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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 4195
 - posted
Hi everyone!
I would like to know if there are any yoga communities in Egypt? I know there is Ashtanga yoga centre, but I hope to find something else.
I`m also interested in shops where I can buy Ayurvedic products.
I`m waiting ur replies.

[This message has been edited by Karen69 (edited 28 February 2005).]

Member # 5667
 - posted
Hi. There's a Yoga instructor giving classes in Cairo, her name is Debra Desaulnier. Get in touch with her, she could help. Her no. is 012 391 3313
You might also find yoga classes in the CSA in maadi, Creative Dance& Fitness in its 2 branches, mohandiseen &maadi. For alternative therapies advice and info, contact Insight Inside, in mohandiseen. I also know an excellent homeopath with a great rep&history. If you're interested, I can email u more details.
Member # 3790
 - posted
Try the indian cultural center downtown ..Talaat Harb street
Member # 1230
 - posted
Yes, the Indian cultural center is supposed to have very good yoga classes.

Also you could get copies of The Community Times and / or BCA mag. In those you will usually find a lot of ads offering all kinds of services, yoga included.

I've never heard about Ayurvedic products in Cairo, but if you contact some of the spas / beautysalons they will probably be able to help you.

Member # 5667
 - posted
hi karen, i heard something that might interest u. La Piste Club has started yoga classes. It is originally a dance studio(with any type of dancing on ur mind!) They have Hatha/Ahshtanga/Raja/Mantra/Karma &Bahakti yogas. As well as stretch classesand yoga dance, breathing excercies and meditation. They're on 112 mohie el-deen abu el-ezz st.,Mohandiseen.tel- 0122229016,email wafayoga@hotmail.com -www.clublapiste.com
I also suggest you try the Indian Cultural Center, depending on where u live, since it is in downtown, 23 talaat harb. They have excellent prices, and teachers. 150le for a 3months course,3 times a wk-you can choose from 2 groups of classes,on diff. days.They are always booked before the nxt course, so try to catch them early.
Member # 6919
 - posted
Dearest one,
If I must be fair to myself and to all, I would want to believe that this mail may keep you a little uneasy considering the fact that we do not know each other but frankly, that's the primary reasoin why I
chose to contact you. I really am so sorry as I never meant to put you off-guard by what I intend to tell you here and will appreciate it greatly if you do understand totally my situation and position regarding the subject matter that I am divulging here.
The political situation in my country here, Cote d'Ivoire has indeed dealt a great blow to me and my family. I have considered many options regarding my condition and resolved that I must forge ahead with my life if not for any toher thing to fulfil my dreams and the good
intentions of my father who was murdered in cold blood by some group of rebel vagabonds. Their gruise was that my late father was suspected to be opposing their political ambitions with his wealth hence he was marked and eventually eliminated. My late father was a very wealthy businessman and contractor and excelled in all his endeavours. I was away at school in Ghana when I got the news of my father's assasination early last year and felt devastated as my father was everything to me.
The assailants capitalised on the rebel activities in my area Bouake to kill my father as they claimed that he didn't want to join their group and fight the government hence he would be killed. The
governement was handicapped to do anything since the rebels controlled the town till now. When I came back, I was advised not to stay in the area since my father has been buried already. However, before now,I am
aware of the fund,fourteen million Five houndred thousand united states dollars.USD($14,500,000) he deposited with a bank here in Cote d'Ivoire which he intended to transfer overseas for investments which he did not achieve following his sudden demise. He made me the next of kin to the fund and had before now explained a whole lot of things concerning the fund to me in the event that he is not able to carry on with the project.
I have tried severally since the sudden death of my father to have access to the fund but was denied as according to the bank officials,the agreement of deposit the bank had with my late father, I should not
be allowed to have a direct access to the fund unless I am 24 years age or I should have someone who is older than the stipulated age to interced on my behalf with my consent. This is why I am contacting you
now to help me get the fund released and transferred into your account in your country so that you could have me come over to your country to complete my education while you take care of the investment of the fund.
I shall be glad to get your positive response so that I will proceed to giving you the bank contact details to make the contacts and request for the release and transfer of the fund to you.
Note lease reply to my private e-mail box below;(helen_nana21@yahoo.com)

Awaiting your response, I remain as always,

In His loving arms,

Helen Nana.


Member # 4195
 - posted
Thanx a lot for your replies!!! It will help me a lot
Member # 7139
 - posted
Hi Karen,

I will be visiting Cairo next week and practice ayurvedic massage here in Dubai. If ur interested email me back mika_sig@hotmail.com

Have a beautiful day and hope to hear from u soon...

Originally posted by Karen69:
Thanx a lot for your replies!!! It will help me a lot


Member # 8763
 - posted
Hi All,
For the first time in Egypt and the Middle East, T.E.N Tours Egypt is organizing Egypt's First International Yoga Festival during the time between March 1 to 7 2006. With an early start for Yoga and Meditation, and with healthy, delicious vegetarian foods, we will offer you a perfect chance for a life giving and renewing break in one of the magical cities on the Red Sea, Hurghada.
More Deatils : www.egyptyogafestival.com

Or E-mail me : sameh@tentours.com


Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by helenana:
I shall be glad to get your positive response so that I will proceed to giving you the bank contact details to make the contacts and request for the release and transfer of the fund to you.
Note lease reply to my private e-mail box below;(helen_nana21@yahoo.com)

Awaiting your response, I remain as always,

In His loving arms,

Helen Nana.

Money. Laundering. Scheme.


Member # 8648
 - posted
Originally posted by Snoozin:
Money. Laundering. Scheme.

Totally right! Where are the moderators nowadays?.


Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by eaasalam:
Totally right! Where are the moderators nowadays?.

I dunno, but if it were a US board, I'd report it to the feds.


Member # 1056
 - posted
Snoozin...it is a US board, or at least its based in Chicago!
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by newcomer:
Snoozin...it is a US board, or at least its based in Chicago!

Is it really? I thought it was in Egypt!

Well, then, off to the feds......


Show Time
Member # 8513
 - posted
Originally posted by Snoozin:
Money. Laundering. Scheme.

Actually dear it is not money laundering, they got no money at all , there are lots of them in e-commerce sites,just igonre them.


MK the Most Interlectual
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by helenana:
Note lease..


Note rinting mistake!

Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Sam on line:
Actually dear it is not money laundering, they got no money at all , there are lots of them in e-commerce sites,just igonre them.

Some of them *are* money laundering sites. Sending money through the US. Some are just a scam to get your bank account number. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has been cracking down on them for some time. They are called the *Nigerian e-mail* fraud because so many people claim to be from Nigeria.

And I *personally* ignore them when I get them, but apparently many people in the US are falling for this and losing money, and I hate seeing people getting cheated. Many elderly people can be a bit naive about the internet and believe these things, or be a bit desperate for money. Then, they lose whatever they've got in bank accounts.

*That's* why I report them.



FTC Site:

The "Nigerian" Scam: Costly Compassion
Nigerian advance-fee fraud has been around for decades, but now seems to have reached epidemic proportions: Some consumers have told the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) they are receiving dozens of offers a day from supposed Nigerians politely promising big profits in exchange for help moving large sums of money out of their country. And apparently, many compassionate consumers are continuing to fall for the convincing sob stories, the unfailingly polite language, and the unequivocal promises of money. These advance-fee solicitations are scams. And according to the FTC, the scam artists are playing each and every consumer for a fool. Here's the play book:

Claiming to be Nigerian officials, businesspeople or the surviving spouses of former government honchos, con artists offer to transfer millions of dollars into your bank account in exchange for a small fee. If you respond to the initial offer, you may receive "official looking" documents. Typically, you're then asked to provide blank letterhead and your bank account numbers, as well as some money to cover transaction and transfer costs and attorney's fees.

You may even be encouraged to travel to Nigeria or a border country to complete the transaction. Sometimes, the fraudsters will produce trunks of dyed or stamped money to verify their claims. Inevitably, though, emergencies come up, requiring more of your money and delaying the "transfer" of funds to your account; in the end, there aren't any profits for you to share, and the scam artist has vanished with your money.

If you receive an offer via email from someone claiming to need your help getting money out of Nigeria — or any other country, for that matter — forward it to the FTC at spam@uce.gov .

If you have lost money to one of these schemes, call your local Secret Service field office. Local field offices are listed in the Blue Pages of your telephone directory.

For More Information

More information about Nigerian Advance-Fee Loan scams is available from the U.S. Secret Service www.secretservice.gov/alert419.shtml and the U.S. Department of State www.state.gov/www/regions/africa/naffpub.pdf

[This message has been edited by Snoozin (edited 25 August 2005).]

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