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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 9095
 - posted
From what I read in one of the Egyptian newspaper,its one of the raison of harassement, is due to the fact that a lot of low class men can not afford to get married

Some of them can not afford either to have a family, due to the high level of unemployment in Egypt. No money to marry a wife means sexual needs can not be satisfied.

What about a law to financially assist those who cannot afford to get marreid?

Any other solutions?
MK in Uggs
Member # 8356
 - posted
Thank you Souri for starting this thread because the video thread went, as usual, into all the wrong directions.

Helping those males financially in order to afford marriage will not solve the problem. Many married men are also guilty of those evil acts.

I am more into an ambulant solution. I'd rather go in the direction of: "How can we empower women to defend themselves and stop sexual harassment before it starts?".

If we wait until those bacteria find jobs and get married, sexual harassment will go on forever.
Member # 9095
 - posted
But why do they harass women like this? I do not think that the reason is because they are all perverts.

It’s been mentioned many times that the problem also arises from the lack of education they receive from their mothers. The poor education has an impact on their lives in terms of how they respect (or rather lack of) for women in their life.
MK in Uggs
Member # 8356
 - posted
From the moment a boy is born in Egypt, he is being told that he is the supreme gender.

He is allowed, or sometimes even asked, to hit his sister, boss her around, decide when she goes out and comes back home, even if she was 20 years older than him.

He sees his father beat his mother and call her names. He knows his mother is afraid of his father and takes this into his subconscious as "all women are afraid of all men".

I was having a very nice discussion with someone I call a "PM friend", who was wondering how and when our culture became so hostile with women along the years.

And it's on all levels.

I mean in the ancient times, women ruled Egypt, and now we have one female minister of a practically powerless ministry. And even when she was assigned, she got all the sshit on her head because she is a woman! (Oh is Amal Othman still there by the way? [Confused] )

Anyway, to answer your question Souri, I think it's a domino effect and a reflection of the upbringing of those boys.

For those who will start the boring song about blaming the Islam, oppression of women existed way belong the Islam came. And the Islam never stated that men are allowed to poke into women's nether-orifices everywhere they go. So spare me this crap.
Member # 9095
 - posted
He sees his father beat his mother and call her names. He knows his mother is afraid of his father and takes this into his subconscious as "all women are afraid of all men".

Do you think or feel as an Egyptian, that the status of woman in Egypt is degrading or is getting a little bit better?
Some women now finally dare to speak out via internet like this poor girl who got harassed in town, but as Cat has mentioned, many other do not know how to write and read, so for them is even worse.

Are there in the Egypt many other women like you and Cat who are ready to make things change by teaching (your) young children to respect women?

You both are representing the new generation of Egyptian women , is the new generation and the old one have different view, opinion of the problem?
Member # 3567
 - posted
MK is overdoing it - as usual.

Surely there are couples in Egypt, where the husband hits his wife while arguing or he doesn't like what she did etc. Anyway, it's not an excuse to treat a spouse like that, this is 'lowest scum'.

But violence in marriages you will find not only in a place like Egypt but everywhere in this world.

And I've seen some pretty tough Egyptian women - mainly from the upper class - who would never accepted a treatment like this from their husbands.

Not every Egyptian husband is violent and abusive physically or even emotionally. This is a pretty dark picture MK is trying to draw here.

Although I must admit many Egyptian men do have much pride and ego and many of them don't like a woman telling them what to do and giving them 'attitude'. They can't take if the 'weaker sex' has an own opinion and is willing to stick to it.

I do agree on the part, that all Egyptian boys more or less are up as 'little gods', they learn to have more attention, more rights than their female siblings (if they do have them).

But just to point this one last time out: The majority of Egyptian men DON'T harass women but if you are alone on the street and you get looked at, talked to in an unkind way, even touched - it does feel like everyone is harassing you.

And mostly the underprivileged younger men are the perpetrators.

Seriously, Souri, I don't really see a solution for this problem - unless the men would stop this kind of unrespectful behaviour - and I don't think they will.
MK in Uggs
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
MK is overdoing it - as usual.

Surely there are couples in Egypt, where the husband hits his wife while arguing or he doesn't like what she did etc. Anyway, it's not an excuse to treat a spouse like that, this is 'lowest scum'.

I only read until here. What do you actually know about our culture?

As far as I remember, from Sono's posts actually, you lived for 3 years in Zamalek, as a fake nanny to your boyfriend ( [Big Grin] ), going to pubs, and that's where you met your husband while being officially with the Egyptian boyfriend.

You yourself stated that you never read a book in your life. So I won't even discuss any literature with you about domestic abuse of women. That would be useless.

I live already 10 years in Holland and I never dare claim to be more knowledgeable about the Dutch culture than any Dutch person. It just sounds extremely dumb to me.

Sorry Souri, I will not turn the thread into a fight. But she just needs to know where she stands.
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
MK is overdoing it - as usual.

Hmmm, I just asked my husband to read what MK wrote, and he lived in Egypt for 28 years....he agrees with her assessment. Not everyone acts like this, but such deference to males is much more a part of Egyptian culture than Western.
Katanga The Great
Member # 12233
 - posted
Originally posted by MK in Uggs:
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
MK is overdoing it - as usual.

Surely there are couples in Egypt, where the husband hits his wife while arguing or he doesn't like what she did etc. Anyway, it's not an excuse to treat a spouse like that, this is 'lowest scum'.

I only read until here. What do you actually know about our culture?

As far as I remember, from Sono's posts actually, you lived for 3 years in Zamalek, as a fake nanny to your boyfriend ( [Big Grin] ), going to pubs, and that's where you met your husband while being offically with the Egyptian boyfriend.

I live already 10 years in Holland and I never dare claim to be more knowledgeable about the Dutch culture than any Dutch person. It just sounds extremely dumb to me.

Sorry Souri, I will not turn the thread into a fight. But she just needs to know where she stands.

I agree wholeheartedly with Tigerlily. Actually, she draws more of a realistic picture than MK on the subject.
MK in Uggs
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by Left.Side.Lying.State.Of.Mind:
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
MK is overdoing it - as usual.

Hmmm, I just asked my husband to read what MK wrote, and he lived in Egypt for 28 years....he agrees with her assessment. Not everyone acts like this, but such deference to males is much more a part of Egyptian culture than Western.
Thank you LSLSM.

During my work in Egypt, I encountered DAILY cases of women admitted to the hospital with injuries due to domestic abuse. I am really still traumatized by what I saw.

Some guys throw caustic substances at their ex-fiancees for breaking up with them.

Of course not everyone does that, but a considerable majority sees domestic abuse of women as a normal thing.

Originally posted by Katanga The Great:
I agree wholeheartedly with Tigerlily. Actually, she draws more of a realistic picture than MK on the subject.

You are lying for fun.

Ya kazzab!
Member # 9095
 - posted
I agree wholeheartedly with Tigerlily. Actually, she draws more of a realistic picture than MK on the subject.

And what is your opignon ? can you also draw a picture of any subject ?
*The Dark Angel* aka CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
Originally posted by *Souri*:
I agree wholeheartedly with Tigerlily. Actually, she draws more of a realistic picture than MK on the subject.

And what is your opignon ? can you also draw a picture of any subject ?

ROFL [Big Grin]
Katanga The Great
Member # 12233
 - posted
Originally posted by *Souri*:
I agree wholeheartedly with Tigerlily. Actually, she draws more of a realistic picture than MK on the subject.

And what is your opignon ? can you also draw a picture of any subject ?

In order for a productive conversation to take place, prejudices and biases must be minimized so that the sound of reason can prevail.
Member # 9095
 - posted
In order for a productive conversation to take place, prejudices and biases must be minimized so that the sound of reason can prevail.

so why are you taking sides with a particular forum user here, without understanding the context of what others are saying ?

Im waiting to read your your opignon on the subject .........
Member # 11552
 - posted
Are Egyptian men and women basically different from men and women around the world? In my opinion, the answer is no. What is significant is the circumstances of men and women. Egypt is a third world country, with an appalling human rights record, run by a government regarded by many as a brutal dictatorship. This is hardly fertile ground for social development. Men and women alike don't have the freedom to express their opinions properly. The law offers little protection to anyone and abuse of power occurs at every level.

All people may be unequal in Egypt but women are more unequal than men (sorry George). Throughout history, internationally, women have had to struggle and fight to attain equality. Is religion a factor, in the complex mix? Yes. Religion has always been used to oppress women world-wide. It is certainly not the only factor though and I understand that focusing only this aspect frustrates those seeking a wider political debate.

In a patriarchal society, the role of women is minimised at every turn. I agree that mothers have a vital role to play but they contribute from a socially inferior position. Democratic participation has to occur outside the family too, in public life, at all levels of society. Men need positive role models outside the home. When women are equal citizens. contributing fully to society, they will be in a stronger position to deal with harassment issues. The education of men is part of this process.

It is wrong to assume that there hasn't been and isn't a feminist movement in Egypt. The barriers are just too great to overcome quickly. Sexual harassment and abuse of women is a struggle throughout the world. What disturbs me is insidious attitude of some on this forum. Let's be very clear that no one is blaming all men. What is being blamed is the culture and laws that allow abuse to go unchallenged.

The attitude of some on this forum is puzzling. Refusing to acknowledge harassment issues appears like condoning abuse, on the spurious grounds that it might make Egypt look bad. This is madness. Sexual abuse and harassment harms any nation. Particularly odious is the drive to repress speech and keep it all between Egyptians. I understand the pain of seeing others comment on your country's open wounds. Seeking to plaster over these doesn't work. I have no problem with debating issues involving my country or any country. I don't urge fellow citizens to whisper quietly, less any outsiders overhear our flaws. I am happy to argue and denounce moronic views, when expressed by westerners. Some Egyptians seem incapable of grasping how damaging denial is. Communications techniques are so fast and sophisticated these days. The world has become much more open and injustices more transparent. Issues such as sexual harassment, rape and abuse will continue to receive coverage, wherever they occur in the world. Maybe exposure is exactly what Egypt needs, to counter a subculture of denial.
Katanga The Great
Member # 12233
 - posted
Originally posted by SayWhatYouSee:

The attitude of some on this forum is puzzling. Refusing to condone abuse and harassment - as it might make Egypt look bad - is madness. Sexual abuse and harassment harms any nation. Particularly odious is the drive to repress speech and keep it all between Egyptians. I understand the pain of seeing others comment on your country's open wounds. Seeking to plaster over these doesn't work. I have no problem with debating issues involving my country or any country. I don't urge fellow citizens to whisper quietly, less any outsiders overhear our flaws. I am happy to argue and denounce moronic views, when expressed by westerners. Some Egyptians seem incapable of grasping how damaging denial is. Communications techniques are so fast and sophisticated these days. The world has become much more open and injustices more transparent. Issues such as sexual harassment, rape and abuse will continue to receive coverage, wherever they occur in the world. Maybe exposure is exactly what Egypt needs, to counter a subculture of denial.

I agree wholeheartedly [Big Grin]
If only this subject wasn't initiated by MK [Mad]
Member # 6244
 - posted
Well said, as usual, SWYS.

And in dumbed-down terms for the Dr. Phil crowd, *you can't change what you don't acknowledge.*
Katanga The Great
Member # 12233
 - posted
Originally posted by Left.Side.Lying.State.Of.Mind:
Well said, as usual, SWYS.

And in dumbed-down terms for the Dr. Phil crowd, *you can't change what you don't acknowledge.*

I don't acknowledge. Thus, there is nothing to change. This whole thing is blown way out of proportion and being fueled by personal vendetta issues with regard to social class struggle. In short just vanity [Big Grin]
Member # 6244
 - posted
When does it become a problem? By mere numbers? So any one particular woman has no value?
Member # 11552
 - posted
Heh, heh, LHLSOM. [Smile]

Katanga, you are dismissing the written claims presented to you by members of this forum, as well as news reports. That is disrespectful to women. I think I see why you are in denial over sexual harassment issues. You are projecting the values of good men onto all Egyptian men. Women on this forum are not attacking all Egyptian men, far from it. How many women here have to tell you this, before you believe it?
Member # 12272
 - posted
So with my little bit of time here are my two cents,

I grew up partly in Egypt to two egyptian parents. my mom and dad were pretty equal in our household. they were both proffessors so upper mid class.
Since i was 10 years old i have been harrassed in Egypt.. little things like whistles and words all the way to men in buses pulling out their dicks etc.. or a man in a VW calling me over I thought he needed directions and there it was in his hand. I was 12 so what a shock I just walked away, mid afternoon too. i could not say that it happened to my parents for it was so embarrassing to me. I have lived abroad the other half of my life and have since not gotten anything even remotly similar. I am noyt saying it does not exist i am sure it does, it just has not happened to me.
Sexual frustration is defintly part of it, men supeiority is another big problem but like SWYS said Egypt has an appaling record in human rights and it starts all the way with how almost every second person treates someone they are superior to.

Katanga you may not realize that it happens for I am assuming you are a man. So the odds are it probably did not happen to you and you can't speak of someone elses experiences. ( And by the way what is wrong with gay pride day ( from another thread). they are harmless and mostly kind and whatever they do in their beds is their own business.)

To call these people in Egypt bacteria does not really solve the problem either for they are human beings that have been pushed to the point where they are incapable of recognising right from wrong. And everyone in Egypt is partially responsable.
There is a Yogi saying "recognize that the person infront of you is you". I believe that might be to big of a concept to grasp but maybe worth contemplating.
Member # 11552
 - posted
PS: I've edited a sentence or two in an above post, lest Katanga misunderstands.
Katanga The Great
Member # 12233
 - posted
Originally posted by SayWhatYouSee:
Heh, heh, LHLSOM. [Smile]

Katanga, you are dismissing the written claims presented to you by members of this forum, as well as news reports. That is disrespectful to women. I think I see why you are in denial over sexual harassment issues. You are projecting the values of good men onto all Egyptian men. Women on this forum are not attacking all Egyptian men, far from it. How many women here have to tell you this, before you believe it?

We have to distinguish between just ranting and serious attitudes towards serious issues.
First, we have to agree that a serious issue is in place here. In order to come to an agreement that couldn't be disputed over, we must have statistically significant data indicating a phenomena in the works. Without the data (that is not disputable, that is reputable) we're stuck with personal opinions that arise from a person seizing a one incident opportunity to pour her utter hatred and contempt towards her own people.
I think I have made my position clear. I will continue to demean such attempts not from a male chauvinism standpoint, not because of patriotism, but because of total and utter despise for lack of truthfulness in one's attitudes. [Cool]
Member # 10655
 - posted
Originally posted by *Souri*:
From what I read in one of the Egyptian newspaper,its one of the raison of harassement, is due to the fact that a lot of low class men can not afford to get married

Some of them can not afford either to have a family, due to the high level of unemployment in Egypt. No money to marry a wife means sexual needs can not be satisfied.

What about a law to financially assist those who cannot afford to get marreid?

Any other solutions?

If it's about sexual needs how come we don't see women sexually harassing men too? They have their needs too.

I don't see how pinching a woman can satisfy anyone's sexual needs.

It has as much to do with sex as rape has, which is NOTHING!

Egyptians are in a state of losing hope over the present and future. they are persecuted, stripped from their rights, teased by the powerful and wealthy everywhere, and therfore feel so frustrated. They can't feel in control of their life. Can't fulifil their basic needs of marriage, work, and being heard, therfore they start to get violent out of frustration as away of excerising a power they lack 'by any means'.

Each will excericize this power on those lower than them in stregnth, Men with women and women with their children and the circles goes on towards total chaos.

The backup Egyptians had before (Law and its enforcement, Cultrue, Traditions and Religion) is being weakened by the government and the absence of parental education at home due to the fact that parents hardly spend time with children now as before.
*The Dark Angel* aka CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
But Lazeez, a guy pinching a woman is a pervert & sick......... he gets off doing this......... he is sexually disfunctional. he doesnt derive the same pleasure a norrmal healthy man gets. I am sure we have meny people like this in Egypt because they were abused as children sexually or physically or emotionally...... but agin, nothing is being reported & we dont have statistics.

females are frustrtaed but they dont harass like these men..... some of them become prostitutes, some of them become just cheap & go after men in the street but the good girls who are frustrated just wait for a good guy to come along & in the meantime they immerse themselevs in work or activities or just keep themselves busy

I know that living in Egypt is frustrating to many people..... & i cant ignore the fact that many young men are unemployed & cant afford to get married....... but i am sure Lazzez if you were unemployed & cant get married you wouldnt still do this..... there are other healthy outlets or alternatives for you
Member # 11693
 - posted
<those bacteria >

Member # 10655
 - posted
Originally posted by *The Dark Angel* aka CAT:
But Lazeez, a guy pinching a woman is a pervert & sick......... he gets off doing this......... he is sexually disfunctional. he doesnt derive the same pleasure a norrmal healthy man gets. I am sure we have meny people like this in Egypt because they were abused as children sexually or physically or emotionally...... but agin, nothing is being reported & we dont have statistics.

females are frustrtaed but they dont harass like these men..... some of them become prostitutes, some of them become just cheap & go after men in the street but the good girls who are frustrated just wait for a good guy to come along & in the meantime they immerse themselevs in work or activities or just keep themselves busy

I know that living in Egypt is frustrating to many people..... & i cant ignore the fact that many young men are unemployed & cant afford to get married....... but i am sure Lazzez if you were unemployed & cant get married you wouldnt still do this..... there are other healthy outlets or alternatives for you

I don't think anyone in a group of men pinching a woman will be sexually satisfied. I don't even believe this to be his intention. The intention as I said is to expres power over others and you can see this too in how violence is increasing in Egypt. I have seen in the last two years violent acts I haven't seen almost all the years I lived in Egypt.

The law in Egypt is being violated by those who are suppose to give example to others and when I saw the video I truely felt those guys' goal was to break and violate all rules, to feel they can take that which doesn't belong to them and those same guys will steal the shops around if they were able to. When they see a police officer in his car uncaring about what's going on, what kind of message that gives them?

In the last elections, the police brought some women to rape female journalists in public, it was not about sex but to humilate them.
*The Dark Angel* aka CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
Originally posted by LaZeeZ:
In the last elections, the police brought some women to rape female journalists in public, it was not about sex but to humilate them. [/QB]

how can a female rape another female? are you sure you didnt make a typing or spelling mistake here? [Big Grin]

this is new [Big Grin]

Lazeez please repsond [Frown] I am confused, i never heard about that before...... now i should be aware of other females becuase idont want to be raped
Member # 10655
 - posted
Females can rape men too

enty mesh 3aysha ma3ana walla eh
*The Dark Angel* aka CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
Originally posted by LaZeeZ:
Females can rape men too

enty mesh 3aysha ma3ana walla eh

[Eek!] [Eek!] [Eek!]

no way........ how come?
Member # 6244
 - posted
In the U.S., the term *rape* can be used to mean penetration in a sexual manner. Vaginally or anally. It's not a legal term, but it is in common usage. So a woman could rape another woman using an object to penetrate her, like the sodomy video. [Frown]

I believe that legally, the actual charge of rape is limited to a man having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will. There are other sex crimes that carry the same penalties, but they are generally classified as something else, felony sodomy, first degree sex offense, etc.

And I believe the term rape is also used when a woman has sex with a man against his will, or with an underage boy. That term isn't used in my state, but I think it might be in others.
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by *The Dark Angel* aka CAT:
Originally posted by LaZeeZ:
Females can rape men too

enty mesh 3aysha ma3ana walla eh

[Eek!] [Eek!] [Eek!]

no way........ how come?

Drugging him and trying him down.

Personally I have thought about it, get revenge on someone. But its a technique I use to calm down, and not an actual plan.

I explained it to Jakobsen23 on ET. It was one of those threads I wish I had saved. It was priceless!
*The Dark Angel* aka CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
Originally posted by Left.Side.Lying.State.Of.Mind:
In the U.S., the term *rape* can be used to mean penetration in a sexual manner. Vaginally or anally. It's not a legal term, but it is in common usage. So a woman could rape another woman using an object to penetrate her, like the sodomy video. [Frown]

I believe that legally, the actual charge of rape is limited to a man having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will. There are other sex crimes that carry the same penalties, but they are generally classified as something else, felony sodomy, first degree sex offense, etc.

And I believe the term rape is also used when a woman has sex with a man against his will, or with an underage boy. That term isn't used in my state, but I think it might be in others.

Thanks for the clarification........... But I would say that female rapists must be like 1% of any population or something........... it's very rare but it sure exists
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by *The Dark Angel* aka CAT:
Originally posted by Left.Side.Lying.State.Of.Mind:
In the U.S., the term *rape* can be used to mean penetration in a sexual manner. Vaginally or anally. It's not a legal term, but it is in common usage. So a woman could rape another woman using an object to penetrate her, like the sodomy video. [Frown]

I believe that legally, the actual charge of rape is limited to a man having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will. There are other sex crimes that carry the same penalties, but they are generally classified as something else, felony sodomy, first degree sex offense, etc.

And I believe the term rape is also used when a woman has sex with a man against his will, or with an underage boy. That term isn't used in my state, but I think it might be in others.

Thanks for the clarification........... But I would say that female rapists must be like 1% of any population or something........... it's very rare but it sure exists
Can't say for Egypt, but in the U.S., I think the charge occurs most often when an adult woman has sex with an underage boy. It might be consensual, but because of the kid's age, it's considered rape.
Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by MK in Uggs:
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
MK is overdoing it - as usual.

Surely there are couples in Egypt, where the husband hits his wife while arguing or he doesn't like what she did etc. Anyway, it's not an excuse to treat a spouse like that, this is 'lowest scum'.

I only read until here. What do you actually know about our culture?

As far as I remember, from Sono's posts actually, you lived for 3 years in Zamalek, as a fake nanny to your boyfriend ( [Big Grin] ), going to pubs, and that's where you met your husband while being officially with the Egyptian boyfriend.

You yourself stated that you never read a book in your life. So I won't even discuss any literature with you about domestic abuse of women. That would be useless.

I live already 10 years in Holland and I never dare claim to be more knowledgeable about the Dutch culture than any Dutch person. It just sounds extremely dumb to me.

Sorry Souri, I will not turn the thread into a fight. But she just needs to know where she stands.

As usual, you ARE overdoing it. No one has a right on this forum to go and contribute critic in what you say and think. Are you kind of 'untouchable' or what? Did I miss out on something in the past? YOU want to tell me where I stand? I don't call wish anyone a slow and painful death, I don't call 'autistic' because his opinions don't match mine and I don't go around labeling people like you do.

BTW, as I remember you yourself as an Egyptian hardly spent ANY time in Egypt. You've got pampered all the way and if you tell me that Egyptian men beat their wives so I can imagine what happened in your own home. Poor one, it's not good to grow up and see parents fighting with each other. And you easily jump to the conclusion that in fact it must happen everywhere, ALL EGYPTIAN MEN ARE BAD. That's what you want to tell us.

But I stick to my opinion. It's a dumb generalization of yours - MK - to say that Egyptian men violent and abusive towards their wives. It doesn't mean that it doesn't exist from the minimum to the worst.

But as usual - you've got something to say in the most dramatic way as possible.
Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by Left.Side.Lying.State.Of.Mind:
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
MK is overdoing it - as usual.

Hmmm, I just asked my husband to read what MK wrote, and he lived in Egypt for 28 years....he agrees with her assessment. Not everyone acts like this, but such deference to males is much more a part of Egyptian culture than Western.
Well then you should thank heaven that you found such a decent Egyptian guy.

But why you didn't let your husband read what I posted? He might have more agreed with my opinion since he commented 'not everyone (Egyptian man) acts like this'?
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:

Not every Egyptian husband is violent and abusive physically or even emotionally. This is a pretty dark picture MK is trying to draw here.

Domestic violence is also an all too common reality for many of Egypt’s women. Conservative, patriarchal social structures consider such violence ‘a private matter’ which often remains unreported, or unsupported by the appropriate authorities if a report is made. Additionally, women rarely, if ever, report rape. A recent survey by the country’s National Centre for Criminal and Social Research suggests some 10,000 rapes a year – very few are formally reported since there is a prevailing attitude that it is the women herself who has ‘invited’ the rape. The perpetrators remain unpunished and it is the woman who is doubly victimised, through the trauma of the rape and by the lack of a supportive criminal justice system.

Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
Well then you should thank heaven that you found such a decent Egyptian guy.

But why you didn't let your husband read what I posted? He might have more agreed with my opinion since he commented 'not everyone (Egyptian man) acts like this'?

He read the whole thread. I think he would agree with me that MK was trying to create a picture of the overall culture. That this general attitude in a culture makes it more conducive to such behavior toward women. While all humans are alike, culture *does* have influence, and might explain why blatant harrassment on the streets of Egypt seems to be more common than on the streets of some Western city.

But that same concept, of man being taught he's the supreme gender, has postive aspects as well. It's all in how any individual man, based on his character and values, handles these cultural influences. MK highlighted what bad things can happen because we are trying to get at the heart of why men sexually harass women. But there are good things as well. I just thought that was for another thread.
MK in Uggs
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
As usual, you ARE overdoing it. No one has a right on this forum to go and contribute critic in what you say and think. Are you kind of 'untouchable' or what? Did I miss out on something in the past? YOU want to tell me where I stand? I don't call wish anyone a slow and painful death, I don't call 'autistic' because his opinions don't match mine and I don't go around labeling people like you do.

BTW, as I remember you yourself as an Egyptian hardly spent ANY time in Egypt. You've got pampered all the way and if you tell me that Egyptian men beat their wives so I can imagine what happened in your own home. Poor one, it's not good to grow up and see parents fighting with each other. And you easily jump to the conclusion that in fact it must happen everywhere, ALL EGYPTIAN MEN ARE BAD. That's what you want to tell us.

But I stick to my opinion. It's a dumb generalization of yours - MK - to say that Egyptian men violent and abusive towards their wives. It doesn't mean that it doesn't exist from the minimum to the worst.

But as usual - you've got something to say in the most dramatic way as possible.

Hey GM, do you still want to writ a book about Egypt [Confused] Why would one want to write a book when she finds books totally irrelevant [Confused]

Don´t forget the part that states that Muslim men tattoo their foreheads with brown zebeebas to look religious.

MK in Uggs
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by Dalia*:
Originally posted by Tigerlily:

Not every Egyptian husband is violent and abusive physically or even emotionally. This is a pretty dark picture MK is trying to draw here.

Domestic violence is also an all too common reality for many of Egypt’s women. Conservative, patriarchal social structures consider such violence ‘a private matter’ which often remains unreported, or unsupported by the appropriate authorities if a report is made. Additionally, women rarely, if ever, report rape. A recent survey by the country’s National Centre for Criminal and Social Research suggests some 10,000 rapes a year – very few are formally reported since there is a prevailing attitude that it is the women herself who has ‘invited’ the rape. The perpetrators remain unpunished and it is the woman who is doubly victimised, through the trauma of the rape and by the lack of a supportive criminal justice system.


Now (that( is a person whom I would like to have a discussion with. Foreigner, but still very well educated about Egypt, and if critical, very well mannered and supported with tangible evidence.

Masha Allah Dalia, you lived how long in Egypt, a couple of years [Confused] And you know of our language, culture, religion, and almost everything else more than many natives do. Let alone arrogant ignorant foreigners.

My ultimate respect and thumbs up young lady.

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