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Posted by catatom (Member # 940) on :
Yeah, I thought that would get your attention
No I actually thought of this when Dunes in one of the other topics didn’t think that “older men” had “anything to offer” to younger females. I disagree with him because IMO some of the worlds sexiest men are over 40.

Who do you think is the sexiest man/men alive? (and ladies you can’t answer “my husband” )

Here’s my pick:

Val Kilmer, born 1959
Michael T. Weiss, born 1962
Daniel Day Lewis, born 1957
Antonio Banderas, born 1960
Brad Pitt, born 1963
Johnny Depp, born 1963
Pierce Brosnan, born 1953

And guys you can’t post here – if you want start your own topic!


Posted by ajnabi (Member # 691) on :
You left out two great oldies:

1. Sean Connery
2. Mel Gibson

Posted by citizen (Member # 1344) on :
Harrison Ford
Samuel L Jackson
Ahmed Zaki
Posted by citizen (Member # 1344) on :
The problem is that women reach their sexual peak late-thirties, whereas men reach theirs early twenties... so these old men make a perfect match for the young babes, but once the babes mature they need young studs...
Posted by catatom (Member # 940) on :
Originally posted by citizen:
............... but once the babes mature they need young studs...

But then they just head for Luxor and Hurgada......LOL

Posted by ajnabi (Member # 691) on :
Hugh Jackman is babe-a-licious. And he's probably 10 years older than me, so that qualifies.

I personally prefer someone who's 5+ years older, if not more. Less than 10, though. I think they pay more attention to their mates when they're younger. I personally feel that it's a maturity thing more than anything. A woman is generally more mature than a male of her same age, so she needs someone older to be on equal ground.

And, regardless of anything, a woman does probably lose a little of her "umph" as she gets older - and knows it. So it's better, emotionally speaking, to be with someone who's more umph-less than you.

[This message has been edited by ajnabi (edited 26 November 2002).]

Posted by catatom (Member # 940) on :
YES, I agree with you about the maturity thing! Definitely!

I always thought that Hugh Jackman looks a bit like Clint Eastwood – did anyone else notice this?

Originally posted by ajnabi:
Hugh Jackman is babe-a-licious. And he's probably 10 years older than me, so that qualifies.

I personally prefer someone who's 5+ years older, if not more. Less than 10, though. I think they pay more attention to their mates when they're younger. I personally feel that it's a maturity thing more than anything. A woman is generally more mature than a male of her same age, so she needs someone older to be on equal ground.


Posted by ajnabi (Member # 691) on :
You won't believe it to look at him now, but Clint wasn't that bad when he was young. His features were a bit too fine for me, but he's doin' it pretty well in "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" - one of my favorite movies.

Another one, and I cannot believe I'm saying this - James Garner. Yeah, that old bloke from The Rockford Files. I was watching "The Great Escape" on Sunday and he was pretty young in that and oh, not bad at all.

Steve McQueen had a "thing" about him - even when he was in his 40s.

Posted by citizen (Member # 1344) on :
Never heard of Hugh Jackman, but just looked him up. Not bad at all - and could qualify for me a youngish stud.

You're contradicting yourself, Aj. If mature ladies are lacking in umph and should look for equally umph-less men, then all the men mentioned in this thread are umph-less... not 'the worlds sexiest men'! Get my drift? I hope so, because I've lost myself...

Posted by ajnabi (Member # 691) on :
I totally agree. But I always think that movie stars belong in another parallel reality and so the regular rules don't apply to them. I mean, how many everyday guys around you that you know personally are older and still got the umph?


Originally posted by citizen:
Never heard of Hugh Jackman, but just looked him up. Not bad at all - and could qualify for me a youngish stud.

You're contradicting yourself, Aj. If mature ladies are lacking in umph and should look for equally umph-less men, then all the men mentioned in this thread are umph-less... not 'the worlds sexiest men'! Get my drift? I hope so, because I've lost myself...


Posted by ajnabi (Member # 691) on :
Even if there are only three of us contributing, i must say, well done, Catatom. This is a great topic. And it's keeping me busy busy busy.
Posted by ajnabi (Member # 691) on :
Ew! LOL! SO sorry Citizen, but I just looked up Ahmed Zaki. I don't like him at all. He reminds me of Gen. Noriega.
Posted by cairoblues (Member # 1147) on :
Hi ladies,

Sean Connery would have to be my all time favorite. Don't know how old this guy is but he is hot, hot, hot!

Check him out ladies... remember the movie the Mummy?

[This message has been edited by cairoblues (edited 26 November 2002).]

Posted by citizen (Member # 1344) on :
Well, I do occasionally spot a sexy older man, though in Egypt men do tend to let themselves go as they grow older. Keeping in shape is not a priority for most men here, nor women for that matter.
Posted by catatom (Member # 940) on :
Thanks ajnabi but you should really thank Dunes ‘cuz he’s the one that brought it up....

Originally posted by ajnabi:
Even if there are only three of us contributing, i must say, well done, Catatom. This is a great topic. And it's keeping me busy busy busy.


Posted by citizen (Member # 1344) on :
I haven't seen Ahmed Zaki for years, but I used to think he was sexy around 10 years ago. Where did you find him?
Posted by catatom (Member # 940) on :

I don’t know how old he is either but he’s got my vote

Originally posted by cairoblues:

Check him out ladies... remember the movie the Mummy?

[This message has been edited by cairoblues (edited 26 November 2002).]


Posted by citizen (Member # 1344) on :
Ahmed Zaki.


Posted by citizen (Member # 1344) on :
Sean Connery is TOO old even for me... and he's a wife beater
Posted by catatom (Member # 940) on :

A half naked guy running through the streets of cairo? LOL
Posted by catatom (Member # 940) on :
I also really like Mickey Rourke but he’s a wife beater too I believe
Posted by catatom (Member # 940) on :
Ok point taken ajnabi. But it had to be someone that everyone else knows…..I couldn’t really have my list like this now could I....

1. My cousins boss
2. My friend’s uncle
3. My neighbor John Doe.
4. You get the point

Originally posted by ajnabi:
I totally agree. But I always think that movie stars belong in another parallel reality and so the regular rules don't apply to them. I mean, how many everyday guys around you that you know personally are older and still got the umph?



Posted by ajnabi (Member # 691) on :
I totally agree - I was responding to what Citizen had said.

Mickey Rourke is fantastic. I didn't know they were wife-beaters. NOT Sean C, surely!

I'm trying to think who else....

Al Pacino is pretty ok sometimes. Like in that movie "Heat" - ooh, as was Robert DeNiro - but the both of them only in that movie.

Posted by ajnabi (Member # 691) on :
Ahmed Zaki:

First link I saw in Yahoo!

Posted by catatom (Member # 940) on :
LOL…….I used to always get those two mixed up.

Originally posted by ajnabi:
I Al Pacino is pretty ok sometimes. Like in that movie "Heat" - ooh, as was Robert DeNiro - but the both of them only in that movie.


Posted by catatom (Member # 940) on :
It seems that the sexiest man alive is Ben Affleck according to this site:,11859,392026,00.html

He’s not up there on my list though – too young and “baby faced” for my taste...

Posted by ajnabi (Member # 691) on :
I saw that yesterday. I was JUST going to write about him and say that IF i only were able to meet him, give him a quick talk on Islam, he'd see the light, convert, and ask me to marry him and we'd be sooo happy together. I know we would. Then I'd have that 6 carat Harry Winston diamond shining off of my finger.

Yes, you heard me right, ladies. 6 carat. Harry Winston. Wait. On second thought, if I could only meet that diamond, convert it to Islam and it'd ask me to marry it....

"So happy togetherrrrrrr"....

Posted by catatom (Member # 940) on :
Ajnabi you are hilarious!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO
Posted by cairoblues (Member # 1147) on :
Let's not forget Denzel Washington, Andy Garcia, and Nicholas Cage. Nick baby, what did you ever see in Lisa Marie?
Posted by ajnabi (Member # 691) on :
THe news is hot off the presses: Nick and Lisa are getting divorced. I keep wondering which of the two is more disfunctional. I would have to say it's the latter only b/c of her marriage to MJ. I thought Nick Cage and Patricia Arquette made SUCH a good couple. So sad.

Originally posted by cairoblues:
Let's not forget Denzel Washington, Andy Garcia, and Nicholas Cage. Nick baby, what did you ever see in Lisa Marie?


Posted by LuxorLouLou (Member # 571) on :
Ok, here's my wish list:

1. Val Kilmer [drool, drool, drool]
2. Michael Jordan
3. Johnny Depp
4. Christopher Walken
5. Nicholas Cage
6. John Travolta
7. Eric Estrada .... he must be ancient by now but still looks yummy

The list could go on and on and on !

Posted by ajnabi (Member # 691) on :
LOL! You and me would never be in competition. Except for J. Depp, I don't think I like any of them. Certainly not Eric Estrada, although I must say one of my more embarassing crushes as a kid was his partner, John Whateverhisnamewas.

And, ahem, um, Welsey Crusher from Star Trek, The Next Generation. Pathetic.

Posted by ajnabi (Member # 691) on :
Not that he belongs here, but Catatom, remember we were talking about Michael Jackson? Well, I just learned the reason for him wearing that mask. Apparently it's to prevent him from getting any kind of infection since he can't afford to have added pressure or injury of any kind to his nasal/sinus passages. So he puts that mask on to prevent him from getting sick.

I had a dream about him last night. It was odd, to say the least.

Posted by catatom (Member # 940) on :

Yes, I saw his face plastered all over the tabloids this week. Sad really!

Sounds like a scary dream you had…!

Originally posted by ajnabi:
Not that he belongs here, but Catatom, remember we were talking about Michael Jackson? Well, I just learned the reason for him wearing that mask. Apparently it's to prevent him from getting any kind of infection since he can't afford to have added pressure or injury of any kind to his nasal/sinus passages. So he puts that mask on to prevent him from getting sick.

I had a dream about him last night. It was odd, to say the least.


Posted by catatom (Member # 940) on :
Ooh and ajnabi you are right HE does definitely not belong in this tread! Maybe we should open a new topic called “The Least Sexiest Man Alive” …..

Originally posted by ajnabi:
Not that he belongs here, but Catatom, remember we were talking about Michael Jackson?


Posted by LuxorLouLou (Member # 571) on :
Nearly forgot one of my favorites: Tealc from Star Gate the series. I have to admit Eric Estrada was also a crush as a kid, I can't believe I even mentioned him. Hugh Jackman & Andy Garcia are both from Australia, and after living there, guys like that can be found everywhere. Talking of Aussie men, how could I forget the scrumptous Russel Crowe. So, where are you going on your next holiday ? .... lol
Posted by sissi76 (Member # 1304) on :
I love Bono Vox from U2, he is my favourite!!!!
And his voice..... nd moreover I think he is still married to the same woman he met in school! He is really my best!
But don't know exactely how old he is..
Posted by Jennifer (Member # 1443) on :
What about Patrick Stewart? I remember after the Star Trek episode where he was in chains and not very dressed, a friend of mine said he could "make it so" with her anytime! LOL. I like Sean Connery, too. Maybe it's just the accent that does it for me?
I have a friend whose grandmother always says, "always marry a man at least fourteen years older than you, then you will BE his midlife crisis." I think that's good advice :-)
My all time pick, though, is unfortunately dead. Gene Kelly. Oh, well.
Posted by carmendeespana (Member # 1036) on :

He is THE man!!!!

Posted by USusie (Member # 1533) on :
Originally posted by carmendeespana:

He is THE man!!!!

I Could not agree more!!!
Oh and the guy from The Mummy is Brendan him, but he is pretty young.


Posted by dolphin29 (Member # 1045) on :
oh girls , i cant believe that none of u mentioned the magic words enrique iglesias he is so hot he makes my mind do funny things lol .........
Posted by carmendeespana (Member # 1036) on :
Originally posted by dolphin29:
oh girls , i cant believe that none of u mentioned the magic words enrique iglesias he is so hot he makes my mind do funny things lol .........

That´s because you haven´t heard him speaking in Spanish....


Posted by Donya (Member # 448) on :
Im with you Dolphin....Enrique does it for me EVERY time, he is just sex on legs ...and when he sings in Spanish.......well we wont go
Posted by cairoblues (Member # 1147) on :
Did anyone besides Catatom check out the picture I posted? It IS NOT Brandon Fraiser I am referring to. Cheeck out this guy, especially if you are into the Arab, ethnic look.

I think he could definatley "rock my world".

Posted by ajnabi (Member # 691) on :

People are so wierd. My friend will never let me forget my stupid crush on Wesley Crusher. I saw him recently and nearly puked, God forgive me.

Posted by ajnabi (Member # 691) on :
Heh, heh. The first time I saw The Mummy, I was insistent on finding a husband who also rode horses. That guys is - woohoo. He's Israeli, btw.

Originally posted by cairoblues:
Did anyone besides Catatom check out the picture I posted? It IS NOT Brandon Fraiser I am referring to. Cheeck out this guy, especially if you are into the Arab, ethnic look.

I think he could definatley "rock my world".


Posted by citizen (Member # 1344) on :
Ajnabi, I agree your pic of Ahmed Zaki is not great, but he does NOT look like Noriega. I just thought we should have an Egyptian in here somewhere! I also thought of another one. Maybe the old and uglies will remember him - Omar Sharif - all the girls in my schools had a huge crush on him. I can't find a good pic on the net though.

I agree Ben Affleck is good - any others under 30?

Cairoblues, you're right about the Israeli, very sexy...

Posted by Shareen (Member # 989) on :
The guy from the Mummy is definitely on my list of sexiest men! I had to buy both videos just so I could drool over and over again.
Now, what I want to know is.. where are all the real life guys who look like this?
Posted by USusie (Member # 1533) on :
MMMMMM yes! I loved Omar Shariff as a little girl, even!~

If you need pic...look for anything from the fil Dr. Zhivago

Love Omar!!
Now I know who you meant from the Mummy...he is a hottie!

Originally posted by citizen:
Ajnabi, I agree your pic of Ahmed Zaki is not great, but he does NOT look like Noriega. I just thought we should have an Egyptian in here somewhere! I also thought of another one. Maybe the old and uglies will remember him - Omar Sharif - all the girls in my schools had a huge crush on him. I can't find a good pic on the net though.

I agree Ben Affleck is good - any others under 30?

Cairoblues, you're right about the Israeli, very sexy...


Posted by mitzi (Member # 1556) on :
Keanu Reeves
Mel Gibson
Ed Harris

[This message has been edited by mitzi (edited 27 November 2002).]

Posted by dhbolton (Member # 1012) on :
Did you ladies forget the 'ever popular' dhbolton(aka Dan)?
I am aghast!
Posted by ruby (Member # 1285) on :

how about this little man?
Posted by citizen (Member # 1344) on :

Did you ladies forget the 'ever popular' dhbolton(aka Dan)?
I am aghast!

Dan, please post a pic of yourself either riding across the desert on a horse, or running through the streets of Cairo half-naked... then we can compare!

Posted by strangelookingnegro (Member # 151) on :
I guess that guy from the Mummy is good, but I gotta say, both times I was all for the Mummy getting to live. That guy that played the Mummy had a body I could spend lots of time with!!! WooHoo. I'm breathless just thinking about it again.

Oh and Dan, of course we didn't mean to leave you out. You are HOT!....but not everyone here knows that!

Posted by citizen (Member # 1344) on :
LOL...Ruby, when I said men 'under 30' I didn't mean under 3! But he's very cute, and I'm sure he's got a great future ahead of him!
Posted by Sultana (Member # 1421) on :
Originally posted by citizen:
Harrison Ford
Samuel L Jackson
Ahmed Zaki

SAMUEL L.JACKSON!!!!! He's the best. and don't forget Benicio Del Toro.


Posted by Sultana (Member # 1421) on :
oh and Amr Diab,yummie,Yuri Mrakadi,Bono Vox,yeees!
Posted by carmendeespana (Member # 1036) on :
Originally posted by Debbie:
I guess that guy from the Mummy is good, but I gotta say, both times I was all for the Mummy getting to live. That guy that played the Mummy had a body I could spend lots of time with!!! WooHoo. I'm breathless just thinking about it again.

Debbie, I also like this guy more than Brendan Frasier. His name is Arnold Vosloo and he is from South Africa.

Posted by dhbolton (Member # 1012) on :
Originally posted by Debbie:
I guess that guy from the Mummy is good, but I gotta say, both times I was all for the Mummy getting to live. That guy that played the Mummy had a body I could spend lots of time with!!! WooHoo. I'm breathless just thinking about it again.

Oh and Dan, of course we didn't mean to leave you out. You are HOT!....but not everyone here knows that!

Shoukan ya habeeeeeeebti; we malesh ya mozzat, it was late and I was stricken by a fit of hubris.


[This message has been edited by dhbolton (edited 28 November 2002).]

Posted by louisalouisa (Member # 1462) on :
Definitely my boyfriend HAYABUSA (Simon) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Oh & Enrique very ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Posted by monalisa (Member # 622) on :
Sami Hayek (selma Hayek's brother)

Posted by onceuponatime (Member # 1561) on :
Posted by Eszter (Member # 1397) on :

My list:
Javier Bardem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
George Clooney!
Clive Owen!!!
Amr Diab
My ex-PE-teacher
My ex-chemistry teacher
Sean Connery in his 20-30s

(And I'll think about others to add.)

Posted by carmendeespana (Member # 1036) on :
Russell Crowe in Gladiator (but only as characterized in Gladiator)


Posted by ajnabi (Member # 691) on :
I think Omar Sharif was a fantastic looking guy. He was stunning in Dr. Zhivago. It came on tv, and i watched it for the ump-teenth time - still as good as the first time!

And I've never been a big fan of balding men, but there definitely is something about Ed Harris.

Posted by sexy_american18 (Member # 4686) on :

The sexiest man ever is OMAR SHARIF! He beats any man put on this post by a land slide! They don't make a scab on his ass!!!!!!!! Omar is a reall man, I'am 18 an he is now 72 I think he is still sexy! Thats one of the few "older men" that still have it.

Posted by Automatik (Member # 4457) on :
One of the sexiest men alive was Marlon Brando before het let himself 'go'. 'A Street Car Named Desire' had everyone steaming. He no longer fits the alive bit though as he died yesterday.


Posted by omelbanaat (Member # 4616) on :
Definitely Brando, may he rest in peace. On the Waterfront, sooo sexy. What? No Keanu anywhere, Keanu Reeves very, very nice & thankfully at 40 he just barely remains older than me.

I'm so happy not to see 2 of my non favorites (sorry if this is off topic, maybe someone could start other thread about annoying male stars who hold no charm for you) Brad Pitt & Tom Cruise would top that list, but on to better things:

We were asked for the SEXIEST; Sean Connery still hot; Tommy Lee Jones (Harvard graduate don't you know); Johnny Depp (try to control myself every time I watch one of his movies with my husband ).

I once told him I used to have a crush on Tommy Lee & he never gives me any peace about it now, but hey, he had a thing for Kirsty Alley.

To continue, definitely Steve McQueen; Hugh Jackman is dishy, dishy, dishy; Mel Gibson, yummy; I used to have a thing for (dare I admit this) Paul Michael Glaser (a.k.a. Starsky from Starsky & Hutch - the original one guys); and my first ever crush was on Clint Eastwood. Weird, I'm not discerning any pattern here, thought I would. Saw Al Pacino live off broadway, early 80's, very very intense.

Ahmed Ramzi was kinda cute, with his too tight white shirt rolled up way too far.

Younger men? Other than my husband can't think of, no wait: the Pheonix brother who was in the Gladiator.

I'm getting worried, this post is going on & on, & so am I and there are sooo many sexy actors out there . . . somebody stop me . . . (yeah, him too, Jim Carrey, funny guys are very sexy) Early Chevy Chase anyone?

Maybe the pattern is it's not necessarily about the looks & the body; it's more about intensity, charisma, that certain je ne sais qois? Where's my husband, I'm feeling a little cuddly right now . . .

Posted by akshar (Member # 1680) on :
Johnny Deep in Pirates of the Caribean, it is actual a kids film but I love him in that . Very swashbuckling

Jane Akshar UK Co-owner of Appartments and Tours in Luxor

Posted by Automatik (Member # 4457) on :
They are making two more Pirates films with the same cast.

Apart from Marlon Brando, my sexiest man was Paul Newman in Cat on A Hot Tin Roof with Liz Taylor. I was 14 when I saw it and immediately fell in lust.

[This message has been edited by Luxorlover (edited 03 July 2004).]

Posted by dreamcatcher (Member # 3938) on :

[This message has been edited by dreamcatcher (edited 08 July 2004).]

Posted by dreamcatcher (Member # 3938) on :

[This message has been edited by dreamcatcher (edited 04 July 2004).]

Posted by dreamcatcher (Member # 3938) on :

[This message has been edited by dreamcatcher (edited 04 July 2004).]

Posted by akshar (Member # 1680) on :
Originally posted by Luxorlover:
[B]They are making two more Pirates films with the same cast.

Might have to get them FOR MY DAUGHTER lol

Jane Akshar UK Co-owner of Appartments and Tours in Luxor

Posted by Automatik (Member # 4457) on :
I'll pretend to believe you
Posted by Automatik (Member # 4457) on :
Who are the under 30 hotties them.. Not Leonardo - he's bambi.

[This message has been edited by Luxorlover (edited 03 July 2004).]

Posted by Chrisderfer (Member # 2985) on :
You all forgot a guy who is sexier than all of the men you listed

Colin Farrell!!

Posted by Chrisderfer (Member # 2985) on :
Oh yeah,
and Jude Law and Orlando Bloom
Posted by Natashiah (Member # 4566) on :
Originally posted by Debbie:
I guess that guy from the Mummy is good, but I gotta say, both times I was all for the Mummy getting to live. That guy that played the Mummy had a body I could spend lots of time with!!! WooHoo. I'm breathless just thinking about it again.

Oh and Dan, of course we didn't mean to leave you out. You are HOT!....but not everyone here knows that!

That guy from the MUMMY...his name is Arnold Vosloo...he is South African....and here there is plenty more where that came from!


Posted by Natashiah (Member # 4566) on :
Originally posted by dreamcatcher:
steven segal
Paul Newman
Sidney Poiter :my absolute best
Omar Shariff
Robert De Niro
Al Pacino
Humphrey Bogardt
Kurt Russel
Russel Crowe
Marlon Brando
Jeremy Irons
Denzel Wahington
Spike Lee
Will Smith
Eddie Murphy
Peter Strauss
Richard Chamberlain

[This message has been edited by dreamcatcher (edited 04 July 2004).]

What about the Wayans borther especially Damon that man got a bod and a half....I`ll rattle his cage anytime


Posted by magdy_salem (Member # 15728) on :
Originally posted by sexy_american18:
The sexiest man ever is OMAR SHARIF! He beats any man put on this post by a land slide! They don't make a scab on his ass!!!!!!!! Omar is a reall man, I'am 18 an he is now 72 I think he is still sexy! Thats one of the few "older men" that still have it.

[Big Grin]
Posted by Dzosser (Member # 9572) on :
Bin around on ES for quite some time, where'd all them members come out from ?? [Eek!]
Posted by weirdkitty (Member # 15365) on :
The thread is from 2002, but it was late Nov, so I was quite confused at first too.
Posted by Dzosser (Member # 9572) on :
Oh how silly of me [Embarrassed]
Posted by Fayrowla (Member # 15058) on :
Now I know who you meant from the Mummy...he is a hottie!

Did you not think he looked a little like George Harrison?
Posted by mamasue (Member # 4691) on :
Nobody mentioned Richard Gere... that guy gets hotter with every year!!!
And... my husbands an old man.... but still soooo sexy!!!!
Posted by dolphin redsea (Member # 11209) on :
Originally posted by magdy_salem:
Originally posted by sexy_american18:
The sexiest man ever is OMAR SHARIF! He beats any man put on this post by a land slide! They don't make a scab on his ass!!!!!!!! Omar is a reall man, I'am 18 an he is now 72 I think he is still sexy! Thats one of the few "older men" that still have it.

[Big Grin]
i agree [Eek!]
Posted by Sharona (Member # 15768) on :
sean connery Then Phewwwwwwww bloody heck [Eek!]
And now
I would love to hear his voice and be on his arm for the night [Wink]
but i am taken sorry sean i have my egyptian connery [Big Grin] IS HE NOT SUPERB [Wink]
Posted by finished (Member # 16076) on :
Twenty judges were recruited by Entertainment Television to come up with a list of the world's 25 hottest blokes now deemed the Sexiest Men of the World:

25 Sexiest Men of the World 2008 (E! Entertainment)
Monday, December 1, 2008

1. David Beckham (UK - soccer player)
2. Johnny Depp (USA - actor)
3. David Zepeda (Mexico - actor, model)
4. Jonathan Rhys Meyers (Ireland - actor)
5. Djimon Hounsou (Benin - actor)
6. Dingdong Dantes (Philippines - actor, model)
7. John Abraham (India - actor)
8. Freddie Ljungberg (Sweden - soccer player)
9. Maciej Zakościelny (Poland - actor)
10. Ryan Reynolds (Canada - actor)

11. Dan Carter (New Zealand - rugby player)
12. Michael Lewis (Israel - model)
13. Raoul Bova (Italy - actor)
14. Michel Gurfi (Argentina - actor)
15. Edison Chen (Hong Kong - actor)
16. Keith Urban (Australia - singer)
17. Gilles Marini (France - actor)
18. Kostas Martakis (Greece - singer)
19. Til Schweiger (Germany - actor, director)
20. Takeshi Kaneshiro (Japan - actor)
21. Danny K (South Africa - singer)
22. Olivier Martinez (France - actor)
23. Mark Vanderloo (Netherlands - model)
24. Reynaldo Gianecchini (Brazil - actor)
25. Enrique Iglesias (Spain - singer)

web page
Posted by Tigerlily (Member # 3567) on :
OMG I just know seven people on that list. Am I missing out on something??? [Eek!]

~ TL
Posted by Momma_Dukes (Member # 14252) on :
American: Joaquin Phoenix

Arabic: Joseph Attieh

and of course, my man:)
Posted by Sharona (Member # 15768) on :
Originally posted by Momma_Dukes:
American: Joaquin Phoenix

Arabic: Joseph Attieh

and of course, my man:)

Egh u cannot know him hes my cousin [Big Grin]
Posted by sara_uk (Member # 11454) on :
Originally posted by Sharona:
Originally posted by Momma_Dukes:
American: Joaquin Phoenix

Arabic: Joseph Attieh

and of course, my man:)

Egh u cannot know him hes my cousin [Big Grin]
Lol sharona he is a singer that why has the mic, it fits with the latest story, got it? [Wink]
Posted by Sharona (Member # 15768) on :
Originally posted by sara_uk:
Originally posted by Sharona:
Originally posted by Momma_Dukes:
American: Joaquin Phoenix

Arabic: Joseph Attieh

and of course, my man:)

Egh u cannot know him hes my cousin [Big Grin]
Lol sharona he is a singer that why has the mic, it fits with the latest story, got it? [Wink]
yes i know hes my man [Big Grin]
Posted by Shisha-Master (Member # 14189) on :
Lol, that mic was totally photoshopped. [Razz]
Posted by Sharona (Member # 15768) on :
Originally posted by Shisha-Master:
Lol, that mic was totally photoshopped. [Razz]

Duracel long life [Big Grin]
Posted by * 7ayat * (Member # 7043) on :
Gerard Butler, Eric Bana, Benjamin Bratt
Posted by Tigerlily (Member # 3567) on :
Let me just come back one more time to the list above and quote:

"6. Dingdong Dantes (Philippines - actor, model)"

DINGDONG ?? [Eek!] Seriously who would name his son voluntary 'Dingdong'??? We use the name here for boys to address their.... well you know what!! [Big Grin]

~ TL
Posted by sara_uk (Member # 11454) on :
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
Let me just come back one more time to the list above and quote:

"6. Dingdong Dantes (Philippines - actor, model)"

DINGDONG ?? [Eek!] Seriously who would name his son voluntary 'Dingdong'??? We use the name here for boys to address their.... well you know what!! [Big Grin]

~ TL

Yeah but you forgot very important point TL, it might not mean anything in your language but in their language might be very meaningful name.
Posted by Sharona (Member # 15768) on :
I wanna play with my dinga ling ma dinga ling
Posted by **cat** (Member # 14977) on :

Yul Brynner gets my vote - ever since i was a child.
Posted by Shisha-Master (Member # 14189) on :
Originally posted by Sharona:
I wanna play with my dinga ling ma dinga ling

You're not the only one that get's that feeling. [Big Grin]
Posted by Sharona (Member # 15768) on :
Originally posted by **cat**:

Yul Brynner gets my vote - ever since i was a child.

slap head bootpolished [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Sharona (Member # 15768) on :
Originally posted by Shisha-Master:
Originally posted by Sharona:
I wanna play with my dinga ling ma dinga ling

You're not the only one that get's that feeling. [Big Grin]
shut yah mush [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Makbeta (Member # 14401) on :
Originally posted by finished:
9. Maciej Zakościelny (Poland - actor)

You've probably never heard of him. But here everybody has! He's our,... ahem, ahem, Brad Pitt!! [Big Grin]
Posted by sara_uk (Member # 11454) on :
Ok he is dead now god bless his soul but he was alive when this thread officially started, so he can be counted the most handsome man in my opinion is
Ahmad Zaki
Posted by mamasue (Member # 4691) on :
Still nobody agrees with me about Richard Gere????
Cool..... I can have him all to myself!!!! [Big Grin]
Posted by young at heart (Member # 10365) on :
As long as I can keep Johnny Depp (MGMA) [Big Grin]
Posted by weirdkitty (Member # 15365) on :
Oded Fehr- niiiice

And of course, beloved Viggo Mortensen
Perfection [Big Grin]
Posted by dolphin redsea (Member # 11209) on :

jude law [Razz]
Posted by dolphin redsea (Member # 11209) on :

oh did i say jude law [Wink]
Posted by weirdkitty (Member # 15365) on :
Jude Law?! Ew, he is all yours [Big Grin]
Posted by dolphin redsea (Member # 11209) on :
ewwwwwwwwwwwwww? how dareth thee [Big Grin]

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