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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 5667
 - posted
Member # 9378
 - posted
ok, the fur industry is pretty sick, but I think if you can use more parts from animals you kill for meat its a good thing.
My question to you is how do you feel about fake fur?
Some anti-fur activists boycott fake fur because it encourages the continued use of fur in general, keeping the style alive.
I like a coyote hat every now and then!
Member # 1230
 - posted
Originally posted by QueenBee:
ok, the fur industry is pretty sick, but I think if you can use more parts from animals you kill for meat its a good thing.

Read the link ... Many animals are bred and tortured for fur only, their meat is not eaten.
I think torturing another living being in any way is wrong, no matter whether it's for food or for fur.
Member # 7211
 - posted
i think the whole thing with fur is just stupid!!

wonder how it would feel if someone would take out the skin of a humanbeing and wear it as a coat.. that would be lovely!
Member # 6578
 - posted
You guys make me think the birds flu was invented in chickens laboratores by scientist chickens to void the species the misery of being eaten ... it is a consipracy from inside [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Member # 7211
 - posted
looool that was a very good one [Big Grin]
H.R.H elizabeth windsor
Member # 10299
 - posted
Originally posted by Corvinous:
You guys make me think the birds flu was invented in chickens laboratores by scientist chickens to void the species the misery of being eaten ... it is a consipracy from inside [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

Corv you hit the nail on the head!!!
Was the cat found on the german island the tea boy then? Fed up by being skinned by the chinese for making real kitten toys?
H.R.H elizabeth windsor
Member # 10299
 - posted
Chicken Run 3 the movie.
chickens run for the door!!!! we've been rumbled!!!!
Member # 6578
 - posted

Where have you been since I ever came to this forum ?????????? you just give it a meaning and an authentic taste, oh God !!!
Member # 6578
 - posted
Originally posted by Serendipity:
looool that was a very good one [Big Grin]

I am so glad I can put a smile on your face dear Seren [Smile]
Member # 5667
 - posted
No matter what, using an animal's fur(which is actually their skin) can never be right, humane or 'normal'. It causes them great sufferring,and pain. It is also a well-known fact that animals used for that caused must be killed very carefully, that is not by slaughtering or any messy murdering, because if they bleed, then the fur(or the $$$) is gone. So they have to kill them in certain ways, such as beating them consistently on the head, until they die, this keeps the fur in the best state for the customer.
And as serendipity said, how would it feel, if they just pulled off human skin and made coats and collars out of it? It is the worst pain ever, and so is chopping off their heads for making them food. It's all gross and unnatural. The only reason they are reproducing in this manic way is because of their constant slaughtery.
Humans were never meant to eat animals, our teeth are built like homnivores, not carnivores. And simply, flesh and blood that are cooked can never, ever be healthy in any way. It is all poison and rotten.
I do apologize if I've offended anyone. This is simply my personal opinion.
Member # 8287
 - posted
A few years back all the animals went away.
We woke up one morning, and they just weren't there anymore. They didn't even leave us a note, or say good-bye. We never figured out quite where they'd gone.

We missed them.

Some of us thought that the world had ended, but it hadn't. There just weren't any more animals. No cats or rabbits, no dogs or whales, no fish in the seas, no birds in the skies.

We were all alone.

We didn't know what to do.

We wandered around lost, for a time, and then someone pointed out that just because we didn't have any animals anymore, that was no reason to change our lives. No reason to change our diets or to cease testing products that might cause us harm.

After all, there were still babies.

Babies can't talk. They can hardly more. A baby is not a rational thinking creature.

We made babies.

And we used them.

Some of them we ate. Baby flesh is tender and succulent.

We flayed their skin and decorated ourselves in it. Baby leather is soft and comfortable.

Some of them we tested.

We taped open their eyes, dripped detergents and shampoos in, a drop a a time.

We scarred them and scalded them. We burnt them. We clamped them and planted electrodes in their brains. We grafted, and we froze, and we irradiated.

The babies breathed our smoke, and the babies' veins flowed with our medicines and drugs, until they stopped breathing or until their blood ceased to flow.

It was hard, of course, but it was necessary.

No one could deny that.

With the animals gone, what else could we do?

Some people complained, of course. But then, they always do.

And everything went back to normal.


Yesterday, all the babies were gone.

We don't know where they went. We didn't even see them go.

We don't know what we're going to do without them.

But we'll think of something. Humans are smart. It's what makes us superior to the animals and the babies.

We'll figure something out.

© 1993 Neil Gaiman
From "Angels And Visitations" and "Smoke And Mirrors"
(ISBN 0-380-97364-2), see Avon Books,
(Audio) "Warning: Contains Language" (CD ISBN 0-9630944-7-5), DreamHaven, Inc.
Member # 1230
 - posted
Good one.
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
Originally posted by Corvinous:
You guys make me think the birds flu was invented in chickens laboratores by scientist chickens to void the species the misery of being eaten ... it is a consipracy from inside [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]


Shhh... dont tell anyone but it was me that invented mad cow disease... just doing my bit for the ozone layer! mind you... if i ever catch the bugger that invented foot n mouth... i was dating the most fantastic little sheep at the time... tragic.

Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
If god didnt want us to eat animals he wouldnt have made them out of meat!!!
Member # 9378
 - posted
So lemon you are a vegetarian? Are you guys all vegetarians?
Its a nice diet, you can eat a lot of beans and stuff for the vitamin B.
I've never been a vegetarian, and I am well aware of what the "industries" do to meat breeds and fur breeds.
I raise, hunt and slaughter various species, so its not really a question for me of what "they" do to my food. I get my beef from a small organic farm.
If you are going to eat any meat at all, there is the issue of how much of the animal you use, Inuit-style.
Member # 6244
 - posted
Organic beef is expensive! I've been trying to buy it myself...to get away from the antibiotics and growth hormones.
Member # 9378
 - posted
It is expensive, but I think most meats are artificially low priced. You can see that if you raise them well - its expensive.
Member # 7211
 - posted
Originally posted by Charm El Feikh?:
If god didnt want us to eat animals he wouldnt have made them out of meat!!!

so you eat anything with meat? you know human beings are made of meat?
what about lions, girafs, pandas, bears etc.. all are made of meat.
Member # 6244
 - posted
Are animals treated better on organic farms?

This is the common thought around here....I don't think I can give up meat, although I hate to think of animals being treated inhumanely. [Frown]
Member # 9378
 - posted
Snoozin, much better. There are guidelines individual to each state. From not consuming other animal parts, which all the big processors do, not being fed antibiotics when healthy, to the requirement that they must be able to go outside. There are density quidelines, reducing crowding and the diseases that occur from that. If you read about what food processors do to their animals its pretty gross.
The organic certification quidelines are mostly the kind of stuff you would "expect" to see in conscientious animal husbandry. Unfortunately that is not the norm.
Organic farms are inspected to ensure the requirements are being followed. Its a costly process, and all organic feed is at least 2x the price of the medicated crap they feed inorganic animals.
I decided if I wanted to eat meat I should try it myself from start to finish, and its been fabulous. I'm not conflicted about it.
Sorry for the long post!
Member # 9226
 - posted
Originally posted by QueenBee:
So lemon you are a vegetarian? Are you guys all vegetarians?
Its a nice diet, you can eat a lot of beans and stuff for the vitamin B.
I've never been a vegetarian, and I am well aware of what the "industries" do to meat breeds and fur breeds.
I raise, hunt and slaughter various species, so its not really a question for me of what "they" do to my food. I get my beef from a small organic farm.
If you are going to eat any meat at all, there is the issue of how much of the animal you use, Inuit-style.

Hi QueenBee!
I am vegetarian since ever... I was 15 when I started this diet.
Mine is a precise choice of respect for life in all its aspects and love for the animals.
What I can't accept is that we grow animals to kill and eat them, it is an arrogant behaviour as the animals can't defend themselves for example running away. It has to be a fight at the same level, if you are able to catch and kill an animal without real technological weapons only using your brain and smart thinking then you can eat it!
For the same reason I stay away from leather stuffs and of course furs!!!
I make sure that all the cosmetics I purchase are not tested on animals, etc. etc.

I read once that human beings' stomach has evolved to digest meat, but once it was not "programmed" to do so and all our ancestors were vegeterians. Actually still to digest a steak takes an average of 6 hours. I do not know if this is true, though (I can't find the article unfortunately...).

I am very happy with my choice and I can tell that if you balance well your diet it is a very healthy way of living.

Ciao! [Smile]
Member # 6244
 - posted
If my friend who is vegetarian for about 20 years, mistakenly eats some meat, she gets REALLY sick....her body is not used to trying to digest this any more.
Member # 7211
 - posted
i am not vegetarian.. but my cousin is .. [Smile]
Member # 1230
 - posted
Originally posted by MousseT:
I am vegetarian since ever... I was 15 when I started this diet.
Mine is a precise choice of respect for life in all its aspects and love for the animals.
What I can't accept is that we grow animals to kill and eat them, it is an arrogant behaviour as the animals can't defend themselves for example running away. It has to be a fight at the same level, if you are able to catch and kill an animal without real technological weapons only using your brain and smart thinking the you can eat it!
For the same reason I stay away from leather stuffs and of course furs!!!
I make sure that all the cosmetics I purchase are not tested on animals, etc. etc.

Same here. [Smile]
Member # 1230
 - posted
Originally posted by Snoozin:
If my friend who is vegetarian for about 20 years, mistakenly eats some meat, she gets REALLY sick....her body is not used to trying to digest this any more.

This happened to me as well. I didn't get that sick but my body didn't want to keep it in.
Member # 1230
 - posted
Originally posted by MousseT:
I read once that human beings' stomach has evolved to digest meat, but once it was not "programmed" to do so and all our ancestors were vegeterians. Actually still to digest a steak takes an average of 6 hours. I do not know if this is true, though (I can't find the article unfortunately...).

Our digestive system is better equipped to handle plant food. Food stays in our intestines and in those of plant eating animals for a longer time (don't know how many hours exactly) than it does in the intestines of meat eating animals. That is necessary so the body can properly *extract* all the components.

Meat eating animals, on the other hand, have a digestive system that's a bit different. Meat, once it's killed, develops a lot of toxic substances rather fast, so it has to be digested in a short period of time which is exactly what the digestive system of meat eating animals does. Their stomachs also contain a much higher amount of acid which helps in digesting the food faster.

I'm afraid I'm not very good at explaining, [Frown] but there are tons of information out there, just do a google search. I got all my knowledge from books that I read a long time ago when I first became a vegetarian and I found the subject very fascinating, so I don't have any links myself.
Member # 9226
 - posted
Dalia, that was very clear. Thanks.

Monkeys have 98% of DNA structure in common with humans and they enjoy bananas and peanuts! [Smile]
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
yes, but it was the clever monkeys that discovered fish and evolved!!!
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
Originally posted by Serendipity:
Originally posted by Charm El Feikh?:
If god didnt want us to eat animals he wouldnt have made them out of meat!!!

so you eat anything with meat? you know human beings are made of meat?
what about lions, girafs, pandas, bears etc.. all are made of meat.

You cook it, I'll eat it!!!

ive travelled all over the world, eaten many many different animals.

guinnie pig is delicious, as is llama. snake is horrid, as is kangaroo. crockodile tastes like chicken!!!

if i was starving id have no objections to killing and eating anything. and if that meant a human.....
Member # 7211
 - posted
eeeew girl i am eating dinner!!! ewwwwwwwww
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Charm El Feikh?:
if i was starving id have no objections to killing and eating anything. and if that meant a human.....

Hookay. NOW I'm a vegetarian. [Big Grin]
Member # 7211
 - posted
Originally posted by Snoozin:
Originally posted by Charm El Feikh?:
if i was starving id have no objections to killing and eating anything. and if that meant a human.....

Hookay. NOW I'm a vegetarian. [Big Grin]
hihi [Big Grin]
Member # 9226
 - posted
Originally posted by Charm El Feikh?:

guinnie pig is delicious, as is llama. snake is horrid, as is kangaroo. crockodile tastes like chicken!!!

Poor lil animals...... [Frown] [Frown] [Frown]

If I were in the lama I would have spitted in your eye before succumbing the homicide fury of your piggy mouth.... [Big Grin] [Wink] [Razz]
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
by the way the worst thing ive had to eat was a goat. the poor creatures carried equiptment up a mountain... they were on a one way ticket, i couldnt look the thing in the eye the whole way up. it got its own back, the bloody thing died before the top and we ended up carrying it!! the real payback was us wondering what it died of as we ate its ropey tough carcuss!

hows that dinner goin serendipidy?
Member # 9226
 - posted
Originally posted by Charm El Feikh?:
sorry to lower the tone... i had to laugh at the Panda, that was my ex boyfriends name (Panda from Uganda)!! i'll leave it up to your imagination!

LOLLLLLLLLLLL.... I imagine, I imagine..... [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Member # 7211
 - posted
Originally posted by Charm El Feikh?:
sorry to lower the tone... i had to laugh at the Panda, that was my ex boyfriends name (Panda from Uganda)!! i'll leave it up to your imagination!


by the way the worst thing ive had to eat was a goat. the poor creatures carried equiptment up a mountain... they were on a one way ticket, i couldnt look the thing in the eye the whole way up. it got its own back, the bloody thing died before the top and we ended up carrying it!! the real payback was us wondering what it died of as we ate its ropey tough carcuss!

hows that dinner goin serendipidy?

ewwww girl have mercy on me.. i just finished eating dinner!!
thank God i havent made anything with meat today!!
7ayat- nefsi fe molokheya
Member # 7043
 - posted
Originally posted by Serendipity:
i think the whole thing with fur is just stupid!!

wonder how it would feel if someone would take out the skin of a humanbeing and wear it as a coat.. that would be lovely!

ewww ed gein used to do that!

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