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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 10222
 - posted
Can anyone give me any information on this nasty bug spray?
I tried to do a google search but didn't come up with anything at all. Maybe I'm not spelling it right.

This stuff would never be allowed in the States, and why people here put up with it I have no idea.

I find it particularly insensitive when people spray it while other people are around.
The Ministry of Common Sense
Member # 15597
 - posted
You think that's bad? When I lived in Agami we got gassed - once in morning and once in night by the truck that drives around and sprays a thick cloud of "God knows what". I used to run for the hills to close all the windows but it always amazed me to see kids of about 5 or 6 years running behind the truck as if it was fun to get sprayed in the face. The guy on the truck was wearing a face mask and never once told the kids to get away from the truck.
Member # 3567
 - posted
Yes LovedOne you need to get used to the idea that things work differently in Egypt. Too many people are not educated enough; they rather suffer in dirt, pollution and contamination.
Member # 10222
 - posted
After the things I have seen here, you would think I would stop being surprised at the stuff that happens but ... somehow I keep getting surprised anyways.
I just can't wait to move into our own place instead of being stuck at the in-laws. I really hate living in other people's houses.
Member # 3567
 - posted
Good luck with the move and settling in. IMHO if you like plants put a nice amount of them in your apartment.

Plants are good for you!

Plants have many benefits to our health and well-being and they are true "green" facilitators.

The effects they have can help save money too and make the initial investment in plant displays more than pay for itself.

Here are several reasons why you should install plans within your environment without delay:
Plants are effective in cleaning the indoor air. They absorb toxins emitted by modern building and furnishing materials, electronic equipment and even exhaust fumes that may enter buildings through windows and doors.
Plants help to reduce absence through minor ailments often linked to sick building syndrome, such as headaches, coughs and fatigue;
Having plants in your workplace reduces the physical symptoms of stress;
Plants at work or school help to improve concentration and productivity;
Plants generally make us feel better - 82% of those questioned said so;
Plants can be used to absorb noise in open plan offices;
plants absorb smells and odours;
plants can raise humidity levels, which improves comfort levels for occupants and also reduces dust pollution;
plants can be used for shading and cooling (saving money on the size of the air-conditioning system);
In reverse plants that shed their leaves can allow sun in during the winter and reduce the cost of heating bills.

Member # 11163
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
Yes LovedOne you need to get used to the idea that things work differently in Egypt. Too many people are not educated enough; they rather suffer in dirt, pollution and contamination.

That might be true in some cases but hell would freeze before I would allow any massive spraying around CHILDREN, my son. It is my job to keep him safe.

The thing is, these people may not know how bad this stuff is. You can try and politely say something. I don't think they would knowingly harm anyone, esp children. They just don't know.

I lately learned about red cedar (there is pieces of wood but also red cedar oil) it is supposed to keep bugs (even rats but I think this is not confirmed) away. I will buy that from Finland and try. They say if you put this oil (or pieces of wood) its effect will last a year. It sounds really good, even if it doesn't last a year. It also protects any woollen things you have at home, sweaters and so on).

When a year has gone, you use sandpaper to scratch some new surface and voila, it works again another year [Smile] They say the bugs don't like the smell of it. We don't really have any other bugs, but I hate those ants in the kitchen.
Member # 9572
 - posted
Pyrosol and likes.

I use Baygon as a good pesticide, no problem with it if you don't inhale it, be cautious with pets and follow instructions on the can. [Smile]

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