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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Hermione Heliotrope.
Member # 14248
 - posted
Shanta, hope you dont mind but I moved your post here to Living in Egypt, as it focuses on residency.

From Shanta

HOT OFF THE PRESS (well slightly warmed over [Wink] )


Went to the Mogamma yesterday with an Egyptian friend. (Yes, its open on Saturdays as I found out!)

Anyway, he asked about non-touristic at the window and was told the only way I could get it was by getting married or a work permit. I think he forgot to ask about the property clause.

Anyway, then we turned round and the 2 guys with the 3 stars on their shoulders were there dealing with loads of papers.

So he asked them and I said 'tell them I've got $50000US in the bank (which I haven't before all the guys start offering to marry me - it just seemed the simplist thing I could do in the 6 months I have til my existing 'touristic' expires). Then they also spoke to me about my property ownership.

(1) Having $US50000 in the bank DOES NOT QUALIFY YOU ANYMORE.

(2) Property as HH said above it must be:

Registered (with 'the green paper') in YOUR name, with a value of AT LEAST $US50000 (and FULLY paid for no outstanding payments) + the property tax receipt document + a utility bill in YOUR NAME at THE SAME ADDRESS as the property. Plus the bank evidence that the money was changed from foreign currency to Egyptian money in order to purchase the property.

This totally shags those of us who have bought on relatively new development.

(3) Investment in Egypt worth at least $50000US - and apparently you have to go to the Ministry of Investment to find out what qualifies. Simply having savings in the bank DOES NOT.

(4) Start a business - not sure of all the ins and outs - you need to go somewhere else to find out about that, but in financial terms I believe this still boils down to having $50000US in a business bank account here but you can use it as working capital. HOWEVER you MUST have an Egyptian business partner. Got to find out more about this option.

(5) Get married (court-registered) and get a 5 year residence permit, but the guy you marry has to go and sign a paper saying that you will stay married for at least 5 years and that if you don't, he will hot-foot it to the Mogamma and tell them that its broken up.

(6) Undertake a course of study at a GOVERNMENT university eg like Cairo or Ain Shams - AUC doesn't count as its private and for that you get touristic.

(7) He also said that if you have been in the country 18 MONTHS on a 'touristic' they start to get suspicious (this is a reduction on the 3 years stated by HH as she ws told in September).

He also said that at the expiry of this visa (one year touristic) the most I could get is a multiple reentry visa.

Now, what is not clear is whether you can do as they do in the Gulf which is do quarterly 'visa runs' to the nearest borders or whether they would end up having to be 6-weekly in order to stay here.

So, it seems to me that they (a) do not want foreigners working here illegally - or living off Egyptian-funds which is what you WOULD be doing if you dumped the equivalent of $50000US in the bank and lived off the interest (b) you must have a 'stake' in this country - either by marriage or by investment or business worth at least $50000US

So I've got 6 months to figure out the best route to follow. I would not like to plan on the basis that the 6O or Luxor offices will still be issuing touristic willynilly by next Summer.

Shanta's thread
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
no problemo.

As regards your question about studying - the longest visa you can get I'm sure unless you are married or an investor is 1 year - renewable so longer as you continue to satisfy whatever conditions are relevant at the time of renewal.

JUST TO CLARIFY about the universities in case it gets misunderstood:

if you are studying at a private university eg AUC you will be able to get renewals of the touristic 1 year (so long as you supply the appropriate letter or whatever).

If you are at a government uni you can get the non-touristic.

The actual difference between whether you have touristic or non-touristic is just about zero from what I can gather, neither of them allows you to work or get discount 'priviledges' in hotels or whatever so that's probably immaterial.
Member # 3891
 - posted
Sounds like marriage is the only option . . . not that you probably want to do that, lol!
Hermione Heliotrope.
Member # 14248
 - posted
Originally posted by cbrbddd:
Sounds like marriage is the only option . . . not that you probably want to do that, lol!

asylum seeker [Big Grin]
Member # 3891
 - posted
Originally posted by Hermione Heliotrope.:
Originally posted by cbrbddd:
Sounds like marriage is the only option . . . not that you probably want to do that, lol!

asylum seeker [Big Grin]
I think we could scare up some volunteers for SQ [Big Grin]
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
Yeah.. I've trying to find out whether if you have the 5 year visa because of marriage and then get divorced if you can continue to stay here... just for hypothetical info you understand (Dear H, I know I dumped you 2 years ago, but really I love you and really, I want to marry you and really I'm not interested in living in Egypt or getting a visa..... )

Its so difficult to find out now because ALL the internet links are obviously complete rubbish now.
Hermione Heliotrope.
Member # 14248
 - posted
When I got mine Shanta, the spousal one for 5 years it was hubby who had to do it for me.
He has to show all his documents and sign.
All they wanted from me was a signature on the application form.

If you divorce soon after, it will be registered with the MOJ and when you go to renew, they will be suspicious I would think????

Not even sure if they would renew it if you are not then his spouse???

Study seems the best bet for now I think.
Lady Ferret
Member # 15263
 - posted
Did they say anything about how many people can live on a residency permit... i.e is it spouse only or are relatives included?


This is the busilness link I use. Perhaps it may help you.
Hermione Heliotrope.
Member # 14248
 - posted
The residency visa for spouses is just a sticky stamp in the my passport.

Mine say's

Spousal Visa
5 years
No work permitted

(other bits and bob's)

only for spouses.
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
Re how many on one permit - I couldn't say at all LF, I didn't ask the question. I have seen old info about various categories of dependants or parents being entitled to them on the back of someone else being entitled to one but I wouldn't bank on it.

Re the business stuff, I think some of that information is out of date now on what's showing on your link as there was a lot of reform on doing business in Egypt in the past couple of years so it may in fact be a lot less daunting and expensive than I supposed.

Try this:

PDF report on Egypt
Lady Ferret
Member # 15263
 - posted
My friend is having no problems at all. Even acquiring permits for the purpose of her business has been pain free.

I will delve more and ask her some questions, I do not like to pry but it seems prying may be necessary.

Failing that SQ I have a guy who will marry us both for a couple of thou each [Wink]
Lady Ferret
Member # 15263
 - posted
Originally posted by Hermione Heliotrope.:
The residency visa for spouses is just a sticky stamp in the my passport.

Mine say's

Spousal Visa
5 years
No work permitted

(other bits and bob's)

only for spouses.

Sorry, I didn't clarify [Frown]

I do not mean with one Egyptian partner, I am talking UK couple owning property and having residency. What are the rules on dependancy?
Hermione Heliotrope.
Member # 14248
 - posted
I found this

it might be of interest to any students and comes from the AUC.

AUC students who register for full-time study at AUC will then begin the process of obtaining a student residence visa. (Part-time students and spouses and dependents of students do not qualify for student visas and so must renew their tourist visas every month by filing the necessary papers with the Egyptian authorities.) Once full-time students have filled in the necessary papers and paid any necessary fees, they will be issued student residence visas in Cairo.

Mo Ning Min E
Member # 681
 - posted
What happened to the clause regarding recieving a pension from overseas?
Also, I was told that the $50,000 had to be kept in an Egyptian bank for minimum 1 year, [length of visa], then presumably reinvested?
Guess we'll all end up with paper marriages.
Member # 11681
 - posted
what if your children attend school in egypt( al azhar or a language school) does that child and his/or her family get a residence student visa?
Member # 1056
 - posted
When I went to Mogamma, they did say that was one of the reasons I could apply for the residency, it doesn't apply to me as it happens, but it would only be the case if the child was at an officially recognized school. I think that the Al-Azhar and most of the language schools qualify, but you would need to check up on that.

The people who will be getting caught out will be those who send their kids to madrassas or do home schooling, unless they also have them registered in recognized schools too.
Hermione Heliotrope.
Member # 14248
 - posted

light bulb moment [Big Grin]

now the security guys checking and wanting passport copies for the police in our compound makes sense!
....... police must be checking if you are actually residing at the address you have given the Mogamma on your file. [Confused]
Member # 15737
 - posted
Originally posted by Lady Ferret:

Failing that SQ I have a guy who will marry us both for a couple of thou each [Wink]

dirt cheap how much for divorce though ?
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
What we need are a bunch of 80 year old Egyptian guys about to pop their clogs and wanting nubile young (comparatively!) 50-something Westerners [Big Grin] [Wink]
Member # 14517
 - posted
Originally posted by Amr-:
Originally posted by Lady Ferret:

Failing that SQ I have a guy who will marry us both for a couple of thou each [Wink]

dirt cheap how much for divorce though ?
Lmao [Big Grin] Gratis [Wink] hehe
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
OK sorry HH but is anyone else getting driven mad by seeing the ' in the word visa's in this topic title? Residency visas' update possibly as we are discussing plural residency visas.

The Apostrophe Protection Society

Eats, Shoots & Leaves

PS I know I don't write perfect English in my posts before anyone turns into Mrs Picky here!

Anyway, anyone want to start a fight about it?
Hermione Heliotrope.
Member # 14248
 - posted
Originally posted by Shanta Qadeama:

Anyway, anyone want to start a fight about it?

from now on I am writing Veeza [Big Grin]

by the way Shanta

I think Amr just proposed to you [Razz]

Then you can apply for the Spows Veeza
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
Don't think I can afford him - unless he's cheap as chipz
Member # 5179
 - posted
i have email from a ex pat in luxor saying that these are just rumours ?????
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
It doesn't seem to have affected Luxor **yet**

People are being TURNED AWAY at the Mogamma. This has happened to people I know and people I have seen myself with my own eyes.

I was told categorically by the police officers in the Mogamma that my touristic visa would NOT BE RENEWED at the end of June and I would have to apply (and get) a non-touristic otherwise 3 months and out.

I am white, British, female, British passport holder and went in smartly dressed, and am on my second one-year touristic visa. I also told them I have $50k in the bank.

These are NOT RUMOURS this is REALLY HAPPENING. I cannot tell you whether its a new rule, an old rule being enforced, why it is only happening in the Mogamma at the moment or what. Just it IS.

I am fully aware that there is no apparent change yet in the Luxor office. However, I personally do not want to turn up at the end of June to renew my touristic on the basis that it hasn't happened in Luxor yet when anything you can do to get a non-touristic will take several months to sort out.
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
By the way this topic is not allowed to be discussed on a certain other forum because they believe it is not true.

I cannot understand why the Mogamma are implementing such a rule but Luxor isn't. Why don't the Egyptian Government take out adverts in newspapers to explain the situation?
Mo Ning Min E
Member # 681
 - posted
14. Those who have exceed the age of fifty (50) years and have resided in Egypt for five continuous years, provided that they have a source of income, or are under the guarantee of a relative whose relation can be up to fourth degree.
....Are apparently able to renew their 1 year tourist visa, the above is from the NY Egyptian consulate website, unless of course they have changed the rules on this!
If this is the case, I am f****d I think, in January.
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
I think it is five continuous years on a PERMANENT 5 year (ie spousal) visa not just any old 5 years.
The NY Egyptian Consulate website is 2004 I think.

All the websites out there do not reflect any changes whatsoever and most are a few years old.

I would be interested to see how you get on MoNingMinE when you go to renew. Do you have to renew at Mogamma or is there somewhere in Alex to do it? That would be interesting as well!

Apparently if they don't want to renew and you cry, ask to speak to the manager etc you might be able to wangle 6 months.
Mo Ning Min E
Member # 681
 - posted
I am getting so freaked out about this I may panic and get a friend to marry me. eeek.
Anyway, I have to go to the Alex place and will certainly report back here.
Too scared to just go in early to enquire in case they get suspicious and check the new rules.
Or I could claim political asylum!!
Member # 1056
 - posted
Most of the people in Luxor who are on tourist visa are apparently pensioners and the new system - according to the American Embassy newsletter that I posted here a while ago - is aimed at 'working foreigners', i.e. those of working age.

People in Luxor4U think its a malicious rumour, because Mr. Downey, the British Consul there apparently said that it was, 3 months ago, right at the beginning of the changes, when nothing had been confirmed and everybody was confused about it.

To add to the confusion: A friend of mine's 59 year old American mother-in-law went to Mogamma last month, I think it was, and she was told that after next year, she wouldn't need to have a tourist visa at all! She just came to live here one year ago.
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
I'm getting freaked out about it too. I've got Luxor people telling me they got their Consul to check it out and 'it isn't true' but in that case why are the Mogamma doing this? And its no longer 'rumour' about 'friends of friends' who noone knows but people I do know and WHAT I WAS TOLD PERSONALLY.

Maybe its just Mogamma for some reason?
Maybe they think westerners based out of Cairo are less likely to be 'working' and genuinely being tourists?
Don't get married until you have to it doesn't take long!

Please do report back. If its just Mogamma for now it takes the pressure off a bit as long as you can go somewhere else - I can go in 6O office - maybe they won't 'know' either?
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
Maybe they thought I was younger than I am then and decided I must be of working age?

Maybe I've just got the problem til I'm over 50?
I can't help it if I look so young!

(Actually I had that problem once at a uni where they looked at me and assumed I was 11 years younger than I was so falling into different rules about something or other).
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
I know there's some rule about if you're over 60 and been here 10 years with a source of income?
Member # 1056
 - posted
Not just over 50, you'll have to be 59 to avoid the problems.
Member # 1056
 - posted
I think the 10 years is as a resident too, as with the 50+ rule, not just on a tourist visa.
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
So how can the motherinlaw get it or is it because she is 'related to the 4th degree' or whatever by marriage?
Hermione Heliotrope.
Member # 14248
 - posted
To the Luxor ladies, I can back up 100% what Shanta and Newcomer have both said.

I was not at Mogamma for visa, but checked for the rest of you.
My husband spoke to the Police Chief in his office on the same floor. He is the guy they hand the applications to for checks and his signature on the stamps.

Everything I said in the original post is accurate and being enforced, except where I said 3 years touristic ( at discretion). obviously they were awaiting confirmation on that before putting it on the sign.
They decided 3 years was too long and decided on what Shanta said.
It's not rumour. It is happening.
Member # 1056
 - posted
Originally posted by Shanta Qadeama:
So how can the motherinlaw get it or is it because she is 'related to the 4th degree' or whatever by marriage?

No she isn't, which was why I said it would add to the confusion, as her son is also an American living and working here - whose company won't/can't apply for a work permit for him. All I can think of is that she will be a pensioner next year. She has bought a flat in Rehab, but as far as I know, this was said without asking any details of her purchase or income.

All it indicates to, in my mind, is some continued level of confusion about the new system/rules. And, as that is the case, anyone planning to stay in Egypt long-term should look to secure their own personal position and work out how to get residency, or they will will be joining me and others on the outward-bound exodus.
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
I had a message late last night from someone in Luxor (who knows this is happening) - she also said a relative (not Egyptian) was told when she hit 60 she didn't need a visa anymore, so maybe that is the position.
So anyway seems I just have to get through til I'm 60 somehow!

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