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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 9036
 - posted
OK.... I have seen in this forum several times about some people complaining why egyptians are stinky.

Now make me understand please....

How come can they afford cell phones at 500 pounds or more and smelly cigarettes at 7 pounds or more everyday and maybe sometimes 2 packs, but no simple bar of soap (1-2 pounds) and some deodrant (approximately 7-8 pounds that can last a month) ????

If this is an Islamic country where everyone washes 5 times a day for prayer, then how come everyone stinks soooo bad????

And when the sun is out - ohhhhhh - want to puke sometimes. Like rotten...


You know if you stop throwing the trash in the streets and get it organized into a place way out of the city and then burn it - not next to a residental area or shopping area, the streets might be cleaner too. How come no one cares about this????

Egypt could be so much better with help from the people living here. Obviously, the government doesn't give a rats ass!!!

And can someone tell me why the people who sell items in there little carts or on a small table always get harassed by the f***** police instead of leaving them alone to try to earn money to eat...better than stealing, don't you think??? I understand some used to be thieves that come clean. Hmmm

Some things can change by educating each other. OR do you like it like this???


Member # 3795
 - posted
It can get just as bad during rush hour on the London underground. It's not just in Egypt or the developing world. The so called 'developed world' is prone to much worse.

There is no excuse for lack of personal hygiene - just one of life's little PITA scenarios I'm afraid.

You could follow your own nasiha and educate others too. Why don't you pop down to your local supermarket and spend some money on these toiletries and distribute them for free!!! You could even do a demonstration....NOW DO YOU LIKE IT LIKE THAT?

* 7ayat *
Member # 7043
 - posted
i agree with several of your points, but i don't like the way you experssed it. people tell me i'm too patriotic, and i shouldn't be so sensitive about my country. but i just don't like rude trashing, i prefer constructive criticism. now let me answer some of your points.

1. firstly, not "everyone," in egypt stinks. i don't stink, my family don't stink, nor do my friends, or collegues. but you are right there is a problem in egypt. in my opinion its due to several things a) its a very hot country, and most of the transportation in egypt especially the buses do not provide air conditioning. and not just that, but they are very crowded, people are stuck in their like a can of sardines, this combined can make anyone smell! even if you are the cleanest person on earth, you will either sweat in this crowding, or at least some of the sweat from other people will make you stink too 2) there is a serious warter shortage problem in egypt. you'd be surprised that even some of the richest don't have water. although the rich often find a solution, but what can the poor too? how are people expected to bathe consistently, if the water comes only one or two hours a day.

2) the garbage problem is also another major issue in egypt. i think the problem comes from both the people and the government. i think in a country like egypt, there should be fine. people were not brought up to respect the environment, so they should be finred until the idea becomes part of their mentality. also the government should move its ass and do something out of it. i don't believe the situation is hopeless, there are hundreds of solutions, but if the government can just stop stealing the country for a second and think about its wellness, it will be solved. also education is very important! the environment should be an important part of the school curricilam!

3) as for the people with the carts, well unfortunalty the government treats everyone. they encourage people to be involved in SMEs (small and medium enterprises) because they are the future of the economy. but when the people try they provide them with one obstacle after another from too much taxes, to just refusing to give them a license and fining them! after a while people get fed up and just give up. anyone who has brains, and wants to do something is simply stopped by the government. its a government that aims to bring the country down, because thats the only way they will ensure they will stay in power!


MK the Most Interlectual
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by Snapdragon:
how come everyone stinks soooo bad???????

I avoid to take the elevator with any man in Cairo for the same reasons..

I've been always wondering what exactly has gone wrong with the Egyptians to make them so indifferent about themselves and their own cities!!

Any ideas?!

Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Farhana:
You could follow your own nasiha and educate others too. Why don't you pop down to your local supermarket and spend some money on these toiletries and distribute them for free!!! You could even do a demonstration....NOW DO YOU LIKE IT LIKE THAT?


Although, I never ran into anyone who smelled bad in Cairo. Have I just been lucky, or do you guys have more sensitive noses than me????


Member # 5823
 - posted
As a westerner I heard many men from Egypt do not wear deodorant...this is so odd to me, inshallah they sell it there.
Member # 1271
 - posted
When I started working on a literacy class project, I had to actually buy the deodrant for the girls..and after a month or two it worked!
They had no idea that these things exist.
And if they thought it did exist, they imagined it was inaffordable!
But, yes, u need to educate them! You need to go and say hey, have u tried this before!
It works! Just make an effort.
MK the Most Interlectual
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by ngeg:
You need to go and say hey, have u tried this before!
It works! Just make an effort.

But Ngeg, how often do they shower? Any idea?

When I was working in the villages, I got used to the smell of the women's bodies which was a bit dusty more than dirty.

Only Cairenes have this devastating smell! Could also be the pollution that plays a factor..

Ngeg ya gameela you gave literacy classes? mmmmmmmoah :*


Member # 3917
 - posted
Snap i am not going to deni your points.. but is this happen only in egypt.. I use the bus on regular basis in London and I can hardly breath because of the smell of so many people. also I can show you many dirty places in london and so many homless people who you will feel very sorry for them
I have seen the police in Vince in Italy and In Antwarap running after the poor street sellers and arristing them and I have seen so many sellers are leaving every thing behind to run away ..
I n Paris the poilce arrest every single one in the Metro who basks without licences..
In Istanbul the poilce force the people in the shop to give them food and drinks free , and they operate the street girls as well, so bottom line these things haapen every where in most of the countries poor and rich ,, muslim and non muslim ones

Member # 1271
 - posted
Originally posted by MyKingdomForATaba2Koshari:
But Ngeg, how often do they shower? Any idea?

When I was working in the villages, I got used to the smell of the women's bodies which was a bit dusty more than dirty.

Only Cairenes have this devastating smell! Could also be the pollution that plays a factor..

Ngeg ya gameela you gave literacy classes? mmmmmmmoah :*

Well, ya koshari I suspect they showered more than once a month. They didn't have water to shower!!! They were the poorest of the poor! In mansheiet nasser where each of them probably stayed with 8 other brothers and sisters in one room. No water, electricity, windows..ya raaaabbbbbbi!BTW, my experience is quite close to yrs.I read yr story and it reminded me of how my life went before I moved to Dubai...

Another thing, the deo experiment also worked with older ladies who where servants in a nursery next door. I gave it to them a couple of time and then they got used to it and it worked like magic!

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