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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 7637
 - posted

I do not know if you guys remember me. I am egyptian_prince.

To let you know that we had erat el fatha this June, so we are getting ready for the engagement now.

I would like to ask you guys a question.

As you may remember, I am in London while she is in Cairo.

My future fiancée is in Yemen on a University trip.

As all countries there is a beach, and she was mentioning wearing a bikini.

Would this be appropriate in the situation that she is in?

I totally object as it would make look her very bad (in my opinion) and then she will become an object of desire and I think it maybe haram and it will look like she has no respect for me.

I agree if we were engaged (maybe) but would be ok with it when we get married inshallah.
Am I being to harsh?

I am so lost.

Please help!


Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by egyptian_prince:

I do not know if you guys remember me. I am egyptian_prince.

To let you know that we had erat el fatha this June, so we are getting ready for the engagement now.

I would like to ask you guys a question.

As you may remember, I am in London while she is in Cairo.

My future fiancée is in Yemen on a University trip.

As all countries there is a beach, and she was mentioning wearing a bikini.

Would this be appropriate in the situation that she is in?

I totally object as it would make look her very bad (in my opinion) and then she will become an object of desire and I think it maybe haram and it will look like she has no respect for me.

I agree if we were engaged (maybe) but would be ok with it when we get married inshallah.
Am I being to harsh?

I am so lost.

Please help!

I don't know how much my opinion will matter because I am not Muslim and I am from America, so our culture is a bit different. :-)

First, I understand how this would make you feel bad, or jealous, or any other various *bad* feelings. That is perfectly normal. I think one thing that transcends cultures is whether she respects you and you respect her.

This is of course merely my opinion, but:

If she feels secure in herself as a woman, then her choosing to wear a bikini is merely a choice. It is not a reflection on how she feels about you, and she is not disrespecting you. She is respecting herself as a woman, as an individual.

If she feels *insecure* in herself as a woman and is trying to get inappropriate male attention, then it could be an issue.

Do you know her well enough to know? Can you ask her in a nonjudgmental way? Are both of you open enough with each other to discuss these things? Take this as an opportunity to get to know her better. See how the two of you handle conflict.

As a woman myself, I know that she may merely be expressing her individuality, and if my fiance were against that, I would be upset. But I also know that I would always take my fiance's feelings into consideration. I hope that both you and she can be the people you want to be in life, and still maintain respect for one another's feelings. I wish you the best. :-)



Member # 3491
 - posted
If this helps, i think u should try to understand the reasons a woman may want to wear a bikini, in the 1st place!

A man i recently discussed this very subject with. Seemed to think it quite a novelty and an amusing topic. He was egyptian. Initially i thought, 'here we go again! he's thinking i like to wear one for all the wrong reasons'
But i let him talk, as i wanted to understand his attitude. 'I know, he said u ladies like to be looked at' WRONGGG!!!
Quite the opposite infact, at least for me anyway.
Eventually, i got fed up with his blithe ignorance! I carefully explained to him, as i have done now many times before! I and others like me, many foreign, we like to feel the sun on our skin. We believe it can have some health benefits, taken in moderation. We enjoy the relaxing sensation of the sun's rays, during and afterwards, if we don't over expose ourselves to this heat! Some of us like to combine this with healthy swimming, the sea can be a benificial health factor, as well as exersise. As many specifically wear one mostly only for holidays. There is the notion of the 'freedom factor' being warm, relaxed, feeling the rays on one's body. Even while partially sleeping! It promotes a feeling of being 'carefree' it decreases stress levels. I could not imagine obtaining such healthy and innocent pleasure, without wearing anything other than a bikini.
And i am extremely shy and the last reason i put on a bikini is to be stared at, i positively hate this!

Member # 7637
 - posted
We are very open and I do know her very well.

I don't want her to be getting any unwanted attraction, even though she is a really beautiful young lady.

It's so hard to describe, but I believe it is wrong, I would have no problem with it if I were with her, but I am not.

She is mixed, she does have confidence and then sometimes she doesn't, thats the problem.

I hate feeling like this, I really do.

Originally posted by Snoozin:
I don't know how much my opinion will matter because I am not Muslim and I am from America, so our culture is a bit different. :-)

First, I understand how this would make you feel bad, or jealous, or any other various *bad* feelings. That is perfectly normal. I think one thing that transcends cultures is whether she respects you and you respect her.

This is of course merely my opinion, but:

If she feels secure in herself as a woman, then her choosing to wear a bikini is merely a choice. It is not a reflection on how she feels about you, and she is not disrespecting you. She is respecting herself as a woman, as an individual.

If she feels *insecure* in herself as a woman and is trying to get inappropriate male attention, then it could be an issue.

Do you know her well enough to know? Can you ask her in a nonjudgmental way? Are both of you open enough with each other to discuss these things? Take this as an opportunity to get to know her better. See how the two of you handle conflict.

As a woman myself, I know that she may merely be expressing her individuality, and if my fiance were against that, I would be upset. But I also know that I would always take my fiance's feelings into consideration. I hope that both you and she can be the people you want to be in life, and still maintain respect for one another's feelings. I wish you the best. :-)



Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by poppy:
If this helps, i think u should try to understand the reasons a woman may want to wear a bikini, in the 1st place!

A man i recently discussed this very subject with. Seemed to think it quite a novelty and an amusing topic. He was egyptian. Initially i thought, 'here we go again! he's thinking i like to wear one for all the wrong reasons'
But i let him talk, as i wanted to understand his attitude. 'I know, he said u ladies like to be looked at' WRONGGG!!!
Quite the opposite infact, at least for me anyway.
Eventually, i got fed up with his blithe ignorance! I carefully explained to him, as i have done now many times before! I and others like me, many foreign, we like to feel the sun on our skin. We believe it can have some health benefits, taken in moderation. We enjoy the relaxing sensation of the sun's rays, during and afterwards, if we don't over expose ourselves to this heat! Some of us like to combine this with healthy swimming, the sea can be a benificial health factor, as well as exersise. As many specifically wear one mostly only for holidays. There is the notion of the 'freedom factor' being warm, relaxed, feeling the rays on one's body. Even while partially sleeping! It promotes a feeling of being 'carefree' it decreases stress levels. I could not imagine obtaining such healthy and innocent pleasure, without wearing anything other than a bikini.
And i am extremely shy and the last reason i put on a bikini is to be stared at, i positively hate this!

I totally agree with Poppy. This is a cool reason to wear a bikini. Each woman is different though. You just have to discover why your soon-to-be fiancee wants to wear one. :-)


Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by egyptian_prince:
We are very open and I do know her very well.

I don't want her to be getting any unwanted attraction, even though she is a really beautiful young lady.

It's so hard to describe, but I believe it is wrong, I would have no problem with it if I were with her, but I am not.

She is mixed, she does have confidence and then sometimes she doesn't, thats the problem.

I hate feeling like this, I really do.

I am so sorry, I really hate to see anyone feel bad. :-( And I have felt similar to you, even though I am a woman, when my fiance gets inappropriate female attention. I know the feeling. But for me, I know it's my own insecurity talking when I feel jealous or insecure, and *not* that he's going to do something inappropriate.

It sounds like you have a very good relationship, very open and honest. And it sounds like you are very open-minded, which is great, also. I think it's normal to feel the way you do.

Do women generally wear bikinis in Yemen? Honestly, if a young woman was NOT wearing a bikini here on American beaches, she would seem out of place.

Another thing that crossed my mind is that she is seeking a type of freedom that she doesn't feel at home in Cairo. This is just my opinion of course, but this is very normal for younger women to do, entering adulthood. And the idea of wearing a bikini is romantic and a bit daring. She might find out, after going to the beach, that she *doesn't* like the attention or the feeling. If this is the case, I do think it is important she gets to make this *mistake* on her own. If you tell her it's a mistake, it will sound like her mother or father telling her what to do.

But remember also, particularly if she is good looking, she is going to get unwanted attention from men throughout life, regardless of what she is wearing.

And I know you have additionally cultural/religious pressures on you that a young American couple would not have in this situation. The trick is to find what her heart is really about, regardless of what the world says is right or wrong.

If I were your girlfriend, I would want you to tell me that you feel uncomfortable about the situation, but that you will support my choice, whatever it may be. That way, I know that you do not want to control me, but I also know an issue is important (and possibly hurtful) to you. Then I can choose.


Member # 7637
 - posted
That's exactly what I want to do, I want to tell her my opinion on the situation which I will when I call her.

I am very opened minded, but also understand the culture that she is brought up in.

Also the fact that you mentioned regarding freedom, you maybe correct as I was thinking why she has taken/spoken about such actions.

I don't want to seem a bossy future fiancee, the truth is I am not, I just want the best for her and that she takes care.

In Yemen, it is not normally for a girl to a bikini, swimwear maybe. It's a fairly strict country, this is another problem.

I know she gets attention from other guys, she tells me and I see it with my own eyes when I am with her. But the fact that I am with her makes it so much different, I can actually protect her.

I am blessed to have such a girl part of my life, I really am. We have a relationship is beyond belief, it really is amazing.

I love her to bits, she really does make my life so complete, I swear.

Originally posted by Snoozin:
I am so sorry, I really hate to see anyone feel bad. :-( And I have felt similar to you, even though I am a woman, when my fiance gets inappropriate female attention. I know the feeling. But for me, I know it's my own insecurity talking when I feel jealous or insecure, and *not* that he's going to do something inappropriate.

It sounds like you have a very good relationship, very open and honest. And it sounds like you are very open-minded, which is great, also. I think it's normal to feel the way you do.

Do women generally wear bikinis in Yemen? Honestly, if a young woman was NOT wearing a bikini here on American beaches, she would seem out of place.

Another thing that crossed my mind is that she is seeking a type of freedom that she doesn't feel at home in Cairo. This is just my opinion of course, but this is very normal for younger women to do, entering adulthood. And the idea of wearing a bikini is romantic and a bit daring. She might find out, after going to the beach, that she *doesn't* like the attention or the feeling. If this is the case, I do think it is important she gets to make this *mistake* on her own. If you tell her it's a mistake, it will sound like her mother or father telling her what to do.

But remember also, particularly if she is good looking, she is going to get unwanted attention from men throughout life, regardless of what she is wearing.

And I know you have additionally cultural/religious pressures on you that a young American couple would not have in this situation. The trick is to find what her heart is really about, regardless of what the world says is right or wrong.

If I were your girlfriend, I would want you to tell me that you feel uncomfortable about the situation, but that you will support my choice, whatever it may be. That way, I know that you do not want to control me, but I also know an issue is important (and possibly hurtful) to you. Then I can choose.


Member # 4668
 - posted
E-Prince! You are a perfectly normal man who does not want to share his girl's beauty with others. Whether you are Muslim or not, most men are not happy to see their women flaunting it, that's just the way it is. If a doubt arises in the relationship, it is good to ask ourselves a question if we would like to see our partner in the same situation. My husband sporting a thong on the beach? HELL NO!!!!!!

Ps. Freedom-schmeedom!


Member # 7637
 - posted
Thanks for the support!

Originally posted by Karah_Mia:
E-Prince! You are a perfectly normal man who does not want to share his girl's beauty with others. Whether you are Muslim or not, most men are not happy to see their women flaunting it, that's just the way it is. If a doubt arises in the relationship, it is good to ask ourselves a question if we would like to see our partner in the same situation. My husband sporting a thong on the beach? HELL NO!!!!!!

Ps. Freedom-schmeedom!


Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by Karah_Mia:
My husband sporting a thong on the beach? HELL NO!!!!!!

Uhhhh, can't imagine my one either!


Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by egyptian_prince:
I know she gets attention from other guys, she tells me and I see it with my own eyes when I am with her.

Sounds for me like maybe she wants to get you a bit jealous just to make sure that you are aware of how precious she is.


Member # 1230
 - posted
Originally posted by egyptian_prince:
I am very opened minded,

Obviously you're not.


Member # 7637
 - posted
I think your pretty rude to make such a statement when firstly you don't even know me and secondly you do not know the situation that we are in.

I don't remember asking for people's opinion about me, as you have quoted a different part of my statement.

Originally posted by Dalia:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by egyptian_prince:
[b]I am very opened minded,

Obviously you're not.



Member # 6172
 - posted

Heeeeeey prince
ok my opinion as muslimah .. that this is haram wearing thing that show the women body specially to that extend...may be i'll appear close minded but u mentioned the word HARAM and yes it is and if u can convince her of not doing so..u will take thawab inshaallah
second..yes ll2asaf i think that there is part of wanting u to be jelous ...
Cos i didn't think u asked her what are u going to wear...(i think so!!!)and if she just say it without ur asking that mean 2a things
she take ur opinion and there it will be better to make her not wearing so..

she just telling to feel jelous

she want to open the discussion for knowing how egyptian u are

Anyway hope u have the right to stop her from doing a haram thing


Member # 8338
 - posted
Hi, well in my humble opnion,at least she told you.She could have chosen not to,she has been totally honest with you so i think you have no need to worry.SOUNDS LIKE YOU HAVE A FAB RELATIONSHIP!!!.Trust her!
Member # 7434
 - posted
hi e-prince,I intended not to post here again, I even took a decision that I won't even read others's posts, but I met some of the girls here days ago, liked them a lot, & felt that I'll be closer to them (& understand them better) when I read their posts here especially when I got to know their screen names. so the first time I log in here since weeks I saw ur post, yes I do remember u, u r the young prince of london who is going to marry an egyptian girl who is even younger than him, any way lets get back to ur question:
well I don't think that principles change with the change of the situation, being in a foriegn country doesn't mean that a muslim egyptian girl can wear a pikini, especially if she is not used to this.
& prince the rules u r going to set during the engagement period are the rules u r supposed to follow for the rest of ur lives together, unless if u would take off the mask after marriage, like most of the men, but I don't think u r one of them.
by the way by rules I don't mean orders but rather arrangements.
good luck brother.
Member # 6264
 - posted
Hi Penelope! How are you doing my friend? I got your SMS yesterday and sent you a reply. Did you get it? I also sent you an offline msg on Yahoo Messenger. Anyway, do expect a call from me tomorrow ensha'allah.
Send my greetings to all the other girls. It was fab to get to meet you all.
Member # 7434
 - posted
hi virgo, happy to hear from u , yes I got ur sms, but not tha yahoo messenger I don't use it, I use the msn, I'll send u an invitation when u send me ur e-mail address, hope to hear from u soon.

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