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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 4013
 - posted
Hello everyone.
I'm thinking of forming a community club composed of all the young people living in the Maadi area. Since it is a cosmopolitan area, my aim is for all the different nationalities to meet together.
I've even made a website, still under construction though, but good enough at the moment. It even contains some info about me if anyone is interested. www.makingsites.com/focus683
I'm a 20 year old boy expecting to graduate from AUC this summer with a bachelor in Compuer Science.
Please to meet you all and looking forward to hearing what you think.



Member # 3985
 - posted
I think this is a absolutely great idea. These kind of getting together is the only one to prove, that people of different cultures, countries, religions can live and meet together in harmony and peace. And in fact this kind of meetings can do more for the understand of each other, than any politician can do.
Member # 4013
 - posted
Well I'm glad someone at least replied. I don't knoow if not many people are interested or if I just haven't given it enough time for more people to respond.

Anyway, I'm still waiting for more replies. I'm really hoping to get some support cos I strongly believe in this as a moral goal.

Member # 3380
 - posted
IF/When I get back to Egypt I would join your group. I was in Maadi but left about a week ago.
Member # 2621
 - posted
Hi Hisham,

It's a wonderful idea and I did look at your website!

I hope you get some attention.

Give it a day or two at least...
Best regards

Originally posted by focus683:
Well I'm glad someone at least replied. I don't knoow if not many people are interested or if I just haven't given it enough time for more people to respond.

Anyway, I'm still waiting for more replies. I'm really hoping to get some support cos I strongly believe in this as a moral goal.

[This message has been edited by Monica (edited 15 April 2004).]

Member # 3586
 - posted
Originally posted by focus683:
Hello everyone.
I'm thinking of forming a community club composed of all the young people living in the Maadi area. Since it is a cosmopolitan area, my aim is for all the different nationalities to meet together.
I've even made a website, still under construction though, but good enough at the moment. It even contains some info about me if anyone is interested. www.makingsites.com/focus683
I'm a 20 year old boy expecting to graduate from AUC this summer with a bachelor in Compuer Science.
Please to meet you all and looking forward to hearing what you think.

Hello H,
liked your website, i'm a maadi resident, won't exactly classify as youth but is "young at heart" ok? anyway, nice idea, what exactly do you have in mind for this community?


Member # 4013
 - posted
I still don't quite know.
My primary objective at the moment is that all young boys and girls (in age AND heart, you're welcome) of all different nationalities to get together and, putting it elegantly, abridge the gap between cultures, through frequent meetings.

How the meetings should take place, that's still something to decide upon. Maybe for a start we can hold potluck dinners or something. Are there any other suggestions?

If it works out well, we can start thinking of a way to extend the our activity. Right now I'm still in the phase of gaining as much interest as possible. So please try to spread the word out if you care and want to help form this club in the first place.

Waiting for your replies and comments.



Member # 4013
 - posted
still waiting



Member # 151
 - posted
I forwarded your link to the mom of a young teen (perhaps a little younger than the group you are targeting) for her to watch. You need to get it out to that sort of people or the teens themselves to see what their interest is.

Good luck.

Member # 3456
 - posted
it is a very good idea, i like it actually, u can start by making meeting for your contributions to get to know eachothers then u will find ideas pouring from heads , good luck,
i am a maadi resident and i'd like to help if u need any, but as rimo told u , i am not that young, young by heart)))


Member # 3075
 - posted
Originally posted by focus683:
Hello everyone.
I'm thinking of forming a community club composed of all the young people living in the Maadi area. Since it is a cosmopolitan area, my aim is for all the different nationalities to meet together.
I've even made a website, still under construction though, but good enough at the moment. It even contains some info about me if anyone is interested. www.makingsites.com/focus683
I'm a 20 year old boy expecting to graduate from AUC this summer with a bachelor in Compuer Science.
Please to meet you all and looking forward to hearing what you think.

it's really agreat idea my dearfriend and I really wish if I can a member cuz I live at maadi, but what about bad luck, I'm 27 y/o.. but I really wish you goodluck..


Member # 4013
 - posted
Thank you Bobbos I appreciate it. I'm gonna make a group email for this club so anyone who's wants to join can send me his email and i'll add it to the group. This way communication can be maintained and when there's enough participants we can start having some actual activity. I'm thinking 10, 15 for a start is quite good.

Like I said in the website send me your information and I'll post it there. Maybe when people start seeing actual participants on the site they will give it a better thought.

Debbie, thanks for trying to help. This is what I'm trying to do at the moment, get it out to the teens. Problem is this seems to be the only possible way. Do you have any suggestion how I can increase awareness about this more rapidly?



Member # 4013
 - posted
newman, you're quite welcome if u want to



Member # 1761
 - posted
Nice idea. I am a 24 year old guy from Degla and when I was younger I thought about starting something similar. But what I fear is that with the Internet the point of such a gathering is a bit moot. I guess if you want to talk to people of a different background and "bridge the gap" (good luck with that :-)) then forums are a great place. But I guess there is something special to face-to-face interaction, people are nicer then for starters, so it's a good idea.
Member # 3075
 - posted
Originally posted by focus683:
newman, you're quite welcome if u want to

thanx alot sure I wish, but tell me what I've to do?

Member # 151
 - posted
First you need to put your Mission Statement together in a format that will be dynamic and encourage participation.

Then why not take it around to all the highschools in the Maadi area and even beyond. You have CAC, Narmer and probably more...depending on what is your target market exactly. Actually there are probably loads of Maadi teens going to all sorts of private schools all over Cairo...,so hit all the schools. Put up posters (once you've got something to really join), and ask them if there are email lists of students you can get. (Probably the answer to this will be NO, but it's worth asking maybe) Post your posters where teens go. Get them plastered up at the MGM and over at Lucilles and anywhere else the teens hang out. Once some get involved, and if it is a good thing, word will spread like wild fire.

Can you offer them discounts on anything (music, games, movie tickets)? This would be a good way to get their attention and pull them in maybe.

Good luck.

Member # 4013
 - posted
I'm just an indiviual here try to achieve something Debbie. Making all this publicity you're talking about is quite difficult.

All those who like the idea I've asked you to spread the word if you want to help form this club.

I've also said send me an email containing some info about yourself and preferably a picture to post it if you're interested. When number of participants posted increases maybe people will take it a bit seriously. So far I've received none!!

If I don't start receiving then I reckon that this is never going to work. It all depends on you.

If I get a reasonable amount of interest I'm hoping soon to start by having a potluck dinner at my place. I hope this might take place within two weeks or so. Anyone interested?

I'll be waiting



Member # 151
 - posted
I think you are marketing to the wrong crowd if Egypt Search is the ONLY place you are talking about this at. We are not teenagers... in general.

If you are going to consider this a failure if WE don't get you your teenagers, then that might just happen, but I think you can do better. But it will take you finding teenagers, and not just talking to a bunch of us, hoping we will find them for you.

Good luck again, and don't give up without a fight....and some actual work out there on the street looking for your target group.

Member # 4297
 - posted
Hey buddy.. i kinda wished to start sth like that a loooooong time ago... but i was afraid nobody was out there man... anyways... splendid idea.. really.. am interested and would like to join up with whatever u gota do.. i c u dont like computers all that much... well trust me... medicine isn't a heaven !! looking forward to hearing from ya... mohamad_altanamly@hotmail.com


Originally posted by focus683:
Hello everyone.
I'm thinking of forming a community club composed of all the young people living in the Maadi area. Since it is a cosmopolitan area, my aim is for all the different nationalities to meet together.
I've even made a website, still under construction though, but good enough at the moment. It even contains some info about me if anyone is interested. www.makingsites.com/focus683
I'm a 20 year old boy expecting to graduate from AUC this summer with a bachelor in Compuer Science.
Please to meet you all and looking forward to hearing what you think.

[This message has been edited by Kill_and_let_die (edited 14 May 2004).]

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