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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 11170
 - posted
For my study (industrial product design) I must design a shaver for Egyptian man. Now I am looking for first-hand information and I hope you can help me with it.

1. Can you tell me something over how Egyptian men shave (with a razor, by the barbershop, or with an electric shaver)?
2. Does the most of the man shave his beard?
3. Shave Egyptian man mostly wet or dry?
4. Which shavers can be bought in Egypt? (maybe you know a website)
5. Do they shave at home or in a barbershop?
6. I have read that most of the Egyptian people are Muslim, is this also in big city’s such as Cairo and Alexandrie?
7. When you are a strict Muslim you don’t shave your beard (am I right?), but most of Egyptian man shave them. Why? How is this possible?

And more general questions:
8. What does Egyptian boys and men like, witch products are “cool”? what are successful products in Egypt?
9. Are there popular subcultures in Egypt?

Any information can be useful for me. I'm also looking for other sites about Egypt (not the tourist sites) do you have any suggestions?

Hoping on many reply's [Razz] ,

Member # 3077
 - posted
4-They have it all
7-yes,yes I need more time to explain
Member # 9699
 - posted
why u ask espicaly about egyption men [Wink]
any way this is the answer:
1-most of them go to barbershop, why iam saying (them) -iam egyption - so i will say (we) [Smile]
2- we always shave our beard, but lately some ppl appear who dont shave it as its sonnah of profet mohamed (follow of profet mohmed)(Peace upon him).
3-wet (mostly)
4- shaves made in china is most comon beuse its most cheaper [Smile] , but some times ppl buy japanis becuse its long living.
5-beard at home , head at barbershop
7-yes u r right, and about why we shave it : no cooment, i can send u the answer in private message if u want know [Smile]
8- the most cheaper [Big Grin]
i hope that i had answered u and u find my answer helpful [Smile]
Member # 10522
 - posted
JackNL, if you invent a shaving product that also fights jock itch you have a winner.

During August I'll buy a few hundred and hand it out to unsuspecting guys myself. [Eek!]
Member # 4691
 - posted
Originally posted by Sonomod_me:
JackNL, if you invent a shaving product that also fights jock itch you have a winner.

During August I'll buy a few hundred and hand it out to unsuspecting guys myself. [Eek!]

ROFL!!! [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] Yes Sono, I also noticed many times... why do they have the need to hoist themselves around "down there" very publicly?? In the middle of the street, in conversation, shops, everywhere!!!
Is it a statement, or do they really think nobody notices??
Member # 10522
 - posted
Originally posted by Samia:
Originally posted by Sonomod_me:
JackNL, if you invent a shaving product that also fights jock itch you have a winner.

During August I'll buy a few hundred and hand it out to unsuspecting guys myself. [Eek!]

ROFL!!! [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] Yes Sono, I also noticed many times... why do they have the need to hoist themselves around "down there" very publicly?? In the middle of the street, in conversation, shops, everywhere!!!
Is it a statement, or do they really think nobody notices??

In Cairo I can see alot of this. Until someone points to my FIL and calls him Hajji.

I can't tell you how many times I see grandfathers or fathers with their sons.... The dad or papa starts to scratch then the little boys start doing it. [Roll Eyes]

Is it a medical condition or a learned behavior?

Anyhow there is jock itch powder on the market. But then we'd have to stop ourselves from looking down at the powder halo surrounding the guy's crotch. [Big Grin]
Member # 10863
 - posted
Jack, don't forget they shave "downstairs". Come up with a long lasting wet shaver that's cheap and can be pitched at the football supporters. It should have smooth lines (no jagged edges) so the wedding tackle doesn't get fouled up.

Did you notice all the football terms I used?
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
o....kaaaay... i didnt know that!

btw.. well done g_g... but im sure you could have made a reference to 'scoring' in there somewhere!!!

so... that wonderful saying we have here about "if theres grass on the pitch game on" really wont apply in egypt?!
Member # 10522
 - posted
Originally posted by gentle_giant:
Jack, don't forget they shave "downstairs". Come up with a long lasting wet shaver that's cheap and can be pitched at the football supporters. It should have smooth lines (no jagged edges) so the wedding tackle doesn't get fouled up.

Did you notice all the football terms I used?

If its required to shave "downstairs" why can't marketers get these men to shave their backs too?
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by JackNL:
For my study (industrial product design)

Hey Jack do you study in Delft?

I would like to give you an assignment. I hope you're good though [Wink]

Please PM me if you're interested.
Member # 9597
 - posted
Jack: Out of curiosity, why would an assignment/ project in the Netherlands be tailored to a specific ethnic group's shaving habits (an everyday activity that is performed by men all around the world everyday). Sounds very fishy, if you ask me. Well ... either fishy or racist.

Sonomod: It isn't a medical condition ... it's a learned behavior. And it's common in many third world countries (I have personally witnessed it being done in the south of italy). It has to do with lack of etiquette more than anything else ...
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by _Masrawi_:
Jack: Out of curiosity, why would an assignment/ project in the Netherlands be tailored to a specific ethnic group's shaving habits (an everyday activity that is performed by men all around the world everyday). Sounds very fishy, if you ask me. Well ... either fishy or racist.

That is so mean!

I give assignments to my students to treat patients with an Egyptian or Chinese backgrounds, becasue they have different needs and the students need to find out about those needs in order to do the assignments.

The assignment could have described Moroccan men as well, since they are 10 a penny in Holland, but obiously the teachers wanted to make the assignment more interesting.

That's called cultural diversity ya ibny.
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
so, do you shave 'down there' every day? is it part of your normal morning routine or whatever.
Member # 11170
 - posted
Thanks for the many reply's!

First I shall explain more about te assignment. The assignment is: "redesign an electrical shaver for a certain group of people / culture". We can choose about different topics such as: Gender, non-western cultures, design for emotion and Muslim. I've chosen to design for the Muslim. But Muslims are in every country different, because the cultures are different. So I was thinking I can better choose for a culture where the Islam is dominant, like in Egypt. I was last winter a week in Egypt, Hurghada. But Hurgharda isn't representative for whole Egypt (am I right?).

why would an assignment/ project in the Netherlands be tailored to a specific ethnic group's shaving habits ()....either fishy or racist.
Let I be clear, it's not my intention to be racist. The goal of the assignment is to learn design for other cultures, peoples or believes and to respect them.

Hey Jack do you study in Delft?
No, I study in Enschede at the University of Twente. And of course I'am interested in an assignment.

7-yes u r right, and about why we shave it : no cooment, i can send u the answer in private message if u want know [Smile]
I'm very intrested in the reason for this. Please, mail me on broeder_jacobus at hotmail.com

And more general questions:
8. What does Egyptian boys and men like, witch products are “cool”? what are successful products in Egypt?

Ok so men in Egypt also likes football [Wink] But do they also care about the styling of products?
Have someboy websites about Egyptian lifestyles / products.

Jack, don't forget they shave "downstairs". Come up with a long lasting wet shaver that's cheap and can be pitched at the football supporters. It should have smooth lines (no jagged edges) so the wedding tackle doesn't get fouled up.

Did you notice all the football terms I used?

g_g I fully understand your message [Razz] . Shave "downstairs" is a something I must keep in mind. I know this is an very private topic, but how many times do people shave downstairs? Is that every day, week, month?

Many, many thanks!

Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by JackNL:

Replies jongen!
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by JackNL:
Hurgharda isn't representative for hole Egypt

Oh Hurghada is the hole of Egypt alright [Big Grin]
Member # 9597
 - posted
Originally posted by MyKingdomForATaba2Koshari:
Originally posted by _Masrawi_:
Jack: Out of curiosity, why would an assignment/ project in the Netherlands be tailored to a specific ethnic group's shaving habits (an everyday activity that is performed by men all around the world everyday). Sounds very fishy, if you ask me. Well ... either fishy or racist.

That is so mean!

I give assignments to my students to treat patients with an Egyptian or Chinese backgrounds, becasue they have different needs and the students need to find out about those needs in order to do the assignments.

The assignment could have described Moroccan men as well, since they are 10 a penny in Holland, but obiously the teachers wanted to make the assignment more interesting.

That's called cultural diversity ya ibny.

Hmmm ... no.

There is a HUGE difference between an assigment tailored to a study that would better the lives of an ethnic group and a meaningless assignment that does not necessarily need to be culture specific ... keep in mind that this is for an "industrial product design".
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by _Masrawi_:

There is a HUGE difference between an assigment tailored to a study that would better the lives of an ethnic group and a meaningless assignment that does not necessarily need to be culture specific ... keep in mind that this is for an "industrial product design".

Come on ya Pasha!

All the multinationals tailor their products to the target-coutries' requirments.

I can't believe you're arguing about this!!!
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Charm El Feikh?:
so, do you shave 'down there' every day? is it part of your normal morning routine or whatever.

I don't know what common practice is in Egypt, but it's my understanding that Islam specifies that an adult should remove pubic and underarm hair about every 40 days. It could be done more often, I believe.
Madame M.
Member # 8386
 - posted
Oh God..yes! In 40 days you can have a full bush goin' on.
Member # 9597
 - posted
Originally posted by MyKingdomForATaba2Koshari:
Originally posted by _Masrawi_:

There is a HUGE difference between an assigment tailored to a study that would better the lives of an ethnic group and a meaningless assignment that does not necessarily need to be culture specific ... keep in mind that this is for an "industrial product design".

Come on ya Pasha!

All the multinationals tailor their products to the target-coutries' requirments.

I can't believe you're arguing about this!!!

Come on!! You can't be serious! What are you comparing here?! A multinational with a second rate college in a rural area of the Netherlands? Most of the students wouldn't even be able to locate Egypt on a map, let alone research an industrial product design for a shaver for Egyptians.

The post is fake. And it's lame.
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by _Masrawi_:
Come on!! You can't be serious! What are you comparing here?! A multinational with a second rate college in a rural area of the Netherlands? Most of the students wouldn't even be able to locate Egypt on a map, let alone research an industrial product design for a shaver for Egyptians.

The post is fake. And it's lame.

He´s a student for God´s sake! The assignment is not for real, but it would very much be in the near future.

I knew a young lady working for Philips and her job was to research countrys´ requirements for each product they make.

I still can´t believe you´re serious. I thought you could´t drink on the job [Razz]
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
Originally posted by MyKingdomForATaba2Koshari:
Originally posted by JackNL:

Replies jongen!
replies, (comma) jongen. [Roll Eyes]
Member # 9597
 - posted
Originally posted by MyKingdomForATaba2Koshari:
Originally posted by _Masrawi_:
Come on!! You can't be serious! What are you comparing here?! A multinational with a second rate college in a rural area of the Netherlands? Most of the students wouldn't even be able to locate Egypt on a map, let alone research an industrial product design for a shaver for Egyptians.

The post is fake. And it's lame.

He´s a student for God´s sake! The assignment is not for real, but it would very much be in the near future.

I knew a young lady working for Philips and her job was to research countrys´ requirements for each product they make.

I still can´t believe you´re serious. I thought you could´t drink on the job [Razz]

Once again your example is based on Philips ... a multinational.

And I am very much serious. Do i come off as someone who isn't serious? Do u think I am here to amuse u?

Just kidding ...

Well, not about the part that the post being a fake, though.
Member # 1439
 - posted
his question is pretty straightforward industrial / product design 101.

for example..."Product Design students now undertake exhaustive research to determine users’ needs; draw on cognitive and behavioral psychology in developing interfaces; and often transmit their designs to clients in digital form via the Internet. By focusing on research, problem-solving strategies and developing visuals in two and three dimensions, students refine and guide their creative intentions to a successful solution."

Member # 9597
 - posted
i think u meant industrial/product design 101em which specifially addresses Egyptian men ... and then of course there is industrial/product design 101ew which is tailored to Egyptian women.
Member # 8356
 - posted
Okay Masrawi is drunk @ work!

Jack maybe you should work on shavers for Egyptian women's kittens!

Member # 9597
 - posted
Originally posted by MyKingdomForATaba2Koshari:
Okay Masrawi is drunk @ work!

Jack maybe you should work on shavers for Egyptian women's kittens!



Finally an interesting and realistic topic!

Let's talk about shaved kittens ...
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
any particular nationality?
Member # 9597
 - posted
no, it's the course industrial/product design 101 which is multinational ... feel free to share your shaved kitten story.
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
oh.. its just for some reason i had brazil in mind?

[shrug] oh well.
Member # 5472
 - posted
Originally posted by _Masrawi_:
Originally posted by MyKingdomForATaba2Koshari:
Okay Masrawi is drunk @ work!

Jack maybe you should work on shavers for Egyptian women's kittens!



Finally an interesting and realistic topic!

Let's talk about shaved kittens ...

Sadistic Masrawi [Confused] [Eek!] [Eek!] [Razz]

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