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Miss Sharm
Member # 12405
 - posted
I have probably put this in the wrong section but here goes.......

I have just been checking some of my private messages and I decided it was time to delete some of them. However, when I tried to delete all messages from a particular member a warning came up saying that these messages where no longer available [Confused]
I am really confused because obviously I have not deleted them before until I just tried to do so now. I tried messages form other's and there was no problem deleting them.

I am quite concerned because the person in question apparently has accessed another members computer recently, taking personal info from it!
Member # 879
 - posted
Miss Sharm, accessed other members computers, how?
Do you mean by hacking?
Member # 11270
 - posted
may be they were sent and it wasnt read you can see if they have been read or not so may be the person dleted them if he or she thought you wasnt going to read them thats why ,happens mostly and the particular member who has been doing this i dont know one is well known but not seen him for some time here ...
good luck ...
have been told that a mod is online all the time and chats as well who it is i dont know
''for miss sharm ''
Miss Sharm
Member # 12405
 - posted
Originally posted by Laura:
Miss Sharm, accessed other members computers, how?
Do you mean by hacking?

I suppose that I do mean hacking. It wasn't done to me so not too sure of all the details. Just know that a member on here apparently took info from another members computer.
Member # 879
 - posted
Hacking is despicable!

If this has happened to someone on this forum, by another forum member, I wish the victim would "out" the creep who did it.
Miss Sharm
Member # 12405
 - posted
The private message had been read by both me and the other member. I had just kept them in my incoming box. Tonight decided to have a clean up and when I went to delete them it came up with a warning saying that they couldn't be deleted because they where no longer available. It would appear that someone has got access to my pm's.
It was only the messages from this particular memeber that I coudn't delete. It doesn't surprise me that they would do this and now they don't want to show there face on here.
Member # 11552
 - posted
Miss Sharm, if you know this to be true, why not name the person? Several people have told me that hacking goes on here and PM's read. I used to think it was unlikely but now I'm less sure. It doesn't unduly concern me, as what I say in PM is not different to what I express on this forum. I can see why people would be upset though, as some share personal details. [Frown]
Miss Sharm
Member # 12405
 - posted
Originally posted by Laura:
Hacking is despicable!

If this has happened to someone on this forum, by another forum member, I wish the victim would "out" the creep who did it.

So do I because it is disgraceful that this goes on. As you can appreciate I don't want to name the victim and the perpetrator for the hacking of the computer, that it between them. Hopefully, the victim will come forward and explain what has happened.

I haven't got an issue to tell you whose pm's I can't delete from my incoming box, it is very strange that it is the same person in question that hacked the other members computer.
Member # 879
 - posted
If there is hanky panky going on and you are sure of it, name the person.

Why let other's fall prey, and maybe if the mod's see this, they will take appropriate action, who knows.
Member # 3567
 - posted
Miss Sharm, please if you are sure that someone performs illegal activities on this forum, at least name him/her to the Mods.

Personally I wouldn't want to have any business with someone who does it - even just as a 'fun factor' wouldn't be acceptable by me.

Couple of times it was said people were hacked and I've seen it myself when it happened to member Hassancheb around two or three months ago..... so yes it exists.
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted

If you think you might be being hacked or if SOMEONE IS THREATENING YOU, send the threats to the admin SAMMY and PLEASE do what I do, always delete immediately any sent or received PM's in your message box. Otherwise, you're just asking for some scum to hack you, there are many here from what I hear.
Member # 879
 - posted
Miss Sharm, why did you go silent on this topic?

You raised it, so who is the hacker?

I also remember one member here hacking, and am surprised he is still on this forum. He was pasting another member's PM's here.

Smuckers, am in total agreement with you. Also, beware of who you add to your MSN and Yahoo Messenger. They can hack you that way also, and by sending files to you.

And please be smart enough to never use the same password for your different accounts. Write them down if you can't remember them.
Âutomatic For The People
Member # 12634
 - posted
I once knew a person member who hacked a member's account. The victim member told me that other people told her/him that the member hacker was a member with a username that members do not remember. And that there were other members with usernames that were similar to the member that should be outed as a hacker member but then everyone would get confused as to who the member was and if it was a he member or a she member not to mention that a member in need is a member indeed.
Member # 879
 - posted
LOL Auto, I have no problem saying it was Katanga, and there were others online here at that time who can verify it [Smile] He does love Sono, doesn't he.

He hacked into Hassencheb's account and started pasting contents of her inbox, here on the forum. [Frown]

Then of course, we do have some members here with an IP that changes everytime they log in, so how could you ban someone like that. They just create a ton of user names and have their sick fun.
Miss Sharm
Member # 12405
 - posted
Originally posted by Laura:
Miss Sharm, why did you go silent on this topic?

You raised it, so who is the hacker?

Also, beware of who you add to your MSN and Yahoo Messenger. They can hack you that way also, and by sending files to you.

Laura, I haven't gone silent on this topic, I just have better things to do with my time than being here at es 24/7.

I can't be 100% sure that the person in question is a hacker because they actually didn't access my accounts but another members. If the other member wants to come forward and name and shame the culprit then I am sure that they will.

The other member was hacked through msn.

I had raised the problem about being unable to delete certain pm's from a certain member here, well it seem that is now rectified and all pm's from them have been deleted.
Âutomatic For The People
Member # 12634
 - posted
Originally posted by Laura:
LOL Auto, I have no problem saying it was Katanga, and there were others online here at that time who can verify it [Smile] He does love Sono, doesn't he.

He hacked into Hassencheb's account and started pasting contents of her inbox, here on the forum. [Frown]

Then of course, we do have some members here with an IP that changes everytime they log in, so how could you ban someone like that. They just create a ton of user names and have their sick fun.

I know he took "credit" for that but I am more inclined to believe that it was Sammy or one of his imaginary friends.
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Originally posted by Âutomatic For The People:
I once knew a person member who hacked a member's account. The victim member told me that other people told her/him that the member hacker was a member with a username that members do not remember. And that there were other members with usernames that were similar to the member that should be outed as a hacker member but then everyone would get confused as to who the member was and if it was a he member or a she member not to mention that a member in need is a member indeed.

LOL are you trying to confuse us Auto?? [Big Grin]
Well I guess it makes sense to do that, if getting into someones account is the goal. Otherwise, what is the point really?

Laura, you're right about the messenger/email hacking, I hardly even use it anymore, too scary ...
Member # 6838
 - posted
I am the member on here that was hacked into. I talked on msn with another member from this site and later discovered there were some pictures taken from my computer through file sharing on msn though i did not send pictures to this person through file sharing. I have also discovered that no matter how many times i try to delete this file it will not delete from my computer. Its called my sharing folders, through msn. when i open it it shows this persons email address as a folder and what was "shared" inside that folder. I deleted the shared content,but when i go to delete the persons file that shows their email it will not delete and the file that is named my sharing folders it will not delete as well. I did show this person some pictures though i did not do it through file sharing, also the pictures that were shown to be shared were not the ones i showed this member. I sent warnings to those members that i knew were talking on msn to him that i also talk to.
Amanda, i have never ever had any problem deleting private messages from anyone whether read or unread, so what is happening to you shows something suspicious just as my not being able to delete the file from my computer that contains the same members email address.
I dont know that i want to cause trouble for this member for this occuring by posting his name publicly as that is not my style. I simply took the steps of blocking and deleting this person and warned my friends of it. Now i have to figure out how to get rid of this file without reformatting my whole computer.
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
[Eek!] why wouldn't you disclose his name??? [Eek!]
Member # 6838
 - posted
i just dont feel like making trouble for him. He didnt hurt me in anyway, just took a few photos is all, or copied them or whatever. And he seems well liked on this forum. I have no need to destroy this person or cause him trouble.
Member # 12318
 - posted
OMG, which guy is it? There are only so many.
Snoozin No More
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by mysticheart:
i just dont feel like making trouble for him. He didnt hurt me in anyway, just took a few photos is all, or copied them or whatever. And he seems well liked on this forum. I have no need to destroy this person or cause him trouble.

He HURT you by violating your privacy. [Roll Eyes] It concerns me you don't recognize that.
Member # 12165
 - posted

If you think you might be being hacked or if SOMEONE IS THREATENING YOU, send the threats to the admin SAMMY and PLEASE do what I do, always delete immediately any sent or received PM's in your message box. Otherwise, you're just asking for some scum to hack you, there are many here from what I hear.

I know he took "credit" for that but I am more inclined to believe that it was Sammy or one of his imaginary friends.
So who can we trust? [Confused]
Snoozin No More
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Shebah:
So who can we trust? [Confused]

Nobody, seriously. The internet is the antithesis of trust.
Member # 12165
 - posted
But if we have problems on ES.....who do we go to?

I always knew ES was well.....ES. But I thought we could trust the mods. At least some of them.

Member # 13047
 - posted
Just a thought, my partner and I have a VPN and file sharing is allowed through that but in order for it to happen, there has to be a shared IP address set up for both computers so that only person who could do that would be someone who has access to your IP address. Who could that be? My guess is one of the administrator or someone who has access to all this data.
Member # 12318
 - posted
You should also turn off your remote viewing access ability. Basically this allows someone to get into your computer from theirs, or you can also access your computer from another one. Since I am assuming this is not something you want to do, I would make sure that you turn that option off.
Member # 13047
 - posted
Alchemist...where do you find that option?
Member # 12165
 - posted
Control Panel
Internet Options
On the left is Remote Desktop
Uncheck the boxes

That's Windows XP Pro. Don't know about others. Is that the right box Alchemist?
Member # 13047
 - posted
I found Remote Desktop and File Sharing under my Windows Firewall (I have XP), unfortunately if I travel I need to access my home computer through MYPC so I need to keep those on....but thanks for the help.
Member # 4713
 - posted
Originally posted by Snoozin No More:
Originally posted by mysticheart:
i just dont feel like making trouble for him. He didnt hurt me in anyway, just took a few photos is all, or copied them or whatever. And he seems well liked on this forum. I have no need to destroy this person or cause him trouble.

He HURT you by violating your privacy. [Roll Eyes] It concerns me you don't recognize that.
MH for God's sake woman! If he was fiddling about in your knickers without permission would you say the same? [Roll Eyes]
Member # 3567
 - posted
This doesn't sound too good, MH.

Anyone else experienced similar problems?
Âutomatic For The People
Member # 12634
 - posted
Originally posted by Ayisha:
Originally posted by Snoozin No More:
Originally posted by mysticheart:
i just dont feel like making trouble for him. He didnt hurt me in anyway, just took a few photos is all, or copied them or whatever. And he seems well liked on this forum. I have no need to destroy this person or cause him trouble.

He HURT you by violating your privacy. [Roll Eyes] It concerns me you don't recognize that.
MH for God's sake woman! If he was fiddling about in your knickers without permission would you say the same? [Roll Eyes]
It's all garbage and no one hacked anyone. It's pure paranoia and incompetence.
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by Laura:
LOL Auto, I have no problem saying it was Katanga, and there were others online here at that time who can verify it [Smile] He does love Sono, doesn't he.

He hacked into Hassencheb's account and started pasting contents of her inbox, here on the forum. [Frown]

Then of course, we do have some members here with an IP that changes everytime they log in, so how could you ban someone like that. They just create a ton of user names and have their sick fun.

And Hassancheb had posted a number of personal details on me.

Hassancheb's husband is a tax account, has access to IRS information and its against the law to be sharing that information without the person's consent.

Hassancheb posted personal information on me that could only be found through an Social Security number.

Possibly its okay with you that someone breaks a federal law to get even with someone you don't especially like, but it easily could happen to you.
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Originally posted by Sparkle16:
I found Remote Desktop and File Sharing under my Windows Firewall (I have XP), unfortunately if I travel I need to access my home computer through MYPC so I need to keep those on....but thanks for the help.

I found mine in the same place, just uncheck the remote access capability (for those who want it, sparkle I understand you must have it). [Wink]

As for MH I think it kinda sucks that you come on and say 'yea someone that is still on this site hacked me but whatever, I'm a follower like I said on another thread and so I just followed along and won't try to help anyone else avoid this creep, so my lips are sealed'. I have a feeling you would cover for your husband if he committed a crime as well. [Roll Eyes]

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