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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 5143
 - posted
I don't know about you guys, but if i had a wife and I told her that she can go and party then get drunk and laying on mens laps near their pennis and two of those men have their arm near here boobs. What any self respecting husband would let his wife do that. Then post these pics on every egyptian web site. Then Moll always attacks muslim and she always critizes egypt.

If you guys do not knoe Moll by now. She is the one that always critizes everybody know matter what religion or race.

Would you let your wife act like this?



Member # 5143
 - posted
Originally posted by moll:



Thank you...fffffinaly.Why would you or I want to know or support in any way a known Murderer or a Rapist..the fact that he is not in jail does not change that he is a rapist.Bizo is worse than a Rapist or a Murderer.

Originally posted by moll:


When Ayman attacked Slahudin you were an administrator and you deleted some posts/threads and locked others. Aiding and abetting is just as bad as committing the act itself. Calling Muslims fanatics,Fundementalists and Extremists is certainly not a compliment.

The problem here is that many ,if not all of you, do not consider that kind of attack (by Bizo) on Muslims to be a serious offence.To me it is unforgivable.

Just so I don't seem to be avoiding the answer:
Moll, You did not routinely attack Muslims

I got to get off the internet for now....

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Posts: 132
Registered: Aug 2004
posted 23 August 2004 01:24 PM

Originally posted by kimo_the_maniac:
Okay juniour, post the quote where I say I disapprove of the photos (because I don't, I said I wouldn't take part in it, but it's harmless fun if others do it). Now I think you have a personal problem because you are stalking her. This thread for example, it was not started by her, it isn't addressed to you, and you still manage to be annoyed by it! You search through ET, ES, EM, YE for threads on Moll so that you can be annoyed by it. Why are you seeking to be annoyed by it. If it annoys you just bugger off and don't read it. A lot of people on this board annoy me and I simply ignore them, God knows ES has its share of drama kings/queens. For example I usualy ignore you, my mistake this time, go on, have fun, just don't think a lot of people are holding their breath waiting to see what you think of anything.

I had to reply to this again, as I skipped over a few remarks the first time.

Namely "stalking her?"

That would entail me hunting down all of her comments and responding only to those. And god knows there are several. I've contributed to threads where she is not even present, so I suppose I'm stalking everyone else too huh?

Next comment, "annoyed?"

If you would READ before you respond to a 'thread that was addressed to MOLL' NOT kimo-the-maniac (just using reverse psychology here) you will note that I was "annoyed" with Lukoshko's response to Brian. Is Lukoshko "stalking" Brian. I doubt it.

Next comment "Drama Queen, Drama King"

You're correct there are a lot of Drama Queens and KINGSon ES, some play both the role of male and female.

Last comment "hoding their breath"

Glad I gave you the opportunity to "exhale"

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Posts: 495
Registered: May 2002
posted 23 August 2004 01:28 PM
I did not delete or lock anything. Again you chose to make assumptions because I was an administrator at the time and I posted in that topic. I DID NOT DELETE OR LOCK ANY POSTS, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THAT?
And you've spent months harrassing me on every Egy board you can lay your hands on. But ffffffinally you've admitted i have NOT 'routinely attacked Muslims'. Big deal.

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Posts: 310
Registered: May 2004
posted 23 August 2004 01:36 PM

Originally posted by kimo_the_maniac:
Okay Magnoon, now let's end this big drama of yours once and for all. How do you think Bizo and Dunes routinely attack Muslims? They are both Muslim! If they choose to attack a certain kind of Muslim that's their preroragative. After all OBL thinks he is a Muslim and I think he is an asshole and I am a Muslim too.
So if they banned an extremist spammer how does that make them grand criminals the way you are suggesting. Unless you mean ALL Muslims should be sacrosanct and should not be touched at all whatever they say. In that case you are nuts, because you know as much as I do that some Muslims have it coming.

Now I have been holding this back for a long time because it entails I accidentally defend Bizo, now I don't like him but I don't think he is vicious or anything like you seem to do.

So come on, explain why those spammers on ET deserved better? They came to a privately owned secular forum and started copy-paste'ing, so what should the admins have done? Come on Magnoon I am neutral on this, convince me.


I really should be going...it's midday here and I've got to get back to wrk.

It was very simple..a guy who was using the name Javaman...he was very knowledge Muslim and very interested in discussing Islam.
He coied and psted Dua' as it was Ramadan then....and this is what followed:


what is the your point javaman posting all that religious stuff...

we don't like it this way and no one is intersted in your religious crap so please please save us the hassle of fighting with you... you know nothing about how nasty we turn when fighting.

and this this:



do not start with me.
anyway, please er7am gehazi el tanasoly men el nafkh dah.

Enta yabni ghabi, they told you we are not fuckin intersted in your religious stuff.. are you mentally handicaped??
I bet you are a frustrated , ya3ni law bete3mal wa7ed kowayes makontesh waga3at rasna bel malal beta3ak dah.

roo7 yabni get laid walla edrablak 3ashara... Fokk nafsak ya3ni..
FRUSTRATION is no GOOD for you

then Dunes posted this:

My sentiments exactly bizo . Javashit fits the profile of a sexually frustrated Religious weirdo. Fundamentalist in beedon ala carte.

Take your Quran and your beloved bullshit out of this forum. You’re bullshit, what you say is bullshit, do as your told and go hump something.

Get Lost javashit

Then Moll Posted this:

Has this board suddenly turned into Quran-talk? I'm getting fed up with this.

Eventualy all hell broke loose and Javaman went loonie and started back and forth sith insults.

This is one incident...there are MANY more

[This message has been edited by elmagnoon (edited 23 August 2004).]

IP: Logged

Posts: 310
Registered: May 2004
posted 23 August 2004 01:39 PM

Originally posted by moll:
I did not delete or lock anything. Again you chose to make assumptions because I was an administrator at the time and I posted in that topic. I DID NOT DELETE OR LOCK ANY POSTS, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THAT?
And you've spent months harrassing me on every Egy board you can lay your hands on. But ffffffinally you've admitted i have NOT 'routinely attacked Muslims'. Big deal.


the emphasis is on routinely

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Posts: 495
Registered: May 2002
posted 23 August 2004 01:41 PM

Originally posted by elmagnoon:

I really should be going...it's midday here and I've got to get back to wrk.

It was very simple..a guy who was using the name Javaman...he was very knowledge Muslim and very interested in discussing Islam.
He coied and psted Dua' as it was Ramadan then....and this is what followed:


what is the your point javaman posting all that religious stuff...

we don't like it this way and no one is intersted in your religious crap so please please save us the hassle of fighting with you... you know nothing about how nasty we turn when fighting.

and this this:



do not start with me.
anyway, please er7am gehazi el tanasoly men el nafkh dah.

Enta yabni ghabi, they told you we are not fuckin intersted in your religious stuff.. are you mentally handicaped??
I bet you are a frustrated , ya3ni law bete3mal wa7ed kowayes makontesh waga3at rasna bel malal beta3ak dah.

roo7 yabni get laid walla edrablak 3ashara... Fokk nafsak ya3ni..
FRUSTRATION is no GOOD for you

then Dunes posted this:

My sentiments exactly bizo . Javashit fits the profile of a sexually frustrated Religious weirdo. Fundamentalist in beedon ala carte.

Take your Quran and your beloved bullshit out of this forum. You’re bullshit, what you say is bullshit, do as your told and go hump something.

Get Lost javashit

Then Moll Posted this:

Has this board suddenly turned into Quran-talk? I'm getting fed up with this.

Eventualy all hell broke loose and Javaman went loonie and started back and forth sith insults.

This is one incident...there are MANY more

[This message has been edited by elmagnoon (edited 23 August 2004).]


IP: Logged

Posts: 495
Registered: May 2002
posted 23 August 2004 01:48 PM
and then elmagnoon went loonie with my 'attack on Muslims' (see above) where I said I was fed up with endless posts from the Koran, just as I'd have been fed up with endless quotes from the Bible or the Torah or endless quotes from anything, and started harrassing me and accusing me of 'routine attacks on Islam/Muslims', on every Egy board he could come up with.
Think that's you up to date now, kimo.

IP: Logged

Posts: 671
Registered: Jun 2002
posted 23 August 2004 04:08 PM
Gotta hand it to you elmagnoon..... nice bit of creative editing there!
And what a wonderful quote of Moll's "routine attacks on muslims"! Almost had me convinced...
Moll....... how could you "routinely" say you were fed up!! I am appalled!

IP: Logged

Posts: 310
Registered: May 2004
posted 23 August 2004 06:43 PM

Originally posted by Shareen:
Gotta hand it to you elmagnoon..... nice bit of creative editing there!

Typical of you and people like you, smart ass remarks without any foundation...go ahead explain what you mean.

IP: Logged

Posts: 310
Registered: May 2004
posted 23 August 2004 06:51 PM

Originally posted by moll:
and then elmagnoon went loonie with my 'attack on Muslims' (see above) where I said I was fed up with endless posts from the Koran, just as I'd have been fed up with endless quotes from the Bible or the Torah or endless quotes from anything, and started harrassing me and accusing me of 'routine attacks on Islam/Muslims', on every Egy board he could come up with.
Think that's you up to date now, kimo.


1- That was not an example of your atracks on muslims that was an example of what Bizo and Dunes ROUTINELY do.

2-I don't go around after you, not in any way it you who keep going on EM and ES and now your husband on YE...what do you expect me to do?Just ignore the lies.

All this is beside the point, You and I know what Bizo does that scum of the earth attacks Muslims regulary and you and your buddies on ET support him in one way or another....so enough crap already...I don't care about you I never have and I never will.
You come up as an absolute ZERO.The issue is about the truth which you and others for have refused to admit.

IP: Logged

Posts: 310
Registered: May 2004
posted 23 August 2004 06:57 PM

Originally posted by kimo_the_maniac:
So come on, explain why those spammers on ET deserved better? They came to a privately owned secular forum and started copy-paste'ing, so what should the admins have done? Come on Magnoon I am neutral on this, convince me.

How in the world did you know for a fact that he was Spamming? How very Neutral

IP: Logged

Posts: 310
Registered: May 2004
posted 23 August 2004 07:57 PM
And now onto the simple facts:
-Your pictures are UN-Islamic.
-Your Pictures are UN-Egyptian.

They reflect a Western attitude... they do not in any way resemble an Egyptian woman's behavior, and that's exactly why I did not comment on them...you're neither Muslim nor Egyptian. But do not fool yourself with crappy polls conducted on a forum filled with westerners and psychos like Bizo and kafirs like Ziad.

You ,most people on ET as well as many on ES and at the matter of fact most Foreigners do not in any way understand Islam nor Egypt. It’s that simple.

When Karin Farid stated that a woman welcoming a man in her home is indecent she was absolutely right.. Islamicly as well as Culturally.
Egyptian as well as Muslim women do not invite men in their homes while they're alone.
Egyptian and Muslim men do not ask to be invited for tea by a woman alone at home.

Whether westerners view that as indecent or not is beside the point. Egyptians do find it indecent...that simple.
It has nothing to do with class. It’s right across the board in Maadi, Zamalik or Shubra.

You as well as most of the idiots on ET , many on ES and many others, state that they like Islam but it's the fanatics and extremists who put you off Islam. Then you start talking about the different interpretation of Quran.

The fact is, anyone making statement about Islam that does not correspond with your view of the world is automatically labeled as Fanatic.
The fact is, Scholars interpret the Quran and we are required to seek their advice.
For the most part they are in total agreement. The few issues that are interpreted differently do not influence our understanding of Islam as a whole.

Whether Egyptian practice Islam in the same way is also beside the point. Those who engage in sexual activity outside of marriage have no effect on Quran nor do they even deny it's a Sin. The same goes for drinking and other issues.
Those who refuse to engage in such acts are not fanatics and describing Sinners as Moderates is pure stupidity.

See Everybody how people hate this Bitch.



Member # 1473
 - posted
You're one of those guys that doesn't let your wife out of the house, force her to cover every inch of her body, bar her from any form of expression that doesn't coincide with Islamic Law, and to top it off, you have the hots for your neighbours dog!

Admit it, you're the Taliban's poster child

Member # 4566
 - posted

If you hate moll so much and think she is a rubbish,piece of rotten scum at the bottom of an shithole......why do you even bother wasting you're time on her....all you're doing is make her feel important.

Member # 879
 - posted
You seem to have an obsession with Moll, mollhater. Having an opinion and stating it is one thing, but you are taking it to the extreme with perverse zeal.

Actually, whatever moll does or does not do in her free time is really none of your business, unless you are her husband, and I don't think this is the case.

You could also reverse your question and ask women what they would think of their husbands, if they found out he was attacking another woman (like you are doing) in the obsessive manner you are taking. I think most would be VERY CONCERNED about his mental health status!



Member # 5088
 - posted
OMG! What a weirdo!
Member # 4566
 - posted


Member # 879
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