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T O P I C     R E V I E W
* 7ayat *
Member # 7043
 - posted
I was trying to find some info online on the Dunshway massacre in Egypt and couldn't find anything? Can someone help me out? And I want too know why don't the Egyptians raise awareness of these things???
Member # 17234
 - posted
يادنشواي على رباك سلام

ذهبت بأنس ربوعك الأيام

شهداء حكمك في البلاد تفرقوا

هيهات للشمل الشتيت نظام

عشرون بيتاَ أقفرت وانتابها

بعد البشاشة وحشة وظلام

ياليت شعري في البروج حمائم

أم في البروج منية وحمام

نيرون ! لو أدركت عهد كرومرٍ

لعرفت كيف تنفذ الأحكام

نوحي حمائم دنشواي وروعي

شعباً بوادي النيل ليس ينام ..

في كل ناحيةٍ وكل محلة

جزعاً من الملإِ الأسيف زحام

وعلى وجوه الثاكلين كآبة

وعلى وجوه الثاكلات رغام

* 7ayat *
Member # 7043
 - posted
The link is empty?
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
I found a mention of it in a french article in a PDF file - in the context of artworks about the 1st and 2nd World Wars - seems to be suggesting it is something about the 3rd World War but my French isn't that great! Art exhibition El Sawy 2006


Something about massacre of people protesting against colonisation in Dunshway by British on horseback and hanging a hero who seems to share the same name as the artist?

7ayat I also came across this just now which you might find interesting!

Member # 17234
 - posted
Originally posted by * 7ayat *:
The link is empty?

The link is not empty. May be your browser or something but the link is working.

حادثة دنشواي هو اسم لواقعة حدثت العام 1906 في بلدة دنشواي في الريف المصري. صدرت أوامر الحكومة في مصر لعمد بعض البلاد بمساعدة فرقة تابعة للإستعمار البريطانى آنذاك مكونة من خمسة جنود ممن كانوا يرغبون في صيد الحمام ببلدة (دنشواى) المشهورة بكثرة حمامها كما أعتادوا، ولسوء الحظ كان الحمام عند أجران الغلال يلتقط الحب ولم يكن منتشرا على السكة الزراعية بعيدا عن مساكن الأهالى.

وما يأُخذ من مجموع أقوال متعددة المصادر أن مؤذن البلدة جاء يصيح بهم كى لا يحترق التبن في جرنه، ولكن أحد الضباط لم يفهم منه ما يقول وأطلق عياره فأخطاء الهدف وأصاب زوجة شقيق ذلك الرجل. وأشتعلت النار في التبن، فهجم الرجل على الضابط وأخذ يجذب البندقية وهو يستغيث بأهل البلد صارخا ’الخواجه قتل المرأة وحرق الجرن، الخواجه قتل المرأة وحرق الجرن‘ فأقبل الأطفال والنسوة والرجال صائحين ’قتلت المرأة وحرقت الجرن، فهرع بقية الضباط الإنجليز لإنقاذ صاحبهم. وفى هذا الوقت وصل الخفراء للنجدة كما قضت أوامرهم، فتوهم الضباط على النقيض بأنهم سيفتك بهم فاطلقوا عليهم الأعيرة النارية وأصابوا بعضهم فصاح الجمع قتل شيخ الخفر وحملوا على الضباط بالطوب والعصى فقبض عليهم الخفراء وأخذوا منهم الأسلحة إلا اثنان منهم وهم كابتن الفرقة وطبيبها أخذا يعدوان تاركان ميدان الواقعة وقطعا نحو ثمانية كيلومترات في الحر الشديد حتى وصلوا إلى بلدة سرسنا فوقع الكابتن مطروحا على الأرض -ومات بعد ذلك- فتركه الطبيب وأخذ يعدو حتى وصل إلى المعسكر وصاح بالعساكر فركضوا حتى الكابتن فوجدوه وحوله بعض الأهالى، فلما رأوهم الأهالى فروا فاقتفوا العساكر أثرهم وقبضوا عليهم إلا أحدهم هرب قبل أن يشد وثاقه واختبأ في فجوة طاحونة تحت الأرض فقتله الإنجليز شر قتلة.

كان رد الفعل البريطاني قاس و سريع فقد قدم 52 قروي للمحاكمة بجريمة القتل المتعمد و تم اثبات التهمة علي 32 منهم في 27 يونيو 1906 و تفاوتت الأحكام فيما بينهم و كانت معظم الأحكام بالجلد و البعض حكم عليه بالأشغال الشاقة و تم اعدام 4 قرويين منهم ترأس القضاة بطرس غالي وأحمد فتحي زغلول باشا، الأخ الأكبر للزعيم المصري سعد زغلول والذي كان في أثناء المحاكمة في فرنسا لدراسة القانون الفرنسى و قد قاطع أخاه فتحى باشا زغلول بسبب ترأسه لتلك المحكمة و كان مدعي النيابة "الهلباوى باشا". و كان اللورد كرومر هو الحاكم الإنجليزي في مصر في ذلك الوقت. وقد تم اغتيال بطرس غالي بعد ذلك علي يد إبراهيم الورداني.

Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
I'm just wondering why the board seems unable to display arabic anymore?
Your posts are all coming out like random characters Nine. When they show in arabic I can throw them into Google Translate and get a rough idea what it's about but can't with these.
Member # 17234
 - posted
Your browser not the board. I can read them just fine.
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
I haven't changed the browser though - interesting shall have to see why it's doing this.

And it's reading arabic characters just fine everywhere else.

Any chance you could paste your stuff into google translate so I can see what you wrote until I figure out why arabic isn't showing on ES for me?
Member # 17234
 - posted
Denshway incident is the name of the incident occurred in 1906 in the town of Denshway in the Egyptian countryside. Government orders issued in Egypt, of the mayors of some division of the country with the assistance of British colonialism at the time of five soldiers who were interested in the fishing town of Bath (Denshwai) renowned for its opulent bathroom as they used to, but unfortunately the bathroom when you pick up grain mortars love was not on track to spread agricultural away from local residences.

The total take from the words of multi-source stated that the town crier shouts them so that does not burn hay in Jrnh, but one of the officers did not understand what he says and was Voktae caliber target and hit the man's brother's wife. And caught fire in the hay, Vahjm man took the officer and attracts people of Venice, a country seeks the help of a blatant 'Khawaja killing of women and burning basin, Khawaja killing of women and burning basin' turned to children and women and men shouting 'woman was killed and burned basin, the rest of the British officers rushed to save keeps company. At that time, gendarmes came to the rescue and spent their orders, Vetohm officers on the contrary they would kill them and fired bullets on them and wounded some of them shouted combined patrolling and killing a man carrying the officers with bricks and sticks to them and taking possession of the gendarmes and took their weapons, but two of them are captain of the band and her doctor, taking the field Itan Tarkan incident and pieces about eight kilometers in the heat until they reached the town of Captain Srsena fell less on the ground - and later died - rock and was ignored the doctor and take nothing more until he arrived at the camp and shouted pawns Frckadwa until they found him, Captain and around some parents, when they saw them compatriots fled Vaguetvo Asaker trail and arrested them only one of them fled before it draws closer and hid in a hole under the ground, killing him mill the British evil killers.

British reaction was swift and harsh has provided 52 villagers trial the crime of premeditated murder and was to prove the guilt of the 32 on June 27, 1906 and varied provisions with them and most of the provisions of the skin and some sentenced to hard labor and 4 villagers were executed, including judges, chaired by Boutros-Ghali and Ahmad Fathi Zaghloul Pasha, elder brother of the Egyptian leader Saad Zaghloul, who was in the course of the trial in France to study French law and has boycotted his brother Fathi Zaghloul Pasha presided over by that court and the state prosecutor, "Helbawy Pasha." And Lord Cromer was the governor, the English in Egypt at that time. It was the assassination of Boutros-Ghali, then by Ibrahim Wardani
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
7ayat it gets a mention on page 24 of this pdf file:


and there's a mention of it towards the bottom of this (spelled dunshawai)


and here's the Facebook group!!!!


This is the information given on the FB group:

The Denshawai Incident, 1906

On 13 June 1906 five officers of the occupying British army, with their interpreter and a police official, visited Denshawai to go pigeon shooting. They shot pigeons belonging to villagers who kept them as domestic animals, angering the owners. The British officers opened fire on the villagers, wounding five, and set fire to the grain of Abd-el-Nebi.

Abd-el-Nebi, whose wife had been seriously injured, struck one of the officers with a stick. He was joined by the elderly Hassan Mahfouz, whose pigeons had been killed. Other villagers threw stones at them. The officers, two Irishmen and three Englishmen, surrendered their weapons, along with their watches and money, but this failed to appease the angry villagers. Two officers escaped, one of whom managed to contact the British Army, but the other died of heat stroke some distance from the village. An Egyptian peasant who tried to help the sick man was killed by soldiers who came across them.

Meanwhile, in the village the elders had intervened, saving the remaining soldiers and allowing them to return to their base. Concerned about a growing nationalist movement, Egyptian officials used the Denshawai incident as a pretext to harshly punish any resistance to British rule. The next day, the British army arrived, arresting fifty-two villagers, including Abd-el-Nebi, Hassan Mahfouz, a man called Darweesh and Zahran. At a summary trial, where the judges were mostly British, Hassan, Darweesh, Zahran and one other man were convicted of murdering the officer who had died of sunstroke, and were sentenced to death. One of the judges was Boutros Boutros Ghali’s grandfather. Abd-el-Nebi and another villager were given a life sentence of penal servitude and twenty-six villagers were given various terms of hard labor and ordered to be flogged. The officers stated that they had been "guests" of the villagers and had done nothing wrong.

The Egyptian police official accompanying the soldiers to the village did not confirm their story. He testified in court that after Abd-el Nebi's wife had been shot, the officers fired twice more on the mob. For his testimony, he was stood down, and a court of discipline sentenced him to two years imprisonment and fifty lashes.

This decision inflamed public opinion in both Great Britain and Egypt. Those who called the tribunal and its legality into question were accused of being unpatriotic and supporting the “the venal agitators” in Egypt.

Guy Aldred, who in 1907 compared the execution of Madan Lal Dhingra with the immunity given to the British officers in this incident, was sentenced to twelve months hard labor for publishing "The Indian Sociologist".

George Bernard Shaw, in the preface to his play "John Bull’s Other Island", says that because “they had room for only one man on the gallows, and had to leave him hanging half an hour to make sure [he was dead] and give his family plenty of time to watch him swinging, thus having two hours to kill as well as four men, they kept the entertainment going by flogging eight men with fifty lashes each.”

Shaw commented: “If her [England’s] empire means ruling the world as Denshawai has been ruled in 1906 – and that, I am afraid, is what the Empire does mean to the main body of our aristocratic-military caste and to our Jingo plutocrats – then there can be no more sacred and urgent political duty on earth than the disruption, defeat, and suppression of the Empire, and, incidentally, the humanization of its supporters…”

“May Allah compensate us well for this world of meanness, for this world of injustice, for this world of cruelty.”


Fifty years later with the humiliating defeat of Britain in 1956 Suez Crisis, Egyptian journalist Mohammed Heikel remarked, "the pigeons of Denshawai have come home to roost." (read less)
“May Allah compensate us well for this world of meanness, for this world of injustice, for this world of cruelty.”

-Brother Darweesh minutes before his execution by British soldiers.
Member # 9572
 - posted
To be able to read the Arabic text from your browser 7ayat go to View >>> Encoding >>> Arabic(Windows). [Smile]
Member # 9572
 - posted
How cruel of the British to kill helpless pigeons and shoot peaceful villagers who simply were defending their own property..I don't see why they should be flogged and executed [Confused] how barbaric [Frown] [Eek!]

We want our revenge from those British soldiers, who are they ?? Maybe some of you ppl. on this forum are their descendants. [Roll Eyes]

Ayisha, Kalila, Sharmoooota ta ta, SQ, Ferret, Dubai Girl, Marydot...all the ones who belong to the Union Jack..including the Irish as well. [Mad]
Member # 9228
 - posted
You missed me. I am living in the present day. Hope you are being facetious Dzosser?
Member # 9572
 - posted
Originally posted by samaka:
You missed me. I am living in the present day. Hope you are being facetious Dzosser?

OK..now who else's hiding out there ?? [Mad] [Razz]
* 7ayat *
Member # 7043
 - posted
Thank you so so so much Shanta and Nine for your help. I've been trying to get some information on this for ages! I really want to know why aren't incidencts like these recorded more often online? I mean raising awareness of some of the horrible incidents in the past, is a good way to learn from them and also to keep our nation's history alive. I've always admired the way the jews kept the memory of the Holocaust alive. They even use holocaust survivors to give tours in the museum. Why can't we keep our own history alive as well. It is not to incite hatred or to bring back awful memories, but just to raise awareness of some of these awful things.

A few years ago I heard that Hollywood will be making a movie about the massacre and that Nicole Kidman will star in it. I think that was a rumour, because I never heard of it again! [Smile]
Shanta Qadeama
Member # 9889
 - posted
Don't forget to be creative with the spelling when you are using transliteration 7ayat!!

Once Nine posted the google translate it gave me a couple of clues to google and I used things like 1906 British Egypt
to get to it.

Here's another facebook group for you by the way


and here's what she writes:

In this month Egypt celebrated silently the 100th anniversary , the diamond jubilee of Donshoway Massacre which happened in the year 1906

An incident that should not be forgotten as since when the incidents which shocked the whole world to be forgotten from the memory !?

From the title you will know that is a bloody memory from using the word "Massacre" , and of course you will guess that it happened in Egypt in year 1906 from what I wrote above

It is a bloody massacre, that took place in the village of Donshoway in the Delta in the North of Egypt by the British forces which were occupying Egypt then , this massacre showed and still is showing how unjust and how brutal any occupying foreign force can be , don’t believe the American and English propaganda in Iraq ,it is the same thing , Donshoway in 1906 and Haditha in 2006

Donshoway , a name of village in El-Monfya , very famous state in north of Egypt known for the dangerous intelligent of her people as most of the politicians and presidents of Egypt came from it . Donshoway , a name of a village , small village that can be forgotten or be ignored as the rest of the small villages not only in Egypt but in the whole world , village is the origin of the city but we the metropolitans tend to forget

Donshoway ,a typical Egyptian Village with beautiful green fields, grannies full of wheat and wonderful pigeons white long towers . Pigeon and dove the sign of Peace , well for sure Peace left the village for good on that day when three British officers decided to go for pigeons hunting near the village

They came with full loaded rifles and the death party began ,Instead of shooting pigeons one of them hit one of the grannies full of food to burn it down while the other shot a lady and killed her , and thus the people of the village became very angry and decided to run after them to get them , well those poor simple people thought then they can take back their rights

Well I guess also you realize that the happenings that I am sharing with you took place in the month of June “oh June this is one of the saddest months in Egypt in all times whether in 1906 or in 1967 or 2006”!!

And as you know June is very hot in Egypt ,already Egyptians can’t stand its sun so you can imagine what happened to the foreign officers , one of them from running and June’s heat collapsed down , the other two run to the army camp immediately. Believe or not when the people of Donshoway reached to the sick officer they wanted to help him and so they throw water over his face and tried to made him drink some drops but it was late because he died !!

As you see no Egyptian him except if you consider the sun to be Egyptian !! His co-officers reached to the camp and their the story was manipulated , that the Egyptians attacked them and captured one of them and they may have killed him and thus Donshoway didn’t reached after noon except it was surrounded by the British Army which was all brutally caught several farmers after destroying homes and treating women bad with out any consideration to the Eastern Egyptian view about treating women

The morning of the next day came and suddenly Lord Cromer , the highest commissioner of her majesty Queen Victoria decided that those Egyptian farmers should be punished , but of course to appear in a civilized way ,just like the American Claims in a new democratic life in Iraq , he ordered the weak Egyptian government then to present those so-called criminals savages to the court , and thus some play was presented , the play of Donshoway trials , where some got executed , some got punished by whipping and guess in Donshoway itself in front of their families !!

Yes in front of their families ,Don’t be surprise but be surprise more when you know the name of the Egyptian judges who ordered these verdicts ,His name is Fathy Zaglol , the brother of Egypt’s great leader who stood against the British occupation and led Egypt to her independence in 1921 , the hero of the 1919 revolution Zaad Basha Zaglol , well they were brothers but as we say in Egypt “Two brother and have Two Tempers” ,ironically Fathy is beginning forgotten and ignored in our modern history ,which is the perfect example of how History purifies itself from those traitors]

And so in June the poor farmers’ families saw three executions and several torture and whipping of their sons, husbands and fathers for a crime they didn’t make

But what we didn’t stand or shut up on this unjustified cruel massacre ,in fact the whole civilized world stood with us , the real world who believe in Justice , and in the end we won ,I don’t mean independence from England and all this fancy propaganda talk of Nasser Era in 1960s but I mean what Mustafa Basha Kamal did .

Mustafa Basha Kamal , the young man who gave life again to the Egyptian Patriotism in the 20 century ,this young who died in his 35th years old made the whole world knows about Donshoway by internationalizing the case , already Kamal had many friends in the west whether in France of Ireland ,and so he went on a campaign on the west , and his campaign even reached the UK itself and he went there and attacked the government and Cromer , that the Parliament there decided to investigate the case and arrogant Lord , The British newspapers criticised what happened so much that the government after the noise Kamal did decided to remove Lord Cromer from his position in Cairo and to force him to resign and thus we won

Now back to the disgraceful 2006 , I am shocked by the official respond to the anniversary how come we don’t celebrated ? and why ? yes England became our friend but those are our ancestors and they must be respected . Our young generation must understand what happened and must respect those who even died for the sake of this country not from 100 years but from 1000 years , I can’t find one reason . well already this year the government ignored the celebration of the departure of the last solider from Egypt and instead of it on the same day all Cairo heard fire works turned out that the British Ambassador is celebrating his Queen’s 80th Birthday , I don’t mind doing so , and he is not mistaken , we are the one who don’t respect our history !!

A nation without a past is a nation without future

Please read El-Fatah or any kind of prayer what ever you know on the souls of Donshoway’s victims and the souls of both Zaad Basha and Mustafa Basha
Clear and QSY
Member # 15597
 - posted
Originally posted by Nine:
Your browser not the board. I can read them just fine.

I can't read it either.
* 7ayat *
Member # 7043
 - posted
Thanks Shanta for the Facebook page. I can't beleive the 100 day anniversary came and went and no one took notice.

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