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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 9036
 - posted
I have lived in Egypt for just a little over 2 years now and since living here I have not seen one account of a well-behaved child. Including my husbands neices and nephews.

I have seen children in the small city I live in and in Cairo and Alex with awful behavior. Pushing, shoving and almost knocking down adults. Awful, just awful nasty words, bricks or rocks being thrown from one child to the other, sticks being shoved in places I don't even want to imagine and one kid chasing another one with rocks and sticks until they beat the hell out of the other.

Why are the kids so unruly, rude and nasty mouthed here in Egypt? They have absolutely no manners whatsoever. No thank you's, no please's...nothing! Do all Egyptian families just don't teach this to their kids?

I grew up with strict manners of not nterrupting adults when they speak, never push an adult to pass, always say thank you and please and it has stayed with me all my life.

I am pregnant and I was in a restaurant with my husband recently and a boy about the age of 8 or 9 pushed past me almost knocking me down and pushing my "baby" and I grabbed him by the back of his shirt and told him to slow down and started screaming at him about pushing etc. He just really got to me and enough was enought. Something I would never do in America probably for fear of going to jail for child abuse but these kids are just so rude here. AND I know that someone will come back saying that children in other countries are bad also. I know that children are bad all over the world. It is up to the parents to teach them manners and good behavior. BUT I have never seen anything so bad as here in Egypt.

My husband wants to stay in Egypt and is always talking about the baby will play with this kid or that kid (neices/nephews etc.) and I told him my child is growing up with manners and I will not have him screaming "cus omuk" in the streets or beating some other kid with a rock or stick or vice versa.

Has anyone else faced these little devils here in Egypt?
7ayat- nefsi fe sobya
Member # 7043
 - posted
i agree with you, children are extremely misbehaved in egypt. thats why we have so many idiots in the streets harrasing the women, they learned nothing about respect and dignity when they were children.
however, not every child is like that, i mean my niece would never say kus umak, although one of my cousin's kids does that. i think if you teach your child manners, and you're very strict with him, he will not be influenced (at least not very much) by the other kids inshallah. also when he grows up you can monitor him, and make sure he only hangs around with well behaved children.
Member # 9610
 - posted
Yeah.Its really up to the parents. Kids can wear down parents with extreme skill and ease once they see any tiny gap between mum and dads way or if you said no but it ends up being yes....
My son is pretty well behaved but on some occassions he is just a total ratbag. Part of it is developmental stage, but sometimes really there is no alternative but to punish and carry through with any thing Ive threatened.His dad is extremely strict, the chinese are so big on respect for elders its more than what I expect, but then it does no harm either.
It sounds macabre, but his dad always tells me if we are dead can this kid survive in the world and his future with bad habits? He needs to know the good behaviour and be able to have internal motivation for his behaviour, more than just afraid of getting a smack or something.Like have a conscience
So to him this means not being spoilt, admitting when did something wrong, and remembering how to stay polite and fair.
I have an egyptian friend who helps HIS egyptian friend with the shopping and two kids for the friends wife who is pregnant, and he said he is giving up because he is too embarrased at the kids in the supermarket-they open lolly packets and roll under trolleys etc. And just scream like someones killing them if they are told no to the lollys or something.
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
having read the foulmouthed filth yo so readily threw at a woman here is ES i highly doubt you have any manners at all, i think you'll fit right in.
Member # 2710
 - posted
I guess some parents have other priorities then to keep an informed eye on their kids. Kids have to raise kids sometimes and that could be nasty.
In my Egyptian family kids are just respectfull to elders, can't say otherwise. But they are also lively and impulsive and in the moment and not always carefull with others around them. That is just how kids are. They will have to be tought when growing up. Most of em don't push and shove colleagues around when getting older.
Some kids have it in em but as a mother of bigger kids I have to tell them over and over to come down from the couch, to not throw with doors, to watch out for grandma she is not stable, to talk instead of jump on to each other, especially when they are tired after a long day!:-) Just so much energy!:-)

Member # 9036
 - posted
You said you were leaving...so why did you come back??? Addicted perhaps? Obessed like your fellow friend toozi as MK calls it..
Your on my ignore list as of now. Now I am so ashamed to have British blood. What a shame really.

Buzz off and don't get all obsessed like toozi was/is.

Originally posted by Charm El Feikh?:
having read the foulmouthed filth yo so readily threw at a woman here is ES i highly doubt you have any manners at all, i think you'll fit right in.

Member # 3567
 - posted
What's going on here? Snapdragon is pregnant too, congratulations how exciting!!! There must be something about this board. [Wink]

Listen a lot of things will get on your nerves while you are pregnant, whether it's noise, smells, dirt or other things. I lived in Cairo for over two years when I received the happy news myself and suddenly everything was kind of danger for me. Before I was used to the pollution, the dirt etc. but once I knew I would have a baby I suddenly started to worry about everything.

And of course especially right now you are worried about yourself and about the new life in you. And you start paying attention of how children act, you start to witness situations you didn't care before. And you think about the future of how you will raise your own child. And the best will be just good enough for him or her.

I must say that my children are not always angels either. Sometimes they act out especially in a store. I can't take them all four with me. I do have to remind them sometimes about their manners too. but after all they are just good kids, we are so proud of them.

Snapdragon, are you planning to have the child in Egypt?
Member # 2710
 - posted
Oh, and what my kids most want when in Egypt is playing with their nephews and nieces. I am the only one having difficulties to adjust!:-)

With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Originally posted by Snapdragon:
I have lived in Egypt for just a little over 2 years now and since living here I have not seen one account of a well-behaved child. Including my husbands neices and nephews.

I have seen children in the small city I live in and in Cairo and Alex with awful behavior. Pushing, shoving and almost knocking down adults. Awful, just awful nasty words, bricks or rocks being thrown from one child to the other, sticks being shoved in places I don't even want to imagine and one kid chasing another one with rocks and sticks until they beat the hell out of the other.

Why are the kids so unruly, rude and nasty mouthed here in Egypt? They have absolutely no manners whatsoever. No thank you's, no please's...nothing! Do all Egyptian families just don't teach this to their kids?

I grew up with strict manners of not nterrupting adults when they speak, never push an adult to pass, always say thank you and please and it has stayed with me all my life.

I am pregnant and I was in a restaurant with my husband recently and a boy about the age of 8 or 9 pushed past me almost knocking me down and pushing my "baby" and I grabbed him by the back of his shirt and told him to slow down and started screaming at him about pushing etc. He just really got to me and enough was enought. Something I would never do in America probably for fear of going to jail for child abuse but these kids are just so rude here. AND I know that someone will come back saying that children in other countries are bad also. I know that children are bad all over the world. It is up to the parents to teach them manners and good behavior. BUT I have never seen anything so bad as here in Egypt.

My husband wants to stay in Egypt and is always talking about the baby will play with this kid or that kid (neices/nephews etc.) and I told him my child is growing up with manners and I will not have him screaming "cus omuk" in the streets or beating some other kid with a rock or stick or vice versa.

Has anyone else faced these little devils here in Egypt?

I am also from America, living in Egypt and I have noticed the same thing. It's quite annoying. I have told my husband time and time again 'these kids are a joke'. They truly are. I don't know if it's that the women have so many children & the father's aren't involved, leaving the mothers just enough time to cook and clean and not raise the kids? I had to actually beg my husband one day to yell at some older kids picking on some younger ones, it broke my heart! [Frown] I have seen some bad kids in America, don't get me wrong! But you're right, here it seems to be just about everyone one of them. I don't think I'll let our children play with the others here when they get old enough, forget it.
Member # 1925
 - posted
Originally posted by With a name like Smuckers:

I don't think I'll let our children play with the others here when they get old enough, forget it.

That would be a big mistake. Your children will have to go to school in Egypt and learn how to survive in this society. You can't wrap them up in cotton wool and isolate them.
Member # 9036
 - posted
Thanks Tigerlilly...

Yeah I noticed right now the thread about Mai..how exciting. I think you might be right about all the smells and noises. They became even triple annoying than before LOL.
Luckily, I have just completed the first trimester but still have some bad nausea days. I did not have vomiting which I was thankful about. So what kind of wonderful things can I expect in the second trimester?

Umm, it looks like I might have the baby here in Egypt since I have had insurance here with my husband and if I return to the states now, I will not have any coverage. BUT things could change. [Smile]

Originally posted by *Tigerlily*:
What's going on here? Snapdragon is pregnant too, congratulations how exciting!!! There must be something about this board. [Wink]

Listen a lot of things will get on your nerves while you are pregnant, whether it's noise, smells, dirt or other things. I lived in Cairo for over two years when I received the happy news myself and suddenly everything was kind of danger for me. Before I was used to the pollution, the dirt etc. but once I knew I would have a baby I suddenly started to worry about everything.

And of course especially right now you are worried about yourself and about the new life in you. And you start paying attention of how children act, you start to witness situations you didn't care before. And you think about the future of how you will raise your own child. And the best will be just good enough for him or her.

I must say that my children are not always angels either. Sometimes they act out especially in a store. I can't take them all four with me. I do have to remind them sometimes about their manners too. but after all they are just good kids, we are so proud of them.

Snapdragon, are you planning to have the child in Egypt?

Member # 9824
 - posted
Originally posted by Snapdragon:
You said you were leaving...so why did you come back??? Addicted perhaps? Obessed like your fellow friend toozi as MK calls it..
Your on my ignore list as of now. Now I am so ashamed to have British blood. What a shame really.

Buzz off and don't get all obsessed like toozi was/is.

Originally posted by Charm El Feikh?:
having read the foulmouthed filth yo so readily threw at a woman here is ES i highly doubt you have any manners at all, i think you'll fit right in.

You really are such a sad individual are'nt you.
So racist. Why would having british blood make you ashamed? You probably dont even have the intelligence to realise that you have insulted many english on this board. I just logged on, not many posts in quite a while, so where the OBSESSED thing comes from I dont know??
But people like you make my blood boil. Maybe you are the one who is obsessed? I certainly am not!!
You are a nasty piece of work Snapdragon, best thing you ignore me too as well as charm. That will suit me just dandy!!

BUZZ OFF.............last time I heard that I was 8 years old playing with my friends in the street!!! WOW.........that is a blast from the past.........thanks for the memory..........
Member # 1439
 - posted
Parents(and the entire society) are very tolerant of children. They don't punish when they misbehave. I remember the first time I flew to egypt, we sat next to a british woman who was married to an egyptian (she had a phd in arabic; he was a journalist/prof and met at the university and now lived in the uk with 3 kids). She had the cutest 3 year boy who was also the biggest little devil I saw. Thankfully, she had a great sense of humour and was telling us stories of what a terror he is, etc. and also how frustrating it was for her as her husband (and egyptians in general) were so lenient and easy-going with kids. She always had to be the bad guy and discipline the kids. Sure enough, we noticed what she was talking about the minute we stepped off the plane and into the customs line...kids were running around everyone's feet like out of the pages from Lord of the Flies and (to my shock) the police officers/customs officers just smiled nonchallantly when they ran into them. In Europe they would've grabbed them, hauled them to their parents and gave their parents a stern warning.
Member # 9250
 - posted
I am Russian and I have a quite opposite opinion on the kids subject.I've lived in US for about a year, in Russia most of my life and in Egypt 4 month now. You guys, made me real upset with all the lies and selfish "we-are-good-well-mannered-guys" talk!
Let me stand for egyptian children and culture here a little bit, all ya "educated well-mannered" hypocrats. Manners are just a make-up on the faces of people, that almost everyone learns by the end of teenage (not necessary to have much brain or hart to do that, "ya-know"?). I've been around many children here in Cairo, in Luxor, in nubian villiage in Aswan. They are caring and responsible for each other, elder children watch younger ones even if they are not their brothers and sisters. They are hospitable and caring for foreign kids and my kid is not a X-mas present and I think most egyptian chidren are more well-behaved, especially boys. They are not as separated and egoistic as american/western/russian children for sure. They have nice features about their society. And here people are so much more welcoming and understanding and happy to talk/play/deal with a child than europeans (Spanish, German, Italian, American etc.). Society of consuming raise chidren alone, where primary value is I, ME, MY, egocentric and egoistic, that's how all of you are and me also. That's why you all, guys, (and me !!!) freak out when chidren laugh, play, bump in you, istead of making fun and welcome their being natural. You do not know how to be. You are mere dolls who were told " TALKING LOUD IS BAD", TAKING **** ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE IS GOOD??? THINKING BAD ABOUT CHIDREN IS GOOD? OPEN YOUR EYES AND SEE THE GOOD ALSO! Of course there should be borders as respect for strange people's space, but in West world belongs to adults who are immature and can not share any space (regardless if it's with chidren or with each other), time or energy. Most of you , guys, even regardless of well manners do not know how to co-exist, THAT'S WHY MOST EUROPEAN/AMERICAN/RUSSIAN WOMEN LOOK FOR SEX/RELATIONSHIP/MARRIAGE HERE! And it has direct links to how people are braught up.In Russia, they intimidate children. In West they corrupt them with religeon of ego and consumerism. I am not saying here everything is perfect. NO-WHERE IS. Noone is perfect mom or dad. You too. And there will always be people who will think/tell that your child does bad. And here many people make money out of children, making them work.
However, if you, guys, happen to call your-selves Christians should remember the Jesus, who said said "do not prevent chidren from coming to me"(other people did not want to let children to come to him, thinking they will disturb him praying), he didn't say "RESPECT MY TIME FOR PRAYER", for he taught humility and not covering with DIRT CHILDREN AND OTHER PARENTS (Seeing small things in the eyes of your brothers and not notice a big in your own). LOOK AT YOUR FACES FIRST, in Russia we say "DO NOT BLAME MIRROR FOR YOUR UGLY FACE"!!!! "Everything is secondary compare to the care for the chidren", John.
Member # 9250
 - posted
Originally posted by 7ayat- nefsi fe sobya:
i agree with you, children are extremely misbehaved in egypt. thats why we have so many idiots in the streets harrasing the women, they learned nothing about respect and dignity when they were children.
however, not every child is like that, i mean my niece would never say kus umak, although one of my cousin's kids does that. i think if you teach your child manners, and you're very strict with him, he will not be influenced (at least not very much) by the other kids inshallah. also when he grows up you can monitor him, and make sure he only hangs around with well behaved children.

Yeah? Right, those bad egyptians again. How is about MANY EUROPEAN/RUSSIAN/EMERICAN women come here for SEX? They sleep with kitchen stuff, with taxi drivers? They call Hurghada "city of sex".
Some come for marriage/love relationship, and that makes Egyptians try to get acquainted with them.
How about TELLING THE TRUETH? THAT WESTERN/RUSSIAN WOMEN spoiled their image to ashes???? Now whatever country i come to I need to say " I AM RUSSIAN, I AM NOT A PROSTITUTE AND DO NOT OFFER ME VODKA, I DO NOT DRINK IT"? AND HOW MANY OF YOU THINK THIS OF RUSSIANS? If you don't than I bet many Europeans and Americans and Egyptians do. These are stereotypes, sure, but maybe there is some background behind it? Like many Russians like to spend their holidays drinking a lot of alcohol and look undecent in the eyes of Egyptians/Americans etc. Yea, bad to have stereotypes, but who doesn't???
I am fed up with men on the street and everywhere, but, I do not like arrogance. Some things I learned here about how females should behave if they do not want to look like an "open invitation". Even in home countries, females walk semi-naked and than say "men are animals! sexual harrassement!" and dress up at the same time to appeal to their "animal" sides.
Lets make up our minds, what do we want. Than yell at someone else.
7ayat- nefsi fe sobya
Member # 7043
 - posted
Originally posted by Arabesque333:
Originally posted by 7ayat- nefsi fe sobya:
i agree with you, children are extremely misbehaved in egypt. thats why we have so many idiots in the streets harrasing the women, they learned nothing about respect and dignity when they were children.
however, not every child is like that, i mean my niece would never say kus umak, although one of my cousin's kids does that. i think if you teach your child manners, and you're very strict with him, he will not be influenced (at least not very much) by the other kids inshallah. also when he grows up you can monitor him, and make sure he only hangs around with well behaved children.

Yeah? Right, those bad egyptians again. How is about MANY EUROPEAN/RUSSIAN/EMERICAN women come here for SEX? They sleep with kitchen stuff, with taxi drivers? They call Hurghada "city of sex".
Some come for marriage/love relationship, and that makes Egyptians try to get acquainted with them.
How about TELLING THE TRUETH? THAT WESTERN/RUSSIAN WOMEN spoiled their image to ashes???? Now whatever country i come to I need to say " I AM RUSSIAN, I AM NOT A PROSTITUTE AND DO NOT OFFER ME VODKA, I DO NOT DRINK IT"? AND HOW MANY OF YOU THINK THIS OF RUSSIANS? If you don't than I bet many Europeans and Americans and Egyptians do. These are stereotypes, sure, but maybe there is some background behind it? Like many Russians like to spend their holidays drinking a lot of alcohol and look undecent in the eyes of Egyptians/Americans etc. Yea, bad to have stereotypes, but who doesn't???
I am fed up with men on the street and everywhere, but, I do not like arrogance. Some things I learned here about how females should behave if they do not want to look like an "open invitation". Even in home countries, females walk semi-naked and than say "men are animals! sexual harrassement!" and dress up at the same time to appeal to their "animal" sides.
Lets make up our minds, what do we want. Than yell at someone else.

ummm arabesque, i'm actually egyptian, and a very patriotic one too. i really liked what you wrote above, its nice to see that not all westerners think that egyptian children are ill mannered. there are many great things about egyptian children, like as you mentioned above they are caring for each other. however, i will hold on to my first opinion that egyptian children are not well mannered. i've been brought up all my life in egypt, and have been around enough children to know.

by the way thanks for the nice things you like about egypt. i hope you keeping liking it inshallah [Big Grin]
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Yea, that's kind of right now that I think of it. In America if a child is unruly we say he has ADD or ADHD. [Roll Eyes]
Member # 9153
 - posted
Originally posted by With a name like Smuckers:
Yea, that's kind of right now that I think of it. In America if a child is unruly we say he has ADD or ADHD. [Roll Eyes]

ADD or ADHD, what those initials mean?

I couldn't make the link.
Madame M.
Member # 8386
 - posted
ADD=Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD=Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Member # 9153
 - posted
Originally posted by Madame M.:
ADD=Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD=Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

i guess the ADHD childs are the ones chiasing the ADD childs.
Madame M.
Member # 8386
 - posted
yep [Big Grin]
Member # 9153
 - posted
i was doubting
Member # 3700
 - posted
Originally posted by 7ayat- nefsi fe sobya:

[QUOTE]Originally posted by 7ayat- nefsi fe sobya:
[qb] i agree with you, children are extremely misbehaved in egypt. thats why we have so many idiots in the streets harrasing the women, they learned nothing about respect and dignity when they were children.
however, not every child is like that, i mean my niece would never say kus umak, although one of my cousin's kids does that. i think if you teach your child manners, and you're very strict with him, he will not be influenced (at least not very much) by the other kids inshallah. also when he grows up you can monitor him, and make sure he only hangs around with well behaved children.

after a short while

arabesque, i'm actually egyptian, and a very patriotic one too. i really liked what you wrote above, its nice to see that not all westerners think that egyptian children are ill mannered. there are many great things about egyptian children, like as you mentioned above they are caring for each other. however, i will hold on to my first opinion that egyptian children are not well mannered. i've been brought up all my life in egypt, and have been around enough children to know.
[Confused] [Confused] [Confused] [Confused]

by the way thanks for the nice things you like about egypt. i hope you keeping liking it inshallah [Big Grin]

7ayat- nefsi fe sobya
Member # 7043
 - posted
Originally posted by MotherEgypt:
i mean my niece would never say kus umak,

i wish you can be more like your niece , Hayat !!! what is your story and how old are you !
sorry but your remind me of 3ash al malek , Matt al malek , i am trying to figure you out but.....!!!

when did i say kus umak? what's your problem, i dont even know you! we meen ba2a el malek eli 3ash wel malek eli mat? nawerni we7yatek. and i really dont care if you figure me out or not [Eek!]
Member # 3700
 - posted
hayat ,,,good morning
7ayat- nefsi fe sobya
Member # 7043
 - posted
Originally posted by MotherEgypt:
hayat ,,,good morning

good morning [Roll Eyes]
Member # 4811
 - posted
Just do away with half the sugar intake the children here seem to junk food it up...and we will see part of the problem dissapear..diet, diet.
It has to start at home....no discipline or no consequences for bad behavior children aren't learning a thing. See it every day......
It is not easy feat but I am told how well behaved mine are again and again so I am proud as a peacock! Politeness, etiquette go along way, but hey we all were young once and I bet not angels either. You have to pass off some of the public displays..but when it harms you or yours I will get out my boxing gloves..
Madame M.
Member # 8386
 - posted
My ex and I have taught our children from a very young age that certain behaviors are unacceptable. We stress the importance of having taqwa, this also helps with behavior. They also see our example of how we treat others. If parents are rude then the children will be rude. We have taught our sons to treat others as they would like to be treated. To ask themselves...would I want someone to do or say these things to me? As far as the treatment of each other..yes they fight as brothers do but afterwards they always apologize. Inshallah they will keep this until they are grown and continue to have a good relationship with each other. Mashallah I have two wonderful sons who are on their way to becoming good men.
Member # 10031
 - posted
I'm a bit surprised by this thread. I have been working for a couple years with Egyptian kids, and I didn't notice they were worse than others. Always running, talking... but like any kid. Maybe it also depends on the social class. Indeed, these poor women with 6 or 7 kids can't raise them properly, when the father is not involved at all. But actually, the richest families can be very bad mannered too. I always found the Egyptian kids very funy and smart, always finding jokes, and their language is so cute!

What I noticed though is that the moms are ready to do anything for their children. I saw so many of them sleeping in the same bed as their kid, when the father is sleeping in the couple's room...I think the child really takes a big place in the mom's life. It's the same for any other mom, but I think (Egyptians, please tell me if I'm wrong) that many women are not very happily married, the father is often out, they have all the chores to do, plus bringing the kids from the school to the private lessons, to the club, to...the kid is all their life. That's why they are very possessive, once the kid is ready to get married.

But I think the situation changed the last decades, because all my friends told me they had had a very strict education, the dad often beating them when they were doing something wrong. My fiancé's father was quite harsh with his kids as well.
Organized Crime
Member # 10522
 - posted
Originally posted by Barbapapa:
I'm a bit surprised by this thread. I have been working for a couple years with Egyptian kids, and I didn't notice they were worse than others. Always running, talking... but like any kid. Maybe it also depends on the social class. Indeed, these poor women with 6 or 7 kids can't raise them properly, when the father is not involved at all. But actually, the richest families can be very bad mannered too. I always found the Egyptian kids very funy and smart, always finding jokes, and their language is so cute!

What I noticed though is that mom are ready to do anything for their children. I saw so many of them sleeping in the same bed as their kid, when the father is sleeping in the couple's room...I think the child really takes a big place in the mom's life. It's the same for any other mom, but I think (Egyptians, please tell me if I'm wrong) that many women are not very happily married, the father is often out, they have all the chorese to do, plus bringing the kids from the school to the private lessons, to the club, to...the kid is all their life. That's why they are very possessive, once the kid is ready to get married.

But I think the situation changed the last decades, because all my friends told me they had had a very strict education, the dad often beating them when they were doing something wrong. My fiancé's father was quite harsh with his kids as well.

Thank you. I have been grinding my teeth watching this thread.

Iritates me to no avail.

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