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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 7651
 - posted
Egyptian Historian on Saudi Iqra TV: The Vatican's Mission of Destroying Islam was Delegated to the U.S. – Which Carried Out 9/11 on Assignment by the World Council of Churches
The following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian historian Professor Zaynab Abd Al-Aziz, which aired on Saudi Iqra TV [1] on May 26, 2005. [To view this clip from MEMRI TV visit http://memritv.org/search.asp?ACT=S9&P1=708]

Abd Al-Aziz: "The decision to impose one religion over the entire world was made in the Second Vatican Council in 1965."

Host: "Huh?"

Abd Al-Aziz: "Yes. A long time ago."

Host: "They decided to Christianize the world?"

Abd Al-Aziz: "Yes. The decisions of the 1965 Vatican Council included, first of all, absolving the Jews of the blood of Christ. This decision is well known and was the basis for the recognition of the occupying Zionist entity - Israel. The second decision was to eradicate the left in the eighties. I believe we've all witnessed this. The third decision was to eradicate Islam, so that the world would be Christianized by the third millennium."

Host: "Why is America hostile to Islam, although we never had and never will have the same conflict with them we had with Europe?"

Abd Al-Aziz: "Well, do you remember what we just said about the Second Vatican Council in 1965 and about Christianizing the world? It was agreed upon and pre-arranged. John Paul II prepared a five-year plan, on the eve of the third millennium, Christianize the world. His address in 1995 was based on the assumption that by the year 2000, the entire world would be Christianized. Since the plan was not accomplished, the World Council of Churches assigned this mission to the US in January 2001, since the US is the world's unrivaled military power. They named the decade between 2001-2010 "the age of eradicating evil" – "evil" referring to Islam and Muslims.

"The Crusader war is ongoing, because it has been a religious war since the dawn of Islam. Later, colonialism, missionaries, and Christianization were introduced. The Crusader war is ongoing. The Inquisition courts exist to this day. As I told you, the pope who was appointed a few days ago, headed the Inquisition Court, which is now called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

"When in January 2001, the World Council of Churches delegated this mission to the US - what did the US do? It fabricated the show of… is it September 9 or 11?"

Host: "11. Please explain this to me."

Abd Al-Aziz: "Yes, of course…"

Host: "You mean to say that the World Council of Churches delegated the mission of Christianizing of the world to the US."

Abd Al-Aziz: "Yes. And how could the US win legitimacy for this without anyone saying that they are perpetrating massacres and waging a Crusader war? It fabricated the 9/11 show. I call it a fabrication because much has been written on this. We are also to blame. Why do we accept a single perspective? Countless books were written, some of which were even translated into Arabic, like Thierry Meyssan's 9/11 – The Appalling Fraud [2] and Pentagate. "Pentagate" like Watergate… He brings documents to prove that the method used in destroying the three (sic) towers was "controlled demolition.

"This is an architectural engineering theory, which was invented by the Americans. They teach it in their universities. They make movies and documentaries about it. They incorporated it in movie scenarios and then carried it out in real life. Why do we accept this?"

Host: "My God, doctor. This is unbelievable! You're saying that this destruction…"

Abd Al-Aziz: "...was a controlled demolition. The building collapsed in its place, without hitting a single building to its left or right. The three towers fell in place."

Host: "In the same method they use in movies and plays?"

Abd Al-Aziz: "Yes, Exactly like that. That is how the US won international legitimacy. You could sense the (9/11) operation was pre-planned because many things were revealed in the days that followed. For example 4,000 Jews caught influenza on that exact day. They set a timer, and all 4,000…"

Host: "By God, you crack me up! They all set a timer and got influenza on the same day. So the building was completely empty of Jews."

Abd Al-Aziz: "Much has been written about this. 150 Congressmen demanded an inquiry."


Member # 7993
 - posted
Is it oil or islam will u fucking people make up your minds?
Member # 1056
 - posted
Originally posted by tempted:
Is it oil or islam will u fucking people make up your minds?

And there speaks the next generation of great white hope for diplomacy and peace in the Middle East! It looks like the region is in for more of the same, another generation of diplomats who have learned all the theory, but have a total lack of understanding of how the people in this part of the world feel and who would prefer to go and smoke hash with people they despise in Marina than try to have a decent conversation with people who might be able to give them some insight into how real people in Egypt feel.

Member # 3864
 - posted
Originally posted by newcomer:
And there speaks the next generation of great white hope for diplomacy and peace in the Middle East! It looks like the region is in for more of the same, another generation of diplomats who have learned all the theory, but have a total lack of understanding of how the people in this part of the world feel and who would prefer to go and smoke hash with people they despise in Marina than try to have a decent conversation with people who might be able to give them some insight into how real people in Egypt feel.

And so the only thing you find to critize is one empty dope that might not even be white. tempted made comments that sounded like he was brazilian, brazilians aren't anymore white than Egyptians. Brazilians took in plenty of political exiles from Nazi germany and gave them institutional posts while the brazilians soaked up their hypcritizy. Man, you people don't even bother to acknowledge that dimension.

And you found nothing suspect Of Abd Al-Aziz's interview? How come so many Muslims paint the Vatican's efforts as a representation of all Christians?

Now you are totally disregarding two points, and making your arguements shallow and inconclusive.

Besides AMR1 was backing up Salama as she made all those racist comments on AE part of the forum. I didn't know you were into that sort of thing.

Member # 7434
 - posted
"Has Ameica declared war on Muslims and Islam? "
don't u think it's a little bit late to ask that kind of question amr1?! don't u already know the answer?! well millions of ppl all over thw world have been knowing it for years, & suffering its consequences, including the americans themselves.
Member # 3864
 - posted
Originally posted by AMR1:
Egyptian Historian on Saudi Iqra TV: The Vatican's Mission of Destroying Islam was Delegated to the U.S. – Which Carried Out 9/11 on Assignment by the World Council of Churches
The following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian historian Professor Zaynab Abd Al-Aziz, which aired on Saudi Iqra TV [1] on May 26, 2005. [To view this clip from MEMRI TV visit ]http://memritv.org/search.asp?ACT=S9&P1=708]

Abd Al-Aziz: "The decision to impose one religion over the entire world was made in the Second Vatican Council in 1965."

Host: "Huh?"

Abd Al-Aziz: "Yes. A long time ago."

Host: "They decided to Christianize the world?"

Abd Al-Aziz: "Yes. The decisions of the 1965 Vatican Council included, first of all, absolving the Jews of the blood of Christ. This decision is well known and was the basis for the recognition of the occupying Zionist entity - Israel. The second decision was to eradicate the left in the eighties. I believe we've all witnessed this. The third decision was to eradicate Islam, so that the world would be Christianized by the third millennium."

Host: "Why is America hostile to Islam, although we never had and never will have the same conflict with them we had with Europe?"

Abd Al-Aziz: "Well, do you remember what we just said about the Second Vatican Council in 1965 and about Christianizing the world? It was agreed upon and pre-arranged. John Paul II prepared a five-year plan, on the eve of the third millennium, Christianize the world. His address in 1995 was based on the assumption that by the year 2000, the entire world would be Christianized. Since the plan was not accomplished, the World Council of Churches assigned this mission to the US in January 2001, since the US is the world's unrivaled military power. They named the decade between 2001-2010 "the age of eradicating evil" – "evil" referring to Islam and Muslims.

"The Crusader war is ongoing, because it has been a religious war since the dawn of Islam. Later, colonialism, missionaries, and Christianization were introduced. The Crusader war is ongoing. The Inquisition courts exist to this day. As I told you, the pope who was appointed a few days ago, headed the Inquisition Court, which is now called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

"When in January 2001, the World Council of Churches delegated this mission to the US - what did the US do? It fabricated the show of… is it September 9 or 11?"

Host: "11. Please explain this to me."

Abd Al-Aziz: "Yes, of course…"

Host: "You mean to say that the World Council of Churches delegated the mission of Christianizing of the world to the US."

Abd Al-Aziz: "Yes. And how could the US win legitimacy for this without anyone saying that they are perpetrating massacres and waging a Crusader war? It fabricated the 9/11 show. I call it a fabrication because much has been written on this. We are also to blame. Why do we accept a single perspective? Countless books were written, some of which were even translated into Arabic, like Thierry Meyssan's 9/11 – The Appalling Fraud [2] and Pentagate. "Pentagate" like Watergate… He brings documents to prove that the method used in destroying the three (sic) towers was "controlled demolition.

"This is an architectural engineering theory, which was invented by the Americans. They teach it in their universities. They make movies and documentaries about it. They incorporated it in movie scenarios and then carried it out in real life. Why do we accept this?"

Host: "My God, doctor. This is unbelievable! You're saying that this destruction…"

Abd Al-Aziz: "...was a controlled demolition. The building collapsed in its place, without hitting a single building to its left or right. The three towers fell in place."

Host: "In the same method they use in movies and plays?"

Abd Al-Aziz: "Yes, Exactly like that. That is how the US won international legitimacy. You could sense the (9/11) operation was pre-planned because many things were revealed in the days that followed. For example 4,000 Jews caught influenza on that exact day. They set a timer, and all 4,000…"

Host: "By God, you crack me up! They all set a timer and got influenza on the same day. So the building was completely empty of Jews."

Abd Al-Aziz: "Much has been written about this. 150 Congressmen demanded an inquiry."

And your source is missing journalist integrity of objectivity, its a zionist media organization.

About us:

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) explores the Middle East through the region's media. MEMRI bridges the language gap which exists between the West and the Middle East, providing timely translations of Arabic and Farsi media, as well as original analysis of political, ideological, intellectual, social, cultural, and religious trends in the Middle East.
Founded in February 1998 to inform the debate over U.S. policy in the Middle East, MEMRI is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit, 501 (c)3 organization. MEMRI's headquarters is located in Washington, DC with branch offices in Berlin, London, Jerusalem, and Baghdad, and has a project active in Sweden. MEMRI research is translated to English, German, Hebrew, Italian, French, Spanish, and occasionally Turkish and Russian.

MEMRI's TV monitoring center operates 16 hours per day, overseeing every major Arab channel. The center has the in-house capability to translate, subtitle and distribute the segments from Arab TV in real time to Western news channels across the world, effectively "Bridging the Language Gap Between the Middle East and the West."
MEMRI's TV monitoring center focuses on political, cultural, religious, and other developments and debates in the Arab and Muslim world and in Iran.
The project archive currently includes clips from the following sources and TV guests:
Al-Arabiya TV (Dubai), Dubai TV (Dubai), Dream2 TV (Egypt), Channel 1 TV (Egypt), Palestinian Authority TV (Gaza), Al-'Alam TV (Iran), Sahar TV (Iran), Jaam-E-Jam TV (Iran), IRINN (Iran), New TV (Lebanon), Al-Manar TV (Lebanon), MBC TV (London), Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar), Qatar TV (Qatar), Iqra TV (Saudi Arabia), Channel 1 TV (Saudi Arabia), Syrian TV (Syria), Al-Majd TV (United Arab Emirates).
TV Guests:
Islamic clerics and leaders, Arab and Iranian journalists and editors (working in the Middle East and the West), academics and researchers, public opinion and policy makers, politicians (parliamentarians and government officials), military experts, intellectuals, and authors.
• Iraq
o The war in Iraq
o The resistance
o The Iraqi transition
o The Abu Ghureib Prison Abuses
o Kurdish autonomy and Iraqi Federalism

• The US and the Middle East
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o The War in Iraq
o The Greater Middle East Initiative
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o U.S. Economy and the Middle East
o The U.S. and the Arab regimes
o Guantanamo Bay

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o The Intifada
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o History of Early Islam
o Islamic Jurisprudence
o Radical Islam

• Jihad and Martyrdom
o Idelogies and Operations
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o Martyrdom Operations by Women

• Palestinian Authority
o Intifada
o Sermons
o Palestinian State

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o Education, Family Planning, and Other Social Issues

• Antisemitism in the Arab World
o Blood Libel
o The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
o The Passion of the Christ
Media broadcast quality versions will be made available to the media in addition to regular streaming video version for ordinary viewing. Special distribution to the media and others will be made available.

A new MEMRI subscription service will be available to members of the media, government officials, think tanks, and selected individuals, with the purpose of providing updates on content and special releases. This subscription will compliment MEMRI's regular daily dispatch. To apply for the subscription, email memritv@memri.org with the following:



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"MEMRI's translation of articles and statements in the Arab media serves the vital function of making people in America and Europe aware of the new voices for reform in the Middle East. Its readiness to organize forums at which such individuals could address audiences in New York and Washington serves the additional functions of developing linkages of cooperation and support and reducing the isolation of Arab reformers. Such reformers will grow stronger in their own countries as their international reputation grows. I applaud MEMRI for taking this important initiative."
- June 9, 2004, Carl Gershman, President of the National Endowment for Democracy

"MEMRI is the single most important source for understanding what is happening in the Greater Middle East and what we must know to fight effectively the war against terrorism both at home and abroad."
- April 14, 2004, R. James Woolsey, Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (1993-1995)

"For anyone interested in what is really happening in the Middle East - what the Arab world is saying to itself - MEMRI is utterly indispensable. It should be read daily by scholars, journalists and policymakers with any interest in this part of the world."
- March 18, 2004, Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post Pulitzer Prize Columnist

"MEMRI's daily translations, analyses, and other materials are read closely by Washington insiders. They have become essential resources for policy-makers, journalists, and opinion-leaders who deal with the Middle East and need a comprehensive and realistic understanding of developments in the region."
- April 15, 2004, Chris Demuth, President American Enterprise Institute

"The Middle East is the most contentious and volatile area in American foreign policy. For years the Washington debate about Israel, the Palestinians, Arab political culture more generally, and even the world of Islam, was dominated by an inbred coterie of arabisantes supported by the oil companies and reinforced by universities where-let's tell the truth!-there is a reigning orthodoxy. Somehow this orthodoxy managed to be sympathetic to both the old autocrats and the new brutal tyrants in the region. U.S. diplomats came from these circles, and it was to them that the journalists and bien pensants went for information and analysis. Until, that is, MEMRI came on the scene. Through its regular, dispassionate, and authoritative dispatches and cullings from the Arab press (and from Arab history, too), MEMRI has succeeded in breaking the near monopoly on Washington discourse. No source of information is more reliable. MEMRI has made an enormous mark on the mind of America. I wish its work would be read by everyone who cares and writes about that frenzied part of the world."
- April 22, 2004, Martin Peretz, Owner and Editor-in-Chief of the NewRepublic

"For anyone interested in Middle East activities, MEMRI is indispensable. It is an information source unfettered by ideology and political bias. In short, it is a critical guide for scholars and an essential research tool for interested parties."
- March 16, 2004, Herbert I. London, President of the Hudson Institute

"MEMRI does a real service by translating and communicating messages from the Mideast that most people in America would never find out about with out them. They have an excellent track record for accuracy."
- January 28, 2004, Brit Hume, FOX News Channel

"All quotes are from of the Middle East Media Research Institute, whose invaluable website -- www.memri.org -- translates a vast array of material from the Arab and Iranian media."
- April 25, 2004, Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe

"It's worth tuning in from time to time. Non-Arabic speakers can do this thanks to the invaluable Middle East Media Research Institute, which posts its translations of items from the Arabic media on its website. Because of MEMRI's work, we can sample the hate speech characteristic of extremist Islam."
- March 24, 2004, Claudia Winkler, The Weekly Standard

"MEMRI's publications - both translations and analyses - from the Arab and Muslim media, schools, and mosques are an invaluable contribution to the struggle against antisemitism, hate, and racism. MEMRI's scholarly work is enormously important and effective, and makes this organization indispensable."
- March 11, 2004, Natan Sharansky, Israel's Minister for Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs, Minister without Portfolio

"I have the highest regards for MEMRI and its ambition to promote the cause of Arab liberals and reformists and to create a wider understanding of developments in the Arab world. Its translations from the Arab and Hebrew press have become important tools in bridging the language gap and deepening Western and international analysis of Middle East events."
- Ambassador Krister Kumlin, The General Secretary of the Stockholm Forum, The Office of the Swedish Prime Minister

"MEMRI is an excellent, dynamic organization. I have found its research invaluable in exposing the truth of what is being said in the Arab world. It identifies the negative as well as revealing the liberal and reformists in the Arab and Muslim world."
- April 19, 2004, Louise Ellman, British MP

"Today Churchill would be an addict of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which produces daily translations of lies spread to serfs and robots by hired hacks of the Arab dictators."
- April 17, 2004, Robert Fulford, National Post (Canada)

"MEMRI, an invaluable website that translates Arabic publications."
- January 2, 2004, Max Boot, The Weekly Standard & Los Angeles Times, "With Friends Like These…"

"A faster access is offered by the Middle East Media Research Institute (memri.org, memri.de), where the daily antisemitism of the controlled media is translated."
- February 26, 2004, Josef Joffe, Chief Editor of Die Zeit (Germany)

MEMRI holds copyrights on all translations. Materials may ONLY be cited with proper attribution.
To request permission for use of MEMRI clips and transcripts, email memritv@memri.org

About us:
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) explores the Middle East through the region's media. MEMRI bridges the language gap which exists between the West and the Middle East, providing timely translations of Arabic, Farsi, and Hebrew media, as well as original analysis of political, ideological, intellectual, social, cultural, and religious trends in the Middle East.

Founded in February 1998 to inform the debate over U.S. policy in the Middle East, MEMRI is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit, 501 (c)3 organization. MEMRI's headquarters is located in Washington, DC with branch offices in Berlin, London, and Jerusalem, where MEMRI also maintains its Media Center. MEMRI research is translated to English, German, Hebrew, Italian, French, Spanish, Turkish, and Russian.

Read Quotes About Memri.

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"The respected Middle East Media Research Institute.. ."
- Roll Call, May 26, 2003

"I hope you receive MEMRI's publications. I do. I find its material – translations and analyses of poisonous articles, hate-filled statements and slanderous accusations – vitally needed for the fight against antisemitism in the Arab world. Policy makers, legislators, teachers, and news commentators greatly benefit from its efforts to use truth in the service of peace."
- Elie Wiesel, May 22, 2003

"the indispensable scholars at the Middle East Media Research Institute"
-The Weekly Standard, May 26, 2003

"Thanks to the translators at the Middle East Media Research Institute,Americans can get a much better sense of the message coming from the Arabic-language press throughout the Middle East. Their work helps combat those who would murmur messages of peace and tolerance to Western ears, and then incite hatred and extremism to their countrymen in their native tongue."
- National Review Online, May 20, 2003

"You know, you've got things in the Saudi papers running now that thanks to the Middle East Media Research Institute we can read in English translation."
- FOX News, May 16, 2003

"As I was writing this column, I received an E-mail from Memri, the organization that opens the minds of those who cannot read Arabic by distributing almost daily translations of Arabic newspapers and government pronouncements."
- A.M. Rosenthal, New York Daily News, May 16, 2003

"MEMRI, the indispensable group that translates the ravings of the Saudi and Egyptian press..."
- Weekly Standard, April 28, 2003

"The role that MEMRI is playing in bringing the voices of the Arab and Muslim Reform – from Arabic into English, to the world – has been absolutely invaluable for everyone who cares about this process and wants to follow it."
- Thomas Friedman, May 6, 2003

"Let me first express my appreciation to MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute, for invaluable work they’re doing. At a time when the line of division between the civilized world and terrorism is as clear as it is today, MEMRI’s enormously effective work, on behalf of truth, civilization, open press of all types, is deeply appreciated by many of us in the Congress."
- February 4, 2003, Tom Lantos (D-CA), Ranking Democrat of the Committee on International Relations Congressman

"… the website of the Middle East Media Research Institute, which performs the invaluable service of translating Arabic media and sermons into English…"
- January 13, 2003, The Weekly Standard

"… translations from Arabic on websites like www.memri.org let the rest of the world know what Saudis and other Arabs are saying to each other…"
- January 13, 2003, Newsweek

"… the evidence on MEMRI, the estimable Middle East Media Research Institute, www.memri.org ..."
- January 7, 2003, United Press International

"This quote, as many others from the Middle East, can be found on the indispensable website www.memri.org"
- December 19 2002, Die Welt (Berlin)

"It is almost impossible to exaggerate the importance of the work of MEMRI, which sheds lights on aspects of the Middle East that our enemies would prefer to go unnoticed. MEMRI is simply an invaluable asset to any journalist or anyone who wants to understand the Middle East."
- December 13, 2002 National Review, Rich Lowry Editor

"It is to the translations circulated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) that we owe what we have now learned about what appears in Arabic-language newspapers and television broadcasts, as well as what is preached by Islamic clerics in their weekly sermons."
- September 9, 2002, Commentary, Norman Podhoretz

"If there were justice in the universe, the MiddleEast Media Research Institute would already have been awarded some kind of special-achievement Pulitzer Prize. MEMRI has pioneered the careful translation, and dissemination to European and American audiences, of print and broadcast news sources in the Arab world. The group's work now pops up everywhere; here in the States, hardly a week goes by when some major daily or cable news show doesn't make use (generally without attribution) of a MEMRI translation… For more information from and about the Middle East Media Research Institute, see their website at www.memri.org. And if you're able, please consider sending them a contribution."
- June 12, 2002, The Weekly Standard, David Tell

"www.memri.org - What they do is very simple, no commentary nothing else. What they do is they just translate what the Saudis say in the mosques, say in their newspapers, say in government pronouncements, say in their press."
- October 1, 2002, BBC

"MEMRI is an invaluable source for anyone seriously interested in the Middle East."
-Professor Bernard Lewis, Princeton University, September 3, 2001

"The single most important resource for understanding what is happening in the Middle East today."
-Charles Krauthammer, Pulitzer Prize winner, October 4, 2001

"MEMRI, an invaluable research service."
-Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times Pulitzer Prize winner, October 16, 2001

"MEMRI is the most important research source for the Arab world of which I know and it has been immensely helpful to me and to just about every other serious person who writes about the Middle East."
-Martin Peretz, Editor-in-Chief and Chairman, The New Republic, October 9, 2001

"I am full of admiration for the work MEMRI has done … in its dedicated exposure of Arab antisemitism. Until MEMRI undertook its effort to review and translate articles from the Arab press, there was only dim public awareness of this problem in the United States. Thanks to MEMRI, this ugly phenomenon has been unmasked, and numerous American writers have called attention to it."
- U.S. Rep. Tom Lantos, May 1, 2002

"If there were justice in the universe, the Middle East Media Research Institute would already have been awarded some kind of special-achievement Pulitzer Prize. MEMRI has pioneered the careful translation, and dissemination to European and American audiences, of print and broadcast news sources in the Arab world."
-David Tell, The Weekly Standard, June 12, 2002

"… the excellent Middle East Media Research Institute"
-Former CIA director James Woolsey, June 10, 2002

"Plenty of journalists leaned heavily on MEMRI's translations, citing 'the invaluable Middle East Media Research Institute.' In fact, 'invaluable' has been written so often before MEMRI's name that one could have been forgiven for thinking the word was part of the name. MEMRI served as an antidote to darkness, as a way not to be ignorant.… The veil has been lifted by MEMRI."
-Jay Nordlinger, National Review, May 6, 2002

"I have always considered MEMRI to be an invaluable research tool."
-Richard Cohen, nationally syndicated columnist, October 5, 2001

Zionist Jews turn to this media group to back up their arguements on many political conservative TV panels. Only the most extreme views from somewhat Muslim contributors get any notice from MEMRI. Naturally you would post an article from this organization. Shows how much you know of objective journalism.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!

Member # 3864
 - posted
Originally posted by penelope:
"Has Ameica declared war on Muslims and Islam? "
don't u think it's a little bit late to ask that kind of question amr1?! don't u already know the answer?! well millions of ppl all over thw world have been knowing it for years, & suffering its consequences, including the americans themselves.

Penelope look at the source of his information. Oh goodness, talk about a lack of critical thinking.

You'll believe anything won't you?

Member # 3864
 - posted
Oh here is their points that MEMRI considers that are newsworthy:



The threat of militant-Islamic terrorist organizations operating in the United States has become a reality. In response, MEMRI has established a Jihad and Terrorism Studies Project to monitor militant-Islamic groups that educate and preach Jihad and martyrdom in mosques, school systems, and in the media.
This project will also focus on individuals and radical Islamist organizations, sermons and religious rulings (fatwas) and reactions to terrorist attacks both in the U.S. and abroad.

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This section MEMRI's website features translation and analyses of Middle Eastern news events which impact U.S. Middle East Policy.
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MEMRI's Reform in the Arab and Muslim World focuses on advocates of reform, and the debate surrounding it, within the Middle East and Muslim world. The project is divided into four main categories: Social Reform, which will focus on women's rights, civil society, and educational systems. Political Reform, which includes debates on democracy and the rule of law, protection of the individual, and freedom of speech, religion, and assembly. Also, Religious Reform, which covers the debate on reform in Islam, as well as the misuse of religion. Finally, the Reform Project will cover Economic Reform, which examines issues of free market economy, globalization, and modernization.
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This section of the website focuses on current developments in the peace-process, as well as its breakdown, and will review the relationship between major Arab nations and Israel.
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This section of the website focuses on main inter-Arab developments such as the decline of pan-Arab nationalism, the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, and will review elements of unity and disunity in the Arab world.
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The primary purpose of the economic report is to bring to the American reader news and comments of an economic nature on the Middle East based on surveys of primarily non-English sources. The sources include newspapers, and reports and studies published in Arabic, Hebrew, and occasionally, Turkish.
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This section of MEMRI's website documents Arabic newspaper reports, editorials, and other media sources which are primarily based upon antisemitic themes. During recent years, Arab antisemitism has become a main catalyst of antisemitic incidents throughout the world.
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Arab-Israeli Conflict

Conspiracy Theories


Jihad and Terrorism

Reform in the Middle East

Sermons from Mosques in the Middle East

Suicide (Martyrdom) Operations

U.S. and the Middle East

2004 U.S. Elections

Christianity and the West

Weapons of Mass Destruction


Europe and the Middle East

Cultural Issues

Minorities in the Middle East

[b]Now that paints a more acurate picture of why they translated the interview in the first place. /b]


Member # 7651
 - posted
Originally posted by sonomod:
And so the only thing you find to critize is one empty dope that might not even be white. tempted made comments that sounded like he was brazilian, brazilians aren't anymore white than Egyptians. Brazilians took in plenty of political exiles from Nazi germany and gave them institutional posts while the brazilians soaked up their hypcritizy. Man, you people don't even bother to acknowledge that dimension.

And you found nothing suspect Of Abd Al-Aziz's interview? How come so many Muslims paint the Vatican's efforts as a representation of all Christians?

Now you are totally disregarding two points, and making your arguements shallow and inconclusive.

Besides AMR1 was backing up Salama as she made all those racist comments on AE part of the forum. I didn't know you were into that sort of thing.

I have not supported Salama. I just said theories which refute theories made by people who don't like her in the AE forum.

I believe 100% on the mixed race of Ancient Egyptians, Egyptians were nevera pure race since the civilization of the Nile has started in what we call Egypt today.

This theory most so called blacks, (they themselves mulattoo, than really black) outside africans and sub sahara africans hate it.

If this is support to Salama, than be it.


America screwed big time in its unneutral stand with Isreal, well they can not help it, it is part of their religion, Israel's safety means for them, a condition for Jesus return, check Franklin Graham, patt paterson , Falwells and others. Such people have such great influence on the man in the street.

Well America's support to Israel made it lose many of its friends in te Middle East. I have studied in america, my father studied in america, my mother studied in america and many others in my family studied in america, we loved America.

Now we really wonder and some of us still hope that Historian Abdel Aziz's above talk is just bull **** , and others believe it with all their hearts and lost all their respect and love to America.

America is now talking threats to Syria, while it has went out of lebanon , cooperated in the boundaries with Iraq, while Israel have not implemnted any of the many UN resolutions , sitting broken in the UN for the last 30 years.

So you tell me and other Arabized or Arabs or Muslims to trust or respect America of the Bush and the Right majority, America who is completely today nd for many years has been in their hands.


Member # 1056
 - posted
Originally posted by sonomod:
And so the only thing you find to critize is one empty dope that might not even be white. tempted made comments that sounded like he was brazilian, brazilians aren't anymore white than Egyptians. Brazilians took in plenty of political exiles from Nazi germany and gave them institutional posts while the brazilians soaked up their hypcritizy. Man, you people don't even bother to acknowledge that dimension.

And you found nothing suspect Of Abd Al-Aziz's interview? How come so many Muslims paint the Vatican's efforts as a representation of all Christians?

Now you are totally disregarding two points, and making your arguements shallow and inconclusive.

Besides AMR1 was backing up Salama as she made all those racist comments on AE part of the forum. I didn't know you were into that sort of thing.

Hi sonomod!

Just a couple of quick points…
I comment on what I choose to comment on, as the above article had been posted previously and I had ignored it then as something I didn’t want to spend time commenting on, I also chose to ignore it the second time.

I chose to respond to tempted’s comment as I had previously entered into a dialogue with him and my comments here were a follow up on that dialogue. As he had said that he was an American from Florida, I was using the term “great white hope” figuratively”.

Many people say many things on this forum that I disagree with, even you sometimes, but I choose not to spend all my time making comments on all of them; I happen to have a life away from the computer!


Member # 7651
 - posted
Just a small comment

Many here want Egyptians to declare themselves Black and identify with Africa, instead of their arabization in a quest, not for correcting history simply, but to weaken current Egypt Arabic and Islamic affiliations, which they hate very much and there is a war today against Islam and Arabs, in land and economics and religion understanding, history and all fronts.


Member # 3864
 - posted
Trying to whitewash your comments isn't going to work. Americans come from a culture that is very entrenched in race discussions and have hacked the subject to death. We can pick up on people's motivations, whether or not people admit to those motivations.

You, your mother, father were just students here, or so you claim. You are not american. And international students don't pick up much from American culture at all. They just don't get it, take it from someone whose college is over 15% international students.

In one post your quoting an interview from an apparent qutbee on Catholism, and then the Evangelic southern baptists. These two groups are called right-wing extremists for very good reason. Their supposive authority means nothing to Americans.

Member # 5941
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by AMR1:
[B]Just a small comment

Many here want Egyptians to declare themselves Black and identify with Africa, instead of their arabization in a quest, not for correcting history simply, but to weaken current Egypt Arabic and Islamic affiliations, which they hate very much and there is a war today against Islam and Arabs, in land and economics and religion understanding, history and all fronts.

Barak Allah feek..!


Member # 7651
 - posted
Originally posted by sonomod:
Trying to whitewash your comments isn't going to work. Americans come from a culture that is very entrenched in race discussions and have hacked the subject to death. We can pick up on people's motivations, whether or not people admit to those motivations.

You, your mother, father were just students here, or so you claim. You are not american. And international students don't pick up much from American culture at all. They just don't get it, take it from someone whose college is over 15% international students.

In one post your quoting an interview from an apparent qutbee on Catholism, and then the Evangelic southern baptists. These two groups are called right-wing extremists for very good reason. Their supposive authority means nothing to Americans.

I am not trying to whitewash anything.

2- If you go to american High school, than go to american College and american post graduate school in America, than get a Coca Cola bottling license, whether u want it or not you become americanized.

3-All christian groupings have allied themselves against Islam, long time before, forget about the outside appearances

Member # 6662
 - posted
Originally posted by newcomer:
And there speaks the next generation of great white hope for diplomacy and peace in the Middle East! It looks like the region is in for more of the same, another generation of diplomats who have learned all the theory, but have a total lack of understanding of how the people in this part of the world feel and who would prefer to go and smoke hash with people they despise in Marina than try to have a decent conversation with people who might be able to give them some insight into how real people in Egypt feel.

why don't u say that to the terrorist Salama
!!!!!!I know why ...beacourse she is muslim so u don't care !!!!!


Member # 3864
 - posted
Originally posted by AMR1:
I am not trying to whitewash anything.

2- If you go to american High school, than go to american College and american post graduate school in America, than get a Coca Cola bottling license, whether u want it or not you become americanized.

3-All christian groupings have allied themselves against Islam, long time before, forget about the outside appearances

That is so false, especially the third.

Member # 1056
 - posted
I won't bore everybody by repeating what I wrote above, as my answer to this comment is almost the same as my previous answer. However, if I heard that salama had aspirations to join the diplomatic corps and was going to smoked hash in Marina with people she despised, I might feel inclined to make a similar comment to her too!
Member # 2768
 - posted
Originally posted by AMR1:
Egyptian Historian on Saudi Iqra TV: The Vatican's Mission of Destroying Islam was Delegated to the U.S. – Which Carried Out 9/11 on Assignment by the World Council of Churches
The following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian historian Professor Zaynab Abd Al-Aziz, which aired on Saudi Iqra TV [1] on May 26, 2005. [To view this clip from MEMRI TV visit ]http://memritv.org/search.asp?ACT=S9&P1=708]

Abd Al-Aziz: "The decision to impose one religion over the entire world was made in the Second Vatican Council in 1965."

Host: "Huh?"

Abd Al-Aziz: "Yes. A long time ago."

Host: "They decided to Christianize the world?"

Abd Al-Aziz: "Yes. The decisions of the 1965 Vatican Council included, first of all, absolving the Jews of the blood of Christ. This decision is well known and was the basis for the recognition of the occupying Zionist entity - Israel. The second decision was to eradicate the left in the eighties. I believe we've all witnessed this. The third decision was to eradicate Islam, so that the world would be Christianized by the third millennium."

Host: "Why is America hostile to Islam, although we never had and never will have the same conflict with them we had with Europe?"

Abd Al-Aziz: "Well, do you remember what we just said about the Second Vatican Council in 1965 and about Christianizing the world? It was agreed upon and pre-arranged. John Paul II prepared a five-year plan, on the eve of the third millennium, Christianize the world. His address in 1995 was based on the assumption that by the year 2000, the entire world would be Christianized. Since the plan was not accomplished, the World Council of Churches assigned this mission to the US in January 2001, since the US is the world's unrivaled military power. They named the decade between 2001-2010 "the age of eradicating evil" – "evil" referring to Islam and Muslims.

"The Crusader war is ongoing, because it has been a religious war since the dawn of Islam. Later, colonialism, missionaries, and Christianization were introduced. The Crusader war is ongoing. The Inquisition courts exist to this day. As I told you, the pope who was appointed a few days ago, headed the Inquisition Court, which is now called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

"When in January 2001, the World Council of Churches delegated this mission to the US - what did the US do? It fabricated the show of… is it September 9 or 11?"

Host: "11. Please explain this to me."

Abd Al-Aziz: "Yes, of course…"

Host: "You mean to say that the World Council of Churches delegated the mission of Christianizing of the world to the US."

Abd Al-Aziz: "Yes. And how could the US win legitimacy for this without anyone saying that they are perpetrating massacres and waging a Crusader war? It fabricated the 9/11 show. I call it a fabrication because much has been written on this. We are also to blame. Why do we accept a single perspective? Countless books were written, some of which were even translated into Arabic, like Thierry Meyssan's 9/11 – The Appalling Fraud [2] and Pentagate. "Pentagate" like Watergate… He brings documents to prove that the method used in destroying the three (sic) towers was "controlled demolition.

"This is an architectural engineering theory, which was invented by the Americans. They teach it in their universities. They make movies and documentaries about it. They incorporated it in movie scenarios and then carried it out in real life. Why do we accept this?"

Host: "My God, doctor. This is unbelievable! You're saying that this destruction…"

Abd Al-Aziz: "...was a controlled demolition. The building collapsed in its place, without hitting a single building to its left or right. The three towers fell in place."

Host: "In the same method they use in movies and plays?"

Abd Al-Aziz: "Yes, Exactly like that. That is how the US won international legitimacy. You could sense the (9/11) operation was pre-planned because many things were revealed in the days that followed. For example 4,000 Jews caught influenza on that exact day. They set a timer, and all 4,000…"

Host: "By God, you crack me up! They all set a timer and got influenza on the same day. So the building was completely empty of Jews."

Abd Al-Aziz: "Much has been written about this. 150 Congressmen demanded an inquiry."

This person is paranoid.

Member # 7993
 - posted
Originally posted by newcomer:
I won't bore everybody by repeating what I wrote above, as my answer to this comment is almost the same as my previous answer. However, if I heard that salama had aspirations to join the diplomatic corps and was going to smoked hash in Marina with people she despised, I might feel inclined to make a similar comment to her too!

It's one thing to comment that "I'm sure there will plenty of hash there" and another to comment that I would be personally smoking it, it was a comment on Egypt's so-called better half, to show what the so-called great arab hope of this society have to look forward to, a bunch of rich kids who smoke up their allowances. Anyway if I do choose to smoke it, it's my business and it won't stop me from becoming a diplomat, it's who you know, I'm the son of a retired 2 star general, it's already in the making rather you like it or not.

For the record, and I want you all to remember this for the rest of your lives!!!!





I am not affilliated with any religion they are all there to brainwash the ignorant masses, while the non-believers hold the keys to the universe, remember that.


Member # 1056
 - posted
Hi tempted!

I see you didn't bother to read my last response to you: http://www.egyptsearch.com/forums/Forum2/HTML/006406.html

Your latest message explains why you never complained about all the nepotism in Egypt!!From all your comments on this board, I am not surprised you had problems here in Egypt...and my guess is that they will follow you wherever you go.

[This message has been edited by newcomer (edited 23 June 2005).]

Member # 6662
 - posted
OSAMA BEN LADEN declared war on America u seem to forget...or what !!!
Member # 7434
 - posted
"Penelope look at the source of his information. Oh goodness, talk about a lack of critical thinking.

You'll believe anything won't you?"

sonsmod I don't need to check his sources cauz I've depended on them to formulate my views, I depend on facts I see, hear, or read by myself, not by what other ppl tell me.

& u'll beleive only what u like, won't u??


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