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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 5546
 - posted
My wife and I are moving from North America to Cairo shortly, and are wondering whether we should live in Zamalek or Maadi. We have a 12-month old baby, and want to choose the best location for her. The commute to work for both of us from Maadi seems arduous, but we're told that it is a better neighborhood for young children. What do you recommend? We're concerned with finding a caregiver, playgroups, areas to walk around in, as well as the commute to downtown.
Thanks in advance for any advise you might have.
Member # 3567
 - posted

Hi Jim, great to hear your little family moves to Egypt.

I recommend you live in Maadi, its just more greener, cleaner and quite than superbusy Zamalek.

Many Americans employing women from the Phillipines - which have a very good knowledge of English - as cleaning ladies and nannies.

In Maadi you will also find the "Maadi House" its a cultural place for all Americans in town. By the way most of them live in that area.

If your wife will not drive by herself you can arrange that most of the times a special and well-known taxi driver takes your wife and child to downtown. Cab fares are much more cheaper than in the US. But I am pretty sure your wife will make friends with other fellow American wives and their kids soon so don't worry.

By the way the commissary - where you can buy American products - is located also in Maadi.

Well then, don't worry to much about your move, its going to be exciting for all of you to live in Cairo. Egyptians are very friendly and helpful.

Enjoy your stay!

Member # 5528
 - posted
Hello Jim,
I am Egyptian and i am also an achitect engineer, and i think to simplify my openion about maadi and Zamalk i will put is in points:
Crowdeness & quite : Maadi is more less Crowdness and more Quite than Zamalk ( Zamalk is an island living too many people in there)
Traffic: Maadi is easier in traffic may be u will miss your way in your first months as i did cause most of old maadi is curved way it is which is very good for residential areas to be no high traffic on it.
greenry: Allthough Zamalk is an island in Nile but the greenery in maadi is more cause they use lands for building
childs: more safe in maadi than Zamalk
access to Downtown: Zamalk is better in that may be the different is about 15 min

Price: I think u can get something better in maadi with the same price u can get in Zamalk (not sure about this one but i think so)
u can check about both of them in this site http://www.coldwellbanker-eg.com

hope a nice and happy life in Egypt


Member # 5546
 - posted
Thank you for replying. This is very helpful! If anyone has some other thoughts, please let me know.
Member # 5164
 - posted

We arrived in Cairo about two weeks ago and have been actively researching flats. We are currently staying in Zamalack but planning to move to Maadi soon. You can send me an email at sharonva1@yahoo.com for specific questions.


Member # 151
 - posted
Yes, I'm going to give you the other side of the coin.

Maadi is right for you IF you have school age children because the best foreigner schools are in Maadi. That is what your friend/employer/whoever meant when they said Maadi was a better neighborhood for "young children". A 12 month old baby doesn't qualify in the age group that you need to be in Maadi for yet. If you are still in Egypt when your child goes to school, you'd probably want to move to Maadi, but that is a few years down the road.

Now, for the advantages of Zamalek. Being that you have a child that age, I'm taking a wild guess here that you are in your 30's. Am I close? If so, you probably will be very happy in Zamalek. Usually Zamalek is good for singles, but as a young couple you will find many expats in your age range in Zamalek and loads more culture, good restaurants and things YOU may enjoy doing near Zamalek.
Lily talks about the Maadi House. She clearly doesn't know that ALL Americans are not welcome to join the Maadi house. If you are on the roster of companies they will allow to join (ie: Embassy, Military, and a few select contractors) then you may be able to join, but again, your child won't be able to use the facilities there for a couple more years really. The only other way to get inside the Maadi House is as a guest of a member. There are other, less expensive clubs that you can join closer to Zamalek, if you like that sort of social scene.

Zamalek has quiet safe streets to walk with the baby as well. There are gardens and nice places to visit for play time, and there are nursery schools EVERYWHERE in Cairo.

Is your wife working? Your post sounds like you both plan to work. If so, I see no reason why Zamalek wouldn't be great for you, if the daily commute is better from Zamalek. Where will you be working?

The ONLY thing I can think of that you might enjoy being closer to in Maadi is the baseball fields. Some Amerian men really enjoy getting on the spring teams and playing ball. Not that you can't do it from Zamalek, but they usually don't. Other than that, really, honest to God, the culture scene, the restaurant scene, the social scene, especially if you are in your 30's is significantly better in Zamalek.

And Zamalek is green and safe. 90% of the Emabassies are there.... they can't all be wrong.

Good luck on your move and WELCOME.

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Member # 3567
 - posted

Jim, you are definitely better off with your family in Maadi. We just lived on a side road off the Maadi house with three other American families living in our building. Especially living in a totally different environment like Egypt you want to have contacts to people from the US.

Maadi is much cleaner and quite than Zamalek. Its definitely better for your baby (I have three children myself). I lived in both areas. Zamalek is good for you when you want to enjoy the nightlife also Mohandseen or even Heliopolis. Downtown is not really a distance from Maadi - 15 to 20 min you'll drive straight the Corniche along if you work f. e. at the Embassy.

PS: Child care facilities are also widely available in Maadi.

Anyway you will see and decide - wish you all the best for the move!

Member # 1439
 - posted
Just another thing to add: Maadi may be greener, but the mosquitos are a nightmare half the year. They're much worse than in other parts of Cairo, in my opinion.
Member # 5528
 - posted
Originally posted by ExptinCAI:
Just another thing to add: Maadi may be greener, but the mosquitos are a nightmare half the year. They're much worse than in other parts of Cairo, in my opinion.

yes u are right but there is a new thing here the Egyptain create it to minizie the effect of mosquito which is the wire mesh
which allow air and same time prevent mosquite to some extent


Member # 1230
 - posted
Originally posted by MohdAnwar:

yes u are right but there is a new thing here the Egyptain create it to minizie the effect of mosquito which is the wire mesh
which allow air and same time prevent mosquite to some extent

I have screens on all of my windows and they are very effective. My windows are open all summer, but I never get mosquito bites. I used to think there just weren't many around, but when I spend an evening at my neighbours who has a balcony and open doors I am covered with bites.


Member # 1439
 - posted
Originally posted by MohdAnwar:

yes u are right but there is a new thing here the Egyptain create it to minizie the effect of mosquito which is the wire mesh
which allow air and same time prevent mosquite to some extent

And how will this great invention called wire mesh work when you are talking a walk or you're out with the baby?


Member # 5105
 - posted
put the baby in a bubble.

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