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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 10593
 - posted
No christians please

Forsooth received an e-mail that is the Hijaby girl's equivalent to paradise: Sabaya. Owned by the female equivelant of Ahmed El Fishawy, Hanan Turk, it's a half hairsalon/half restaurant that is  just for girls, where no men are allowed to enter and no music will be played. Their promotional e-mail lists a number of perks to those who want to frequent the place:

 Advantges of SABAYA café

1- You have the freedom of taking your veil/neqab off.
2- Meeting muslim girls who are willing to get closer to Allah.
3- Increasing your 'so7ba sale7a circle'.
4-Getting the opportuinity of being inspired by real stories by the same girls you meet.
5-You can have parties.
6-Learn how to shun sin…since You won't be exposed to songs or movies JUST CARTOONS AND RELIGIOUS SHOWS.
7- Get to meet Hanan Turk.
8-Enjoy the feeling that you'r making everything which is not allowed outdoors and Allah won't be mad at you.

P.S.Attending sabaya will be very useful from both the life and religious prespective, since YOu will be helping in changing the wrong perceptions about both Neqabis/ Hegabis that were already inheritied ages ago.

Sounds great, right? Well, just one more thing:

- First please Don't invite Christian girls , because they aren't allowed to the place.. Second inform all your friends that if the number of visitors increased remarkably in the coming year..inshAllah next year they may be able to open a branch in mohandesen or down town

Yep. You read that correctly. They are barring christian girls. No Christian girls allowed in Sabaya. This has to be the first open for public place that bans people on the basis of faith, and it's seriously fucked up. I can't believe that this is happening in Egypt. I can't believe that people have gotten so fucked in the head that we now segregate based on religious beliefs. Unbelieveable.

I am just wondering how they will enforce their no Christian girls allowed policy. What are they gonna do? Put a "No Christians allowed" sign on the door? Card people on the door and check out their religious identity on their ID's? What if a Christian girl sneaks in? Are they gonna grab her and throw her out? Is this even legal?
 Well, here is their number and address:

Address: 6 Meet 3'amr street
Midan Safir . . Masr El Gedida.
if u know the street that has Cook Door / McDonald's / Oriflame /Smiley's?) . . it's behind McDonald's . . when u see McD . . go right. . then?left . . Sabaya will be on ur left . . isA
Tel: 2240 2223 - 2240 2229

 So, if you are an egyptian with any sense of decency, you should call them and give them a piece of your mind. And if you are a member of the MB- and god knows they have been coming more often to this blog- well, this is the kind of place that is the inevtiable conclusion of your group's policies and ideology. This is what you are advocating. This is the Egypt that you want. Another version of Saudi. Well, assholes, it's not gonna happen. Take a good look, because this is the closest that you will ever gonna get to it.

This is the 21st century assholes, not the 10th, try to catch up!

With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Lovely. [Roll Eyes]
Member # 3567
 - posted
5-You can have parties.

Without music.... and guys?

Member # 14268
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
5-You can have parties.

Without music.... and guys?


[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Member # 14472
 - posted
Do children will be allowed to enter?
Member # 14048
 - posted
I don’t know what to say but…it’s well known that all the mono-sexual places, like prisons, barracks or the English universities of XIX century produce an higher number of peoples showing homosexual behavior.

They want more lesbo hijabi girls?
Member # 10873
 - posted
Originally posted by steampower:

They want more lesbo hijabi girls?

The "daughters of islam" LOL
Somewhere in the sands
Member # 13869
 - posted
All of your responses are so funny thus far!...and the foul language leave a very bad taste in ones mouth..YUCK
Member # 14189
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
5-You can have parties.

Without music.... and guys?


That's my perfect kind of party [Razz] .
Member # 14410
 - posted
These are Muslim women – Egyptian Muslim women at that who established a business that caters to similar women with similar beliefs. There are foreign businesses in Egypt with the guise of clubs that forbid entry to Egyptians.

Furthermore there are businesses in the west and east that only admit certain clientèle. This is a business and that is what it is all about. Bitching about it won't do you any good.
Member # 14048
 - posted
Originally posted by Exiled:
There are foreign businesses in Egypt with the guise of clubs that forbid entry to Egyptians.

Furthermore there are businesses in the west and east that only admit certain clientèle. This is a business and that is what it is all about. Bitching about it won't do you any good. [/QB]

Are all very stupid places, like the one in object.
Member # 13387
 - posted
It sounds like a "religious meeting place for covered muslim women," why would a Christian girl want to attend and listen to Islamic religious shows and cartoons? Obviously it's not as public as you claim, then "men" should also be allowed, sounds like it's "privately owned and operated."

Why get upset, this is the Egyptian social religious system, should we also call the government officials and demand that they start allowing Christians to attend the AL Azhar University, as they are not allowed to attend this public Government funded institution.

*Wonders if they will allow Jewish women, since they didn't mention it* hmmmm
Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by Somewhere in the sands:
All of your responses are so funny thus far!...and the foul language leave a very bad taste in ones mouth..YUCK

Try Plax Mouthwash Freshmint!! [Wink]
Pink cherry
Member # 13979
 - posted
You won't be exposed to songs or movies JUST CARTOONS AND RELIGIOUS SHOWS.


Even Tom and Jerry can be pretty violent.....is this what this group is advocating? [Eek!]
Member # 9572
 - posted
Racism in its prime..sounds like neo-nazi or kkk, shows how some people hate others. [Mad]
Member # 3567
 - posted
I just had another look at the ad which says:

8-Enjoy the feeling that you'r making everything which is not allowed outdoors and Allah won't be mad at you.

Seriously WHAT can that be????

I think it's fine that they offer a special religious place for Muslim girls. I wouldn't demand to enter anyway because it just doesn't sound fun to me. Bet let them do their thing it's up to them it's okay.

Something interesting on Hanan Turk, the owner of this place. In 2006 she started wearing the hijab and just a year later she took it off again because of work related reasons as actress (according to Wikipedia). So IMO she's not THAT religious! [Wink]
Member # 13715
 - posted
I sure would like to know how they are gonna judge or differentiate between a Christian and a Muslim woman....
not all muslim women have any kind of an ID that states that they are Muslim.
Member # 6838
 - posted
surely, I know the only thing that i have that states i am muslim is my shahadah certificate and i do not carry it around
MK the Most Interlectual
Member # 8356
 - posted
Christian girls and boys are going to be *so* disappointed they can't get in!

Talk about getting scarred for life.

MK the Most Interlectual
Member # 8356
 - posted


This Turk hanem is so gonna take her veil off. (Yes, my monitor is a crystal ball). Let's wait and see if one day they will deny her access to her own cafe!
MK the Most Interlectual
Member # 8356
 - posted
Interesting comment on Sandmonkey's Blog:

just another doc Says:
November 26th, 2007 at 8:41 pm
[Smile] )
all these angry people …..everybody is so mad and sarcastic ….some people preparing to sue other ready to kill:PP
but i just wonder……do all of u people know that all the night clubs….and most of the decent night spots in egypt prevent veiled girls from having access to the place……and i personally know quite a few people who got nearly thrown out just because they are veiled:)

so now…when those veiled girls find a spot under the sun where they can get some privacy and be comfortable after being denied access to places they would have enjoyed…….when they do that …we just load our guns and shoot? [Smile]

i am also surprised because so many people see that egypt is running after the wehabi way …..have these people been to marina this summer? have they seen how guys and girls live there ? have u guys been to any pub lately and seen how are things over there?why didnt anyone say that we re running after the western world? [Smile]

look guys and girls….i am not a religious guy….i am anti veil even……and i myself go to night spots and enjoy it…….but i hate when people give biased opinions …and when they judge others for things they themselves often do ….

just let everybody do as he pleases……live and let live…..u want to go to a place where u can make out with ur almost naked girl and ban girls with stupid veild from being there to watch it….fine……but if them girls want a place where they can feel comfortable with out anyone watching…i guess thats their right too…..

He does have a point, no?
Member # 13387
 - posted
Yes he does have a valid point. You can't imagine how many resorts in the Redsea have up signs on their (private beaches) stating NO HIJAB WOMEN ALLOWED! Ask anyone who works there.

Most foreigners are not aware of this because it written in Arabic, but it's there clear as day.

And if you ask them why, they will say its because they (covered women) make the foreingers feel uncomfortable while they are sunbathing (sometimes in the nude)...smh..
Member # 12450
 - posted
Yes? is this what they think about foreigners??
Why would we feel uncomfortable when covered women are sunbathing?
I was on a private beach a while ago and there were covered women/ girls too. Women with small kids (fully covered), young girls with veils and girls wearing shorts and veils. The last group made me smile [Smile] [Wink] but I did not feel uncomfortable in my bikini.
Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by redseaschool1:

And if you ask them why, they will say its because they (covered women) make the foreingers feel uncomfortable while they are sunbathing (sometimes in the nude)...smh..

This is gross. Why would you come to an Islamic country on vacation and behave like that? [Confused]

Then again it all comes down to what the authorities tolerate to get foreigner's cash and obviously they accept a lot of indecent behaviour.

It's been two years now since I visited last time Egypt but I still widely remember seen quite a few women topless bathing.... why don't they put signs out that views like that are not appreciated in respect of the host country and other tourists incl. children?
Member # 1076
 - posted
Because if topless sunbathing was forbidden, cities like Sharm would be empty. Remember the golden rule: he who has the gold makes the rule.
Member # 14224
 - posted
When i was in Dahab way back in 93 there were signs saying NO TOPLESS BATHING - maybe it has changed.

The problem i have with this story is that why can't young girls have a place where they can chat and have fun, where girls can remove their veils if they wish without men present. Why must they ban Christain girls? Surely they can all meet have a good time being 'girls' together.

Take care
MK the Most Interlectual
Member # 8356
 - posted
Finally a book about the hype.

Does My Head Look Big in This? [Big Grin]



(Disclaimer: I'm not anti-hijab; I am anti mass-hysteria and hypocrisy)
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by jean_bean:
I sure would like to know how they are gonna judge or differentiate between a Christian and a Muslim woman....
not all muslim women have any kind of an ID that states that they are Muslim.

I was wondering exactly the same thing. But I guess they simply assume everyone who is a *real Muslima* will be veiled.
[Roll Eyes]

Originally posted by redseaschool1:
It sounds like a "religious meeting place for covered muslim women," why would a Christian girl want to attend and listen to Islamic religious shows and cartoons?

Errr ... maybe because she would simply like to go for a coffee and a chat with her Muslim friends?!?
Member # 13387
 - posted
Originally posted by Dalia*:

Originally posted by redseaschool1:
It sounds like a "religious meeting place for covered muslim women," why would a Christian girl want to attend and listen to Islamic religious shows and cartoons?

Errr ... maybe because she would simply like to go for a coffee and a chat with her Muslim friends?!?
hmmm...and this was the only coffee shop in town?? Seriously people should choose their fights, some are simply frivolous. [Roll Eyes]

Why in all these years, none of these so-called advocates calling this "privately owned" coffee shop has never come forward and inquired why the Ministry of Education requires all schools to allow verses from the Koran to be read right after the National Anthem, but never scriptures from the Bible for the Christian students attending the school?

Frankly targeting a minority of women who choose to socialize with their own kind is kind of silly, but that's my opinion. I think the official religion here is Islam, and us outsiders need to respect that the majority rules.

*wonders why "No Men Please" was not included in the heading*
Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by redseaschool1:

*wonders why "No Men Please" was not included in the heading*

Maybe because it's not really an advantage? [Big Grin]
* 7ayat *
Member # 7043
 - posted
Originally posted by Dalia*:
No christians please

Forsooth received an e-mail that is the Hijaby girl's equivalent to paradise: Sabaya. Owned by the female equivelant of Ahmed El Fishawy, Hanan Turk, it's a half hairsalon/half restaurant that is  just for girls, where no men are allowed to enter and no music will be played. Their promotional e-mail lists a number of perks to those who want to frequent the place:

 Advantges of SABAYA café

1- You have the freedom of taking your veil/neqab off.
2- Meeting muslim girls who are willing to get closer to Allah.
3- Increasing your 'so7ba sale7a circle'.
4-Getting the opportuinity of being inspired by real stories by the same girls you meet.
5-You can have parties.
6-Learn how to shun sin…since You won't be exposed to songs or movies JUST CARTOONS AND RELIGIOUS SHOWS.
7- Get to meet Hanan Turk.
8-Enjoy the feeling that you'r making everything which is not allowed outdoors and Allah won't be mad at you.

P.S.Attending sabaya will be very useful from both the life and religious prespective, since YOu will be helping in changing the wrong perceptions about both Neqabis/ Hegabis that were already inheritied ages ago.

Sounds great, right? Well, just one more thing:

- First please Don't invite Christian girls , because they aren't allowed to the place.. Second inform all your friends that if the number of visitors increased remarkably in the coming year..inshAllah next year they may be able to open a branch in mohandesen or down town

Yep. You read that correctly. They are barring christian girls. No Christian girls allowed in Sabaya. This has to be the first open for public place that bans people on the basis of faith, and it's seriously fucked up. I can't believe that this is happening in Egypt. I can't believe that people have gotten so fucked in the head that we now segregate based on religious beliefs. Unbelieveable.

I am just wondering how they will enforce their no Christian girls allowed policy. What are they gonna do? Put a "No Christians allowed" sign on the door? Card people on the door and check out their religious identity on their ID's? What if a Christian girl sneaks in? Are they gonna grab her and throw her out? Is this even legal?
 Well, here is their number and address:

Address: 6 Meet 3'amr street
Midan Safir . . Masr El Gedida.
if u know the street that has Cook Door / McDonald's / Oriflame /Smiley's?) . . it's behind McDonald's . . when u see McD . . go right. . then?left . . Sabaya will be on ur left . . isA
Tel: 2240 2223 - 2240 2229

 So, if you are an egyptian with any sense of decency, you should call them and give them a piece of your mind. And if you are a member of the MB- and god knows they have been coming more often to this blog- well, this is the kind of place that is the inevtiable conclusion of your group's policies and ideology. This is what you are advocating. This is the Egypt that you want. Another version of Saudi. Well, assholes, it's not gonna happen. Take a good look, because this is the closest that you will ever gonna get to it.

This is the 21st century assholes, not the 10th, try to catch up!


oh my god that is DISGUSTING. and why do you need to go a place to be able to "shun sin? WTF? You know what I think? I think hanan turk doesn't know what to do with herself now that she quit acting and she's inventing all this crap to fill up her boring sad life!
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by redseaschool1:

Frankly targeting a minority of women who choose to socialize with their own kind is kind of silly, but that's my opinion.

You're entitled to your opinion. I don't find it silly at all.

So I assume you would also find it ok if a coffeeshop for Christian girls would announce that Muslims aren't allowed to enter; or if a coffeeshop for white people would prohibit blacks from entering? And what about the Germans not allowing Jews to enter particular places some time ago?

Would you also call it silly to object against any of that, simply because the ones who are prohibited belong to a minority?

Originally posted by redseaschool1:

*wonders why "No Men Please" was not included in the heading*

Personally, I have no objections against some places for women only or men only. Besides, there are more "men only" than "women only" places in Egypt, I'd say ...
Member # 12336
 - posted
Nobody ever considered the possibility that this is just an attemp based on commercial intentions?
The lady herself doesn't put religious believes in order of rank before financial benefits, (regarding the hijab on/off issue) so this could also be just a way to make much money!
I've never ever heard about Muslim women who were having problems taking their veil of when a Christian woman was in her company, and I don't think there is such a regulation.
It only highlights the differences in religion, while there is no reason for.
About the beaches, I feel uncomfortable wearing Western bathingsuits when I am surrounded by people who are wearing traditional clothes. Not because of the women, but because of the men...
Member # 13387
 - posted
Originally posted by Dalia*:
You're entitled to your opinion. I don't find it silly at all.

So I assume you would also find it ok if a coffeeshop for Christian girls would announce that Muslims aren't allowed to enter; or if a coffeeshop for white people would prohibit blacks from entering? And what about the Germans not allowing Jews to enter particular places some time ago?

Would you also call it silly to object against any of that, simply because the ones who are prohibited belong to a minority?

If you read my above post, you would Know that there are private establishments that prohibit Hijab women from entering.

And my point is that true advocates of anti-discrimination fight it from the big fish not the small ones. You don't ignore what the government is doing, then target small businesses, that's wha I mean by frivolous.

If you're gonna fight it, start from the entire system like the jews, blacks or even women who fought for position that were initially reserved for men.

Why doesn't Egypt have any female police officers, why no female judges, etc. etc.

I don't mean the idea of fighting discrimination is silly, don't get me wrong, I mean the small group that is being targeted is.

If they went after the bigger fish, then it would become illegal for establishments that discriminate against any group to exist at all. I think you get the full picture.
Member # 10776
 - posted
Cairo female café off-limits to Christian girls


[ Tuesday, 18 December 2007 ]

Girls-only and owned by veiled actress
Cairo female café off-limits to Christian girls

DUBAI (AlArabiya.net)

An Egyptian veiled actress has stirred waves of anger, especially among Egyptian Copts, after opening a posh café for women that is off-limits to unveiled and Christian females.

Several Egyptian Internet forums and chat rooms have launched a campaign against the actress Hanan Turk, accusing her of damaging the country’s national unity and supporting claims of maltreatment to the Christian minority, according to Kuwaiti daily al-Nihar Tuesday December 18.

Some blogs are calling for stand-in protests in front of the “Girls’ Café” located at the Helioples neighborhood, east of the Egyptian Capital. Anti-hijab websites and blogs also took the chance to assert their claim “the so-called Islamic dress code for women is a sort of business”.

One of the blogs accused Turk outright of stirring a sectarian strife and emphasizing the gap among the poor and rich in the biggest Arab country, in a reference to the skyrocketing prices of the clothes and accessories of veiled women.

Turk has campaigned for her café with an e-mail sent out to mail groups in Egypt, a copy of which was received by an Egyptian journalist with the daily Rozalyoussef.

The e-mail goes: “Now there is a café where Muslim girls and women can go out to. Girls’ Café is a beautiful place where you can find food, drinks but no music or movies. It is not allowed for women without hijab to come in, so it is a safe place for “munaqqabat” (Arabic word for completely covered women). In Girls Café, you have a chance to meet Hanan Turk! Please, do not bring Christian girls along as they are not allowed!”

The Rozalyoussef journalist went to the Café, where she found out it was one of a veiled-only chain of stores selling highly expensive veil materials and accessories. The place also arranges fashion shows every Sunday and Wednesday, only for the veiled.
Member # 3567
 - posted
Now that way Hanan Turk stays in the spotlight!
Member # 13285
 - posted
Open Day for Adha, XMAS & New Year Shopping Great Collection to shop
Invitation is open for Ladies and Gentlemen’s

From 16-12-2007: 31-1-2008
Clothes for Women’s, Men’s and Children’s
We would like to invite you to our 3rd trendy Open Day Women’s, Men’s and Children’s collection from USA & Canada for winter 2007/2008.

Sweatshirts, Suites , Skirts, Jackets , Pullovers, Jeans, Evening & Cocktail Dresses, Coats, Handbags, Boots , Slippers, Makeup….

Guess, La Senza, DKNY, Zara clothing and footwear’s for kids, Gap Coats for children, OBaibi, Esprit, Escape, Elegance, MaxMara…

You are welcome to come at any time, bring your friends too but please let us know how many as we will try not to exceed 6 persons in any same time to maintain comfort and relaxed atmosphere for everyone. Please contact +2.012.4916939

Until then take care.
Member # 3567
 - posted
Taking beauty personally

A beauty salon for veiled women has provoked the wrath of secularist Egyptians. Gihan Shahine delves into a world of elegance and controversy<

Al-Ahram Weekly Online
21 -27 February 2008
Issue No. 885

Member # 14025
 - posted
After reading the Al Ahram article maybe the title of this thread should be changed to : No Christians? Not true!
Member # 10873
 - posted
Advantges of SABAYA café:

Dyke Fest '08
Member # 3567
 - posted
"All we said is that we will not do the hair of non-veiled women -- be they Muslims or Christians -- because we do not want to share in the sin [of them going out unveiled on the streets]..."

So it's sinful to not be veiled outdoors in her opinion???

Member # 13715
 - posted
not that I am "for" this idea, but in all fairness to these women, the rest of that paragraph says:

That, of course, is not our own opinion. We got three religious edicts from three different [Egyptian, moderate] scholars before we decided to do that."

so, again....its a man's opinion !
These so called scholars just SLAY me [Roll Eyes]
Member # 14099
 - posted
I still don't understand why christians are denied the entry to this place...
Member # 13715
 - posted
they aren't
Member # 14617
 - posted
Exiled, I've left you alone for some time, but you need to quit telling people not to bitch about the this cafe' and restaurant not letting christian girls and non-veiled women in. They will bitch if they want to. So what if certain clubs in the west and east don't allow certain clientiel. That does not make it right. This right up your alley since you believe in segragation of faiths.

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