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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 12165
 - posted
Ok, I'm sure this has been done before, but here goes.

What was your most embarrassing moment?
BANANA FACE., high on banana syrup
Member # 11270
 - posted
after my wedding night i woke up and found i was on my period .....it went every where on white sheets ....mind u i had waited for over a year 3years for this ... [Frown] [Eek!]
Member # 12165
 - posted
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [Frown]

I got so many I don't know what to post. [Frown]
Member # 12165
 - posted
There was this one time that my 1 yr old baby had an ear infection. You know how the pain hits at night and on a weekend? That was us.

I had been having some trouble with my eyes and didnt see well to drive at night. I begged my husband to take us. He threw a fit. Told me how incompetant and lazy I was. I should be ashamed of myself for bugging him. Oh that baby is ok. (because he didn't want to go) Even though that baby had fever, runny nose, and had been crying hysterically for 3 hrs straight, oh and pulling at his ears. This behavior was so typical of my husband.

Anyway, I walked out the door and stepped onto the ground. Stepped in a hole and thought I broke my ankle. I heard the pop and all. This hole was right in front of my bottom step. The dog had dug it. Instead of filling it like I had asked him to, he covered it up with a rug. [Frown]

Well.......me and baby fell. I could not walk. Hollered for him. He came about 30 min later. Finally I said would you at least drive us to the hospital as it was my right foot. NOooooooooooooooooo. He helped us get into car and I drove off. This was about 1am.

Drove up and tried to get out. Couldn't. I had to pull up into ER (where the ambulances pull up) and honk my horn. They came out all worried and wondering what the emergency was. Well....... it wasn't that bad. But obviously I just didn't know what to do. They understood after hearing the story. Took me off to X-ray with my baby. Gave him meds for ears. Thank God I did not break it. It was torn ligaments. [Frown] But guess what?

They would not let me leave the hospital, cuz of my injuries. They could not believe my husband wouldn't take me to begin with. So they called him and demanded him come pick up his poor wife and child.

I was sooooooooooooooooo embarrassed. I went home and took my pain killers and cried all night long. Funny...........he still doesn't see what he did wrong. That was 13 yrs ago.
BANANA FACE., high on banana syrup
Member # 11270
 - posted
he aint got a clue baby that ur angel .what a pig .........more ihear im not like much .....
Member # 5507
 - posted
Originally posted by sheba76:
There was this one time that my 1 yr old baby had an ear infection. [--] Funny...........he still doesn't see what he did wrong. That was 13 yrs ago.

Are you still with this guy? [Confused] [Confused] [Eek!]
CoffeeAddict&Not looking for a cure
Member # 11183
 - posted
Wow... sheba's story was crazy. I mean... why would you stay married to someone who had to be DEMANDED to come to the ER to pick up his wife and BABY?

:| what in the hell is with the ES women... it seems like alot of you have jerk off husbands. Its pissing me off that you actually stayed with him 13 years AFTER the fact. And then you say he doesnt know what he did wrong? WHATEVER! Thats a big pile of BS.

Anyways, I cant think of an embarrassing moment, I dont get embarrassed often.
Member # 12165
 - posted
Wow... sheba's story was crazy. I mean... why would you stay married to someone who had to be DEMANDED to come to the ER to pick up his wife and BABY?

:| what in the hell is with the ES women... it seems like alot of you have jerk off husbands. Its pissing me off that you actually stayed with him 13 years AFTER the fact. And then you say he doesnt know what he did wrong? WHATEVER! Thats a big pile of BS.

Well I was raised a very traditional and religious. Divorce is not taken lightly. Unlike a lot of Americans, I felt that I had to try to make my marriage work. I stayed in it for my children. I loved him and my family enough to try to make it work. I also had 3 kids 2 years apart, and suffered from post-partum depresseion.(never knew it) I guess when you have everyone around you saying, "it's your job to stick it out, your family it worth it, having depression, you just sort of go into yourself. I became too submissive, and so part of it was my fault. I believed what my parents told me. It is our job as parents to do what is necessary for the good of our children? And not everyone has support. After a while you just get beat down. There can be many reasons for thas. Not everyone is so perfect "coffee addict".

I tried to make it work for years. But then I had a breakdown. Finally, I asked for divorce. I really thought it was my duty as a wife, mother, etc., to deal with it and do my best for my children. And for as long as I could. I know now thas was a mistake. But it's really hard sometimes when you're in the middle of a big mess. I also had 3 small kids, no education, so what chance could I give them if I left? Sometimes things are a lot easier said than done. Yes, I could have left. But, what kind of life would my children have had. Yes my life was so hard. But most of it was hidden from them. And now at least I have more of an education and a better chance for a decent life for us. So even though it was very hard for me, I don't regret it.

When you have a family, you have to look at the bigger picture. I think the thing that kept me focused was the fact that I had started working on my future. Had started working on my education.

So coffe-addict, it's clear you do not have a clue. Either that or you have more support than a lot of women. Sometimes you have to take things step by step. That is what I am doing. That is the reality. God Bless us all. [Smile]

WHATEVER! Thats a big pile of BS.

Actually the big pile of BS, is the fact that when some people come on here and bare their soul, that others are so callous as to make remarks like that. This was after all a post on embarrassing moments. Not on my marriage. Did I ask YOU for advice? NOT!!! I simply stated one of my most embarrassing moments. Don't hijack the thread please.

Anyways, I cant think of an embarrassing moment, I dont get embarrassed often.

That coffee addict is obvious. If you did embarrass easily, you wouldn't have commented as you did. [Roll Eyes]

If you get so pissed of then maybe you shouldn't read these forums. They are public, and you do have a choice.

Sorry guys. I try to be nice and respectful on here. Sometimes you just have to set things strait.

Member # 11552
 - posted
Sheba, I found your account to be searingly honest and touching. Women all over the world endure such mental torture and worse. It is by no means common to only ES. You found the courage to do something about it, when you could. That is no small thing. I guess Coffee Addict was partly reacting with outrage, at what you had to suffer.
*The Dark Angel* aka CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
O think farting in public would be the most embarrassing thing ever
Member # 1056
 - posted
CoffeeAddict is 16 years old, that might partly explain her reaction.
Member # 2710
 - posted
Only so much for housewives. We have to make sure our girls get a decent education to provide for themselves and don't pass on the ideology of marriage no matter what. We have to teach son's to behave social or remove themselves from the scene. And God help us all. We need to make life pleasant to each other, never accept hell.
I am so sorry Sheba, I hope you and your kids are doing allright now, if only step by step progressing.

CoffeeAddict&Not looking for a cure
Member # 11183
 - posted
Originally posted by newcomer:
CoffeeAddict is 16 years old, that might partly explain her reaction.

So because I'm younger than you means that Im supposed to believe that a man having to be demanded to come to ER when his wife is unable to drive her self home and his baby is sick is okay?

Sorry but I dont care if I was twenty years my senior I would never think that its okay to stay with someone like that. Its unconsiderate and irresponsible. But thats just my opinion,the way I was brought up.
Member # 10655
 - posted
Isn't it illegal for 16 yrs old to be on ES?
*The Dark Angel* aka CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
Originally posted by CoffeeAddict&Not looking for a cure:
Originally posted by newcomer:
CoffeeAddict is 16 years old, that might partly explain her reaction.

So because I'm younger than you means that Im supposed to believe that a man having to be demanded to come to ER when his wife is unable to drive her self home and his baby is sick is okay?

Sorry but I dont care if I was twenty years my senior I would never think that its okay to stay with someone like that. Its unconsiderate and irresponsible. But thats just my opinion,the way I was brought up.

The way I interpret it that you being 16 years old means that you're still young & inexperienced to understand life's complexities & challenges............. so when you make a remark it comes off as harsh & judegemental because accoring to you life seems easier than it really is & it seems that you can just press a botton & make all the difficulties disappear but it is not that way

young people see things as black & white while older ones see the grey areas in between, accept it & cope with it.

Life is about coping & not just pressing a button & running away from your problems

For intance, if you have a child you cant just decide that this life is not good for you & leave your family
MK in Uggs
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by *The Dark Angel* aka CAT:
older ones see the grey areas & accept it

I disagree. I would never accept it. The day it happens I will instantly run off to the hairdresser and get my black back.

*The Dark Angel* aka CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
Originally posted by MK in Uggs:
Originally posted by *The Dark Angel* aka CAT:
older ones see the grey areas & accept it

I disagree. I would never accept it. The day it happens I will instantly run off to the hairdresser and get my black back.


I would leave it grey if my hair continues to grow when i'm older [Razz] [Big Grin]
Member # 1056
 - posted
Originally posted by CoffeeAddict&Not looking for a cure:
Originally posted by newcomer:
CoffeeAddict is 16 years old, that might partly explain her reaction.

So because I'm younger than you means that Im supposed to believe that a man having to be demanded to come to ER when his wife is unable to drive her self home and his baby is sick is okay?

Sorry but I dont care if I was twenty years my senior I would never think that its okay to stay with someone like that. Its unconsiderate and irresponsible. But thats just my opinion,the way I was brought up.

I can't imagine that any of us think it was ok to treat someone like that. What I meant about your reaction was that the way you reacted obviously upset sheba76 and it might have helped if you had been a little bit more careful about the way you expressed your feelings to someone who had suffered what she had, and shown a little more consideration of her feelings when you made your post.
MK in Uggs
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by *The Dark Angel* aka CAT:
Originally posted by MK in Uggs:
Originally posted by *The Dark Angel* aka CAT:
older ones see the grey areas & accept it

I disagree. I would never accept it. The day it happens I will instantly run off to the hairdresser and get my black back.


I would leave it grey if my hair continues to grow when i'm older [Razz] [Big Grin]
First get it and then talk. [Razz]
Member # 12165
 - posted
Thanks guys for your support. Her being sixteen does explain it. Yes life is way more complex than a young person can fully comprehend. I have a sixteen year old boy. Things just seem so simple to him. LOL

Anyway thanks for support. Coffe addict, life is about choices. Sometimes we see the results quickly. Sometimes it takes years. Sometimes we have to choose the best choice, not necessarily what we want. But because it is the best choice at the time. I pray you have easier choices.

But anyway's guys.........What's your most embarrassing moment?

Yes, farting in public would be bad. lol
*The Dark Angel* aka CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
Originally posted by sheba76:

Yes, farting in public would be bad. lol

or getting out of the toilet with you skirt tucked in your panty without knowning it & your ass on display for everybody to see [Eek!]

It happened to my mom [Eek!] [Big Grin]
Ramses nemesis
Member # 4125
 - posted
Hmmm, ok, I know I'm treading into estrogen/progeteron charged grounds here, quite dangerous. But I'll throw my 2p's worth anyway.

I'm not commenting on Sheba's but on the comments and the comments on the comments, etc, lol.

Well Sheba, I've pointed this out before, some people around here claim the high moral grounds and give themselves the right to judge others without appreciating their circumstances. Please don't take this either to condone or condemn what's in your post. I'm talking about a different issue.

As for the young lady of 16, believe you me, you WILL change your mind about many things in life when you get older, perhaps not this particular issue but many others. I've seen it happen many times, and had actually mentioned a case around here some time ago.

As for the issue of bringing up children, etc. Believe it or not there is a longing for the good old fashioned way, and a gloryfication of motherhood that the feminists have basically put down and humiliated. At some point in the distant past I had some interest in feminism until I found out there's a great deal of hyprocrisy involved, but anyway, that's not the issue. Actually , while we're at it, has anybody read the book "Das Eva Prinzip" by the German tv presenter Eva Herman, apparanty it calls for restoring motherhood's status in society. I haven't read it but have read about it. Unfortunately I don't read German, I wonder if any German speakers around here have read it and may care to give us a synopsis.

Ramses nemesis
Member # 4125
 - posted
Originally posted by Ramses nemesis:
Hmmm, ok, I know I'm treading into estrogen/progesterone charged grounds here, quite dangerous. But I'll throw my 2p's worth anyway.

I'm not commenting on Sheba's but on the comments and the comments on the comments, etc, lol.

Well Sheba, I've pointed this out before, some people around here claim the high moral grounds and give themselves the right to judge others without appreciating their circumstances. Please don't take this either to condone or condemn what's in your post. I'm talking about a different issue.

As for the young lady of 16, believe you me, you WILL change your mind about many things in life when you get older, perhaps not this particular issue but many others. I've seen it happen many times, and had actually mentioned a case around here some time ago.

As for the issue of bringing up children, etc. Believe it or not there is a longing for the good old fashioned way, and a gloryfication of motherhood that the feminists have basically put down and humiliated. At some point in the distant past I had some interest in feminism until I found out there's a great deal of hyprocrisy involved, but anyway, that's not the issue. Actually , while we're at it, has anybody read the book "Das Eva Prinzip" by the German tv presenter Eva Herman, apparanty it calls for restoring motherhood's status in society. I haven't read it but have read about it. Unfortunately I don't read German, I wonder if any German speakers around here have read it and may care to give us a synopsis.


CoffeeAddict&Not looking for a cure
Member # 11183
 - posted
ofcourse my idea's and opinions will change once I age, but anyways maybe I should have been more gentle with expressing my opinion. Maybe I shouldnt have said anything at all...

And Lazeez no it is not illeagal for a sixteen year old to be on ES they were just ganging up on me because Im the youngest active member on here. [Razz] its okay though, I still love them [Big Grin] .

Anyhoo, sorry for 'hijacking' the thread. Go on with the subject.
Member # 12077
 - posted
Somehow embarrassment and fear mix in my life.

My aunt and uncle didn't put an indoor toilet in their log home until I was 6 years old.

So until that point we had to use an out house.

A beautiful January night full moon, fresh snow, its 2 am and I must do 1 & 2.

Can't wait.

Neither can a porcupine that crawled into the refuse under the seats. Literally they dig a large hole, and then build an outhouse over it. Well in that hole was a growling porcupine trying to stay warm or something. If #2 (poop) could ever crawl back into your rectum free fall it was definately a possibility that night.

My cousins had been taking their table scraps from liver night and dumping it in the outhouse to avoid eating liver. Thats what attracted the porcupine.

Next day we had to explain why an animal would use kleenex to wipe while taking a dump because we unloaded 20 yards away from the outhouse with our backs to a bunch of birch trees for support. This would be the 6th time my cousins got reprimanded for dumping undesireable dinner down the outhouse toilet encouraging scavengers like porcupines.

Sooner or later my crazy militant hippy uncle would have to kiss up to capitalism and sink a septic tank for an indoor toilet. He got chased a few times from the outhouse himself and finally gave in.
The Dude
Member # 12020
 - posted
Originally posted by *The Dark Angel* aka CAT:
O think farting in public would be the most embarrassing thing ever

Only if you're a woman..

Guys can get away with farting in public. [Big Grin]

Member # 12165
 - posted
Guys can get away with farting in public.


Ok Sono, that is embarrassing. [Embarrassed]


Ok here is another of mine. One of those new mommy things. This would not embarrass me now, but I was so young, and inexperienced then that it did.

You know how when your in public, and your kids do things that are rude? You try to get them to stop quietly? But then they get really loud, and EVERYONE notices? LOL And your suffering from the, "trying to show everyone I'm a good mommy syndrome".

Me and my then 2 yr old son (16 now), were standing in the check out line at Wal-Mart. He was digging for gold in his nose. I kept trying to pull his hands away, tell him quietly, "no, no, don't do that here, wait for a tissue". LOL After a couuple of times without success, he got really frustrated with me. Stam[ed his foot with authority, and said VERY VERY LOUDLY," BUT THERE'S SOMETHING IN THERE!" LOL

I turned red, and laaaaaaaauuuuuuuuggghhhhhhhheeeeddddddddd. Everyone around me was rolling. What made it worse was that we were 3rd in a long line. So I had to wait it out under the stares and laughs of others. [Embarrassed]

Now today, or even after my 2nd kid that kind of thing wouldn't phase me. But oh boy it did then. LOL
Member # 3567
 - posted
Okay, I was reading through the whole thread and didn't get a clue why is everyone upset about coffee addict. I believe it's also outrageous what sheba 76 wrote about her husband's attitude.

Sheba76, seriously, what you telling us here under 'your most embarrassing moment' is not embarrassing, it is shameful. Your husband openly showed carelessness, unaffection and negligence against you and your small child which on top of it was in need of medical care. I assume you already had marital problems back then. Was he always like that? Anyway, finally you got yourself together and divorced him. Thanks god!

But I don't want to hijack the thread - it's not about your marriage - let's talk about some really embarrassing moments here....... [Big Grin]

Well, when in Cairo I went clubbing a lot and I met that guy at a nightclub, an Egyptian doctor and he openly tried to start something with me. After the third time he directly confronted me about it I told him kind of rough to get lost.

Well, I didn't see him anymore for less than a year, I met my boyfriend who became my husband a year later. Anyway when I was seven months pregnant I had to fight with asthma which worsened in Egypt (no wonder!), I had horrible breathing problems. So my then boyfriend took me to an ER at a hospital in Maadi - and guess what. Yes, the same Egyptian guy, the doctor, was on duty and went ahead to examine me! You should have seen his smile when he saw me. [Big Grin] But I just felt the opposite, I was like "oh my god!" [Confused] . Well, to make long story short, he was very kind, I received some oxygen and I went back home. Later the same week my doctor put me on some other asthma medication.

Anyway, I think this was by far the most embarrassing moment in my life...... although I could add some more if you'd like. [Wink]
Member # 12234
 - posted
Ok. I'll be really courage this time,but pls ppl don't laugh!(or just pretend that u'll not laugh)
Anyway,my story happen 5 years ago,when I was in the farmacy store with my b/f.I should take some local anestetic,and he was watching things which were in the shelf.I took what I needed,and prepared to went out,but he stoped me,coz he wanted to ask the girl who was working there abt some product.His ques. was "Can u tell me after what time,I can expect the first results,and is it really effective?"I didn't know abt what he is asking abt the girl,but I cought her strange look on me,and after that at him.,and didn't know what to answer.Than my b/f full of selfconfidence repeat,is it really good in making proportions of muscles?Than the poor girl,look at both of us,smiled and said,"Sorry but Magna RX isn't for muscles u mean,it is for ...u know...."My b/f got red colour on his face and I could die there of shame,but at the same time from laugh.I took my b/f for hand,took it out,and I was kidding him abt that whole next year!
Member # 12336
 - posted
I`m big and I`m bad,
And I am not ashamed,
Where I should be ashamed at... [Razz]
Member # 12165
 - posted
Ok this happens too much.

When you go to check out. Dig for your money (small purse), and all your tampons fall out. You look around and there are several men snickering. This is made worse when they also noticed that you have those and other feminine hygeine products. [Embarrassed]


Also being asked when your baby is due. When your babys 1 or 2 yrs old.


My oldest sons first day of Kindergarten. I had to pick him up at 12:30. So I tried to find things to do and was anxious and waiting since 11:00am. Went to school only 10 minutes early. Only to find out I was supposed to come at 12:00. That he had been waiting with no lunch. [Frown] He had to watch others eat and be hungry. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh I felt so bad. It was his first day of school!!!!!!!!!!


Check out $300.00 worth of groceries. Look in purse for you money, find out it's not there. (someone who shall remain nameless took it out without telling you) You have to say I'm sorry I don't have any money. All the people in line behind you are seething. [Frown]


Being in a public restroom with no toilet paper. Oh why didn't I check before the deed.
Member # 12165
 - posted
Sheba76, seriously, what you telling us here under 'your most embarrassing moment' is not embarrassing, it is shameful.

Yes I agree. When you are on the recieving end of something like that, and you have to explain it, and you have very low self-esteem. Well...for me.......it was one of THE most EMBARRASSING moments of MY life. I looked back and tried to find my worst moment and that was probably it.

Sorry shouldn't have posted it. Let's get back to the farts, toilet paper, and personal item shopping things. LOL
Member # 4986
 - posted
I once spied the back of my friend in a dress shop holding up a gypsy style blouse and I went behind her and told her that she was too fat to wear something like that, of course when she turned round it wasnt my friend and would you believe she still bought the blouse
Am I bovvered(WOTEVER)
Member # 11942
 - posted
Walking down the road, feeling extremly chic, slipped on a banana skin!!!


pulling the emergency cord on the non stop fast train and runnng off with the driver chasing me

I was only 14/15 at the time
Member # 9181
 - posted
Originally posted by sheba76:
There was this one time that my 1 yr old baby had an ear infection. You know how the pain hits at night and on a weekend? That was us.

I had been having some trouble with my eyes and didnt see well to drive at night. I begged my husband to take us. He threw a fit. Told me how incompetant and lazy I was. I should be ashamed of myself for bugging him. Oh that baby is ok. (because he didn't want to go) Even though that baby had fever, runny nose, and had been crying hysterically for 3 hrs straight, oh and pulling at his ears. This behavior was so typical of my husband.

Anyway, I walked out the door and stepped onto the ground. Stepped in a hole and thought I broke my ankle. I heard the pop and all. This hole was right in front of my bottom step. The dog had dug it. Instead of filling it like I had asked him to, he covered it up with a rug. [Frown]

Well.......me and baby fell. I could not walk. Hollered for him. He came about 30 min later. Finally I said would you at least drive us to the hospital as it was my right foot. NOooooooooooooooooo. He helped us get into car and I drove off. This was about 1am.

Drove up and tried to get out. Couldn't. I had to pull up into ER (where the ambulances pull up) and honk my horn. They came out all worried and wondering what the emergency was. Well....... it wasn't that bad. But obviously I just didn't know what to do. They understood after hearing the story. Took me off to X-ray with my baby. Gave him meds for ears. Thank God I did not break it. It was torn ligaments. [Frown] But guess what?

They would not let me leave the hospital, cuz of my injuries. They could not believe my husband wouldn't take me to begin with. So they called him and demanded him come pick up his poor wife and child.

I was sooooooooooooooooo embarrassed. I went home and took my pain killers and cried all night long. Funny...........he still doesn't see what he did wrong. That was 13 yrs ago.

ah dont feel bad. mine left me alone at the er while i had a miscarriage and i had to wait in the cold for half an hour for him to pick me up. men suck so bad.
hes history though. hope urs is too. i dont know how someone could live with himself as his child screams in agony and he refuses to help it. i dont think this should be your embarrasing moment, it should be his for being such an fag.
Member # 9181
 - posted
i dont embarass easy, but there have been times that now when i think of them, im like, that really sucked. (i find that laughing at yourself in the moment makes it ok)

1. my only BF after my divorce and he rolls on me one morning and tries to get it on and i wasn't all awake yet. he was a big heavy egyptian dude and i farted. TOTALLY HIS FAULT.
so i laughed, red faced, and made him a big breakfast.

2. in high school i wore a mini skirt and wore the back of it stuffed into my panties half the morning.

3. while working at a restaurant 2 of my co-workers were dating. i was caught kissing him in the walk in freezer and they had to send his gf home early to avoid a fight.
i made up something good, and we made up.

4. walking down the street bra-less when a huge gust of wind blew my top over my head, enabling incoming traffic a birds eye view of my rack.

5. every winter i slip and fall on the sidewalk in front of a busy street.

6. got stoned and tried to dive off the side of a diving board in a fancy stunt and actually dove right into the ladder. i split my lip.

7. when i was in 6th grade i threw up on the school bus cause my mom wouldnt believe i really was sick. but good came from it...it landed in the hair of a really stuck up b*tch.

thats about it. it was also pretty embarassing when i lost my virginity to my ex-hubbo and you know, 'the stain on the sheets'...
BANANA FACE., high on banana syrup
Member # 11270
 - posted
Originally posted by Am I bovvered(WOTEVER):
Walking down the road, feeling extremly chic, slipped on a banana skin!!!


pulling the emergency cord on the non stop fast train and runnng off with the driver chasing me

I was only 14/15 at the time

oi oi oi keeep me out of it i shant send u any more SYRUP .... [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
BANANA FACE., high on banana syrup
Member # 11270
 - posted
Originally posted by tami025:
i dont embarass easy, but there have been times that now when i think of them, im like, that really sucked. (i find that laughing at yourself in the moment makes it ok)

1. my only BF after my divorce and he rolls on me one morning and tries to get it on and i wasn't all awake yet. he was a big heavy egyptian dude and i farted. TOTALLY HIS FAULT.
so i laughed, red faced, and made him a big breakfast.

2. in high school i wore a mini skirt and wore the back of it stuffed into my panties half the morning.

3. while working at a restaurant 2 of my co-workers were dating. i was caught kissing him in the walk in freezer and they had to send his gf home early to avoid a fight.
i made up something good, and we made up.

4. walking down the street bra-less when a huge gust of wind blew my top over my head, enabling incoming traffic a birds eye view of my rack.

5. every winter i slip and fall on the sidewalk in front of a busy street.

6. got stoned and tried to dive off the side of a diving board in a fancy stunt and actually dove right into the ladder. i split my lip.

7. when i was in 6th grade i threw up on the school bus cause my mom wouldnt believe i really was sick. but good came from it...it landed in the hair of a really stuck up b*tch.

thats about it. it was also pretty embarassing when i lost my virginity to my ex-hubbo and you know, 'the stain on the sheets'...

[Big Grin] [Big Grin]
BANANA FACE., high on banana syrup
Member # 11270
 - posted


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