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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 17434
 - posted
Hi people! What I want to ask you here is did you notice that no one ever mention cancer in Egypt? In my country we know when our neighbor's uncle's wife has diagnosed with cancer, all about treatment all about medicines and development till the end and here...? My husband's friend's wife (26 years old) has died recently. What happened to her? - I don't know, she just died. - it's not possible that no one knew that she was sick. - I don't know.
I knew at least 6 women from my closer circle (in my country) who were diagnosed with cancer i 5 of them have died, but my husband knows no one?! His uncle got sick. What is the diagnose? -I don't know. His ant has died after a long illness. What she was sick from? - We don't know.
Egyptian do not live that healthy life, I am sure. Have you (you who live here for years) ever heard that any Egyptian was diagnosed with anything? I don't know. This is veeeery strange to me.
Member # 12336
 - posted
In my own country there has been a time that people talked about the C-word or simply : C. They avoided the mention the name because of the scary impact of the word.
In Egypt there is something alike. People can be sick and they can die, but people avoid to talk about the subject death and deadly diseases.
I think from one side it's superstiftion, from the other side it is ignorance about health...
Member # 17091
 - posted
I live in Egypt and know people over here who have been open about the disease and people who pretend that they are fine.

What I noticed about Egyptians is that they in general do not talk about their problems except may be a very close circle. They want to position themselves and their children as successful folks. Being diagnosed with a terminal illness does not fit the successful profile. Meanwhile, back home people love to share their problems with almost anyone [Smile]
Clear and QSY
Member # 15597
 - posted
Originally posted by katia.hr:
Egyptian do not live that healthy life, I am sure. Have you (you who live here for years) ever heard that any Egyptian was diagnosed with anything? I don't know. This is veeeery strange to me.

I think part of the problem is that because many in this country can't afford medical care they only go to the doctor if there is a problem. There is not an abundance of "preventative care" and regular medical screenings that would provide for early diagnosis of many illnesses - including cancer. There are ways to do yearly physicals and screenings for early detection, in addition to getting a complete family medical history - none of which is done on a routine basis in Egypt. If I go to the doctor in the US he asks me about the history and health of everyone in my family including aunts and uncles. But the times I have been to the doctor in Egypt he only asks me "what the current problem is". Too often by the time the disease is discovered it has passed a cureable stage.

But you are right - people tend to keep these things within a tight family circle. But it's not just with medical conditions, it seems to me like all news is kept within tight family circles. In addition to the fact that everything in Egypt is "God's will".

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