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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 786
 - posted
This was the advice I was given by a friend who spent one year in Cairo (about 6 years ago). She said not to wear bright red trousers or shirts.Didn't get a chance to ask her reasons. Is this true? Any reasons why?
Thanks for your help!
B xx
Member # 827
 - posted
it's not true. its the sillliest thing i have heard about in living 60 years
Member # 827
 - posted
it's not true. its the sillliest thing i have heard about in living 60 years
Civil Disobedience
Member # 1051
 - posted
I guess that if you're wearing red you might stop traffic but that's probably not true either, as the red and green traffic lights here are just for decoration.
Member # 786
 - posted
Ok, Ok I know its a stupid question. Just what I heard maybe my mistake - and I suppose as I am just about to move out to Cairo I am just being extra cautious and paranoid about doing the wrong thing! But I've heard so many different stories about the city and its people its getting harder to know what to believe and what to ignore...In future I'll trust my own common sense and wait for the rest to see what Egypt is like for myself!
But thanks! B xx
Miss Sarajevo
Member # 999
 - posted
I know what she meant. haha You can dress one day all in red, (shirt and trousers) and u will see what reaction u will get. Just make sure its really bright red. LOL

I think u would be visible to the people who are flying in the plane above of Cairo.


Member # 725
 - posted
Some people will actually like it when you are wearing red because it's the colour of the soccerteam El Ahly , so they will appreciate it !

Originally posted by Bilqees:
This was the advice I was given by a friend who spent one year in Cairo (about 6 years ago). She said not to wear bright red trousers or shirts.Didn't get a chance to ask her reasons. Is this true? Any reasons why?
Thanks for your help!
B xx


sky drummer
Member # 1064
 - posted
miss sarajevo.. that's so funny LOL
Miss Sarajevo
Member # 999
 - posted
LOL sky,

Oh we have so many jokes about "bright red" clothes,,,,especially "yellow", hehe....

Member # 4875
 - posted
New Moderated Forum http://www.youregypt.com/forum/index.php

Member # 4522
 - posted
Originally posted by Flupke:
Some people will actually like it when you are wearing red because it's the colour of the soccerteam El Ahly , so they will appreciate it !

Flupke is right!

There is one day you can’t wear red. The day of the Ahly and Zamliek soccer match especially if Zamliek won because they will run after you to kick ur ass.


Member # 2346
 - posted
A bit of red clothing in a photo sure makes the colour composition better.

But I can't guarantee U what will happen if U'll wear a bright red clothes in the streets, may be other guys can tell U..lol

If I will be sure that bright red shirt will attract guys to U, so tomorrow may be I will go work with a bright red tie...........lol

N.B. for those who may will think bad, a bright red tie to attract girls not guys........lol


Member # 4755
 - posted
Bilqees, u r not asking silly question, and ur friend is right in her advice 2 u not 2 wear red cloth, as WE Egyptian guys r well known of being like bulls or oxen when a spanish Matador is trying 2 agitate by the red fabric he is holding, do u know what is his punishment 4 that? r u cleaver enough 2 avoid our horns without hurt? or maybe we r well known as being sharks that red color make their appetite 4 blood high..so r u ready 4 a bloody day? ..girls u r driving me crazy..is this the kind of ideas and questions about Egyptian society in 2004? so what would be ur inquires about Egyptian people if u were intending 2 visit us 1800s or 1900s? .. please ladies we r not those Arab bedouin riding camels, ask Egyptian girls about red-colored cloth and underwear they r wearing all day and night ..God bless their souls, and ours too..cheers
Member # 4323
 - posted
Originally posted by like2bactive:
Bilqees, u r not asking silly question, and ur friend is right in her advice 2 u not 2 wear red cloth, as WE Egyptian guys r well known of being like bulls or oxen when a spanish Matador is trying 2 agitate by the red fabric he is holding, do u know what is his punishment 4 that? r u cleaver enough 2 avoid our horns without hurt? or maybe we r well known as being sharks that red color make their appetite 4 blood high..so r u ready 4 a bloody day? ..girls u r driving me crazy..is this the kind of ideas and questions about Egyptian society in 2004? so what would be ur inquires about Egyptian people if u were intending 2 visit us 1800s or 1900s? .. please ladies we r not those Arab bedouin riding camels, ask Egyptian girls about red-colored cloth and underwear they r wearing all day and night ..God bless their souls, and ours too..cheers

LOL the question is from year 2002!!
but that's rigth you are liek bulls that's why she ask so she ditt't waste money for read g-trousers

Member # 4409
 - posted
Dear Bilqees,
After reading your question I had to answer with this information I read in another post recently. Read this in gayegypt.com in which they encourage "gay and straight tourist brothers and sisters" to "wear RED as a sign of unity with Egypt's repressed gay community". Also states the more red the better!! So, I am not sure if your friend's advise was due to this (since it was a while back) but maybe now there is a new meaning to wearing this color. Hope this helps you.

Originally posted by Bilqees:
This was the advice I was given by a friend who spent one year in Cairo (about 6 years ago). She said not to wear bright red trousers or shirts.Didn't get a chance to ask her reasons. Is this true? Any reasons why?
Thanks for your help!
B xx



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