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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 6403
 - posted
Hey, I don't want to brag, but when you got it, you got it. And when it comes to picking up women with severe personality disorders, I've got it.

Seems like whenever I'm in the same room with a pretty young nutcase, we lock eyes and I gaze right into the twisted, abnormal recesses of her psyche, and then—bam! We make an instant, undeniable, and incredibly unhealthy connection. What can I say? When it comes to women, I'm a magnet for psycho women.

I know what you're thinking: "Who is this guy to sound so full of himself?" I'm not being egotistical—it's just true. Hey, I know I'm not perfect. Who is? We've all got problems. I'm sure I've got some myself. But here's one problem I don't have: the ladies.

When it comes to charming every borderline psycho in a skirt, I take second place to no man. I guess I just give off that "Hey there, pretty lady with the lifelong unresolved emotional issues" vibe. It can't be taught—you either got it or you don't. And I got it.

Everywhere I go, all kinds of psychiatrically disturbed women come running—women who never got over a traumatic childhood accident, or habitually cut themselves, or slept with their stepfathers, or abuse substances while locked in self-destructive cycles of internalized loathing and rage. They just can't keep their hands off me.

It's been this way my whole life. In high school, I dated every bipolar suicide risk in town. In college, I had at least a dozen girlfriends who couldn't decide whether they were mental patients or lesbians. It's just the way it is: Deranged dolls dig me.

I don't even have to try. Maybe it's chemistry, or pheromones, or these women can tell I'm afflicted with a complementary set of psychiatric disorders and their messed up-female intuition just can't resist.

Whatever it is, I'm not complaining. All I have to do is show up at a bar, and before last call, every damaged woman in the place will make a beeline for me, looking to get me entangled in a horrific web of codependency, manipulation, and mutual denial.

Take this pretty crazy girl I met last weekend. We talked for 30 minutes and I gave her my number and since then she can't stay away—she's been leaving, like, eight voicemail messages an hour on my cell phone. Hey, once they get a little taste of the old mangang'er, they always come back for more... even after multiple restraining orders and injunctions.

All I can do is shrug and say, "Crazy women go crazy for me."

Lots of guys have asked for my secret, saying stuff like, "Wow, you sure can pick 'em," or "Dude, you need help." They can't understand how I manage to attract so many pretty, crazy, desperately pathological girls. But I can't tell you my secret... It's just some kind of inexplicable magic.

Well, whatever it is, I'm enjoying every crazy minute of it.


bob the dog
Member # 4691
 - posted
Aiwa ya habibi..... fee el mish mish!!!
Member # 6403
 - posted
Originally posted by Samia:
Aiwa ya habibi..... fee el mish mish!!!

See, there is another one following me around.

Member # 8196
 - posted
Originally posted by Samia:
Aiwa ya habibi..... fee el mish mish!!!


1man was just practicing his cut and paste skills..

..or is it plagiarism...

Well we will give him the benefit of the doubt and say he forgot to mention the source !!!


Member # 8196
 - posted
Originally posted by 1mangang:
Hey, ...cut for brevity........

All I have to do is show up at a bar, and before last call, every damaged woman in the place will make a beeline for me, looking to get me entangled in a horrific web of codependency, manipulation, and mutual denial.

Take this pretty crazy girl I met last weekend. We talked for 30 minutes and I gave her my number and since then she can't stay away—she's been leaving, like, eight voicemail messages an hour on my cell phone. Hey, once they get a little taste of the old mangang'er, they always come back for more... even after multiple restraining orders and injunctions.

All I can do is shrug and say, "Crazy women go crazy for me."

Lots of guys have asked for my secret, saying stuff like, "Wow, you sure can pick 'em," or "Dude, you need help." They can't understand how I manage to attract so many pretty, crazy, desperately pathological girls. But I can't tell you my secret... It's just some kind of inexplicable magic.

Well, whatever it is, I'm enjoying every crazy minute of it.

What??, a pillar of Islam like you?, frequenting bars, dating, having extra-marital sex?

I do not think you should ever open your mouth about religion from now on...

By the way is it halal or haram to phantasize sexually in public?

[This message has been edited by Medosa (edited 20 July 2005).]

Member # 6403
 - posted
omggg this is meant to be a joke, I am only kidding girls, don't you have a sense of humor at all? by the way, I'm not Muslim

[This message has been edited by 1mangang (edited 20 July 2005).]

Member # 3938
 - posted
lol love your SOH
The theory goes, what attracts you in someone, is a reflection of you.
LOL, that is hectic bro, maybe you need to see to shrink
Member # 6403
 - posted
OH YES ! for sure I need a shrink ! lol

Member # 3864
 - posted
Originally posted by 1mangang:
OH YES ! for sure I need a shrink ! lol

Again a really funny post. I wish I was able to find humor in life like you.


Member # 6403
 - posted
Originally posted by sonomod:

Again a really funny post. I wish I was able to find humor in life like you.

thanks. i hope uve been ok lately
u sound a little down.

Member # 3938
 - posted
Originally posted by 1mangang:
OH YES ! for sure I need a shrink ! lol

Imangang it is a breath of fresh air, tired of all posts that attack, counter attack, life is short bro, a bit of light hearted fun everyonce in awhile is a blessed release from the worlds problem.
I had a good laugh, lol, maybe you should write a short story. Laughter is contagious
and prolongs life........lol..the way I am feeling, LOL could jump off a bridge, my family is driving me nuts especially my son.


Member # 7374
 - posted
so ur attractin physcobatic gurls only...poor u
u must have somethin in common that`s why they r attracted to u
Member # 3864
 - posted
Originally posted by 1mangang:
thanks. i hope uve been ok lately
u sound a little down.

Yeah, at a fork in the road, having to switch universities, the vampire I live with has gone batty.

But I have my health, my future and possibly in a while my little siren.

Yet holy cow, my mother sharing her 'little helpers, aka pharmacuticals has make a huge difference!

Hopefully this year the Minnesota State Fair has taken my suggestion and installed a 'Gonad Kicking' booth. It could solve our budget crisis and make highways, coffee breakrooms, and supermarkets safer!

Oh my goodness I can still crack myself up!
He he he ha ha ha!

Oh goodness, its amusing to be this twisted

Member # 4668
 - posted
Originally posted by 1mangang:
OH YES ! for sure I need a shrink ! lol

GB, do you have a cell phone??????


Member # 4668
 - posted
Sono, cheer up gurl. We can both visit 1MG: the man that needs to SHRINK!!!!!
Member # 6403
 - posted
Originally posted by candyrima:
so ur attractin physcobatic gurls only...poor u
u must have somethin in common that`s why they r attracted to u

yea i do, if u read what the story it tells u im just as psycho as they are. poor us

Member # 6403
 - posted
Originally posted by sonomod:
Yeah, at a fork in the road, having to switch universities, the vampire I live with has gone batty.

But I have my health, my future and possibly in a while my little siren.

Yet holy cow, my mother sharing her 'little helpers, aka pharmacuticals has make a huge difference!

Hopefully this year the Minnesota State Fair has taken my suggestion and installed a 'Gonad Kicking' booth. It could solve our budget crisis and make highways, coffee breakrooms, and supermarkets safer!

Oh my goodness I can still crack myself up!
He he he ha ha ha!

Oh goodness, its amusing to be this twisted

u want to kick a man where it hurts
try the pocketbook. go shopping it always makes women in my family feel good

Member # 3864
 - posted
Originally posted by 1mangang:
u want to kick a man where it hurts
try the pocketbook. go shopping it always makes women in my family feel good

Oh my, my gracious boy, that's his ploy!

No right now silence and not interacting between each other is a good reprieve.

Besides I usually don't enjoy spending money.


Member # 3864
 - posted
Originally posted by Karah_Mia:
Sono, cheer up gurl. We can both visit 1MG: the man that needs to SHRINK!!!!!

What Imangang needs is open mike night.


Member # 1230
 - posted
Originally posted by Medosa:

Well we will give him the benefit of the doubt and say he forgot to mention the source !!!

Seems to happen quite a lot lately.


Member # 6403
 - posted
Originally posted by sonomod:
What Imangang needs is open mike night.

great idea !

Member # 8410
 - posted
Ive ben told im as crazy as they come . You know gemini's have 2 sides . Intrested 1mangang ? kidding .. I'm only attracted to losers .


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