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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 3567
 - posted

Another night I am turning from one side to the other, I am restless and already wake up at three o'clock in the morning. This goes on for two, three weeks now. Anyone has a good idea how to make myself more comfortable at night and get a good sleep? Cause it's really exhausting. Please bare in mind I am in week 30 of my pregnancy.


[This message has been edited by Tigerlily (edited 21 September 2005).]

Member # 6578
 - posted
Are you in Egypt ?

It is just too hot for anyone to sleep

Member # 5457
 - posted
try some warm milk
Member # 3567
 - posted
I am in Germany and thanks god the heaters starting working three nights ago. The days are warm and sunny but at night its almost freezing outside already.

Crazylobo, I have every evening some hot chocolate which usually does its job. But these days I just have difficulties to stay asleep. Well, I usually watch TV then, come back on the computer or tide up something in the house. It's very frustrating knowing my kids will sleep for another four hours before I wake them up for breakfast and I feel tired and ready to go back to bed - but then I can't.

Member # 3795
 - posted
Tigerlily - I am bumping this post as i am sat here at 4.20am (and have been here since 3) trying to find ways of tiring my brain so i can sleep.
Why is it that the baby wants to do gymnastics in the middle of night when i really want to sleep? Hmmm....
Roll on due date...
Member # 3006
 - posted

eine Nacht mal nicht an Ägypten gedacht und Du kannst wieder richtig gut schlafen ;-)

good night

Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by Paint Me As I Am:
I use to get that way towards the end of my pregnancy

I would feel so burnt out in the day time.. and for sure i know what u mean - that everyone be asleep and u still be up and almost like a zombie when all get up for their day..

Hope u find someway to deal with that.. I would read at times and "poof" i was out..

Take care and be safe ....Jannah

Another night I woke up around 3 in the morning, this time our dog was trying to enter the bedroom. Well, I couldn't fall back to sleep. Kids going to be up soon now, same old story....

Member # 7790
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
Another night I woke up around 3 in the morning, this time our dog was trying to enter the bedroom. Well, I couldn't fall back to sleep. Kids going to be up soon now, same old story....

I can't sleep either, bummer.....

[This message has been edited by Nooralhaq2005 (edited 25 September 2005).]

Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by Farhana:
Tigerlily - I am bumping this post as i am sat here at 4.20am (and have been here since 3) trying to find ways of tiring my brain so i can sleep.
Why is it that the baby wants to do gymnastics in the middle of night when i really want to sleep? Hmmm....
Roll on due date...

Hi Farhana, how are you? I have such a light sleep and do worry a lot about the health of the baby. As you know its not my first one but same old fears. An positive app. at the doctor next Monday will give me a little more reassurance. Be happy if the little one is moving. My boy doesn't like when I sit either on the computer or in the car (he is probably cramped in there ). Make sure when you are sleeping just on the side.

So you are getting ready to deliver? I wish you very much luck and hope for you that you have an easy delivery. The baby is gonna be beautiful and its going to be a wonderful experience for you and your husband.

I am not looking so much forward to another C-section which worries me too. Its not easy.

Again all the best for the upcoming birth of your baby!

Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by arabella:

eine Nacht mal nicht an Ägypten gedacht und Du kannst wieder richtig gut schlafen ;-)

good night

Hallo Arabella, ich wuenschte, dass es das nur waere. Ich glaube, ich bin im Fruehjahr wieder reif fuer die Insel. Diesmal vielleicht nicht Aegpten sondern die Dom. Republik. Gott sei Dank mein Mann kuemmert sich ganz gut um die Kleinen.

Darf ich fragen, wo du in Deutschland lebst? Ich bin derzeit in Wiesbaden wohnhaft.


Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by Nooralhaq2005:
I can't sleep either, bummer.....

[This message has been edited by Nooralhaq2005 (edited 25 September 2005).]

Hi, Noor, you are lucky. Its in the middle of the night back in the States. Here in Germany its right now 07:30 a.m. Sunday morning - time to make breakfast.

Hope you still find some rest. Sweet dreams!


* 7ayat *
Member # 7043
 - posted
thats very odd! i've been having the same problem for the past five weeks. i went to a doctor and he prescribed some sleeping pills, which worked at first. but now i can't sleep even when i take them! its a disaster, and very exhausting.
personally i'm very anxious and worried about several things. i thing maybe you are also worried about something, like inshallah the birth, or coping with a new baby etc.
MK the Most Interlectual
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:

I Can't sleep. Please bare in mind I am in week 30 of my pregnancy.

Unfortunately Tiger this is mother nature's way to prepare you for the postnatal life of sleepless nights. Otherwise and so far we have not found another explanation for insomnia in late pregnancy.

Of course milk helps, yoga also. But knowing that it soon will be over helps too.

My heart goes out for you. It's all for a good reason. Soon you will be laughing...


Member # 3795
 - posted
Hi everyone,

Aya - Wish it was because i'm worried about birth etc..on the contrary, I'm pretty much relaxed. Can't sleep as it's just uncomfortable and when the baby decides it's time to play...it sure is time to play!

Taba - Amazing huh? Getting you prepared for the arrival, nightly feeds, sleepless night...lovely

Member # 6662
 - posted
trust mee if u can

u all need some b6 vitamin ...just try !!!

MK the Most Interlectual
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by Morgan:
trust mee if u can

u all need some b6 vitamin ...just try !!!

Wow! Morgat posted one without cursing..


MK the Most Interlectual
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by Morgan:
trust mee if u can

u all need some b6 vitamin ...just try !!!

Good addition Morgan. But milk is rich in that anyway..

Still can't believe my eyes

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