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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ChinderallaAngelTormentor CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
When you have sudden strong heart palpitations for an entire minute ..... & you sort of jump or vibrate or move like you've been electrically shocked

What is that???

Member # 12156
 - posted
ummm... not good? my mother started having heart palpitations- i guess b/c shes always stressed out and running around and it finally caught up withher. shes taking medication for it, but the medication makes her depressed, so she hates it.
Member # 6244
 - posted
Panic attacks?
ChinderallaAngelTormentor CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
OMG, Panic Attacks? Maybe [Frown]

I'm always anxious

It happened to me last night so aggressively for the first time.......... i wasnt feeling alright for a few days..... had a lot to smoke yesterday & took a sleeping pill...... then this happened
Member # 6244
 - posted
Hmmm, I don't know for sure. My mother always complained about a racing, pounding heart when she had panic attacks. I think the body releases lots of adrenaline in a fight-flight response, but since you are not doing anything but sitting there, you can feel your heart pound.

I found this, though:


Heart palpitations can be caused by:

* Exercise
* Anxiety, stress, fear
* Fever
* Caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, diet pills
* Overactive thyroid
* Anemia
* Hyperventilation
* Low levels of oxygen in your blood
* Medications such as thyroid pills, asthma drugs, beta blockers for high blood pressure or heart disease, or anti-arrhythmics (medications to treat an irregular heart rhythm can sometimes cause a different irregular rhythm)
* Mitral valve prolapse -- the valve that separates the left upper chamber (atrium) from the left lower chamber (ventricle) of the heart does not close properly
* Heart disease
Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by hibbah:
shes taking medication for it, but the medication makes her depressed, so she hates it.

The prescribed medication for panic attacks should not work on her like that; it should be the opposite. Best is she's consulting her doctor again, she might needs a different dosage or she really suffers from depression and needs other medication. Please she needs to get it checked out.

But I just want to point another thing out: Medication is not the key, not the healing answer for panic attacks. She also is in need of psychological counceling.

Lastly people - who are suffering from panic attacks - can actually only get over them if they are not anymore afraid of having one. Still trying to figure this piece out..... [Frown]
Batman, non-stop, righteous machine
Member # 11915
 - posted
Originally posted by ChinderallaAngelTormentor CAT:
When you have sudden strong heart palpitations for an entire minute ..... & you sort of jump or vibrate or move like you've been electrically shocked

What is that???


consult a doctor. this is serious
ChinderallaAngelTormentor CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
Thanks batty........... but i dont think it's that serious..... it sounds more like stress
Batman, non-stop, righteous machine
Member # 11915
 - posted
Originally posted by ChinderallaAngelTormentor CAT:
Thanks batty........... but i dont think it's that serious..... it sounds more like stress

welcome catty but again this is serious [Frown]
ChinderallaAngelTormentor CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
Originally posted by Batman, non-stop, righteous machine:
Originally posted by ChinderallaAngelTormentor CAT:
Thanks batty........... but i dont think it's that serious..... it sounds more like stress

welcome catty but again this is serious [Frown]
Dont worry [Smile] [Big Grin]
Member # 12233
 - posted
Originally posted by ChinderallaAngelTormentor CAT:
When you have sudden strong heart palpitations for an entire minute ..... & you sort of jump or vibrate or move like you've been electrically shocked

What is that???


- Write a will if you don't have one already.
- Find ways to repent.
- Become a minimalist giving away all your belongings to loved ones so that maybe they would speak well of you.
- Buy a tomb or start preparations by having someone move the bodies in the bit to make room.
- Record all your thoughts and feelings and let everyone around you know their whereabouts so that they can use that later one to reflect upon the latest moments.
And last but not least, have fun. You're embarking on a remarkable journey from which you won't return and will never see anyone around here anymore.
And yeah, buy some light clothing for the journey into the heat [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
ChinderallaAngelTormentor CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
Originally posted by MyKingdomForATaba5Koshari:
Originally posted by ChinderallaAngelTormentor CAT:
When you have sudden strong heart palpitations for an entire minute ..... & you sort of jump or vibrate or move like you've been electrically shocked

What is that???


- Write a will if you don't have one already.
- Find ways to repent.
- Become a minimalist giving away all your belongings to loved ones so that maybe they would speak well of you.
- Buy a tomb or start preparations by having someone move the bodies in the bit to make room.
- Record all your thoughts and feelings and let everyone around you know their whereabouts so that they can use that later one to reflect upon the latest moments.
And last but not least, have fun. You're embarking on a remarkable journey from which you won't return and will never see anyone around here anymore.
And yeah, buy some light clothing for the journey into the heat [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

Very funny [Roll Eyes]
Member # 12233
 - posted
Originally posted by ChinderallaAngelTormentor CAT:
Originally posted by MyKingdomForATaba5Koshari:
Originally posted by ChinderallaAngelTormentor CAT:
When you have sudden strong heart palpitations for an entire minute ..... & you sort of jump or vibrate or move like you've been electrically shocked

What is that???


- Write a will if you don't have one already.
- Find ways to repent.
- Become a minimalist giving away all your belongings to loved ones so that maybe they would speak well of you.
- Buy a tomb or start preparations by having someone move the bodies in the bit to make room.
- Record all your thoughts and feelings and let everyone around you know their whereabouts so that they can use that later one to reflect upon the latest moments.
And last but not least, have fun. You're embarking on a remarkable journey from which you won't return and will never see anyone around here anymore.
And yeah, buy some light clothing for the journey into the heat [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

Very funny [Roll Eyes]
Salamtek ya ottah. We will all miss you [Frown]
Member # 4713
 - posted
sounds like panic attacks to me too. I couldnt breath when I get them too, bloody scary. Anxiety and stress cinders. [Frown]
Member # 12234
 - posted
Heart palpitations r normal thing to ppl(even a really young one).it can appear after long being awake,a lot of coffe,stress,a lot of nicotine or many similiar situations when ur sympathic system is activ more than usual...so don't be worry so much...but anyway,if that become very offten,go to cardiology and ask for EKG...after that u'll know....
BANANA FACE., rolling the weed ...
Member # 11270
 - posted
Originally posted by ChinderallaAngelTormentor CAT:
Thanks batty........... but i dont think it's that serious..... it sounds more like stress

hey battys right in this one it can lead to further bad outbreaks u need to go and sort it i dint and look im got abloody high blood pressure and u know that cinds cus ive pmed u when im not well and wont be sstaying long ,,so sort it gal ok or i wil come there and make you ,even if its not seroius u need to see why your suffering from stress and stress can be a horrible thing been there and stil suffereng plenty but im a coverup i hidebehind myslef and lie to myself so please sort yah self ,BATTY I AGREE WITH YOU ON THIS ....
BANANA FACE., rolling the weed ...
Member # 11270
 - posted
chilllllllll and booogie
ChinderallaAngelTormentor CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
Thank you all for your concern.... I think it's stress related & yes I was awake & smoking Cigarettes non stop........ I will check it out if it happens again........ kisses

Zaone aka MK5, fock off
Batman, non-stop, righteous machine
Member # 11915
 - posted
[Razz] [Razz] [Razz]
smoking cigarette

i used to hear some bad sutff about smoker females ya catty

-ur health will get worse after somking

-infertility or may be sterility

-if u r pregant and want to give child to a baby, he will need a cigarette like u

-u will be unable o breastfeed ur baby

- ur sex hormones ( progesterone and estrogen) will be abnormal

-heart attack angina pectoris

there is some other bad stuff. u wanna know?
ya 2otta stop it [Big Grin]
ChinderallaAngelTormentor CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
I wont smoke if Im pregnant....... no way
I quit smoking three times before & went back again [Frown]

I started smoking when I was almost 22
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
Originally posted by hibbah:
shes taking medication for it, but the medication makes her depressed, so she hates it.

The prescribed medication for panic attacks should not work on her like that; it should be the opposite. Best is she's consulting her doctor again, she might needs a different dosage or she really suffers from depression and needs other medication. Please she needs to get it checked out.

But I just want to point another thing out: Medication is not the key, not the healing answer for panic attacks. She also is in need of psychological counceling.

Lastly people - who are suffering from panic attacks - can actually only get over them if they are not anymore afraid of having one. Still trying to figure this piece out..... [Frown]

Panic attacks are a form of temporary pyschosis, not a long term malady.

Its a wake up call from your body telling you to get serious about a current and temporary threat to her mental health.

if it was a long term pyschosis then it would be depression, not anxiety. Anxiety is a precursor to depression.
Batman, non-stop, righteous machine
Member # 11915
 - posted
Originally posted by ChinderallaAngelTormentor CAT:
I wont smoke if Im pregnant....... no way
I quit smoking three times before & went back again [Frown]

I started smoking when I was almost 22

da entey sett 3'albanaa [Smile]
ChinderallaAngelTormentor CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
Originally posted by Everyone's_a_Pascha:
Its a wake up call from your body telling you to get serious about a current and temporary threat to her mental health.

Member # 1056
 - posted
Prognosis of Panic disorder

Prognosis for Panic disorder: fact, proper treatment reduces or completely prevents panic attacks in 70 to 90 percent of people. Many people feel substantial relief in just weeks or months. (Source: excerpt from Getting Treatment for Panic Disorder: NIMH)

Prognosis of Panic disorder discussion: Repeated episodes of fear—commonly called panic attacks—that are typical of panic disorder can be devastating. The panic attacks, or avoidance of them, can completely take control of your life.

* Without treatment, you may continue to have panic attacks for years. The disorder can seriously interfere with your relationships with family, friends, and co-workers.

* Without treatment, your life may become severely restricted. For example, you may start to avoid certain situations where you fear you will experience a panic attack—even normal, everyday activities, such as grocery shopping or driving. In extreme cases, people with untreated panic disorder grow afraid to leave the house, a condition known as agoraphobia.

* Without treatment, you may find it difficult to be productive at work. Your symptoms may keep you from getting to your job or staying there once you arrive. You may turn down promotions or job assignments that you believe will make you more likely to have panic attacks. Some people with panic disorder even quit their jobs. Many can keep working but otherwise rarely leave home.

* Without treatment, you may become severely depressed. You may try unsuccessfully to numb the symptoms of panic disorder or depression with alcohol or other drugs. You may even begin to have thoughts about suicide. (Source: excerpt from Getting Treatment for Panic Disorder: NIMH)

Appropriate treatment by an experienced professional can reduce or prevent panic attacks in 70% to 90% of people with panic disorder. Most patients show significant progress after a few weeks of therapy. Relapses may occur, but they can often be effectively treated just like the initial episode. (Source: excerpt from Facts about Panic Disorder: NIMH)

Treatment can bring significant relief to 70 to 90 percent of people with panic disorder, and early treatment can help keep the disease from progressing to the later stages where agoraphobia develops. (Source: excerpt from Understanding Panic Disorder: NIMH)

Recurrence of Panic disorder discussion: Panic disorder is often a chronic, relapsing illness. For many people, it gets better at some times and worse at others. If a person gets treatment and appears to have largely overcome the problem, it can still worsen later for no apparent reason. These recurrences should not cause a person to despair or consider himself or herself a "treatment failure." Recurrences can be treated effectively, just like an initial episode.

In fact, the skills that a person learns in dealing with the initial episode can be helpful in coping with any setbacks. Many people who have overcome panic disorder once or a few times find that, although they still have an occasional panic attack, they are now much better able to deal with the problem. Even though it is not fully cured, it no longer dominates their lives, or the lives of those around them. (Source: excerpt from Understanding Panic Disorder: NIMH)

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