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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 15991
 - posted
I keep posting questions about moving to Sharm as you all are so experienced and have so many good answers so based on your advice I have decided not to get a car, plus sorted out that the dog might sometimes be OK to come in a cab with me so the next question is, am I safe as a woman alone to take taxis after dark if I want to go down to Naama Bay or to meet a friend? I wouldn't hesitate in the Uk but wonder how it would be seen in Egypt.
Lady Ferret
Member # 15263
 - posted
It is perfectly normal and acceptable to get around Egypt in a taxi at any time of the day or night [Big Grin]

Nobody bats an eyelid and if you have a little too much bevy the locals will actually call you a cab and help you on your way.. isn't that right WK [Wink]
fish killer
Member # 15631
 - posted
Hi Pookie.... its totally normal in Sharm for a single women to get a taxi by herself, i did and i dont think anyone looked at me funny. As you know the taxi rank by Naama bay is huge! just don't let them think they can charge you the earth! Find out quickly how much they should be charging you to go to certain places and you'll be fine! I even made friends with taxi drivers who i could call up whenever I needed a lift, makes it so much easier!
Lady Ferret
Member # 15263
 - posted
Yeah FK, we have the nmbers of a few cabbies as well. Especially the bigger ones in case we need room for a couple more people.

We book them in advance so we mainly use them for airport runs.

Pookie (Garfield's dog?) i have gotten in many a cab after dawn... I wouldn't worry.

Good luck with the run up to your move.
Member # 15991
 - posted
Well Pookie was my last little dog hence the choice - when she got named it was just a question of seeing what name she reacted to by calling out from a book called aptly "What to name your dog". She died last year so now I have Myrtle who's the teddy bear one I am bringing to Sharm with me. A silly name for a silly dog maybe.
Lady Ferret
Member # 15263
 - posted
I like Pookie and Myrtle they are different.

I rehomed my dogs to move here, I had Marshall and Fudge [Big Grin]
Member # 15991
 - posted
Myrtle hasn't really got a nose so bringing her to Egypt in a container is going to make her very hot and have difficulty breathing easily. I am being a selfish woman bringing her. I live alone with just her for company and despite many people telling me to leave her behind I just can't part with her.
Member # 4691
 - posted
It's normal to sit in a taxi... but make sure you sit in the back....
I made the mistake of sitting in the front with one guy... he was "accidentally" touching my leg, until I put him right!!!! [Mad]
Member # 15850
 - posted
Pookie if the dog is less than 12 lbs I thought you could bring her in the cabin with you?

Or at least not put them in cargo, but in stow back of the plane.
Member # 15991
 - posted
Yep that's what I thought until I started asking questions of various airlines. Heathrow Airport has different rules from the airlines themselves and the actual airport won't allow plane to take animals on board in the cabin so I am STUCK with her going as cargo. A scam, as it also costs more. It also costs a fortune to sort out the legalisation of papers, rabies injections, ferrying papers to the foreign office in Milton Keynes (no longer in London) and then the Egyptian embassy in London no more than 95 hours before she flies. Then there's the travelling container and the vet checks. The whole thing is a nightmare and Myrtle just smirks.
Member # 15850
 - posted
You can get it done Pookie, just set out early, call the offices beforehand to clarify the procedures and stay positive!

Its a 7 hour flight right? Try 18 hours with 1 lay over or 24 hours with 2 lay overs. That means north americans would have to carry a disposable cat litter pan in their carry on.

It can be done, its worth it, and myrtle will probably smirk on the taxi ride to sharm as well.
Member # 15991
 - posted
Thanks for making me smile!
Member # 3567
 - posted
Pookie, Sharm is a tourist area and there is something going on throughout the whole day and night; it's always busy there. You don't have to worry about being not safe. I would advise you though to learn quickly basic Arabic, get a feeling for the prices when taking a taxi and make yourself understandable that you won't pay tourist fares.

~ TL
Member # 12156
 - posted
I just heard the worst story on the radio- a woman called in and said she got in a cab by herself in Cancun (Mexico)(Tourist central). The hotel valet called her the cab, she got in, and they went off. Then he stopped at a Hard Rock Cafe, and some big guy got into the back. The women said she didn't want to share a cab, and the cab driver "just share". THEN she said the guy in the back grabbed her from the front seat, into the back, and started beating her in the face, and screaming at her to give him her credit cards and money. And then she said he raped her and choked her, STABBED HER, and then they left her out in the desert!!!

She got to the highway and a cab gave her a ride to her hotel. She made a complaint at the police station but she said it was a joke, and she thinks the hotel valet was in on it!!!!

She was like, I don't think any woman should ever take a cab alone at night, when you're in a new place, etc.

It was so sad. Especially considering it was a funny radio show.
Member # 15850
 - posted
When I am in Egypt we always use the same drivers that we employ for a week or day.

Otherwise in a pinch we go to the bus depot/taxi corral and look for a familar shebin face.

If we don't find anyone familar or from menoufia central a Coptic taxi driver will approach us.

The Copt will babble on about whether I have reverted or not, and ask endless questions of my denomination (mainly the Lutheran church in Bethlehem has helped Copts on pilgrimage), but he will always attmept to draw parallels between Judiasm tendancies of my faith and the same tendencies in Egyptian sufism.

I've studied a great deal on Deltan sufism so cab rides are less about personal safety than a debate on faith and customs.

The quietest cab drivers hussle in traffic to put distance between us and a carload of young men.
Lady Ferret
Member # 15263
 - posted
Milton Keynes... Oh poor puppy lol.

I decided by bringing my pets it was selfish as it would only have improved my quality of life and not theirs. Marshall now lives on the Chase in Cannock with a woman who runs twice a day with him and Fudge lives down south on a farm [Big Grin]

Their new mom's were very understanding the emotion detachment side. I even had a Crufts trainer help me along the way to teach me dogs do not have the same emotional processes that I have and they would not feel abandoned [Smile]

If I wasn't out the house 12 hours a day or if I had a garden I would have brought them but they simply would not have been happy here.

Your dog has no nose.... how does she smell??? AWFUl.. boom boom.

I am sure that you are 100% positive of what you are doing and I know of others who have brought their dogs and it is a great success so I send all my best wishes and I want pictures [Big Grin]
Member # 15991
 - posted
Well she does have a sort of a nose - just not a snout like a crocodile. Her head is grapefruit shaped.
Member # 15991
 - posted
Am happy to send a picture so you can see what I mean but not sure how to attach it to the privat e mail. I think you did the right thing Lady Ferret to rehome your dogs and I know I should do too but at the moment I can't make the decision.
Lady Ferret
Member # 15263
 - posted
Do whatever is best for your dog. My whole circumstance and set up would mean my dogs would be alone indoors all day and they wouldn't even have a garden.

I have to tell you this though, my dogs were never lockd indoors without access to a huge lawn to play on, my neighbourhood was such that the kids would go in my house to look after the dogs while I was out.

Here it is different I am up 6 flights of stairs and they would be miserable. My one pup was a rescue dog and fearful of his own shadow... I did what was right for me.

If you know your pup will be happy then bring her [Big Grin]

I am not trying to make you feel bad as I know everybodies homes, lives, circumstances and dogs are all different.

It is nice chatting to someone who can see how hard a decision it was for me though. I was upset for a long time. Even now thiking about them I am jealous they are with other people.

I will be an online chat buddy to help you all the way though, at the end of the day your situation was mine only a few months ago.
Member # 15991
 - posted
You have been so kind and it has really helped me having all the feedback. I have learned such a lot from the Forum and hope to pick up a lot more tips and online friends too. The main thing is that your dogs are happy and loved - that's all any living thing can ask - sometimes one has to make hard decisions in life but it is rare in the end that we regret them retrospectively. Would you consider a cat maybe in your home now? If you have never owned one I can absolutely guarantee they are lovely cuddly pets and very amusing and sweet. Like most animals they reflect the love and attention you give them and it sounds to me as if you would make a lovely mum to one!!!
Member # 14248
 - posted
Originally posted by refreshed:
When I am in Egypt we always use the same drivers that we employ for a week or day.

you previously told us the family all drove Mercedes.

Otherwise in a pinch we go to the bus depot/taxi corral and look for a familar shebin face.

and you would know a Shebin face after 3 short visits [Roll Eyes]

If we don't find anyone familar or from menoufia central a Coptic taxi driver will approach us.

really [Roll Eyes]

The Copt will babble on about whether I have reverted or not, and ask endless questions of my denomination (mainly the Lutheran church in Bethlehem has helped Copts on pilgrimage), but he will always attmept to draw parallels between Judiasm tendancies of my faith and the same tendencies in Egyptian sufism.

and the males in your family group allow a strange man to discuss religion with you? The females allow this?? a taxi driver no less [Roll Eyes]

I've studied a great deal on Deltan sufism so cab rides are less about personal safety than a debate on faith and customs.


The quietest cab drivers hussle in traffic to put distance between us and a carload of young men.

is that when you are mooning at them out the window?


do you think there is ANYONE here ANYONE at all that buys all this crap from you?
Momma Dukes
Member # 14252
 - posted
my ex husband when he took my daughter to egypt hired a driver for the 2 weeks
Member # 14189
 - posted
The last part could pretty much be real, any foreigner female get loads of attention especially from pick up trucks full of saidi's.
Member # 13367
 - posted
I used taxis alone on a number of occasions during my last trip to Cairo. I never experienced any bother, but I was advised by my good friend not to get into conversation (which for me is very difficult and by that time too late!) and to sit in the back, which is what I had intended doing anyway.

On another occasion my friend and our lovely Vader told the taxi driver that I was an Ambassador's wife, that I shouldn't be spoken to and should be taken back to my hotel in obvious, lit up areas and not taking shortcuts.

I never was worried using the taxis. I had my phone with me and in my possession with a number ready to dial straight through should I have needed to just in case.
Member # 14401
 - posted
I've always felt safe using taxis alone (though it was evening, not night). I was taken for a ride once though - figuratively, of course. A certain very nice [Big Grin] taxi driver in Hurghada made an appointment to take me back to the hotel when I was finished with my shopping in the centre. He sent his friend instead who charged me five times as much!! Fortunately, I practised beforehand how to say 15 pounds in Arabic so I left the money and got off alright.
Shanta Qadeema
Member # 9889
 - posted
Definately sit in the back.
I have heard 2 stories now of women who have been accosted in the front seat - one in a yellow cab in Cairo and one in Alex.
If by some chance you are sharing a cab, if you end up in the front and the others get out, move to the back.
Make it absolutely clear.

(Edit) A couple of years ago I did go on a late night taxi ride from the Citadel to my hotel and the driver asked me to sit in the front - but I refused, and he didn't persist. Showed me the City of the Dead, and some of the old mosques on the way back.

Anyways, noone in the UK ever sits in the front seat of a taxi (unless you are with others and its full) so why do it here?
Member # 14248
 - posted
Originally posted by Vader:
The last part could pretty much be real, any foreigner female get loads of attention especially from pick up trucks full of saidi's.

yeah maybe so for any normal person like me [Big Grin] , but Sono goes everywhere with Generals, Majors, Top Level Secret Service bodyguards, High ranking Government officials, and Parliamentary Ministers.
She knows all the Shebin Secret Police by name.
That's why it is all so confusing [Wink]

She's not just any ordinary American gal. She has connections [Big Grin]
Member # 14189
 - posted
Originally posted by advocate:
On another occasion my friend and our lovely Vader told the taxi driver that I was an Ambassador's wife, that I shouldn't be spoken to and should be taken back to my hotel in obvious, lit up areas and not taking shortcuts.

Lol, that wasn't my idea. But hey, I don't have to think a lot if I'm the lovely one. [Razz] Duuuh
Member # 14248
 - posted
Women have been taken on detours into the desert in Taxi's.

Husband and wife killed one woman in a taxi going to 6th october last year.
One Egyptian woman out to get some medicine for her sick baby was taken by microbus by driver and his assistant to the east of cairo to a flat and raped, from the flats across from the pyramids.

Lots of cases that only the Egyptians see in the local papers.
my MIL tells us all.

Never get in the front and get out if you are going somewhere unfamiliar and into open desert or wasteland areas.

If you get scared speak on mobile doesn't have to be to anyone , and mention police in the conversation. They will know that word.
Shanta Qadeema
Member # 9889
 - posted
Originally posted by Syzygy:

If you get scared speak on mobile doesn't have to be to anyone , and mention police in the conversation. They will know that word.

This is a good trick I use if I'm in a microbus or taxi on my own. Also, sometimes I phone up Amr or Mr Syzygy and ask them to tell the driver where to take me just so the driver speaks to an Egyptian guy and knows someone knows where I'm supposed to be (thanks guys [Big Grin] )
Member # 1925
 - posted
Pookie as you are going to be living there the best thing is to get the numbers of 1 or 2 reliabale taxi drivers and just stick with them, once they know you are living there you won't be treated like a tourist, but like someone said above learn the basics in arabic and use it, it DOES make any hassle go away. For running back and forth to Naama bay use the micro bus its much easier and only LE 1. Taxis are looking to pick up tourists only outside Naama so its hard to get local prices and a lot less hassle to just use the bus. I will PM you the number for a reliable taxi.
Member # 15378
 - posted
Pookie2n - I got scammed in taxi in Cairo my first day there, increased the fare x 3 when I went to pay. With advice from LF next time taxi driver tried this on I told him to speak with my eyptian husband on phone and pretended to make phone call, he then backed down!! No further problems after that bit of advice...
Member # 12602
 - posted
If you are not sure of the way to your destination how can you know if he is taking you to the right place?? I have only been in a taxi alone once and after 3 yrs here felt very proud of myself! LOL
It was quite an experience. I stopped about 5 or 6 before getting the right price! And yes I had that ever trusty mobile glued to my hand....
Member # 15378
 - posted
When you are alone and need to get from one place to another you have no choice but to trust the taxi driver. This is why bad situations occurr occassionaly, the trust is abused by the minority of bad drivers. These situations do not occurr by the ignorance of the user, it is their trust that is violated. But remember there are many trustworthy taxi drivers out there, its just finding one !!!
Shanta Qadeema
Member # 9889
 - posted
Just remember Pookie - bad things happen in any part of the world, trust your instincts, but Egypt really is a lot safer than the UK. The thing that makes it 'scarier' is the language barrier.

A rule of thumb I use for prices is - forget exchange rates - whatever price someone says in Egyptian pounds, divide it by 4 and if you would pay that price in English pounds in England, the price is probably reasonable. So if they say 20LE, would you pay £5 in the UK for the same thing?

At the Citadel in January with some friends, I asked a price in my bad arabic and was told 10LE, then the taxi drivers started having a row ('my' taxi driver was out of the queue) and in English another asked me where I was going and said it would be 40LE, 'my' driver said to him in arabic - she speaks arabic - its 10LE. So that's the difference!
Member # 15883
 - posted
Not jsut women. I was charged 5 times regular amt in a cab in Alex.
Member # 15378
 - posted
Totally agree with you SQ, communication or lack of it allows manipulation of the situation.
fish killer
Member # 15631
 - posted
How are you getting from the airport to your flat pookie?? this is when they love to charge over the top prices in Sharm. I wouldn't pay anymore than about 50le tops! I went from Hadaba to the airport for 50le but my partners friend ordered the taxi and your trip is shorter. I have heard taxi drivers going from airport to sharks bay and charging 150le! day light robbery!
Member # 15991
 - posted
OK when I arrive in Sharm in January it will be via a hired car and driver bringing me, friend and dog from Cairo. Thereafter visits to the airport will be to collect friends or family for visits and then for a return trip to the UK in April and again in July through to end August IF I am happy with whatever care I can find in Sharm for Myrtle the dog. Otherwise I won't be going back to the UK while Myrtle lives!!
Member # 15365
 - posted
Nobody bats an eyelid and if you have a little too much bevy the locals will actually call you a cab and help you on your way.. isn't that right
Yeah, the cab driver didn't bat an eyelid, but the husband coming home from work at 2am to find a drunk woman certainly did!! Bad ferret, bad bad ferret [Big Grin]

If I can get in a cab alone whilst having a bit too much, then I'm sure a sober person would be perfectly fine. In fact, I've gotten a cab alone there a few times, however I will usually phone Sam and let him talk to the driver, just so they know exactly where I'm going, and wont over charge me.

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