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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 4466
 - posted
Hi All :
i just would like to know how much is Alexandria city attracting tourist or even having forgieners that live in !! So plz every non-egyption plz write here if u visited Alexandria b4?? or will u visit it as u intend and planing to visit it ?? or is there anybody who is now living or will live in it ??!!
coz i realy feeling that alexandria has that less attraction to forginers
by the way ana esekandarani ( Alexandrian ) and i love alex soooooooo much
waitting all ur replies
Member # 2710
 - posted
Hello OsOs,

My Egyptian dh and I go every year to Egypt and since a few years we have a home in Hassan Fahmi-street in Ibrahammeya, parralel to Al Hurreyastreet. I love to be there. To me it is a very attractive city. Since we go mainly summers i observe very few westerners in Alex. There are all sorts of ME-tourists though. All the beaches are typical familybeaches, so I never go swimming. That is an obstacle. I am not sure if someone can make the turnover to make it attractive to westerners if it should also be attractive to ME-tourist of whom some are of a more ' conservative' type. What sort of westerners you want? I have read in Egyptian papers that that there are plans to develope Alexandria for tourism. A lot is build lately, the Library has had a huge renovation. I love that. I love all the musea, sites, zoo, neighbourhoods, beaches. I guess at the moment it is just fit for more historically and culturally interested western tourists not for sunbathers and watersportslovers.
Maybe for the better!:-)

Member # 3348
 - posted
Goodevening first. I am Egyptian & Alexandrean. I do not know why you are wondering about the small number of Westerners living in Alex! The reason propably is the limited multinational corporations investiments in Alex compared to Cairo. The economy of the Alexandrean society is mainly of local/native origin by Alexandreans for the Alexandeans.
In summer time, if you go to a beach west of Alex in ElAgamy called "ElFirdos" you will be able to see Westernized Egyptians, mostly from Cairo, the Europeans and Americans feel shy when they see their nakedness/looseness.
The last time I was there 20 yrs ago. I have a very close colleauge (a Copt by the way) and he invites me to spend a weekend with him there (he owns an apartment) but I thank him and say No. He rarely go there because his wife does not feel comfortable with the way that society behaves. I can not go there with my wife wearing a scarf (Mohagaba) and I need a relaxing weekend not watching ------. So not all Alexandrea beaches are conservative and with Family style. Go to Firdos and you will be shocked.
Member # 2710
 - posted
Hello Scienscesailor,

Well, it is all a matter of perception isn' t it? If I look at the photographs' of my family in law, some 20 to 30 years ago, I do see a westernized lifestyle, but If I go now to Abu Ier, Sidi Bishr, the corniche, Mamourabeach whatever, I sure don't feel free to go down the water in my (very proper) bathingsuit, since women my situation (mother) go all dressed up. The most modern situation is at Abu Ier, where youngsters make the beach unsafe crossing in their beachmotorcars.
I hear it can be different at private beaches or some hotels.

Member # 2710
 - posted
hmmmm. Agami, isn't that a place some 3 hours drive from Alexandria? I am always surprised that people call this Alexandria too!:-)
Member # 3348
 - posted
Ms Demiana
Goodevening first
You are right in your observation. In my childhood (1950s) up to the sixties, the Eouropean influence was very strong on the Alexandreans and whoever come from other parts of Egypt to enjoy its beaches. Alexandrea had at that time a large population of Greeks/Italiens who migrated and left their homelands during WW II (1937-1945). My wealthy uncle had a beach cabin at Sporting beach. I used to have the key to that cabin and enjoy its comfort. My uncle's work was at Cairo, so most of the time it was me and my family enjoying that cabin. Well next to our cabin was a family with 3 at times four lovely young ladies wearing the Western bathing suits and believe me Demiana in my age (57) and at times I just love to recall the moment when they get out of their cabin after changing their cloth and wear their onepiece bathing suit and they used to notice the kid of 5 or 6 years staring at their lovely theighs and the Holy triangle inbetween! I do not know why I was at that early age love to watch women / occupied with the gender differences. I used to eat a lot of Gargir free (grown naturally) and at times besides any thing green within Gargir from the lands surrounding my school! Could it initiate the secretion of the sex hormones at that early age?!
Presently, I know how depressing and awful seeing the girls/women bath with their all dress. But gradually more and more women buy the Islamic bathing suit, my wife did buy one, it is composed of pants and a longsleeved blouse on it. The European ladies used to wear something like this in 1920s. Gradually they managed to get rid of the pants in the 1930s. In the 1950s I think, the Bicini was introduced. In the 1960s the nude beaches showed up.
Please feel free to correct me if you find these dates wrong.
Agami beaches extend west of Alexandrea from Bitash through Hanovil to October to AboTalat to SidiKrir, Extending along about 30 Kilometers from El Mex, the last point of the older city. However, I drive my knew and strong car from Semoha (downtowen) to ElAgami beaches in Exactly 30 minutes (speed limit:100 Km/Hr)using the airport highway and then Alex-Cairo desert highway.
About the private beaches or wherever you can enjoy wearing your western bathing suit, go to ElFirdos at Bianki (Between Bitash and Hanovil) it is a private beach and very very westernized Egyptians plus foreigners are there and can be reached from downtowen in less than 30 minutes. Otherwise go to Marina some 170 km west of Alex.
Enjoyed being both a historean and a tourist guide to you.
You seem young. Hope you have enjoyable life whether wearing a western bathing suit or whatever suits you in our lovely West Coast Beaches.
Member # 2710
 - posted
Goodevening Scienscesailor,
Thanks for revealing to me you're taste for gargir. I always wondered why my husband would eat the leaves instead of the redish!LOL
I am not sure if I would fancy ElFirdos, Bianki, since we use to go with all of the family and kids, but I sure will keep Marina in mind. Thanks.
I am sure you will be faster in Agami by sportscar. We use to hire a nephew and his stationwagen or go by bus (or train to abu Ier). Maybe next time we will have our own family minibus. My dh is trying to arrange a car for our holidays.
My Egyptian family used to have a cabin at Rushdy till the city tore them down. I guess the use of beaches is going where the money is. Some are closed (as is Ibrahammeya with large brickstones) or replaced by private beaches for police or others.
It is a small world. The father of my MIL was Italian and I have a niece (of my father) from Greece that was indeed born in Egypt in that period.
I am always enjoying Alexandria, my favourite is of course the boulevard at sunset! Did it with my son on a horse-carriage where he could ‘ assist’ the driver mending the horse, last year. Well, we’ll swim together when we get home (or lightly dressed in Abu Ier). I’ll take loads of newspapers to the beach and enjoy the wheather and the coffee served at you’re table. When the kids get older they probably want to party in Egypt.
Glad to meet another Alexandria-lover here.

Member # 3348
 - posted
Ms Demiana
On June 6, 04, ElWafed newspaper published half page coverage about AboIer. Not pleasant or encouraging things. Utilities are detriorating, garbage not lifted from the streets, something about a place like moonshine seaside road where lovers do shameful acts, life guards are absent at the shore line, bread disappears from groceries after 12 Noon.
Stil thinking of going to that particular sea beach? Well, it's your choice.
If you can read in Arabic, enter: www.alwafd.org
then: back issues, june 6, 04.
Advice if you choose to go to any of Alex West Coast beaches:
be careful of the water currents. many lose their lives because no one warned them about the strong/dangerous sea currents from ElAgamy westward. My summer residence is at Palm Beach (6 October) sea resort, 18 Km west of ElMex, it has Wave barricades extending along the long beach. Inspite of these barricades, at times I face strong currents that stop me from walking to the shore line while the water level is still below my chin. Someone stronger should pull me towards the shore line. It is only safe if the wind velocity/speed is absolute zero! We the Alexandreans describe the sea in such a way by saying: it is like Hassira (Wooden Carpet). No waves/currents should exist in such a day. I enjoy on these days of calm waters swimming to the Wave Barricades, climb the dangerous slippery rocks immitating the youngesters, waving to my wife that I reached a safe place while she waits for me at the shore line (does not know how to swim but she adores our water kidding games), ie. time of enjoying childish adventures for a change, a false feeling of being a Hero or a man of achievements, convincing myself and my dear wife I am still strong and healthy! May be all these together.
You may enter and enjoy the Palm Beach sea resort, you will just pay for tickets at the gates. Alex governer's decision to let the public enjoy the beach which did not like the landlords. Yes very crowded and noisy especiaaly on weekends.
Have a nice summer vacation in your/our beloved city.
PS. Now time to have my daily running exercise at Semoha club. Very pleasant place: Tennis, Horse Riding/race, 3 swimming pools, indoor Arena for Handball/basket/volly ball, Football stadium, squash racket indoor arena, 2 social clubhouses third due to open this summer, 3 greenPark coffee shops in the open air, and more construction projects are underway.
Member # 2710
 - posted
Sebach al ger Scienscesailor,
No I don't read arabic (ana bikallim arabi soye), alif and then I have to take my alphabet to decipher things. Abu Ier: I believe you, last year my SIL did not want to buy fried fish there, the food was not fresh and it did not look good. But otherwise we had no complaints (and no undertoo, I know what you mean, kids have to stay close to their father!). Now you mention it, I hardly did see lifeguards except for Mamourabeach and Bahari (great coffee!), but I did see some youngsters from Egyptian scouting, my dh told me they volunteered as lifegueards.
I wonder, they tell me that you need a membership for Smouha sporting, is there no way I could be a member for say 14 days? Of course together with my familymembers, especially some 5 kids. Looks great and is just where we stay, but there is no-one in my family that could give us access. And they tell me there is a waitinglist.
Member # 2710
 - posted
6th october city, isn't that near Cairo?
Member # 3348
 - posted
Ms Demiana
A few hours ago, I had my afterwork run at Semoha sporting club and forgot to ask about the temporary visiting status. I asked the administeration 3 months ago about the club website, the guy replied: we are working on it, (Egyptian interpretation: forget it). I will ask tommorrow and let you know.
The club's fax # 203 429 3200,
Phone # 203 427 2816 , 203 427 2816
Keep trying calling and keep trying sending your inquiry fax, do not give up easily if the line is busy (my personal experience about communications with such places).
Yes there is 2 October Cities:
one southwest of Giza/Cairo on the road to ElFayom (industrial/higher educational activities) the second is the sea resort west of Alex.
Have a goodevening


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