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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 3815
 - posted

What do you thing major barriers for Muslim to understand Islam? And behave like a real Muslim.

Member # 3539
 - posted
Because they take Islam for granted and never think of really understanding the meaning of the verses they recite or the words they mention in their prayer.
Member # 3815
 - posted
Can you belive when you post an item for discussion about islam one or two person respond and when you post something about a football player , 100 people respond!
Member # 3777
 - posted
Originally posted by verio:
Can you belive when you post an item for discussion about islam one or two person respond and when you post something about a football player , 100 people respond!

Salamo alekom brother

well i would like to make a comment bout ur topic. well its really important to understand islam from the core perspective and not simply be superficial, u see its meant to happen like this that some day people wil ldrift away of their teachings, its even stated and unfortunately a muslim is not a muslim by name or birth but a muslim buy understanding the core of islam, the beautiful islam..
the problem u see is that u find people drifting away in early life and following instincts and forgot about the one who created those instincts, people doesnt realise that there is a beauty in faith but elhamdulilah still brother theer are millions of millions and many of our bright egyptian youth and people praising their islam and enjoying life and above all enjoying the beauty of faith..Believe me, its true, iam not that much old, iam still to be 27 soon inshallah but i love ur post and we r on a mission to praise our islam. Be strong and

Resident Doctor of Dermatology & Andrology

Member # 3777
 - posted
Originally posted by verio:
Can you belive when you post an item for discussion about islam one or two person respond and when you post something about a football player , 100 people respond!

Salamo alekom brother

well i would like to make a comment bout ur topic. well its really important to understand islam from the core perspective and not simply be superficial, u see its meant to happen like this that some day people wil ldrift away of their teachings, its even stated and unfortunately a muslim is not a muslim by name or birth but a muslim buy understanding the core of islam, the beautiful islam..
the problem u see is that u find people drifting away in early life and following instincts and forgot about the one who created those instincts, people doesnt realise that there is a beauty in faith but elhamdulilah still brother theer are millions of millions and many of our bright egyptian youth and people praising their islam and enjoying life and above all enjoying the beauty of faith..Believe me, its true, iam not that much old, iam still to be 27 soon inshallah but i love ur post and we r on a mission to praise our islam. Be strong and barak allahu fik

Resident Doctor of Dermatology & Andrology

Member # 3777
 - posted
Salam again,

well hope ur much better now but cheer up ,
certainly ill write for u something of ur interest now and hope to get back ur opinion since ur such an islam praising man..
here it goes, are u happy with whats going on these days allover the world? what do u think

did u hear about the "almashi al dajjal" ??I have come across and feel that I must share it with all and hope and pray that we all learn a lesson from this. INSHAALLAH.
You will have heard much about DAJJAL - THE ANTI-CHRIST the Anti-Christ from the Christian and Jewish authorities. But what did The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) say about DAJJAL (The greatest Fitnah (Evil, test)) that will ever befall mankind.

When shall DAJJAL appear? Most of the signs prevalent before the coming of DAJJAL can now be observed. One thing though is for certain, if you are fortunate enough not to witness the Anti-Christ, then your children certainly shall. Before the Anti-Christ shall appear we have been told there shall be a SYSTEM, a DAJJAL- system, that is up and running, that shall await his arrival. This DAJJAL-system, will be the most evil and most corrupt satanic force in history.

This system shall promote mass immorality (Homosexuality, Adultery, Fornication), Atheism, Devil-worship, use of USURY, Intoxication, (Alcohol & Drug abuse), Crime, Injustice, Oppression, Fitnah of the Pen (Pornography magazines etc.), cause wars, Famine, Massacres, Rape and suffering on an immeasurable scale.

The DAJJAL-system is of course as we know is FREEMASONRY Every single position in the United Nations, The EEC and every position in the British Parliament is held by people who are Freemasons. Freemasonry has something in the region of 700,000 members in England and Wales, yet the British public hardly know anything about them. Freemasons secretly worship a Devil-God, known as JAHBULON, If you do not believe me (see pages 230-240 of the International best selling book on Freemasonry “The Brotherhood”, by Stephen Knight & “Satanic Voices”, by David M Pidcock) and its quite an interesting book, just finsihed with it a couple of days ago.

so u see brother what this world is leading us too??? cant u see the prevelant minor signs almost fulfilled? well the worl's end is to come one day and only god knows about it, but we were warned about in our islam is obviously showing up and even strengthening our faith and despite all being said about us and made of us, we knew this was to come, its all inside our heavenly teachings and guess what?? doesnt it make u happy to see things allah promised happening infront of ur eyes?? doesnt it sound like miracles..a book that descended upon our merciful prophet ages ago in an era where by hardly exissted and contained information about whats happening after thousnds years and here we experience it ourselves we must above all say " subhan allah"

cheer up, be strong and above all enjoy ur life coz its beautiful but BE FAITHUL, its what to count for an after life


Resident Doctor of Dermatology & Andrology

Member # 3378
 - posted
Originally posted by EgyptianDoc77:

Freemasons secretly worship a Devil-God, known as JAHBULON, If you do not believe me (see pages 230-240 of the International best selling book on Freemasonry “The Brotherhood”, by Stephen Knight & “Satanic Voices”, by David M Pidcock) and its quite an interesting book, just finsihed with it a couple of days ago.

EgyptianDoc77... I am not defending the Free-masons.You may have read loads of books about them, Yet NOBODY shall know the truth- their truth. Only Free-Masons will. And they believe in God.

Member # 3380
 - posted
Also the figures about Freemasons are totally inaccurate. Freemasons are the popular scapegoat after Jews. The Freemasons by no means promote what you are saying, and in fact they are a prime force against gay marriage in the States. They have many shelters and organizations for troubled youth made to direct them away from what you have just claimed they promote.
The statement that "Every single position in the United Nations, The EEC and every position in the British Parliament is held by people who are Freemasons." is even more off-base due to the fact that Freemasonry is a FRATERNAL organization, meaning no women allowed. I personally know several women holding positions in the United Nations, they are long time family friends, and they have zero connections to the masons. They are even oblivious to masonic symbolism when a pack of masons walk by wearing cuff-links, rings, belt buckles etc. all emblazoned with such masonic imagery.
Anyway, it seems your books have convinced you, just as many people in the States are convinced of nonsense regarding Islam. I don't think I alone will change your opinion. Hopefully you can investigate further on your own and not be drawn into some authors paranoia. Jaguar is completely right, being as they have things that they will not share with outsiders, the only way to know is to join and climb the ranks.
Also there have been several articles regarding this lately as the British Parliament has been trying to identify the parliament members who are also Masons. Look up on Google or Yahoo for the official figures.

[This message has been edited by Undead (edited 20 March 2004).]

Member # 3380
 - posted
To Verio, many of us have discussed this topic ad nauseum on the board and this is why you get few responses. There are few agreements, many disagreements, and a lot of us are just tired of the same cyclical discussion. When I personally wanted to discuss Islam in detail, I would visit al Azhar. If you are in Cairo I would suggest that.
Member # 3777
 - posted
evening friend;

thanks for the reply, at least for giving time to read but u cant judge if iam fully convinced about the so called paranoia book stuff u talked about just now. Besides have i said all UN and MP are freemasons?? once again be sensible, dont offend or judge others without further knowing and above all, paste ur opinion without trying to influence others to change mind or not..

Resident Doctor of Dermatology & Andrology

Member # 3777
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by EgyptianDoc77:
[B]evening friend;

and by the way undead iam tolerant to all and much respecting to all and accepting all and iam talking about my point of view from a certain perspective but above all everyone is free about all..its something between u and ur worshipper...

one more thing, the topic verio elicited is best to be replied for by a muslim, coz he asked why a muslim doesnt behave like a real muslim, needs someone who would perhaps have a backgound about sunna, fekh, hadith and much aspects of islam diversities and i posted my point of view coz i share a bit of the above but undead u wouldnt best reply him here , sorry, but take care and cheep up

Resident Doctor of Dermatology & Andrology

Member # 3380
 - posted
Haha I pasted your exact statement. So yes, that is indeed what you said. Here it is again, with a few more sentences for context "The DAJJAL-system is of course as we know is FREEMASONRY Every single position in the United Nations, The EEC and every position in the British Parliament is held by people who are Freemasons. Freemasonry has something in the region of 700,000 members in England and Wales, yet the British public hardly know anything about them. "

So please, take your own advice and don't offend without knowing. In this case accusing masons of things you are not knowing about. I didn't intentionally say anything offensive so I am getting the sense that you are a bit defensive when not agreed with, as typical of people with paranoid ideas of Satanic conspiracy I already stated that I don't think I will change your opinion, and I really wasn't trying to because I figured it was useless compared to all the books you seem (which was the exact word I used before) to be convinced by. Maybe you are not convinced but your emphatic accusations of the Freemasons sure gave that impression.

What makes you think I am not a Muslim, and know nothing about sunna, fekh and hadith? For someone who is so sensitive about being "judged" (which I wasn't doing) you are awfully presumptuous. Telling *me* when I should and shouldn't speak!? Assuming what *my* religion is and how much I have learned about it!? Again, practice what you preach, and be sensible.

Member # 3378
 - posted
EgyptianDoc77.. Might be a shocking to find out that there are still A few Freemasons in Egypt. I know one (Ostaz Kabeer-that's his title) who prays- not just the up and down ceremony, and is considered a very open minded Moslem.
Undead, I don't loathe agreeing with you.

Forgot.. Freemasons recognize each other while shaking hands... (I think)

Member # 3777
 - posted
doesnt make any sense what u say at all coz a muslim wouldt ever turn a door down on a topic even if posted 1000 times and a brother asking bout it.. or may be u have nothing to say u better not post and just let it, coz others will


Resident Doctor of Dermatology & Andrology

Member # 3849
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Undead:

undead ..your words sounds useless in many times and ur nick is too ..u always sound the same in all messages..check the other forum wheer u made such confusing statements


Member # 3380
 - posted
For a dermatologist in residence you are very bad at saving face.
Member # 3380
 - posted
Blondy25: As if insulting my nickname is of use? I am not part of any other forums so you must be mistaken, or just a big fan of EgyptianDoc77. Deciding to pop up now with your second post is suspect.
Member # 3864
 - posted
The wisest thing I have ever heard someone say is "If you want to find God (Allah) look inward first."

I am sure it was repeated and paraphrases by Levinas, the philosophy of 'the face of others'.

Being raised in an extremely religiously strict household I lived by this as well, "he who is without sin may cast the first stone".

Those are the main ideas I keep in mind when I open a new book on Islamic contemporary thought, or Islamic history or the Quran itself.

Now for the first time in my life I feel God's (Allah's) presence in my daily life.


Member # 4713
 - posted
Originally posted by sonomod:
The wisest thing I have ever heard someone say is "If you want to find God (Allah) look inward first."

I am sure it was repeated and paraphrases by Levinas, the philosophy of 'the face of others'.

Being raised in an extremely religiously strict household I lived by this as well, "he who is without sin may cast the first stone".

Those are the main ideas I keep in mind when I open a new book on Islamic contemporary thought, or Islamic history or the Quran itself.

Now for the first time in my life I feel God's (Allah's) presence in my daily life.

amazingly i found this. What happened between march 2004 and now sonomod?? you still looki inside YOU and find God??

dr / sheri
Member # 6548
 - posted
ok people:
the discusion was mental and was about exchanging differant believes.
and now it`s about insults.
un dead you can express your self but no need for insults.that comment about dermatology was immature. grow up.
i believe every thing that`s been said about masonary. i can`t accept a person being masonary and a muslim in the same time.
i don`t know how the topic got to here any way it was about Islam now it`s about masonary!
any way i like to say one thing.
Islam is the concluding religion.
mohammed is the concluding prophet
and i know one thing. it`s hard these days to be amuslim with the enormous amount of anger that`s rising against muslims that`s
planned some how. but this doesn`t erase the fact that some muslims are responsible for the bad image that has been taken about muslims, and as aresult responsible for the anger feelings against muslims.
but i can only say that prophet(mohammed)
told us that a day will come when a man who is holding on his religion will be like someone holding a piece of fire.
so things will get harder for muslims it`s true. but i also know this: there`ll be a day before the end of the world(al kyama)
there will be a great war that muslims are going to win against their enemies
and every tree and mountain will be saying
"you who you are amuslim ,you who whorshiped god i have the enemy hiding behind me come kill him" so at the end muslims will prevail.
i know alot of people who are not muslims will say all this is made out and that none of it is true but i believe it and every muslim believes it. so we can believe what we want to believe. so dear brothers and sisters behold gods vectory is coming
it`s hard to be a muslim well it`s always hard to be on the right way

allah be with you all
piece from me to all

[This message has been edited by dr / sheri (edited 13 February 2005).]

dr / sheri
Member # 6548
 - posted
hi again:
if you want to know what Islam is?
i`m not going to say i studied fekh and sunna and all that although i wish i had.
but i`ll tell you what i think Islam means
I`m a staff member in the faculty of pharmacy
i studied every day in the last years telling my self this" i`m studying so that i get good marks to be a successful person so that when people see me they`ll say that`s good here`s a muslim that is succesful
i`m wearing my (hegab) but i ress very cleen and illigant clothes so that people will say so she is successful and illigant and she`s wearing (hegab).she is doing all that and she is a muslim well it does not set you back to be a muslim.
our prophet told us Islam Is about being the example to all eople on earth that`s why once upon a time muslims prevailed because they were examples to every body they created science, art, they opened great kingdoms for god sake .they were nobel polite and respected every body .
prophet mohammed used to discuss christians
and talk to them . he lived side by side with gwish in (al madinah).
islam is about sitting examples to others
islam is about accepting others
Islam has never been and never will be a religion to be forced on others
God said to his prophet Mohammed in qoraan:
you don`t enlight those you love only god enlights who wants to be enlighted"
that`s my idea about islam. i`m sure alot of other muslims share the same idea.
but they only need to stand up and defind their religion and help others see Islam the right way.

allah be with you all
piece from me to all.

[This message has been edited by dr / sheri (edited 13 February 2005).]

Member # 6585
 - posted
Sheri I liked very much your approach...It is the same arguments that my husband who is Muslim was using with me at the beginning of our relationship. Yes, we met something like twelve years ago and we are happily together...We are quite different but we enjoy the fact of being different and discuss all kind of topics...I was very scared about him and about different meanings of Islam we have in Western countries but after 12 years of being with him and three children I can affirm that WE, IN WESTERN COUNTRIES DO NOT KNOW ABYTHING ABOUT ISLAM!!!


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