the airport and suddenly have a eureka! moment, realizng that:

"Ohmigollygosh! Here comes a giant flying cross!"


Those damned crusaders Orville and Wilber Wright must have planned it all along!

From now on we'll all know that Islam walks two steps behind the West, mentally.
Member # 9740
 - posted
Originally posted by Penny:
I agree with this statement...the staff are not being forced to travel on this route. The same regulations apply to visitors.

What's next; BMI taking Jewish staff (or anyone with an Israeli stamp in their passport) off long haul flights, because they can't remove them from just the Saudi Arabid route without being racist?

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