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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 15755
 - posted
hi all what are the bad things and what is the good things in egypt
Member # 4691
 - posted
The weather... perfect!!
Egyptians..... good people.
The Red Sea... best diving in the world.

The way Egyptians are often treated by the government and police
Poverty in a lot of places.
Dirt... goes with poverty, I suppose!
Member # 15755
 - posted
good points mamasue
Member # 15738
 - posted
*Beautiful country
*excellent weather throughout the year - generally speaking
*country very very rich in history and heritage
*has welcoming, warm and friendly culture
*prices for foreigners
*lots of great sites to see
*very nice desserts - like Om Ali
*many friendly people, always willing to help.
*you do feel a sense of muslim brotherhood esp in ramadan
*really good egyptian comedy films
*despite people's problems they are still a very happy people.
*very nice dialect of Arabic - and the most popular, widley used and understood across the region - cool slang words
*cats and lots of them - ana ba7ib 2utat [Big Grin]
*some of the best teachers and academics in the region of the middle east are from egypt.
*cities are exciting and lively - u are never bored in masr

*can be disorderly, unorganised beureaucratic etc
*major cities overpopulated and polluted
*can be ripped off if you don't speak arabic - it helps
*you see a lot of religious hypocrasy, people who would back-stab you if given the chance
*depressing seeing the poverty and injustice
*sometimes when you get to know a masry personally- it is only a matter of time till you hear their problems and issues - things like they want to live in europe/usa or they haven't got enough to buy a sha2a to get married - usually hints to a little financial help from you
*the people are crazy drivers there! many fatalities on roads every year - in the thousands. But not only motorists fault - pedestrians cross recklessley and unncessarily - I personally saw a corpse lying on the floor of a road after getting run over.... yet a pedestrian bridge was just meters away.
*food - some dishes are nice- but to me do not seem very unique to egypt as many dishes are regional - but for me personally prefer turkish food, but can't beat indian food [Razz]
Member # 15755
 - posted
indian food full of boharat
i didnt eat it before
Member # 15738
 - posted
yes it is known for its spices - which is why some pak/indians tend to find middle eastern cuisine relatively 'bland' from what they are used to, though middle eastern food is seasoned and is tasty - it does lack the spices which is so common in indo-pak food

there are several indian restaurants in egypt - although mostly in red sea resorts like hurghada and sharm - mainly to cater to the english - as it is the most popular food in UK
Member # 15755
 - posted
but egyptien food have many differences from all kind of food from all over the world
Member # 15738
 - posted
you can find falafel n kofte wa kebab in many parts of the middle east

koshery is very nice and satisfying but it is more street-food to me, not the sort of thing you would order at a restaurant for a proper meal or eat at home
Member # 4691
 - posted
When I lived in Egypt I ate much healthier than now in the US, or before in England... much more fresh foods, better fruit, and no processed food.
It's much easier to stay slim and healthy in Egypt.
Member # 15755
 - posted
yes mamasue but also there is some bad foods here
egyptian koshary is a local food and dont cost so much
Member # 15738
 - posted
i LOVED this little fruit you can buy in the sreets - harankash - it is sooo tangy and sweet its like a cross between a cherry and a small tomatoe and is circular inside a sort of pod that you peel open, try it if you can get hold of it.

It is true egypt has always been very agricultural even in ancient times. Though when I was living there, I tended to buy the bananas from carefours as the ones sold on the street looked a bit shrivelled and small and blackened :/
Member # 15755
 - posted
yes the banana u are speaking about is local banana we say balady which means local banana but it tastes great then other bananas
harankash is great i love to eat it its not expensive and good taste
Member # 15738
 - posted
3ala fekra ya antably have you managed to log on in our forum, i saw you had registered but have you managed to sign in ok?
Member # 15755
 - posted
ana lesa gedied
i think i did my friend i,m not sure
Member # 4691
 - posted
Antably... I love koshary!!
And.. I love the small Egyptian bananas... they don't stay fresh long, it's true.... but they are much sweeter than the imports.
And.... when they start going brown,add them to skimmed milk in a blender... they make the best and healthiest banana smoothies....I had one for breakfast every morning!!
Member # 15755
 - posted
the best drink i think is fresh lacal banana minced with milk
Member # 15738
 - posted
mashy bas lazim tro7 hunak taani mashy [Smile]
Member # 15738
 - posted
i liked guava mixed with milk - egyptians drink that a lot at home

yes the fresh juices in the morning was always a treat, fresh orange juice i loved that
and sugar cane juice
Member # 15755
 - posted
ok i will isa my friend
Member # 4691
 - posted
sorry... double post!!
Member # 15755
 - posted
i think guava is located only in egypt i like it mixed to
Member # 15738
 - posted
gota get ready for suhoor time in about an hour so i should get going

yalla salam
Member # 4691
 - posted
Originally posted by antably:
the best drink i think is fresh lacal banana minced with milk

Yes... this is basically what I made myself... but the only time I had it 'outside', they added sugar. I like it without sugar.
Why do Egyptians like everything so sweet?? I used to see people in coffee shops adding a whole pot of sugar to their tea!!! Yeeeuuuukkk!!!!
Member # 15755
 - posted
its now here sohour time
its almost 4 am
i think ill sleep
Member # 4691
 - posted
Sleep well, antably.... and dont forget to drink lots of water before you sleep if you're fasting.
Member # 15755
 - posted
like me mamasue i like tea with 3 spoons of sugar
Member # 15755
 - posted
yes i,m fasting mamasue
Lucy Loves Ricky
Member # 12617
 - posted
good things:

rich fascinating history, warm lovely family and friends there, old fashioned values and morals, IMO, delicious food, some lovely furniture, clothing, jewelry, household decor.

bad things:

horns, noise, crazy traffic, too much garbage in the street, not enough or big enough cans to collect it, poverty, feel so sorry for so many people who can't ever seem to make it good, even with a good education.

I know there's more I could add to both but can't remember right now.

Anyway, I love it, good and bad. I felt at home there and never wanted to leave. Even thought it was so new and exotic to me.

But probably that had more to do with the company I kept. [Smile]
Member # 3891
 - posted
Most of the ppl already mentioned good and bad than I agree with.

So I mention one of my favorites: fresh Mango juice!!!

A favorite food is mahshy . . . i like it with cabbage leaves, grape leaves, kosa (zucchini) . . . I've had the homemade kind since I visited in ppls homes for dinner. You should have seen how much was piled on my plate and the other members of the family didn't get so much! I was having a hard time eating all of it . . . and it was sooooooooooo good!

Next time I come I want to have some cooking lessons for Mahshy along, hehe!!

I do love falafel too . . . but I know that is from all over the ME.
Member # 15365
 - posted
The sugarcane drink! Loved it so much. Me and an American woman I met there downed a pint of it on the street. And then went on the have a banana juice, mmmm.
I love the music! Upbeat arabic music is the best, it doesn't matter that I don't understand it.
Shesha. I don't smoke, but when I'm in egypt I find it quite relaxing having an apple shesha and watching the world go by.
The 4am call to prayer, sooo relaxing. At least in was in Luxor, it sounds beautiful there, but in Cairo it seems a bit more aggressive.

I hate the harassment, and I hate that I have to cover up more because of it, instead of clothes I feel happy in- but sadly clothes I feel happy in gets me chased down the street lol.
Member # 14488
 - posted
Originally posted by cbrbddd:
Most of the ppl already mentioned good and bad than I agree with.

So I mention one of my favorites: fresh Mango juice!!!

A favorite food is mahshy . . . i like it with cabbage leaves, grape leaves, kosa (zucchini) . . . I've had the homemade kind since I visited in ppls homes for dinner. You should have seen how much was piled on my plate and the other members of the family didn't get so much! I was having a hard time eating all of it . . . and it was sooooooooooo good!

Next time I come I want to have some cooking lessons for Mahshy along, hehe!!

I do love falafel too . . . but I know that is from all over the ME.

Girl,sure you got the correct thread?Reading you i thought i was on the Eat Like an Egyptian section! [Big Grin]

I prefer the karkade,or hibiscus juice,since here i got lots of mangoes and tamarind regularly.
Member # 15732
 - posted
I love Falafel and the smell of mint in tea
Member # 15738
 - posted
this has turned into what foods people like to eat in egypt :/
Member # 3891
 - posted
Originally posted by Sashyra8:
Originally posted by cbrbddd:
Most of the ppl already mentioned good and bad than I agree with.

So I mention one of my favorites: fresh Mango juice!!!

A favorite food is mahshy . . . i like it with cabbage leaves, grape leaves, kosa (zucchini) . . . I've had the homemade kind since I visited in ppls homes for dinner. You should have seen how much was piled on my plate and the other members of the family didn't get so much! I was having a hard time eating all of it . . . and it was sooooooooooo good!

Next time I come I want to have some cooking lessons for Mahshy along, hehe!!

I do love falafel too . . . but I know that is from all over the ME.

Girl,sure you got the correct thread?Reading you i thought i was on the Eat Like an Egyptian section! [Big Grin]

I prefer the karkade,or hibiscus juice,since here i got lots of mangoes and tamarind regularly.

We don't get the best mangos here. . . not as good as the ones in Egypt [Wink] . . but not bad.
Member # 3891
 - posted
Originally posted by EgyptianLiving*Com:
this has turned into what foods people like to eat in egypt :/

Sorry . . . but food is an important part of a culture too [Wink] and so many ppl already mentioned the goood and bad things that I might have mentioned.

One thing I do love about Egypt . . The Pyramids and all those wonderful ancient ruins in Luxor and Alexandria and . . . Well, I hope you understand that I love the history of the place. I learned alot about those things before I ever set foot in Egypt.

After I discovered those things, then I started to listen to the music . . . Om Khalthoum, Farid el Atrash, Abdul Halim Haifez, Abdel Mohamed Wahab and more (of course,lots more) . . . and I watched some old movies (love the music and dancing scenes). I like the pop music but I don't think it is as good as the older music (ha, that's true for Western music too in many ways) . . . youtube is great for getting to see many things that you don't have available in your own country (although we do have some stores around here that sell music and movies from Egypt).

That's what I love about Egypt . . . how the music is such a part of it . . . even if it is too much of it sometimes, lol. Take a taxi ride and at certain times you hear Om Khaltoum on the radio (love that I can tune my ZEN to Cairo radio stations when I am there) . . . OMG, stay downtown Cairo and all you hear all night long is music blasting up from the streets below, hehe, sort of like any other big city in the world. I guess it is probably really noisy at night now as everyone is out all night long [Smile]

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