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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 3586
 - posted

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 08 August 2004).]

Member # 3553
 - posted
Originally posted by Rimo:
Among other reasons, I think The Most Important Reason for which men were created is to kill those monsters.

Insects are just the scariest , ugliest meanest of God's creations . Let's all give thanks to God for men.
Any other important reasons i might have missed?

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 20 March 2004).]

Why do you think that?



Member # 3586
 - posted

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 08 August 2004).]

Member # 1428
 - posted
longusername at your service. Pest control is my life. ;-)
Member # 3177
 - posted
seems in our marriage women are created for killing the pest :S becoz if there is one, my scared husband calls me to solute this problem...
i should hounestly ask myself what are men created for....
well, maybe just to notice the pest and to call someone else for help?
Member # 3586
 - posted

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 08 August 2004).]

Member # 3586
 - posted

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 08 August 2004).]

Member # 1925
 - posted
yes Rimo I think you have the right answer. My husband can catch any flying insect with a single hand and squash any creepy crawly. I did once make the mistake of thinking he would be useful for the plumbing.I had just washed the kitchen floor and no sooner was it finished than the sink plumbing decided it was time to start leaking.I shouted for husband ( asleep of course).He walked in with one eye open, picked up a large bucket stuck it under the leak and went back to bed. He then told me later he thought he was back in the army! So will keep on trying to find answers to your question.
Member # 3586
 - posted

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 08 August 2004).]

Member # 3640
 - posted
Ladiessssssss .. have a mercy .. is this some kind of a thread for marking the MAN's DAY one day after celebrating MOTHER'S DAY? all what man is fit for in ur "beautiful" eyes is to work as "insecticide- er" ? or if failure to be "insect reporter"?
Rimo, didn't u hear about "jobless women" instead of rooming the streets kicking themselves .. having jobs as "female football players? watch then their WOMEN WORLD CUP .. they r sure "jobless" more than some men could be ..
Penny, i know some very good and clever "husbands"..oppp ..i mean plumbers .. would that make them then fit for being good husbands?
but let's reverse the question... why God create women? just to mock his creation of man?
Member # 1925
 - posted
Originally posted by wacobaco:
Ladiessssssss .. have a mercy .. is this some kind of a thread for marking the MAN's DAY one day after celebrating MOTHER'S DAY? all what man is fit for in ur "beautiful" eyes is to work as "insecticide- er" ? or if failure to be "insect reporter"?
Rimo, didn't u hear about "jobless women" instead of rooming the streets kicking themselves .. having jobs as "female football players? watch then their WOMEN WORLD CUP .. they r sure "jobless" more than some men could be ..
Penny, i know some very good and clever "husbands"..oppp ..i mean plumbers .. would that make them then fit for being good husbands?
but let's reverse the question... why God create women? just to mock his creation of man?

No ... to wash the foor when the plumbing gives out !!
..... ahh but honestly do you think I judge my husband by his plumbing skills .. He would have been long gone. Promise he is wonderful man even if he did forget my birthday on Saturday.

Member # 3586
 - posted

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 08 August 2004).]

Member # 3567
 - posted

Penny, hopfully he made up for it ........

[This message has been edited by Tigerlily (edited 22 March 2004).]

Member # 1925
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tigerlily:
Penny, hopfully he made up for it ........

Ah yes I think there is a serious present coming my way very soon

Member # 3567
 - posted

Penny, how serious is it????

Can I congratulate you both or did I missunderstand something?

[This message has been edited by Tigerlily (edited 22 March 2004).]

Member # 1925
 - posted
Penny, how serious is it????

Can I congratulate you both or did I missunderstand something?

Lets just say we will not need services of Eqyptian Doc 77 ( now I understand what he does) But Noooooooooo not quite that serious. Sorry congrats not due, at least I don't think so?????????????


Member # 3586
 - posted

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 08 August 2004).]

Member # 3864
 - posted
Originally posted by Rimo:
Among other reasons, I think The Most Important Reason for which men were created is to kill those monsters.

Insects are just the scariest , ugliest meanest of God's creations . Let's all give thanks to God for men.
Any other important reasons i might have missed?

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 20 March 2004).]

Rimo, my gorgeous, tall, intelligent Misr husband is a pussy cat. You would think with all those cockroaches and rats running helter-skelter in Misr, he could kill a common mouse in Minnesota.

NO HE CAN NOT! We have 2 cats 7yrs and 14 lbs, 11 yrs and 18 lbs and couldn't do more than paw this disguisting thing. So I got my shoe out while he complained for the next 5 months that we should get rid of the cats because they have 'rodent' germs now. He just can't stand the fact that I love them both more and sleep with them and not him.

No God (ALLAH) created men to complain, make messes and drain your paycheck. Not kill rodents or insects. Though his homeland is obviously overrun my both rodents and cockroaches.


Member # 3586
 - posted

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 08 August 2004).]

Member # 1230
 - posted
Originally posted by sonomod:
Though his homeland is obviously overrun my both rodents and cockroaches.

Oh damn ... did you have to tell?
I'll make sure to get some roach motels FAST ...


Member # 3822
 - posted
Come on ladies!! Every one knows that us women run the planet. Men need to be looked after. They are incapable of looking after themselves. Have you ever seen the average man try to cook for himself...? It's quite funny . And di you know that men are actually incomplete women. Their gene is XY a womans gene is XX so therefore, a man is really 1/2 woman! Just a little snippet of useless info for ya all!
Member # 1230
 - posted
Originally posted by GiggleGirl:
Come on ladies!! Every one knows that us women run the planet. Men need to be looked after. They are incapable of looking after themselves. Have you ever seen the average man try to cook for himself...?

Almost all of my male friends cook for themselves ... and for others as well ... what's so odd about that?


Member # 3822
 - posted
lol..that is virtually unknown for me!! Most of the men I know get their wives/ girlfriends /mothers to cook for them. lol...they can't cook for themselves though. Well they can, but whatever they cook is unedible!!!
Member # 3864
 - posted
Originally posted by Rimo:
I WAS KIDDING, Gosh, Gorgoeus, tall, intelligent and you're sleeping with the cats???? oh boy I would say Rodents in particular are an international problem, there was a statistic about a year ago about rats in new york!!!!! Do cats really still do that? thought pampered cats these days only ate out of cans.

I'll get serious for a second here, i already said why i started this thread that's taking a turn that i don't like. A man is the father, the friend, the lover, the one for whom we spend forever looking for the nicest prom dress, and why we wake up to ask God for the most outragoeus favors "Please God, I have a date, make this a good hair day!!!!" A good man makes one feel cherished and more of a woman than if she was wearing the best designer dress of the year (even if she was in her 15 year old, wornout at the elbows jumper)..........

Have a nice day ladies

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 23 March 2004).]

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 23 March 2004).]

He doesn't like sleeping with other people. That's fine, he grinds his teeth in his sleep. he works nights and so we don't sleep the same schedule.

and yes, I am stuck giving can food everyday for the rest of their lives. If not I got to put up with the whining and the possibility that I will brake my neck on a fall.

He doesn't appreciate my relationship with the cats, it reminds him of how his mother would cater to her chickens. Drives him nuts.

Mother finally got rid of her beloved chickens right before I arrived with monster baby. Good thing she would chased them around to pluck them. Now the roof of the house will be converted to my apartment. I will have a terrace with plants. monster baby will have to pluck the boston coon cat I have. The sweet dope of a cat sits there and purrs while monster pulls at her.


Member # 3586
 - posted
Originally posted by sonomod:

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 24 March 2004).]

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 25 March 2004).]

Member # 3864
 - posted
Originally posted by Rimo:
what's her name and how old is she? (the monster baby, not the cat)?

She is 21 months old. Lively, beautiful, strong, smart. She hold our portraits (both my husband's and mine) and kisses us every morning and wishes us a good day. She is just fine, happy content, well cared for. Mother looks after her most of the time and my younger brother in law looks after he while my mother in law is at work. They also have 2 teenage girls over everyday to help out. It takes about 3 adults at all times to keep her occupied. I recieved about 15 photos recently and for her firt birthday I recieved a video of the party.

She is so darn wonderful. I am so mad at myself for not being able to do everything without help. I am in so much pain.

My husband controls the money so he often calls Egypt without me. I am able to type papers for classmates in order to get necessities and phone cards.

When he finally gets his permit for naturalization I will be over there. I must finish my degree and be able to make $40,000 or more so when my daughter, niece and mother in law come over to the US I can pay for everything. I promised my sister-in-law I would make sure her daughter got at least some of her education in the US. She was adamant about it.

It be nice to be with my daughter and mother in law everyday.

Member # 3586
 - posted

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 08 August 2004).]

Member # 3902
 - posted
well,so u think i'm actually a shemale?!!! ))))))))))))))))))))),don't want to tell u my other point of view:-p
Member # 3586
 - posted

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 08 August 2004).]

Member # 3902
 - posted

well,i was replying to gigglegirl who was saying that men r half women:-)

i put a spell on u,becuz ur mine,i can't stand the things u do,no,no,no,no,i aint lying:-),i don't care if u don't want me,cuz i'm urs urs urs ,anyhow;-)

Member # 3836
 - posted
This is really interesting, I was actually reading an article on the BBC news website about how men are indispensible and there will always be a biological need for us men..(Finally someone is making sense !!! )
check it out.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/if/3578543.stm

Member # 3567
 - posted

Men - you can't live with them and you can't live without them ...........

So, the opposite question is, why God created women??????

Your opinions, please.

[This message has been edited by Tigerlily (edited 30 March 2004).]

Member # 3586
 - posted

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 08 August 2004).]

Member # 3902
 - posted
well,and why we will need clean shirts and pants when there is no women thou:-),and don't forget too that the best cook in the world r men,
also if there is no women,
1-we will not spend more money on these clothes,
2-will stop gyming,
3-and i'll be the first one who will suicide:-)
Member # 3757
 - posted
Why did God create men ? That is an answer I ask myself every day. I used to think they were created to kill bugs, take out the trash and replace light bulbs, but after living in Egypt for so long alone, I have learnt to do these things for myself.

The site of a cockroach scuttling across the floor no longer has me screeching,jumping on the nearest chair and calling for a man to come and take care of it, now I just squish the critters myself.

Why did God create women ? The answer to that one is much easier. He wanted to get it right and realized the male species was full of defects, went back to the drawing board and produced perfection - us women ! hehehehe.

Member # 3902
 - posted
yes,yes,i always thought that god was making me a bug but something wrong happened in the chemical activity:-),maybe he put some more fuel?:-),and now i'm regreting it:-),being a bug is more interesting:-),and also bug females are so sexy:-)
Member # 3586
 - posted

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 08 August 2004).]

Member # 3747
 - posted

[This message has been edited by katrina (edited 30 May 2004).]

Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by Rimo:
Pierce Brosnan
Tom Cruise
Brad Pitt
Keanu Reeves
Tom Hanks
Mel Gibson
George Clooney
Kevin Bacon
Bruce Willis
Jude Law

Actually I have absolutely no problem with these creations

Oh, Rimo, you make my day ......... )))

About the age: Men definitely get more sexier the older they are getting (think Harrison Ford!)

Oh and I think one of the bestlooking men in the universe was the late John F. Kennedy jr. (unfortunately he died almost five years ago in a plane crash). But he was just stunning looking ...... and also smart (what a wonderful creation!!!!)

[This message has been edited by Tigerlily (edited 31 March 2004).]

Member # 3586
 - posted

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 08 August 2004).]

Member # 3567
 - posted

Rimo, many people have this kind of dream (ME)....

But its not true that all stars flying in their own planes. I met Meg Ryan at LA Airport on Sunday and she flew first class to Colorado Springs.

Well, anyway I am sitting always in the "tourist compartment" and so therefore I can only dream ....

kay in love
Member # 3444
 - posted

Q. why did God create men

A. because She has a sense of humuor


Member # 3774
 - posted
"Without men, civilization would last until the oil needed changing." - Fred Reed


Member # 3177
 - posted
"a man asked God:
-why did U create the women in such a beautiful looking?
God said:
-to let u love them
the man asked:
-ok, but why r they so stupid?
God said:
-to let them love u, man"

Member # 3177
 - posted
"a man asked God:
-why did U create the women in such a beautiful looking?
God said:
-to let u love them
the man asked:
-ok, but why r they so stupid?
God said:
-to let them love u, man"

Member # 3586
 - posted

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 08 August 2004).]

Member # 3836
 - posted
What a startling observation there....

Member # 3586
 - posted

[This message has been edited by Rimo (edited 08 August 2004).]

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