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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 8438
 - posted
Hello everybody! I'm still new here but have to say I spend hours reading these posts! It's actually really helpful since I'm planning on moving to Egypt in December from India! One post I found really interesting (and amusing) was one titled "10 Most Annoying Things ABout Living In Egypt by Tempted." Well, for all those out there who agree with what was written...I strongly suggest you NEVER visit India...why? Read this and tell me which you think should be declared the winner of most annoying place!!! This is all from experience, I've been in India for 10 months...

#10: Just trying to get into the country is like an obsticle course. Tourist Visa process from the U.S. take 7-10 working days. And when visiting another country, avoid the Indian Embassy like a plague! You'll be better off in a bull fight! They don't give you proper info on anything, and when something is wrong, they pretty much throw back your papers and say "try again." Obviously NOT a country depending on tourism...but claims to have a thriving tourism industry, hmmm...

#9: Power cuts! No place is perfect with its functions but that's hugely an understatement here. Power cuts almost every day from anywhere betweem 2 mins and 7 hours... and for no apparent reason!

#8: Beggars are EVERYWHERE! Stopped at street light? You'll be thronged by kids and elderly ppl or even more common are mothers holding babies. It's a sad site but becomes highly annoying to deal with on a daily basis...

#7: Back to the streets...At the stop light which is RED...you'll have 50 cars and bikes in front of you yet everyone behind you starts blasting their horns for you to go...If you're a ghost then it no problem, but for normal ppl, we can't go through solid objects! There's no such thing as road rules here...and forget about the traffic police standing on the side of the road chatting or smoking rather than directing traffic...

#6: Piles of trash everywhere...literally! And what's this?! Yep, ppl bring their trash bins out of their homes to dump in on the road!! And they dont burn it or anything...it just sits there until it decomposes...like, yuck!

#5: Stray dogs all over the place along with cows...The dogs attack ppl on a daily basis, including kids, but no one bothers to do something about it. The cows (well bulls really) charge and/or chase ppl usually badly injuring them...but who cares?!

#4: As if traffic wasn't bad enough itself...you got those cows again stopping traffic coz they dont feel like moving. But forget about running into one coz if do you'll be beaten up for hitting a sacred animal! And you dont know the meaning of a "wreckless driver" until you've been here! I seriously believe the street motto is: Hit the person, but for gods sake avoid the cow!

#3: Men piss everywhere. If you are a lady walking on the road you are almost guranteed to spot tons of rickshaw drivers and other scumbags pissing all over the damn road. They have NO respect for young girls walking by, or for women in general.

#2: India is the origin of con artists! You are foreigner? That price just got tripled...and if you have 0 bargining skills then you are definately their favorite prey! Ask for a 10% discount...Sure they'll give it, right after they just up it by 70%! Rickshaw drivers refuse to take you short distances coz they wont get so much for the job run...and by the way, they're not "supposed" to refuse anyone...blah blah blah!


#1: Staring! Everywhere you go ppl just stand and stare at you as if you look like you come Mars or something! However, if you are one with blonde hair and blue eyes, then they take a quick peek and go on their way. BUT if you are of some other culture (like mixed nationality) and they can't figure out where the hell you come from...oh yeah, you're gonna be the center of attention everywhere you go! Men, women and even kids just stare. They dont smile, they dont say anything, I dont even think they blink, but they sure as hell like to make ppl feel uncomfortable in a strange land!

Now in case you are thinking what this has to do with Egypt? Well, after seeing the thread started by "Tempted," I just wanted to let Egyptians and Egypt lovers (like me) know that Egypt is a beautiful country and they should be proud of it! I'm from (a tourist trap islnd) a British colony (Peace and Luv to the UK)! And I came to India to study...that's another story... Egypt is amazing and I can't wait to see it up close and personal... As for Tempted, I extend an invitation for you to come to India. I'll bet you'll be begging to go back to Egypt in no time!
By the way...this was not written to offend any Indians (nor India itself) but NO ONE can say this doesn't happen and this is just how it is here.


Member # 5415
 - posted
I read your posting and it did make me laugh.

I have been to Goa a few times and can relate to SOME of the things you have said, here is my list of good things about Goa:

Go to the beach, eat and drink all day, pay your bill at the end of the day, and you haven't been ripped off.

Again on the beach, you can quite safely leave your bag, money, camera etc with the guy in the restaurant while you go into the water.

Order Kingfish in a restaurant and you will understand why it is called Kingfish. Hanging off the edges of the plate so there is no room for the salad, potatoes/fries that come with it. Watch out if you don't eat every morsel though, cos the chef will come out and ask what is wrong with his cooking.

Go into one of the material shops, feel the silk, watch the demonstration on how to tell what is the real thing, tell him how many metres you want, don't haggle, don't quibble about the price - guaranteed you will get a discount for being nice.

Don't walk too slowly going through the market, the dear sweet little old ladies will nudge you out of the way, they are in a hurry!

Take your life in your hands and get into a tut tut! Don't hang your hand outside as it is likely to come into contact with one of the numerous cows who you brush against in passing.

Don't walk on the beach at night, no not for safety reasons, but when the tide is out all sorts of sea monsters get washed up!

Take a torch when walking at night, the cows leave their little parcels to delight you.

Friendly, smiling people, genuinely hospitable, love Goa.

Member # 8438
 - posted
Hello Semsema!
I've been to Goa too and I have to agree with you on the points of things like hospitality and stuff...and is one of the FEW places in India used to dealing with tourists from many countries.
So right about the little old ladies too! And did u ever experience men "accidently" bumping into you? They nearly run u over and never say sorry or excuse me!
If u really want to experience the other side of India...try Bangalore!
All the best!
* 7ayat *
Member # 7043
 - posted
is this a post to see if india or egypt is more annoying? you are so rude. you havent even been her yet and you are already trashing the country. if this is your attitude then do us all a favour and don't come.
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by 7aya:
is this a post to see if india or egypt is more annoying? you are so rude. you havent even been her yet and you are already trashing the country. if this is your attitude then do us all a favour and don't come.

I don't think the poster is trying to trash Egypt. On the contrary, s/he seems to be saying India was really bad, but s/he loves Egypt and can't wait to get there. S/he was commenting on Tempted's annoyances with about Egypt.


Member # 8414
 - posted
Originally posted by Isis83:
Hello everybody! I'm still new here but have to say I spend hours reading these posts! It's actually really helpful since I'm planning on moving to Egypt in December from India! One post I found really interesting (and amusing) was one titled "10 Most Annoying Things ABout Living In Egypt by Tempted." Well, for all those out there who agree with what was written...I strongly suggest you NEVER visit India...why? Read this and tell me which you think should be declared the winner of most annoying place!!! This is all from experience, I've been in India for 10 months...

#10: Just trying to get into the country is like an obsticle course. Tourist Visa process from the U.S. take 7-10 working days. And when visiting another country, avoid the Indian Embassy like a plague! You'll be better off in a bull fight! They don't give you proper info on anything, and when something is wrong, they pretty much throw back your papers and say "try again." Obviously NOT a country depending on tourism...but claims to have a thriving tourism industry, hmmm...

#9: Power cuts! No place is perfect with its functions but that's hugely an understatement here. Power cuts almost every day from anywhere betweem 2 mins and 7 hours... and for no apparent reason!

#8: Beggars are EVERYWHERE! Stopped at street light? You'll be thronged by kids and elderly ppl or even more common are mothers holding babies. It's a sad site but becomes highly annoying to deal with on a daily basis...

#7: Back to the streets...At the stop light which is RED...you'll have 50 cars and bikes in front of you yet everyone behind you starts blasting their horns for you to go...If you're a ghost then it no problem, but for normal ppl, we can't go through solid objects! There's no such thing as road rules here...and forget about the traffic police standing on the side of the road chatting or smoking rather than directing traffic...

#6: Piles of trash everywhere...literally! And what's this?! Yep, ppl bring their trash bins out of their homes to dump in on the road!! And they dont burn it or anything...it just sits there until it decomposes...like, yuck!

#5: Stray dogs all over the place along with cows...The dogs attack ppl on a daily basis, including kids, but no one bothers to do something about it. The cows (well bulls really) charge and/or chase ppl usually badly injuring them...but who cares?!

#4: As if traffic wasn't bad enough itself...you got those cows again stopping traffic coz they dont feel like moving. But forget about running into one coz if do you'll be beaten up for hitting a sacred animal! And you dont know the meaning of a "wreckless driver" until you've been here! I seriously believe the street motto is: Hit the person, but for gods sake avoid the cow!

#3: Men piss everywhere. If you are a lady walking on the road you are almost guranteed to spot tons of rickshaw drivers and other scumbags pissing all over the damn road. They have NO respect for young girls walking by, or for women in general.

#2: India is the origin of con artists! You are foreigner? That price just got tripled...and if you have 0 bargining skills then you are definately their favorite prey! Ask for a 10% discount...Sure they'll give it, right after they just up it by 70%! Rickshaw drivers refuse to take you short distances coz they wont get so much for the job run...and by the way, they're not "supposed" to refuse anyone...blah blah blah!


#1: Staring! Everywhere you go ppl just stand and stare at you as if you look like you come Mars or something! However, if you are one with blonde hair and blue eyes, then they take a quick peek and go on their way. BUT if you are of some other culture (like mixed nationality) and they can't figure out where the hell you come from...oh yeah, you're gonna be the center of attention everywhere you go! Men, women and even kids just stare. They dont smile, they dont say anything, I dont even think they blink, but they sure as hell like to make ppl feel uncomfortable in a strange land!

Now in case you are thinking what this has to do with Egypt? Well, after seeing the thread started by "Tempted," I just wanted to let Egyptians and Egypt lovers (like me) know that Egypt is a beautiful country and they should be proud of it! I'm from (a tourist trap islnd) a British colony (Peace and Luv to the UK)! And I came to India to study...that's another story... Egypt is amazing and I can't wait to see it up close and personal... As for Tempted, I extend an invitation for you to come to India. I'll bet you'll be begging to go back to Egypt in no time!
By the way...this was not written to offend any Indians (nor India itself) but NO ONE can say this doesn't happen and this is just how it is here.


OMG I feel sorry for you there but reading this I am falling out of my chair with laughter!

Member # 8438
 - posted
To 7aya:
Seems to be a little misunderstanding here...
I'm not trashing Egypt at all...I think it's an increadible place, one which I cant wait to see! It's India I've seen and have made the list of things annoying here (to me)...
Member # 106
 - posted
Have you actually been to Egypt? I think you will find quite a few similarities between the two countries and some of the things that seem to be bugging you in India you will also encounter in Egypt e.g. bureaucrazy, crazy traffic, men staring at you, differential pricing for foreigners, people throwing trash out of their apartment onto the street etc. These things are part & parcel of life in developing countries.
Good luck to you.
* 7ayat *
Member # 7043
 - posted
Originally posted by Isis83:
To 7aya:
Seems to be a little misunderstanding here...
I'm not trashing Egypt at all...I think it's an increadible place, one which I cant wait to see! It's India I've seen and have made the list of things annoying here (to me)...

well my apologies i misunderstood. but my advice to you would be to visit egypt before moving in temporarily. as ann said egypt is a developing country and you might some similar stuff to india although i doubt that it would be as intense. good luck!


Member # 8438
 - posted
Thanx all for the advice! I'm aware of the situations plaguing developing countries... what I meant by posting those details about India was simply to show others who visit a place (3rd world) and then complain about everything, should be aware that there is always some other place even worse off then the one their in.
Thanx again!
Member # 6244
 - posted

I hope you are doing well. I have been reading about the terrible floods in Mumbai and an explosion on a train headed for Delhi. I hope none of these have affected you or your loved ones.

I have a friend in Chennai right now trying to adopt a child, and I can't get in touch with her. *That* is the frustrating thing to me about some developing countries -- the phone lines are unreliable.


Member # 8438
 - posted
Hey Snoozin!
No, the floods aren't affecting me coz I'm down south in Bangalore (not much rain here)...I do have frineds in Mumbai but they are fine in their areas. Thanx a lot for the concern I'm not sure but I think Tamil Nadu (state of which Chennai is capital) maybe experiencing heavy rains too do to the monsoon...Will get back to you on that!
Yeah phone lines can be pretty unpredictable and many of them may have changed. Chennai's area code is :044 and thats if its a land line you are trying to get through on!
Best wishes...
Member # 5415
 - posted
Hi Isis83,

Oh yes many I time I was just about knocked off my feet by the guys. That was when I wished I was overweight & tall!

No this is not an Egypt bashing posting, how can it be when I live here? As an ex-pat yes there are annoying things, but hey, the sun shines every day, the fish in the Red Sea compares to anywhere else in the world, most of the people are friendly and helpful apart from: The shoe shop guy (120 for a pair of sandals which cost my workmate 40!), the fruit guy who tried to charge me 25 for a kilo of apples! The baker who does not give us the same amount of brea for our 1 LE.

Member # 8438
 - posted
Hi Semsema!
Thanx for the info about the "not so kind ones"...Hee hee!!
Where are you originally from (if u dont mind me asking)? and how long have you been living in Egypt?
Best wishes!
Member # 5415
 - posted
Originally from Scotland and have been living in Egypt for nearly 2 years. Wouldn't change it for the world now. Love it here!
Member # 8438
 - posted
Originally posted by Semsema:
Originally from Scotland and have been living in Egypt for nearly 2 years. Wouldn't change it for the world now. Love it here!

OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH! Love Scotland!!! My regards to Nessie!!!...LOL!

* 7ayat *
Member # 7043
 - posted
Originally posted by Semsema:
Originally from Scotland and have been living in Egypt for nearly 2 years. Wouldn't change it for the world now. Love it here!

i loooooove the scottish accent!

Member # 5415
 - posted
Paint Me As I Am: Definitely not married to an Egyptian man. Long time married to a Scotsman.

Isis83: The next time I am in the highlands, I will dip my big toe in Loch Ness (it's far too cold to dip much more), waggle it (my toe), that's sure to bring Nessie to the surface, and will pass on your regards.

7aya: Thanks. Have you heard many Scottish accents? Some can be quite difficult to understand.

Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Semsema:
Paint Me As I Am: Definitely not married to an Egyptian man. Long time married to a Scotsman.

Isis83: The next time I am in the highlands, I will dip my big toe in Loch Ness (it's far too cold to dip much more), waggle it (my toe), that's sure to bring Nessie to the surface, and will pass on your regards.

7aya: Thanks. Have you heard many Scottish accents? Some can be quite difficult to understand.

LOL! Waggle. Is that a Scottish euphemism? My dad's mother is from Scotland and I've inherited all these weird words that none of my friends have heard. Are they Scottish? :-)

*Waggle.* (Most people here (DC) say wiggle.) Or like my grandmother, the *old wifey*, is getting *eedle odle* in her old age. Give the dog a *snicky.*

Are they Scottish, or is my dad just insane? ;-)


Member # 8543
 - posted
ISIS, what were u looking for in India...another USA!...or utopia!
No hard feelings, but i guess if every country has the same characteristics, the world would be a very dull place to live in. ISIS, there are always 'goods' & 'bads' associated with each place....like USA is known for its free-association with sex & sleaze....some people call them 'frustrated'...but, i think being judgemental about anyone or anyplace doesnt serve well for the soul....just observe the 'simplicity' in everything!
Member # 8438
 - posted
Originally posted by AMarx:
ISIS, what were u looking for in India...another USA!...or utopia!
No hard feelings, but i guess if every country has the same characteristics, the world would be a very dull place to live in. ISIS, there are always 'goods' & 'bads' associated with each place....like USA is known for its free-association with sex & sleaze....some people call them 'frustrated'...but, i think being judgemental about anyone or anyplace doesnt serve well for the soul....just observe the 'simplicity' in everything!

Thanx for the advice. However I wasn't being judgmental towards anything. My initial point was to simply show "Tempted" and others like him/her that NO PLACE is a paradise and ALL places have their ups and downs (as you said)! Very true! But believe me, I am very much into trying to find the "good" in all people and things. Also, it was VERY difficult to find 10 things negative to write about India (if you notice all my points were rather little things to be bitchin' about)...However, I could easily write 100 positive things about it!!
Hope you get my point.

Member # 5415
 - posted
Snoozing: You leave your poor old Dad alone! He's nae gan aff his heid!

Interpretation: He isn't losing his marbles.

Definitely Scottish words and many more weird and wonderful ones as well believe me.

Luv from Hurghada.

Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Semsema:
Snoozing: You leave your poor old Dad alone! He's nae gan aff his heid!

Interpretation: He isn't losing his marbles.

Definitely Scottish words and many more weird and wonderful ones as well believe me.

Luv from Hurghada.

LOL! Yeah, he's a peer wee snidey, that one!


Member # 8555
 - posted
I can see the similarities between Egypt and some of the things you posted but still Egypt is no where near as bad!!! You will love it here!
Member # 8438
 - posted
Originally posted by kosharey:
I can see the similarities between Egypt and some of the things you posted but still Egypt is no where near as bad!!! You will love it here!

Hi there! Thanx, I'm sure I will

MK the Most Interlectual
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by kosharey:
I can see the similarities between Egypt and some of the things you posted but still Egypt is no where near as bad!!! You will love it here!

Hey hey, and I can see similarities between your name and mine. I am Koshary the First then.

MK the Most Interlectual
Member # 8356
 - posted
Speaking of both countries, has anyone read this book? I'm just speechless of it.. http://www.bookbrowse.com/reviews/index.cfm?book_number=1234

[This message has been edited by MyKingdomForATaba2Koshari (edited 05 August 2005).]

Member # 8438
 - posted
Originally posted by MyKingdomForATaba2Koshari:
Speaking of both countries, has anyone read this book? I'm just speechless of it.. http://www.bookbrowse.com/reviews/index.cfm?book_number=1234

[This message has been edited by MyKingdomForATaba2Koshari (edited 05 August 2005).]

Hadn't heard of it but will look out for it now! Seems very interesting!!! Thanx for the link!

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