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With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
If the shortest distance between two points is a line, why does creating a line not exist in Egypt? (brits you might call this que)...

I don't care where I go, I'm standing waiting to be next and some arrogant (insert word) comes and pushes right ahead of me. I have learned to push back and say 'estanna' (yes my accent), with the ugly look, and they inevitably look at me like I'm crazy!
anyone else notice similiar happenings?
how do you handle or do you wimp out??
(yellow belly)....
MK the Most Interlectual
Member # 8356
 - posted
At least you're a white foreigner which scares them off a bit.

What mazes me is that look on their face as I say: "Excuse me, I was here first".

They would be like: "What is that actually supposed to mean?".

Lead is in the air.. La lla lallal lalallala alaa lala!!
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
ohhh could you tell me how to say that in Arabic? 'Excuse me I was here first' ?? [Big Grin]
MK the Most Interlectual
Member # 8356
 - posted
"Law samaht(y), ana kont hena abl hadretak/hadretek" = Excuse(m/f) me , I was here before you(m/f).
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
thanks, I'm going to impress the hubby [Wink]
[Big Grin]
Member # 10655
 - posted
Being a strong tall guy I don't get many guys stepping in front of me. Last time this happened I was third in a line and this guy came from the side and stopped beside the 1st guy in line, so I batted on his shoulder and said 'Don't you see the line" and he moved my hand away without even looking at me.

I grabbed him from his clothes 'men affah' while he was babbling words I couldn't understand but he knew he gotta walk with me because otherwise he was about to fall and he knew I was gona drag him anyway. I took him to the end of the line and said 'Now you see the line?'... While going back he said ' enta wakhdha 3afyah ya3ny?'

Member # 4691
 - posted
Egyptians don't know the meaning of lines.... I'm a very small older female.... I find elbows come in very useful to keep my place!!!!!
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
I find the worst are the little old egyptian ladies....one the one hand I have the 'respect your elders' yelling at me, but on the other hand I have the 'you rude biddy, how you dare you??' thing too...it's such a dilemma...
Member # 12165
 - posted
What mazes me is that look on their face as I say: "Excuse me, I was here first".
I KNOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [Roll Eyes] [Confused] [Mad] [Eek!]

enta wakhdha 3afyah ya3ny?

I know what you mean about the lines. That just erghed me. I was like HOW RUDE! Of course I didn't say it, but ohhhhhhhhhh!

Fortunately I didn't have a lot of problem with that. Most of the time people would help me to the front. If they saw me that is.

Don't you just hate the way they don't even look and kind of weave in with their shoulders? [Mad]

I loved the little old ladies. They took real good care of me. [Big Grin] Big smile, the nod, and easing me up front. Whether it was them there or someone else. LOL
Member # 1925
 - posted
Don't you just love the look on their faces though when you go somewhere like the bank or an Egyptair office and you have to take a ticket with a number on it to take your turn.

Just shows they can learn how to do it when they have to.
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
lol, yes penny, it's like 'ohhhh, first come first serve?? the nerve!' [Big Grin]
Member # 12979
 - posted
Migrants' guide to queueing [Big Grin]
Last updated at 00:17am on 9th March 2007

No question about it - Brits know how to queue. Now migrants arriving in Britain are being taught the same

Migrant workers are being taught how to get along with the British - form an orderly queue and be polite. The advice is given in a booklet that aims to help newcomers adjust to life in East Anglia, the most popular destination for foreign nationals looking for work in Britain.

Handy tips include: "It is usual to join the back of the queue. Don't push in, it can make people angry."

The pamphlet - which cost £27,000 to produce - also recommends a balanced diet and "looking after yourself".

Matthew Elliott, of the Taxpayers' Alliance, said: "Printing leaflets that state the obvious in every language under the sun is a huge waste of money."

But Kosovar Albanian Georg Uka, who manages a car wash in Ely, Cambridgeshire, said the booklet was useful. "If you queue in Albania, people push in," he said. "Here, everybody queues. Personally, I like it."

Migrants' guide to queueing
Member # 12156
 - posted

i was gonna let this go- but once again i see this phrase "brits now how to queue".

1. first of all- bull shyt. i stood in plenty of lines in London, and I was cut in front of so many times I felt like pepper spraying everyone from the little kids to the old grannies. And the cutters were not foreigners. Americans are much better "stand in liners".
2. i hate the word queue.

and that is all. [Smile]
Member # 6806
 - posted
From New York to San Francisco Americans do not like queuing.....been there got the T shirt, I put them on the same level as Egyptians.

The best way to deal with pushers in an Egyptian queue,is to stand still like a brick wall. When they push into you they don't know what has hit them. The look on their face is a gem.

Mastered this technique over many years queuing in British supermarkets being attached by little old ladies...great training
Snoozin No More
Member # 6244
 - posted
Sooooo, the Egyptians who cut in line, what do they do if someone cuts in front of them? Do they put up with it, or argue?

The times that I have unsuspectingly cut in line, and am told so, I am *mortified.*
Member # 10529
 - posted
they all do it they dont know any better from indians through out asia, so the best thing to do is join them its fun
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
I think it depends on which part of the country (western) you live as far as rudeness/politeness goes with lines. I know where I am from most times a man will ask you to go in front of him even if you were behind him to begin with. Politeness. If you do accidentally step in front of somebody without realizing it, they will tell you politely and the response is always 'ohh I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you were in this line' or what have you. The other is always quick to calm you 'no, it's ok, I thought you didn't realize'.
I've been in some of the bigger american cities that were mentioned above and you must remember the large amount of foreigners in these cities which MIGHT be a reason why you encoutered people who cut in line. In all of the cities in my state I've ever visited I never had it happen to me, so maybe it is a geographical thing. Just a thought.
In egypt, however, I've found it happens everywhere, and it seems to be accepted. I don't know why.
Member # 11276
 - posted
ust stick your foot out and trip them up! they'll not do it again.
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
lol...or tell them you're standing in line backwards, that will really get them thinking [Confused]
Member # 11276
 - posted
I'm going to try that tonight in the bus station on my way home!!
young at heart
Member # 10365
 - posted
It's true it happens in uk too, normally little old ladies, they appear at the front of the queue with a how did I get here sort of look on they're faces! the same ones that you hold a door open for and they barge past without as much as a thankyou
Member # 11013
 - posted
Originally posted by With a name like Smuckers:
ohhh could you tell me how to say that in Arabic? 'Excuse me I was here first' ?? [Big Grin]

ow3a ya ro7 omak enta we howa [Big Grin]

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