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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Mme. Godiva
Member # 12077
 - posted
Now I am one of the worst behaved usernames on this board, or any board for that matter. [Big Grin]

But seriously by class, gender, region or religion what is considered "behaving badly" and "behaving well"?

Just observations no hard and fast rules here, foreigner, Arab and Egyptian alike can add.
Member # 11276
 - posted
For me, 'behaving badly' is when people are rude, no manners (no pleases or thank yous) - going about their everyday business - I travel everyday on public transport and see a lot of people rude and obnoxious, spitting everywhere, pushing and shoving, swearing at the bus driver because the fare has increased. Things like that.
Also, 'behaving badly' is anyone who treats people like they have just crawled out from under a stone, people who dont care walking all over someone just to get somewhere in their line of work, they dont care who they hurt to get to their goal.
'behaving well' is someone who cares, who has a heart in the right place.
Member # 12656
 - posted
Women who nudge,push and bang into you to get to what they want.
People who stare.
Everything about driving on the roads.
Women who search through fruit and vegetables dropping them on the floor without attempt to pick them up as they shop.
Children full who have obviously learnt NO manners as they barge past and into you.
Teenage girls who ignore kind gestures ie stopping to let them cross.
The complete absence of please, excuse me, and thank you from the vocabulary in all ages and classes.
Throwing any item of rubbish onto the street.
No respect for anothers property or belongings.
Throwing litter from car windows and disregard for where it goes or who it hits.
The inability to wait their turn in a queue.
The disregard for anothers rights.
Resorting to insults when challenged on behaviour or acts. 'It is NEVER their fault' always yours!
Complete absence of respect for each other unless their is monetary gain, or compliment as a result.
Parents watching as their children vandalise property and ignore it.

etc etc etc etc
Come to Egypt the best teacher of 'bad manners'
[Big Grin]
*The Dark Angel* aka CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
Behaving badly is

when someone doesnt say "sorry or thank you",
when someone is mean,
when someone is inconsiderate,
when someone has no etiquette or manners,
when someone has no rules or ethics,
when someone uses dirty language (but sometimes it can be fun)
when someone farts or burps in public (burping can be fun)
Member # 11286
 - posted
I agree CAT, "sorry" and "thank you" are very important little words, and "please" is up there on the list too. [Smile]

To me good or bad behaviour is closely linked with respect. If you respect yourself and the people around you, their views and values, their property, their personal space, and the world you live in, then generally I think people behave well. Knowing when you are wrong, when you have gone too far, and not being too proud to admit it and to apologise. Being able to "rise above it".

Behaving badly, in my eyes, includes any form of disrespectful behaviour, selfishness, being inconsiderate, greedy, destructive, impatient, - making a fuss about nothing, always having to be centre of attention... [Frown]

Being motivated by revenge, disregarding other peoples feelings or deliberately setting out to hurt someone, snootiness...

Spitting in the street, arguing in public, insulting someone's parents, swearing profusely [Wink]
Member # 4691
 - posted
Someone who pees in the kitchen sink without removing the dirty dishes first!! [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Miss Sharm
Member # 12405
 - posted
Behaving badly is NOT informing a partner that you have HIV [Mad]
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
wow necro pretty much hit the hammer on the nail [Wink] [Big Grin]
most of those get on my nerves necro, egypt is a smorgessboard of these things.
*The Dark Angel* aka CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
Originally posted by get_over_it:
[QB] I agree CAT, "sorry" and "thank you" are very important little words, and "please" is up there on the list too. [Smile]

oh & "Please"...... i must have left it out [Frown]

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