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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 7682
 - posted
Sorry 4 a 2nd thread but my phone cant open the last 1.7aya if you read the last thread again youl see that i very clearly said 'some' egyptians.Not all.
On other western forums i defend Egyptian and Islam fiercely.If i have critisicm i bring it here,not behind any1s back.In my 1st ever post i continuosly asked why,to try and undrstand.Im also the 1st to attack my own culture for 'bad' spots.Im not sure why personal remarks were necesary.R u saying there is no classism problem?R u saying there is no racism?R u saying western women r not treated as though their morals are worthless?Im a kind,accepting person with chinese,polish,zambian,ozzie,kiwi,maltese friends.But these are problems your society face.Arguing it away cant change facts.
Member # 8301
 - posted
i am really sorry your future family is bad with you. its not your fault they are closed mined. my in laws are very kind to me and accepting of me and my ways. but the public is sometimes rude with me. i am use to it. you know that americans can also be rude to each other as well. i can say this i am american but i do really understand where you are coming from. hope things get better for you soon
Member # 8648
 - posted
Originally posted by bratkota:
i am really sorry your future family is bad with you. its not your fault they are closed mined. my in laws are very kind to me and accepting of me and my ways. but the public is sometimes rude with me. i am use to it. you know that americans can also be rude to each other as well. i can say this i am american but i do really understand where you are coming from. hope things get better for you soon

Gigli. Most Egyptians are just lovely and especially kind with foreigners. I used to live in NYC and it was quite different. In Egypt, people are really warm towards foreigners. I am very happy because sometimes I feel as a queen because they want to please me in everyway. However, there are also (as anywhere else) awful people as you said. My in-laws are Unbelievable. I imagine how hard it is. I guess how bad you feel. I tried in many ways to show them I didn't come here to steal your son/brother/friend/nephew's attention nor love. I came here to try to get your love and blessing instead, I came here to be part of your family. But, they just don't get it.
As bratkota said, it is not your fault they are closed-minded. The thing is to try to get along with them even when it is the hardest thing you did in your life. They will not change. They will keep in their position forever. Just try to figure it out how to deal with it. I still am figuring it myself.

Which you the best.


Member # 3567
 - posted

Gigli, believe me you are not alone facing problems with your future-in-laws. Expectations are just different, the culture also. If you want to make the marriage work you might want to move abroad with you future hubby. It will ease the tensions, you will able to do what you want to do, no one will be nagging and his folks will just be happy when you are both coming for a visit to Egypt.

Good luck!

* 7ayat *
Member # 7043
 - posted
Originally posted by gigli:
Sorry 4 a 2nd thread but my phone cant open the last 1.7aya if you read the last thread again youl see that i very clearly said 'some' egyptians.Not all.
On other western forums i defend Egyptian and Islam fiercely.If i have critisicm i bring it here,not behind any1s back.In my 1st ever post i continuosly asked why,to try and undrstand.Im also the 1st to attack my own culture for 'bad' spots.Im not sure why personal remarks were necesary.R u saying there is no classism problem?R u saying there is no racism?R u saying western women r not treated as though their morals are worthless?Im a kind,accepting person with chinese,polish,zambian,ozzie,kiwi,maltese friends.But these are problems your society face.Arguing it away cant change facts.

classism, racism? why don't you open the other threads that were opened about those subjects and see what i wrote. i'm always the first to admit if there is a problem in egypt. but saying egyptians are rude racists,is just too much, and arguing away can't change facts. and by the way if you do open the other thread, you'll find that i apologised for being agressive and did try to help you. if you are a nice person as you say you are why did you only see my negative posts and not my positive ones.


Member # 7682
 - posted
Originally posted by 7aya:

classism, racism? why don't you open the other threads that were opened about those subjects and see what i wrote. i'm always the first to admit if there is a problem in egypt. but saying egyptians are rude racists,is just too much, and arguing away can't change facts. and by the way if you do open the other thread, you'll find that i apologised for being agressive and did try to help you. if you are a nice person as you say you are why did you only see my negative posts and not my positive ones.

If you read once again you will see I clearly said some egyptians. And some Egyptians are very rude. I cant even write what has been said to me. Just look at the way people drive. Im South African and from the country that will always be remembered for apartheid and racism and I asure you when you are treated differently and judged simply because of your nationality its called racism.


Member # 8648
 - posted
Originally posted by gigli:
If you read once again you will see I clearly said some egyptians. And some Egyptians are very rude. I cant even write what has been said to me. Just look at the way people drive. Im South African and from the country that will always be remembered for apartheid and racism and I asure you when you are treated differently and judged simply because of your nationality its called racism.

Gigli, I think you should get focus on the positive side of the posts here. It is a fact that you will find some racist people and nice people all over in any country. But, try not to pay too much attention to the bad ones and concentrate in the nice people that are being kind to you.

Take the advices that you think are helpful to you. And ignore the one you do not agree about them. It is hard to be a foreigner anywhere.



Member # 5472
 - posted

Take the advices that you think are helpful to you. And ignore the one you do not agree about them. It is hard to be a foreigner anywhere.

good advice eaasalam!


Member # 8301
 - posted

gigli if you need someone to talk to you can email me i will listen



Member # 8648
 - posted
Originally posted by bratkota:

gigli if you need someone to talk to you can email me i will listen


Me too!!! eaasalam@hotmail.com

Member # 7682
 - posted
If sum1 was nice id write it.Iv befriended people only 2 b stabbed in the back again and again.We went 2 the beach(i was more modestly dressed than most egyptian girls)and remarks got flung about "what are these ugly white boobs doing here?!Purposely loud.And thats the mildest one.Men try to grab me and i hav 2 resort 2 rudenes 2 get rid of them.And then i get told its because im 2 friendly with them.I hav to walk face down ignoring people and i dare not smile.And ive winged and now i feel better...Thanx for advice.
Member # 8648
 - posted
Originally posted by gigli:
If sum1 was nice id write it.Iv befriended people only 2 b stabbed in the back again and again.We went 2 the beach(i was more modestly dressed than most egyptian girls)and remarks got flung about "what are these ugly white boobs doing here?!Purposely loud.And thats the mildest one.Men try to grab me and i hav 2 resort 2 rudenes 2 get rid of them.And then i get told its because im 2 friendly with them.I hav to walk face down ignoring people and i dare not smile.And ive winged and now i feel better...Thanx for advice.

Gigli there is something important that we are missing here. WE are the foreigners "When in Rome...As the Romans do". It is a different culture, we are the one who have to adapt and adjust. We have to learn from the bad experiences and make it better.
For example, two choices here based on your incident in the beach.

1st. Do not wear that kind of clothes anymore...and people will not pay attention to you.

2nd. If you like your clothes and you do not want to change your style….Get ready for the attacks and do not pay attention to what people said on the street.

It is harsh but it is the way here. It is my point of view. When at home, do whatever you like, smoke, drink, dance, laugh as out loud as you want , whatever.

As I said before, you got to be positive and have a positive attitude. It can be hard and it can be anything. But, you got to do it! You can't be living isolated because you are afraid from people "stab you in your back". Be confident, show how nice you are to new people, and forget about the bad people. Help is on the way!

Pray a lot. God is always there to listen to you. Maybe we are the one who are too busy to pay attention to him. See the signs.

Wish you the best

[This message has been edited by eaasalam (edited 07 September 2005).]

* 7ayat *
Member # 7043
 - posted
Originally posted by gigli:
If you read once again you will see I clearly said some egyptians. And some Egyptians are very rude.

and some foreigners only see the bad side, and thats why they suffer. and by the way that white boobs comment, well dear this is sexual harrasment and we all suffer from it even egyptian girls. see the thread opened about this the other day. im egyptian and i get comments worse than that in the streets. its horrible yes, we need to do something about it yes. but to think that its done to you just because you are a foreigner well thats a big no. we have a famous egyptian expression "eli a3ala raso bat7a bey7asses 3aleha" (people who have a bump on their head, keep touching it.) see for some reason, you are very insecure because you are western, so you think that anything bad that happens to you is because you are western. get this out of your head and you will be happy.


Member # 7682
 - posted
7aya its hard 2 keep from feeling insecure when ur told over and over again how wrong ur western ways r.Even just being polite on the street.
Member # 8648
 - posted
Originally posted by Paint Me As I Am:
Hola que tal Maryam
Como estas mi amiga?....
I agree with what u have said....


Hola Jannah, estoy bien gracias a Dios. Y tu? Espero que mejorando rapido. Un beso y cuidate.



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