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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 4661
 - posted
What is the position about purchasing property in Luxor - it is true that property is sold at a lesser price if your Egyptian husband purchases it with you. Can one purchase a long term lease on a flat in Luxor - this would be a better idea than owning a half share in a property and if one does not speak the language how does one know if the property is not being purchased in the sole name of the man.
Member # 1680
 - posted
My advice would be to rent until you know what is what. As you have rightly identified if your husbnad and the lawyer are conspiring together yu don't stand a chance. That is exactly what happened to Luxorlover I beleive. Renting is a much better option and you can get places here really cheap. Moll has been renting in Luxor for years as a tourist coming over here 3/4 times a year and she has a lovely place.

Also it gives you a chance to decide where you want to live. which area suits you the best. There is no rush to buy not like in the Uk prices go up up and you can miss the chance of owning somewhere. Take you time and don't be pressurised.

Jane Akshar UK Co-owner of www.flatsinluxor.co.uk Appartments and Tours in Luxor

Member # 4661
 - posted
I have rented quite a bit in Luxor over the past 2 years - the problem is each time I come I stay in a different flat, must have gone through 6 different flats at this stage (did stay for 6 months in 2003) - I need to find somewhere permanent to put my things. Still need advice on the property market!

Member # 4457
 - posted
Then get a long lease on a rented flat like I have. I pay the rent all year even though i go back to England for part of it. The flat was rented unfurnished, it is 300 sq Metres has six bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and costs me 1,500 LE per month. I paid no deposit (except two months rent that the landlord holds) and my rent is fixed for the next three years. You can get empty 3 bed flats to make into a really nice home for 400 LE upwards in Luxor.

I would not buy another flat again. I might one day like to build a house (not villa) by the river but that is a pipe dream for the future now.

Member # 4661
 - posted
Luxorlover, thanks for the reply - my rented flat (3 bedrooms) for 6 months costs me LE 1,800 per month, I did think this was a bit pricy for Egyptian standards, normally I pay LE 600 per week (if I come for 2 weeks) the offer to me now is a 3 bedroom flat (unfurnished, none of the following: doors, windows, tiles, toilet fittings, furniture) down payment of LE30,000 and a monthly rent of LE700 fixed for 7 years. I then pay for all of the interior fittings after the LE30,000 is paid. Any views on this
Member # 4457
 - posted
Don't go near it. You can get a completely finished 3 bed flat in Luxor without any deposit for upwards of 400 LE a per month. Any landlord will be more than pleased to give you a two to three year fixed rent (renewable) contract on that.

I intend to stay in my flat for the next ten years. It is wonderful, is in the middle of Luxor, has five baconies, 2 air conditioning units (and a bidet in each bathroom) provided by the landlord. As I said I have paid nothing towards it at all. I just moved my furniture in.

Your 30,00 deposit would cover 5 years of rent alone on a 500 LE flat. Why buy when you can get a deal like that - and you can move out if you don't like the neighbours.

Member # 4661
 - posted
Thanks for the reply - Maybe I should have doubts about my so called "husband".
Is it because you are a resident you get flats at this price - I met a woman on Egyptair who rents for LE 1,200 per month.

Member # 1056
 - posted
Hi lotusflower!

What you are describing sounds like what is called “tamlik” it is a way of slowly buying an apartment. You pay a large initial deposit and then a smaller monthly “rental” then at the end of the “rental” period you own the apartment. It is a very common practice here in Cairo and the way of making it easier for many people to be able to afford to buy their apartments. It sounds like you will need to get the contract checked out well before you start paying out anything though!


Member # 4661
 - posted
Thanks newcomer, this may actually throw some light on the property matter -- the laywer is stongly negotiating the monthly rental period to a term of 10 years (after this interest is paid at 4 per cent on the LE 700 per month-which would then bring the rent to LE 728 per month from the 11th year - there is an option of purchasing the apartment outright after the 10 year period.
Member # 4457
 - posted
You see the problem with these deals is that you are always renting. Why pay out all that money when you are still renting? You have been offered an option to buy after ten years. Whopee! A lot can happen in ten years. If you leave after 9 can you sell it to someone else. No. If you look at flats to buy outright in Luxor they range from about £15,000 STerling upwards completely finished.

You cannot compare the cost of renting a flat in Luxor with that of renting one in Cairo. I have already been told (by someone who lives there) that my flat would cost at least 4,000 LE per month in Cairo instead of the 1,500 that I pay for it. (the original 3 bedroom half of the flat cost me 650 LE).

There are thousands of empty flats in Luxor that are already finished. Landlords are desperate for people to put in them. some of them have been empty for years. It's a renter's market - bargain like crazy.

Can I give you a piece of advice about lawyers? If there are two parties to a contract never ever use the same lawyer between you. If one lawyer is Moslem then get a christian lawyer and visa versa. Not because one is more honest than the other but because there is less likely to be collusion between them if they are of different religions.

I doubt that there is a queue of people waiting for the flat so make him an offer, He will say no. Let him stew for a while. He will come back to the negotiating table and be more reasonable.

Only you know whether you can trust your husband or not. If he has not negotiated the long-term rent of a flat before then he might not know what the cost is either. To solve any future problems make sure that the lease in entirely in your name.

It's a bit like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted but my lease is now in my name - my flat is my castle

[This message has been edited by Luxorlover (edited 03 July 2004).]

Member # 4661
 - posted
Thanks for all of your advice. I have read the other forums with interest.

I have read the other forums with interest. I certainly had doubts about my husband many times and sometimes still do (the languare is a barrier - he does have English and getting better at the languare).

I think that I may have been the victim of the same felluca/motor boat being sold again and again. I would be the first to stand up and say yes I was a fool!!, I did give him money to buy one of these motor-boats, about Stg.£7,000. Having discovered he was lying to me he then told me he used the money to buy land with the intention of building a house. When I asked for the money back he offered me a flat in his villa. I did visit his village (about 12 klms from Luxor) many times. Nice to visit but not for me to live there. He lives with his family in one of these mud houses, mud floors, no proper sanitary facilities, running water etc. extremely nice family though - his child is the mose adorable child I have ever seen - follows me everwhere and insists that I stay overnight which I have done many times - now calls me Mama ! I do have some sympathy with his family with this kind of living.

However, the women I have met seem to be extremely happy, quite content with their lot, strong minded, all of them seemed to be happily married and have husbands who are most loving to them and treat them like queens (not "wife beaters", a term associated with Muslim men).
I have spoken to many women in the UK who would love to be a "stay at home wife" expecially when the children are young, rather than joining the rat race, due to the economic pressures put upon married couples with rising house costs, and having to juggle their time between the home, creches, early morning tubes, a full day's work, seeking time off work when the children are ill, and then trying to make ends meet having paid for the mortgage, car, household bills etc.

Now who has the easier life?

I do like the country, the people, the culture, the lifestyle etc. (him most of the time when we are not squabbling over the subject of what he says is the final word - any man who thinks he is superior to a woman (Egyptian or not) does not wash with me).

I have read Jane's comments with interest and I do so envy her life. I do miss the life in Luxor and hope to make a permanent home for myself there for the future.


Member # 1056
 - posted
Originally posted by lotusflower:
Thanks newcomer, this may actually throw some light on the property matter -- the laywer is stongly negotiating the monthly rental period to a term of 10 years (after this interest is paid at 4 per cent on the LE 700 per month-which would then bring the rent to LE 728 per month from the 11th year - there is an option of purchasing the apartment outright after the 10 year period.

Hi lotusflower!

I understand at the end of the “rental” period that you only have to pay a nominal amount to complete the purchase of the property, but you would need to check on that also. I suppose in the end it depends whether you have the 15,000GBP Luxorlover mentioned to be able to buy outright and also whether you are really in it for the long-term, whether or not things work out with your husband, and if you are if that is the property you want to live in. Good luck, whatever you decide.


Member # 4457
 - posted
Why don't you rent a flat in your name for a year and then decide what you want to do from there. It wuld also give you the time to get furniture together etc.

If the landlord is talking about selling his flat to you after ten years - what kind of nominal sum are we talking about? I doubt that it would be all that nominal and certainly not peppercorn.

Is the flat in Luxor or on the West BAnk.

[This message has been edited by Luxorlover (edited 04 July 2004).]

Member # 4457
 - posted
I've just had a couple of horrible thoughts (forgive me if I am entirely off beam.)

(a) Is this flat in his villa? (b) Daft question really - the land that was bought - is it in your name?

Don't reply to the questions on line. If you want to 'talk' to me do if off-line on Lizasutton@hotmail.com. That way both of us can aviod the moral lash back of those that feel they can walk on water.

[This message has been edited by Luxorlover (edited 04 July 2004).]

Member # 4661
 - posted
The flat is in a rather up market area of Luxor.

The land on the west bank is not in my name (loss to me but I have free use of the villa when it is built) this is to be built at his costs now.

My idea was to stay independent of his family on the West Bank - the flat will mainly be used (for him and I when I am there) when I am not in Luxor the flat will be used for business in that I hope to market the flat for tourists & send over friends, visitors etc. to be charged at a weekly rate in Stg. (but free use for my family), the hubby to take over from there with tours, boat trips etc.

Negotiotions to date are deposit Stg£2,700, costs of interior fittings and furniture Stg.£5,000.00. The flat will be in joint names - long term lease of 9 years at the agreed rent of Stg.£60.00 per month.

If matters do not work out between my husband and I (& we terminate the agreement) I recover my deposit and furniture (not the costs of the interior fittings).
I have no intention of parting with big wads of cash to purchase a flat outright with any man from Luxor.


Member # 4638
 - posted
How do you find out where the flats are in Luxor - is it thru' friends i.e. Egyptian friends or are there agents in Luxor?
When a flat is found and an agreement is reached do you go to a solicitor to sign the contract?
Do you get a bill for the electricity, if so how do you understand it???!
Sorry to ask such dumb sounding questions but these things bother me!
We would very much like a long lease on a flat so that it can be a base for us to travel to other parts of Egypt and of course come home during the summer.

Member # 4661
 - posted
Through Egyptian people - there are many people in Luxor acting as Estate agents - contacts etc. Once the matter is agreed between both parties (vendor and purchaser) the matter is drawn up legally before a lawyer and registerd with the Courts. The vendor will arrange to transfer the electicity,water and phone line into the purchasers's name.
Member # 4661
 - posted
Just to mention this type of lease deal is only available if you have the green paper orfi marriage (registered with Court stamps) with an Egyptian man.
Member # 1056
 - posted
Hi lotusflower!

A couple of quick thoughts. You started talking about LE then switched to GBP, I know it isn’t possible to predict the exchange rate in the future, but you may get a better price if the contract was in LE.
If you are paying all these costs and you end up terminating the contract after a few years, and it seems a possibility as you don’t seem fully confident of your husband from what you have said, he will obviously stand to gain quite well from the deal.
The tamlik that was described to me in Cairo was a 70,000LE deposit with a 200LE monthly rent, but I don’t know how much the last payment to purchase was, but was told it would be nominal. Hope this helps.


Member # 4661
 - posted
Yes you are right the contract is in LE£, the monthly contract is agreed at LE 600. If the contract is terminated the deposit returns to me.
Member # 4638
 - posted
Thanks lotusflower for your help, we are not orfi married to an Egyptian, so I assume that will put a different slant on the lease thing.
We have been offered the help from an Egyptian man whose family we visit - we do feel he is a genuine guy but as mentioned here many times there would be a niggling doubt as far as leases/money etc.
But at least luxorlover has mentioned prices etc which is a great help.
The one thing I am a little concerned about, if we do accept the help of the guy. I don't want him thinking he can visit.
I know Luxor is a small place but are there better areas as regards renting a flat.
I suppose some thing overlooking the Nile would be impossible?! That would be paradise especially with the call to prayer.

Member # 1680
 - posted
Originally posted by mydream:
Thanks lotusflower for your help, we are not orfi married to an Egyptian, so I assume that will put a different slant on the lease thing.
We have been offered the help from an Egyptian man whose family we visit - we do feel he is a genuine guy but as mentioned here many times there would be a niggling doubt as far as leases/money etc.
But at least luxorlover has mentioned prices etc which is a great help.
The one thing I am a little concerned about, if we do accept the help of the guy. I don't want him thinking he can visit.
I know Luxor is a small place but are there better areas as regards renting a flat.
I suppose some thing overlooking the Nile would be impossible?! That would be paradise especially with the call to prayer.

Be very careful about places overlooking the Nile on the West Bank. A lot of people have caught a cold there as the land they were 'sold' wasn't building land. The sale papers are not worth the paper they are writen on. The government has started to demolish houses there even of Westerners who had whole sheafs of paper work including licenses for water and electricity and receipts from the city council.

I continually thank God that my Mahmoud was sensible enough to reject land there and build where we are overlooking the Theban hills. I think the view is spectacular and we also have proper paper work from Cairo for the land, the flats and the swimming pool.

It is definately a case of let the buyer beware.

Jane Akshar UK Co-owner of www.flatsinluxor.co.uk Appartments and Tours in Luxor

Member # 4638
 - posted
Thanks akshar but we are interested in renting not buying
Member # 4713
 - posted
Originally posted by akshar:
My advice would be to rent until you know what is what. As you have rightly identified if your husbnad and the lawyer are conspiring together yu don't stand a chance. That is exactly what happened to Luxorlover I beleive. Renting is a much better option and you can get places here really cheap. Moll has been renting in Luxor for years as a tourist coming over here 3/4 times a year and she has a lovely place.

Also it gives you a chance to decide where you want to live. which area suits you the best. There is no rush to buy not like in the Uk prices go up up and you can miss the chance of owning somewhere. Take you time and don't be pressurised.

Hi, am new to this so excuse my lack of how it works. I found this site while searching for stuff on luxor. Recently come back from 2nd visit there and cant wait to get back (yes of course a man is involved) but i had previously decided to move to egypt anyway now its luxor instead of cairo!! Thing is i am stuck in finding HOW one finds somewhere to rent if i decide on moving (which i have)and am coming back in Sept for 1 week and also need a flat then. Jane's are all booked for the time i am there so thats out. I have been reading from this site that its easy to rent and cheap too but WHERE do i find places?? Sorry if i seem like i am rambling but just want to get away from here asap and get back to luxor!! Also would like info on working there, i am english with TEFL cert only, work in finances and am learning Arabic (slowly), Shukran in advance, Ayisha

Member # 4457
 - posted
There are actually a couple of estate agents in Luxor that deal with the long term let of flats but they have a tendency to be pricey. www.Egypt-Rentaflat.com should give you some idea of what to expect if you are looking for something up market.

As for general letting - well, each few streets has a sort of freelance agent that knows of all the vacant flats in his area. He takes commission from both sides of the deal but only when he has found you a flat that you like. He will accompany you around dozens if need be until you find one that suits.

All you have to do is let it be known to a few Egyptians that you are flat hunting and you will be swamped with offers. One word of warning though. You will be asked how much rent you are willing to pay and every flat you are shown good or bad will be at that price. Remember that nothing in Egypt has a fixed price tag so bargain. If you find a flat that you like make an offer on the rent just as you would make an offer if you were buying.

You can have a lease in your own name. YOu do not need a man for it, Eyptian or European. My lease is entirely in my name. It is not a problem. It only becomes a problem if you want an Egyptian man to live with you. Then you must have a marriage certificate or the police may come after you.

Rents can be less if an Egyptian arranges it but that is only because they are better at bargaining.

As for letting a flat yourself. That is fraught with problems if you want it to be your home when you are there. The husband of a friend of mine let her flat out while she was in England and the woman that rented it stole all her clothes. When my friend returned all the wardrobes and drawers were completely empty.

I think that you either get a flat as a business deal to let out or you get one to live in - the two situations seldon sit comfortably together. It seems a good way of alleviating the problem of paying the rent for times when you are not there but rents are relatively cheap and in the long run it is worth keeping the place just for yourself.

Member # 4638
 - posted
Thanks Loxorlover
That has answered a lot of my questions too!
Member # 4713
 - posted
Originally posted by Luxorlover:
Don't go near it. You can get a completely finished 3 bed flat in Luxor without any deposit for upwards of 400 LE a per month. Any landlord will be more than pleased to give you a two to three year fixed rent (renewable) contract on that.

I intend to stay in my flat for the next ten years. It is wonderful, is in the middle of Luxor, has five baconies, 2 air conditioning units (and a bidet in each bathroom) provided by the landlord. As I said I have paid nothing towards it at all. I just moved my furniture in.

Your 30,00 deposit would cover 5 years of rent alone on a 500 LE flat. Why buy when you can get a deal like that - and you can move out if you don't like the neighbours.

who is your landlord!!!!!!! i want one like that!!

Member # 4713
 - posted
Originally posted by lotusflower:
Just to mention this type of lease deal is only available if you have the green paper orfi marriage (registered with Court stamps) with an Egyptian man.

OK can someone explain green paper orfi marriage please. how is it done, what do we need, how long does it take. i am english he is egyptian we both muslim. Man i am soooo glad i found you lot!!


Member # 4457
 - posted
There's a whole line on Orfi marriages. Call up the search. You'll find a lot of information there.

(My flat cost me a lot more than 500 by the way but that is only because I knocked two flats into one).

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