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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Batman, non-stop, righteous machine
Member # 11915
 - posted
where will u go in the sacrifice eid?
Member # 11649
 - posted
Far away from any slaughtering of lambs!!! [Eek!]
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by Batman, non-stop, righteous machine:
where will u go in the sacrifice eid?

Alot of Muslims of Arab extraction without a family just go to the local Mosque to share in a meal.

I try to cook something festive at home, but turkey so off the list.
Member # 5854
 - posted
Originally posted by Batman, non-stop, righteous machine:
where will u go in the sacrifice eid?

Well since I am in the US there will be no sacrifice of any kind anywhere near me!!
Member # 1056
 - posted
Originally posted by doodlebug:
Far away from any slaughtering of lambs!!! [Eek!]

That might depend on where you're staying and if you go out of the house at Eid doodlebug. Many Cairenes slaughter their goats/sheep/cows on the pavement outside their houses, and if you don't see them doing it, you will see it happening outside the butcher's shops. So if you're queezy about the sight of blood, I would be very careful where you go on the first three days of Eid.
Member # 12215
 - posted
i will be in hurghada ,any body there
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
I have a problem eating an animal that's been slaughtered and calling it a sacrifice....maybe it's the convert in me, it's just creepy~
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by doodlebug:
Far away from any slaughtering of lambs!!! [Eek!]

Same here. I'll be going to Sinai in order to enjoy sea, sand and peace – far away from this nightmare.
Batman, non-stop, righteous machine
Member # 11915
 - posted
biscuit tender ladies. i used to see my grandma slaughtering animals and u r disgusted by the sight of it
what if u slaughter the animal by ur knife? [Eek!] [Eek!]
Member # 12623
 - posted
Home Sweet Home is best choice ,may be visiting relatives!
Member # 12512
 - posted
Originally posted by Dalia*:
Originally posted by doodlebug:
Far away from any slaughtering of lambs!!! [Eek!]

Same here. I'll be going to Sinai in order to enjoy sea, sand and peace – far away from this nightmare.
Dear why you look on it as nightmare! Look on, it is the time of the year where the rich people care for the poor and distribute for them meat and money so they also can celebrate the EID with their poor kids and the kids they can feel the Eid too. And it is same as Xmas where family comes together [Smile]

But Sinai also is great Idea for relaxing [Smile]
Wish you nice time in Sinai [Smile] Merry Xmas for you all... [Smile]
Defiantly family and at night watch the most important football game [Smile]
Member # 12336
 - posted
Ahly against Zamalek again?
Member # 12512
 - posted
yesssssssssssssssss and we will show them how to play football : [Smile] ? sure ahly will do : [Smile]
Member # 12336
 - posted
Times have been changing and it seems that Ahly IS what Zamalek WAS...
Have a nice match!
Member # 12512
 - posted
no my dear that never happen that was zamalek always just they have some ups but always down : [Smile] )

have merry Xmas and enjoy your evening
Member # 386
 - posted
meat of slaughtered animal i don't like it puke,
only i drink its blooooooooooooooood
in the second eid day i be sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep in cotton island ,
rest of eid be different
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by ahly:
Dear why you look on it as nightmare!

Because people being cheerful in the presence of suffering and death gives me the chills. Sorry, but that's just the way I feel. [Frown]

Originally posted by ahly:
Look on, it is the time of the year where the rich people care for the poor and distribute for them meat and money so they also can celebrate the EID with their poor kids and the kids they can feel the Eid too.

But you can feed the poor and have nice family gatherings without butchering millions of innocent creatures.
Member # 5854
 - posted
Originally posted by karemo7:
meat of slaughtered animal i don't like it puke,
only i drink its blooooooooooooooood
in the second eid day i be sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep in cotton island ,
rest of eid be different

I hope you are joking about drinking the slaughtered animals blood!!!
Member # 12594
 - posted

Are you a vegitarian?

Cows, chickens, pigs, and other animals are slaughtered daily to feed billions around the world. This is really no different other than the technique and occasion it's done.
Tream Lefty
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Bonzo:

Are you a vegitarian?

Cows, chickens, pigs, and other animals are slaughtered daily to feed billions around the world. This is really no different other than the technique and occasion it's done.

The technique of slaughter is a big difference, in my opinion. Some humane, most barbaric. [Frown]
Member # 12512
 - posted
Originally posted by Dalia*:
Originally posted by ahly:
Dear why you look on it as nightmare!

Because people being cheerful in the presence of suffering and death gives me the chills. Sorry, but that's just the way I feel. [Frown]

Originally posted by ahly:
Look on, it is the time of the year where the rich people care for the poor and distribute for them meat and money so they also can celebrate the EID with their poor kids and the kids they can feel the Eid too.

But you can feed the poor and have nice family gatherings without butchering millions of innocent creatures.

sure i understand how you feel about them? and that normal for caring for them but it do happen every single day world wide and it is life dear [Smile]
yorkshire rose
Member # 12072
 - posted
sorry batman,
i cant stand any killing of animals in any nature, i live for my animals
i cant see this
Member # 12466
 - posted
I too agree about the Animals... I'm a vegetarian.. BUT the way people do this Slaughter is NOT halal ... I wrote a blog about this on another website
.. I'm gonna see if I can copy and paste it
Member # 12466
 - posted
Eid al Adha stems from the Prophet Abraham's test from God.. too see his willingness to sacrifice his son Isma'il

ok.. so the proper method for islamic sacrificing of an animal is dhabh, the sacrifical victim is know as dhabiha.
The only mention of dhabh in the Quran is to say Allah (swt) at the time of the sacrifice ( Sura 5:4 )
The rest of it comes from Hadiths (sayings from the Prophet) and Tradition. The tradition is sunna of Prophet Abraham.

the Quran also states.... (Sura 22:37)

"neither their flesh nor their blood reaches Allah; it is only your righteouness that reaches him."

This tradition was only a TEST from Allah (swt) for prophet Abraham(saw) to see if he would give his ULTIMATE SACRIFICE - His Child, His Son.. to show his love and Loyalty.. and he PASSED THE TEST.. he really was gonna do it.. SOOOOOooo Allah (swt) being the Most Merciful and Compassionate at the last second spared Abrahams son and put a sheep instead

So why did this become a massacre one a year???!!! This was a test, a symbol.. so how did it spiral so out of control?? Now I can understand the symbol of all of it.. and trying to apply it one a year.. BUT.. in Modern day society does it still have the same value???


... and by the way I thought if you DID pay some one else to slaughter the animal.. I thought you were supposed to be there???

Now i can understand Back In The Day.. when people live in the desert or farms.. nomads.. and such like that.. and your livelihood is your "livestock"... how you brough in money and giving up a animal would Really would be Giving up something VALUABLE.. and at that point you really would be reaching out to the poor around you and helping them (given in that environment animals were a Main food source..) So that person.. (did it HIMSELF mind you) sacrificed something important to show his love, loyalty and faith and try to follow as best as they could to the tradition Prophet Abraham

NOW... Islam has a long tradition of applying rational interpretation (ijthad) to the divine revelations in order to meet the needs and conditions of the PRESENT AGE... and YES ... Times have changed !!!!and things that were done "back in the day" may be permissible.. BUT are mainly out dated.. for example having slaves or mulitple wives. The idea of offering the life of another to God is Very Pre Islamic and Paganistic. We have come A LONG WAY from those times... Subhanallah!! And there seems to be ALOT of things that are sunna.. but we seem to pick and choose which suits us best.. example.. having a beard.. listening to music.. hanging up pictures... etc.

So now I'd like to jump to another point...

How HALAL is this Ritual anymore????

Islam has grown in such volume that on Id al Adha... such a MASS volume of animal have to shipped in.. and a Massive amount are killed... How halal is is?? Are the animals raised in a halal way??? are they TRUELY killed in a Halal way????



These are the rules for Islamic slaughter:

* the slaughterer must be a sane adult Muslim
* the slaughterer must say the name of God before making the cut
** The name of God is said in order to emphasise the sanctity of life and that the animal is being killed for food with God's consent
* the animal must be killed by cutting the throat with the single continuous back and forth motion of a sharp knife
** the cut must sever at least three of the trachea, oesophagus, and the two blood vessels on either side of the throat
** the spinal cord must not be cut
* animals must be well treated before being killed
* animals must not see other animals being killed
* the knife must not be sharpened in the animal's presence
* the knife blade must be free of blemishes that might tear the wound
* the animal must not be in an uncomfortable position
* the animal must be allowed to bleed out

From what I have seen with alot of these Id al Adha gatherings... THEY ARE NOT HALAL.. the animals that are imported are NOT raised in a HALAL way.. the Animals are NOT put in a comfortable situation or treated with kindness... and the animals are NOT put out of sight of the other animals... WHICH IS HARAAM!!!!!

With respect for animals, Prophet Muhammad (saw) forbade the injury or killing of an animal after it had been caged or bound (al-masbura), to being used for targeting after being caged or bound (mujaththam), or for amputation of part or whole of a limb whilst still alive (al-muthla) and the beating of animals (Bukhari 65:8 ..1922)








*** I am too lazy right now to attach a hyperlink to these sites... BUT i have found them to have VERY interesting articles.. Some are News media.. some are just some random peoples Blogs.. and etc. I have been taking pieces from the book I read "Animals in Islamic Tradition and Muslim Cultures" by Richard C. Foltz. I also am a HUGE FAN of the website IslamicConcern.com founded by Robert Tappan... and I have been reading up on Basheer Ahmad Masri ( a.k.a al-Hafiz al-Masri 1914 - 1993) who was a "contemporary voice in articulating Islamic concern for non-human animals" *****

ok.... thats it for now [Smile]
Member # 12466
 - posted
ok.. so that was the blog.. the blog was nicer(with pictures ).. but this will due for ES [Big Grin]
Member # 12512
 - posted
Originally posted by yorkshire rose:
sorry batman,
i cant stand any killing of animals in any nature, i live for my animals
i cant see this

i do it every Eid but the true i always feel sorry, beacuse i love animals so much special dogs and cats and i did raise cats many times but also it is sad when they go away after they get old...wish you nice happy new year
Member # 386
 - posted
Originally posted by foreignluvr:
Originally posted by karemo7:
meat of slaughtered animal i don't like it puke,
only i drink its blooooooooooooooood
in the second eid day i be sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep in cotton island ,
rest of eid be different

I hope you are joking about drinking the slaughtered animals blood!!!
of course, i don't drink human blood (puke )

i like vegitables but i'm not vegetrinian 100% [Smile]
Member # 1925
 - posted
Originally posted by Dalia*:
Originally posted by doodlebug:
Far away from any slaughtering of lambs!!! [Eek!]

Same here. I'll be going to Sinai in order to enjoy sea, sand and peace – far away from this nightmare.
You won't escape they do it there as well. I have some very grisly memories from the Old Market in Sharm.
Member # 1925
 - posted
Anyone know what date it will be yet?. Looking at one Islamic calendar it has it as 31 December. That will clash with New Years eve celebrations. Knowing Sharm at that time not sure how these two events would fit together.
Member # 12512
 - posted
30 december staurday will be first day and goes tell tuesday
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by Bonzo:

Are you a vegitarian?

Yes. And I disagree with the unnecessary slaughtering of animals anywhere in the world.
Mrs Tibe
Member # 12653
 - posted
Originally posted by Dalia*:
Originally posted by Bonzo:

Are you a vegitarian?

Yes. And I disagree with the unnecessary slaughtering of animals anywhere in the world.
For me its not so much the slaughtering of the animal but how the slaughtering is performed.
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by Penny:
You won't escape they do it there as well. I have some very grisly memories from the Old Market in Sharm.

I'm not going to Sharm, I'll be staying in a small camp between Taba and Nuweiba ... and I know there will be neither sheep nor slaughtering.
Member # 5854
 - posted
I have not been in Egypt during Eid but what I heard is the sounds of the animals being killed and the smells are what's so terrible!!
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
yea and the blood streaming down the street and people walking through it like it was nothing is not something you will NEVER get used to. It turns my stomach quite honestly~
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by foreignluvr:
I have not been in Egypt during Eid but what I heard is the sounds of the animals being killed and the smells are what's so terrible!!

In balady quarters its done just about anywhere.

But in less balady quarters, government capitals and Cairo suburbs its done in a less grusome fashion and in an appropriate place.

Problem is in Cairo the density of balady quarters and the "cul de sacs" being as inaccessible as they are, you see alot more bloodshed on the open street.
*The Dark Angel* aka CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
I hate the sight of blood on the streets [Eek!]
Member # 9378
 - posted
just don't forget to fast in these days... especially the last day, I think its Friday there and Saturday here, but I'm so busy I may have it mixed up!
Member # 3567
 - posted
...... or think about the pieces of stripped off sheep fur stacked up on the side of the road....... [Frown]
*The Dark Angel* aka CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted

or hear their voices screaming in the back yard of your building where the neighbors keep them for a couple of days before they are slaughtered.

then on the morning of the feast you hear aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
...... or think about the pieces of stripped off sheep fur stacked up on the side of the road....... [Frown]

You know get those skins tanned and have them stitched together to fit your mattress.

It makes an excellent mattress cushion. I am not joking. I have relatives with bad backs and bad circulation and they claim it works wonders.

I did have a mattress pad for summer a few years ago, filled with buckwheat hulls. Its meant to keep you cool while sleeping.

I am seriously thinking of having a buckwheat hull cushion made again for summer sleeping in Cairo. I'd like to know if buckwheat hulls are available in bulk in Egypt. But every time I try to brooche the subject with my in-laws I can't describe "buckwheat hulls" properly in English or Arabi.

Anyone know the availablity of buckwheat hulls or the arabi name for them?
Member # 3567
 - posted
We heard two animals 'talking' to each other the whole night. It was like they had a conversation to each other 'oh my god, they gonna kill us', 'yes, when the sun comes up we will be gone'....... Seriously we couldn't find sleep at night, we were sad and at one point I was thinking to even get in the back of the house and unleash them......

I think animals know.
*The Dark Angel* aka CAT
Member # 11953
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
We heard two animals 'talking' to each other the whole night. It was like they had a conversation to each other 'oh my god, they gonna kill us', 'yes, when the sun dawns we will be gone'....... Seriously we couldn't find sleep at night, we were sad and at one point I was thinking to even get in the back of the house and unleash them......

I think animals know.

They must becuase they scream non stop.... or atleast they dont like being held captive, they are suppoed to be wandering free but they must get bored as hell

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